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CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

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CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology

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Automating design with intelligent human–machine integration

Yue H. Yin (2)a,*, Andrew Y.C. Nee (1)b, S.K. Ong (1)b, Jian Y. Zhu (1)c, Pei H. Gu (1)d,
Lien J. Chen (2)e
Robotics Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China
Shantou University, Shantou, China
Pratt and Whitney, Hartford, CT, USA


Keywords: This paper reviews the state-of-the-art methodologies for automating design with intelligent human–
Design automation
machine integration from the perspectives of ontology and epistemology. The human–machine
Human–machine integration
integrated automating design paradigm is reviewed systematically based on a proposed prototype of
Intelligent design
Imaginal thinking human–machine integrated design, from the aspects of ontology-based knowledge management with
Ontology local-to-global ontology transitions, and epistemology-based upward-spiral cognitive process of coupled
design ideation. Particularly, imaginal thinking frame is proposed as the foundation of intelligent
human–machine interaction that puts human and machine on an equal platform. Further, this paper
presents implementations and applications of the automating design paradigm and concludes with the
identification of future trend.
ß 2015 CIRP.

1. Introduction comparisons in literature [103,117,177,205,206], they all share

three basic characteristics, namely intelligentization, modular-
1.1. Challenges ization and reconfigurability. Thus, nowadays companies not only
should be flexible to process a variety of existing products, but also
In the last century, the manufacturing industry has faced major be scalable and reconfigurable to deal with new products in order
challenges posed by the shifting from mass production to mass to survive in the global competition. Major progress of product
customization and personalization. Such challenges require the manufacturing has been achieved mainly through the develop-
companies to be able to react to unpredictable, rapid and ment and application of advanced manufacturing technologies
fluctuating market changes in a responsive and cost-effective and tools [2,38,97,113,115,140,186,199].
way [205]. These dynamical market changes are driven by fierce While the advanced manufacturing systems and technologies
global economic competition, better educated and more demand- mentioned above have provided some cost-effective solutions to
ing customers, and a rapid advancement in processing technolo- mass customization and rapid responses to dynamic market
gies, which reflect a new balance among economy, technology and changes, they are still inadequate in handling all the challenges,
society [206]. Meanwhile, the past few decades have witnessed partly because of the fact that design science has come to a
the evolution of manufacturing paradigm from Dedicated bottleneck and researchers often neglect the time needed for
Manufacturing System (DMS) to Flexible Manufacturing System design of both new products and its manufacturing system. As
(FMS) [35]. Due to the high initial investment of FMS, other shown in Fig. 1, in order to cope with the short window of
advanced manufacturing systems, such as Computer Integrated opportunity for introducing new products, advanced manufactur-
Manufacturing System (CIMS), Agile Manufacturing System ing paradigms, technologies and processes mentioned above have
(AMS), Reconfigurable Manufacturing System (RMS) [206] to- dramatically helped to reduce the manufacturing system lead-
gether with other Intelligent Manufacturing System (IMS) like time of the products during the last few decades, including the
Fractal, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems have time for designing, building or reconfiguring the manufacturing
been developed. Although these manufacturing systems are system, as well as that for ramping up to full-volume and high
explicitly different from each other according to the detailed quality production. However, the methodologies for designing
both products and manufacturing systems are far from maturity,
leading to the remaining long design time. While extensive
attention has been paid to advanced manufacturing technologies,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 2134206310.
E-mail address: (Y.H. Yin). many other factors, including rather detrimental ones that could
0007-8506/ß 2015 CIRP.

Please cite this article in press as: Yin YH, et al. Automating design with intelligent human–machine integration. CIRP Annals -
Manufacturing Technology (2015),
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CIRP-1406; No. of Pages 23

2 Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

human and machine have been slow, partly because of the gap
between human’s customary intuitive thinking and computer’s
logical thinking under the traditional AI framework. Recently, the
imaginal thinking method [207,209] has attempted to narrow this
gap. This method considers imaginal thinking, the synonym of
image-based thinking, to be the fundamental mode of human
thinking. It is defined as the forming of images and the holistic and
direct comparisons among them. Moreover, imaginal thinking is
supported by experimental psychologists [19] who have shown
Fig. 1. The relationship between design and manufacturing. that people actually use images, not descriptions as computers do,
to understand and respond to the outside world. Brooks’ [19,20]
affect the holistic product cycle are often neglected. It is achievements in action-based AI theory also show indirect
conceivable that advanced manufacturing technologies or evidence of human imaginal thinking, which is different in
manufacturing systems alone can hardly address all the chal- approach but equally satisfactory in result. Thus, imaginal thinking
lenges. Design, which is usually regarded as the starting point or is helpful to promoting automating design with intelligent
fountainhead of product manufacturing, determines what the human–machine interaction, because design ideation can be
product should be and where it is to be used and is the vital factor considered as the generation and transformation of generalized
one should emphasize on. Unfortunately, although design theory images.
and methodology have been quite well developed in the last few On the other hand, research [207,209] has proven the feasibility
decades, they are still lagging behind the development of advanced of computer’s behavioural intelligence in mimicking human
manufacturing technologies and systems. In consequence, there imaginal thinking. The emergence and rapid development of 3D
are few or no corresponding design theories or methodologies modelling in CAD have seen the increasing ability of computers in
(DTM) for product development and manufacturing processes. processing images. Moreover, virtual reality (VR) [3,112] and
Without appropriate DTMs guiding how and where to use these augmented reality (AR) technologies [121] have been exploited as
modern technologies, the driving effect of advanced manufactur- powerful human–machine interaction tools by creating efficient
ing systems will be largely limited. Therefore, despite of the interactive environments. Although technology developments
manufacturing lead-time which has been shortened due to have laid a firm foundation, the current AI level is still the most
technology development, the design time of both new products influential limiting factor to the implementation of automating
and its manufacturing system has now become a dominant design paradigm. Therefore, for situations where computer
limiting factor. The application of advanced design technologies systems alone are inadequate to complete the design tasks, the
and tools in the early product design phase and the design of its guidelines based on imaginal thinking can help to build up an
manufacturing system are the situations where the most impor- automating design paradigm with intelligent human–machine
tant decisions are made with respect to product functionality, integration technologies, such as 3D images under a VR or AR
quality, manufacturability, cost, environmental performance and platform.
life cycle for optimum design and development of products and
manufacturing systems. 1.3. Automating design based on ontology and epistemology
Furthermore, as the core of a manufacturing system, handmade
and manually operated machines are being replaced by CNC, or It has been well recognized that design is essentially an iterative
automated equipment such as autonomous machine tools and process based on human experience, knowledge and creativity,
robots. Therefore, the intelligentization of advanced manufactur- indicating that human’s intuitive creativity is vital for coming up
ing paradigms and machines has become an important trend, with a brand-new design solution, while AI and existing design
which necessitates artificial intelligence (AI)-based methodologies theories fall short to generate a general framework. Due to the fact
to realize the automation of the design paradigm. that the nature of human intelligence has not been fully discovered
and confusion still exists between the intelligence of human design
1.2. Intelligent human–machine integration and the intelligent nature of design itself, a clear definition of DTM
has not yet been formulated. This further aggravates the relation-
In some sense, automating design using a computer can be ships among individual theories and methodologies such that
regarded as a mimetic behaviour of human design activities, as designers may feel difficult to choose a correct method to conduct
computer systems are expected to independently finish the entire design. Moreover, the application of AI becomes essential as
design process. Up to the present, despite numerous studies using required by the ultimate goal of automating design. This puts
AI for design to enable the computers to be equally effective as forward higher requirements on the understanding of the inherent
human decisions, few known systematic methods or scientific relation between the intelligence of human design and the
basis for automating design have been developed. With the rapid intelligent nature of design, and the logical mapping to AI is even
development of technologies like FEA for computer-aided design more profound. Thus intractable problems arise when complex
(CAD), computers, endowed with fast and massive computational connections among the intelligent nature of design, human
and logical deduction abilities, are becoming increasingly more intelligence and AI need to be resolved.
powerful for simple design tasks requiring fast and cost-effective Examining these problems from a higher perspective with
performance. However, due to the intrinsic deficiency of compu- broader and deeper insights helps greatly in eliminating the
ters in decision-making and evaluation, human participation confusions. Philosophical views of design [86], which are concerned
remains a necessity for many complex tasks involving qualitative with the explanation of the fundamental nature of existence and the
judgements and uncertainties. In contrast, humans tend to practise relationship between human and external knowledge, have been
intuitive thinking based on their rich experience and knowledge, dedicated to building the ultimate guideline for the understanding
while compared with computers, humans are much weaker and of design. Actually all the design activities performed by human also
slower at logical deduction. Therefore, human–machine integra- act as a significant means of obtaining knowledge. Two topics,
tion is a promising approach for automating design, combining the namely ontology and epistemology have been leading philosophical
quantitative computation and qualitative analytical advantages of research. Ontology is defined as the science of things that exist,
both while compensating the weaknesses of each other. including the nature, the properties, the characters and the relations
While it is well recognized that human–machine integration of the objects in reality [69,70]. Epistemology, on the other hand, is
should surpass the power of either human or machine intelligence concerned with the methodology for achieving and correctly
alone, advances in harmonizing the intelligent interaction between understanding the knowledge. In the realm of design science, it

Please cite this article in press as: Yin YH, et al. Automating design with intelligent human–machine integration. CIRP Annals -
Manufacturing Technology (2015),
G Model
CIRP-1406; No. of Pages 23

Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 3

The remaining sections of the paper are organized as follows:

Section 2 provides an overview of the brief history of DTM including
several widely applied intelligent design theories which can be
regarded as the cornerstones in DTM development. Section 3
provides the basic definitions of ontology and epistemology, and
further discusses ontology-based design modelling from the
knowledge management perspective and ontology integration.
The intelligent human–machine interaction paradigm along with
the discussions on traditional AI frames and the imaginal thinking
frame, as well as the relevant support tools are also reviewed in
detail. Moreover, the epistemologies and the notion of coupled
design and coupled optimization in automating design are further
Fig. 2. The upward spiral characteristics of automating design. discussed. Section 4 demonstrates the implementation of the
automating design paradigm in the design of a large ultra-precision
grinding machine. Sections 5 and 6 contain the concluding remarks
specifically addresses the question of what is the relation between and the prospection of future trends respectively.
the object of knowledge, and elaborates the influence of human on
the process of achieving knowledge. As shown in Fig. 2, the 2. Brief history of automating design
development of automating design paradigm has actually been
undergoing an upward spiral process, which is different from the In the past 160 years, perhaps since Redtenbacher, Reuleaux,
well accepted iterative process viewed from traditional DTMs, but Bach, Riedler and others who attempted to understand the design
quite similar to the development of philosophical research. The process, a variety of DTMs have been developed and proposed.
ontological understanding of automating design also goes Moreover, a recognized classic view is that a design theory is the
through an evolution process. During the modification and modelling and understanding of design, while design methodolo-
exchanges of each ontology, the understanding towards it keeps gies are about how to design or how a design should be [178]. This
evolving, and its connotation also keeps refreshing itself. With period has also witnessed the development of automating design,
the promotion of this quantitative-to-qualitative change, an on which extensive studies have been conducted. The upward
epistemological jump occurs eventually, resulting in a new spiral development of automating design shown in Fig. 2 can be
version of the ontology. Comparing to the epistemological roughly divided into four stages, with each stage supported by
evolutions, the phase before the birth of a new ontology can be significant achievements that continually promoted the cognitive
considered a quasi-static or homeostatic process. With the help of level. Meanwhile, the progress of various aspects has contributed
epistemology, the ontologies involved in automating design to the spiral understanding of automating the design paradigm. In
becomes increasingly organized and structured: firstly formed particular, two dominating issues stand out: (1) Understanding of
are the local ontologies, which will then be gradually integrated the intelligent nature of design, which will continue to take time to
into a global one by the collaboration and interaction of human achieve, and the understanding needs to stay up-to-date. (2) The
and machine. Similarly, the optimization in design must also technical level, which directly determines the implementation
experience such local-to-global and uncertain-to-certain onto- methods and the thinking frame.
logical transitions. As can be seen from Fig. 2, ontology and The evolvement of automating design is schematically shown in
epistemology are actually inherently related to each other, i.e., Fig. 3, which emphasizes the changing inferential burden during
ontology is the cognitive result of epistemology, while the the design process of human and machine where the abscissa is the
embodiment of epistemology must be based on ontology. time axis and the ordinate represents the design burden. The time
Moreover, the development of automating design has made domain is roughly divided into three periods according to the
evident the importance of human–machine integration, as human different developing stages of automating design: 1850–1980,
and machine are both the central intelligent agents that promote 1980–1995, 1995–present. The inferential burden is composed of
the ontological evolution. two types, i.e., logical thinking and intuitive thinking, which are the
Therefore, based on the philosophical views of ontology and two distinct well-recognized thinking frames. The height of the
epistemology, it is promising to solve the confusion challenging rectangle represents the entire design task, while the purple line
the automating design paradigm by clarifying the relations among represents the design load performed by humans and the blue line
these elements and providing deeper insights into them. The represents that performed by machines. Until the 1970s, humans
superiority of philosophical views for the design process is did nearly all the design tasks reflected by the purple line that stays
strongly supported by Horvath’s research when he gave his at the same height, indicating humans were performing all the
classification of design theories and considered design philosophy design tasks while the blue line stays almost on the ground
as an independent category [86]. He argued that design indicating machines had almost no role in the design process. The
philosophy is the highest level of speculative thinking of the unbalanced task allocation is due to the lack of computing and
historical evolution of the design discipline and the fundamental computer-aided drafting facilities at that time. The situation had
basis of design thinking. Numerous contributions have been made been changed in the 1980s with the emerging and rapid
since. Gero [59], for instance, takes an ontological view when he development of CAD and other analysis technologies, and the
built the function–behaviour–structure (FBS) design prototype changing trend is evident in Fig. 3. During the 1970s and 1980s, the
and thus clarified many design concepts and their relations. Their purple line starts to decline at the same rate as that of increase of
work can be regarded as solid evidence for the effectiveness of
epistemology and ontology, from both the theoretical and
practical perspectives.
The motivation of this paper is to present a holistic automating
design paradigm with intelligent human–machine integration,
which aims at revealing the nature of the design process and
relieving human from design burden. Ontology and epistemology
are employed to clarify the confusions and complex mapping
relationships among the intelligent nature of design, human
intelligence and AI so that a firm theoretical foundation for
automating design paradigm could be established. Fig. 3. Brief history of automating design.

