Tieuchuan - QTKD - Quyen1 (1) - 354 - TACN 1 - TA Thương M I Nâng Cao

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00 DACUONG CHI TIET HOC PHAN T ngiy 15 /.i2,2t¢teiia Higa trudng truimg DH Ngogi thuong) ~Ainglsh for Specific Purpose 1 (Advanced Business English) ESPIIT Ting Anh Chuyén nganh Bj mom phy trie: Tidng Anh Co Si Sé tina a Diu ki tn quyét: Hon thinh bge phin Ting Anh hge thu vi thuomg.myi 4, Két qua ‘at hoge chimg chi qubc té tong dong, ‘Thi diém thet kd/ban hah Tin daw: Didu chinb, sta dd, bd sung 1. THONG TIN Vi GIANG VIE: Be] He ning vie aa Dit Siig Ha Toakiaiiaaiana —— or TAS LT Ha Toyenliaiscsuen [ost 75 Tas THA olnats an ——|-ODSS853. Ths ht Ma snkmgiuceuva | OSS 568 aS Tis Gang A salgaiiaedara | TT TS. Pa TV Aa aap vn [-ws252 TS Hang Fl Cs htiatyn | 0.696112 | Toya ela S-Di ak Dang dingbats va ——[ ooma3ese | Ty ah cak TS. Nani. Dip sigan ——[-OB130962-| Tacit TS. Ta Tay Dong Gargantua —| woe | Tad TS. Tang THD hungioeafuedusm | O1b93449> | Tava cat TAS. 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TAS Pl Mik Png | —huonepeatedarm | esbe655~ Ti sla 32 [is Np Le | taneous sa —[-osnem| Tyee 3 [nie tat) —| aaa or eae Si [sé TH Te tutta [otros | Try a eh 35 [TAS Tn TT Tl Taosneuitava | ostat7ese_| Try shah 36 [TS NOT Th anknaiucts va ——[ osreseo1)_| Tivah ca ‘TS. Ngopte Th Thanh, “anhnguyenG@eda-v | 0904558628 Try se chink TpS, Neen Tha Doong—| npnpentarhong cet. otavm_|-OH08243734_[ CSI-TPHCM Th, Pha Ch Hs Platcabieus2@ueduvn | 0596590630 | CSILIPHCM, [a0 TS, Neuss Thanh Cla agupenablan ai on OOT4440116 | CSITPICM, TS. Le Hing Lith Teoh 2aifadu ve | 0003078882_[ CSI-TEHCM "TS. Tah Nage Taal Giahagoctashs2aueduve | 0918078976 | CSI-TPHCM THs. Dmg Nae -duognenecctaiuedya | 0592964040_| CSILTPHHEM i, THS. Nauyla Tia PRAE | aguante [076759756 CSITPHCM 5, Tas Le in Pa Tebsaphoses2afeduvm | 0903799031 | CSILTPHCM 6,18. Nal Th Thay aguyenthihtuy sated. ve | O983046060_| CSILTP HCA 7,8. FO Thup Trang ouyrang.s2zafuetun —|-0609792466 | CSIE-TPHCM 4, [TRS Nyda Va Tei Tila apenas datas | 0917351359 | CSILTE.HCM. [TAS Tea Na Ti Ha (CSILTRHCM S138, BE Anh The UpHREAOHIT_| CSILTPHICML 51. |THS. Tama Th Toh Cink | wsongsitanhank cca | 09 7667ORG 52 [ TAS. Diag Th My Dung | danghimyoungcs2atuedu vn | 0917106000 53.) Tas. Le That Hb PhapcibiewesZaueduva | Ooi8tDS696 54 [ TAS: VEN Mi anges. s2aeduva —| 0935971877 55. [ TAS: Vu Phuong Hing Naps | wopoongongngc ef i 36, | TAS: Hadag Thy That Nes | garg avo ‘CSILTPHGH 7, [TAS. 16 Th Kim Hi Toiikinkong 7a ESILTPHIGH 2. MYC TRU CUA HOC PHAN: Hoe pn niy nim tang bj cho sinh vig: Kin thie ng6n ng v thst ng Tigng Anh thug mai edp 6 B2 (inh tran cdp vi ten tung ci), gp cho sinh viene thé tin rong moi trig thm mai vi kinh dom qué i. ~ Kin thie ngGn ng Tiéng Anh co bn v kinh ti chin, to tign cho sin vie hoe tiéng, Anh chuyén ngdnh vice mn nghigp vy @ cc hoc ky ip thoo tt hon ~ Condi ning cao cd bin kj ning doe ni va viet rong ec tnh hung tye ti noi im vige, ‘uong kinhdoanh va kink doanh quse 3. CHUAN DAU RA CUA HOC PHAN: 31. Chun di ra vé kién thie, Kf ming vi mite 0G ty chi, trich whigm Satie ang hosp Tig Aa china Tig An