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Class XI Biology Ans:- Taxonomy deals with the rules and principles of

Chapter 1 - The Living World classification.

Q7. Who is the father of taxonomy?
Q1. What is biodiversity? Ans:- Carlous Linnaeus
Ans - The number and types of organisms present on Q8. Write four basic processes of taxonomy.
earth together constitute biodiversity. Ans:- a. Characterization b. Identification
Q2. So far how many species of all the organisms have c. Classification d. Nomenclature.
been described yet?
Q9. How is systematic different from taxonomy?
Ans - 1.7 to 1.8 million species.
Ans:- It is the classification of organisms based on the
Q3. What is nomenclature? Write its 2 types. evolutionary relationship.
Ans - The process or science of naming of an organism Q10. Define taxonomic categories. Write the taxonomic
is called nomenclature. Its two types are vernacular categories in descending order.
names and scientific names.
Ans:- The different steps of taxonomy in classification
ICBN – International code for Botanical Nomenclature of living organisms represents a taxon / category.
– It gives names to plants. They are collectively called taxonomic category.
ICZN – International code for Zoological Taxonomic Category
Nomenclature Kingdom
– It gives names to animals. Phylum / Division
Q4. Write the advantages of scientific names over Class
common name (Vercular Names).
Common Name Scientific Names Genus
1. They are known They are known Species.
in their own area throughout the world.
only. # Taxon:- Each of the category in a taxonomic
heirarchy is called a taxon.
2. The local names Scientific names are
Largest Taxon - Kingdom
would vary from same all over the world.
place to place Smallest Taxon - Species
Q. 5 Define binomial nomenclature. Who introduced it? Taxonomic Heirarchy:- The ascending or
descending arrangement of taxonomic categories
Ans:- The system of providing a name with two is called taxonomic heirarchy.
components is called binomial nomenclature. It
was introduced by Carlous Linnaeus. Taxonomic Aids:- These are the tools used to study
taxonomy e.g., Herbarium, Botanical gardens,
Q6. Define taxonomy.
-1- -2-
Museum, Zoological Parks, Key, Flora, Manuals, Class XI - Assignment
Monographs and categories.
Herbarium: It is a storehouse of collected plant
specimens. The collected plants are dried, pressed 1. Expand ICBN and ICZN. 1
and preserved on sheets.
2. Rearrange the following in ascending order.
1. Date and place of collection.
2. Botanical or scientific name, English and local Genus, Division, Class, Kingdom, Species. 1
3. Write the scientific name of wheat (Follow binomial
3. Family
nomenclature) 1
4. Collectors name, etc are labelled on the herbarium
sheet. 4. Write any two importance of Herbarium to a science
Q. Write any 4 criteria of binomial nomenclature. student. 2
Ans:- 1. Biological Names are generally in Latin and
Written in italics. 5. Define taxonomy. Who is the father of taxonomy? 2
2. The first word represents genus while second 6. Define nomenclature. Write its two types. Also
denotes the specific epithet.
write two different points of the types. 3
3. Both the words in a biological name, when
handwritten, are separately underlined or printed 7. Who introduced binomial nomenclature? Write any
in italics to indicate their Latin Origin.
4 criteria. 1+4 =5
4. The first word denoting the genus starts with a
capital letter while the specific epithet starts with
a small letter.

-3- -4-

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