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Lesson 1

New words New sentences

Flow – dòng chảy / luồng

Solid – vật rắn / vật cứng Some liquids are thick, and

Liquid – thể lỏng / chất lỏng some liquids are thin – Một

Gas – chất khí vài chất lỏng thì đặc, vài

Heat – hơi nóng / làm nóng chất thì lại lỏng.

Steam – hơi nước

Ice – đá băng When we heat water, it

Freeze – đông cứng / đông boils and changes to stream

lạnh – Khi chúng ta đun nóng

Melt – tan chảy nước, nó sôi và chuyển

Stone – đá / tảng đá thành hơi nước.

Cause – nguyên nhân

Effect - ảnh hưởng / tác What’s the cause of the

động snow melting? What’s the

Water (v) – tưới cây / tưới effect? – Đâu là nguyên

nước nhân khiến tuyết tan? Ảnh

Hard – rắn / cứng hưởng của nó là gì?

Soft – mềm / nhẹ

Breathe (v)- thở
Thick – đặc
Thin – lỏng

1. Listen and point to the words. Listen and say the words.

flow solid liquid

gas heat stream

ice freeze melt

2. Write the correct words to complete the sentences

1. Water is a _______________. 6. Water in a river

2. We put _______________ in can_______________ over stones.
drinks to make them cold. 7. A book is a _______________.
3. On a hot day, ice cream can 8. You can see _______________
_______________. on very hot water.
4. We can’t hold a 9. On a very cold day water can
_______________ in our _______________.
5. We _______________ cold
water to make it hot.
Cause and effect tells how one event makes
another event happen.
A cause is why something happens.
The effect is what happens after the cause.

Cause Effect
I water the plants They grow
The ice cream is in the sun It melts

Read the sentences. Match the causes and effects.

In the winter it’s sometimes cool and rainy. When it’s very cold, it
snows. When there’s a lot of snow, children don’t go to school.
They stay home and they’re happy. In winter, there’s often ice on
the streets, and sometimes people slip and fall.

Cause Effect
1. It’s very cold a. Sometimes people falls.
2. There’s a lot of snow b. It snows.
3. Children stay home c. Children don’t go to
4. There’s often ice on the school.
streets. d. They’re happy.

II. Reading

III. Reading comprehension

1. Match the causes and effects.

1. Water freezes. a. It melts.

2. We heat ice. b. It changes to ice.
3. Water boils. c. It changes to steam

2. Complete the statements.

1. We can see and feel this. It can be hard or soft. This is a
2. This flows. It can be thick or thin. It’s a ____________________.
3. We cannot usually see this. Sometimes we can feel it. It’s a

What do you think?

1. Why do we boil liquids?


1. Can all solids change to liquids?


IV. Practice

1. Look at the picture and write the words.

liquid steam melt ice heat solid

2. Match the beginnings to the ends of the sentences.

1. A drum is a. a liquid.
2. Soda is b. freeze.
3. Air is c. melt.
4. Water can d. solid.
5. Snow can e. a gas.

V. Let’s break it down

Everything around us is made of

Matter is anything that has weight and
takes up space, like you and me. Cars,
trees, the food we eat and the air we
breathe are all made of matter. Things
Matter can be solid, liquid or gas.
that are not matter include songs,
These three main forms of matter all
feelings and dreams.
have weight and take up space. A
desk, pencil, computer and toy truck
are solid. Water and milk are liquids.
What is a solid?
The air around us is a gas.
A solid keeps its shape, like a
bowling ball or a carrot. Even
What is a liquid?
If you drop a bowling ball, it Liquids take the shape of their
still keeps its shape. Ice is container, such as a bucket, jug or
made of water in solid form. coffee pot. Liquids include things like
Many things that are solid can
water, juice and soda. All liquids also
become liquid they are heated.
have weight and take up space.

What is a gas?
Gases fill their entire container. When you blow into a balloon,
you fill it up with air which is a gas. Air is all around us. Some
liquids such as soda have tiny gas bubbles in them.
3. Answer the questions.
1. What state of matter is slime? How do you know?


