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Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 15 (2022) 149–162

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Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences

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Sensitivity study of risk to future generations associated with the Geological

Disposal of Radioactive Waste in the Jebel-Al-Dhanna salt dome
Abdulla H. Al Nuaimi *, Laurence G. Williams OBE FREng
Centre for Nuclear Engineering, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom


Keywords: The disposal of Higher Activity Wastes, particularly long lived Heat Generating High Level Waste (HG-HLW) such
Higher activity waste as Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) is one of the biggest challenges encountered by the peaceful civil nuclear energy
Geological disposal facility industry. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has emplaced laws and instituted a policy in which geological disposal
Performance assessment
is a potential choice for SNF disposal. Available geological data in the public domain provide initial indications of
Risk analysis
geological environments that might be suitable to host a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) in the UAE. This
paper aims to present an indicative preliminary Performance Assessment (PA) demonstrating radiological dose
and risk estimations from hosting a GDF in the Jebel al Dhanna (JAD) location consisting of an Evaporite
geological environment in the form of a Salt Dome (Diapir) that protrude above the surface. Modelling the
dispersion of harmful radionuclides from the GDF hosted at the JAD location is achieved by utilising GoldSim’s
Contaminant Transport code, which has successfully provided an evaluation of radiological risks to current and
future generations from the disposal of the UAE’s forecasted SNF inventory. The developed GoldSim model
highlights the migration of radionuclides from within disposed waste packages, past the engineered barrier
system (EBS), through the surrounding geosphere or the Natural Barrier System (NBS), reaching a reference
receptor. Due to the lack of detailed and site specific data, analyses presented in this paper are to be viewed as
generic and are not to be utilised directly as a site selection tool. The analyses presented are expected to go
through several revisions and development stages once sufficient site specific data is made available and will
then be presented in, and be a part of a UAE site specific safety case report. The analyses presented in this paper
are not meant to be used in site selection decision making or in the assessment of the suitability of the location to
host a GDF for nuclear waste. The selection of a site for a GDF in the UAE is a matter for the UAE Government and
depend upon a more detailed analysis of site-specific conditions.

1. Introduction address the long-term management plan for the disposal of SNF and
other radioactive wastes (UAE, 2009). The Federal Authority of Nuclear
The main objective of deep geological disposal as depicted by the Regulation (FANR), identifying as the regulatory body for the UAE’s
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is to protect nearby pop­ nuclear sector, has produced regulatory document FANR-REG-27 titled
ulations and environments from the hazardous effects of ionizing radi­ “Regulation on Disposal of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste”
ation generated from disposed radioactive waste packages. The Emirates (FANR-REG-27 “Disposal of Radioactive Waste ”, 2019), which iden­
Nuclear Energy Corporation’s (ENEC) Radioactive Waste Management tifies geological disposal as possible choice for the disposal of SNF (UAE,
Organisation (RWMO) is the entity responsible for implementing the 2017). FANR-REG-27 also identifies sets of requirements to be addressed
UAE’s long-term radioactive waste management policy. Currently, only by the RWMO, in which scientific and accurate evidence needs to be
Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) is designated as Higher Activity Wastes (HAW) presented to prove that, for the time period specified by FANR, radio­
produced from the UAE’s civil nuclear energy program. As decreed by logical hazards and risks to the population and the environment are
Chapter 8, Article 40–42 of the UAE Nuclear Law set in 2009, regula­ below set thresholds.
tions and policies are to be produced by the UAE’s government to Based on a sound scientific approach, performance safety analyses,

Peer review under responsibility of The Egyptian Society of Radiation Sciences and Applications.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: a.alnuaimi19@imperial.ac.uk (A.H. Al Nuaimi).

Received 26 April 2022; Received in revised form 25 May 2022; Accepted 30 May 2022
Available online 13 June 2022
1687-8507/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Egyptian Society of Radiation Sciences and Applications. This is an open access
article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
A.H. Al Nuaimi and L.G. Williams OBE FREng Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 15 (2022) 149–162