Please cite this article in press as: Yin YH, et al. Automating design with intelligent human–machine integration. CIRP Annals -
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CIRP-1406; No. of Pages 23

4 Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

the blue line, indicating that the design inferential burden was 2.2. Attempts to fully automate the design process from 1980 to 1995
gradually taken over by the computers. Revolutionary attempts
were made continuously and have given rise to the great forward In earlier years, design theory related research was mostly
leap in the design industry, indicated by the rapidly rising blue line carried out in German-speaking countries. The situation has
in the 1970–1985 period because of the advent of computer changed since the 1980s when this field evoked a much broader
technology. The future of automating design seems to be interest, especially in the United States. Meanwhile, with the
promising. However, people soon realized the innate deficiency emerging and rapid development of CAD, AI and other analytic
of machine intelligence, as mentioned in the previous sections. technologies, the power of computers has been well-acknowl-
When it went to the 1990s, industrial systems became more edged. As a result, many new methods have been introduced by AI
complex and a large amount of information had to be handled in researchers interested in design. This gave rise to the scientific
the conceptual design phase. Either computer or human alone was formulation of knowledge, and the power of mathematics began to
not able to handle such complex design tasks. As a result, take effect in design [177]. Nowadays, many simple tasks like
automating design was stagnant around 1995, as represented by repetitive computing and drafting are assigned to computers,
the flattening of the blue line in Fig. 3, whereas the design resulting in the concept of automating design paradigm which put
community was lingering between hope and disappointment. It machines at the centre of design activities with less human
was not long before researchers realize the possibility of human– intervention, and it is becoming a significant trend of design
machine integration which would be able to achieve the research.
complementary advantages of both the intuitive thinking of From then on, numerous studies have been dedicated to the
human and logical deduction of computer. The development of understanding of the contents of automating design. Some
automating design has made another stride in the 2000s. However, scholars concentrated on the application of CAD in solving specific
there is obviously a limit to the machine’s inferential power due to problems with an algorithmic approach. Shirai et al. introduced a
the intrinsic logical thinking frame, which is incongruous with compact and practical CAD/CAM system for progressive dies
humans’ intuitive thinking frame, resulting in a wide gap between [159]. Feng et al. described the basic principles and methods for
human and machine. The aforementioned imaginal thinking intelligent CAD of shafts, sleeves and cylindrical gears using
method has presented a hopeful sign of unifying the two desktop computers [53]. Others focused on better solutions for
significant thinking frames, holding the promise to fully automate CAD/CAM integration and the building of intelligent CAD systems.
the design process. The three stages of automating design are Melkanoff et al. discussed the capabilities and implementation of
discussed in detail below. an ‘‘intelligent’’ CAD system [116]. The system provides direct
feedback from manufacturing experience to the CAD process by
2.1. The foundation of automating the design process during the guiding the user to implement a design with the consideration of
period of 1850–1980 manufacturing processes, economic manufacturing, and automat-
ed manufacturing. Gal-Tzur investigated an interactive hierarchi-
Initial efforts were mainly focused on the insights into the cal CAD/CAM system for the integrated design and manufacturing
intelligent nature of human’s design behaviour itself, leading to a of cams [56]. Kimura and Suzuki studied the representation and
consensus on what design is and how to model the holistic design manipulation of designers’ intent, which is highly effective to
process [8,114,139,181,202]. Pioneering works were done by some support efficient product designs in CAD systems [93].
German scholars. Redtenbacher [141] pointed out several char-
acteristics and principles, such as sufficient strength, sufficient 2.2.1. Thinking design machine based on axiomatic design
stiffness, low wear and friction, minimum use of materials, easy Aiming at solving the problems involved in the conceptual
handling, easy assembly, and maximum rationalization. Reuleaux design stage, Suh proposed axiomatic design, which is based on
[145–147], the student of Redtenbacher, was one of the earliest to two design axioms: (1) The Independence Axiom: maintaining the
think highly of human intelligence in design activities. He pointed independence between functions and requirements; (2) The
out that design evaluation should be done by the intelligence and Information Axiom: minimizing the information contents of the
discretion of designers. In the 1920s, regarding the balancing of design. This theory attempts to create fundamental principles and
conflicting demands, Erkens proposed a step-by-step approach methodologies with the purpose of providing a firm scientific basis
based on constant texting and evaluation [52,189–191]. He for design [168–171].
suggested that this process must be continued until a network of In Suh’s opinion, although many CAD software and programs
ideas, or the design emerges. After that, some seminal theories laid have been developed, they only deal with the later stages of the
the foundation for the development of automating design. Franke design process, such as geometric modelling and drawing [79,176],
created a comprehensive structure for transmission systems using whereas the actual design solution depends highly on the
a logical-function analogy based on the elements with different designer’s individual knowledge and creativity. He is the first to
physical effects [55]. Hansen highlighted the significant influenc- develop a ‘‘thinking design machine’’ (TDM) which can automati-
ing factors in the design process and classified them by defining a cally generate designs or design concepts. Based on Axiomatic
system as a clearly delimited part of reality which is related to its Design, the mapping result of TDM from the function domain to the
environment (U), structure (S) and function (F) [76]. Furthermore, physical domain is not unique [45,58,105,117,172,173]. However,
he realized that the core issue of engineering design is the analytic although an infinite number of plausible design solutions may be
and synthetic relations between the sets of functions and generated, not all of them are appropriate. Therefore in TDM, these
structures [77]. solutions are evaluated based on the design axioms.
Based on the above explorations, some basic concepts were
clarified and an initial consensus was reached about the intelligent 2.2.2. Intelligent CAD based on general design theory (GDT)
nature of automating design. Noteworthy is that Pahl and Beitz GDT scientifically pursues a better understanding of design by
[131] created a design framework including four stages, namely, further aiming at two engineering goals. One is to serve as a
planning and clarification, conceptual design, embodiment design, guiding principle for building future (intelligent) CAD systems. The
and detail design, and this frame has been widely adopted by now. other is to provide the designer with a practical and efficient design
It not only provides preliminary theoretical guide for the methodology. Technically, GDT is not purely a design theory
optimization processes in automating design, but also recognizes because it defines design knowledge mathematically and makes it
the iterative nature of design. Furthermore, the frame elucidates operable as mathematical sets. In this sense, GDT is a theory about
the fact that ‘‘conceptual design’’, starting from requirements to design knowledge and more so general knowledge [6,212,213].
configuration, is the core that mostly reflects the creative and Yoshikawa proposed that an intelligent design system must
intelligent essence of design. perform the following tasks: process planning, tool selection,

Please cite this article in press as: Yin YH, et al. Automating design with intelligent human–machine integration. CIRP Annals -
Manufacturing Technology (2015),
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CIRP-1406; No. of Pages 23

Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 5

fixtures and machine tools, determination of cutting conditions, algorithms are abundant, such as modular design [73], adaptable
etc. Therefore, the systems must be capable of recognizing and design [71], TRIZ [27,75,192], Pugh’s total design [136] and
understanding the results of the design in order to translate the concurrent engineering [117,163]. All these revolutionary
geometrical data into those instructions. Design is a complicated attempts have given rise to the great-leap development in the
intellectual process consisting of various kinds of decisions such as design world. However, the innate disadvantages of either human
understanding the design specification, selection or creation of or machine have severely limited the progress in automating
components, determination of mapping methods between them, design. In the 1990s, industrial systems have become more
and supplement of detailed shapes and dimensions, etc. All these complex and conceptual design has been challenged by massive
decisions should be made by analysing the functional require- information. Meanwhile, modern technologies are increasingly
ments of a design object, which can be treated as a machine which relying on computer’s strong processing power to perform
assembly of the components depends on the designer. Accordingly, complex computation and simulation. Consequently, there is an
a CAD system assisting the design process is expected to be capable urgent need to find a way of complementing the intelligence of
of either making decisions for the designer or providing a good human and machine.
environment that facilitates decision making. A CAD system with
such capabilities is referred to as an intelligent CAD system 2.3. Automating design with intelligent human–machine integration
[142,211]. from 1995 to present
TDM and intelligent CAD have formed the theoretical basis for
automating design fully. These two theories have been achieved The irreplaceable role of human creativity and inspiration has
through different approaches but are equally effective in applying been well recognized and numerous studies have been dedicated
machine intelligence to the stage of conceptual design, as TDM to its rational explanation in a general framework. In Gero’s
provides a systematic frame of conceptual design for machine perspective [59], during creative design which extends or moves
processing, and intelligent CAD clarifies the human ability of the state space of potential designs, the role of context and the
designing in a scientific way, meanwhile producing the practical designer’s perception of it play an increasingly important part
knowledge about design methodology. In spite of the deep [59]. Peirce pioneered in formalizing the abduction process
insights, these theories remain hard to put into practice, and this [21,78], which has been regarded as a general formalization of
leads to the notion of introducing ontology and epistemology into intuitive creativity with logic [21,78]. Shah [157] proposed two
design. ways of generating creative designs, either intuitive or logical. The
intuitive approaches are capable of increasing the flow of ideas,
2.2.3. FBS prototype based on ontology removing mental blocks, and increasing the chances of conditions
It is not until the last two decades that researchers started to perceived to be promoters of creativity. Although it is manifested
apply ontology [30,43,46,149,155] to automating design research, that mimicking the designers’ intuitive thinking would be a great
and it was around the time when AI technology began to boom. help to automating design, the wide gap between intuitive and
One representative theory is the FBS design prototype. logical thinking remains unsolved.
The basis for Gero’s FBS framework is formed by three classes of Currently, a practical way is to maximize human creativity
variables describing different aspects of an object under design: when conducting design activities, and this leads to the notion of
namely function (F), behaviour (B), and structure (S). A design human–machine integration. Chen et al. [109,110,210] proposed
description (D) is figured out when a designer constructs the idea of ‘‘human–machine integrated system’’ composed of
connections among the function, behaviour and structure of an human intelligence and machine intelligence, which emphasizes
object through his knowledge and experience. human’s role in design and the construction of human centric
Moreover, Gero found that in most cases, designers begin with design system. Computer system is no more the only components
incomplete information, and this has led to the question of how to of manufacturing system, but an important part connoting
start a design before all the relevant information is available. To machine and human. Despite the quite enlightening ideas, the
formulate an answer, Gero proposed his design prototype, which is essential issue of the nature of thinking has not been solved in a
a conceptual schema for representing a class of generalized general framework [40]; moreover, it is still questionable whether
heterogeneous grouping of elements derived from resembling overemphasizing the role of human would facilitate the establish-
design cases that provide the basis for the start and continuation of ment of automating design paradigm. Hence, after realizing the
the design, through integrating all the requisite knowledge advancement of human–machine integration, a natural question is
appropriate for the situation into one unified schema [59]. how to harmonize it. The bottleneck lies in the difficulty in
FBS prototype has made large influence on automating design developing new theories and methods capable of perceiving the
from two perspectives, i.e., it elucidates the iterative nature of data and reasoning in an intuitive way like humans in order to
design behaviour, and proposes a feasible framework for the maximize the power of human–machine integration. To solve this
integration of human knowledge, experience and creativity. As a problem, understanding human thinking framework holds the key
ground breaking effort, the FBS prototype has been inspiring more and several new theories have been proposed. Yin
systematic and global design frameworks that compensate its [206,207,209,216] attempted to develop an AI framework based
relatively local descriptions of design. Based on the successful on imaginal thinking. This exploration helps us to make one step
modelling of FBS, further studies have been implemented. The closer to the ultimate goal of enabling machines to conduct all the
theory of RFBS [34] emphasizes on the determination of design tasks with truly harmonized human–machine integration.
requirement, which acts as the performance criteria of the product
or the expected behaviour of the system. Situated FBS [60] 3. Human–machine integrated automating design paradigm
proposes that the designer’s concepts, as a function of what he has
done, may change according to what he is ‘seeing’, i.e., the As shown in Fig. 4, the paradigm of human–machine integrated
interactions between the designer and the environment strongly automating design emphasizes the integration of machine’s
influence the course of design. To inspire new and creative design massive computation and logical deduction abilities and human’s
ideas, cross-domain knowledge is required. By analysing the experience, intuition and creativity, whereas automating design is
function representations in different design domains, graphic essentially machine-centred with the ultimate goal of completely
design suggests that the function representation can be general- emancipate human from the design workloads. It is mainly
ized into a small number of categories [138]. This formalism is composed of three areas: the prototype of human–machine
employed in an explorative model of analogy-based design. integrated automating design, ontological modelling of knowledge
In addition, although not categorized into a specific knowledge management and epistemology-based automating rationale, and
system, significant progresses based on intelligent computer intelligent human–machine interaction. Fig. 4 provides a global

Please cite this article in press as: Yin YH, et al. Automating design with intelligent human–machine integration. CIRP Annals -
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CIRP-1406; No. of Pages 23