2. What is different about a liquid and a soda?


3. Why isn’t a dream made of matter?


4. Why is a carrot considered to be solid?


5. How do you know that a bowling ball is a solid?


4. Complete the sentences.

1. I make something hot. I _____________ it.

2. We make _____________ by heating water.

3. Steams is a _____________.

4. I _____________ water. It is now ice.

Lesson 2

New words New sentences

Slip – trượt chân

Fall – ngã There’s no limit to their

Ground – mặt đất size, either. Consider that

Exist – tồn tại the smallest grain of sand

Feel – cẩm nhận or rice is a solid. – Không

Touch – chạm có giới hạn về kích thước

Volume – thể tích của chúng. Một hạt cát

Feature – tính năng / đặc hoặc hạt cơm cũng được

điểm coi là chất rắn.

Occupy – xâm chiếm /

chiếm đóng They all hold their shapes

Compressed – đè nén / because the invisible

nén lại molecules that they’re

Process – quá trình made up of are tightly

Molecule – phân tử packed together. - Chúng

Particle – hạt đều giữ được hình dạng

Physical characteristics – ban đầu bởi các phân tử vô

Tính chất vật lý hình tạo nên chúng, được

gắn kết chặt chẽ với nhau.

. 11
Comparing Solids, Liquids, and Gases
You can use this handy chart to compare the features of the three
states of matter:

Get to know more.

Watch this video.


Hot springs are small lakes with

hot water. In some hot springs,
hot rocks on the ground of the
spring heat the water. In others,
the water heats up under the

When the water is very hot, some of it changes to steam. The water
was a liquid, and now it’s steam, a gas. When hot steam meets warm
air, we can’t see a lot of steam. When hot steam meets very cold air,
we can see a lot of steam.
Be careful in hot springs! The hot water and hot steam can be

What’s the cause of the hot water?

Read the causes and effects. What’s the effect of the hot water?
Write True or False.

Causes Effects

1. The water is very hot Some of it changes to

2. Hot steam meets warm air
We can see a lot of steam

3. Hot steam meets very We can’t see a lot of

cold air steam. 13
Answer the questions.

1. How does water in hot springs get hot? Name two ways.
2. What is a solid at a hot spring?
3. What is a liquid at a hot spring?
4. What is a gas at a hot spring?
5. Why should you be careful at hot springs?

1. Put was or were in the sentence.

1. The girl __________ nice.

2. They __________ very intelligent.
3. But one student __________ in trouble.
4. We __________ thanks for him helping us.
5. Smith __________ nice though.
6. I __________ tired.
7. You __________ sad
8. She __________ in the UK last year
2. Rewrite in the Past Simple tense (To be)

I am seven years old.

You are my best friend.
That is a grasshopper.
Your bike is not in the garage.
The boys are very kind.
There is a bottle on the table.
Emily is in Paris.
They are not hungry.
Kathy and Julian are at school.
My dog is in the park.

3. Fill in the blank with To be in its Past Simple form.

1. Picasso ____________ a Spanish painter.

2. There ____________ a mouse in the garden.
3. We ____________ playing football.
4. It ____________ a rainy day.
5. The children ____________ the park.
6. The cat ____________ in the kitchen.
7. It ____________ seven years ago.
8. Lorena and I ____________ same class.
9. My parents ____________ in London.
10. My grandfather ____________ a pilot.

4. Choose the correct answer

1. When was/were you born?

2. Who was/were the winner?
3. How much was/were the coat?
4. How long was/were they in Spain?
5. How was/were the weather yesterday?
6. Where was/were the penguins?
7. Why was/were she here?
8. How many ducks was/were there?
9. Who was/were you with yesterday?
10. What was/were that noise?
Lesson 3

New words New sentences

Ice pop – kem que

Balloon – bóng bay Plasma is by far the most

Kettle - ấm đun nước abundant state of matter in

Popcorn – bỏng ngô the universe because stars

Icicle – cột băng / trụ are mostly plasma. –

băng Plasma là vật chất dồi dào

Candle – nến nhất trong vũ trụ vì các

Pop – nổ / vỡ ngôi sao chủ yếu chứa

Heat – đun / làm nóng plasma.