where radiological hazards are analytically assessed and compared with site is way below regulatory limits, which is expected due to the absence
potential radiation dose and other risk criteria, facilitates conversations of a significant driving force in an evaporite environment that can
between the GDF delivering entity (RWMO) and relevant stakeholders release radionuclides into the biosphere suggesting that, with the
(i.e. Regulator, Public). In order to achieve this, GoldSim’s Contaminant available input parameters used, a GDF being constructed and safely
Transport code, which is a dynamic, probabilistic simulation package operated in the UAE is possible.
developed by the GoldSim Technology Group was utilised. Specifically,
the GoldSim Contaminant Transport code was used to model the 2. Evaporite environment as GDF host
dispersion of radioactivity in the event of a breach in a UAE GDF
following degradation of designed engineered barriers. The developed Evaporites are classified as sedimentary rocks forming a unique
GoldSim model highlights the transport of radionuclides from within stratum. Evaporites are mainly formed from dissolved minerals that are
disposed waste packages, past the engineered barrier system (EBS), contained by ancient saline bodies (seas, lake etc.) by the recurring
through the surrounding geosphere or the Natural Barrier System (NBS), process of evaporation and precipitation. Large, thick formations of
reaching a reference receptor either via ingestion or inhalation either via evaporite deposits generally exist in enclosed seawater basins. Many of
ingestion or inhalation or both. the significant evaporite deposits found are the world were formed
The identification of a site for geological disposal in the UAE is yet to during the Permo-Triassic era (195–280 Million years ago) (Thomas &
be decided on, with available geological data being mostly relating to Pharaoh, 2014a).
the oil and gas industry with insufficient detail in the public domain. Rock salt, also known as Halite, is the most abundant evaporite
However, available geological sources provide an indication of possible mineral in geological records. Halite consists mainly of sodium chloride
rock formations that might be suitable for the hosting of a GDF. Evap­ (NaCl), which comprises around 75% of seawater salts. Evaporite min­
orite environments consisting of rock salts are available in seven erals do not usually enclose free water, hence providing a dry environ­
different locations in the UAE in the form of salt domes, with six loca­ ment that is devoid of groundwater flow. Halite is also mechanically
tions being on salt islands (Delma, Sir Bani Yas, Arzana, Qarnain, Zirku weak compared to most Higher Strength Rocks (HSR) and Lower
and Sir Bu Nair) and one being on an on-land salt dome at the Jebel Al Strength Sedimentary Rocks (LSSR), however, rock salt creep properties
Dhanna (JAD) location. The preliminary indicative Performance reassures that fractures in this environment cannot be sustained for long
Assessment (PA) presented in this paper for a UAE GDF assumes that the time durations. Rock salts also have higher thermal conductivity prop­
disposal system evolves as expected, without the occurrence of natural erties when compared to HSR and LSSR environments, however, this can
or human induced disruptive events for the assessment duration. be addressed in the design of the disposal system by having greater
A simplified approach was taken in modelling the distribution of waste package separation distances (Nuclear Decommissioning Au­
geological features at the JAD location based on data that was made thority, 2016).
available by the UAE’s Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (MoEI) and Evaporites are usually located in dry regions that are separated from
the Environmental Agency of Abu Dhabi (EAD). The design of the GDF the ocean. Layers of evaporite deposits are laid down in confined basins.
disposal concept in the developed indicative PA is based on the design The first mineral to precipitate is usually Calcium Sulphate in the form of
presented by the German Gorleben disposal facility, as it is similarly gypsum. Progressing through further evaporation, precipitates of Halite
hosted in a salt dome. are formed along with gypsum, followed by anhydrite until finally
As stated in Article 6, Clause 8 of the FANR-REG-27 document, a UAE forming highly soluble salts of potassium and magnesium in the form of
GDF must present features that “aim to provide isolation for at least Sylvite, Carnallite and Polyhalite (Nuclear Decommissioning Authority,
several thousands of years for intermediate and high-level Radioactive 2016). The recurring processes of these minerals depositing through
Waste” (FANR-REG-27 “Disposal of Radioactive Waste ”, 2019). This precipitation and sedimentation can eventually results in a very thick
statement indicates that FANR expects the RWMO’s GDF to co-locate sequence of evaporite minerals at the base of a marine basin. Water is
SNF, Intermediate-Level Waste (ILW), and some Long-Lived Low-Level then flushed out of the structure matrix due to the immense cumulative
Waste (LLW) in a future GDF. However, in the developed indicative PA weight of the overlying sediment. Following re-crystallization of the
presented in this paper, only SNF produced from the UAE’s nuclear minerals, a very low permeability and porosity homogeneous crystalline
energy program is considered. This was done as it is expected in the rock is formed (Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, 2016). The
long-term that safety challenges, risks and hazards associated with the mechanism of transport of groundwater and solutes through an evapo­
disposal of SNF are much more significant that other waste classifica­ rite environment will be mainly via diffusion in regions of inter­
tions due to factors such as radioactivity, half-life and associated heat connected pore space along formations of brine, however, it is unlikely
generation rates of disposed inventories. Additionally, only considering that such a connection exists over significant distances in a evaporite
SNF in the PA analysis limits facility design and assists in further environment (Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, 2016). This makes
simplifying the safety analysis. an evaporite environment one of the most stable and hence suitable
The analyses produced from the developed PA model are mostly environments to host a GDF, as is seen from the selection made by the
generic, where although not being related to a specific site in the UAE, US’s Department of Energy in the construction of the Waste Isolation
site properties entered into the model are realistic and relevant to the Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico in a salt bed environment, and the
considered disposal system. Due to the lack of detailed and site specific German DBE in the construction of a GDF in a salt dome environment at
data, analyses presented in this paper are therefore to be viewed as Gorleben.
generic and are not to be utilised directly as a tool used to make infor­ The British Geological Survey (BGS) have identified nine salt domes
mative site selection decisions. The presented analyses are meant to within the UAE. It is reported by the BGS that the most prominent rock
mainly quantify and indicate preliminary risk to current, and more type making up the identified salt domes in the UAE is grouped in a
importantly, future generations from hosting a GDF with the salt dome lithostratigraphic unit known as the Hormuz Complex (Thomas & Pha­
located at the JAD site in an evaporite environment. The analyses pre­ raoh, 2014a). The Hormuz Salt Series contains evaporites, in addition to
sented are expected to go through several research and development varied groups of shales, dolomites and volcanics. Four main groups are
stages once sufficient site specific data is made available and will then be identified at the outcrop of salt dome locations and they include evap­
presented in and be a vital part of a UAE site specific safety case report. orites, sedimentary rocks, pyroclastics and intrusive igneous rocks
Section 5 of this paper presents results that are produced from the (Thomas, Ellison, & Goodenough, 2012). Evaporites present at these
developed indicative PA model, with a general conclusion that while locations are mostly made up of crystalline rock salt with soft gypsif­
considering conditions and generic data in the performed simulation, erous surfaces (Thomas et al., 2012). Table 1 illustrated the composition
annual dose and annual risk from having a GDF at the Jebel Al Dhanna of two rock samples analysed via the X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) method.

A.H. Al Nuaimi and L.G. Williams OBE FREng Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 15 (2022) 149–162

Table 1 illustrates the Salt Domes that were geologically surveyed including the
XRD analyses from Two samples taken from UAE Salt Domes (Thomas et al., Delma, Sir Bani Yas, Sir Bu N’Air, Zirku, Arzana, Qarnain and Jebel Al
2012). Dhanna salt domes.
Sample Location Quartz Gypsum Anhydrite Halite Mica Chlorite

Jebel Al Dhanna 1.7 7.8 83.7 5.6 <0.5 <0.5

3. Considered SNF inventory
Sir Bani Yas 1.2 11.2 80.5 4.3 <0.5 <0.5
In the preliminary PA presented in this paper, SNF is the only
considered waste to be disposed in the modelled GDF. The Standardized
From the nine salt dome locations that were identified, a preliminary Computer Analyses for Licensing Evaluation (SCALE) 6.2.4 code from
suggestion is made by this paper that is based on ease of access from a the US’s Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL) was used. The Oak
transport perspective, where the Jebel Al Dhanna location becomes the Ridge Isotope Generation Automatic Rapid Processing (ORIGEN-ARP)
most appealing due to it being on the main land and the most easily package within the SCALE 6.2.4 computer code was utilised to calculate
accessible location that is in close proximity to the existing BNPP facility the most prominent SNF radionuclide inventory produced from the
(~40 km to the east, can be accessed via road). Another location to be operation of the UAE’s APR-1400 nuclear reactors at the Barakah Nu­
considered is Sir Bani Yas island, located ~5 km north of the Jebel Al clear Power Plant (BNPP). APR-1400 spent fuel data provided by the
Dhanna salt dome and can be accessed via sea. The salt dome located at Kora Electric Power Corporation and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co.
the Island of Sir Bani Yas is larger (~3.6 km horizontally, ~3 km Ltd. (KEPCO/KHNP) was utilised in the inventory analysis. The esti­
vertically at outcrop) than that seen at the Jebel Al Dhanna location mated inventories are illustrated in in Table 2 per Spent Fuel Assembly
(~2.2 km horizontally, ~4.1 km vertically at outcrop). Although access (SFA). It is estimated that the operation of the BNPP for 60 years will
to the Island of Sir Bani Yas is more difficult when compared to the Jebel produce 16,564 SFAs which is also considered in the JAD model. Data
Al Dhanna location, the island has the required transportation infra­ obtained from these calculations was used to provide the source term in
structure allowing for easier access (seaport, airport, roads). Fig. 1 the GoldSim “JAD model”.