6 Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Fig. 5. Ontology of automating design and its semantic-network [85].

epistemology can be formulated: epistemology specifies consen-

Fig. 4. Human–machine integrated automating design paradigm. Note the loops of sual or formalized information flow of reasoning or cognitive
kinematic optimization (1, 10 , 100 ), dynamical optimization (2, 20 , 200 ) and geometric process towards an ontology. The following discussion on
optimization (3, 30 , 300 ).
automating design with human–machine integration would be
implemented from the perspectives of both ontology and
view of the whole automating design process that embodies the epistemology.
human–machine integrated design notion with cross-domain, Viewing from the present technical limitations, a key challenge
collaborative and concurrent characteristics aiming at design in automating design is accomplishing the automated decision-
integration and collaboration. making under critical conditions of complex product design, when
The ontology-based design theories and methodologies have faced with massive data, insufficient prior knowledge, missing and
been extensively studied and applied in the design realm contradicting data. Although a computer is highly effective in
[30,69,70]. Ontology in design science can be considered as relatively uncomplicated and structured design tasks, human–
common vocabulary or standardized terminology of specific machine integration is crucial in a way that designers can refer to
domain knowledge [70], and often provides the hierarchical the embodied possible solutions rapidly generated by a computer,
structure and the widely acknowledged semantic-network of that meanwhile focus on creative works, decision-making and opti-
knowledge [31]. For design of the general sense, ontology is mization.
favourable for the grasping of a methodology or some domain Effective human–machine integration depends largely on an
knowledge, while for automating design, the reasoning of the efficient human–machine interaction interface. The most widely
entire design process or the knowledge is particularly crucial, as applied intelligentization method is the visualization interface,
the machine is expected to mimic the design ideation and which is an object-oriented system [3]. The integration of
knowledge reuse process of humans [209]. This leads to the core computing visualization and application of VR/AR techniques
issue of automating design, i.e., the human cognitive principles and makes the system human-oriented [106,128,187]. On the other
models [207,209], which are however under broad debates and the hand, Internet of Things (IoT), as the backbone of the system, is the
cognitive models remain coarse [201]. From the philosophical basis for information sharing and resource allocation [7,197]. With
view, reasoning or cognitive science is directly related to the help of these technologies, humans are left to define the
epistemology, as introduced earlier. The philosophical concepts priority list of optimization, set specific design objectives and
of ontology and epistemology are tightly coupled with each other, constraints or select optional choices, whereas the automated
i.e., neither will make sense without the other. Therefore, ontology computer platform is responsible for tedious, specific, or repetitive
in the design world has been inherently endowed with the computation and logical tasks, releasing designers to concentrate
cognitive process or attributes, but is focused on a relatively static on more creative work.
structure, framework, or an exchange protocol, e.g., in the The challenge of automating design with intelligent human–
representing manner of a semantic-network [185]. However, machine integration can be concluded from three perspectives:
aiming at the demands of reasoning in automating design, it
becomes a necessity to introduce the twinned concept of  ontological modelling and ontology-based knowledge manage-
ontology—epistemology into design science, and in effect the ment of automating design;
relevant efforts have already unconsciously proposed concepts  epistemologies of automating design; and
that fall in this category.  thinking frames and support tools for intelligent human–
Compared to ontology, epistemology depicts the dynamic machine integration.
information flow among the entity concepts within the prescrip-
tive ontology. Although at the first glance epistemology in this
sense seems to be similar with semantic-network, the distinction 3.1. Ontology of automating design with intelligent human–machine
between them is evident: although a semantic network may also integration
formulate the information flow, usually the interoperable relations
are without teleology. On the contrary, epistemology is aimed at Automating design is essentially a knowledge operation
reasoning with a clear purpose. It contains the reasoning process [180] based on human–machine collaboration that is
information flow that bridges the gap between the initial intrinsically continuous, dynamic, systematic, iterative and
knowledge state and the desired knowledge state. Examples coupled.
include the design prototypes illustrated in Figs. 4 and 5. Besides, The epistemological framework of automating design has been
teleology is also the main difference between human and machine. shown in Fig. 2. To facilitate the efficient communication between
Design ideation of human is always purpose driven, also acting as human and machine, the knowledge for design is modelled and
the prerequisite of creativity, while machines cannot generate a represented using ontologies that formalize a well-structured
‘‘purpose’’ autonomously, which is also a main challenge for description for knowledge sharing and processing. Moreover,
automating design. To this point, the preliminary definition of ontology is especially powerful in formalizing a global theoretical

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Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 7

system. Therefore, accompanied by the evolutionary process of terminology, a formalized knowledge or an exchange protocol
ontologies promoted by epistemology, the earlier formed local [185] of some domain. Furthermore, ontology is essentially
ontologies ought to be continually refined and integrated into a equivalent to semantic-network, or ‘‘a graph with nodes repre-
global one. The fundamental elements of the local ones are of senting concepts or individual objects and arcs representing
course defined and formulated by humans, whereas for automat- relationships or associations among the concepts’’ [29]. An
ing design, a foreseeable trend or demand is that the formation of example is shown in Fig. 5, which illustrates the basic semantic-
the global ontology based on local ones should be automated. This network [85] of product ontology. It contains five main sub-classes,
requires a sophisticated framework of ontological modelling and namely requirement, function, component, product and behaviour,
integration aiming at facilitating machine processing. This is also which are linked by the semantic relations such as has_Attribute,
one of the main tasks in human–machine integrated design and has_Port and has_Function etc.
collaborative design. The topics covering ontological modelling, On the other hand, the relationship between design and
integration, ontology-based knowledge management, the episte- knowledge is so tight that these two terms can be regarded as the
mology of automating design, as well as the human–machine two facets of the same object. For example, the GDT theory was
integration interface are discussed in detail in the following commented by Tomiyama [177] as ‘‘not a design theory but an
subsections, while one needs to start from the origin of the current abstract theory about knowledge and its operation’’. Thereby, the
widely accepted ontologies in automating design, or the associated significance of effective and unbiased representation and manage-
prototypes. ment of knowledge is self-evident. For such reasons, the following
sections are devoted to the ontological modelling of automating
3.1.1. Prototype of automating design design from the perspective of knowledge management (KM).
As the fundamental core of automating design, a prototype can
provide answers to questions such as ‘‘what should be automating 3.2. Ontology-based knowledge management for automating design
design?’’ and ‘‘how does it move forward?’’ The formation of the
automating design prototype can be dated back to the widely Unified and unambiguous representation and management of
accepted FBS design framework of Gero [59]. knowledge are critical to realize automated machine reasoning
In spite of the further progresses, the improved FBS design and decision-making by human. Design knowledge can be treated
prototypes are still not fully suitable for automating design as a whole set of intuition, reasoning, insights, and experience,
because the highly brief and conceptualized description of design which is interpreted by information and data [9]. It often
does not quite fit into the logical processing architecture of originates from a wide variety of sources—heuristic, qualitative,
computers, i.e., the lower level deduction of the computer has to be quantitative, etc. Moreover, modern product development process
stipulated by the higher level human intelligence. Therefore, a involves the collaboration of engineers from different organiza-
more detailed and specific framework is needed. Pahl and Beitz tions or different areas of expertise [149]. Thus, a consensus must
[131,178] suggested that the knowledge concluded from the be reached on the understanding of one specification. Traditional
developing of new products can be stored in the design knowledge knowledge management systems often fail to provide adequate
base for future use, while the staged results of the design phases support due to their inflexible data structures, hardwired
proposed by them can be further specified. Consequently, by application procedures, as well as their limited ability to integrate
combining the advantages of their work and the FBS design process and product knowledge. Additionally, the prevailing use of
prototype, an automating design framework capable of multi- natural language in knowledge representation has led to the
objective optimization has been proposed considering both widely existing ambiguity due to personal terminologies [48]. It
ontological and epistemological views, meanwhile it integrates also largely hinders the knowledge exchange between human and
human and machine intelligence by applying imaginal thinking machine. All these mismatches put the blame on the lack of a
methods [206,207,209,216]. As shown briefly in the middle part of common language or a common conceptual foundation.
Fig. 4, this prototype consists of five areas of domain knowledge, With ontologies, the knowledge content of an area can be
namely requirement (R), function (F), configuration (C), structure standardized, and becomes a common basis for communication,
(S) and details (D), in which the last three terms can be collectively knowledge sharing and problem solving. Combining natural
referred to as ‘‘S’’ in the traditional FBS prototype. A more detailed language-based understanding and knowledge-based problem
explanation of this prototype can be found in [81]. However, the solving [30], ontology has been used to realize uniform represen-
FBS prototype is aiming more at design of a general sense or tation of design knowledge and the automatic mapping within it.
broader scope, while the subdivision of S into configuration, There are three key advantages of using ontology as a knowledge
structure and details is particularly focused on the essential management tool for automating design. First, the core contents of
properties of automating design, since the inherent logical an ontology are entities and relationships rather than structures
structure of computers can only implement design step-by-step, and forms, and this is consistent with the thinking style of human.
without the possibility of jumping directly from function to It greatly facilitates the integration of human’s knowledge and
structure or details like humans do. Thus, this most recent experience. Second, an ontology is an incompact but organized
prototype provides a framework more suitable for machine- network with unambiguous semantics, which is advantageous in
centred automating design process. knowledge updating and multi-disciplinary integration. Third, an
ontology can provide a uniform framework for describe the object
3.1.2. Ontology of automating design and its semantic-network as well as the process of automating design.
The prototype introduced above demonstrates the fundamental
notion of automating design well, and its structure can be 3.2.1. Ontological modelling of knowledge
recognized easily from the existing design theories and methodol- Ontological modelling of automating design knowledge is
ogies [34,99,207], in which diverse terminological systems have essentially the development of a well-structured and explicit
been established from different perspectives, especially when knowledge base for automated rationale and decision making.
computer science, information technology and artificial intelli- Hence, a coherent hierarchical structure of ontology should be
gence [61] are heavily involved. Therefore, an effective tool that is constructed, in order to facilitate the navigation, browsing and
capable of unifying the expressions of the design rationale searching of knowledge, which are the principal knowledge
becomes a necessity. Actually, the recognition of the prototypes operations a computer can perform. With the purpose of
has gradually formed a solid consensual foundation for the formalizing all the knowledge concerned with the automating
understanding of the design automation process, giving rise to design process, pioneering root concepts of ontologies identifying
the introduction of ontology. Till today, ontology has been the purpose and scope of taxonomies have been proposed.
extensively applied as it is recognized as a standardized Darlington et al. [43] developed three types of ontologies to

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8 Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

capture concepts and relationships associated with different structure ontology, or ‘‘what the object consists of’’. RFBS model
aspects of design, which are comprised of requirement ontology, [34], which is adapted from the FBS model, realized automated
product finish ontology and machine motion ontology. Ahmed et mapping between functions and generic organs based on seman-
al. [1] categorized design ontologies into four root types: process, tics and ontologies, and further developed a mid-level ontology
function, physical product and issue. Although their works are which integrates lower level ones [83]. Yin’s imaginal thinking-
purely concentrated on the design process, it is worth noting that based human–machine integrated design methodology [207]
they not only specify the generic concepts but also provide the first suggests that the whole automating design process can be viewed
platform for codifying the taxonomies for a specific design. as the transformation among the states of the product in terms of
However, the differences of knowledge from different sources its requirement, function, configuration, structure, detail and
like computer reasoning mechanism [201] or human experience behaviour. Based on the above discussion and the semantic
[32,91], etc., are not taken into account. Thus, it remains difficult to relationships among the meta-ontologies, the sub-ontologies
distinguish the roles of computer and human in automating belonging to the product ontology of automating design are
design, making the development of an effective integration introduced in detail below.
interface even more difficult.
Based on the previous researches, for human–machine inte- (a) Requirement ontology. This ontology is developed to unify the
grated automating design, the upper level ontologies should be specifications of the tasks, which are a set of constraints and
classified into design ontology and resource ontology. The former performance criteria posed by the system and customers.
describes the product as well as the design process, which can be Requirement ontology typically places the restrictions on
further divided into product ontology and process ontology. The either functions or structures of products, which are described
latter is an integrated representation of human and computer in the form of behaviour. Ontological modelling of requirement
knowledge for automating design, as shown in Fig. 6. These is extremely significant, due to the fact that an unambiguous
ontologies and their detailed semantic relations are discussed in description of requirements can unify the initial imports,
the following sections. which facilitate the automatic reasoning of automating design.
A knowledge-based tool for the specification of the require-
ments in automotive systems has been developed through the
application of ontology by Roy [149]. The ontology for
managing requirement has been developed in products,
information and process levels to achieve a consensual
understanding of a product between automotive OEM and
suppliers. Linet et al. [108] classified requirements into six
categories: physical, structural, functional, cost, performance
Fig. 6. Ontological taxonomies of automating design. and requirements, depending on the properties of the artefact.
The relevant objects and their attributes were described based
on first-order logics. Christophe et al. [34] proposed an Ontology of product knowledge from the view of automating effective requirement structure for a mobile robot, including
design. Product ontology, which partly resembles a product the expectations in performance as well as the constraints
lifecycle management system, is developed to represent unambig- according to the operating environment of the system.
uously and systematically the information, domain knowledge and In some studies, a similar ontological concept named
their relations with the artefact associated with the evolution of its ‘‘issue’’, is applied as a synonym of requirement. It refers to
states throughout the cycle of automating design. With increasing the problems a designer considers during design ideation,
complexity and diversity of modern products, a meta-model has which are not always explicitly modelled and are limited to a
been used to encourage the reuse of product models and the specific domain. Ahmed et al. [1] identified four classes of issue
flexible representation of knowledge [179]. A complete architec- ontologies, i.e., lifecycle, environment, interfaces, and func-
ture of product ontology consists of four layers: representation, tional requirements of the product and their characteristics.
meta-ontology, model and instance. [203,209]. (b) Function ontology. Function represents the necessary knowl-
edge to explain the performance of a product or artefact aiming
 Representation layer is aimed at choosing an ontological at fulfilling customers’ needs, which can be transformed into
representation language to formalize the knowledge models of configuration in conceptual design phase, the early-stage of
products. Typical representation languages encompass OWL, KIF automating design. Function ontology is developed in order to
(Knowledge Interchange Format), UML, etc. automate this significant process to avoid the unexpected
 Meta-ontology layer identifies general terminologies, vocabu- uncertainties, as proposed in the intelligent CAD system
laries of concepts and their relationships that are available to set [6,179]. Plenty of studies have been dedicated to this issue.
up a common foundation for different domains. It serves as a Automated function-based synthesis methods rely on the
common semantic framework on which product models for user’s ability to develop functional descriptions of the desired
specific design domains can be built through the inheritance or product [28]. A formal function representation can provide a
reuse of concepts and relations in the meta-model. standardized abstract set of function-related terminologies
 Model layer depicts the product models for specific domains that are independent of physical structure to strategically
such as computer model and automobile model, which are guide the design [181]. Scientists have developed many
clustered using meta-ontologies. knowledge representation schemas for computers and expert
 Instance layer is the top layer, which denotes a concrete product systems to enable the possibility of automatic conceptual
design result that conforms to the models without violating any design. Hirtz and Stone [83] proposed an integrated ontological
constraint. The difficulties in modelling product knowledge can functional basis with formal representation and a standardized
be significantly reduced by constructing product models based set of function-related terminologies to support functional
on existing cases. modelling. The taxonomies have been widely employed to
describe the function due to their advantages of completeness
Starting from the FBS model in the 1990s and its ontological and compatibility. The resulting taxonomy is referred to as the
extension in the 2000s [60,61], three levels of ontologies have been functional basis with a set of functions (verbs) and flows
defined to categorize the different states of artefacts in the design (nouns).
process. They are the function ontology, or ‘‘what the object is for’’, (c) Product ontology. It is consisted of sub-assemblies or parts and
the behaviour ontology, or ‘‘what the object does’’, and the serves the management of product design cycle. According to

