Ghost Guide

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● "Common" is misleading, every ghost has even chances of spawning (description

is lore).
● Burning smudge sticks will prevent this ghost from hunting for 3 minutes, as
compared to 90 seconds with most other ghost types
● During a hunt, burning smudge sticks will protect you for 6 seconds, and the
ghost cannot start a hunt for 90 seconds (in general)
● Hunts at 50% sanity
● Normal speed, slight increase during hunt with line of sight

Traditional Evidence:
● EMF Level 5
● Spirit Box
● Ghost Writing

● Can instantly teleport to any of the players on site. Upon teleport, an EMF level
will be detectable on the player's location. Typically, this will be outside the ghost
room, and the reading will be EMF 2.
● Baiting a teleport with an active EMF reading can be a viable strategy. Upon
teleport, it can summon activity or events, and then will return to the ghost room.
Placing a motion sensor between you and the room, can help determine the
ghost's pathing and movement behavior.
● Activity and presence outside of the ghost room is not uncommon
● CANNOT step in salt to leave footprints
● By setting up a motion sensor above a line of salt, and the sensor is triggered
without leaving any footprints behind, strong indication of wraith presence
● During a hunt, a wraith CANNOT teleport, go through walls or hiding spots, or
see through doors
● Hunts at 50% sanity
● Normal speed, slight increase during hunt with line of sight

Traditional Evidence:
● EMF Level 5
● Spirit Box
● DOTS Projector
● Phantoms have long blinking behavior, between 1 and 2 seconds of invisibility
between its reveals. Short blinks can rule out this ghost type. Typical blinks are
between 0.3 and 1 second duration.
● Will set a destination on a player, and walk to that point, rather than teleporting
● Phantoms display similar characteristics to wraiths, such as the roaming behavior
outside of the ghost room
● By setting up a motion sensor between the ghost room and yourself while
elsewhere on site, if the sensor is triggered while the ghost is coming towards
you, you can favor suspicion on the Phantom as opposed to the wraith, due to a
lack of instantaneous teleport.
● Unlike Wraith evidence, Phantoms will leave their EMF evidence on the point
where they started their roam, likely EMF 2
● EMF 2 without accompanying activity such as thrown objects or door interactions,
can be evidence of a special ability, not necessarily tied to the phantom
● Looking at phantoms and/or being in a phantom ghost event DOES NOT typically
drain sanity in a distinctly unique way, or provide specific identifiable information.
Effects almost negligible
● Taking a photo of the phantom WILL cause it to disappear. Be observant if it
disappeared coincidentally at the same time, or if it was because of the photo. If
the photo credits "ghost", but there isn't one visible in the picture, nor any
glitching effects, strong evidence of phantom presence
● Phantoms DO NOT have a unique association with Ouija Boards (description is
just lore)
● Hunts at 50% sanity
● Normal Speed, slight increase during hunt with line of sight

Traditional Evidence:
● Spirit Box
● Fingerprints
● DOTS Projector
● This ghost type can throw multiple objects around at the same time
● An event can be triggered by stacking multiple loose items near the suspected
activity area, and waiting for them to get thrown
● EMF reading can be used to determine this type of activity. With an active EMF
reading, move the loose item outside of active area. If reading persists in the
original area as well as the relocated loose item, strong evidence of poltergeist
● After hearing a poltergeist throw, check the truck activity screen. If it spiked
instantly from 0 to 10 during the throw, strong evidence of poltergeist presence.
● Each item thrown by the poltergeist results in 2% sanity drop for nearby players
● Other Ghost types CAN still throw items, but will throw short distances, typically
arcing upwards.
● Poltergeist thrown items cover long spaces, and will have strong velocity
● During a hunt, poltergeists have a 100% chance to throw an item if one is nearby,
as opposed to normal ghosts, which have a 50% chance to throw an item if one
is nearby during a hunt
● Poltergeists can throw the same object twice before it can even contact another
surface. Single items bouncing off surfaces can give the auditory illusion of
multiple objects being thrown at once.
● Poltergeists CAN still attack with no loose items to throw nearby, but can't use
special ability.
● Hunts at 50% Sanity
● Normal Speed, Noticeable increase during hunt with line of sight, WILL outrun

