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The Learning Preference of Grade 12 Students

of Holy Child’s Academy S.Y. 2022-2023

Presented to the faculty of

Holy Child’s Academy
San Jose District, Pagadian City

In Partial fulfillment of the

Requirements of the Strand

Erish Jasper J. Lantaca
Joesh Anjeson E. Lagnasan
Rashel Mae M. Larubis
Debena Ara C. Lauron
Darlene S. Languido
Cheska Jade M. Hisoler
Paul Vincent P. Homecillo
Benedict Aluysius G. Genotiva
Jasmine T. Ibrahim
Carl Edrian P. Franco
Johnrich H. Gramatica
Jonel Paulo B. Jacinto
Ritzi John L. Lapinig

May 17, 2023



The Learning Preference of Grade 12 Students

of Holy Child’s Academy S.Y. 2022-2023

Lantaca, E.2Lagnasan, J.3Larubis, R.4Lauron, D.5Languido, D.6Hisoler, C.7Homecillo,


P.8Genotiva, B.9Ibrahim, I.10Franco, C.11Gramatica, J.12Jacinto, J.13Lapinig, R.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the educational system worldwide

leading to the near-total closures of schools in elementary, high schools, and colleges

and leading to the existence of new learning modalities. Learning preference can

influence the approaches to course content. Knowing that students have learning

preferences encourages teachers to use a variety of teaching methods, materials and

media to cater for individual differences (Lujan and Dicarlo, 2006). This study is a

Quantitative Research Design and it focused on the learning preferences of grade 12

of Holy Child’s Academy S.Y. 2022-2023. The researcher surveys the grade 12 Holy

Child’s Academy students to find out their preferred modalities.

The findings in this research recommends the reopening of the Face-to-Face

classes in our school and to know the learning preference of the Grade 12 students of

Holy Child’s Academy. Additionally, if their preferred modalities improved their

academic performance.

Keywords: face-to-face; learning preference; online learning; blended learning; and



Our hearts are brimming with uncontrollable joy as we convey our heartfelt gratitude

to everyone who contributed to the successful completion of this study project. Mrs. Larine

Servado, our outstanding mentor for Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion (3I's), will be

forever grateful for her steadfast support and assistance in the preparation of this research

paper. This project would have remained incomplete without her unflinching knowledge and

cooperation. Her patience, motivation, excitement, and breadth of knowledge were simply

extraordinary. As researchers, we want to thank Mary for the essential knowledge,

encouragement, and profound wisdom she has shared with us.

We are quite thankful to her for her persistent supervision, direction, and technical

know-how in research, notably in the development of Chapters 1-3. Erish Jasper Lantaca,

Joesh Anjeson Lagnasan, Paul Vincent Homecillo, Benedict Aluysius Genotiva, Rashel Mae

Larubis, Debena Ara Lauron, Darlene Languido, Cheska Jade Hisoler, Jasmine Ibrahim,

Jonel Paulo Jacinto, Johnrich Gramatica, and Ritzi John Lapinig contributed significantly to

this paper. We greatly appreciate your words of encouragement and support, especially

during these trying times. It gives me great joy and pride to see you willing to lead and

manage this research effort with the support of the following active members.

Furthermore, we would like to express our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to our

respondents for their invaluable cooperation and effort in facilitating our study.

Finally, and most importantly, we express our heartfelt gratitude to the Greatest

Almighty, the author of knowledge and wisdom, for His unending love and guidance for us.

The Researchers


This research project required much time and effort to complete. Behind these are the

individuals who never hesitate to provide a helpful hand.

Our gratitude and appreciation also go to those who assisted us and those who

volunteered their time and expertise to assist us.

The researchers express their gratitude towards their loving family for their

cooperation in completing this study. To their friends, who provided valuable assistance and

moral support for this research. To our teachers who devoted their time and energy to teach

and offer a helpful guidance on how to complete this research. The researchers wished to

express their profound gratitude and thanks to the following accompanying individuals for

their direction, support, and suggestions in completing this research.

Above all, we thank our Almighty Creator for lavishing his grace, wisdom, and

blessings on the researchers, their families, and friends, during the period of the research.

