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A CAPP System for Nonlinear Process Plans

J. P Kruth (2). J. Detand

Received on January 13,1992

Non-linear process olans are prccess plans Nnich comprise different narufactur ng alternatives Sucr non-linear process pians
increase the ilexioility of scbeduling activities and allow to remedy cuic4y '0 disturbances in the "orkshop
They are represerted by ?e!n nets
-?e automatic generation of a non-linear process plan is realised in aitferert s e p s
- the featLre based workpiece descnotion IS translorTed into a non-tinear sequerce of coerauon steps
. the resources capable to manufadure :he specified operation steps, are determined .
. the ion-linear sequence s converted into a non-linear process plan which is directly usable for scbeduling
-he developed CAPP system has been rested 'or hydraulic components
Keywcrds Computer automated process planning ICAPP) Knowledge baseo systems ?e!ri nets, non-linear process plans

1. Introduction
In small batch part manufacturing, workshop disturbances (Ilke machine The representation is based on three layers, one layer for the user
breakdowns, missing toois. machine overloads. unexpected changes in interface, one layer for internal use of the different software modules and
priorities, ...) often lead to orders being processed according to a one layer for the long term storage in the database. All representation
different operation sequence than was originally foreseen in the process formats have to be convertible to the dataoase format. Figure 1
plan. Rescheduling and replanning functions are not catered for in describes how a non-linear process plan is represented :o the user of
conventional process plans, since they provide only one operation the software.
sequence This inherent lack of .flexibility leads to unpredictable
The internal non-linear process plan representation format is an
behaviour of the workshop [I]. To solve this shortcoming of current
extended object oriented Petri net format [6].11 consists of the following
process planning systems, a new type of process plans is introduced :
element-types :
non-iinear process plans (NLPPs). These are process plans which
comprise different manufactunng alternatives. Non-iinear process plans - s-elements : normal s elements
establish a close link between process planning, scheduling and shop . rule s elements
floor control activities. In particular. an integrated process planning and - t-elements : . start end
scheduling system, which uses non-linear process plans. has been . processing step . operation
developed in the frame of a cooperation between the universities of . and split and join
Leuven and Hannover (see acknowledgement). Other approaches . or split or join
having integrated CAPP and scheduling activities are . . conditional split . conditional join
- Just in Time process planning. The CAPP system contains a module A Petri net is a directed bipartite graph which has s-elements. t-elements
which performs machine load optimisation 151.171. 121. The approach and relations between them (described by directed arcs). An example
is very useful for workpieces which undergo only a limited number of Petri net is represented in figure 2.
operations. However, complex parts sometimes require a lot of
manufacturing processes and hence long throughput limes. In this The s-elements are represented by small circles, 1-elements by boxes.
case. it is not opportune to predict the workshop status over a period For simplicity, the arrow of the directed arcs, connecting s- and t-
of 4 weeks. elements, are often dropped : in that case, the arc is assumed to point
from left to right. In addition. a s-element can contain tokens to make it
- Dynamic process planning. The CAPP system determines on-line the active The token is represented as a dot in the circle.
next manufacturing operation [4). Care should be taken to avoid
dead-lock situations in a further stage. if no look-ahead function is A Petri net is executed by firing 1-elements. A 1-element can only be fired
provided. if all its input s-elements contains at least one token. On firing a t-
element, one token is removed from each input S-element and one token
2. The representation format of non-linear process plans is added to each output element. The total set of tokens of a Petri net at
an instant moment is called a marking of a Petri net : it descnbes the
Non-linear process plans must have a computensed representation
state of execution of the Petri net. The behaviour of Petri nets can be
format which is comprehensive for process planners and which IS suited simulated by firing 1-elements and creating new markings.
for scheduling and shop floor control activities. Moreover, non-linear
process plans must comprise different manufacturing alternatives in one 3. Workpiece information and manufacturing knowledge
Process planning requires profound information about workpiece data [3]
181. Stock selection, shape analysis and tolerance analysis are required
to generate a process plan. The developed CAPP system requires
feature based input. The data are entered in the system via a neutral file
or via a graphical editor. The neutral file allows to integrate the software
with a CAD system that allows to extract the feature information. The
graphical editor enables to define features by human interaction.

