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Department of Electrical and Communication

Introduction to Engineering and Design (EN124) Major
Project Concept Report
Lecturer. Dr Mirzi

Project Title: Biogas Production using Cattle Dung.

Members Cours ID Role for each Members

Solomon Kimba BEEL/ 23302401 Video creation
Carrity Malu Beel/1 23300747 Concept Report
Lance Lewe BEEL/ 23301526 Write Up
Mike Waima BEEL/ 23301557 Prototype

pg. 1
This Household Biogas Project using animal’s dung aims to provide a sustainable,
environment and eco-friendly solutions to address critical challenges: Environmental
pollution caused by animal waste and the increasing energy demands of households.
Animal dung, a potent source of methane, is often underutilized and contributes to
greenhouse gas emission. By designing and creating a prototype of a household biogas
system, we intended to harness the potential of animal dung to generate biogas, which can
serve as a renewable energy source for households. This project builds upon previous
research on biogas technology, aiming to optimized the design for enhance efficiency,
affordability, and scalability while contributing to a greener and more energy-conscious

Project Objectives
The objective of this project of creating a biogas is to design and create a functional
prototype of a biogas system that efficiently converts cattle dung into biogas, addressing
both Quotatives and qualitative customer needs. The project aims to translate these needs
into clear design specifications to ensure the prototype effectiveness, readability, and user
friendliness. By optimizing the system’s design, we seek to achieve the following
1. Quantitative needs: - Design a system that can efficiently produce
certain minimum amount of biogas per day to meet the
pre day energy consumption.
demands of an average number of homes.
- Maximize the conversion of cattle/chicken
dung into a bio gas to ensue high energy output from available
- ensure the biogas system operates consistently and reliably with
minimal downtime.

2. Qualitative Needs- User-friendly Design: Create a system that is easy to operate and.
maintain for the end-users, requiring minimal technical
- Safety: Implement safety features to relieve potential risks
associated with biogas production and utilization.
- Cost-Effectiveness: Design the prototype to be affordable,
utilizing locally available materials and technologies

pg. 2
Literary Reviews.
Title: Literature Review on Biogas Production from Cattle Dung for Achieving SDG 7:
Affordable and Clean Energy
Introduction: Access to affordable and clean energy is a critical component of sustainable
development, as emphasized by Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7. Biogas, a renewable
energy source produced from organic waste materials through anaerobic digestion, has gained
significant attention as a solution to address the challenges associated with energy poverty and
environmental degradation. Cattle dung, a readily available and abundant organic waste, presents
a promising feedstock for biogas production. This literature review explores the current state of
knowledge regarding biogas production from cattle dung, its potential to contribute to achieving
SDG 7, and the associated challenges and opportunities.

1. Biogas Production Process and Cattle Dung: Biogas production involves the microbial
breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen, resulting in the release of
methane-rich gas. Cattle dung, a mixture of faces and urine, is rich in organic material and
contains cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and other nutrients suitable for anaerobic
digestion. The process typically involves the loading of cattle dung into a biogas digester,
where microbial activity leads to the production of biogas and the residual digestate.

2. Contributions to SDG 7: 2.1 Affordable Energy: Biogas production from cattle dung offers a
decentralized and cost-effective energy solution, particularly in rural and agricultural
settings. It reduces reliance on traditional fossil fuels, thus enhancing energy access and
affordability for marginalized communities. 2.2 Clean Energy: Biogas is a low-carbon fuel
that emits significantly less greenhouse gases compared to fossil fuels. Its utilization
contributes to mitigating climate change and improving air quality, aligning with SDG 7's
objective of promoting clean energy sources.

3. Factors Influencing Biogas Production from Cattle Dung: 3.1 Feedstock Composition: The
quality and composition of cattle dung influence the efficiency of biogas production. A
balance of carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, moisture content, and nutrient availability affects
microbial activity and gas yield. 3.2 Temperature and pH: Anaerobic digestion is sensitive
to temperature and pH conditions. Maintaining optimal ranges for mesophilic or
thermophilic digestion is crucial for maximizing biogas production. 3.3 Process
Optimization: Various digester designs, such as batch, continuous, and hybrid systems,
impact biogas yields and retention times. Process optimization through substrate pre-
treatment, co-digestion, and effluent management enhances overall efficiency.