To God belongs the glory




Title page i

Abstract Ii

Acknowledgement iii

Dedication iv

Table of Contents v

List of Figures viii

List of Tables ix


1 THE PROBLEM AND IT’S SETTING……………………………………....1


Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………..2

Significance of the Study………………………………………………………..2

Scope and Limitation…………………………………………………………....3

Conceptual framework of the Study…………………………………………….3

Statement of Hypothesis………………………………………………………...5

Definition of terms………………………………………………………………5


Introduction ……………………………………………………………………..7

DepEd Orders of the learning modalities….…………………………………….8

namely: Face-to-Face, Online learning

and Blended learning modality


Face-to-Face Learning…………………………………………………………..9

Online Learning…………………………………………………………………9

Blended Learning Modality……………………………………………………..10

Advantages and Disadvantages of Face-to-face,………………………………..11

Online Learning, and Blended Learning Modality.

Synthesis ………………………………………………………………………..12

3 RESEARCH METHOD……………………………………………………….13


Research Design…………………………………………………………………13

Research Environment…………………………………………………………..13


Research Instrument……………………………………………………………..14

Sampling Procedure……………………………………………………………..14

Data Gathering Procedure……………………………………………………….14

4 PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND………………………………………..16


5 SUMMARY, CONCLUSION,…………………………………………………22







Inform Consent……………………………...……………………………………26

Questionnaire Used………………………………………………………………28

Curriculum Vitae…………………………………………………………………31

List of Figures

Figure Page

1 Age of Respondents 16

2 Gender of Respondents 17

3 Strand of Respondents 17

4 What is the best learning modality do you Prefer 18

5 Were you still able 20

6 Did you experience any of these challenges in the new learning 21

modality? If you, please put a check mark in the box


List of Tables

Tables Page

1 Why do you prefer this Modality 19

2 How effective do you think is your preferred modality 19

3 Does this help improve your academic performance 20


Chapter 1



In accordance with DepEd Order (DO) No. 012, s. 2020, “Adoption of the Basic

Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) for School Year 2020-2021 in the light of the

COVID-19 Public Health Emergency,” DepEd shall employ multiple learning delivery

modalities (LDMs) to ensure the continued provision of learning opportunities to its learners,

while protecting the health and safety of both its personnel and learners. (DO_s2020_032-1-

1.pdf) We did this research because, as researchers, we are highly interested in other people's

preferences or thoughts regarding the aforementioned modalities, notably Face-to-Face

Learning, Online Learning, and the Blended Learning Modality, and how they compare them.

In this study, it is all about the "learning preferences of the students in Holy Child’s

Academy S.Y 2022-2023." In this, the Researchers gather the information from the students

of HCA through their preferred modality. In gathering the data, the Researchers uses

Correlational Research design and purposive sampling technique for its sampling technique

to reach its target population. Furthermore, the Researchers used questionnaires as a tool to

know the student’s preferred modality.


Statement of the Problem

The Learning Preference of the students in Holy Child’s Academy S.Y. 2022-2023.

General Problem

In this study we researchers, have gathered these four questions below that the Grade-12

students will answer,zin-order for us to find out what learning preferences do the Grade-12

students of Holy Child’s Academy S.Y. 2022-2023 prefer the most, is it effective? What are

the challenges they face, and can students still perform their physical activities?

1. What is the student’s preferred modality?

2. Is learning preference effective in improving the academic performance of the students?

3. What are the challenges faced by the Grade 12 students in Holy Child’s Academy S.Y


4. Can the students still perform physical activities like playing online games, spending time

with family, and hanging out with friends at home?

Significance of the Study

The researchers, conducted this research and gathered all the necessary information

the best that we can to know the learning preferences of grade-12 students of holy child’s

academy. As researchers, we are curious to know how the students chosen learning

preference works better for them, and how negative or positive it affects their academic

performance and well-being, and by knowing their preference, we can come up with an idea

on how we should acknowledge the students preference by studying this research we have

conducted in terms of how positive, helpful, comfortable their learning preference for them,

with that being said the idea of the students of school being “draining” “unnecessary” and the

feeling of them being unmotivated with school, we can positively change the students odea of

“school” if we provide them the needs that’s strike up their motivation, which by providing

them options in their learning preferences that will motivate them with school. Specifically,

this study will be significant and beneficial to the following sections:

Students. In this study, the students will be in search of their learning preference. It will help

them be aware of their preferred learning modality.