a. Features and related manufacturing knowledge

oj : or join
A feature contains geometric and technological information.
as : and split Technological information comprises surface roughness, form
a; : and join tolerances and a set of manufacturing directions (e.g. a through hole has
2 directions +z and -2). In addition, each feature is linked to a "generic
Mach nr. Description Petri net". A generic Petri net describes all possible sequences of
processes to manufacture the parametric feature. It contains a number
of conditional splits. A conditional split indicates that any of the
subsequent branches is only valid i f the rule. attached 10 its rule-S-
element, is fulfilled. Each rule refers to the values of certain geometric or
technological data. An example "generic" Petri net for a rectangular
pocket is described in figure 2.
218.05 1 NC drilUbore centre A first generation step of the CAPP system consists of evaluating the
generic net of each feature instance, and eliminating the branches that

Figure 1 : An example non-linear process plan are not valid. Figure 3 shows a feature instance of a rectangular pocket
and the corresponding Petri net after elimination.

Annals of the ClRP Vol. 41/1/1992 489

c. General workpiece data and manufacturing knowledge.
Features model specillc geometric enti!ies. bul they do not comprise
overall workpiece information. For instance. the raw material stock may
be a casted block, a bar to saw, or a welded machine frame. This overall
token workpiece information is not comprised by manulacturing fealurss II has
to be entered as separate information This general workpiece
Parameters information can be associated to a part family.
:I (
[chamler-length] > I)
Group technological information is suited to select manutac:unng
processes which are nor feature related. These processes comprise
stock selection processes !e.g. saw ?om a bar, weld a frame, ..I, peat
treatment processes ie.g har3en an injection ,Tould), and quality control
processes (e g. control leaks of nydrauiic pistons).
r2 f [chamler engthl = 0 ,
The knowledge 's moaeiled Sy defining knowledge bases whicn are
r3 ( [corner-radial > 5 ) and dependent of the pan !amily The rules attached :o the knowledge base
1 [c!eplh]i[corner radius] J c= 4 J ) allow to define non-feature related marufacturing processes. and
grouping and sequencxg relations oe!ween :hose processes and other
r4 [ i [corner-radius] c= 5 1 or processes (e g. ail milling. dr,Iling, boring and reaming before
f jdepth]:[corner radius] ) > 4 ! ! hardening].

d. The generation steps to execute the distinct knowledge bases.

Figure 2 . An example generic Petrl net for a rectangular pocket
The different generation steps of the CAPP system are described in
figure 4. First the workpiece data are loaded 1:om the oatabase. in a
b. Relations between features and manufacturing knowledge next generation step the Petn nets of the individual features are
retrieved and evaluated. The non-valid brancnes are eliminated. Some
The workpiece information model does not oniy require feature features may have multiple manufactunng directions. At this Sage.
modelling, it also needs to model geometric and technological data information is added to the Petri nets of the featbres ir order to model
between different features, so called "relations" Geometnc relations manufacturing constraints for a specific manuiacturing direction.
model the interference between features They comprise parent-child
relations, and neighbour relations. Other geometric relations model a Following, the compound features are determined and the Petri nets of
feature pattern. All features which have a geometric relation in common their subfeatures are joined together (figure 5), by putting them into an
and have the same manufacturing direction are grouped together as a AND relation (and-split, and join) The compomd teature knowledge is
compound feature. Technological relations are modelled as tolerances evaluated
All tolerances of IS0 1101 are included in the model The then-part constraints are translormed into a Petri ner manipulation
The manufacturing knowledge applicable to relations is modelled in (i.e. the addition of Petri net components) Figure 6 exhibits how a
three knowledge bases, each containing a set of ifithen rules . sequence relation is modelled in !he Petri net. The joined Petri net
comprises 3 subnets, one lor eacn feature. Feature! is a hole with a
- a knowledge base for relations of compound features ;
high surface quality. It needs to be dniled and bored. However. it
- a knowledge base lor relations between features having identical interferes with feature2 and feature3, two holes which need to be drilled.
manufacturing directions ; To avoid tool breakage, it is required to bore feature1 before drill2 and
- a knowledge base for relations between features having different drill3 can be performed. The sequencing is modelled by adding s10 (1
manufacturing directions. token), 11, s i 1, and 512. It implies that drill2 and drill3 are not enabled to
A rule contains three attributes : a context, an if-part. and a then-part. fire since 511 and s12 have no token. The 1-elements borel and t l are
The context indicates for which type of relation, the rule has to be enabled to fire :
applied (e.g. all relational tolerances). The if-pan comprises a logical - If t l is fired, the token ISremoved lrom s-element s10 and a token is
expression about the parameters of the relation (e.g. a tolerance-value) added to s i l and si2. Drill2 and drill3 have become fireable but
or of the features of the relation (e.g. the diameter-range of the borel is no longer fireable. After drill2 and drill3 have been fired. the
reference-feature). It returns true or false. If the evaluation of the Petri net is in a deadlock state. No other 1-element is enabled. The
expression returns true, the then-part is executed. simulation stops without reaching the end of the Petri net. Therefore.
The then-part adds a constraint which has to be fulfilled. The applicable this is not a valid simulation path and the related sequence of
constraints are : operation steps is rejected.