4. Challenges and Future Directions: 4.1 Technological Challenges: Efficient mixing, reactor
design, and temperature control are technical challenges that affect biogas production.
Addressing these challenges can improve process stability and gas output. 4.2 Feedstock
Availability and Management: Adequate collection, storage, and handling of cattle dung
are essential for sustained biogas production. Strategies to ensure a consistent supply of

pg. 3
feedstock need to be developed. 4.3 Socioeconomic Factors: Community engagement,
awareness, and capacity building are crucial for the successful adoption of biogas
technology in rural areas. Financial mechanisms, subsidies, and incentives can facilitate its

Conclusion: Biogas production from cattle dung holds substantial potential to contribute to SDG 7
by providing affordable and clean energy, particularly in resource-constrained regions. While
technological advancements and process optimization are essential for enhancing biogas yields,
addressing feedstock management and socioeconomic factors will be equally vital for successful
implementation. Further research, collaboration, and policy support are necessary to realize the
full benefits of cattle dung-based biogas production as a sustainable energy solution.

BY Charrity Malu 23300747

Title: Literature Review on Biogas Production from Cattle Dung and Its Implications for
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Introduction: The achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, which focuses on
ensuring good health and well-being for all, is closely intertwined with various environmental and
socio-economic factors. Biogas production from cattle dung has gained attention as a renewable
energy source that not only contributes to sustainable energy access but also offers potential
benefits for human health and well-being. This literature review explores the existing knowledge
regarding the production of biogas from cattle dung and its implications for promoting good health
and well-being as outlined in SDG 3.

1. Biogas Production and Cattle Dung: Biogas is a renewable energy source produced through
anaerobic digestion of organic materials. Cattle dung, a readily available waste product
rich in organic matter, can serve as an effective feedstock for biogas production. The
anaerobic digestion process involves the microbial decomposition of cattle dung, resulting
in the release of methane-rich biogas and nutrient-rich digestate.

2. Improved Sanitation and Health Benefits: 2.1 Pathogen Reduction: Anaerobic digestion of
cattle dung at controlled temperatures effectively reduces pathogenic microorganisms
present in the waste. This reduction in pathogens minimizes the risk of water and soil
contamination, contributing to improved sanitation and reduced transmission of diseases.
2.2 Reduction of Vector-Borne Diseases: Biogas production can lead to the reduction of
disease vectors, such as flies and mosquitoes, that thrive in untreated organic waste. This
indirectly contributes to the prevention of vector-borne diseases like malaria and dengue

3. Indoor Air Quality and Respiratory Health: 3.1 Substitution for Solid Fuels: In many rural
households, traditional cooking methods using solid fuels (e.g., firewood, crop residues)
contribute to indoor air pollution and respiratory diseases. The use of biogas as a clean-
burning fuel for cooking can significantly improve indoor air quality, reducing the risk of
respiratory illnesses. 3.2 Reduction of Smoke-Related Health Risks: The adoption of biogas
for cooking eliminates the production of smoke and harmful pollutants associated with
solid fuel combustion. This can lead to a decrease in respiratory infections and related
health risks, particularly among women and children.

4. Livelihood and Socio-Economic Impact: 4.1 Time and Labor Savings: Biogas systems reduce
the need for gathering and processing firewood or other solid fuels, saving valuable time
and Labor. This has a positive impact on the well-being of women and girls who often bear

pg. 4
the responsibility of collecting fuel. 4.2 Economic Opportunities: Biogas systems can create
income-generating opportunities through the sale of excess biogas, organic fertilizers, and
bio-slurry. These opportunities can contribute to poverty reduction and improved well-
being for rural communities.

5. Challenges and Recommendations: 5.1 Adoption Barriers: Limited awareness, upfront

costs, and lack of technical know-how can hinder the widespread adoption of biogas
systems. Public awareness campaigns, training programs, and financial incentives could
address these challenges. 5.2 Maintenance and Sustainability: Proper maintenance of
biogas systems is crucial for their long-term viability. Training and support for system
upkeep should be provided to ensure continued benefits.