Traditional Evidence:
● Spirit Box
● Fingerprints
● Ghost Writing
● Banshees will select a target at the start of the game, and will provide special
interactions exclusively to that target. Non-targeted players are virtually immune
to attacks until the target is no longer present or alive (Use Smudge Sticks to help
your target survive!). It will typically remain on the same player until they die. The
Banshee will still be able to kill other players during the hunt immediately
● If the targeted player is not on site, it will behave as a normal ghost, and can
attack any player at that point.
● Banshees can roam towards the target (similar to a phantom), leaving an EMF
reading at the starting point of the roam.
● Banshees are relatively active and will regularly roam. Use Motion Sensors to
observe this roaming behavior.
● Parabolic Microphones must be pointed towards the ghost to evoke an audible
paranormal sound. The Banshee has a 30% chance of these whispers/sounds
being replaced with a unique audio cue, that sounds like a loud ethereal scream.
Be patient, as the banshee often only does a normal paranormal sound. This
screech is the strongest and most definitive evidence for this ghost.
● Increased singing ghost events. Other ghosts can still sing, don't get confused.
Banshee singing events drop your sanity by 15%, as compared to the typical
10% of other ghost type singing events. Note: Sanity drops in an event by making
contact with either the ghost or the air burst, which almost always results in a
gasp-like sound. Static ghost events must be interacted with to use this method
of identification.
● Singing during a hunt is UNRELATED. No singing during a hunt doesn't mean
you can rule it out either.
● Banshees starts hunting based on the target's sanity level, of 50%

Traditional Evidence:
● Fingerprints
● Ghost Orb
● DOTS Projector
● "Territorial" is a misleading description, as it references its hidden ability, rather
than ambient behavior. It DOES NOT have any special association with bringing
electrical devices in or out of the ghost room.
● Being close to the Jinn can possibly drop your sanity by 25% during its hidden
ability use. This will leave an EMF 2 reading on the breaker. This CANNOT
happen if the breaker is left off
● At distance, Jinn will move at 2.5 m/s (slower than a revenant) instead of the
standard 1.7 m/s. The sound and pace of their footsteps can be a strong clue.
The instantaneous speed increase on line of sight is also a strong piece of
evidence. It will slow down once it gets close to you again, but this is almost
● The Jinn will behave much the same as other ghosts until it sees a player while
the breaker is on
● Jinn CANNOT forcibly turn off the breaker,UNLESS it turns on a light switch that
puts the "total lights on" count over an acceptable amount (8 on small maps?).
● Note: If you turn the breaker back on, and the lights you had on previous are now
all off, it probably means it was too many lights. If you turn it back on and all the
lights are on again, it was probably a ghost. Don't get this confused with hunt
activity, as post hunt, the lights should be off.*

Traditional Evidence:
● EMF Level 5
● Fingerprints
● Freezing Temperatures
● Mare will NEVER turn on a light switch, computer monitor, or a TV. However, it
CAN turn off these things. The car alarm CAN be turned on by a Mare.
● Mare DO NOT turn off the breaker any more often than other types of ghosts (can
also turn it on)
● If in a well lit room below 50% sanity and no hunt has been triggered yet,
indication of possible Mare presence.
● Mare have a habit of instantly turning off a light switch in the ghost room. This
does not happen every time with a mare, and other ghosts can turn off lights, too,
so note the timing and frequency
● Breaks lights more often during ghost events than other ghosts
● Higher chance to Roam the map if the ghost room has active lights. Note: most
ghosts can roam, so note timing and frequency.
● If turning on lights in the ghost room causes activity to decrease, and more
activity happens elsewhere on site instead or the room moves because of this,
that is strong evidence of Mare presence.
● Note: Mare can hunt from adjacent dark rooms at 60% sanity if flushed out from
the ghost room by lights
● Hunt at 60% Sanity if in a dark area, 40% Sanity in a lit area

Traditional Evidence:
● Spirit Box
● Ghost Orb
● Ghost Writing

● If a hunt is active, but the ghost does not know where any of the players are, the
speed will be notably decreased (1 m/s, compared to the standard 1.7 m/s).
Footstep audio is a strong indicator for this evidence
● If it has line of sight on the player, it will travel notably faster (3 m/s), and stay at
that speed until it reaches the location where it last saw you when you broke line
of sight, then take 2.7 seconds to return to 1 m/s
● Talking and/or having equipment on/ in use will alert the ghost to your position,
and instantly speed up to where it detected these instances. Flashlights off!