Teachers. In this study, the teachers will learn how to guide and acknowledge their student’s

learning preference that will help them keep motivated with school.

Scope and Limitation

This study focused on the Learning Preferences of the Grade 12 students in Holy

Child’s Academy S.Y 2022-2023. The scope of the study represents the 3 types of Learning

Modality namely: Face-to-face Learning, Online Learning and Blended Learning Modality.

The limitation of the study covers the 60 selected participants only in the Senior High School

students in Holy Child’s Academy. Furthermore, they have been chosen to answer the

questionnaire since they are one of the students who experienced the different modalities

being implemented in the midst of the pandemic.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

The main concept of this study is to discover the learning preference and how can

students be able to cope with their preferred learning modalities. As researchers discover that

it is hard to begin an education that we really know nothing about. In this time of the

pandemic, we need to be mentally prepared to be aware of the changes in our education.

Knowing this helps us to achieve the goal of knowing what the students prefer.

Conceptual Framework

Statement of Hypothesis
Ha1: 1. Most of the students preferred Face-to-Face Learning Modality to gain more


Ho2: 2. There are many challenges faced by the Grade 12 students in Holy Child’s Academy

S.Y. 2022-2023.

Ha2:2. The Face-to-Face Learning Modality is more effective as it improves the student’s

academic performance.

Ha3: 3. There are no challenges faced by the Grade 12 students in Holy Child’s Academy S.Y


Ha4: 4. Most of the students can still perform physical activities like playing mobile games,

spending time with family, and hanging out with friends.

Definition of Key Terms

Education. this is the method of encouraging learning or the procurement of information,

aptitudes, values, ethics, convictions, propensities, and individual advancement.

Online modality. it is an educational system in which a student learns on their gadgets. The

teachers of the students are teaching them through an application.

Face-to-Face modality. it’s an education in which instruction takes place between teachers

and understudies where all are physically shown within the same classroom Learning

Modality, is defined as the method of student participation in instruction: in-person, remote,

or hybrid.

Social being. sociable is a social person relating to interaction with other people, especially

for pleasure and a busy social life.

Pandemic. a pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease Coronavirus disease


COVID-19. most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate

symptoms and recover without special treatment.

Research. the creation of new knowledge in a new and creative way so as to generate new

concepts, methodologies, and understanding.

Researchers. gather data during the project life circle, analyze the data, and publicize the

findings to aid new research.

Participants. n. a person who takes part in an investigation, study, or experiment.

Blended learning. combines in-person teaching and interaction with supplemental online

educational elements

Chapter 2


The preferred learning modality of the students during the covid-19 pandemic is the

subject of this chapter’s review of related literature. We have gathered this necessary

information from reliable websites in relation to our topic for this chapter. Our topic talks

about the preference of the students on traditional education, correspondence courses and

internet-based distance education.

When the pandemic occurred, it took a toll on us, our nation, the world, and our

education. The impact of the pandemic has affected a lot of teachers and students ever-since

the student’s source of learning has been limited due to the virus that had occurred to avoid

the massive spread of this disease in our country. But in our current generation and era who

grew up and is exposed by high-end technologies and the internet for years, we had the

means to continue our education during the pandemic which is why we had engaged

ourselves into the online learning education and blended learning education for we were

unable to do the traditional learning education due to the deadly virus.

This study aimed to determine the factors that affect students’ preferences regarding

tutorial modes. A learning-habit inclinations questionnaire (LHIQ) was constructed and

administered to 288 students. Factor analysis revealed four factors: “time management,”

“ease of access” to learning materials, “positive aspects of interaction,” and “negative aspects

of interaction.” Seven satellite-based synchronous tutorials were delivered to 92 students in a

Research Methods course. Th e following semester, 73 other students taking the same course

received the same seven tutorials with the same tutor but in a mixed mode of delivery: three

similar satellite based synchronous tutorials and four satellite-based asynchronous

videocassettes containing the recorded tutorials of the previous semester. Attitudes toward

different components of the learning environments were measured and the LHIQ was

administered. Results revealed that preferences of tutorial mode were determined by students’

learning-habit inclinations: Those who prefer the satellite-based synchronous tutorials have

stronger views toward the positive aspects of interactions and score lower on the need for

autonomy and access to learning materials than those who prefer the satellite-based

asynchronous tutorials. Methodological (lessons on fi eld research), theoretical (significance

of learning styles in effective teaching and learning), and practical (flexibility in teaching

practices) implications are discussed. (Keywords: Learning styles, synchronous vs.

asynchronous learning, learning autonomy, individual differences, distance learning.)