uo a ng ea) oh viene 311. V8 kia thie: CLO‘: Hu, vn dung va ph th ef tuft ng, ee kf thie ngdn ng Tiéng An co bin vi ning ao vé ed chi kin ti chink, kink doanh duge hoe tong hoe phn ‘CLO2; Phin tch vi tng hap dye ede kién thie va ngén nat Tiéog Anh thuong magi dt hoe & thye hig cdc ed vige én van bin vie vi giao tip db ho kién thie ehuyén séu tong mii erg kin 8 i oa oh chin dan oun gh ih ho ung ig, ia pi 3.12. Ve kining: CLO3-45 nang dpe: hid chin xc cdc vin bin Ting An tong dBi di va kh trong hoe pin v8 cde chi. dékinh doanb, kin tf, chinh; pn bigt ayes Ke bt it cd log vin bin nly, 6 Kh ning oc hidu ec bi bo, ec bi phng van, ce bio cdo ti chin, cc bai doe I thud v@ cc thi ifm co ‘bin v8 inh cc kin thie kinh doan hung mai; hiéu age ¥ chinh va im duoc ec tng tn chi ‘tiét vi qua d6 ting hop théng tin dia ra két tua, cde dn CCLOUAF ning nghe: vin ding thinh tho ky ning ngbe pn ch, tng hep nb dung ca cde bai ‘rong gio tinh vé ede chi dé nhs quan I doanh nghtp,chudicung ig, stn xd, 1 chinh, kin 18 sain xudt, ping win cng vige, win hoa Kinh doanh..vn dung dug thin tho Kinng én chin cia ai nghe iu vi pai quyét dupe ceeds hi ign quan dn ed ¥ chi it cia bai ge dung tt 1 ning ghi chi (note-taking). CL05-49 ng vide: Pha ch, tng hep cle thut ng, cecum tr chuyén man va win) bay che dng ‘it vin bin Khe nk ong méi trig kin doanh mgt eich ng va Rhea hoe, mic 1 mgt php {eo dng chuin mye v vn phong que : vi dng thn thgo mot sé dang van bin rent me ttm, ‘tong mai eé dang dom gia c tin e nnn pe thio ni dung thay tn, vit so ye lich nda, phi ehép thing tin cho ti ede van bine yu chu vin phan ao nr th tin thzomg ml, Bin ahi nhd, bo cd kinhdoanh, bin bin t6m tit ue hap. Vin dang chinh xe ngn ng a that nat chuyén mf dl uve hoe vit bai dang phi ich vada a uan dim, nh x VE ole hiéntuong ‘wong m6 tring kin doanh mgt céch chit eh loge va tht pc [CLOG-AS ming néi: vin dy chin xe kh hme tuong dim ng nat va Unt mg hyn mon lace chi 4 due he trong ede ng cin giao tip kin doanh Khe ahaa dah iy quan dim, 5 Ki; tng hop ti iu vi tho lg theo nb tim i php cho ce tin hung Kink oan thuyet inh thom ns meh cayenne i tho hing dn v8 cl hn en pa bile 3.3. V2 med chi vd rch nif Sau he xong hoe ph Ting Anh chuyén natn 1 Tiéng Anh thuong ma ng es) sinh vgn eb ng {CLO7: Tx din dae me amine, b chi lng i ia i ing tiég Anh, th iy ln hic, kink nhigm 6 lién quan dn chayén mn. Chi dng fp kéhoach he tip dev bit cach lim vig hop te; dg ign nphiém te thd gian bie t gc trong hge tp, tam gay, ing gi fe babi hoe tre ep. ‘32. Ma trim déng gp cia CDR ge phin ti CDR cia Chung trinh dio to oR eia ‘Chuiin ai ra cba Chung tinh dio tg0 Hie phi | PLOI[PLo3_|FLOs [PLOs | PLOs [PLoS [PLOT cio fe cor 1x ‘cL03 ‘CLs ‘CLOs CLO6 Lor 1 Hy 1 con eia ‘Chodin au va eda Chong tinh do t90 ‘ Hie phn : PLOS [PLOS [PLOW [PLOW | PLOI? [PLOIS [PLOWS ‘clo ‘CLO cLo3_— [xX] x —}x x [xe ‘clos |x }x—}x xe ‘clos [x }x—}x xx x} ‘CLO6 |x} x—}x x x ‘cLoT [xX [x pe xe 1 [ge pin [3 [a Ts 2 4.HOC LIEU 4.1. Gido erin: 1. Tan Mackanzie, English for Busines Studies, 2010, Cambridge 42. TALigutham Kio bic buge 1. Bill Masull, 2017, Business Vocabulary in Use - Advanced, Cambridge University Press 2. Paul Emmerson, 2009, Business Vocabulary Builder, Macraillan 4.3. Tai ligu cham ko ty chon 2 Peter Sut, 2010, Market Leader, Business Grammar and Usage, Pearson Longmin. 