Traditional Evidence:
● Ghost Orb
● Ghost Writing
● Freezing Temperatures
● Higher chance of showing up as a shadow during a ghost event (~66%)*
● Shade CANNOT do any ghost events if all players are at 100% sanity. It will start
to behave like a normal ghost in regards to ghost event frequency once sanity
reaches 50%
● The Shade SHOULD NOT be able to throw items or trigger a hunt while you're in
the ghost room.* NOTE: The community suspects this feature is bugged and will
get fixed eventually, so the reliability of this is sketchy at best.
● Generally less active than other ghost types
● Hunt at 35% Average Team Sanity
● Normal Speed, slight increase when hunting with line of sight

Traditional Evidence:
● EMF Level 5
● Ghost Writing
● Freezing Temperatures

● Dangerous
● Frequency of hunts notably increased. Cool down between hunts decreased (20
seconds, compared to standard 25 second grace period)
● Crucifixes have increased utility against this ghost type (5 m effective range,
compared to standard 3 m)
● Smudge Sticks are less effective, only preventing a hunt for 60 seconds,
compared to the standard 90 seconds. Still provides 6 second safety during a
● Distance/proximity from ghost is irrelevant when initiating a hunt.
● Capable of hunting from first front door entry
● Capable of hunting at any sanity, typically starts around 70% sanity
● Will increase speed in pursuit during a hunt*

Traditional Evidence:
● Fingerprints
● Ghost Writing
● Freezing Temperatures
● Yurei DO NOT have an increased passive sanity draining ability
● Can essentially randomly drop your sanity by ~15% (similar to Jinn). This ability
to linked to door activity.
● When the ability triggers, the nearest door should quickly close.* The community
believes this to be currently bugged and will be eventually fixed.
● Two rapid door interactions can also be linked to this ability, and can be strong
evidence of Yurei presence. These interactions can be quite rare.
● Using Smudge Sticks on the ghost will prevent it from leaving the ghost room for
90 seconds. However, most ghosts will stay in the ghost room afterwards
● If a motion sensor is triggered outside of the ghost room after the ghost was
smudged, you can rule this ghost out.
● Hunt at 50% sanity*
● Normal Speed, slight increase when hunting with line of sight*

Traditional Evidence:
● Ghost Orb
● Freezing Temperatures
● DOTS Projector

● Increased frequency of ghost events
● Oni CANNOT do an air-ball ghost event
● Physical interactions with ghost events will drop sanity by 20%, as compared to
the standard 10%
● Opposite of the phantom, during a hunt, the blinking is very rapid (0.1-0.5
seconds?), and will be mostly visible
● Hunting behavior distinctive

Traditional Evidence:
● EMF Level 5
● Freezing Temperatures
● DOTS Projector
● Reacts to talking and equipment use within 2m
● Easy to lose line of sight/detection range (2m)
● If a music box is used, Yokai start ghost events closer to the player prior to the
hunt, compared to other ghsots
● Hunts at 80% sanity only if players are talking near the ghost (2m). Same with
detecting equipment at short ranges
● Normal speed, slight increase while hunting with line of sight

Traditional Evidence:
● Spirit Box
● Ghost Orb
● DOTS Projector

● "Rare" is misleading, every ghost has even chances of spawning (description is
● ALWAYS gives freezing temperatures (Helpful in Nightmare Mode with limited
● Bringing the Hantu into other rooms will lower the current ambient temperature in
that room. NOTE: This can effect its speed if it is hunting slightly.
● Snowing outside, breaker is off, and/or in freezing ghost room all will result in the
ghost moving quickly
● Have the breaker on to help counter this ghost
● Hantu can NEVER turn on the breaker
● Will turn off the breaker more often than other ghost types
● If the speed of the ghost is changing a lot during a hunt without it chasing
anyone, strong indication of Hantu presence
● Stronger on Camp Woodwind and Maple Lodge, but slower near the campfires
● During a hunt, if the breaker is off and the ghost is visible, it has a chance to
show you freezing breaths (unrealistic scenario for regular gameplay)*
● Hunts at 50% sanity
● Normal Speed, WILL NOT speed up the longer it sees the player (only ghost with
this behavior), Faster in cold rooms, slower in warm rooms.
● Slowest: @15 Degrees F + < 1.4 m/s
● Fastest: 2.7 m/s

Traditional Evidence:
● Fingerprints
● Ghost Orb
● Freezing Temperatures
● MUST be looking through a video camera to see DOTS Projector evidence, if it's
a Goryo. This MUST be witnessed while standing outside of the DOTS Projector
room. This doesn't work well from the truck. If you see the DOTS Projector
evidence without using a video camera, it is NOT a Goryo.
● Will ALWAYS have DOTS evidence in Nightmare
● Can NEVER change their ghost room
● Doesn't typically roam. Rare to see it outside of ghost room, but can still happen.*
● Hunts at 50% Sanity
● Normal Speed, slight increase while hunting with line of sight

