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l e p l a y i n g g a m e

a pos t-br e x i t t abl e t op ro


Introduction • 1
Hello, Good Evening and
Remain Indoors
Shadow of Mogg is a post-apocalyptic To play, you narrate what you want your
role-playing game set in the tunnels of character to do and The Speaker responds
the London Underground following a with how the world reacts based upon the
catastrophic occurrence known as ‘The current fictional situation and the mechan-
Event’. The inhabitants of the tunnels have ics of the game.
different opinions, memories and experi-
ences as to what ‘The Event’ was. What is In Shadow of Mogg, all significant actions
known is that life persists within the London are resolved as a Party, rather than on
Underground now. The survivors have an individual level. All decisions must be
brought their divisions, factionalism and voted on by the Party and the mechanics
petty grievances to this new world, exacer- of the game resolve the entirety of the
bated by the isolation, fear, sudden close scene whether that’s a fight with a group of
quarters, lack of food and comforts, and the gruesome fascistic Moggs, a tense negotia-
ever present fear of things twitching in the tion with Her Majesty’s Soldiers or clamber-
corner of their eyes. One would hope the ing through a web of electrified wires and
people can band together in the blitz spirit. railings in search of a can of baked beans.

One could be wrong.

Most survivors have separated into small Shadow of Mogg contains explicit material
groups known as ‘Parties‘ governed by their and is intended to be played between adults
own manifestos. The majority of parties are aware of the difficult subject matter. Player
democratic, clinging onto this method of discretion is advised.
governance even in the face of the apoca-
lypse. The game explores mostly ordinary
members of the public being thrust into
You play as a member of one of these a grim survival situation where they must
democratic parties. adapt to a new life in a claustrophobic
system of tunnels as the world goes mad
What’s this roleplaying around them.
lark all about?
Shadow of Mogg is a role-playing game Difficult situations may come up in the game
played with 3 or more players. One player so it’s advisable that you use safety tools.
takes the role of ‘The Speaker’ who has X Cards and Lines & Veils are both effective
control of the world and everything within tools described below and you are encour-
it. The other players take the roles of aged to use your own that work for your
individual characters within the world. Your group.
character is a living, breathing human being
who needs to eat, drink, sleep, suffer harm
and who makes choices on how to survive.

Introduction • 2
X Cards
To use an X Card, each player is given a card
or piece of paper with an X on it. If material
comes up in a game that they find difficult
for any reason, they can raise the card or
tap it and the game will be stopped for a
short time out. No justification ever needs
to be given for using an X Card. Players
can then discuss what happened and make
any changes needed, whether that means
retconning what happened, skipping past
it, avoiding that content again, or whatever
they wish. An X Card can be used at any
time and doesn’t need a justification; it
exists so players can feel safe to play the

Lines & Veils

Players can also set Lines & Veils for the
game. These can be discussed with The
Speaker and group before the game begins.

A Line is any topic that players do not want

to come up in the game.

A Veil is any topic that players would rather

have ‘fade to black’ within a game and not
be focussed on.

3 • Shadow of Mogg
The Speaker The Party
One person in the game takes the role All other players play as a member of “The
of The Speaker. The Speaker acts as an Party”
impartial interface between the Party and
the game world. The Speaker decides the As Party members your role is to -
actions of other characters in the world and
narrates the result of the parties successes • Play your characters as though they are
and failures, as adjudicated by the game real people.
• Work out your own Party led goals.
As The Speaker in Shadow of Mogg your role
is to - • Ask yourself who you are?

• Understand the rules of the game and • Ensure all decisions are voted on.
make sure they are followed.
• Vote on Party Laws.
• Present the dark underground world of
Shadow of Mogg to the players. • Vote on difficult decisions that the Party
has to make.
• Create a sense of mounting horror as
characters slowly have their resources • Survive the underground with your party.
depleted and are forced to make tougher
choices to achieve their goals and survive. • Find solace in things before the event.

• Put Players into tough situations that • Accept The Speaker’s Word.
test their moral compass, their loyalty to
the Party, or simply their wits and quick • Reject The Speaker’s Word
Reject The Speaker’s Word.
• Follow the rules of the game.
• Explore the limits and failings of
democratic institutions via the game’s • Reject the rules of the game.
Reject the rules of the game.
voting system.

• Explore intra-Party dynamics as the

characters attempt to come to terms with
their new lives with one another.

• Allow moments of peace, calm and

reflection, and evoke memories of the time
before The Event.

Introduction • 4
Character Stats Character Creation
Your character’s statistics represent their
physical and mental characteristics. 1 Randomly determine your class
To create a character in Shadow of Mogg,
you first roll a d66 and check the class table.
Body Stats
This determines your character class. Your
Hench character’s class represents a mixture of
their abilities, profession and background as
Hench represents your characters strength, detailed in the class section.
resilience and how good they are at having a
punch up.