DepEd Orders of the learning modalities namely: Face-to-Face, Online learning, and

Blended learning modality.

The public health emergency brought about by COVID-19 calls for the Department of

Education (DepEd) to be innovative and resourceful in delivering quality, accessible, relevant,

and liberating education. In response to this emergency, DepEd developed the Basic

Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) to ensure that learning opportunities are

provided to our learners in a safe manner, through different learning delivery. In line with this,

the Department, through its Regional and Schools Division Offices undertake the urgent and

necessary development, production and provision of learning resources, in accordance with

its mandate.

On 17 October 2022, DepEd issued an amendatory DepEd Order (DO) to DO 34, s.

2022 allowing private schools to offer blended learning modality and full distance learning

options to their students. DepEd is cognizant of the current situation of the private sector due

to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic — the amount of investment in online learning

technologies, the development and institutionalization of best practices on blended learning,


and the unfortunate closure of small private schools because of losses. DepEd will leave the

discussion on the learning modality to be implemented by private education institutions to the

schools, the parents/guardians, and the learners. DepEd, however, hopes that

parents/guardians of private school learners would not miss the abundance of scientific

studies available on the advantages of in-person classes over online learning. Meanwhile, all

public schools across the country will be mandated to implement five (5) days of in-person

classes starting 02 November 2022. The exceptions are (1) Public schools expressly granted

exemptions by the Regional Director concerned, and (2) Public schools with canceled classes

because of disasters and calamities. DepEd will also expedite the review of our blended

learning program to ensure that it will benefit our learners and essentially address learning


Face-to-Face Learning

Face-to-face learning is how we've historically been learning. It usually takes place in

a classroom and most times is centered around the lecturer. There are of course other ways to

organize the classroom like group learning, and learning with a partner and or a mentor.

Face-to-face learning requires that you are at a specific location at a specific time. It

also usually requires interaction or participation at times. For most people, going to a specific

location, at a specific time, is what puts them in the learning mindset and helps them

concentrate. For all of these reasons, students prefer classroom learning over virtual. This is

the reason for the wide popularity of face-to-face learning. It continues to be the default

learning method in most institutions are there are plenty of reasons why.

Online Learning

Online learning is a new way of learning, made popular with technological

advancements. With almost everyone having a personal computer and a busy schedule,

eLearning has become many people's favorite way of attending classes and expanding their

knowledge. But many still need to be convinced that you can attain the same knowledge and

skills through a computer as you would in a classroom.

Online learning can be conducted in any environment, at any time, as long as there is

a computer, an internet connection, and a person willing to learn. The content of the courses

can be transmitted through an LMS in many different multimedia formats. The learning can

be interactive and engaging, or it can be simple and lecture style. Online learning has the

flexibility to adapt to many people's preferences. That is one of the ways in which eLearning

benefits employee training and development.

Blended Learning

First of all, what is “Blended learning”? There are many definitions in different

sources. According to Graham.Ch et. al. (2019), “Blended learning is a strategic combination

of online and in-person instruction.” Russel T. Osguthorpe and Charles R. Graham in 2003

stated that Blended learning links face-to-face to distance conveyance framework, however, it

is more than demonstrating a page from a website on the screen… the ones who utilize

blended learning environments are attempting to boost the advantages of both face-to-face

and online techniques.

Blended learning is also known as hybrid learning, it is an approach to education that

combines online instruction components with those found in traditional face-to-face

instructional environments. It can be concluded that Blended learning is integrating

traditional face-to-face learning with technology and distance learning.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Face-to-face, Online Learning, and Blended Learning



First, it Encourages and helps with Social Skills. Second, Real-Time Interaction.