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CIRP-1406; No. of Pages 23

Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 9

the prototype of automating design, product ontology can be pointed out that design is a cognitive process by defining the three
divided into configuration, structure and details as the results main classes of definition, evaluation and management, and
of conceptual, embodiment and detailed design phases, advocated that the design process can be elucidated using
respectively. knowledge level theories [124]. Accordingly, ontological model-
Configuration ontology specifically extracts classes encap- ling of knowledge plays the key roles in automating this cognitive
sulating function and their intrinsic attributes. Thus, it is the process.
representation of all the legal combinations of components as
well as relevant technical and financial constraints. Researches Ontology of resource knowledge. Resource ontology can be
regarding the application of ontology to product configuration simply put as the modelling of available or accessible knowledge
have raised a broad interest in both industry and academia during the automating design process. While the classification of
recently. Soininen et al. [164] presented a general ontology of resource is crucial for its representation and use [9], it can be
configuration, which integrates the concepts of port, function, implemented according to different dimensions or basis [29], such
constraint, attribute, etc. Configuration ontologies can be as product vs. process (the content of description) [131], and
formalized in Ontolingua [68], a knowledge representation dynamic vs. compile (the state of existence) [165], etc. For
language combining first order logic and frame paradigms. automating design, in order to distinguish the knowledge from
Altuna et al. [5] developed configuration ontologies in the computer and human, the resource ontology can be classified into
OBELIX project to support collaborative design of products and explicit class and tacit class [129,182], whereas these different
services, and these ontologies are further categorized into classes of ontologies are closely connected with each other.
component ontology, constraint ontology and requirement Explicit resource acts as the grounding basis for computer
ontology, each of which has its own semantic structure. In their reasoning, which aims at creating the intellectual platform for
work, general terminologies, vocabularies and relationships automating design or automated inference, such as computer
are defined in the previously mentioned meta-model of the algorithms, expert knowledge systems, problem solving routines,
four-layer architecture [203] to facilitate the reuse of optimization methods and mathematical tools stored in reposi-
configuration models. An illustrative example of a ranger tories. On the other hand, tacit resource is indispensable in
drilling machine was employed to show the efficiency and creating new values in a product. The resource ontologies for
effectiveness of the method. human–machine integrated design clearly provide the hierarchi-
Structure ontology, on the other hand, is the embodiment of cal structure of related knowledge elements. On the whole, the
the configurations, and is represented by the various design resource ontology can be specifically categorized into fundamen-
models aiming at formalizing the components and their tal theory, optimization method and human experience.
relations. Chang [31] put forward the methods of ontology Fundamental theory is the principle to guide the whole
development and utilization for DFM to study the most automating design process, and can be further classified into
important phases in the design process, including concept several sub-ontologies according to different disciplines, such as
categorization, class development, slot categorization and design methodologies, mathematical and mechanical principles,
development, and the identification and implementation of etc. These fundamental theories consist of axioms, theorems and
the relations among the slots. The DFM ontology can be used to corollaries that have been proven to be correct during the
capture the domain knowledge and define the structure and exploration of design activities.
relations of a data set. Last but not least, detailed ontology deals Optimization, in particular, has established itself as a mainstay
with the geometric parameters, forms, dimensions and surface in the field of engineering, and has become an essential part of
properties of all the individual parts. automating the design process. It helps the designer to address the
(d) Behaviour ontology. Behaviour ontology can be categorized into optimal result from numerous candidates that are in accordance
two classes: expected and physical. Deduced from the with the fundamental theories. Witherell et al. [201] proposed an
requirements and functions, the former indicates how the ontology-based approach called ONTOP for the management of
system is supposed to operate. The latter represents the optimization knowledge. This approach reduces the time used to
characteristics of the product determined by the internal be spent in recreating models from scratch, and further facilitates
factors like structure, material, etc., and is deduced from the the elimination of costly trial and error approaches. ONTOP has the
analysis of product ontology. The ontological modelling of potential to remarkably improve the ability of the system to deploy
behaviour is essential to setting up a unified interface for optimization knowledge.
human decision making that relies on the evaluation of the Experience resource, which originate from human, can be
behaviours, which is one of the most important steps in classified as declarative knowledge (know what), procedural
automating design. knowledge (know how) and causal knowledge (know why)
[70]. Chen [32] developed a method of ontology-based empirical Ontology of the automating design process. Process ontology knowledge representation and reasoning. The method adopts OWL
defines the basic terminologies for computer-centric automated to represent empirical knowledge in a structured way in order to
rationale and human-centric decision making in human–machine help knowledge requesters understand clearly the knowledge
integrated automating design. As introduced earlier, many studies without any bias. His method has been validated as being able to
have been dedicated to the modelling of the design process [1], and facilitate the automation of tacit knowledge storage, management
various taxonomies have been proposed from different dimen- and sharing, and provide the requesters with accurate and
sions. These pioneering works laid the foundation for constructing comprehensive empirical knowledge for problem solving and
process ontology in automating design. decision-making.
There are three theories originating from different perspective
of views. Proposed by Pahl and Beitz [131], design is defined as a 3.2.2. Automating integration: Local-to-global ontology transition
step-by-step decomposing and abstract-to-concrete process, As discussed above, knowledge of special discourse domains
which can be divided into planning and clarification, conceptual are modelled using local ontologies. However, each of the local
design, embodiment design and detail design. Their work revealed ontologies has its own independent semantic structure. Addi-
the basic framework of automating design from a traditional view tionally, different ontologies often use different concepts or
of logical progression. Aiming at recognizing the states transfor- terminologies, even when describing the same subject. An
mation of products during design ideation [59], design can be ontology itself does not solve the interoperability problem, but
described as a set of activities, including formulation, synthesis, only raises the heterogeneity from the data level to the semantic
analysis and evaluation, etc., each of which is the task needing to be level [214]. Moreover, automating design can be represented as a
automated. From the epistemological view, Sim and Duff [162] mapping and fusing process between the global ontology and

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10 Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

different local ontologies. Therefore, how to realize automatic

transition from the local ontologies to the global one becomes a
prominent issue of automating design [85].
Ontology integration is one of the critical techniques in setting
up the semantic relations and reconciling differences among
ontologies, as it enables semantic information exchange to be
implemented in a global manner [85]. Consequently, it amplifies
designers’ capability in the product development, and reduces the
development cycle time and cost in automating design. Research-
ers have proposed several frameworks for ontology integration
aiming at providing a guideline to realize a seamless automatic
integration. Chen [32] proposed a web service-based ontology
integration framework for the collaborative design of moulding
products. Ontology integration is regarded as the core part of the
design process, providing smooth and seamless flow of informa-
tion among different phases of the design. His work is supported by
Yang [204] and further extended to the manufacturing field.
Aiming at the human–machine integrated design of ultra-precision
grinding machine, Hong et al. [85] have divided the whole
integration task into four consecutive parts: local ontology, Fig. 8. Ontology mapping and merging process [85].
ontology integration, global ontology and ontology searching, as
illustrated in Fig. 7. In his work, knowledge from different presented a method for building ontologies by providing semantics
domains, such as bearings, drivers, etc., are modelled by ontologies for terminologies in a computer-interpretable format to achieve
separately and then integrated into a global ontology. After that, interoperability among different engineering applications.
multidisciplinary coordination and optimization of the design Ontology mapping plays an irreplaceable role in model-based
implemented by different agents located diversely can be system engineering, and has become a promising solution for
harmoniously realized. Ontology integration can be divided into automating design of complex mechatronic systems. A SysML-
two steps: ontology mapping and ontology merging, which are based modelling approach was proposed to realize automated
accomplished through a public integration server that ensures the mapping between design and simulation models in order to
automation and coordination of the process. facilitate system engineers to express the various behavioural
requirements [24]. Dori and Shpitalni [46] proposed a fundamen-
tal ontology construction approach for a generic product that
incorporates hardware and software components. The ontology
can serve as a basis for a knowledge model to cover the entire
product lifecycle, and can be applied in the VRL-KCiP Network of
Excellence in order to obtain the required knowledge and to
organize it in a consistent and meaningful form. Ontology merging. After ontology mapping, similar con-

cepts in both the global ontology and local ontologies should be
merged. Ontology merging consists of two steps: (1) concept
merging; (2) relation reconstruction [204].
Concept merging means if a concept is the same as any of those
in the global ontology, then merge its concept name, attribute and
Fig. 7. Ontology-based framework of knowledge integration [85].
instance. Otherwise, create a new concept in the global ontology,
with the holistic information in local ontologies. After that,
semantic relations should be added into the global ontology, Ontology mapping. The complete process of automatic including hierarchical and process relations.
ontology mapping and merging proposed is illustrated in Fig. 8
[85]. There are two ways for the mapping process: either by using 3.2.3. Ontology-based knowledge sharing for collaborative design
a shared ontology or by using a heuristic-based approach [214]. The increasing complexity of modern products necessitates a
Concept mapping is proceeded with the local ontologies distributed and heterogeneous collaborative environment for
established or provided by experts in some domain with the automating design. Concurrent and collaborative design of
purpose of identifying similar knowledge concepts in other products and processes have thus become essential, and successful
domains. Steps in ontology mapping are similarity matching, firms today are those that are able to manage concurrent activities
similar concepts aggregation, and linking [33]. As the key point of in an intra- or inter-organizational network and deliver value to
ontology mapping, the similarity matching between two concepts the marketplace. In a collaborative automating design environ-
should be firstly carried out. Yang et al. [204] proposed an ment, an ontological knowledge base is formed by assembling
approach to calculate ontology similarity between a local ontology design sharing, consistent interpretation of constraints and
and the target global ontology, in terms of the concept name, requirements, and the evolution of a web of relations. Efficiently
essential information, and relationships. Their work is developed obtaining the desired knowledge is the prerequisite to implement
by Zhan [214], who proposed that similarity comparison should be a collaborative automating design, which is accomplished by
composed of attribute similarity, composition similarity and ontology searching and sharing.
inheritance similarity. Hong et al. [85] proposed that a complete
matching process involves the comparison of concept names, Ontology searching and sharing. Knowledge can be classi-
attributes, semantic relations and instances, etc., according to the fied into individual application (design process) and integrated
basic structure of ontology. In similarity matching for concept system (collaborative design) from the view of collaborative design
names, concepts are firstly decomposed into terminology sets of [29]. Gruber [70] proposed a method for the development of
unit words, and the similarity grade between the two concepts can ontologies with content-specific agreements for the sharing and
be calculated with the Jaccard coefficient [74,96]. Ciocoiu et al. [37] reuse of knowledge among software entities to facilitate the

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Manufacturing Technology (2015),
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CIRP-1406; No. of Pages 23

Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 11

automation of design process. Zhan et al. [212] presented a product modelling, ontology modelling, knowledge reuse, and
semantic approach that uses ontologies to share the knowledge knowledge application layers, to facilitate knowledge searching and
related to product data in CAD/CAE applications and to integrate sharing on the semantic web. Wang et al. [195] presented an RDF-
design evaluation information provided by the individual applica- based knowledge model to realize the knowledge representation on
tions. Their work greatly enhances the ability of the design teams semantic web for design innovation. In their work, design
to automatic create, share, and exchange knowledge for solving knowledge is treated as a content language dealing with the
design evaluation challenges involving multiple applications and messages in the multi-agent system.
views. After all, knowledge does not inherently exist but is obtained by
Human–machine interfaces among subsystems in collaborative interpretation of information deduced from the analysis of data in
product development projects are mostly defined by interface the form of observations, computational results and factual
control documents [139]. Recently, a computer-aided methodolo- quantities [29]. Therefore, a complete semantic web-based
gy for defining and controlling subsystem interfaces and ports knowledge capture and sharing system can be divided into four
using ontologies has been presented. A software can now replace consecutive layers: distributed knowledge elicitation, ontology-
interface control documents [85], and support collaboration based based knowledge modelling, web service-based knowledge inte-
on the proposed architecture and its functionality. The software gration and knowledge reusing and sharing, as shown in Fig. 10. In
allows designers to load subsystem descriptions from a shared this scheme, diverse knowledge assets are wrapped as ontology-
repository and link them together by defining connectivity rules. It based web services in order to facilitate knowledge consumption,
can also report errors when port requirements or connectivity reuse and supply on the Semantic Web [215].
rules are violated. Semantic web. Semantic web is recognized as the third

generation web, which core uses ontology and descriptive logics.
With the explosion of data and information, which may further be
geographically dispersed, the web has become a primary resource
for automatic knowledge capture for automating design. To
overcome the difficulty caused by the heterogeneous formats
and representation with personal preference in knowledge capture
and sharing, the sematic web has been utilized to provide the
designers with seamless access to an effective collection of various
knowledge resources via the Internet.
Semantic web supports the ‘‘understanding’’ and automated Fig. 10. Ontology-based design knowledge modelling for reusing and sharing on the
semantic web.
handling of knowledge by computer [12]. It provides a common
framework for the liberation of data based on the Resource
Description Framework (RDF), which integrates a variety of 3.3. Intelligent human–machine interaction
applications using XML as the exchange syntax. Raw data in the
databases are collected, and connected to the models of the world The ontology-based knowledge management framework dis-
through ontology [195]. The framework of semantic web was first cussed previously also provides a well-structured foundation for
proposed by Berners-Lee in 2000 [10] and revised along with the human–machine interaction, which is a necessity in the current
recognition of the needs for effective user interfaces in 2006 [11], automating design paradigm. Human–machine interaction aims to
as shown in Fig. 9. achieve seamless cooperative design between human and com-
puter so that they are able to perform mutual compensation
[207,208]. It is the intersectional area of philosophy, cognitive
science (design ideation), computer science and technology
(design rationale and representation) [26]. This indicates that
two basic issues have to be clarified: the thinking frame that unifies
human intuitive thinking and machine logic reasoning, and the
support tools for communication between human and machine.
Thinking frame is crucial because it serves as the fundamental
guideline for human–machine interaction in automating design. As
emphasized at the beginning of this review, it is of great value to
ravel out the confusions in the intelligent nature of design.
Nowadays, social and cognitive science in the computer industry
helps to clarify the real nature of design, instead of supporting a
received view [26]. Traditional AI frames, symbolism and
connectionism for instance, have developed monolithic body of
Fig. 9. Pyramid of semantic web languages [11].
theories for logical thinking and intuitive thinking, respectively,
and both have been implemented successfully in solving practical
Existing knowledge models can be connected via the internet and problems. However, in spite of their great achievements, the
designers can access product models, reuse existing design harmony between them can hardly be reached and their kernel
knowledge, and promote exchange of knowledge across multiple theories are still incompatible with each other [207,208]. Thus, to
projects and disciplines. OntoEdit has been introduced to integrate enable human–machine interaction to deal with the bewildering
numerous aspects of ontological engineering in the semantic web, relationships among the intelligent nature of design, human
and terminologies are precisely defined for easy communication intelligence and AI, an essential breakthrough is required. For this
among people and applications [174]. Li et al. [107] proposed a issue, imaginal thinking [207,209] helps to achieve smooth
semantics-based approach which combines heuristic reasoning communication between human and computer, and the methods
with the ontologies in semantic web to facilitate the knowledge based on this frame have been successfully applied to solve some
reuse in aircraft tooling design. Their work has solved the challenge practical design problems [206,216].
of semantic transmission between products, software and designers. On the other hand, even with a theoretically well-functioning
Zhang et al. [215] proposed an ontology-based modelling frame that thinking frame, it still cannot be put into practice without technical
evolves along five consecutive layers: knowledge elicitation, support of proper interface. Consequently, generalized images of

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12 Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

imaginal thinking need to be supported by various levels of Human fundamental thinking frame. In a current view,
technical tools. Currently, the primary design embodiment media human fundamental thinking frame can be considered as being
are paper-pencil and digital CAD system, which are complemen- based on images, as traditional AI frames have been challenged by
tary to each other to a certain extent [166]. Paper-and-pencil Brooks’ action-based AI theory which was introduced earlier
sketching affords fast and natural idea development in a creative [19,20]. Experimental psychologists have also shown clear
but ambiguous manner, and CAD systems allow for a more precise evidence for image-based thinking processes [47], which is also
and detailed design but lack of seamless and intuitive interaction supported by the psychological researches in the field of design
[130]. The combination of VR and AR as new visualization where sketching has traditionally been thought as a core
mediums and promising interaction techniques provide unique conceptual tool during the design ideation process [14,42,57,67,
features which raise interest in both academic research and 135,153,175,183]. The imaginal thinking frame taking image as
industry. With the help of VR and AR techniques, a virtual product the fundamental characteristics agrees well with these findings,
prototype can provide excellent designer–computer interfaces, and seems to be promising to serve as the fundamental frame that
allowing the designers to explore the fine details of a complex unifies different thinking frames.
product [17,121]. From the perspective of imaginal thinking, humans thinking
The intelligent human–machine integration can thus be [3,19] is quite different from the logical step-by-step computa-
explored from two perspectives. One is the thinking frame that tional operations that computers perform in a framed world. The
tries to unify the human and machine intelligence, and the other is images mentioned here are generalized, including not only the low
the support tools for the representation of generalized images level information directly apperceived by the sensing apparatus of
which provide better interfaces and facilitate the mutual interac- human body, but also high-level information of experiences and
tion. Finally, the VR and AR based human–machine interface for knowledge obtained by imitating and learning. Viewing from the
automating design will be presented. human nervous system, the information discussed here represents
signals in the huge neural network when stimulated by a certain
3.3.1. Thinking frame for intelligent human–machine interaction perception. If treating one input of a single neuron as one
dimensional, with an average 1011 neurons and 7000 synapses of Traditional AI frame. Biologically speaking, neurons are the each neuron, high dimensional information is always generated by
fundamental elements of the human nervous system. Neurons the interactions of all the neurons. Such high dimensional
communicate with one another via synapses, where the axon information is also a form of images, i.e., the information is not
terminal of one cell impinges upon other neurons’ dendrites, limited to real images, but all that can be understood in human
somas, or less commonly, axons. Human brain has a huge number mind as a general or even abstract form of images. Thus, any signal
of synapses, the number of which goes to maximum when humans form can be an image, which corresponds to certain excitation
are three-year-old and then declines with maturation. Although pattern in the human neural network.
much of human brain remains mysterious, the emerging role of
social and cognitive science is diverse, pervasive and critical [26]. Imaginal thinking frame. It has been recognized that image
Symbolism and connectionism are two of the theories that have a processing is the fundamental thinking mode [3,19]. As is shown
long history and both own extensive supports [208]. However, it is in Fig. 11, imaginal thinking can be divided into two categories of
also unavoidable that there are disputations and divergence learning procedure and non-learning procedure [208].
between them.
The greatest contribution of symbolism to AI is the notion of a
physical symbol system hypothesis [123] first proposed by
Newell and Simon. The hypothesis considers all the intelligent
creatures as symbolic systems, and the intelligence comes from
the processing of symbol. However, there are still a lot of
uncertainties on whether artificial intelligence could be achieved
by symbolism. First, human does not rely merely on logical
thinking to solve problems, non-logical deduction also plays an
important role in human mental activity. Second, when the
knowledge database reaches a huge volume, how to manage it
and search the database in acceptable time becomes a main
technical problem (‘frame problem’). Finally, even the frame
Fig. 11. The description of imaginal thinking.
problem was solved, the intelligent system based on symbolism
is still uncertain to produce human intelligence. After all,
searching the database is not the way human deals with The differences among imaginal thinking, symbolism and
problems. connectionism can be well exemplified by the automating design
Connectionism, which imitates human neuron structure as the process. Any thinking activity, including design, is based on a
main method to realize intelligence, uses a concept opposite to complete and systematic knowledge hierarchy, which is treated as
symbolism [54]. It proposes that only if the machine has the same the combination of high dimensional images in imaginal thinking
structure as human brain, intelligence will have a great probability and can be represented by ontologies, as discussed earlier. In
to occur. The artificial neural network is the most well-known automating design, the aim of logical reasoning is to search the
approach. There are two central issues in realizing connectionism, solution ontologies that completely match the given requirements
network structure and the learning method. As connectionism (the matching images in imaginal thinking). In this sense, imaginal
aims at achieving artificial intelligence through the mimicking of thinking seems to agree with symbolism. However, the ‘‘If-Then’’
human brain structure, the intelligent feature largely depends on pattern in logic reasoning excludes the possibility of other values
the network structure. On the other hand, a prototype of artificial between 0 (completely different) and 1 (exactly the same) when
neural network is rather ‘‘empty’’ without any expected intelli- image- or ontology-comparisons are made between the require-
gence. Learning and training are essential in adjusting the network ments and existent knowledge. As for the case where no matches
structure and weights of connections among the neurons, so as to could be found when one’s former knowledge and experience fail
form the problem-solving knowledge. In other words, in connec- to solve the problem, human often reorganize the existent
tionism, the learning problem is more crucial than the structural knowledge obtained from mimicking and observation so that an
problem. Therefore, the study on machine learning is pertinent approximate solution can be figured out. This corresponds to the
[208]. learning process where intuitive thinking and imaginal thinking

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Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 13

think in a more efficient way if machine intelligence deduces

and displays the solution in image.
(2) Sufficient levels of interactivity are the key aspects that make
current image-based representation different from traditional
graphic ones [111]. Modern techniques allow designers to see
the design solutions either from local or global perspectives.
Thus, it is much easier for designers to find the truth behind
appearance [111].
(3) Current computer science prefers to conduct design by
employing ‘‘virtual prototyping’’ techniques, which is also in
the form of image that presents, analyzes and tests the
simulation model of physical products. Besides the fact that
most computer-based analytical techniques such as finite
Fig. 12. Roles of imaginal thinking.
element analysis, weight and mass properties, kinematic
analysis, etc. are based on 3D image modelling, digital
reach a consensus. As specified, automating design is essentially an modelling environments may employ other artificial stimuli
upward spiral cognitive process. From the perspective of imaginal to promote the development process [166].
thinking, this process can be explained using the continual
modification and creation of existent images and new images, Some typical image-based representation tools and techniques
respectively, in accordance with the upgrading of ontologies are discussed in the following sections.
representing knowledge and experience.
Fig. 12 gives a clear illustration of the role of imaginal thinking Computer-aided design. CAD is the earliest and most
and its relation with other thinking styles. The two basic elements primitive interface for human–machine interaction. Initially, the
of behaviourism, perception and action can be both denoted as development of commercial CAD system was largely driven by fast
images, thus the whole design process can be seen as the changing market requirements [90], most of which put emphasis
transformation of one image to another when seeking to generate on efficiency and accuracy of product design rather than creativity.
a satisfactory image. Efforts were on reducing the product development costs by
So far, the relations among imaginal thinking and other automating the routine processes and increasing drawing produc-
thinking frames have been well documented and can be concluded tivity. Hence, although there have been a lot of CAD software, the
as follows. Symbolism emphasizes step-by-step logical thinking. majority are dealing with the later stage of design, such as
The elementary logic can be considered as a type of low geometric modelling and drawing [169,173]. Despite the
dimensional image. Composed of these basic logical steps, the tremendous contribution made in automating the configuration
design process can be illustrated as high dimensional images. process, designers still have to make full decisions throughout the
Therefore, logical thinking is a special type of imaginal thinking. On design process, especially at the conceptual design stage where the
the other hand, the connectionism emphasizes intuitive thinking impact can be the greatest (as much as 70–80% of all the product
which has no clear representation of the reasoning process from cost). Just as many researchers have argued and illustrated, the
requirements to solution. Actually, such procedures only happen later in the design process are changes made, the greater is the cost
when past knowledge and experience cannot meet the require- of changes [71]. Thus, insufficient CAD development and
ment, denoted as S1. . .Sn 6¼ S, and human brain goes for blind improvement in the downstream stage of design have become
search trying to find a similar neuron excitation pattern to solve the main obstacles. Current CAD systems overlook the possibility
the problem. As long as a sudden stimuli generates a pattern which of introducing new way of thinking and designing brought by the
meets the requirement, human takes this solution to generate advancement of machine intelligence [39]. Thus, CAD has to be
motion potential, which is denoted as S*  S. All the solutions, integrated into the earlier stage of the design process, i.e., the
either potential or practical, can be illustrated as high dimensional conceptual design. Suh proposed the Thinking Design Machine
images. Such type of intuitive thinking that cannot be represented (TDM) supported by the axiomatic design theory. However, the
by mathematical logics or existing knowledge is another special generation of creative ideas requires a broad range of knowledge
type of imaginal thinking [134]. and considerable decision making ability, and this makes the TDM
Thus, imaginal thinking actually encompasses the character- remain at the theoretical level [45,58,105,117,172,173]. Yoshi-
istics of both logical and intuitive thinking. It also has the chance to kawa proposed the intelligent CAD system with similar consid-
solve the conflicts among artificial intelligence frames, symbolism, eration as Suh [142,211].
connectionism, and behaviourism [208]. Besides, neural functions Viewing from the development of CAD, it should be more of a
and human thinking are tightly bound by imaginal thinking. It conceptual tool being able to develop new ways of perceiving and
further indicates the possibility for imaginal thinking to serve as conceiving design than just a technical drawing tool. CAD may
the fundamental frame of human thinking. foster new patterns, relationships, or aesthetics expanding rather
than reducing designers’ creative options [90]. Moreover,
3.3.2. Support tools for intelligent human–machine interaction designers who focus on innovation through analogue tools alone
The support tools in design aims at the smooth exchange of might effectively censor CAD during conceptual and schematic
knowledge and seamless human–machine integration to support design phases [63].
design decision making. There have been a number of studies on
how to achieve a smooth information exchange between human Sketching. Sketching has been recognized as the most
and the external world, including paper drawing or machine effective way and the most convenient interface to promote
intelligence. While some other methods, verbal language for human creativity. Combined with other graphic tools, it works as
instance, have been thought as overshadowing human insight the extension of human short term-memory, and is pivotal to the
thinking [154], the utilization of image in a more generalized sense conceptual design phase, which is largely seen as a cognitive
as proposed by imaginal thinking, has become increasingly process with the emphasis on visualization and externalization
popular. The key advantages are: [87]. The limitation of human memory is one major factor that
restricts the cognitive efficacy in conceptual design [118,184]. One
(1) Because humans tend to think in the form of image, the image- well-accepted hypothesis, the Information Processing System (IPS)
based interface allows for less mental transformation in the provided by Newell and Simon, can be viewed as a ‘‘map’’ of the
human brain [166]. Thus human designers would be able to locations in which information about the design may be stored

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14 Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

 CAD systems must recognize domain-dependent features and

treat them as entities.

