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Composition and Associated Faculty:

• Timo Andres, composition

• Christopher Cerrone, composition and notation
• Elliot Cole, electronic music (Ableton Live)
• Valerie Coleman, composition and harp
• Robert Cuckson, composition, music theory
• Nathan Davis, electronic music
• David Fulmer, conductor, MACE
• Wendy Griffiths, music theory and dance
• Emma Griffin, opera
• David Hayes, director of orchestral and conducting studies
• Huang Ruo, composition
• Joan La Barbara, composition and voice
• Lowell Liebermann, composition
• David T. Little, composition (chair)
• David Loeb, composition, music theory
• Levy Lorenzo, creative technologies
• Jessie Montgomery, composition and violin
• Paul Moravec, composition
• Kamala Sankaram, composition
• Alyssa Weinberg, orchestration

Performance and Reading Opportunities:

• 6 Composers Concerts per year

• 1-2 readings with Mannes Orchestra per year
• Regular premiere opportunities with MACE (sinfonietta)
• JACK Quartet readings and New String Quartet Workshop
• Premiere opportunities with Flute Ensemble (Valerie Coleman, director)
• Martinu Prize for Orchestral Composition (cash prize and world premiere)
• Student premieres on Mannes Sounds Festival (by faculty recommendation)
• Student premieres on Mannes Orchestra concerts (by faculty recommendation)
• Other ad hoc opportunities. Past examples include:
o Experimental readings with Mannes Orchestra
o Extended technique workshops with PUBLIQuartet
o Percussion workshops with Sandbox Percussion


• One composition department assistant (hourly)

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