Test - 30 - 07 - Trambovetska

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Ex 1 find the odd one out in each line

1 spring up/get fined heavily/ complete snob

2 back down/ slacker/ lighten up
3 strikes me as/ I get the impression/ flourish
4 demolish/impose/ bring in
5 absolutely packed/ intense / totally insane
6 conform/ revolve around/ positive outlook
7 that must have been interesting/ that can’t have been much fun/ it must be changing

Ex 2 Match adjectives with the nouns

1 affluent С A nightlife

2 Chaotic D B robbery

3 vibrant A C neighborhood

4 spotless F D parking
5 armed B E car

6 secure G F room

7 Compact E G situation

Ex 3 complete the sentences with the correct prepositions

1 you should always stand up for your principles

2 he was always prone to accident
3 She was always calm and took things on her stride
4 As a child, he was always sucking up to our parents
5 they collaborated on the project with students from another college

Ex 4 Complete the phrases with the correct word

1 he was in rough after he lost his job

2 She’s really funny and always has us in ____
3 I dint need to worry because Rory had everything in hands
4 I struggled at first, but I’m on top of things now
Ex 5 find the words


Ex 6 put the words in the correct order to create phrases and sentences, maybe some
words are missing, maybe some are extra

1 people and loads loads of

Loads and loads of people

2 back down once made up wont he he’s mind his,

He won’t back down once he’s made up his mind

3 after I four crawl didn’t until a into bed

I didn’t crawl into a bed until four

4 he kids incredibly hard pushes his

He pushes his kids incredibly hard

5 culture the is to hospitality central

The hospitality is the central part of culture

6 no all just it notice of he takes

He just takes no notice of it all
7 plan mayor set ambitious up previous an a
Set up an ambitious plan

8 shootings there muggings of lot a are and

There are a lot of shootings and muggings

9 there conspicuous showing off people with their wealth is consumption lot a of
There is a lot of conspicuous consumption when people are showing off their wealth

10 trace there not is a litter of anywhere

There is not a trace of litter anywhere

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