The first tip indicates that it is unnecessary for all the graphical
representations to be as refined as that demanded by current CAD
systems, especially in conceptual design. Tip 2 suggests that future
CAD development needs to be driven by the ‘‘Design’’ rather than
‘‘Computer’’, and a good interface that is able to quickly record
designers’ ideas is preferred. Tip 3 means that the recognition of
Fig. 13. The design environment [184]. functional features at diverse levels of refinement is needed. Virtual reality and augmented reality. Currently, virtual

(Fig. 13). Human memory is divided into internal and external reality technology might be one of the most powerful means to
workspaces. The designer actually owns two types of memory: enhance intelligence and it provides the most streamline human–
short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM). STM is machine interface by allowing the designer to explore refined
very fast and powerful, directly accessed by the information stored details. For example, in a CAVE-type simulation environment,
in LTM or accepted from external world. It is responsible for all the designers can walk inside a product and explore interference,
design operations, such as visual perception and drawing creation. operations and other design details with a completely immersive
Miller’s theory of chunking [118] states that human short-term feeling. Augmented reality, on the other hand, allows the designers
memory is limited to seven chunks of information. Since the to superimpose graphics, videos, or texts on a real product in a real
number of chunks that the STM can process is limited and manufacturing environment and this can provide clear annota-
mechanical designs are getting increasingly more complicated, the tions such as operation, inspection and assembly details.
size of STM becomes a critical bottleneck for human designers. Human–machine interface: VR view. Design using CAD
Since textual information is so limited in characterizing forms, tools has been known to be too precise in the sense that exact
graphic representation is the only reasonable memory extender for dimensions must be supplied and all lines and surfaces must join.
mechanical designers [36]. When designers develop images These requirements restrict the creativity of a designer as
during the design process, they are communicating with images conceptual design always begins with sketches. Both current
and have to respond to them, through which they are able to ‘‘see’’ CAD and sketching are still the primary modelling media. Relevant
many ideas that did not exist before the drawing process [104]. studies [89,132,166,200] have been conducted to analyse users’
It is strongly supported by the research in ergonomic and requirements for immersive modelling and compare the sketching
psychological evaluation of design tools that sketching in the capability of designers in 2D and 3D environment (Fig. 14). The
design process is of great importance, especially in the field of results suggest that satisfaction, fun of sketching as well as idea
creative design [104]. The effectiveness in inspiring designers’ generation and reflection reached the most positive range [22].
creative thinking has been proven in studies [104,152,167,184]. It The main advantages expressed by participants have been
has been recognized that engineers are notorious for not being able concluded as follows:
to think without making ‘‘back-of-the-envelope’’ sketches of rough
ideas. Sometimes these informal sketches serve to communicate a  Spatiality: The possibility ‘‘to work with the space’’, to create
concept to a colleague, but more often they just help the idea take spatial models and to perceive their spatial impact.
shape on paper. The role of drawings in engineering is more than  One-to-one proportionality: The possibility to draw models ‘‘one-
just to archive a concept or to communicate with others to-one’’.
[184]. Moreover, Schooler et al. [154] concluded from his  Association: The possibility to ‘‘take existing objects into the
experiments that the relationship between language and thought virtual space and work with them’’.
is not always symbiotic. Thus IX when words fail to work with  Formability: The possibility to manually warp virtual models and
thought, it is the images which take the form of sketches and sketches which in turn allows for a gradual developing and
drawings become very useful. In [167], the results even suggested testing of ideas until they are ‘‘mature’’.
that paper-based sketching was more effective not only in
producing creative solutions than digital drawing but also in While many of the participants hold positive emotion towards
supporting particular synthesis strategies. the virtual design environment, they still regard sketching and CAD
Although good in stimulating and recording designers’ creative irreplaceable in their design activities. Perkunder et al. [135]
thinking, traditional paper–pencil based sketching falls short when addressed the problem by considering automatic shape creation
analysis and optimization are needed after the conceptual design. using sketches as input to an immersive CAD environment in the
Thus it is necessary to make CAD compatible with sketching based early phases of product design. The shape creation and deforma-
on machine intelligence, while the first step may be clarifying the tion algorithms of FiberMesh were made available in a 3D
reason why paper-based sketching is more effective in creative environment and the integrated tool was evaluated in order to
thinking. investigate whether this approach supports the conceptual design.
In Ref. [104], Lawson pointed out the core problem is that the
communication between computer and human is conducted
through machine language instead of human language. It means
that the input of the CAD system probably requires a lot of highly
complicated orders. This prevents the designers from recoding
their inspirations quickly and effectively when the ideas are more
easily missed than seized. Thus, the designers have to translate
their ideas into the input of CAD systems. To overcome this
deficiency, CAD systems need to be more than tools to record well-
formed and structured concepts [184], particularly in several

 CAD systems must allow for sketching input.

 CAD systems must allow for a variety of interfaces for the
designer. Fig. 14. Schematic of CAD and VR sketch tool [166].

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Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 15

An immersive modelling environment has been created by helpful to share unambiguously and unbiasedly the understanding
merging sketching tools with CAD and VR technologies. A designer, of the design goals of various phases and levels, facilitating the
using such tools, can sketch out a concept in the form of a picture, collaboration and ideation exchanges among teams.
alter the perspectives and shapes, and finally arrive at a product The sections below are arranged as follows: First, the studies on
represented by engineering drawings [166]. The schematics of the epistemology and the related rationale of the automating design
online integration of a CAD system with a VR-based sketching tool framework derived from the research of Pahl and Beitz [131] are
are shown in Fig. 14. This process of design iteration is akin to the discussed, especially the four design stages. Next, an emerging
imaginal thinking frame. trend in conceptual design—the analogical design along with the Human–machine interface: AR view. Augmented Reality is representative biologically inspired (bio-inspired) design is intro-
an emerging technology that merges real and virtual objects in the duced. In particular, as a key topic in automating design, the
same environment. AR systems are highly interactive and an AR 3D capture (or search) of knowledge is discussed, taking bio-inspired
design space will be able to complement current 3D CAD systems. design as an example. Finally, the rationale and the corresponding
However, there are only a few systems supporting product supporting tools of coupled design and coupled optimization from
modelling and modification either in the 2D or 3D environments. the epistemological perspective are focused.
Construct 3D [92], for instance, is good at constructing 2D and 3D
primitives, but lacks the capability of developing complex parts 3.4.1. Rationale of cognition in automating design
containing these primitives. Thus, Park [133] proposed an AR- The greatest merit of epistemology for promoting the develop-
based re-formable mock-up system, in which the shape, colour and ment of automating design is its descriptive power of the cognitive
texture can be modified by the Portable Media Players. A gesture- mechanism [158] of humans during design ideation, which is
based AR design environment called GARDE [127] was developed supposed to be mimicked by machine intelligence for the ideal
by Ng et al. In this system, designers are able to make the situation where the design is fully automated. As clarified by Goel
modification, visualize the 3D model and evaluate the design et al. [66], the future trend of CAD systems should be based on the
solution both in the model and even in conventional CAD software. grounding in design cognition. Hence, it can be inferred that the
A developed system, named Augmented Reality Computer-Aided future of automating design would require the maturity of
Design Environment (ARCADE) [126], is an AR design space which ‘‘machine cognition’’, which possibility is still controversial, the
allows the users to create the functional models and 3D models, paradigm of ‘‘machine learning’’ can be considered as a prototype.
and to evaluate the functional behaviour and ergonomics of the Despite the difficulties, the first step is to make clear the human
design concept. An intuitive method for generating 3D models cognitive process in design, and even for this topic, there remains
using bare-hand interactions has been developed. The user can many unsolved issues [18]. Therefore, the information flow that
create 3D models using a building block approach that is similar to plays the dominating role in the epistemologies of the four
playing with virtual LEGOs, along with the extrusion approach axiomatic design phases are elucidated first.
which is similar to the creation of 3D models with conventional
CAD systems. Planning and clarification. Planning and clarification refers
By comparing VR/AR based interfaces with CAD and sketching to the conversion from requirements to functions. In automating
from the perspectives of supporting image-based representation, it design, this process depends substantially on human knowledge
can be inferred that the virtual interface performs even better than and experience, because up till present, computer’s logical
the others that have already been widely applied [166]. The architecture is still not able to perform the planning job
promising features are as follows: independently or identify correctly the requirements posed by
market and customers. Thereby this stage is currently the one that
(1) Three-dimensionality: Immersive VR/AR interfaces allow the fully requires human knowledge and experience. The knowledge
designers to design in the work space where product modelling matrix has been proposed and it demonstrates well the
is in one-to-one scale [166]. Since the three-dimensional epistemological process involved, and can be interfered directly
visualization is how human represents objects mentally [64], by designers when the requirements change. A mapping can be
such interfaces provide great convenience for designers to formulated and simplified as r = R  f, where r denotes the
recall past knowledge and experience in the memory [103], requirement, f denotes the functions, and R denotes the knowledge
thus to reducing mental transformation burden. matrix [207].
(2) Interactivity: Comparing with CAD and paper-based sketching, At the beginning of the design, it is essential to set up a
VR and AR are both highly interactive technologies which requirement list acting as a guideline during design and a standard
provide high-bandwidth information exchange [166]. for evaluation. Designers also have to compile the requirements
(3) Digitality: Different from traditional paper-and-pencil sketch- into technically and economically attainable ones, which is also the
ing, digital media allows for a direct integration of existing prerequisite for conceptual design [131].
models or prototypes [166]. Since product development is becoming more complicated, it is
almost unrealistic to maintain the initial customer requirements
Consequently, VR/AR based human–machine interface is so far throughout the product development life cycle. To control the
the best tool to achieve smooth communication among designers manufacturing quality according to the required product design
and computers. quality, QFD was proposed [120]. Although it requires much effort
to perform comprehensively a whole QFD process, its effect has
3.4. Epistemologies of automating design been recognized in numerous industrial applications, particularly
automotive industry where there is little chance to modify the
As mentioned earlier, the introduction of epistemology into product configuration during long range product development
design realm serves the purpose of explicitly formalizing the [120] if the customer requirements are not captured satisfactorily
information flow lying in the automating design process. It follows at the beginning. According to model-driven engineering, one
from the previous sections that ontology equips automating design defect of Gero’s FBS model is that it does not include a requirement
with the foundation for human–machine mutual understanding phase and that the documentation phase becomes a secondary one
and collaboration between teams, by formulating a static compared to the models [34]. This has been improved by the
framework of taxonomy. However, in order to achieve the true previously introduced RFBS framework in which the requirement
harmony between human and machine and maximize the machine models contain the performance criteria of the product and its
intelligence so that it can be move forward to the early stage of service functions [34].
design [196], it is particularly crucial to understand the cognitive The activity specification is a critical enabler for collaborative
nature of automating design. Consequently, epistemology is very product development through an extended enterprise [149]. Often