manufacture the indicated operation steps in the same set-up (e.g. - If t-element borei is fired, the token is removed from s3 and s10. A
bore the reference feature and the toleranced feature in the same set- token is added to s4 and s10. T l is enabled to fire. When 11 is fired. a
up) token is removed from s i 0 and one is added to s1 1 and s12. Drill2
and drill 3 become enabled to fire A'ter firing drill2 and drill3, the and
sequence the indicated operation steps (e.g. drill the parent feature join can be fired (s4. s6 and s8 have one token). This sirnulation
before child feature) pattern leads to a correct solution
manufacture the indicated operation steps on the same machine (e.g. Analogously, other manufacturing constraints WII! be transformed into an
drill all features of a pattern on the same machine) appropriate Petri net manipulation.
After having evaluated all compound features, the Petri nets of all
features, having the same manufacturing direction, are joined and the
appropriate knowledge base is evaluated (fig 4) Then the same
4chamfer I 0

allocate Ihe generale Ihe

parameters value upp low

depth 40 0 1 -0 1
0 1 -0 1 machire
length 50
width j 30 01-01
corner-radius 1 0 - - . 11 - 1 I
- 1I model muui
directions II 1 I organise for
workpiece 1I lime & cost

Figure 4 : the distinct generation steps of the CAPP system

During machine seleclion. it is checked whether the ooeration step can
be manufactured with the number of control axes of ihe machine. For
instance, milling a pocket requires 2 control axes. milling a curved
surface without undercuts requires 3 control axes, drilling requires 1
control axis.
Each operation step is provided with information about its corresponding
feature. its manufacturing directions. and a list of associated operation
steps that have to be manufactured in :he same set-up (see previous
generation Steps in fig. 4). It is checked whether the machine can
perform all these associated operation steps In the same set-up taking
into account the restrictions of the rotatton axes and of :he !olerances
and sequence relations between the operation steps.

c. Manufacturing capability data

Finally, the workshop database contains information of manufacturing
capabilities. Each machine has its physical limitations concerning
accuracy, power, fixturing, cutting tools, and manufacturing processes.
Moreover. human process planners often allocate only a limited set of
Figure 5 : A joined Petri net the Complete capabilities : e.g. a machining centre is allocated to drilling
and boring operations only. even if milling is feasible, because it has a
limited tool magazine. Therefore, the manufacturing capabilities of the
procedure is applied for features located in different manufacturing
machine are modelled explicitly, instead of calculating them via the
physical limiting parameters.
After these generation steps. one huge Petri net has been created which
The workshop database comprises the following item lists :
describes all valid alternative ways to manufacture the workpiece The
net contains individual operation steps. - a list of subprocesses (i.e the manufacturing process. e.g. drill. ..)
- a list of parameters @g. diameter. depth. ...)
4. Workshop model and manufacturing knowledge
- a list of feature types [e.g. rectangular pocket, ..)
Each operation step of the generated Petri net is completed with a list of
machines which can perform this operation step with a correct accuracy a list of machines (e.g. MAH0600C. .)
(fig. 4, 3rd phase). The CAPP system contains a workshop database and following relationships between them :
which descnbes the manufacturing capabilities of each individual
machine. The selection is performed by executing an SOL query fulfilling - a subprocess-parameter list models tte relation between
the constraints put forward. subprocesses and parameters (e.g. the diameter for drilling)

The machine data model has 3 types of data : general machine

- a machinecapability list models the relation between machines and
information, machine axis data and machine capability data. subprocesses (e.g. MAH0600C can drill)
- a machine-capability-limitation list models the relation between a
a. General machine data subprocess-parameter, a feature-type and a machine capability. It
has the following table columns : machine, subprocess, parameter.
The general machine data comprise machine identification data,
feature-type, ma-value, min-value, accuracy. (example : MAH0600C
information about clamping possibilities for different workpieces, and
can drill a circular hole with diameter between 10 mm and 100 mm
time & cost figures. The data are :
with an accuracy of 0.1).
- identification data (id, location, department)
During machine selection, the operation step information (subprocess,
- workpiece clamp data (max & min x. y, and z values) feature parameters and its tolerance intervals) are checked against the
- time 8 cost data (mean set-up time, hourly cost rate) minimum, maximum. and accuracy parameters of the machine.