Conclusion: Biogas production from cattle dung holds the potential to positively impact SDG 3 by
improving sanitation, indoor air quality, respiratory health, and socio-economic well-being in rural
communities. However, addressing adoption barriers and ensuring sustainable operation are key
to realizing these benefits. Further research, policy support, and community engagement are
essential to fully harness the potential of cattle dung-based biogas production for promoting good
health and well-being.

By Lance Lewe and Solomon Kimba

pg. 5

 Identifying the Problem:

The problem lies in the underutilization of cattle dung, which is a rich
source of methane and a significant contributor to environmental pollution.
Without an efficient and practical method to harness this potential energy
source, households continue to rely on conventional and often
environmentally harmful energy options. Additionally, improper
management of cattle dung can lead to health hazards and contribute to
greenhouse gas emissions. Hence, the project seeks to develop a sustainable
solution that addresses both waste management and energy needs.

 What Have Others Done:

Researchers and organizations have previously explored the concept
of biogas production from cattle dung and other organic waste materials.
They have developed various biogas digester designs, analyzed feedstock
combinations, and studied process optimization techniques. Some initiatives
have successfully implemented household biogas systems in different
regions, providing clean energy access to rural communities and mitigating
environmental impacts. By reviewing their work, we can build upon their
findings and lessons learned to enhance the efficiency and practicality of our

 Brainstorming Solutions/Ideas:
1. Digester Design: Explore different digester configurations, such as fixed-
dome, floating-drum, or plug-flow, to determine the most suitable design for
maximizing biogas production and ease of operation.
2. Feedstock Management: Investigate the use of additional organic waste
materials or co-digestion with cattle dung to improve the biogas yield and
optimize the feedstock mix.
3. Heating and Mixing: Implement a system for maintaining an optimal
temperature and efficient mixing within the digester to enhance the
anaerobic digestion process.
4. Safety Measures: Integrate safety features like pressure relief valves and gas
leak detectors to ensure safe biogas utilization.
5. Effluent Management: Develop a solution for treating and utilizing the
digestate (biogas residue) as a nutrient-rich fertilizer for agricultural
6. Material Selection: Identify locally available and cost-effective materials for
constructing the biogas system, making it accessible to a broader user base.
By considering these solutions and addressing the identified problem, the Biogas
Production Project aims to contribute to a more sustainable and energy-conscious future
while benefiting households and the environment alike.

pg. 6
Environmentally friendly and Coast effective.
As the first acronym of the word “biogas “suggest it already, we are going to produce
biogas out of animal waste especially the one from cattle dung because it mainly contains
methane gas which is the main gas that is used for the production of real gas or we could
say liquified gas. This biogas production is going to be produced during the process of
fermentation by mixing water with the cattle dung and letting it to stay for more than
3weeks or months fully covered without allowing no gas to escape.
This production of biogas does not have any sort environmental effect and consequence
because it is 100% renewables source and any excess gas that is been produced will be a
benefit for the living things around especially for the plants to make food and sustain the
The production of biogas from cattle dung can reduce global warming by capturing and
utilizing methane, which is potent greenhouse gas emitted from decomposing organic
matter. This process prevents methane from entering the atmosphere, thereby mitigating its
impact on climate change. Additionally, biogas can replace fossil fuels. Reducing green
house gas emissions further and contributing to a cleaner environment.
From an Economic perspective, the price of the liquified Methane gas is exponentially
increasing because of the number of demands is high and the supply is low in our country
and even around the globe. The production can not meet the number of consumers and as
we all know that the Natural Liquified Gas is non-renewable meaning it will come to stope
one time. This will really put the nation into grate suffer. As an engineering student we
need to prepare early to think and work out the advance solutions.
The solution is that biogas production can save money by providing gas a renewable
energy source and reducing reliance on coasty fossil fuels. Farmers and the livestock
owners can also benefit from the use of biogas digester as they generate income trough the
sale of excess energy to the grid. Furthermore, the local community benefit from cleaner air
and the water as the biogas helps in the waste management reduce odors from cattle dung.
It also promotes sustainable agriculture practices and enhances fertility by producing
nutrient reach byproduct which can be used as an organic fertilizer. The digested waste is
removed as the suspend water, which contains very high plant nutrient. The waste from the
biogas plant is mixed with water for plants plant watering and also irrigation. It is the best
fertilizer, producing high yield of crops with which will help farmer to stop buying
artificial fertilizers.

