Final Exam Science1

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Tuguegarao Archdiocese of Tuguegarao


Centro 02, Tuao, Cagayan, 3528
Email address:

FIRST SEMESTER, S.Y. 2022 - 2023

NAME: _______________________________________________ DATE: _____________

PROGRAM & YEAR: __________________________________ SCORE: ____________

I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Write the letter of choice on the space provided.

________1. This is a period where early inhabitants of the archipelago had their own culture, traditions,
belief system and indigenous knowledge.

a. Pre-colonial period c. Colonial period

b. Post-colonial period d. Current technological advancement

________2. Who are the colonizers that introduced engineering to construct buildings, churches, bridges,
and roads?

a. Colonial period c. Japanese Colonization

b. American Colonization d. Spanish Colonization

________3. It is part of the indigenous knowledge system practiced by different groups of people and
early civilizations.
a. indigenous science c. indigenous knowledge
b. predicting weather d. science

________4. A cabinet level of DOST mandated to provide protection against natural calamities and to
insure the safety, well-being and economic security of all the people?


________5. Who is the President who initiated K-12 Curriculum (STEM)?

a. Pres. Joseph Ejercito Estrada c. Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

b. Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos d. Pres. Benigno S. Aquino Jr.

________6. A project under DOST, integrated flood early warning system in Communities along 18 Major
river systems in the country.

a. Regional Invention Contest and Exhibits (RICE)

b. Project NOAH
c. Science, Technology, Research, and Innovation for Development (STRIDE) Project
d. GRANTS-IN-AID (GIA) Program

________7. An organization set up in 1958 to formulate objectives for teaching of science education at all
levels and to recommend steps that would upgrade the teaching of science.

a. Philippine Association for the Advance of Science

c. Science Education Institute
b. Technology Resource Center
d. National committee for Science Education

________8. An alternative ideas developed by early inhabitants in explaining various phenomena and in
explaining the world around them; this system of knowledge is called?

a. indigenous science c. indigenous knowledge

b. predicting weather d. science

________9. A president who proclaimed the 35-hectares lot in Bicutan, as the Philippine Science
Community, now the site of DOST.

a. Pres. Joseph Ejercito Estrada c. Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

b. Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos d. Pres. Benigno S. Aquino Jr.

________10. He is the head of the ford foundation; recommended the Philippines educational leaders for
the remarkable degree of cooperation in the establishment of the Science Teaching Center at the
University of the Philippines.
a. Harry Case c. Dr. Carlos P. Romulo
b. Clark Hubler d. Ferdinand E. Marcos

________11. Who modernized all the aspect of life in the Philippines during the colonization period?

a. American c. Spanish
b. Japanese d. Chinese

________12. President Ferdinand E. Marcos mandated the DECS now _______ to promote science courses
in public high schools.
b. DepEd d. SEI

________13. A Greek mathematician and inventor; credited with important contributions to the
development of physics.

a. Plato c. Nicolaus Copernicus

b. Aristotle d. Archimedes

________14. The increase in size and number of nations connoted increased demand of food and other
basic necessities.

a. Technology c. Mass Production

b. Economic Condition d. Transportation
________15. It is the process of heating dairy products to kill the harmful bacteria that allow them to
spoil faster.

a. Technology c. Mass Production

b. Pasteurization d. Transportation


Direction: Write YES if the statement is true and write NO if the statement is false.

_________1. The description, understanding and prediction of physical phenomena through the use and
generation of verifiable theories, laws and principles called knowledge.

_________2. The development in engineering also ushered in the introduction architecture.

_________3. Safety and Health were important as well as in the discovery new places or the
establishment of new alliances with other tribes.

_________4. Communication was also essential in their endeavors to discover and occupy new places.

_________5. Record-Keeping was also important since they needed to remember the places they had
been to and document the trades they made to each other.

_________6. Roads assisted them in their journeys to unfamiliar and strange areas in the world.

_________7. Plato one of the most famous philosophers of ancient Greece, was first to the term
phylosophy, which means “love of knowledge.”

_________8. Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus revolutionized science by postulating that the earth
and other planets revolve about a stationary sun.