Fig. 1. Satellite images of the seven salt domes. a) Delma. b) Sir Bani Yas. c) Sir Bu N’Air. d) Zirku. e) Arzana. f) Qarnain and g) Jebel Al Dhanna salt dome (Thomas
and Pharaoh, 2014b). © 2022 Google, Image © 2022 Digital Globe.

A.H. Al Nuaimi and L.G. Williams OBE FREng Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 15 (2022) 149–162

Table 2 Transport (CT) package was used to model the dispersion of radioac­
Estimate Inventory of the most significant Radionuclides in APR1400’s SFA. tivity released from a JAD site GDF following the breakdown of engi­
Nuclide Half-life (Yrs.) Activity (Bq) Mass (kg)/SFA neered barriers. In the development of the JAD model, several steps
APR1400 [SCALE 6.2.4] were followed to develop the contaminant transport model. These steps
C14 5.70E+03 3.30E+11 1.04E-07 can be summarized as seen in Fig. 3 illustrating the JAD model devel­
Se79 3.27E+05 1.08E+10 2.84E-03 opment methodology.
Sr90 2.88E+01 1.16E+15 0.265 Therefore, the JAD model was comprised of three major components,
Tc99 2.11E+05 1.92E+12 0.471 the source term, the near-field surrounding the SNF package and the far-
Sn126 2.30E+05 8.79E+10 0.013
I129 1.57E+07 4.33E+09 0.098
field. The near-field component of the JAD model includes crushed
Cs135 2.30E+06 8.08E+10 0.209 halite rock salt encompassing the SNF canister, which welds and com­
Cs137 3.00E+01 1.98E+15 0.656 bines together via creep with time, with diffusion as the mechanism of
U233 1.59E+05 5.16E+07 1.53E-06 transport through it. The conceptual layout of the GDF and the config­
U234 2.46E+05 1.70E+11 0.065
uration of waste canisters is addressed in the near-field region. The far-
U235 7.00E+08 7.36E+08 2.046
U236 2.34E+07 3.25E+10 2.054 field component of the JAD model addresses the vertical far-field con­
U238 4.47E+09 2.44E+10 373.342 sisting of the lithological layers above the GDF to simulate the transport
Np237 2.14E+06 6.50E+10 0.270 of radionuclides in the vertical direction.
Pu238 8.80E+01 4.16E+14 0.149 Together, the evaluation of the near and far-field components allows
Pu239 2.41E+04 3.03E+13 2.354
Pu240 6.56E+03 6.39E+13 1.226
for the demonstration of capability in the presented indicative perfor­
Pu241 1.40E+01 2.03E+14 0.565 mance assessment. An overview of the structure of the JAD model is
Pu242 3.75E+05 4.34E+11 0.422 illustrated by Fig. 4 presenting the GoldSim boxes constructed for the
Am241 4.32E+02 4.92E+14 0.174 analysis.
Am243 7.36E+03 7.25E+12 0.102
Total Mass (kg) 384.49
4.1. Radionuclide Transport Pathways
4. GoldSim JAD model
The transport box in the GoldSim code as illustrated in Fig. 4 defines
the pathways considered for the transport of radionuclide species
This subsection discusses the development of the Jabel Al Dhanna
released from the waste canisters through the near and far-fields, to a
(JAD) preliminary model. Fig. 1 (g) illustrate a satellite image of the JAD
receptor as illustrated by Fig. 5. The location of the GDF is assumed to be
site. This coastal GDF is mined into a salt dome/diapir overlain by
mined into the Jebel Al Dhanna Salt Dome, into the halite dominated
anhydrite and sand. Borehole investigations of groundwater availability
layer starting at a depth of around 50m onwards (Environment Agency,
and salinity in the vicinity of the salt dome by the EAD illustrate that
2018). A single pathway has been incorporated into the JAD model,
groundwater only exists at shallow depths from 12 to 18m, and at
being in the upwards/vertical direction. This was assumed due to the
further depths groundwater is extremely sparse or non-existent. Fig. 2
location of the JAD site being downgradient from the closest receptor to
illustrates stratigraphical layers that were identified by the EAD inves­
the JAD site. Additionally, borehole investigation of groundwater and
tigation, and were used as the bases for the geological description of the
well in the vicinity of the JAD site indicate to the presence of shallow
JAD model.
hyper-saline wells, with a maximum depth of around 22m (Environment
In order to evaluate risk at the JAD site, the GoldSim computational
Agency, 2018). Moreover, borehole investigation around a similar salt
code was utilised. GoldSim is a Monte Carlo simulation code that can be
dome that is 5 km north of the JAD site, on the island of Sir Bani Yas,
utilised for the modelling of complex dynamic systems. The code has the
indicate that at depths of around 50m and deeper, halite is present.
ability to model advective and diffusive transport using one-dimensional
Additionally, the nearest receptor is up-gradient from the JAD site,
compartment model elements. Specifically, the GoldSim’s Contaminant
hence the idea of presence of groundwater lateral flow was disregarded.

Fig. 2. Stratigraphical Layers in the vicinity of the JAD site. Fig. 3. JAD model development methodology flow chart.

A.H. Al Nuaimi and L.G. Williams OBE FREng Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 15 (2022) 149–162

Fig. 4. Overview of JAD model Structure.

Fig. 5. a) Overview of JAD Model’s Radionuclide Transport Pathways considered, b) JAD Model Upwards Pathway.