3. Richard Shear, Andrew Ferris, Greg Tacket, 2012, English at work 2, Cengage Leaming Asa 4, Frances Bales & Steve Oakes Speatout Intermediate 2011, Pearson Longiman 5. Mark Powell New Business Matters, 2004 Heinle Thomson 44, Website and links: 6 hnupdfenewmyenalshlab com/courses-market-leader hil 1. hnpfwww.cengageasia.com 8, hntpeamensis. britisheounciLonsen! 9, psi. bbs.co.ul/lesmingenlishl 10 hp ictionar cambridge og/ dict si 5.NQI DUNG, KE HOACH VA KE HOACH GIANG DAY 5.1. Ni dung hoe phan _ Pas Ging dy eta kip “Titu Type adi Natdung [iy thayt | Taye ‘ling tp vho “huyee | han thio | tp im, | co muon sang) | twin | teed | “din Trot Hi 7 7 | as Management Management 2 a os ‘Management 1 1 o—]—45 Managemen x x o—|—45 ‘Management 5 T 1 o—|—as Production 1 r i o—|—as Production > r i o—|—as Production 3 3 zl o—|—as Production T r o—]—a5 Rivsin 1 3 i o—]—as Midi 1 1 o—|—as Marketing| 3 3 0 | as Mating? 7 1 o—[—as Finance 1 r i o—|—as inane r i a—|—as eonomies 1 r i o—]—as eononies | 1 i o—]—as Beonomies 3 z 2, o—|—45 Esonomis ¢ i 1 0 | as Revision? 2 2 o— [as ‘ng 30 30 co} 90 52 Ké hogeh sling day “exbooks (xem phan 41, mye Lvl mye 2) abi | Host Gog day aioe | SS ‘Rivdng chia Bing sie ey vi CLO T [EF apt ye giing) [1 Tatroduetion TRS fo |_| “introdttin to the course and "This Ranh io a T | diagnosis test, "Tilak, Bp on, use| —o_| Manssement 1 3 * Uni: Management | Trkos a hadag Gla | a5” | Lstenings stent at Cambridge ane * | Univer aking bout management discussing abou the characteristics that ‘make a good maanager ‘Reading: What is management Writing: Writing an email ila wa ick ie = Do the dingrostc tt [Ly aye apt gitng) | 1 [Management T3567 Unit2: Work and modetion. “Tagen, tio aia 3 Reading the text and classifying the statements Ti Te, et at ways to oe hang Six | motivate subordinates aaa 4 | Tistening: Talks of Stents at age ‘Business Schoo, Cambridge Writing: Writing emails Ria os, ink it ‘Giving a preseiaton on working motivation 3 [Ei thavde aye ging) | T | Management TRESG Unit 3: Company structure 7 "Thc hank, io aa T | Reading 1: Reading the intedetion of \wikinomics principe; checking “Tis an ap te [0] promis nice vip co hang Reading 2: company’s stracutre a J 5 | Eistenng students ate Judge Bsiness School aking abou different-sized companies kava dink gt lansing a oup presenaion on management acre ular | hay hay ing) | 3] Un & Managing acrows cltres |, 67 Listening: students" tlking about e Tie hin, ho Ta 3 eur differences and plobalzaton. 