_________9. Cuneiform was the first writing system of Egyptian civilization.

_________10. Papyrus was a plant grew abundantly in China.

_________11. Made before the invention of paper, these gazettes were engraved in metal or stone tablets
and the publicly displaced.

_________12. Silk production is the creation for a product for trade

_________13. When gazettes was invented, it became easier for the Romans to “publish” matters that
needed the attention of Roman Citizens.

_________14. Johann Guttenberg was able to invent the printing press, a more reliable way of printing
using a cast type.
_________15. In order to facilitate faster and easier travel, the Sumerians developed the first roads using
sun baked bricks.

III. Enumeration

1. Give at least three roles of science and technology in nation building.

2. Give the 4 development of Agriculture system improvement.


“Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success.”

― Virat Kohli, Indian cricketer


Prepared by: Ms. Rodalyn C. Malana

Subject Instructor
Tuguegarao Archdiocese of Tuguegarao
Centro 02, Tuao, Cagayan, 3528
Email address:

FIRST SEMESTER, S.Y. 2022 - 2023

NAME: _______________________________________________ DATE: _____________

PROGRAM & YEAR: __________________________________ SCORE: ____________

I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Write the letter of choice on the space provided.

_____1. Which of the following assessments would be considered for a constructivist

a. Vocabulary test c. Multiple choice test
b. Poem recitation d. Reflective journal
_____2. Which of the following is not benefit of a constructivist classroom?
a. Constructivism stimulates and engages students.
b. Constructivism concentrates on learning how to think and understand.
c. Constructivism is most successful with children from privileged background.
d. Constructivism promotes social and communication skills within a classroom.
_____3. What best describes a constructivist theory classroom?
a. Students working quietly
b. Cooperative groupings
c. Teacher led lecture
d. Students are passive learners
_____4. Is an educational theory that states learners construct new meanings and
understanding by integrating new information with prior knowledge. Constructivist
theorists recognize the importance of social interaction and context in the learning
a. cognitive constructivism c. relative constructivism
b. constructivism d. social constructivism
_____5. In constructivism, learning is _________.
a. Passive c. Assertive
b. Active d. Fun
_____6. The _______ basic education program implemented in 2012 is a response to
the aforementioned global trends through the passage of Republic Act 10533 or the
Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013.
a. Teacher centered c. Technology based education
b. Student centered d. K-12

_____7. A theory that social studies exist without any antecedents is called?
a. Continuous Spontaneous Theory c. Big Bang Theory
b. History Foundation Theory d. none of the above
_____8.This will be realized as learners advance to Grade 4,5 and 6, where national
history, society, geography, economy and politics will comprehensively be examined.
a. Cultural Identity c. Identity Issues
b. Asian Identity d National identity
_____10. This theme provides learning experiences that allow students understand
economic concepts such as choice, opportunity cost, expenditure, inflation, deficit,
sound economic decision, savings, investments, and financial literacy among others.
a. Regional and Global connections
b. People, Environment and Society
c. Time, Continuity and Change
d. Production, Distribution and Consumption
_____11. This is vital as they fully and meaningfully engage in their respective
community, country and even in the community of nations.
a. Regional and Global connections
b. People, Environment and Society
c. Right, Responsibilities and Citizenship
d. Production, Distribution and Consumption
_____12. What grade level of students are required to demonstrate on understanding
of self as a member of the family and the school who values physical environment,
employing concepts on continuity, change, distance and direction in establishing
personal and cultural identity?
a. Grade 1 c. Grade 3
b. Grade 4 d. Grade 2
_____13. What grade level that learners are expected to demonstrate broad
understanding of Philippine communities as part of provinces and regions based on it
bio-geographical features, socio-cultural attributes, livelihood and political institutions
using concepts of continuity and change, and human environmental interactions.
a. Grade 1 c. Grade 3
b. Grade 4 d. Grade 2
_____14. This is centered on the idea that social studies suddenly appeared in the year
a. Continuous Spontaneous Theory c. Big Bang Theory of 1916
b. History Foundation Theory d. none of the above
_____15. It is an integrated learning program intended to develop civic competence
among students.
a. Social studies c. K-12 Curriculum
b. Science d. none of the above


Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is true and write FALSE if the statement is false
then underline the word that makes the statement false.