2 Determine your characters
Next put the numbers 3, 2, 2 and 1 next to
Dash represents your characters agility, your stats.(Hench, Dash, Noggin & Bants).
nimbleness, ability to shoot weapons and
move silently. The higher the number the better your
character is in that area.
When your Hench or Dash reach 0 or less,
you must roll on the Bonk chart to deter-
mine what injury your character suffers. You
are also unconscious until either healed by
3 Note down your Stuff
Each character class has a set of items.
Note each of these down on your character
a med or your Party cotches in which case sheet.
you heal each stat by 1.
In addition, each class has certain key
Mind Stats resources they bring to the Party. Note
these combined values down on the Party
Noggin record sheet.
Noggin represents your character’s aware-
ness of the environment and other people
as well as their ability to think on their feet. 4 Note down your Mates
Certain classes start the game with
Mates. These are non-playable characters
who join your character. Note them down
Bants along with their value.
Bants represent your character’s silver
tongue, their presence and appeal, and how
the denizens of the underground react to
5 Add Personal Deets
Finally you will want to name your
character, choose your character’s gender,
age, preferred pronouns, and briefly
When your Noggin or Bants reach 0 or less describe their appearance.
you must roll on the Stiff Upper Lip chart to
determine what happens to your character.
You are also unconscious until either healed
by Molly or your Party cotches in which case
6 Form Party Bonds
Each character has a question that
associates them with another member of
you heal each stat by 1. the Party in some way.

Before the game begins go around the table

and answer these questions.

5 • Shadow of Mogg
Character Classes Table *6666 – Roll a 66 followed by another 66.

d66 Class d66 Class

11 PandyPonty FireFighter 41 Proletariat
12 Intensive Care Nurse 42 Bourgeoise
13 Mogg Rustler 43 Aristocrat
14 Tinker 44 Barrister
15 Tailor 45 Old Street Beggar
16 Soldier 46 Brixton Bobby
21 Spy 51 Black Cabbie
22 East End Grifter 52 Landlord
23 Gellar Psychic 53 Cumbrian Coal Miner
24 Radiated Survivor of Dungeness 54 West Country Farmer
Nuclear Station
25 UCL Humanities Professor 55 Highlander
26 QMUL Computer Science Graduate 56 Train Driver
31 Urchin 61 Primary School Teacher
32 HSBC Chief Exec 62 Tabloid Journalist
33 Church of England Vicar 63 Butcher
34 Extinction Activist 64 Baker
35 People’s Front of Jezza 65 Candlestick Maker
36 Jezza’s People’s Front 66 Whigg
*6666 Chrono Aristocrat

Characters • 6
PandyPonty FireFighter (11)
Fire has been humanity’s bedfellow Stuff
since we huddled together for it’s Heavy Duty Torch (2)
warmth. What scared you most was 10 foot Cat snatching pole (1) Heavy
its absence. Portable hose (2) (Uses 1 Juice)
Child’s teddy bear (1)
When you entered the tunnels, Megaphone (1)
there were no fires to put out.
Perhaps you could start some? Black and White Cat (1)

Skills Party Resources

Fire fighting: 3 - (Hench) 1 Scran
Driving: 2 - (Dash) 1 Juice
Alertness: 2 - (Noggin)
Negotiation: 1 - (Bants) Special

Armour Physical Training

Firefighting Suit (Armour 2, 4 vs fire) +1 Hench

Weapons Character Question

Axe (2) Sharp, Heavy You saved one of the characters in the Party,
Box of matches (1) who was it and what happened?

7 • Shadow of Mogg
Intensive Care Nurse (12)
Most people left. You stayed until it Stuff
was impossible to remain. The sick Pack of Plasters (1)
mounted, as did the dead. Pen & notepad (1)
Tin of coffee (1)
They told you that you were a hero. Quality Certificate for Personal Protective
Will you show them something Equipment made in Jiangsu Province. (1)
heroic? Spare Face Mask (1)

Skills Party Resources

First Aid 3 (Noggin) 3 Meds
Working the night shift 2 (Hench) 1 Molly
Syringe 2 (Dash) 1 Scran
Bedside manner 1 (Bants)
Donated Personal Protective Equipment (1) Bachelor of Science in Nursing
When you are in the Party, Meds heal Hench
Weapons or Dash to full when used.
Syringe (1) Meds can also be used to bring someone
back to life who has died within 1 Bong,
however this expends the Med entirely and
lowers the Med resource die.

Character Question
There was someone you couldn’t save that
another Party member knows. Who was it
and what happened?