Traditional Evidence:
● EMF Level 5
● Fingerprints
● DOTS Projector

● Makes more sounds on Parabolic Microphone
● Often misleading
● During a hunt, footsteps will be silent until your electronic equipment starts to
glitch (best on small maps)
● Footsteps audible at: 12 m
● Electronic Distortion at: 10 m
● NOTE: If the ghost is on another floor from you, footsteps can be audible, but
electronics won't glitch out. Don't confuse this with Myling activity

Traditional Evidence:
● EMF Level 5
● Fingerprints
● Ghost Writing
● 1 of 2 ghosts that can hunt above 80% sanity (demon)
● A Candle near an Onryo will act like a crucifix
● CANNOT hunt within 4 meters of a fire
● If it blows out a candle, it can instantly start a hunt at any sanity. This can be a
strong indicator of Onryo presence. It will not happen every time, however. It will
initiate the hunt upon blowing out the third candle, and then is a coin flip each
time after that.
● This Third Candle reveal can provide definitive evidence.
● Combining a crucifix and a candle on the same spot will reveal a distinct behavior
trait. Onryo will ALWAYS prefer to blow out the candle first before it would use
the crucifix. If it uses the crucifix first, it is NOT an Onryo.
● If an Onryo kills a teammate, the chance of it initiating a hunt from blowing out a
candle increases. If it kills another, its likely to spawn every time a candle is
blown out.
● Note: The Mimic shares the same basic/traditional evidence with the Onyro
(professional/nightmare tip)
● Hunts at 60% Sanity in absence of candles, 50% Sanity with Candles present or
whenever if it blows out 3 candles

Traditional Evidence:
● Spirit Box
● Ghost Orb
● Freezing Temperature
The Twins
● There is only one ghost with two ranges. The standard ghost has a normal radius
of influence (~3 meters), but the decoy range, can cover massive areas (~16
meters), sometimes covering an entire small map. The center points of these two
ranges will always be fixed together, never wandering away from each other.
● "Twinteraction": Ghost 1 will interact with something (throw, door, etc), and within
0.5 seconds, Ghost 2 will also have an interaction farther away.
● These instances have a strong tell on the activity screen in the truck. Activity will
go up, then half way, it will change slope without plateauing. Helpful evidence in
identifying Twins presence
● When a hunt is initiated, 50% chance to be from main ghost in ghost room, or
from the last decoy interaction location.
● The Twins is the only ghost that can hunt within range of a crucifix because the
decoy hunts from its last interaction, and the crucifix only checks for where the
main ghost is.
● Hunts at 50% Sanity
● Main Ghost: 90% of normal speed, Decoy Ghost: 110% of normal speed.
Differing footstep paces in different hunts can give this ghost away

Traditional Evidence:
● EMF Level 5
● Spirit Box
● Freezing Temperatures

● Strength of Raiju only related to electrical items (flashlight, video can, EMF, etc).
NO special interaction with static map lights, or breaker interactions
● Note: All basic/traditional evidence requires the presence of electronic items,
which will anger the ghost into action more quickly.
● Raiju can disrupt/glitch equipment from 50 meters, as compared to the standard
10 meters.
● During a hunt, turn off your electronics!
● Holding a camera in your hands will anger the ghost, but dropping on the ground
won't. Same with DOTS Projectors, and motion sensors (undeployed state, of
● Hunts at 65% Sanity near electronic items, 50% in absence of electronic items
● Speed increases when near electronic items (2.5 m/s), will slow down in absence
of them. 1 of 2 ghosts that can speed up/slow down without seeing a player

Traditional Evidence:
● EMF Level 5
● Ghost Orb
● DOTS Projector
● Obake, even though they have Finger Prints evidence, can sometimes touch light
switches and doors without leaving finger prints
● To properly check for finger prints, make sure NO other light source is touching
the area while UV is active. The community believes this to be a bug, and will
eventually be fixed.* (FIXED in v0.8.1)*
● This ghost has a chance to leave a unique fingerprint mark that looks like a six-
fingered hand print. This is definitive evidence of Obake presence.
● Fingerprints will ALWAYS be present, even if the ghost is stubborn (Note for
● Fingerprints will remain on the surface for 2 minutes, UNLESS the Obake uses its
special ability, and cuts the remaining time on that timer in half. Thus, fingerprints
can often disappear quicker with this ghost.
● While blinking during a hunt, the Obake has roughly a 6.6% chance to blink into a
different ghost model, which is definitive evidence.
● Male ghosts will switch to another male skin, same with female ghosts. Note:
With female ghosts, 2 models are short/crawling ghosts, which can be visually
obscured by items during this blink. Don't get this confused with the phantom
invisibility. Lisa, the crawling model, can be distorted into different positions, but
this still counts as a shapeshift.
● Obake have no relation to "humanoid shapes" (Description is just lore).
● Make sure you have a Smudge Stick for this hunt!
● Hunts at 50% sanity
● Normal Speed, slight increase when hunting with line of sight to player