_________1. The ideal learner is innovative and self-directed.

_________2. Students working and learning together is not a part of constructivism.
_________3.Students learn better when thinking and understanding, instead of
_________4. Primarily, K – 12 Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies) intends to develop
critical, reflective, responsible, productive, nature loving, nationalist and humane
citizens rooted in his/her identity as Filipino yet manifest the values and skills of global
_________5. The history foundation theory is an extension or deeper interpretation of
the big bang theory.
_________6.Edmund James is a president of the American Academy of Political and
Social Sciences, was the first to use social studies as an element of school curricula in
_________7. An Integrated experiences is education that is organized in such a way
that it cuts across subject-matter lines, bringing together various aspects of the
curriculum into meaningful association to focus upon broad areas of study. (Shoemaker
_________8. Grade 2 social studies intends learners to demonstrate awareness,
understanding, and appreciation toward the community’s history using relevant
concepts on continuity and change, power and authority, leadership and responsibility,
needs and wants, identity, geography and primary historical resources like oral
traditions, artifacts and relics.
_________9. Grade 6 intends that Filipino learners demonstrate understanding and
appreciation of the nation’s history from the 20th century until the contemporary period
toward the development of Filipino identity and nationhood.
_________10. The Radical constructivism is typically associated with information
processing and relies heavily on the component processes of cognitive.


“Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success.”

― Virat Kohli, Indian cricketer


Prepared by: Ms. Rodalyn C. Malana

Subject Instructor
Tuguegarao Archdiocese of Tuguegarao
Centro 02, Tuao, Cagayan, 3528
Email address:

FIRST SEMESTER, S.Y. 2022 - 2023

NAME: _______________________________________________ DATE: _____________

PROGRAM & YEAR: __________________________________ SCORE: ____________

I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Write the letter of choice on the space provided.

______1. It is a means for laying down one-atom-thick layers on a surface.

a Atomic layer epitaxy b Nanoimprint lithography.
c Atomic force microscope (AFM) d Self-assembly
______2. Invented the printing press; was instrumental in democratizing the spread of information through his
printing press.
a Johannes Gutenberg b Alan Turing
c Steve Wozniak d Bill Gates
______3. In 2001, a former overseas Filipino worker in Singapore who became a farmer and she attended the
integrated Pest Management - Farmers Field School and was introduced to Bt Corn, a genetically
modified corn that is resistant to the destructive Asian corn borer.
a Jack Williamson b Rosalie Ellasus
c Elomaa & Holton d Aruelo Corpuz
______4. The differences in the genetic composition of individuals belonging to the same species are called?
a Gene therapy b Gene diversity
c Genetic engineering d Genetically modified organism (GMO)
______5. The term used for an organism created through genetic engineering.
a Gene therapy b Gene diversity
c Genetic engineering d Genetically modified organism (GMO)
______6. A therapeutic genes transferred into the germ cells is called?
a Germ line gene therapy b DNA cell gene therapy
c Somatic cell gene therapy d RNA cell gene therapy
______7. It is a procedure wherein chemicals act in response to form very pure, high-performance films.
a Self-assembly b Chemical vapor deposition
c Roll-to-roll processing d Nanoimprint lithography
______8. It refers to the science, engineering, and technology conducted at the nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100
nanometers (NNI, 2017).
a Nanoscience b Nanoscale
c Nano technology d nano
______9. Genetically modified plants to resist certain pests.
a insect repellent b pest resistance
c virus resistance d Herbicide tolerance
______10. This principle refers to the establishment of mass communication.
a Alan Turing Principle c Steve Wozniak Principle
c Gutenberg Principle d Bill Gates Principle
______11. A therapeutic genes transferred into the somatic cells is called?
a Germ line gene therapy b DNA cell gene therapy
c Somatic cell gene therapy d RNA cell gene therapy

