Obstacles SCM

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Achieving strategic fit is a company’s

ability to find a balance between

responsiveness and efficiency that
matches the needs of its target
 Increasing variety of products
Customers demanding ever more
customized products ….
 Decreasing product life cycles
Today there are products whose life cycles can be
measured in months ,compared to the old standard
of years.
Increasingly demanding customers
Customers are constantly demanding improvements
in delivery lead times, cost and product
Fragmentation of supply chain ownership
Most firms have become less vertically integrated. as
companies have shed noncore functions, they have
been able to take advantage of suppliers &
customer competencies that they themselves did
not have.
Adds stress to the chain, because facilities within the
chain are farther apart, making coordination much
more difficult.
Difficulty in executing new strategies
Once the good strategy is formulated , the execution
of the strategy can be more difficult
Overcoming these obstacles offers a tremendous
opportunity in terms of untapped improvement with
in supply chain. the increasing impact of obstacles
has led to supply chain management becoming a
major factor in the success or failure of firms.
“When obstacles arise,
you change your
direction to reach your
goal;you do not
change your decision
to get there.”


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