Machine selection implies performing a query about the workpiece 5. The generation of the non-linear process plan.
clamp data.
When the workpiece and workshop related knowledge bases have been
b. Machine axes data evaluated, a huge Petri net is generated (figure 4). A simplified example
is shown in figure 7. The Petri net consists of s-elements. and
A machine has a number of axes. Each axis has information about splitsijoins, t-elements representing a dummy transformation, and
maximum range (e.g. 1800). increment (e.g. 50). accuracy (e.g. t 5 ) . In operation steps. Each operation step has additional information attached
addition, the number of axes that can be controlled simultaneously has (see table of fig. 7) :
to be indicated. An example may clarify . a NC drilling centre only
a list of machines that can manufacture the described operation step ;
requires 1 axis control at a time, a NC milling machine or machining

centre may have 2, 3.4 or 5 control axes. This information is required to - a list of operations, which have to be manufactured together on the
determine whether a machine can perform a set of operation steps in same machine, called a “group“ ;
one set-up. - other information, which IS not relevant for the transformalion process.
This Petri net is called an “operation-step Petri net”. Figure 7 descnbes
the operation-step Petri net of a workpiece consisting of 1 hole and 2
pockets The hole needs to be drilled and bored (on the same machine):
both pockets need milling (on the same machine).
The operation step Petri net does not correspond to the final process
plan format wanted by human process planners or schedulers. They
s1 510 \ want to have a non-linear process plan which describes the different
machine alternatives (figure 1). It consists of s-elements, andlor
0- 6 splits/joins. and operations. Each operation has the following information
attached : the machine, a fist of operation steps, manufacturing times
and costs. Such a process plan is called a machine Petri net.Figure 8
outlines how the transformation from an operation-step Petri net
(figure 7) to a machine Petri net is realised for the example workpiece i t
hole, 2 pockets). It is based on Petri net simulation rheory.
- -s7- -
--- - -ss-:
The simulation starts by putting a token in s1 of !he operation step Petri
net. AS is fired. The token is removed from s1 and a token is added into
Figure 6 : an example sequence relation

49 1
Operalion siep Uachires Group
operation-step Petri net that have 1 token, and optionally a list of
M1 excluded machines. The optional list of excluded machines comprises all
bors Ma:, Ma2 0.B
MI mil pack1 Ma:, Ma3 M;.M2
machines that have manufactured the workpiece until that workpiece
se state. This list is stored to avoid that the same machine would appear
M2 v2 mill pock2 Mal. Ma3 M:.M2
more than once in the simulation path. This is an undesired situation
since the various operation steps to be performed on the same machine,
Figure 7: an example operation-step Petri net. would not be grouped together It is indead useless to drill two holes on
Mai , then unclamp the workpiece, manufacture some surfaces on Ma2.
return back to Ma1 and reclamp the workpiece to drill the other holes.
s2. s3. s4. Basically, the marking with 1 token in si (represented by
(sl)) and the marking with 1 token in s2. s3. s4 (represented by Analogously to the exploration of Mkl , the new\y created markings that
(s2,s3,s4) ) represent the same workpiece state. This marking or don't contain the end-element are explored. Mk2 is explored as
workpiece state is callea Mki (see figure 8). In the situation Mkl explained above. Mk2 enables M1 and M2. The candidate machine list
(s2,s3.s4). the following operation steps can be fired . D. M1, M2. D can is Ma1, Ma3. However, Ma1 is an excluded machine (see table of fig. 8).
be executed on machine Ma; or Ma2 : M l and M2 on Ma1 or Ma3 (fig. Therefore, only Ma3 is iunher explored. Next Mk3. Mk4 and Mk5 are
7). The complete list of candidate macnines to start the manulacturing explored in the same way Ail lead to the end marking. Notice :hat
is : Mal, Ma2. Ma3. The s:mulation pattern will evaluate the machine-list sometimes resulting markings may be identical In such case, the
one by one. simulated operations are joined to the same marking. In the example,
this is the case for Ihe marking E. Notice that Mk2 and Mk4 differ
First Ma1 IS explored. On Mal. !he following operation steps are
although they represent the same workpiece state . they comprise the
enabled (i.e. can be fired) : D. M l , M2. The foilowing simulation steps
same s-elements (s3,s4.s6). but have a different list of excluded
can be performed on Ma1 :
First D is fired. It means that a token is removed from s2 and one is
The number of nodes to be explored (which determine the CPU time)
added to s5 (s3,s4.s5). Now M1, M2 and 8 are enabled. Notice
remain low due to the following precautions :
however. that D and B have to be manufactured on the same
machine (see figure 7). Therefore, B is fired and marking ( ~ 3 . ~ 4is~ 5 ) - permutations of operation-steps on Ihe same machine are avoided (1
replaced by (s3,s4,s6), called Mk2. This marking is the one possibility instead 01 n!-:) ;
represented by the tokens in figure 7. Mk2 ( ~ 3 ~ 4 enables
. ~ 6 ) M l and ~ identical markings are joined together.
M2 (fig. 7). Both M1 and M2 are not grouped with D or B. They can be
manufactured on an other machine than Ma1 , namely Ma3. Therefore After the machine Petri net IS created, the times and costs of all its
Mk2 is explicitly created in order to allow further exploration of this operations are determined by heuristic formulae. The resulting Petri net
marking in a next simulation step. is the required non-linear process plan format, similar to figure 1.