Atom – nguyên tử
Molecule – phân tử The air we breathe is made

Object – sự vật up of different gases, but it

Pressure – sức ép / áp lực is mostly nitrogen and

Energy – năng lượng oxygen. – Không khí

Temperature – nhiệt độ chúng ta thở được tạo từ

Vapor – hơi nước những loại khí khác nhau,

Squish – ép lại / nén lại nhưng chủ yếu là ni-tơ và

Invisible – vô hình ô-xy

Gasoline - xăng

New words
1. Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words.

2. Read the clues. Guess the words.

1. People think I’m fun to play with. If I get too big, I pop! What am I?

2. I help people heat water for drinks. What am I?

3. I can grow on a house when it’s very cold outside. What am I?

4. I get noisy when people make me hot. People eat me. What am I?

5. People use me to see in the dark. Be careful! What am I?

6. I’m very cold and people eat me on a hot summer day. What am I?

What’s inside a

3. Listen. What happens to popcorn?

4. Listen again and number the words in the order you

hear them.

5. Complete the chart with words form

Things We Eat Things We Don’t Eat


Take note
Reading Comprehension

We learned in some of our other lessons that matter is made up

of atoms and molecules. Millions and millions of these tiny objects fit
together to form larger things like animals and planets and cars. Matter
includes the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the chair we are
sitting on.

States or Phases
Matter usually exists in one of three states or phases: solid, liquid, or gas.
The chair you are sitting on is a solid, the water you drink is liquid, and
the air you breathe is a gas.

Changing State
The atoms and molecules don't change, but the way they move about
does. Water, for example, is always made up of two hydrogen atoms and
one oxygen atom. However, it can take the state of liquid, solid (ice), and
gas (steam). Matter changes state when more energy gets added to it.
Energy is often added in the form of heat or pressure.
Solid water is called ice. This is water with the lowest energy and
temperature. When solid, the molecules in water are held tightly together and
don't move easily.

Liquid water is just called water. As ice heats up it will change phases to
liquid water. Liquid molecules are looser and can move about easily.

Gas water is called steam or vapor. When water boils, it will turn to vapor.
These molecules are hotter, looser, and moving faster than the liquid
molecules. They are more spread apart and can be compressed or squished.

More States
There are actually two more states or phases that matter can take, but we
don't see them much in our everyday life.

One is called plasma. Plasma occurs at very high temperatures and can be
found in stars and lightning bolts. Plasma is like gas, but the molecules have
lost some electrons and become ions.

Another state has the fancy name Bose-Einstein condensates. This state can
occur at super low temperatures.

Fun Facts about Solids, Liquids, Gases
• Gases are often invisible and assume the shape and volume of their
• The air we breathe is made up of different gases, but it is mostly
nitrogen and oxygen.
• We can see through some solids like glass.
• When liquid gasoline is burned in a car, it turns into various gases
which go into the air from the exhaust pipe.
• Fire is a mixture of hot gases.
• Plasma is by far the most abundant state of matter in the universe
because stars are mostly plasma.

According to the text, answer the questions.

1) Which of the following is an example of a solid?

Air you breathe A chair you sit on
Coffee you drink Water you swim in
All of the Above

2) Which of the following is the common name for the solid state
of water?

Liquid Ice
Rain Vapor

3) Which of the following states of matter is the most abundant
state of matter in the universe?
Solid Plasma
Liquid Bose-Einstein condensates

4) Which of the following states of matter is water in when it's in

the form of steam or vapor?
Solid Plasma
Liquid Bose-Einstein condensates

5. Which of the following states of matter occur between solid and

gas as the energy is increased?
Solid Plasma
Liquid Bose-Einstein condensates

6) What unique state of matter only occurs at extremely low


Solid Plasma
Liquid Bose-Einstein condensates

7) In which of the following three states of matter are the particles

moving the fastest?