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16 Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

this activity involves numerous iterations before a shared universally based on neurons for human but are separate for
understanding of the product requirements since various omis- machine. Moreover, the internal symbolic structure is apparently
sions, ambiguities and assumptions have to be resolved. Ontol- absent in the machine’s RAM, which is also the biggest impedance
ogies for the requirement management are developed in product, for machines to generate ‘‘intuition’’ as well as making proper
information and process levels. The three levels are required to decisions during conceptual design.
represent the product requirements, the documents used in Although machines are still far from replacing humans at the
communication and the business process for the changing present automating design level, the similarity between human
management [149]. cognitive models and machine architecture has always been
inspiring the pioneering attempts. The first step to automate Conceptual design. Conceptual design is recognized as the conceptual design might be the decomposition of a problem, in
most significant and creativity-requiring phase [81] that has the which the original complex problem is broken into smaller
dominating influence on the product quality. If any fault occurs in ‘‘chunks’’, thus the overall problem can be simplified and solved
this stage, the modifications in the later design processes would concurrently. The use of Design Structure Matrix (DSM) [50] is
cause much unnecessary cost [71]. Conceptual design mainly aims considered as ‘‘facilitating intelligent system decomposition and
at determining the principal solution, which can be achieved by integration analysis’’. Suh’s axiomatic design [169] is helpful to
abstracting the essential problems, establishing function config- problem decomposition, and it divides the design process into four
urations, searching for suitable working principles and the domains [169]. The axiomatic design theory has been used in a
combination of these principles into a working configuration. wide range of industrial applications ranging from software design
The results can take diverse forms, such as a function configura- to product and manufacturing systems design [170,171]. The
tion, a circuit diagram or a flow chart [131]. problem decomposition effort has led to the conception of
At present, conceptual design relies extensively on human modularity, or modular design [72], in which the modules and
knowledge and experience, especially in creative design where their hierarchical topologies can be expressed by the ontologies to
human’s intuitive thinking plays a central role [54]. Thus, for the ease the information processing and configuration exchanges of
design to be automated, the machines or computers have to be machine.
capable of mimicking human’s ideation or problem solving Due to the fact that the participation of human is indispensable
process. This makes it inevitable to investigate the cognitive during conceptual design, the effective human–machine integra-
mechanism or models [81] involved in the design ideation of tion becomes pivotal. Actually, referring to the above cognitive
human, which is also exactly the focus of epistemological issues. As models, machine can act as the environment, external memory, or
a matter of fact, conceptual design can be regarded as a typical even external knowledge during the integration, while the
Human Problem Solving (HPS) process, the theory of which was significance of human is reflected by the STM, or the internal
proposed by Newell and Simon [125]. Nowadays, the Short Term symbolic structure that plays a key role in decision making. Hence,
Memory (STM)/Long Term Memory (LTM) model for design intelligent design tools and knowledge management systems have
ideation has been widely accepted. Fig. 15 shows its explanation been developed aiming at maximizing human advantage. Yoshi-
towards human’s problem encoding and externalization process. kawa [211] proposed that an intelligent design system must cover
The biological line defines the physical perceptive boundary the tasks of process planning, tool selection and fixtures, and the
(visual, acoustic, haptic, etc.), and the external knowledge in the determination of cutting conditions, etc. Furthermore, the system
environment includes the knowledge stored in databases, books, must be good at recognizing and understanding the results of the
internet, etc. Crossing the biological line requires the externaliza- design so as to translate the geometrical data into instructions.
tion of memories. The STM and LTM are separated by the Accordingly, intelligent CAD system [142,211] has been proposed
knowledge line, crossing which involves the information retrieval for providing an ideal environment that facilitates the designer’s
and storage process. The core of the whole model lies in the decision making. In addition, it is worth noting that sketching is
internal symbolic structure, or the memory representation, which particularly preferred by the designers at conceptual design stage
can be in the form of a semantic network. Based on this schema, [167], and it is recognized that freehand sketching is helpful to
other cognitive models focused on memory storage, memory creative ideation. Thus, sketching support has become a future
retrieval, problem assimilation/solving [81], etc. have been trend for CAD systems to make machines better serve as the
successively proposed. In particular, the example-exposure extended memory of humans. With the continuous efforts of the
cognitive model provides the preliminary theoretical basis for researchers, one can anticipate that one day machines would be
analogical design and invention, and memory retrieval is closely equipped by their own internal symbolic structure and eventually
related to the knowledge capture/search process, which will be be able to make correct decisions independently, fully automating
discussed in detail in the next section. the conceptual design phase.
Interestingly, to some extent, the current computer architec- Analogical design. In human design activities, analogical
ture (the von Neumann architecture) is very analogous to the STM/ reasoning is ubiquitous, i.e., when confronted with a new design
LTM model. For example, the perceptive receptor, central nervous problem, the designers tend to search the experience or knowledge
system, STM and LTM in human cognitive model correspond to the repository for similar problems that have existing solutions, the
input device/sensor, CPU, RAM and hard disk in a machine, reformulation of which is expected to fit the new problem. One
respectively. The largest difference between human and machine may find it difficult to give a precise definition of analogical design,
comes from the fact that all these functional components are but the related tasks can be clearly codified, as initially concluded
by Goel [188]: analogical design involves reminding and transfer of
knowledge about one design situation to another, and the
transferred content can be the knowledge of a design problem,
solution, domain or strategy, etc. According to Newell and Simon’s
theory [125], this process is referred to as ‘‘problem space search.’’
Even for creative design, the use of analogies is regarded as playing
a key role [188]. For automating design, especially at the
conceptual design phase, the machines are expected to be capable
of mimicking this analogical reasoning process of human, as
interpreted by the example-exposure cognitive model. Such type
of design ideation induced the branch of analogical design, which
Fig. 15. Cognitive model of encoding and externalization process, modified from has also been recognized as the emerging trend in future CAD
[81]. systems.

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Presently, the epistemological principle or mechanism under- they suggested that verbs should be the best choice as search
neath the analogical design process is still unclear. Fortunately, AI keywords in order to retain most potential analogy candidates. Of
design researches have made extensive characterizations about course, adjectives are also acceptable as they directly describe the
analogical design, for which Goel [65] identified four main issues: attribute of the target analogy, while the use of nouns is
(1) why, i.e., the task or goal for which analogical design is applied; particularly discouraged as it would cause preconceived ideas
(2) what, i.e., the knowledge content to be transferred; (3) how, i.e., when specifying physical entities. They also propose that key-
the methods involved in the reminding or transfer process; (4) words can be extended using the tool WordNet to expand the
when, i.e., the strategic control of design process. Obviously, these search range. As a matter of fact, combining adjective-type and
issues are tightly related to one another. To answer these verb-type lemmas would be beneficial because there are cases
questions, case-based reasoning [25] and model-based reasoning when an adjective is hard to map onto verbs, while sometimes
have been proposed. Furthermore, the analogical reasoning studies adjectives against one function are not as abundant as verbs. In this
in both AI and psychology or cognitive sciences suggest the generic situation, the combination takes a complementary effect. More-
abstraction being the centric issue. Viewing from the teleological over, the requirements of being common and engineering-oriented
perspective, several AI theories can be employed as the theoretical allow the lemmas to cover engineering terminologies, improving
framework for the machines to realize automating analogical the usability, efficiency and accuracy of the search.
reasoning, such as SYN [16] (generic abstractions of analogical As an emerging trend in the conceptual design of highly
design), DSSUA [137] (design prototypes as generic abstractions) complex and multi-objective products, bio-inspired design is
and IDEAL [13] (design patterns as generic abstractions). drawing increasingly more attention. However, as can be
As mentioned earlier, in automating design, the three core imagined, the difficulty for automating bio-inspired design is
problems in knowledge management is knowledge capture, enormous, because understanding a bio-analogy correctly is even
representation and rationale, while for analogical design, the harder for a designer, not to say a machine. Thus, during bio-
dominate process is the analogy or knowledge search. This can be inspired design, an efficient human–machine integrated interface
well demonstrated by the most typical analogical design–bio- and multi-disciplinary collaboration becomes more significant.
inspired design, which is particularly advantageous in highly
coupled and complex design problems, as discussed in detail Embodiment design. The primary task in the embodiment
below. design phase is to further determine the physical structure, or Bio-inspired design. A satisfactory definition of bio- entrust the system with corresponding physical properties. For
inspired design was provided by Shu et al. [161] as the studies example, mass, stiffness, damping, heat durability, conductivity,
of formation, structure, function, material or mechanism of etc. related to the material should be specified. Hence, the final
biological substance especially for the purpose of artificially results are the specification of a layout [131], which involves the
synthesizing similar products. Although bio-inspired design is a transformation from concept into entity, or from abstract images
typical example of analogical design, there exists a subtle into representative ones. Embodiment design is roughly composed
difference between them. According to Vattam et al. [188], bio- of two aspects, the design and optimization of one part and that of
inspired design is a rather ‘‘compound’’ type of analogical design the interfaces among parts.
that generates compound solutions. Put in simple words, it is Automating the embodiment design phase is a highly
implemented by the mapping of similarities between two distinct challenging task because numerous cross-domain factors need
knowledge domains, i.e., biology and engineering. Designers find to be considered simultaneously. To ease the autonomous
that bio-inspired design is especially powerful in designing highly processing of computers, modular design, which turns the
complex, versatile systems and solving coupled problems or independent sub-functions into disparate modules, has provided
dilemmas, and its process can be divided mainly into two parts: a good operation platform for machine intelligence. Three
biological system identification and engineering system realization. advantages exist when applying modularity to embodiment
Similar with analogical design, analogy-based design theories design, first, various modules greatly narrow the gap between
have been applied to bio-inspired design, analogical reasoning human and machine, facilitating human–machine integration,
methods such as analogy transfer and problem decomposition second, separate modules are much easier for machines to
have also been proposed [188]. As a developing subfield of design, understand, third, concurrent engineering can be achieved easily
its cognitive principium is still under investigation, however, a since the clustering of different modules is decoupled and can be
consensus has been reached that the key problem in bio-inspired designed simultaneously.
design is the correct selection of bio-analogy, as well as its proper Modular design has been studied extensively, and various
utilization, which directly determines the final quality of the methods have been proposed [82,131,151]. Pahl and Beitz [131]
product, since it is basically an ideation method embodied in the pointed out the importance of modular design practice, and
conceptual design phase. To achieve the unbiased understanding proposed product modularity should be frequently stated as a goal
of the bio-analogy, many methods have been proposed in recent of good design practice.
years. A database as well as a social network called Asknature [44] Ulrich [98,99] developed the methods of using functional
was developed to provide the engineers with nature’s solutions structures for modularization by grouping the function-related
and the access to biologists, while the risks are that biologists may elements together, and stated that a modular product or
favour the solutions out of their own expertise. A heuristic search subassembly has a one-to-one mapping from the functional
method was proposed by Helms et al. [80] to maximize the structure to the physical components of the product. He further
efficiency and sufficiency of the search. A database-like tool named argued that all the interfaces among the components are
BioTRIZ [41] is capable of transferring knowledge from biology to decoupled. Yet, this definition accounts only for the functional
engineering, and a conflict-pattern problem defining paradigm is aspects and ignores all the other life-cycle features. It also
suggested. Most worth mentioning is the study conducted by Shu disallows multi-functional modules, while it does introduce an
[160], who proposed the natural-language based search method to important view that the manner in which the modules are
improve the quality of search results and the corresponding compiled together (interface) play a key role [62].
strategies for the bio-analogy assessment. Actually, most of the Erixon et al. [51] proposed the concept of ‘‘module drivers’’,
existing methods are based on database technology, search engine which are a number of different criteria behind modularization,
technology, knowledge management platform for collaborative throughout the entire product life cycle, including product
design (e.g., consulting biologists online to avoid cognitive bias), development, variance, manufacturing, quality, purchasing and
and semantic web technology. after sales. ‘‘Module drivers’’ enable the setup of independent
The search of bio-analogy is a typical knowledge capture assembly units within each module that can be adapted precisely
process. Systematic studies have been conducted by Shu et al., and to the requirements of that module.

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18 Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