Therefore, the JAD site, being a surface salt dome with a peak of around degradation of the SNF is assumed to have a fractional degradation rate
100 m was modelled as a “stack”, releasing radionuclides in gaseous of 2 × 10− 5/yr. The transport mechanism by which radionuclides
form upon migration to the surface of the dome. migrate through the near-field and far-field is via diffusion only, due to
The conceptual design considered for the JAD model is illustrated in the absence of any fluid flow, and any cracks in the NBS.
Fig. 6, where it is assumed that SNF canisters are to be oriented hori­ Once at the surface, radionuclides diffuse into the atmosphere and
zontally, in rows with the long axis of the canisters oriented perpen­ particulates enter air via resuspension. Atmospheric dispersion carries
dicular to the direction of the modelled diffusive flow, similar to the radionuclides to the receptor. The SNF is modelled as a matrix source
conceptual disposal design proposed by Gorleben Germany as illustrated that degrades on its own time. As the SNF matrix degrades, radionu­
in Fig. 6b. The JAD model contains the estimated SNF inventory as clides are released and partitioned onto the surround near-field halite.
discussed in Section 2. Assemblies of SNF are packaged into copper Some are entrained in the attenuated near- and far-fields, and others
canisters and in accordance to the SKB waste canister design. diffuse upward towards the ground surface.
Degradation of the waste package starts only when the copper
canister fails due to corrosion. Therefore, the cast iron inserts only start 4.2. Exposure calculations
to corrode when the surrounding copper canister is breached. Once all
barriers are breached, the SNF starts degrading, releasing radionuclides The exposure box as illustrated in Fig. 4 holds values and calculations
to the surrounding near-field Halite. Radionuclides are initially released for the assessment of exposures to humans. Human health effects eval­
via the Instant Release Fraction (IRF) mechanism after which the uated in the JAD Model include radiological effects related to ionizing

Fig. 6. a) Waste Canister Emplacement in JAD Model without a Buffer Surrounding Copper Canister b) Gorleben Facility Conceptual Design, c) JAD Model
Layout Dimensions.

A.H. Al Nuaimi and L.G. Williams OBE FREng Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 15 (2022) 149–162

radiation, to reference receptor who is a resident that grows some of JAD Model input parameters. The key parameters used in the JAD Model
their own food. base case scenario is summarized in Table 3. Due to the lack of extensive
The off-site exposure scenario assumed for the JAD facility is focused site specific data, some of the input parameters used to characterise the
on the closest residential area, located 9 km South East of the evaluated base case scenario of the JAD Model were taken from the DoE’s Generic
facility location. Due to the receptor location being relatively upgradient Disposal System Modelling report for a similar salt environment (Freeze
to the JAD site, it is expected that there is no complete groundwater et al., 2013).
pathway from the JAD GDF. And hyper-saline water, as shown by the The base case JAD Model assumes:
EAD data in the vicinity of the JAD site, is not suitable for agricultural
purposes. Therefore, exposure via direct ingestion through drinking • The GDF is located 200m below the surface;
water and food has not been considered, and only the exposure through • The Jebel Al Dhanna Salt Dome consists mostly of a simple salt mass;
air dispersion was modelled. This include: • Undisturbed and homogeneous geological conditions;
• No advective flow as the location of the GDF is downgradient to the
• Inhalation of ambient air that contains dust and radionuclides nearest receptor;
transported from site via atmospheric dispersion. • No occurrence of natural or human induced disruptive events for the
assessment duration.
In order to quantify dose received via inhalation by a reference re­ • Minimal contribution from the EBS;
ceptor, conversion factors were used to convert radionuclide concen­ • No effect from the Disturbed Rock Zone (DRZ) from prior excavation;
trations in the air to dose. These include pathway-specific dose • I129 is in a gaseous state after release from Salt Dome and is mobile
conversion factors (DCFs). The source of DCFs that were used can be via air dispersion (although unlikely, this is to show the worst case
found from the US’s DOE report, DOE-STD-1196-2011 (DOE-STD-1196- scenario);
2011, 1196). • Complete degradation occurs after 50,000 years, causing all waste
The concentration of radioactivity in air near an exposed receptor packages (Containers) to fail instantaneously;
was calculated by utilising off-site calculation similar to those performed • No sorption conditions applied from the near-field surrounding the
by nuclear power facilities, by adopting Relative Concentration Factors source term to the far-field;
(X/Q) (DOE. DOE-DR-506 and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, 2006). • The dose receptor is 9 km to the South East of the GDF location;
The X/Q factor (also known as “Chi over Q”) is usually used to simplify • An assessment period of 100 million years; and
dose calculations, where it represents the concentration of radioactivity • A conversion factor of 0.06 Sv− 1 to convert calculated dose to
in air, at a known location, divided by the release rate of radioactivity. radiological risk (Environment Agency and Northern Ireland Envi­
Due to the absence of data representing the X/Q values for the radio­ ronment Agency, 2009) (ICRP Publication 60, 1991).
nuclides escaping vertically from the JAD site, X/Q data from the close
by BNPP nuclear power plant was used to predict airborne concentra­ The deterministic annual dose over 100, 000, 000 years is shown in
tions for input into the JAD Model (Emirates Nuclear Energy Corpora­ Fig. 7 (a), while Fig. 7 (b) converts received dose to annual radiological
tion. Nawah Energy, 2012). risk by following the RWM approach based on the ICRP method in using
As a radioactive plume moves from a release point, radioactivity is a conversion factor of 0.06 Sv− 1 to convert calculated dose to a risk.
deposited on the ground and/or on vegetation due to the contact of the The contribution from Iodine-129 (I129) dominates the modelled
plume on these surfaces. This was considered in the JAD model by using received dose. This was expected, as I129 has a very long half-life of 15,
Relative Deposition Factor (D/Q) values, which were also obtained from 700, 000 years, and is assumed to virtually have no sorption capabilities
BNPP data (Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation. Nawah Energy, (kd = 0 mL/g) in all regions of the disposal system, with unlimited
2012). Data and JAD atmospheric dispersion input values provided by solubility. The maximum predicted risk is several orders of magnitude
the BNPP are based on historical averages of atmospheric conditions below the current UK regulatory guidance level (RGL) of 1 × 10− 6/yr,
from 2008 to 2011 for 16 compass-direction sectors (i.e., N, NNE – S, which is lower than the IAEA’s set limit at 1 × 10− 5/yr. The RGL is
SNE) (Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation. Nawah Energy, 2012), considered in this paper due to it being a more conservative threshold.
reflecting the fraction of time that wind blew into each sector and the The international consensus towards the depth of a GDF is consid­
distribution of wind speeds and atmospheric stability during that time. ered to be 200m to 1000m. This is mainly to account for climate change
Relative concertation (X/Q) and deposition (D/Q) factors are affected by and the movement of glaciers through the geological environment.
the same parameters, which include meteorological conditions, release However, as the UAE lies close to the Tropic of Cancer, these effects are
characteristics and location.