Continuing from marking ( ~ 3 ~ 4 .M1 ~ 6and

) M2 are both also enabled 6. Conclusion
on Ma1 (the currently explored machine) and need to be grouped (fig.
Non-linear process plans increase the flexibility of scheduling and shop
7). Therefore, they are lired together : the tokens from s3 and 54 are
floor control systems. The generation of such process plans nave been
removed and 57. s8 receive a token. By firing both M1 and M2 in
realised by a Petri net based CAPP system. The developed software
parallel. all permutations are excluded. This reduces the number of
requires feature input. Future developments will focus on input from
simulation steps by n!-l, n being the number 01 parallel operation
CAD systems.
steps. Firing M1 + M2 leads to the marking (s6,s7.s8) and thus to
(s9), the end of the Petri net. Marking E (s6,s7.s8) or (59) is created. Non-linear process plans are not only interesting for traditional
Mkl is connected to E by the operation steps D + 8 + M1 + M2. workshop, but may be extended towards CAPP systems for Flexible
Manufacturing Cells or Flexible Assembly cells. It this case. the non-
manufactured on Ma1 (fig. 8).
linear process plans must comprise alternatives up to the level of
Staning from Mkl (s2,s3,s4), M1 and M2 are fired in parallel (to avoid fixtures and cutting tools.
explosion). Mk3 (~2.s7.s.8) is created. Operation steps M1 + M2 are
manufactured on Mat. Further exploration would deduce to the 7. Acknowledgement
operation steps D + 8 + M1 + M2 being manufactured on Ma1 , and
This research was sponsored by the European Community under the
leading to marking E (s6,s7.s8). However, this deduction has already
ESPRIT project 2457, named FLEXPLAN. This project established a
been explored in a previous step (fig. 8) and is not repeated.
three year cooperation between the University of Leuven (Prof. Kruth),
There are no further simulation steps possible on Ma1 starting from Mkl the University of Hannover (Prof. Tonsholl). CIM Fabrik Hannover (Prof.
(s2.s3,s4). Three manufacturing possibilities have been created : M1 + Tonshoff and Prof. Wiendahl), WTCMICRIF, and five European
M2 on Mal. D + B on Mat. M l + M2 + D + B on Ma1 (fig. 8). Ma2 is industrial parlners.
expanded similarly. It leads to Mk4 ( ~ 3 ~ 4 . ~Ma3
6 ) . creates additionally
Mk5 (see figure 8). Now all simulation steps lor Mkl are explored. Mk2. 8. References
Mk3, Mk4, Mk5 and E have been created as additional markings. These Detand J , Kruth J.P., Kempenaers J., Pinte J., Kreutzfeldt J.,
markings contain the following information : the s-elements of the
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Figure 8: the transformation process from operation-step Petri net to

machine Petri net


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