2 Tita, Bir oe gee | 0 ‘Writing: Wein short text “Thos ong din 45 | Speaking: Working in group a slve the smssins and then presenting Kiba ea, dink it “Making presenttonsbout carl difeenees 3 [Ly hapee apte ging) | 1] Managem “Tage Tn, tio Toda T | Reading: Reading and ordering the Tid Te bi pn te 0) Wns Notes on CVstesumes ai FS] Histening: A professor talking about tos Satan behaviours, psyehology of ta job ‘Speaking: Paying ava iteriewers or aa Tai Sag Pi ag TR ‘Ly thuydt (dhuyét ging) 1 | Production 13,4, 5,6, es Tatas Atietrs atte | ee "HT aE] | el SIRT Paranal Listening: business news stories and completing the chart, Kida oa, da gk ‘Making preserstion of score of te economy in your county Ty tay Cyt giingy | 1] Production 2 TRESG, Unit: Production 7 Then io Ta T | Listening diector talking bout purchasing and manufacturing ‘THE Tein, ii ip Hon, tnve 8 | "0 Reading an extract of x book about "Tye eo hatng la S| someequences of etsousing ad global supply chains: Speaking: Discussing in small group bout potential new suppliers of ‘compenent; ‘Writing wing emails Kiba oa, dah a ‘Miking presentation abou iematioal supply chain Ty tay (haying) | T] Production 3 T3A56, Unit 9: Logistics 7 Ti to Tain T | Reading: Reading about Pll nd Push strategies. ‘Ta Tan, bi tp To, thve | O Tstenng: an officer aking about Type oo hatng dla 3 |e ees an inertia spy ‘Reading: Reading an exact of «book bout Wal-mart’ supply cain, ‘Manufaturing supply chain work flow. ‘Speaking: Discussing in smal group shout potenti! suply chain risks; ‘Writing: a shor report about potential supply ein risks ‘Rika, i git ‘Do exerci in ebook and addonal exereiss Tyce aye ating’ |S Uni 0 Quay TIES6 ‘ending: an extract om Quality Is Free ‘Tie nb io Ta 3 | book; a text about Total Quality Management ‘Tin Bip HUETE |") stings Listening toa manger of Tyrie ohana a FS] hotel ‘Speaking: Working ingroup wo soving a teouble in a otel chin ik, Gnd a ‘Making presentation about te product Iisoyele and eibtion ‘channel 10 [Ly thay T [Revision T3356 The hin io Ta T | Fromunit 1010 ‘Tidal, Bip Wa, use | 0 Tipe ci rng la as Kin, Ga gi Pras test TT | Ey tage 1 | Mil-iera tats iste Thae , o aa T | Trt 20 ctu hi theo fe ni dung ‘Tid Ta, Bip en, tgs [0] 0 i Ui 28 gid tinh English Wh i Mid-term Test Grogp presentation ames *5'V Te hen tay nt on eng lin ia gio vin py tcp, ‘in a, di gd Tisteing tea & speaking wet TF | Ty tag Chay gina | T Marketing 1 TaS6 Unit 12: Marketing “The bi, oa T | Reading the product ie cycles distsbution channels, Ti ak bit Ti, te! TO] Weting: sort paragraphs about the Thos eS atag “FS | appropriation between distebuton| channel and proves, Reading 2: extracts from nance about Marketing Listening: promoting juice br, effective form of promotion Speaking: Discssng about promoting & new product. | Rika, Gah a ‘Do exereiss Textbook and aional exes TS Ey ahayk ay ang) | Unit Aaversing TERS, STigcTaab ile ag ——f-j—| Reading sving headings fo parsgraphs | °° 6 Tie in, to Tain 3 | Speaking: Diseussing about socesful, “TiduT,Bitp in, ae | 0 Thos oo tag le FE] commercials o advertisements id answering the questions; Waiting: 2 script for 2 20-recond commercial aversing a product "ila, Gah ik Presenting an financial eis TA Oy thay ay ging) | 1] Finance T TIRES, Unit 14: Banking 6 "Tye inh, lo ain 1 Reading types of financial instiutions; Tid Ta, Bap, ive subprime esis “Twos oi hg *T5”[Kiening: a ecatment manager lking shout investment and commercial ‘banking, a worker of not-for profit sector talking about micro finance ‘Speaking: Taking part