Third, avoid Distraction. Fourth, Promotes Collaborative Learning. Fifth, encourages critical

thinking, and lastly, it Teaches Accountability and Responsibility Many Filipino children

struggled to study at home during the COVID-19 pandemic due to a lack of motivation as

well as a lack of internet access and distractions like social media and gaming. “Some felt

that they were not obligated to study at home.” According to the study, children and

adolescents struggled to keep up with the new learning setup, environment, pedagogy,

modality, and technology changes.

Online Learning

First, students can interact with their teachers and classmates in real time. Second,

students can learn at their own pace. Third, online classes keep students and teachers safe

because both can take care of learning and teaching, respectively, from the comfort of their

own homes. Fourth, online classes allow students to have quality time with their families,

which is good for their mental health. However remote mode learning (online learning) has

also its challenges. The unavailability of computers, gadgets, and internet connection are

among the common problems of the remote mode of learning, not to mention the incapability

of some parents and guardians to teach the subject matter to their children as some of them

were not even finished in primary education (Alipio, 2020). One of the major challenges of

remote learning encountered by the students in the Philippines is internet connection concerns,

followed by laziness, consistent background noise, overwhelming activities, social media


influences, uninteresting topics, lessons difficult to understand, and no teacher’s feedback on

assignment/assessment activities.

Blended Learning

In blended learning, learners have a chance to ask about their misunderstandings in

the classroom at the same time they take flexible online lessons no matter wherever they are

and whenever. As challenges of the course, they mentioned three factors: the difficulty of

social interaction, late feedback from the teacher, and poor internet connection.


The covid-19 pandemic is proving to be a constructive disruptor. Giving a really hard

conflict to different fields, especially in education. Due to the lockdown and community

quarantine, the government and educational sectors created a plan to still continue the class in

every school. The new normal learning is said to be the solution to the conflict in the

educational field.

Traditional face-to-face education is temporarily closed during the first few months of

the new normal learning due to the pandemic. This is where online education becomes

convenient and any kind of class takes place via the Internet. According to,

almost all of the students interviewed for the research prefer face-to-face classes as they do

not find the home to be conductive to learning. Online learning is a new way of learning with

the use of technology advancements but are skeptical in attaining the same knowledge and

skills, and blended learning integrating the face-to-face leaning with technology and distance

learning but may carry the risk of the virus.


Chapter 3



In this chapter, the research methodology used in the study is described. The

geographical area where we conducted this study, the study design and the community, and

the sample are described. The instruments that were used to collect the data are described.

Research Design

This study used a Quantitative Research Design to know the Learning preferences of

the grade 12 students of Holy Child’s Academy S.Y. 2022-2023. Furthermore, this design

was chosen to meet the objectives of the study specifically to determine the opinions, views,

and knowledge of the students regarding which is more convenient to them between Face-to-

Face Learning Modality, Online learning Modality, and Blended Learning Modality.

Research Environment

This study was conducted at Holy Child’s Academy, Barangay San Jose, Pagadian

City, in the Senior High School Department in the six section which is the HUMSS, ABM,


Research Participants

The participants in this study were 60 grade 12 students of Holy Child’s Academy.

They are preferred participants since the researchers are also students from the same school

and their profile fits the purpose of the study.


Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers will be conducting a survey questionnaire. The

questionnaire is a set of orderly arranged questions that the interviewers carefully prepared

for the grade 12 students of Holy Child’s Academy. The survey questionnaires that the

researchers created consisted of 5 questions about the preferred modality of the grade 12

students of Holy Child’s Academy.

Sampling Procedure

The respondents are simply sub-categorized using the non-probability sampling

method specially convenience sampling. The researchers focused on each response from the

students of grade 12 Senior High school of Holy Child’s Academy by their willingness to

cooperate in the research survey. And the researchers instruct the respondents about the aim

of the research before the survey starts.

As a result of this, the study is limited only to Grade 12 students in Holy Child’s

Academy. The researchers investigate the students that were under the current available

academic tracks (STEM - 194 students, HUMMS - 52 students, ABM - 27 students.) Given

the possibility there are ten limited students each section will be surveyed. Overall, the

expected minimum number of students included in the survey is 50, and maximum number of

60 responses. The researchers utilized the surveyed respondents after the survey was given.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the researcher-made questionnaire was validated, the researcher multiplied it by

the number of copies sufficient to accommodate the respondents. At the same time, the

survey questionnaires were approved.