Characters • 8
Mogg Rustler (13)
When is it okay to punch a fascist Stuff
and other silly questions liberals ask. Milkshake (1)
Pair of Handcuffs (2)
Skills Leashed Mogg (3)
Mogg Hunting 3 (Hench) Traffic Cone (1)
Sneaking 2 ( Dash)
Proselytising 2 (Bants) Party Resources
Organising 1 (Noggin) 1 Scran
1 Molly
Makeshift Armour (2) Special

Weapons Being anti-fascist is the real fascism:

Lead Pipe (2) Heavy, Blunt -2 to reaction rolls against Aristocrats &
Moggs will always react with hostility to
your Party, either fighting you or fleeing.

Character Question
You went to school with one of the Party
members. Who is it and why did you fall

9 • Shadow of Mogg
Tinker (14)
You’ve always had a knack for Stuff
making nicks and nacks. You clink Tinkering Stuff (2)
and clank. You bang, bang and Empty Tin (1)
they run. Copper Necklace (1)
Copper Signet Ring (1)
You like it underground. It’s safe
here. Party Resources
3 Gubbins
Skills 1 Slug
Tinker 3 (Noggin)
Shoot 2 (Dash) Special
Haggle 2 (Bants)
Grog Guzzling 1 (Hench) Tinkering
When a Party you are in repairs broken Stuff
Weapons it will always be repaired to max.
Makeshift Shoota (3) loud, uses Slugs A Party you are in may spend 1 Gubbins to
Wrench (1) blunt improve any one weapon or piece of armour
by 1. This can be done once per item.
Scrap Armour (3) Character Question
You feel oddly attached to one of the Party
members. Who is it and how will you show
your affections?

Characters • 10
Tailor (15)
Manners Maketh Man Stuff
Sewing kit (2)
Skills Silk Hanky, (1)
Tailoring 3 (Dash)
Disguise 2 (Noggin) Party Resources
Etiquette and Decorum 2 (Bants) 2 Gubbins
Scuba Diving 1 (Hench) 1 Scran

Weapons Special
Large Needle (1)
A Well Respected Gentleman
Armour The Party gains +1 to reactions when you are
Handcrafted, tailored suit & tie with thick with them.
padding (2)
Dress suit for special occasions (1) Character Question
Wetsuit for very special occasions. (1) You used to make suits for one of the
characters, who was it and what was their
special request?

11 • Shadow of Mogg
Soldier (16)
We march until we drop, then we go Stuff
over the top. Osprey Body Armour (3)
Dog tags (1)
Singing, singing out the days. Empty flask of brandy (1)

Skills Party Resources

Marksmanship 3 (Dash) 2 Scran
Krav Maga 2 (Hench) 2 Slugs
Enhanced Interrogation 2 (Bants) 1 Gubbins
Military history & tactics 1 (Noggin)
SA80 Rifle (6) loud, uses Slugs Shell Shock
Browning Pistol (4) loud, uses Slugs When you roll on the Stiff Upper Lip Chart
British Army Clasp Knife (2) roll twice and pick the worse result.

Character Question
You knew someone in the Party in your
military days. Who was it and what was the

Characters • 12
Spy (21)
First lesson of spy club -don’t zip Stuff
yourself into a body bag. Cocktail Shaker (1)
Briefcase of State Secrets (1)
Skills Body bag (2)
Sneaking 3 (Dash) Keys to the Aston Martin (1)
Judo chop 2 (Hench)
Charm 2 (Bants) Party Resources
Lockpicking 1 (Noggin) 1 Molly
1 Slug
Weapons 1 Juice
Silenced Pistol (3), quiet, uses 1 slug
Smart Watch with laser cutter (1), uses 1 Character Question
Juice per use You know a secret of one of the Party
Exploding pen (6) Area effect, 1 use. members. Pick who it is. They must write
down 1 secret about their character and
Armour hand it to you.
Fancy Suit with bullet proof interior (2,4
against bullets)

13 • Shadow of Mogg
East End Grifter (22)
One born every minute. Party Resources
2 Gubbins
Skills 1 Scran
Blagging 3 (Bants) 1 Molly
Pick pocket 2 (Dash)
Disguise 2 (Noggin) Special
Forking 1 (Hench)
Gotta pick a pocket or two
Weapons You recently conned someone out of their
Long Sausage Fork (1) Stuff. Roll d66 on the classes table and gain
the Stuff of that class.
Mouldy Suit & Flat Cap (1) Mates
d6 Rascal’s (1)
Rascals are too young to vote.
Multicoloured hanky (1) Character Question
Broken umbrella (1) One of the Party members used to be one
Smoking pipe (1) of your rascal’s, who was it and why did they

Characters • 14
Gellar Psychic (23)
You’ve always been special. Nobody Stuff
ever understood. Black velvet gloves (1)
White Hanky (1)
You now have the power and the Deck of 53 playing cards (1)
proof. d6 bent spoons (1)
Certificate of Achievement for completion of
How will you use your gift? Advanced Psychic Development Course.(1)