Traditional Evidence:
● EMF Level 5
● Fingerprints
● Ghost Orb
The Mimic
● Ghost Orbs still show up on Zero Evidence runs
● Ghost Orbs act like a fourth static evidence*
● This ghost can do EVERYTHING any other ghost can. It will mix and match any
behavior, any ability, EXCEPT for Goryo DOTS Projector Test. This includes
speed deceptions, Obake fingerprints, Poltergeist throw, etc).
● When mimicing a Thaye, they will pick a random point in the activeness/age of
the ghost and mimic that, rather than necessarily picking the starting most active
● If it mimics itself:
● Hunts at 50 % Sanity
● Normal Speed,
● Otherwise, it assumes the stats of the ghost it is mimicing.
● WIth positive DOTS, EMF, or Ghost Writing evidence, it cannot be a mimic.

Traditional Evidence:
● Spirit Box
● Fingerprints
● Freezing Temperatures
● Especially dangerous in solo due to sanity drain curse.
● The lower your sanity, the faster the ghost
● Getting a hunt with a cursed possession at a high sanity, the ghost should be
● Using the spirit box or parabolic microphone (footsteps or scream/whisper), can
cause the ghost to curse the player and continuously drain sanity with faster
decay than normal degradation. This curse can bring the player below 50%
quicker, and give the illusion of an early hunt, be aware.
● Candles and lights won't help if cursed. Standing outside will pause the curse.
Only way to break the curse is with Sanity Pills.
● Spirit Box will ALWAYS occur as forced evidence (nightmare+ tip)
● Smudge Sticks are super effective against this ghost type, as during a hunt, they
will provide 12 seconds of protection, as compared to the standard 6 seconds.
This is pretty noticeable and can be used as strong evidence of Moroi presence.
● Can randomly roam
● Taking sanity pills during a hunt will decrease the speed of the ghost, and the
footstep audio will reflect this. Can be strong evidence of Moroi presence.
● Hunts at 50% sanity
● At 45%+ sanity, speed is 1.5 m/s
● Below 35% sanity, faster than other ghosts
● At 0% sanity, 2.25 m/s (slightly slower than Jinn), but can still speed up to 3.71
m/s (faster than revenant)

Traditional Evidence:
● Spirit Box
● Ghost Writing
● Freezing Temperatures
● Always knows where you are, and will go to you even if you're hiding, even if
you're on the opposite side of the map, not talking and your equipment is off. It
will come for you if you don't run away.
● If you are within 1 meter of the Deogen while using the spirit box, a unique loud
breathing can be heard instead of a typical response (roughly 30% chance). Use
motion sensors to pinpoint location to test this. Salt tracks can be used in a
similar way, as well as static ghost events.
● ALWAYS have spirit box as fixed evidence (nightmare + tip)
● Increased likelihood to receive Ghost Writing and DOTS Projector evidence
compared to other ghosts
● Hunts at 40% sanity, Note: Early hunting fast ghost is Thaye instead
● Extremely fast at range (3 m/s)
● Once it gets close to you, it will severely slow down (0.4 m/s)

Traditional Evidence:
● Spirit Box
● Ghost Writing
● DOTS Projector
● More active early game
● Responds to spirit box
● Will age over the course of the game, weakening the ghost abilities
● Once a player has entered the map, the ghost sets a timer between 1 and 2
minutes to check if a player is near them. If one is, it will progress in age by 1
stage, out of 10 total stages, and timer resets to 1-2 min. If one is not, it sets a 30
second timer to check again. This will repeat until it has eventually reached the
oldest stage.
● The player does not need to be on site for the timer to count down. Age stages
can be burned by continuously running in and out and waiting the timer out.
● Oujia boards can reveal the active age progression. If the answer changes later
in the game upon asking a second time, can determine if the ghost is a Thaye
● Dangerous to be close to due to increased activity, but strategic to burn through
those age progressoins to weaken it over time. Carry a candle for increased
sanity, avoid ghost events when possible
● Increased likelihood to receive Ghost Writing and DOTS Projector evidence
compared to other ghosts

Fresh ghost can hunt at 75% sanity

Oldest ghost hunts at 15% sanity
Fresh ghost 2.7 m/s
Oldest ghost hunts at 1 m/s

Traditional Evidence:
● Ghost Orb
● Ghost Writing
● DOTS Projector

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