Solid Gas
Liquid They are all moving the same
8) In which of the following three states of matter are the particles
the closest together?
Solid Gas
Liquid They are all spaced the

9) Which of the following states of matter assume the volume and

shape of their container?
Solids All of the above
Liquids None of the Above

10) Which of the following statements is true about plasma as a

state of matter?

It occurs at very high temperatures

It is found in stars
It's like gas, but some molecules have become ions
It is found in lightning bolts
All of the Above

Answer key
1. A chair you sit on 6. Bose-Einstein
2. Ice condensates
3. Plasma 7. Gas
4. Gas 8. Solid
5. Liquid 9. Gases
10. All of the Above

Lesson 4

New words New sentences

Cream – kem sữa

Sugar – đường His mother heats some

Salt – muối water and makes him some

Pour – rót / đổ lemon tea – Mẹ cậu đun

Plastic bag – túi ni-long nước nóng, và làm cho cậu

Mixture – hỗn hợp ấy một ly trà chanh.

Open – mở
Close – đóng Pour the cream, sugar and

Freezer – tủ lạnh vanilla mixture into the

Awful – kinh khủng / small bag – Đổ kem đặc,

khủng khiếp đường và va-ni-la vào

Feel – cảm thấy trong túi nhỏ.

Mix – trộn lẫn


New words.
1. Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the

2. Read the definitions. Write the words.

1. To flow quickly and in large _______________

2. An electrically powered container or _______________
part of a fridge that freezes food for
a long time.
3. The thick liquid
4. A sweet substance especially from _______________
the sugar cane, used to make food
and drinks sweet. 27
1. Look at the picture and write the words.

Cream mixture open freezer sugar closed plastic bag

2. Circle True or False

1. Sugar is a liquid True False

2. I can pour plastic bags True False

3. Plastic bags can be containers True False

4. A door can be open or closed True False

5. We heat things in a freezer True False

6. A mixture has only one thing in it. True False 28

3. Complete the sentences
1. I _____________ milk into a cup
2. _____________ , _____________ and _____________ are all
3. Hot chocolate is a _____________ of milk, sugar and
4. My mouth and eyes can be _____________ or
_____________ .
5. Water changes from a liquid to aa solid in the _____________ .

Reading comprehension

Remember, a cause is why something happens.

The effect is what happens after the cause.

Read the causes. Write the effects

Omar feels awful. He’s really cold. His mother

heats some water and makes him some lemon tea.
Omar drinks the tea and feel warms. He takes a
short nap and when he wakes up he’s hungry. His
mother heats water in a pot, and puts in some
chicken, carrots, and onions. Omar eats the soup
and feels good again.
Cause Effect

Omar is really cold His mother makes him tea

Omar drinks the tea

He’s hungry
Omar eats the soup

Circle the correct words.

1. Was / Were it a liquid? No, it wasn’t / weren’t
2. Was / Were you at the museum? Yes. I was / were
3. Was / Were the freezer door open? Yes, it was / were
4. Was / Were you in the library? No, I wasn’t / weren’t
5. Was / Were Mandy and Kevin scared? Yes, they was / were
6. Where was / were your mother? She was / were at the
department store
7. Was / Were Terry at home? No, she wasn’t / weren’t
Match the questions to the answer
1. Where was Linda? a. Yes, we were
2. Was Jerry at the
b. It was awful
c. She was at the supermarket
3. Were they friends?
4. How was the soup? d. No, she wasn’t
5. Were you and Clare at
e. Cream, sugar and eggs
f. No, they weren’t. they were
6. What was in the ice
cream mixture brothers. 30
Read the causes. Write the effects.

Cause Effect
The freezer door was open all The ice cream melted
The students don’t have ice
They make ice cream

Read the sentences. Circle the correct answer.

1. The students need to bring fruit to the
2. The students pour the mixture into a
3. The ice cream wasn’t good

What do you think?