5. Risk analysis Table 3

Summary of the JAD base case scenario model.
This section goes through results produced from applying the base Feature JAD Model Baseline Scenario Representation
case scenario discussed in Section 3 to the JAD indicative safety
Source Inventory Spent Nuclear 7,132 MTHM (60 yr. Operation of
assessment model. For the given base case, source term, near-field, far- Fuel BNPP)
field and biosphere properties, the deterministic simulations of base case Waste Form Spent Nuclear 2 × 10− 5/yr fractional
scenarios for the JAD model provide preliminary indications of esti­ Fuel degradation rate
mated dose and hence radiological risk. Sensitivity analyses were also Depth - 200 m
Near Waste Waste Package Instantaneous failure of 1% of
performed. One-off deterministic simulations were executed on the base
Field Package waste packages
case scenarios of the JAD model in order to provide a preliminary un­ Buffer/ Crushed rock Diffusive transport with sorption
derstanding on parameters that might contribute to the overall perfor­ Backfill salt (Halite) Bulk Density, Porosity: 2170 kg/
mance of the disposal system in containing and isolating harmful SNF m3, 0.039
radionuclides from accessing the biosphere while following base case Far Field Host Rock Halite (250m) Diffusive Transport
Bulk Density, Porosity: 2170 kg/
conditions. m3, 0.039
Receptor Surface/ Dose Conversion DCF from US’s Department of
5.1. Base case scenario Biosphere Factors (DCF) Energy (DOE. DOE-DR-506 and
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual,
A base case was developed to reflect the current best estimates of the

A.H. Al Nuaimi and L.G. Williams OBE FREng Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 15 (2022) 149–162

Fig. 7. Base Case Scenario, a) Annual Dose, b) Annual Risk, received by Receptor.

not expected to occur, hence a shallow depth of 200m is considered for of radionuclides to the biosphere under base case conditions. These one-
the base case. off deterministic simulations provide a better understanding of the
Based on the deterministic results presented in Fig. 7, observations limitations of the disposal system, and are hence a vital component of
with regards to the safety performance of the modelled JAD disposal the safety assessment.
system under base case conditions include: The sensitivity analyses performed on the JAD model, along with
their accompanying results are presented in the following subsections.
• Release of radionuclides to the closest receptor can be considered as The following one-off sensitivity simulations were performed to observe
minimal, and is well below background radiation. Dose received the effects on the dose received by a receptor, and hence the associated
from I129 is effectively negligible for the modelled period of 100, 000, risk:
000 years, with a peak dose of 2.28 × 10− 12 mSv/yr, equating to a
risk factor of 1.37 × 10− 16 at 760,000 years. • Depth of the GDF (Fig. 8),
• The migration of radionuclides through the EBS and NBS is • Receptor distance (Fig. 9),
extremely slow due to: • Waste canister lifetime (Fig. 10),
o The absence of groundwater flow, leading to diffusion dominated • Waste form fractional degradation rate (Fig. 11),
transport. • Diffusion of I129 (Fig. 12), and
o The absence of any significant cracks in the NBS due to the plastic • Host Rock Sorption of I129 in the geosphere (Fig. 13).
behaviour of salt (creep), again limiting transport to diffusion • Atmospheric Dispersion Coefficients (Fig. 14).
o Sorption of radionuclides in the near-field, and mainly in the far-
field. 5.2.1. Depth of the GDF
The effect of different GDF depths on annual dose and risk is illus­
trated in Fig. 8. The sensitivity analysis investigates four depth cases:
5.2. Sensitivity analyses
• Shallow depth at 200m,
For a better understanding of a disposal system performance • Intermediate depth at 500m,
assessment, consideration needs to be taken in addressing uncertainty in • Maximum depth at 1,000m, and
input parameters. The subject of uncertainty in a geological disposal • Further increased depth at 2,000m.
system evolves and matures with the development of the disposal pro­
gram. Usually, probabilistic analyses are performed in order to quantify Observations from Fig. 8 indicate that at greater depths, peak annual
uncertainty. However, due to the lack of site specific data, the effects of dose and risk are reduced significantly due to radionuclides taking
uncertainties in the JAD model’s performance assessment is investigated significantly longer to reach the surface due the greater travel distance,
via sensitivity analyses, by performing one-off deterministic which allows more time for radionuclides to decay, causing a reduction
simulations. in activity with time. A summary of peak value results from Fig. 8 are
By identifying single uncertain parameters in the base case scenarios presented in Table 4.
performed, a one-off simulation changes a single base case value to a
reasonable bounding value in order to observe the effect it has on overall 5.2.2. Receptor distance
system performance, hence deduce the sensitivity of that parameter. By The effect of different distances from the GDF to the receptor on
performing these one-off simulations and sensitivity analyses, further annual dose and risk is illustrated in Fig. 9 respectively. This sensitivity
insight into the influence of different parameters and features on the analysis investigates three cases:
overall disposal system capability in isolating and impeding the release

A.H. Al Nuaimi and L.G. Williams OBE FREng Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 15 (2022) 149–162

Fig. 8. JAD model GDF Depth Sensitivity Analysis, a) Annual Dose, b) Annual Risk, received by Receptor.

Fig. 9. JAD model Receptor Distance Sensitivity Analysis, a) Annual Dose, b) Annual Risk, received by Receptor.