______12. Genetically modified plants to resist certain viruses.

a insect repellent b pest resistance
c virus resistance d Herbicide tolerance
______13. A communication that allowed the voice of the people to be heard and spread.
a Radio b Television
c Computer d Printing press and mass communication
______14. A genetically modified plants resist natural discoloration.
a Fortification b Increase growth rate
c Pharmaceutical productions d Cosmetic preservation
______15. _________________and nanotechnology employs the study and application of exceptionally small things
in other areas of science including materials science, engineering, physics, biology, and chemistry (NNI,
a Nano world b Nanoscience
c Nanoscale d Microscopy
______16. It was a method of using a wooden block to press ink into the paper.
a Petroglyphs b Papyrus
c Kohl d Xylography
______17. The elements that Gutenberg mixed
a Nickel and iron b Lead, tin, and antimony
c Carbon, tin, and lead d Iron, lead, and tin
______18. How Small is a Nano?
a 10-9 dimension b 10-11 dimension
c 109 dimensions d 1011 dimensions
______19. The first document to be mass produced.
a Newspaper b English novel
c Gutenberg Journal d Gutenberg Bible
______20. It is also called Computer Age, Cyber Age, or Digital Age.
a Petroglyphs b Papyrus
c Paper d Information Age
______21. It was first developed by Gerd Binig, Calvin Quate, and Christoph Gerber in 1986. It makes use of a
mechanical probe that gathers information from the surface of a material.
a Atomic force microscope (AFM) b Electron microscope
b Proton microscope d Scanning tunneling microscope
______22. Amplified the economy of a society, the different industries, and the environment.
a Radio b Television
c Computer d Printing press
______23. Computes basic calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
a Petroglyphs b Papyrus
c Paper d Abacus
______24. During this age, information can effortlessly be obtained or accessed through to massive publications, and
proficient data management.
a communication age b information age
c internet age d mass communication
______25. This special type of microscope enables scientists to view and manipulate nanoscale particles, atoms, and
small molecules. In 1986, Gerd Binig and Heinrich Rohrer won the Nobel Prize in Physics because of this
a Atomic force microscope (AFM) b Electron microscope
b Proton microscope d Scanning tunneling microscope
______26. To transfer the desired gene into a target cell, a carrier is required. Such vehicles of gene delivery are
known as __________.
a vials b tubes
c genes d vectors

______27. Information AgeThis period marks the beginning of communication. Petroglyphs, Papyrus, Rags, Paper,
a Pre-Mechanical Period (3000 BC - 1450 AD)
b Mechanical Period (1450 - 1840)
c Pre-Mechanical Period (300 BC - 1400 AD)
d Mechanical Period (1400- 1800)
______28. This period showed the connection of the ancient technology to the current technology that we have.
Due to the outburst of interest in language and computation, many new technologies were developed
during this period.
a Pre-Mechanical Period (3000 BC - 1450 AD)
b Mechanical Period (1450 - 1840)
c Pre-Mechanical Period (300 BC - 1400 AD)
d Mechanical Period (1400- 1800)
______29. It refers to scaled-up, reliable, and cost-effective manufacturing of nanoscale materials, structures,
devices, and systems.
a Nanomanufacturing b Nanoworld
c Nanoscale d Nanoscience
______30. A mechanical computer invented by Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician, physicist, and religious
philosopher known on his theory of probabilities. _________ which was the first known as arithmetic
machine is capable of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers.
a Enigma M14 b Harvard Mark 1
c Abacus d Pascaline
______31. Absorbs part of the infrared radiation in the air and returns it to the ground keeping the air near the
surface warmer than it would be.
a Volcanic Eruptions b Orbital Changes
c Carbon Dioxide Theory d Hazardous chemical theory
______32. This period signalled the beginning of telecommunications that give birth to several revolutionary
technologies such as Morse Code, telephone, radios and television.
a Pre-Mechanical Period (3000 BC - 1450 AD)
b Electro-mechanical Period (1840 - 1940)
c Mechanical Period (1450 - 1840)
d Pre-Mechanical Period (300 BC - 1400 AD)
______33. The significant technology that was developed during Elec-mech period. It was the first large-scale
automatic digital computer and used by the Manhattan Project to detonate an atomic bomb by
stimulating the feasibility of an implosion.
a Enigma M14 b Harvard Mark 1
c Pascaline d Abacus
______34. In this period, machines already used electronic switches in the form of vacuum tubes where people can
automatically open and close thousands of times faster that electromechanical relays.
a Pre-Mechanical Period (3000 BC - 1450 AD)
b Electro-mechanical Period (1840 - 1940)
c Mechanical Period (1450 - 1840)
d Electronic/Information Period (1940 - present)
______35. It manufactures products by building them up from atomic- and molecular-scale components. However,
this method can be time consuming. Scientists and engineers are still in search for effective ways of
putting up molecular components that self-assemble and from the bottom-up to organized
a Top-down fabrication b Dip pen lithography
c Bottom-up fabrication d Self-assembly
______36. It emits different natural aerosols like carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxides, salt crystals, volcanic ashes or dust
and eve microorganisms like bacteria and viruses.
a Orbital Changes b Human Activities
c Carbon Dioxide Theory d Volcanic Eruptions