1. Why did Mr. Jenkins help the students?

2. What was fun about this school party?
Write the answer.

1. Where were you yesterday? ___________________________

2. Where were your parents? ________________________

3. Were you happy yesterday? ________________________

4. Were your parents tired? ________________________

5. Where was your friend? ________________________

6. Was your friend sad? ________________________

Lesson 5

New words New sentences

Coffee – cà phê
Tea – trà Mix all together, pour the

Salad – sa-lát trộn mixture into plastic cups,

Fruit – hoa quả and put them in the freezer.

Vegetables – rau củ – Trộn đều tất cẩ, đổ hỗn

Pasta – mì sợi hợp vào trong các cốc

Wash – rửa nhựa, và đặt chúng vào tủ

Juice – nước hoa quả đông.

Cucumber – dưa chuột

Tomato – cà chua Soda isn’t healthy, but I

Avocado – quả bơ have an idea, let’s make ice

Sausage – xúc xích pops – đồ uống có ga

Onion – hành tây không tốt cho sức khỏe,

Ice pop – kem qua nhưng mẹ có ý này, hãy

Unhealthy – không tốt cho cùng làm kem que nào!

sức khỏe

New words
Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words.

Think about the words and add them to the chart

We wash We don’t wash


Complete the sentences

1. Carrots, potatoes and onions are ____vegetables_______

2. People can use black or green leaves and hot water to make
3. A mixture of vegetables is a ________________. We don’t cook
the vegetables.
4. A lot of people drink ________________ with cream and sugar
5. Oranges, apples, mangoes and peaches are ________________
6. We cook ________________ in very hot water so it gets soft.
It’s usually light yellow or light brown.

What food do you like to mix?

Listen. What liquids and solids do we heat?

Listen again and check the ingredients you hear.

Read about Jimmy’s favorite food mixture.

My favorite food mixture is soup. My mother puts

chicken, onions, carrots, and potatoes in a big pot. She
puts in water and salt. She cooks it. We eat the soup.
It’s great.

Answer the questions about your favorite food or drink mixture.

What’s your favorite mixture?

What things are in the mixture?
What do you do to the mixture?
Do you drink or eat it?
How is it?

Write about your favorite food mixture








It’s summer. David and Lesley play
ball in the park. They run a lot and
they’re hot, so they go home.

“Can we have some cold soda, Mom?” say David and Lesley. “No, kids”
says Mom, “Soda isn’t healthy. But I have an idea. Let’s make ice pops!”
she says.

Get some juice and add some fruit and a little sugar. Mix it all together,
pour the mixture into plastic cups, and put them in the freezer”. “OK,
Mom” they say.

David and Lesley eat the cold ice pops. “Were they goods?”, asks Mom.
“Yes, they were delicious!” they say. They’re happy.

They run a lot. / They are hot.

Which is the cause? Which is
the effect?

They make ice pops. / Soda isn’t

Which is the cause? Which is the
Read the causes. Write the effects.

Causes Effects

The children play ball in the They run a lot

The children are hot

Their mother says soda isn’t


The children eat the ice pops

Read the story again and answer the questions

1. Is it a cold day?
2. Where do David and Lesley play ball?
3. Why don’t they have soda?
4. How many things are in the ice pop mixture?
5. How does the mixture change in the freeze?
6. Was their mother’s idea a good idea? Why? Why not?

Complete the sentences

flow melt freeze pour mixture heat

1. Liquids can _______________, but solids can’t.

2. When we _______________ water, some of it can change to
3. Soup is a _______________ of liquids and solids.
4. When we _______________ liquids, they change to solids.
5. We can _______________ a liquid, but not a solid or a gas.
6. Ice pops when we don’t put them in the freezer.

Circle the correct words.

1. The ice pops wasn’t / weren’t in the freezer.

2. Was / were you at the library?

3. His cousins was / were very happy

4. It was / were a solid but now it’s a liquid.

5. The guitar wasn’t / weren’t loud.

6. Where was / were Wendy and Andy?

7. Was / Were your mother at the supermarket?

8. How was / were the cookies?


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