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Workshop on Gratitude & Affirmation.

Crowd : Adults in de-addiction centre.

No. of people : 5

Duration : 15- 20 minutes.

Activity name : Make it count & Affirmation Jar.

Rationale :

Gratitude has been conceptualized as, "a sense of thankfulness and joy in response to receiving a gift.
The workshop is intended to inculcate the concepts of gratitude through identifying and appreciating
ones strengths.

Affirmations are positive statements that can help overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. .
Positive affirmations are the encouraging words we say to encourage and motivate ourselves along the
way. These are phrases like, “I can do this,” and “Today will be a great day.” Seemingly simple words
that have a big impact on our minds. It is intended to create a positive mindset and overcome negative
thoughts and temptations.

Procedure : Individuals will be asked to close their eyes and focus on their breathing in a relaxing
manner , While they do deep breathing they are asked to reflect on 5 character strengths and focus on
them. They will extend one finger for each and once finished their hand will be open and they may find
themselves little more grateful and lighter.

The activity can be followed by taking out chits from the affirmation jar which will have questions to
stimulate thinking. Each individual will pick a chit from the jar, they will read it out aloud and then do
the particular activity. For example, a chit picked up by a student consists of an activity like “Say 3
positive or affirmative things about the person sitting beside you”.

The chits will further include tasks like Appreciate what you do have, tell your loved ones how much you
appreciate them .Tell one Positive thing about the person sitting three benches away from you.Write a
positive quote wishing good for your upcoming event or coming day and give it to the person sitting
ahead of you.Write down your top priorities and plans for your future, knowing that you will achieve it.
Write what good you did for someone in last two days. Itcan be as simple as picking up a bit of paper or
helping someone in a small task. Take three full deep breaths and say three small positive affirmations –
I am Worthy, I am Loved and I am proud of myself. Tell what brings you the most joy. How can you make
more time for it?Two positive piece of advice that you would like to give to the people around.

Expected Outcome: Practicing Gratitude & Affirmations can lessen stress , improve physical help, create
a culture of collaboration and respect. Gratitude has also been proven to enhance empathy, boost self-
esteem and reduce aggression. Affirmation can also help combat intrusive negative thoughts.
Summary: The workshop on Gratitude & Affirmation was conducted on 5 August 2022 with 6 clients in
the rehabilitation. All the clients participated in the activity and were co-operative. They were able to
think and appreciate their family members and their love for them.

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