As can be inferred independence, more specifically, functional

independence, dominates the modularization process. The theo-
retical basis of modularity originates from Suh’s [13,171]
independence axioms. Therefore, if possible, each function that
a product performs should be independent of all other functions,
realizing a one-to-one correlation between form and function. This
axiom has led to a search for a connection between physical
independence and functional independence [88,148].
Besides, Hillstrom [82] applied Suh’s axioms to evaluate the
interfaces among modules. Mistree et al. [119] demonstrated with Fig. 16. Epistemology process of automating design.
an example that there is a relationship between the independence
among modules and reducing interactions between them. Kusiak
and Huang [100] proposed an approach for modularizing a product products. Consequently, absolute functional independence [169]
by considering the costs and performance of a product [73]. as proposed in the axiomatic design theory is difficult to achieve.
Eppinger and Pimmler [49] used a heuristic swapping algorithm to On the contrary, in most cases, design ideation is a coupled process,
cluster components into modules. Newcomb et al. [122] used the e.g., the details can be considered during the conceptual design
clustering algorithm developed by Kusiak and Chow [98] to phase, and such ‘‘idea jumps’’ might be common. The previously
identify modules in a product. Moreover, Kusiak and co-workers introduced analogical design and bio-inspired design are actually
have developed several clustering algorithms, which can be used excellent examples as well as effective means for coupled design.
for component clustering [73,99,101,102]. As shown in Fig. 16, the design stages (R, F, C, S, D) in sequential
Despite of all these achievements, the coming trend of descriptions are analogous to the local ontologies, while with
mechatronic product design has been transferring from the coupled concept, C, S, and D can be generally denoted as
independence notion into the desire of highly compact, or ‘‘morphology’’. Thus, in coupled design, the whole design process
integrated product with good versatility. Thereby, sophisticated is actually operated in a global ontology, and it has been
structure is required during embodiment design, as illustrated in implemented by designers consciously or unconsciously. For
bio-inspired design. To follow this need, the functions within a automating design, coupled ideation process is typically a highly
structure have to become more or less coupled, and the number of challenging task for computers, which as described previously
the ‘‘interfaces’’ as presented in modular design would greatly have to obey the sequential procedures as depicted in Fig. 18. This
decrease to enhance robustness. Then, the modular design method again stresses the importance of human–machine integration.
might only be suitable for providing a guidance of clustering, i.e., Symbiotic with coupled design is the concept of coupled
what functions are better to be integrated into one structure. optimization, which is a similar concept with multi-objective
Currently, it becomes urgent to establish a novel coupled design optimization (MOO). The principal goal of MOO is to model a
and optimization methodology, which inevitably requires the decision maker’s preference [113], and in usual cases, the solution
intervention of human intelligence due to technology limitations of MOO is not very definite but more like a concept. Traditional
at present. nonlinear MOO methods like the ones with priori, posteriori or no
articulation of preferences are essentially based on the single Detailed design. This is the phase of the design process in objective optimization engine when implemented, while the
which the arrangement, forms, dimensions and surface properties intelligent methods, such as genetic algorithm [95] or simulated
of all of the individual parts are finally laid down. After annealing algorithm are global and can be used to solve MOO
embodiment design where the materials are specified, now problems directly. Nevertheless, all these methods need a
production possibilities need to be assessed, costs should be prerequisite of mathematical expression or quantification of the
estimated, and all the drawings and other production documents problem. Unfortunately, a designer will find it impossible to
are validated [131]. Particularly, this is the stage where all the always ‘‘measure’’ a problem precisely, e.g., in multi-disciplinary
information and specification of the product including the results optimization the fundamental theories are even more diverse.
of geometric optimization, electromechanical coupled optimiza- For coupled optimization, quite often the qualitative and
tion, as well as the improvement of assemblies, components and quantitative optimizations come in a mixed manner. For example,
costs [131], etc. are holistically verified. the design of a complex product would involve the determination
of optimal functional grouping, selection of optimal material and
3.4.2. Coupled design and coupled optimization principal mechanism, and optimal cybernetic configuration, while
As the prototype of automating design, Gero’s FBS model treats within each category usual MOO has to be implemented. For
design as the transformation between different states. Originating automating design, decoupling of the qualitative dilemmas has
from this prototype, the most recent framework in Fig. 4 shares always been a challenge for machine. The proposal of modular
similar characteristics, i.e., the design process is modelled as design [72] introduced earlier greatly contributed to the develop-
sequential and iterative activities. However, with the increasingly ment of automated coupled optimization of machine, however,
deeper understanding of the nature of automating design, the currently it depends extensively on human–machine integration.
researchers find that almost no modern product design can be From the perspective of design science, three types of general
accomplished in such strict step-by-step manner, which actually optimizations need to be particularly considered in kinematic,
only serves as a conceptual or principle description. In practical dynamical and geometric levels, respectively. These optimizations
designs, the design stages or transitions among states are usually are conducted with the continuous comparisons between the
entangled, and this can be seen from three perspectives: (1) as expected behaviour and the physical behaviour of the design, as
mentioned earlier, automating design can be regarded as shown in Fig. 4.
knowledge operation, while different domain knowledge entities
are certainly interconnected; (2) from the ontological view, both (a) Kinematic optimization. Kinematic optimization is preceded
design knowledge and product knowledge can be represented by among configuration, expected behaviour and physical behav-
global ontologies consisting of local ones, and the corresponding iour (Fig. 4). In this process, kinematic characteristics of the
semantic-network shows that the concept entities often have potential topological structures are analysed, i.e., it is at the
extensive semantic relations with one another; (3) for any design, topological level, thus more qualitative optimizations are
there must exist versatile parts. Moreover, bio-inspired design is involved, requiring more human labour. If the kinematic
recognized as a future trend for the reason that there is growing requirements fail, a designer has to loop back into the conceptual
need for highly compact, integrated, and multi-functional design stage or even modify the functional specification.

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Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 19

(b) Dynamical optimization. Dynamical optimization is preceded graphically depict the states of the concerned physical systems,
among structure, expected behaviour and physical behaviour. which are often modelled using partial differential equations (PDE).
At this stage, physical properties (like material, mass) have The image-based representation or visualization of design
already been assigned to the system, so it is possible for process provides great help to increase the efficiency of the design
computers to become increasingly involved, while the of turbine engines and aircrafts, which is greatly influenced by the
designers’ job leans towards the ordinary MOO, leaving the coherence of collaborators. As shown in Fig. 17, the design
computer to perform automatic dynamic computation with the collaboration system is mainly composed of project management
established knowledge base mentioned earlier [4,23,143]. and workflow management [194]. The former is the core
(c) Geometric optimization. Geometric optimization is preceded competency that configures engineering sources in accord with
among details, expected behaviour and physical behaviour. each product development project, and supports collaboration
At this phase, detailed geometric parameters of the design would among team members. The later allows various applications to be
be specified. Thus this type of optimization is highly mathemat- seamlessly deployed and run in a continuous sequence without in-
ical and programmable. The powerful computational capability process intervention from engineers. Image-based collaborative
of a machine is best embodied at this stage, since the tasks left design tools for project and workflow management make better
are usually pure MOO or even single objective optimization. utilization of engineering resources, enforce effective planning and
coordination of myriad engineering tasks, keep close track of
4. Implementation engineering processes, and provide engineers with up-to-date
4.1. Integrated human–machine interface for designing turbine Physical data of turbine engines or aircrafts generated by PDE
engines and aircrafts solvers are bound with discrete nodes, vertices of meshed domains
or scattered spatial points. Unstructured data can be transformed
Design of turbine engines and aircrafts is very complex, because into structured data through meshing and mapping to reduce
optimal design solutions need to be attained over multi-disciplinary computation time and cost [194]. As shown in the upper part of
domains, for example, the pipe routing problems for aircraft engine Fig. 17, although there are a large variety of physical fields, the
design [208,209]. Thus, it calls for comprehensive and collaborative visualization of physical systems can be divided into the graphical
engineering decision making across disciplinary boundaries. There- illustration of scalar, vector and tensor fields through the image-
fore, a unified human–machine integrated design environment is based interface. The field visualization techniques are implemen-
necessary to provide engineers with a systematic spectrum of ted on the basis of a range of linear and non-linear meshes, which
techniques for flexibly concerting inter-disciplinary interactions, flexibly adapt to disparate data representation schemas adopted
settling discipline conflicts, and reaching at global optimums. In by all kinds of multi-disciplinary problem solvers (e.g., ANSYS,
order to maximize the strengths of both human and computer, an PATRAN, etc.). Both vector and tensor field visualization methods
image-based integrated design interface should be developed. are subsequently reduced into scalar field visualization, which
According to the imaginal thinking frame, visualization is depicts a spatial distribution of an undirected physical quantity.
essential to help designers gain insightful understanding of The field visualization methods joint discrete outcomes of PDE
numerous physical behaviours, such as heat transfer, mass solvers into continuous images that permit intuitive observations
advection, fluid turbulence, structural deformation and wave and insightful cognitions. In this way, humans can make effective
propagation. Design visualization constitutes a rudimentary com- decisions based on their superior capability in imaginal thinking.
ponent of an image-based human–machine integrated environ- As both of the process and physical systems for the design of
ment, which enables human to intuitively understand the turbine engines and aircrafts are depicted as general images, the
burgeoning amount of data resulting from science, engineering, merits of human experience, intuition and creativity can be
business, environment and other domains. As shown in Fig. 17, maximized for design evaluation and more effective decision
design visualization processes data in two ways [193]. The first way making, which largely dominates the success of a design. It can be
is to display data in elaborately structured tables, charts and seen that the visualization method of turbine engine and aircraft
diagrams in order to manage the process systematically and design follows the human–machine interactive principle of
efficiently, which can be divided into tasks and workflow manage- automating design, demonstrating the effectiveness of the
ment. The second way is to display data in graphics or pictures with proposed automating design methodology.
standardized symbol systems and semantic relations. In this way,
discrete data on two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) 4.2. Ultra-precision grinding machine
domains are illustrated by continuous representations that
An implementation of the human–machine integrated auto-
mating design paradigm is presented for the design of an ultra-
precision grinding machine. As shown in Fig. 18, the whole design
framework can be divided into three sections: ontology-based
knowledge management, virtual machine tool and VR/AR-based
human–machine integrated environment. The detailed informa-
tion flow of human–machine integrated multi-agent design
process is also shown, and human intelligence and machine
intelligence are treated as equal on the same platform. Two
important features arise from the VR/AR-based human–machine
integration: time-saving, and higher design efficacy and creativity.
The ultra-precision grinding machine is composed of several
sub-systems, such as bearings, spindle, drivers, etc., each of which
has its own knowledge structure and contents. It is almost
impossible to construct a uniform knowledge model in the system
level directly. Therefore, meta-ontology, as a more fundamental
level is used to establish a mutual basis for the integration and
sharing of different domain knowledge. As introduced earlier,
three classes of ontologies can be derived from the global ontology
Fig. 17. Image-based human–machine integrated design interface for aeroengine to support the automating design of the ultra-precision grinding
design. machine. Product ontology is the knowledge base for product

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20 Y.H. Yin et al. / CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

electrical systems based on ontology, and the model was uniformly

expressed with state-space analysis.
After the refinement and optimization, the remaining task is to
select the optimal structures. The design of the ultra-precision
grinding machine is more of a multi-agent collaboration than an
individual work. Therefore, COM/DCOM technologies are applied
to keep efficient information exchange among the optimization
processes, meanwhile supporting real-time transmission of design
decisions and associate modifications. Consequently, to achieve a
seamless human–machine interface, the system is built under
collaborative VR/AR environments. TransVision [144], remote
user’s appearance [15], synchronized turntables [150] and
SeamlessDesign [94], etc. are some mature VR/AR systems.
With the proposed human–machine integrated automating
design paradigm, the complete design and optimization of the
ultra-precision grinding machine with a 1.2-m production capacity
Fig. 18. Design framework of a large ultra-precision grinding machine.
takes only nine months to finish. The total mass of the machine is
limited to 12 t by utilising granite. The overall dimensions are
modelling and optimization, as well as the visualization of the determined to be 2800 mm  2600 mm  2400 mm. The grinding
machine tool. Meanwhile, process ontology and resource ontology spindle is designated at a fixed 20̊ angle with a 320 mm diameter
are utilized to support the epistemology of design. On the other toric grinding wheel. Optimization results show that maximal
hand, virtual machine tools are used in the design process because it static deformation of the tool centre point is limited to 6.5 mm and
can dramatically reduce the cost and time of hardware testing and that the first mode frequency can achieve over 108 Hz.
iterative improvements of the physical prototypes [3]. Initial
requirements modelled by requirement ontology are clarified in 5. Conclusion and prospect
detail and put into the computer by the designers. The computer
integrating Suh’s axiomatic design [169] principles is able to conduct This paper is an attempt to present a comprehensive overview
mapping from requirement ontology to function ontology, which are on the studies related to human–machine integrated automating
visualized as the basic motion patterns required for finishing all the design paradigm, which aims at combining human’s creativity and
machining jobs. Meanwhile, non-functional requirements are machine’s powerful computational capability. Ultimately, the goal
expressed as expected behaviours for evaluating design results in is to alleviate human from traditional design burden. Despite the
the latter design phases. After that, configuration of the machine tool fact that modern design cannot be implemented without
is determined through conceptual design. Two sets of motion types computers, if the lead time from function to configuration
for tools and workpieces can be described by the mathematical tools (conceptual design) can be effectively shortened with sophisticat-
of Lie subgroup or submanifold that are suitable for expressing the ed human–machine integration, faster decision, lower cost and
motions of rigid bodies. Furthermore, quotient kinematics, which shorter development period can be accomplished.
specifies topological relationships between a Lie subgroup or As a matter of fact, the conclusions made so far are not only the
submanifold and their quotient spaces, is found to be a promising abstraction of the ideas presented in this review, but also hold
tool to enable the computers to solve the aforementioned potential in guiding the implementation of modern automating
topological synthesis problem. More than ten topological structures design, enabling manufacturing industries to respond quickly to
are determined as the potential solutions after initial optimization. dynamic market changes, as well as providing new inspirations to
In order to promote the stiffness of the machine tool, an intuitive the studies in this field. Although promising achievements have
configuration which decomposes the five-axis topology into the been made, there remain plenty of challenges, which are also
three-axis topology is adopted to substantially guarantee dynamic opportunities mainly coming from three aspects:
stiffness. In addition, the two-DOF virtual motion of the toric wheel
with an inclined spindle has been determined to fulfil the ultra- (1) Cognitive science. The decoding of cognitive process and design
precision requirement. Subsequently, the 3D CAD ‘‘virtual proto- ideation mechanism of human has become a significant trend
type’’ model of the machine tool is created, and various optimization in the design realm.
methods and simulation software are applied to refine the virtual (2) Computer science. The biggest impedance to get machine
prototype in order to realize the expected behaviour, including involved in conceptual design might be the prevailing von
stiffness, stability and vibration mode, etc., through the coupled Neumann’s serial machine architecture [207,209]. It can be
optimization in terms of kinematic, dynamic and geometric expected that new architecture computers and new machine
perspectives. Deduced from the product ontology, the CAD and languages will become a mainstream in the near future.
CAE models can be bilaterally transformed according to the protocol (3) AI technology and supporting tools. New AI theories and
of STEP. The multi-body simulation, for example, provides an easy intelligent algorithms will become new research highlights,
way to analyse the kinematic behaviour over the complete also acting as the technical basis for future automating design.
workspace of a machine tool as well as to determine load histories
of components or joints [84,156,198]. Eventually, Finite-Element- Acknowledgements
Analysis (FEA) is applied to define the dimensions of kinematics and
optimize the structural behaviour [84]. For any design, there exist The authors want to explicitly acknowledge the input received
several key coupled aspects. For complex mechatronic product, the from numerous CIRP colleagues. The authors want to acknowledge
two most significant optimizations, mechanical and electrical the support of the National Basic Research Program of China (grant
optimizations are coupled, because the performance of a system no. 2011CB013203).
is co-determined by both mechanical structures and cybernetic
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Please cite this article in press as: Yin YH, et al. Automating design with intelligent human–machine integration. CIRP Annals -
Manufacturing Technology (2015),

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