The questionnaire and copies of the questionnaire were conducted to each section in

the grade 12 department. And the researchers conducted the survey questionnaires to the 6

sections in the grade 12 department at Holy Child’s Academy. The questionnaires were

retrieved on the same day when they were answered.

The results of the retrieved copies of the questionnaire were tabulated. Then, the data

is analyzed and interpreted through the use of the most appropriate statistical procedure.

Chapter 4


In this section, the researchers presented the analysis of data derived from the

conducted survey, the said data were presented in the figure and tabular form in accordance

with the specific questions posited on the statement of the problem. This study aimed to

determine the preferred learning modality of the Grade 12 students of Holy Child’s Academy,

Senior High Department.

Figure 1

Age of Respondents in Percentage

In Figure 2, it represents the age of the respondents who responded to the research

questionnaire. There were 18 (25%) respondents who’s 15-17 years old and 42 (75%) who’s

18 above in total of 60 respondents.


Figure 2

Gender of


In Figure 3, it shows the respondents gender who responded in our research

questionnaire specifically 30 males (50%), and 30 females (50%) in total of 60 respondents.

This means that the 60 target respondents are equally answered the research questions.

Figure 3

Strand of Respondents

In figure 4, it shows the respondents strand who responded in our research

questionnaire specifically 10 HUMSS (16%), 10 ABM (16%), 10 STEM-A (17%), STEM-B

(17%), 10 STEM-C (17%), and 10 STEM-D (17%) in total of 60 gender respondents. This

means that the 60 target participants were divided into six rooms in the Senior High

Department in Holy Child’s Academy.

Figure 4

According to our survey, the majority of the Grade-12 students in Holy Child’s

Academy preferred learning modality is the face to face learning which 44 students have

chosen based on the results of our survey, which is now labeled as the best learning modality

according to this survey that we have conducted in every class on the grade 12 students in

holy child’s academy, while 13 students have chosen blended learning as their learning

modality, and finally only 2 student chose online modality as his/her learning modality.

Table 1

Why do you prefer this modality? Does it help you gain more knowledge? Why?

Variable Frequency Percentage

helpful 58 99%

Not Helpful 2 1%

Total 60 100%

In table 1 presented the data interpretation of the follow-up for number 1. From the

derived from figure 4, Most of the respondents answered “helpful” to their preferred modality.

The 99% answered “Helpful” and the rest 1% answered “Not Helpful”.

Table 2

How effective do you think is your preferred modality?

Variable Frequency Percentage

Effective 60 99.5%

Not so Effective 1 0.5%

Total 60 100%

Table 2 presented the data interpretation of the answers on question number 2. From

the data derived from the figure 4, the majority of the respondents answered that their

preferred modality is “effective” while on the other hand the rest 0.5% answered “not

effective”. The majority of the respondents answered effective on the question.

Table 3

Does this help you improve your academic performance?

Variable Frequency Percentage

Yes 60 100%

No 0 0%

Total 60 100%

In this table represents the answer on the question number 3, The majority answered

“Yes” as their preferred modality helps them improved their academic performance. While

the rest 0% answered “no”.

Figure 5

In figure 6, it shows the percentage of question number 4. There are 33(28%) playing

online games, 44(37%) spending time with family, 40(33%) hanging out with friends, and

2(2%) other. In total of 119(100%) responses.

Figure 6

According to this Bar chart results from the question that is stated inside the bar chart

above, it shows the challenges that the students faced in the new learning modality. And the

most challenging that the students faced is the “lack of motivation” with 20% students from

Holy Child’s Academy, second is “distraction” with 19% of students, third is “overwhelming

activities” with 15% students, fourth is “uninteresting topics and lesson is difficult to

understand” with 11% students, fifth is “struggled to keep up with the new learning set up”

with 10% of students, sixth is both “lack of resources” and “poor internet connection” with

15% students, seventh is “no/late teacher’s feedback on activities” with 5% students, and

lastly and the most lowest percent in the chart above is “no, did not experience any of these”

with 3% from the Grade 12 students of Holy Child’s Academy.

Chapter 5


In this chapter, the researchers present and discuss the collected data and derived the

results of the survey commenced from the 5th of May to the 7th of May, 2023. Additionally,

the said chapter contained the summary, conclusion, and recommendation of the researchers

regarding the students in their preferred modality.