inthe meeting to finding ou way t regain public tust and reson a banks reputations Weidag: writing amines Kini dah ge Pasting peta DDS 15 [ag Gayl ging’ | mace TEAS, Ti 19: Accounting and fneniat |”) i ia 7 suena "TiduTo, Bp Ton pe | 0 | Reading: Gooe'e balance; Google Taixc tagdlas [35 : compan ssl pace Kiba dig ‘ikng a station company aml acome 16] raph lang) | 1 mmo TSE "Ul 2. The snes te Tras ak, io Ta T | renting basics ete apostate eset Tiga la, ba tp Tom, ve | Oy tenn causes of the business cycle; TeIRe bags FT| Keven xosons hea Kinin dag Tec eb eS 7 gia ylang | 1 Benson? TERAS, [¥ 24 socal a7 The hin, thio ia T eae Reading tern ews of profits and ‘Teka lun, bal tp Lon, dave 8 YO | cial responsibility “Tis og dla] 45] Eisening scaly esponibie Speaking: Discusing about the copay ops a bese res of scricy sling he problem ss ates tom ‘tng Wiking repos. ‘Kid ta, dnb gid ‘Exercises in textbook unit 24 | Es pe EN) | 7 Pomme Tn: Eien and employment Th a io Ta 7] uetenig sera eyagett copies ‘Tu lps, bai tp Ym, tue || Tastes ag 2: efficiency, training and Taso ag dla] FF pctviy of«Koeta company Speaking: Discussing the proposed resteturing ofthe sorting ofces Riga, lak gid | Bees tebe ni 25 | Ly yee T | Beonomice 4 Unit 27: International trade Tis hn i a T Tb ui, ip Wa, vee | 0 interview of book about [Trhoc Nehién eu ti ligu va chun bj cho mai bubihge tae Kid ep, + Hovin thin cde bai tip dige giao vi nip bi dng han, + Tham dy dly ai cdc bai kim tra nh gi thug xuyén vi in hy. (62. Quy dah v2 thi ci hoe ve = Vige hoin think bi tp vé nh 1a it bude ~ Bai tp gidng nha én 50% tr 12 sé dim; bai tp gidng nau trén 50% bj did 0: + Sih vignhodn thinh ed bai tp dpc, vide vi ni & tren lop = Che quy dinh thie theo Quy ché hign hin 17, PHUONG PHAP, HINH THUC KIEM TRA DANH GIA. + Thang dim: 10 + Cée thinh phn din gi: ink thie [Nol dung di git ‘Titueniainn gia | CLO Tha gia ge dy 40 cle | Dig ai oS bad Pye ‘ah gif Chuyén | bubibos tn ip heochixme | ci ge pin, 1234, austria | cin | vin; hodn han dly dvi 567 ng han ele bi tip duge | = Tich eye tong te vi sino tts lopcong nh’ nb | not dong ten = Hein thinh di, ding hyn ec bi ep dug gino ‘ila | =H he: Nee =NGT_— = KV ning Nghe: tle ting | Noi dung: theo cic ni dung | 20 elu hoi theo of aayén, [hee tong (aye | dung ange, eu site kj | 5.24, tu bu I én bud 10) | huge eke dang nh MCQs, "Treats, 30% aiching, Gap fling, Short answer questions, KS ning NO hye big Thuyét ein nh theo ‘aaéng din ci gto vga ho trih ‘Ting 10 ai (Lay ung bah cbag ca idm Nghe vA N5i ~ Hin thee Oe wghiin = Trt Bi va chish xe | 123%, | GOP kéthop tags fc eu hi we nghiém: | §,6,7 =Noi dung: ton bp eée nai | 20 idem dang 4 de hoe tong hx | -Phdn yh: 6 in phim a ba 1 a bab 19 | Tr uh ng: 20 {ee 52) i SDE i to gb toi eu | + Vie un: 40 adn fy lain vi los efoto hig, pin rsa | Tg: 100 dm Tremp — Te | aud age aia Yung 2 Doctidy "| he thang di 10) Twila -Vidt = Wide eT a ofa nat sain = MiB 2: essay aoang 2308) ge i in ong Phin id thi gee bast babi 19, moe 3.2. Th lan a BA 75 pt Tings | 100% TRUONG KH TRUONG BQ MON 18, Hedng Th Hoa

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