• Base case Distance, representing the distance to a receptor at dispersion of radionuclides through the atmosphere by utilising the
9,000m, Relative Concentration Factor (X/Q) from a radioactive plum emanating
• Reduced distance to a receptor at 5,000m, and from the salt dome to a considered reference receptor. Peak annual dose
• Decreased distance to a receptor at 1,000m. and risk are register at the same time for all distance cases due to the
time radionuclides released to the atmosphere being unaffected as the
By reviewing satellite images, and looking at any suitable topog­ vertical distance (which is the only transport pathway modelled for the
raphy allowing comfortable life in the vicinity of the JAD site, a sensi­ JAD site) remains unchanged, and only the lateral distance from the
tivity analysis was performed to assess for annual dose and risk for a facility is altered. A summary of peak value results from Fig. 9 are
reduced distance of 5,000m and an further reduced distance of 1,000m. presented in Table 5.
Observed results from Fig. 9 illustrate that, as expected, the farther the
receptor is from the JAD site, the less annual risk and dose received. 5.2.3. Waste canister lifetime
Exposure calculations performed by the JAD model focus only on the The effect of different canister degradation rates, and hence failure

A.H. Al Nuaimi and L.G. Williams OBE FREng Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 15 (2022) 149–162

Fig. 10. JAD model, Waste Canister Degradation Sensitivity Analysis, a) Annual Dose, b) Annual Risk, received by Receptor.

Fig. 11. JAD model, Waste-Form Fractional Degradation Rate Sensitivity Analysis, a) Annual Dose, b) Annual Risk, received by Receptor.

time on annual dose and risk is illustrated in Fig. 10. The sensitivity Observations from Fig. 10 lead to the deduction that the effect of the
analysis investigates four cases: waste canister degradation rate, and hence the lifetime of the waste
canister, on annual dose and risk is the delay of radionuclide release, and
• Base case waste canister degradation rate of 1000 nm/yr, and com­ the reduction in peak values due to the extended time allowing for ac­
plete failure at 50,000 years, tivity reduction through radioactive decay. Table 6 summaries peak
• Moderate waste canister degradation rate of 500 nm/yr, and com­ values registered from Fig. 10.
plete failure at 100,000 years,
• Slow waste canister degradation rate of 100 nm/yr, and complete 5.2.4. Waste-form fractional degradation rate
failure at 500,000 years, and The effect of waste-form degradation rates on annual dose and risk is
• Very slow waste canister degradation rate of 50 nm/yr, and complete illustrated in Fig. 11. This sensitivity analysis investigates three frac­
failure at 1,000,000 years. tional degradation rate cases:

A.H. Al Nuaimi and L.G. Williams OBE FREng Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 15 (2022) 149–162

Fig. 12. JAD model, I129 Diffusivity Sensitivity Analysis, a) Annual Dose, b) Annual Risk, received by Receptor.

Fig. 13. JAD model, Host Rock Sorption of I129 Sensitivity Analysis, a) Annual Dose, b) Annual Risk, received by Receptor.

• Base case waste-form degradation rate at 2 × 10− 5/yr,

• Faster waste-form degradation rate at 4 × 10− 5/yr, and = m(t) . (ω + λ) (1)
• Slow waste-form degradation rate at 1 × 10− 7/yr.

m(t): Mass of radionuclide at time t, ω: Fractional degradation rate, λ:

The release and mobilisation of radionuclides is highly dependent on /
Decay constant. (ln(2) t )
waste-form degradation rate. The annual fractional degradation rate (ω 1/2

[/yr]), defines waste form degradation in a disposal system once Therefore, solving Equation (1) for m(t) gives:
groundwater comes into contact with the disposed SF after a container m(t) = m0 . e− (ω+ λ)t
breach event. The mass of radionuclides usually decrease with time in a
disposal system due to decay and release, the reduction rate of this mass where mo [kg] represent the initial inventory at the time of repository
can be mathematically defined as: closure.

A.H. Al Nuaimi and L.G. Williams OBE FREng Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 15 (2022) 149–162

Fig. 14. JAD model, Host Atmospheric Dispersion Coefficients Sensitivity Analysis, a) Annual Dose, b) Annual Risk, received by Receptor.

Table 4 Table 7
Summary of Peak Values from JAD model GDF Depth Sensitivity Analysis. Summary of Peak Values from JAD model WFDR Sensitivity Analysis.
JAD Site Depth [m] Peak Dose [mSv/yr] Peak Risk [/yr] Time [yrs.] Waste Form Peak Dose Peak Risk Time [yrs.] m(t) of I129
Degradation Rate [mSv/yr] [/yr] [g]
[Base case] 200 2.275E-12 1.365E-16 760,000
[yr− 1] t = 1x106yrs
500 6.181E-13 3.708E–17 3,800,000
1000 1.866E-13 1.120E–17 11,000,000 [Base 2E- 2.275E-12 1.365E-16 760,000 9.94E-07
2000 2.96E-14 1.776E-18 26,000,000 case] 05
4E- 2.279E-12 1.367E-16 720,000 2.05E-15
1E- 9.302E-13 5.580E-17 12,000,000 436.32
Table 5 07
Summary of Peak Values from JAD model Receptor Distance Sensitivity
per canister, and a half-life (t1/2) of 1,570,000 years, the mass m(t) of
Receptor Distance [m] Peak Dose [mSv/yr] Peak Risk [/yr] Time [yrs.]
I129 remaining in the waste-form following a period of, for example,
[Base case] 9,000 2.275E-12 1.365E-16 760,000
1,000,000 years, is also presented in Table 7 for each considered waste-
5,000 5.446E-12 3.879E-15 760,000
1,000 6.466E-11 3.268E-16 760,000 form degradation rate. It can be seen that for the highest considered
waste form degradation rate that hardly any I129 is contained in the
waste form after 1 million years. Similarly, the case of 4 × 10− 5/yr also
indicates a miniscule presence of I129 in the waste form. However, for
Table 6
Summary of Peak Values from JAD model Waste Canister Degradation Sensi­
the slowest considered degradation rate of 1 × 10− 7/yr, for the same
tivity Analysis. analysed time period, it can be seen that around 87% of the I129 in­
ventory within the waste form still remains, which explains the
Canister Degradation [nm/yr] Peak Dose [mSv/ Peak Risk Time
yr] [/yr] [yrs.]
decreased annual dose and risk.