Result was drawn from the 18 middle-age respondents in the surveys who mostly

completed a Senior High School. This assumption is significantly backed by result of this

(RRL) regardless to the influence of every student’s educational background as researchers

gathered a necessary & surveys referring each learning preferences of girl students of Holy

Child’s Academy. Subsequently under the emotional aspects obtained. On the other hand,

financial aspects of every preference as surveyed compared to other modalities specially

when hits the sampling methology as well as research instrument.

In this chapter, the researchers present the results of respondent’s answer, the 70% of

the respondents are 18 years old and above, and the remaining 30% of the respondents are

15-17 years old. The majority of the respondents preferred the Face-to-Face Learning as their

learning preference, for them it is helpful and effective in gaining more knowledge than the

two mentioned modalities. Additionally, we can see in figure 6 that the respondents still able

to do the following, the majority of respondents was spending time with family. Lastly the

major challenges faced by the respondents is lack of motivation as followed by distraction,

overwhelming activities, uninteresting topics and difficult to understand, struggled to keep up

with the new learning set-up, lack of resources, poor internet connection, no/late teacher’s

feedback on activities.


The results of the data gathered indicated that the majority of the respondent’s

prefereed “Face-to-Face Learning Modality”. The first Null Hypothesis was rejected and the

first Alternative Hypothesis was approved, which state that the students choose the Face-to-

Face Learning Modality.

With the result derived from the questions number 1 and the follow-up question 1

states that their preferred modality that helps them to gain more knowledge. Most of the

respondents choose the “Face-to-Face Learning Modality”, and answered “Helpful”.


Moreover, figure 5 visually presents the habits of the respondents during their

preferred modality and the fourth Null Hypothesis was rejected and the fourth Alternative

Hypothesis was approved, that is, the respondents can even do their habits during their

preferred modality.

Overall, as their preferred modality choose and also improve their academic

performance. Nonetheless, the said modality that they choose is effective to them and also

improved their academic performance. Therefore, the researchers concluded the challenges

that may encounter during their preferred modality.


Based on the results of this study, the following recommendations are suggested:

1. The researchers recommend that educators consider implementing the preferred teaching

method in their classrooms. The evidence suggests that this method is more effective than

traditional teaching methods in enhancing students' critical thinking skills and promoting

active learning. To ensure successful implementation.

2. The researchers suggest that educators participate in training preferred modality to learn

how to use the method effectively.


3. The researchers recommend that schools allocate resources to support the implementation

of the new method, such as providing instructional materials and technology support.

4. Recommend that future research be conducted to evaluate the long-term effects of the

preferred teaching method and to identify potential areas for improvement.

5. The researchers recommend the re-opening of the Face-to-Face classes in our school with

proper compliance of the health protocol and by wearing a protective face mask in public



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I. Inform Consent

II. Questionnaire Used

A survey regarding parental involvement and students’ academic performance. In partial

fulfillment for the Practical Research subject of Group 3 Saint Therese of Calcutta

students. Note: Information given below shall be held private and be only used for data

analysis and deriving results. Personal information about the respondents will remain

private and will not be disclosed in the final paper.

1. Personal Information

a. Name: ______________________________________

b. Age: 15-17 years old 18 years old above

c. Gender: Male Female

2. Strand







1. What is the best learning modality do you prefer?

Face-to-Face Learning

Online Learning

Blended Learning Modality

Why do you prefer this modality? Does it help you gain more knowledge? Why?



2. How effective do you think is your preferred modality?



3. Does this help you improve your academic performance?



4. Were you still able to do any of the following?

Playing online games

Spending time with family

Hanging out with friends

Other (please specify): ________________________

5. Did you experience any of these challenges in the new learning modality? If you,

please put check mark in the box.

Lack of motivation (e.g., laziness & procrastination)

Lack of resources (e.g., gadget & internet)

Distraction (e.g., gaming, social media, & background noise)

Struggled to keep up with the new learning set-up

Poor internet connection

Overwhelming activities

Uninteresting topics and lesson difficult to understand

No/late teacher’s feedback on activities

No, I did not experience any of these


How did you handle this kind of challenges?



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