______37. This was the first electronic general- purpose computer that used programming in solving large classes of
numerical problems. Also, its first program was the feasibility of the thermonuclear weapon.
a Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC)
b Pre-Mechanical Period (3000 BC - 1450 AD)
c Electro-mechanical Period (1840 - 1940)
d Mechanical Period (1450 - 1840)
______38. One of the largest known causes is the burning of fossil fuels which releases carbon dioxide gas to the
a Orbital Changes b Human Activities
c Carbon Dioxide Theory d Volcanic Eruptions
______39. It trims down large pieces of materials into nanoscale. This process needs larger amounts of materials and
discards excess raw materials.
a Top-down fabrication b Dip pen lithography
c Bottom-up fabrication d Self-assembly
______40. This type of microscope utilizes a particle beam of electrons to light up a specimen and develop a well-
magnified image.
a Atomic force microscope (AFM) b Electron microscope
b Proton microscope d Scanning tunneling microscope


Write TRUE if the statement is correct otherwise choose FALSE.
__________1.Global warming has drastic effects on water availability, food source, health issues, land use, and
__________2.With the use of pesticide resistant/herbicide-tolerant GMO crops, there will be use for
herbicides/pesticides, and lower cost for labor and cultivation.
__________3. Human activities contribute to climate change.
__________4. Development of benign and industrial processes and materials are the possible benefits of
nanotechnology in the atmosphere.
__________5. Problems with viral vectors is toxicity, immune and inflammatory responses, also fears that viral
vector may recover disease-causing ability
__________6. Eccentricity term used to describe the shape of Earth's orbit around the Sun.
__________7. Ability to cross muscle members and translocate in the body; No FDA approval needed for cosmetics
or supplements are the concerns of nanotechnology in health.
__________8. Increase in harvest - GMO crops resistant to pests and diseases mean increase in potential growth and
__________9. High level CO2 and fossil fuels came from: Transportation, Building, Heating, Manufacture of Cement
and other goods.
__________10. Control in fertility is controlling the purity of the hybrid seeds (GMO seeds) ensures higher yields.
__________11. Climate Change will increase worldwide deaths from malnutrition and heat stress.
__________12. Within the next 50 years, glaciers will continue to melt faster; this is the effect of climate change in
our society.
__________13. Improvement of desirable characteristics is GMOs offer longer shelf life, enhanced color and taste,
enhanced production or reduction of enzymes, and other modified characteristics of plants,
animals, and microorganisms.
__________14. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) added when power and heat are produced by burning coal, oil, and other fossil
__________15. Multigene disorders is the most commonly occurring disorders, such as heart disease, Alzheimer's
disease, arthritis, and diabetes, are caused by the combined effects of variations in many genes.
__________16. Deforestation releases carbon dioxide and reduces its uptake by plants.
__________17. Nutritional and pharmaceutical enhancement is Natural crops like maize fortified with lysite and
Golden Rice fortified with Vitamin A and iron. There are now edible vaccines for viral and diarrheal
__________18. Immune response reduces gene therapy effectiveness and makes repetitive rounds of gene therapy

__________19. High nitrous oxide is also emitted by Natural phenomenon such as fertilizer use and fossil fuel
__________20. Ozone - another greenhouse gas that is continually produced and destroyed in the atmosphere by
chemical reactions.
“Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success.”
― Virat Kohli, Indian cricketer

Prepared by: Ms. Rodalyn C. Malana

Subject Instructor

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