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(Dặn dò)
Thu, Aug 10 - 2023 Classcode (Mã lớp): H5YS-6B-2305
Teacher(s) (Giáo viên): Teaching Assistant(s) (Trợ giảng):
Mr.Rowan Ms.Bảo Anh(0793226655 - Zalo)
Announcement (Thông báo)

End of Module Test (EOMT)

Listening: 10/08 (Thu)
Grammar and Vocabulary + Reading + Writing: 15/08 (Tue)
- If you could not take the test on these days, please contact me as soon
as possible. Thank you.

Today’s Lesson (Nội dung bài học ngày hôm nay)

Practice for EOMT
Review lessons
Vocabulary: Use your English: page 103
Phrasal verbs

Black clouds blocked out the

Block out to stop light or noise from coming in

to go away without having any serious The storm blew over in the
Blow over
effect night.

to start producing something suddenly The aircraft crashed and

Burst into
and with great force burst into flames.

The lake freezes over in

Freeze over to become completely covered by ice

to become, or make something become,

The inscription on the coin
Wear away gradually thinner or smoother by
had worn away.
continuously using or rubbing it
Whole villages were wiped
Wipe out Become extinct
out by the earthquake.


Noun + preposition Verb + preposition Adjective + preposition

Protection from Cope with Aware of

Effect of Discourage from Exposed to
Respect for Object to Pessimistic about
Threat to Rely on Safe for
Victim of Result of Satisfied with
Rise in Search for Keen on


if a liquid evaporates or if something

(v) evaporates it, it changes into a gas, Bay hơi
especially steam
(adj) slightly wet Ẩm ướt

very small drops of water that are

(n) present in the air, on a surface or in a Độ ẩm

all the plants and living creatures in a

(n) particular area considered in relation to Hệ sinh thái xanh
their physical environment

Large-scale involving many people or things,

/ˌlɑːdʒ ˈskeɪl/
(n) Quy mô lớn
especially over a wide area

Homework (Bài tập về nhà)

Exercise 1: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs
Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal
verbs listed below.
freeze over - figure out - pig out - take over - rat on - wear away - wear out - wipe out
1. When our English teacher was ill, the French teacher
___________________________________ the class for a few days.
2. The kids aren’t hungry because they ___________________________________ on biscuits
and chocolate this afternoon.
3. Because everybody used to take a short cut over the field, they had
___________________________________ a path in the grass.
4. Many people are worried that tigers will be completely
___________________________________ by poachers.
5. We went skating on the lake which had ___________________________________ during the
6. The bank robber was furious when his friend ___________________________________ him
to the police.
7. I finally ___________________________________ a way to solve this problem.
8. Hilda was ___________________________________ because she had been working hard all

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal
verbs listed below.
beaver away - block out - blow over - blow up - burst into - clam up - horse around - talk

1. We were lucky that the storm ___________________________________ quickly.

2. It wasn't easy, but I finally ___________________________________ my parents
___________________________________ buying me a scooter.
3. The tree ___________________________________ flames when it was struck by lightning.
4. The suspect was quite talkative at first, but he ___________________________________
when the sergeant entered the room.
5. I need some thick curtains to ___________________________________ the sunshine in the
6. Terrorists ___________________________________ the central post office last night.
7. Ted spent the afternoon ___________________________________ on his car in the garage.
8. If those children don't stop ___________________________________, I'll send them to bed

Exercise 4: Change these sentences into causative

1. You should remove all that rubbish from your front garden.
2. My car was broken into while I was at work.
3. Someone has replaced the locks on Grandma's doors.
4. Many people install smoke detectors in their homes.
5. The authorities will test the soil for chemical poisoning.
Exercise 5: Using 2 to 5 words, including the word given, complete the
second sentences to have a similar meaning to the first sentences.
1. He used a cricket bat to attack the shopkeeper. was
The shopkeeper ____________________________________________________ a cricket bat.
2. 'Of course they didn't give me the stolen goods!' shouted Quentin. denied
Quentin ___________________________________________________ the stolen goods.
3. If you tell me what's wrong, I can help you. unless
I can't help you ________________________________________________ what's wrong.
4. If you leave your old newspapers outside your house, they will collect them. on
They will collect your old newspapers ________________________________________ you leave
them outside your house.
5. I think you broke my calculator, Rob. you
You broke my calculator,______________________________________________, Rob?
6. The technician continued to explain how the machine works. on
The technician _________________________________________how the machine works.

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