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Ronald-Wayne: Armstrong

Mailing in care of:

1278 Oak Dale Road North East
Sherrodsville, Ohio 44675

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III in esse

dba United States Attorney General
950 Pennsylvania Aveue NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent. Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal. Applicable to all Successors,
Assigns, and Agents.

June 6th, 2017


Greetings Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III,

Please read the following enumerated points:

1. I have recently become aware that, for most of my adult life, that I have been "doing business as" a
fictitious legal pseudonym known as "RONALD W. ARMSTRONG".
2. The aforementioned legal pseudonym came to exist via the creation of a Cestui Que Vie trust. I have
only recently become aware that this trust exists.
3. I have been and am currently being used to provide value for the aforementioned Cestui Que Vie
4. It would be impossible for you or any other living man or woman to explain how such a contractual
relationship is lawful.
5. In effect, my mother and father were deceived into administratively abandoning me on the day I was
born, making me a ward of the state. I see this as an attempt to decieve me into contracting away my
common law rights granted to me by my creator.

When enumerated points 1-5 are considered, it becomes obvious that I have been subjected to
Constructive Fraud and that the living agents of your office have acted in bad faith.

With this document, I deny that I have ever, as a matter of fully informed consent, acted as a "citizen" of
the alleged corporate "UNITED STATES" or the alleged corporate "STATE OF OHIO". My acting as a
"citizen" has always been derived from coercion, duress, or dire necessity that I did not create. I am not
an en legis "person" subject to the authority of "UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT" or "STATE OF OHIO".
I have already charged Nancy A. Berryhill, acting Commisioner of the Social Security Administration with
the duty of collapsing the Cestui Que Vie Trust referenced in this notice.

I respectfully but lawfully demand that the aforementioned legal pseudonym, "RONALD W.
ARMSTRONG" be stricken from any and all "Birth Registries" immediately, and that such alleged
"registration" be blotted out then as now, now as then, and hereafter.

I respectfully but lawfully demand an acknowledgement be sent to the above address within (10)
business days of acceptance of this letter which certifies that such registration has been expunged and
an account of the manner in which said expungement was fullfilled.

Silence, when there is a moral and lawful duty to respond, constitutes agreement. Failure to respond will
be deemed as complicity in an artifice to defraud. I look forward to your professional cooperation in this

By: Ronald-Wayne: Armstrong - All Rights Reserved

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