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First , we have 3 problems that Lucy has mentioned before , but these

problems are about unemployment , losing the original culture and

pollution. We use Long An space to maximize our welfare and to
preserve the ‘beauty of our culture. Urbanization brings us many
advantages like promoting our economy, people's intellectual level could
be higher, and also creating a diversified consumption and production
market. However, the problems that are caused by urbanization are still
big barriers for the development of our country.
Unemployment is the problem that most people worry about.
Unemployment affects our economy and also our public order.
Unemployment means our labor force decreases because of this our
income also decreases and this causes the recession of our economy.
And all of this leads people to commit crimes to make a living. All of
these things will cause an increase in crime rate.
Losing the original culture is the other problem that our country is facing
from urbanization. It is easy to notice that in some places the old
buildings are being destroyed and replaced by new ones so it can seem
like a rich town but isn’t as modern as people think it is. I think this has
a bad impact on us because with all the modern building, we lose our
Vietnamese culture.
Pollution is the third important problem that Lucy has mentioned before.
As you known , urbanization can affect the enviroment (in both way
good and bad).I will tell your the how urbanization affect us in the bad
way first. Because for urbanization ,we have to build industrial factories
so it will discharge a large amount of chemistry and it may cause a lot of
diseases for us. The high level of industrialization, rapid urbanization,
uncontrolled consumption and growing number of large-scale factories
are damaging our environment. And if this problems still continue our
enviroment so the disease rate of cancer in the future will increase
because because the chemistry the factories discharge will affect our
water , food , atmosphere,...Take an example: If the water is polluted ,
the fishes which live in the water will die because of chemistry but if the
amount of chemistry still low and the fishes can live in the water and we
eat those fishes it will very poisonous .Although ,urbanization could be
the “pedal” for a development of our country,it could be the major
reason of coming to standstill of our country
But don’t worry our team has for these problems:
- Upgrade the education system
We need to upgrade our education system so the children who like to
study higher can have an opportunity to learn in colleges and
university.Most of people don’t get a job because their academic level is
too low or doesn’t satisfy the criteria of the job.
- Support the unemployed person

We can support the unemployed person through the unemployment

insurance: to make up for part of the workers' incomes when they lose
their jobs, to support them in vocational training, job maintenance, and
job search.
But however, we must focus more on education because education is the
key of successful.

Losing culture
- Honor and preserve our culture . Facilitate for the culture activities like
traditional festivals and more,..
- Spread the beauty of Vietnamese to everyone
In the final, I'm going to tell you about the solutions for a major
problem, which has the highest rate of influence in a bad way for our
environment, pollution. For this problem I would like to divide it into 2
main objectives, citizen and government. For the citizens, hopefully
after they have their city done, they could have enough intellect to
realize the importance of the environment, and have enough knowledge
to stop littering and taking wrong actions which are capable of affecting
our general public. And the object I am telling you now, not just stop of
any age, it must be everyone's mission. For the government, they should
have specific rules and it should be serious enough for vandalizing our
beauty of nature, also the factory must filter the chemical poison before
littering it to the atmosphere,lake,river,... because the danger of these
actions can be the reason for the ending of humanity. And that’s all our
presentation about redesign places. Thanks for paying attention.In the
good way unrbanization can focus more on the water filter so we can
raise people’s life condition.We also upgrade air filter system in factories
so it will also prevent lung diseases.

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