[Base 1000, (50,000 2.275E-12 1.365E-16 760,000

5.2.5. Diffusion of I129
case] yrs)
500, (100,000 2.270E-12 1.362E-16 810,000 The effect of the diffusion coefficient of I129 on annual dose and risk
yrs) is illustrated in Fig. 12. This sensitivity analysis investigate three diffu­
100, (500,000 2.227E-12 1.336E-16 1,200,000 sion coefficient cases:
50, (1,000,000 2.174E-12 1.305E-16 1,800,000
• Base case free water diffusion coefficient of 2.3 × 10− 9 m2/s,
• Increased free water diffusion coefficient of 1.025 × 10− 8 m2/s, and
• Reduced free water diffusion coefficient of 4.1 × 10− 10 m2/s,
Looking at Fig. 11, it can be deduced that, the lower the waste-form
degradation rate, the longer it takes for radionuclides to be released I129 is the greatest contributor to long-term annual dose and risk from
from the disposal system, therefore, reducing peak annual dose and risk a GDF, hence, the diffusion coefficient of I129 is only considered. Setting
as radionuclides are allowed more time to decay. Table 7 summarises the Diffusivity value of I129 to 1.025 × 10− 8 m2/s results in a corre­
peak value results. Further understanding can be achieved by solving sponding effective diffusion coefficient for I129 in each simulated region
Equation (2), as it is known that I129 is the highest contributor towards that is a factor of 5 larger than the base case value. The factor-of-5 in­
annual dose and risk, considering an initial inventory of around 502 g crease in diffusion coefficient has a significantly increase dose. This is

A.H. Al Nuaimi and L.G. Williams OBE FREng Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 15 (2022) 149–162

due to the corresponding factor-of-5 increase in diffusive flux rate in a is presented in Table 9.
diffusion-dominated system, which shifts the dose curve to the left
indicating earlier release. 5.2.7. Atmospheric dispersion
Setting the Diffusivity value of I129 to 4.1 × 10− 10 m2/s results in a The effect of varying the atmospheric dispersion coefficients, Rela­
corresponding effective diffusion coefficient for I129 in each region that tive Concentration Factor (X/Q) and Relative Deposition Factor (D/Q)
is a factor of 5 lower than the base case value. The factor-of-5 decrease in on annual dose and risk is illustrated in Fig. 14. The sensitivity analysis
diffusion coefficient has significantly decreases dose. This is due to the investigates the following multiplication factor cases:
corresponding factor-of-5 decrease in diffusive flux rate in a diffusion-
dominated system, which shifts the dose curve to the right indicating • Base case atmospheric dispersion, with a multiplication factor of 1.
a delay in release. A summary of peak value results from Fig. 12 is • Increased atmospheric dispersion, with a multiplication factor of 10.
presented in Table 8. • Extreme increase in atmospheric dispersion, with a multiplication
factor of 100.
5.2.6. Host Rock Sorption of I129 • Reduced atmospheric dispersion, with a multiplication factor of 0.2.
The effect of varying sorption of I129 through the disposal system on
annual dose and risk is illustrated in Fig. 13. The sensitivity analysis As it can be seen from Fig. 14 an increase by an order of magnitude in
investigates three I129 sorption cases: the relative concentration and deposition factors in the JAD model in­
creases peak annual dose and risk by the same order of magnitude. The
• Base case I129 sorption, with a kd value of 0.00 mL/g, corresponding JAD model only address the transport of radionuclides vertically from
to a Rf of 1.0. the disposal facility, and exposure to a receptor is only assumed via
• Increased I129 sorption, with a kd value of 0.1 mL/g, corresponding to atmospheric dispersion, which is the main reason for the JAD model
a Rf of 2.12. being sensitive towards changes in atmospheric dispersion coefficients.
• Increased I129 sorption, with a kd value of 1.00 mL/g, corresponding Albeit being sensitive, the extreme case simulated illustrates that annual
to a Rf of 12.16. dose and risk remains several orders of magnitude below the maximum
acceptable threshold. Table 10 summarise peak values registered for
The sorption capabilities of I129 can vary depending on site-specific each simulated case.
characteristics, hence introducing uncertainty in results. Increasing
the sorption coefficient kd of a radionuclide increases the retardation 6. Discussion
factor by which the radionuclide is sorbed more readily in the natural
geosphere. The retardation factor (Rf), in terms of the sorption coeffi­ Although some of the assumptions made in the presented analyses
cient, can be calculated via the following Equation: are very conservative for the sake of simplicity, it is important to note
ρb that the analyses presented in this paper are not meant to be used in site
Rf = 1 + . kd (3) selection decision making or in the assessment of the suitability of the
location to host a GDF for nuclear waste. There are many aspects that
where, ρb: porous media bulk density (g/cm3), ne: effective porosity of were ignored in the JAD model and if addressed will increase the
the media at saturation. complexity of the model, which will do it justice as the modelling of a
Kd: Sorption Distribution coefficient. GDF is a highly technical and complex task.
Therefore, increasing the sorption coefficient kd of a radionuclide Although it makes the modelling easier, assuming that present con­
increases the retardation factor by which the radionuclide is sorbed ditions persist for the next 100 million years is unrealistic. This is
more readily in the natural geosphere. Using Equation (3), and assuming especially so for the case of small islands or near-coastal locations such
a bulk density (ρb) of 2170 kg/m3 for Halite, with a porosity (ne) average as the JAD location, in a time when rising sea levels are inevitable in the
of 0.19 (nhalite 0.039, nanhydrite 0.35), for the three I129 sorption cases, the near future. There is also the fact that salt diapirs are inherently dy­
retardation factors for kd coefficients of 0.00 mL/g, 0.1 mL/g and 1.0 namic, so gravity-driven halo-kinesis and uplift can be significant on a
mL/g is calculated to be 1.0, 2.12 and 12.16 respectively. Observing millions of years timescale. These are such fundamental issues, that were
Fig. 13, it can be seen that changing I129 kd values have a significant not considered, where the assumption of “the disposal system evolves as
effect on annual dose and risk. This is mainly due to the increase expected without the occurrence of natural or human induced disruptive
retardation of I129 transport that is associated with the increased kd events for the assessment duration” was made to simplify the analysis.
value. In comparison to the Base case scenario, for the case when kd is This is especially critical for a salt host rock as its performance is very
0.1 mL/g with an Rf of 2.12, the annual dose and risk curves shift to the high so as integrity is maintained, where the natural barrier system can
right by a factor of 2.56 on the time axis. Similarly, for the case when kd fail catastrophically if any scenario can lead to contact with great vol­
is 1.0 mL/g with an Rf of 12.16, the annual dose and risk curves shift to umes of flowing groundwater.
the right by a factor of 12.16 on the time axis. Annual dose and risk Considering the above, reviewing the overall performance analysis of
decrease significantly with an increase in kd due to the allowance of a GDF at a Salt environment in the UAE, it can be said that while
radioactive decay with time as it takes much longer for I129 to reach the considering the assumptions, conditions and generic data entered in the
receptor in the biosphere. A summary of peak value results from Fig. 13 performed simulations, annual dose and annual risk from having a GDF
at the JAD sites is well below regulatory limits, suggesting that, with the