Health and well-being.

Biogas is cleaner and produces fewer harmful pollutants when burned, leading to better air
quality and reducing respiratory problems. Using biogas for cooking improves indoor air
quality, as it doesn't release harmful smoke and particles like traditional fuels (wood, dung),
leading to better respiratory health. Biogas production helps manage organic waste
effectively, reducing health risks from waste contamination and diseases. Also, Biogas
production captures harmful methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, preventing it from
entering the atmosphere and contributing to global warming. It creates new income
opportunities for farmers, while reducing the time and effort needed for fuel collection,
benefiting their health and well-being. Therefore, creates new income opportunities for

pg. 7
farmers, while reducing the time and effort needed for fuel collection, benefiting their
health and well-being.

Materials and Coast Table.

-Amount allocated for the project is K200.00.
The materials were selected that are locally available.
# Materials Coast Function of the Particular Material
1 A 20L container Will use as a fermentation plant where suspended
cattle dung will be stored for 21 days.
2 2m*20mm gas horse It will be used as a vessel to transport gas from
container to the copper pipe.
3 Gas valve It will play an important role in closing and opening
of the stored gas.
4 for the 4 clamps, there function is to protect gas lick
X 4 clamp age between the joints of the main valve, copper pipe
and the single gas burner.
5 Small bucket For transporting water and cattle dung from farm site
to the work site.
6 Copper pipe is used to prevent horse from contact
1m 1*20mm head coiled with fire. The head coiled copper pipe is needed
copper pipe because the coil will help condense and reduce water
vapor that is contained in gas.
7 Presentation purpose showing how to connect the
Single Burner copper pipe and the burner also how to manually
operate for cooking and boiling water.
8 X 6 per of Safety Gloves and Safety gloves and musk is needed to collect the cattle
X 4 Masks. dung and also during mixing with water.
9 This is the main source of methane gas (CH4) that
will be produced. The other animal dung and organic
Cattle Dung Nil/free waste may be used but for our case we choose cattle
dung because it is locally available inside the campus
at the agriculture farm towards habitat.
10 Water is another very important material that will
help suspend the dung, increasing the surface area for
Water Nil/free rapid anaerobic respiration and decomposition to
yield maximum amount of gas. Ratio of mixing,
Dung is to water =1:1 respectively


pg. 8
1 12 3 4 5

6 7

8 9 10 13 14

1: Flame 2: Gas horse 3: Dunk Receptor

4: Digester 5: Outlet pipe 6: Copper pipe
7: Main valve 8: clamp 2 10: Cattle Dung Metter
11: Decomposed waste (nutrient rich for growing crops). 12: clamp 1
13: Gas stored 14: waster collector.

With this conceptual design, we are looking forward on creating a Biogas prototype for
people to live a saver and healthy life.
In conclusion, the development of a biogas system utilizing cattle dung as a student project
aligns seamlessly with the principles of sustainable engineering. By harnessing organic
waste to produce renewable energy, this project addresses two critical challenges
simultaneously: sustainable energy generation and waste management. Through innovative
design, optimization, and integration of safety features, the prototype offers a practical
solution that can be easily replicated and scaled, promising a greener energy future for
households. Embracing this sustainable engineering practice not only provides a viable
renewable energy source but also contributes to a cleaner environment, reduced greenhouse
gas emissions, and a valuable learning experience for aspiring engineers committed to
making a positive impact on our world.


pg. 9
1. Agri Farming, (5th Jul 2019) Biogas Production Process, Working Principle, plant

2. John.S, (06 Feb 2018), 12 example of project concept

3. Pietrangeli.B, (2018) Biogas Production Plants: A Methodological Approach for
Occupational Health and Safety

pg. 10

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