Table 8 Table 9
Summary of Peak Values from – JAD model I129 Diffusivity Sensitivity Analysis. Summary of Peak Values from JAD model Host Rock Sorption of I129 Sensitivity
I129 Diffusivity [m2/ Peak Dose Peak Risk Time Release
s] [mSv/yr] [/yr] [yrs.] Time [yrs.] Host Rock I129 Peak Dose Peak Risk Time [yrs.] Retardation
Sorption (Kd) [mSv/yr] [/yr] Factor [Rf]
[Base 2E-09 2.280E-12 1.368E-16 710,000 27,000
1.025E- 1.156E-11 6.933E-16 330,000 5,400 [Base 0 2.275E-12 1.365E-16 760,000 1
08 case]
4.10E- 1.763E-18 2.488E-17 2,500,000 140,000 0.1 1.993E-12 1.196E-16 2,900,000 2.12
10 1.0 9.771E-13 5.863E-17 13,000,000 12.16

A.H. Al Nuaimi and L.G. Williams OBE FREng Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 15 (2022) 149–162

Table 10 specific, and is greatly simplified, an effort was made in order to ensure
Summary of Peak Values from JAD model Host Dispersion Coefficients Sensi­ that the presented analyses are thorough and hence are indicative of
tivity Analysis. performance. Validation of the GoldSim code has proven to be difficult
Air Dispersion Peak Dose [mSv/yr] Peak Risk [/yr] Time [yrs.] due to the lack of open access data available for the public to compare
Multiplication Factor results. The DoE developed a Salt General Disposal System (SGDS)
[Base case] 1 2.28E-12 1.368E-16 760,000 model, however, the SGDS was used to simulate a GDF in a salt bed,
10 2.28E-11 1.368E-15 760,000 unlike the JAD model modelling a salt dome structure. Data is limited
100 2.28E-11 1.368E-14 760,000 with regards to geological disposal models in salt domes, the only case
0.2 4.55E-13 2.734E-17 760,000
study that can be considered for comparison is the Gorleben salt dome
disposal system in Germany, however, open access to data with regards
available input parameters used, a GDF being constructed and operated to the Gorleben disposal system performance assessment is not available
in the UAE is possible. and the project was formally abandoned in 2020. Hence, the extent of
However, to add additional safety margins to the considered loca­ validation for the JAD model was done numerically by using the equa­
tions, regulatory control can be focussed on considered parameters that tions presented in the sensitivity analyses, where results produced from
have illustrated sensitivity to risk in the presented analyses. Based on inputting parameters into Equations (2) and (3) all agree with results
results obtained from the seven sensitivity analyses performed on the that were produced by the JAD model. Uncertainty in input parameters
JAD model, observations with regards to the performance of key pa­ was addressed by performing sensitivity analyses to examine the range
rameters of a geological disposal system in a Salt Dome environment in of performance potential by altering the most uncertain parameters.
the UAE can be made. Results presented in Section 5 are mostly generic, however, dis­
For the simulated Salt Dome’s 9 km far-fields, as expected, key pa­ tances, depths and most geological data is representative of the JAD site.
rameters directly affecting radionuclide transport have a significant The analyses in this paper provide preliminary indication of whether it is
impact on annual dose and risk. Parameters and processes include fa­ appropriate to perform a more comprehensive siting analysis of the JAD
cility depth, receptor distance and sorption of radionuclides into the host location before any decision is made. It needs to be emphasised that
rock. analyses presented in this paper are not meant to be used to directly
Waste canister lifetime has a notable effect on annual dose and risk. assist in site selection decision making and any assessment for the
In which increasing the lifetime of the canister offsets radionuclide suitability of a proposed location to host a GDF for nuclear waste.
release, hence allowing for more radionuclide decay. The analysis per­ Although not fully representing the JAD site, the JAD model identify
formed when changing the rate by which waste canisters degrade in the crucial processes that can affect GDF safety performance, in addition to
JAD model can be synonymous with considering different canister ma­ successfully identifying inventories to be disposed of in the proposed
terials, other than copper, including Titanium and potentially cheaper disposal system. Therefore, it can be concluded that the developed
alternatives such as Carbon or Stainless Steel Canisters. Although model presented in this paper can be used by the UAE’s RWMO as a
extreme degradation cases were considered for the assumed canister foundation for the development of a more robust, accurate and site-
design, the annual risk threshold was not exceeded and was many orders specific performance assessment model. Additionally, the developed
of magnitude below the considered RGL. However, it can be deduced model can be altered so as to also provide a performance assessment of a
that considering different corrosion rates in a salt environment can be Near Surface Disposal Facility (NSDF), for radioactive wastes other than
insignificant due to the lack of any interactions with a flowing fluid that SNF. Future revisions of work done in this paper will focus on:
will inherently cause corrosion.
Processes that affect waste form factional degradation have a slight • A systematic scenario analysis, where it is essential to guide the
effect on annual dose and risk. Increasing the degradation rate has a process of developing a comprehensive safety case together with
trivial effect on annual dose and risk, however decreasing the degra­ structuring multiple lines of reasoning based on a variety of evidence
dation rate decreases annual dose and risk. that become available as the disposal program evolves.
For the JAD model, in absence of an advective gradient, the increase • Addressing concerns from stakeholders, decision-makers and any
or decrease of the simulated diffusive fluxes also corresponds to the other interested parties,
increase and decrease of annual dose and risk respectively. • Including site-specific characterization data,
Increasing atmospheric dispersion coefficients (X/Q and D/Q) has a • Evaluating design modifications that can arise from new techno­
significant increase on annual dose and risk. This is mainly due to the logical advances and international best practices,
model only considering a vertical pathway for radionuclide transport • Focusing on key areas of concern identified in previous analyses or
and exposure to a receptor is only assumed via atmospheric dispersion. raised by newly available information,
However, even with extreme simulated conditions, annual dose and risk • Responding to any changes in regulations from FANR, EAD or any
is several orders of magnitude below the assumed regulatory threshold. other interested government entity, and
• Finally, providing evidence of compliance to facilitate regulatory
7. Conclusion and managerial decision making.

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