Skills Party Resources

Mind Trick 3 (Bants) 1 Gubbins
Sleight of Hand 2 (Dash)
Cold Read 2 (Noggin) Character Question
Showmanship 1 (Bants) You believe one of the Party members
deceased has contacted you. Who is the
Party member and who was their deceased

15 • Shadow of Mogg
Radiated Survivor of Dungeness
Nuclear Station (24)
Turns out radiation doesn’t give you Character Question
superpowers. Someone in the Party is in love with you.
Who is it and why do they love you?
You are frail, weak, hairless, bony
and will soon be dead. Special

Skills Radiated
Electrical Engineering 3 (Noggin) At the start of each day roll a number of d6
Pain management 2 (Hench) equal to your Hench+pain management and
DIY 2 (Dash) check the highest result.
Harmonica (1) (Bants)
6 = You live for now.
Weapons 5 = Use a med or Molly or lose 1 Hench.
Radiated chunk of cordite (2) 2-4 = Lose 1 Hench.
1 = Lose d6 Hench.
Radiation suit (1) (4 against radiation) Hench lost in this way is permanent and
cannot be healed by any means.
Stuff If this reduces you to 0 Hench you die.
Harmonica (1) At the end of each day you spend with the
Screwdriver (1) Party they must roll a Hench save. On a
failure, everyone loses 1 Hench. On a crit
Party Resources failure everyone gains the Radiated Special
1 Molly ability
1 Meds

Characters • 16
UCL Humanities Professor (25)
Brekekekéx-koáx-koá Stuff
Postgraduate Diploma in Humanities (1)
Ruler (1)
Skills Spectacles (1)
Classical Studies 3 (Noggin) Journal, pen, pencil and rubber. (1)
Typing 2 (Dash) A copy of the Odyssey in ancient Greek. (1)
Oral tradition 2 (Bants) Henderson Translation of The Frogs by
Larping 1 (Hench) Aristophanes. (1)

Weapons Party Resources

Antique bronze spearhead (1) 1 Scran
1 Juice
Stuffy Suit (1) Character Question
You taught one of your students before the
event, who was it and what type of student
were they?

17 • Shadow of Mogg
QMUL Computer Science
Graduate (26)
You hope you can get a good job Party Resources
now you’re a STEM grad. 2 Juice
1 Scran
Are there still jobs?
Skills Laptop & Charger (3) (Uses 1 Juice)
Computer Science 3 (Noggin) Smartphone (2) (Uses 1 Juice)
Pulling an all nighter 2 (Hench) Gameboy & Pokemon Blue (1) (Uses 1 Juice)
Shitposting 2 (Bants) Smart watch (1) (Uses 1 Juice)
Laser Tag 1 (Dash) Novelty Floppy Disc (1)
Blank DVD-R (1)
Weapons In ear Headphones (1)
Laser Tag Rifle, harmless, (1) (Uses 1 Juice)
Character Question
Armour One of the Party members was in your
Laser Tag Vest (1) Dungeons and Dragons group. Who was it
and why did the group disband?

Characters • 18
Urchin (31)
You were born of fear and wanting Party Resources
and left to roam. 1 Gubbins

Then the event happened. Special

Skills Just a child

Pick a pocket or two 2 (Dash) You cannot vote.
Please, sir, I want some more 2 (Bants) You cannot take Molly.
Wot Fisticuffs 1 (Hench) When you roll the Scran resource die to eat,
Maths n English 1 (Noggin) you can re-roll rolls of a 1 due to your
small stature.
Weapons You start the game with -1 Hench but
Slingshot (1) +1 Dash.
Your Party gains +1 to reaction rolls when
Armour dealing with adults as you are just a child.
Rags (0) However, children are the worst: the Party
gains -1 to reactions when dealing with
Stuff children.
Glass eye (1)
Conker (1) Character Question
Scalextric car (1) You’ve pinched something off one of the
Copy of the Beano (1) other characters. Who is it and what have
you taken? Pick any item from their ‘Stuff’

19 • Shadow of Mogg
and add it to your ‘Stuff’.

HSBC Chief Exec (32)

They have no idea how hard you Stuff
worked for all you had, and now Briefcase stuffed with worthless sterling
everything has gone to shit. notes. (1)
Rolex watch (1)
Skills Empty bottle of Glen Fiddics (1)
Insider Trading 3 (Bants)
‘Free Market’ Trading 2 (Noggin) Party Resources
Sunday drive 2 (Dash) 1 Molly
Tai Chi 1 (Hench)
Character Question
Armour One of the party members defaulted on
Armani suit (1) their subprime mortgage loan that you
authorised. They lost their home and all
Weapons their savings. Who was it and what did you
Keys to the Mercedes (1) spend your £4 million annual bonus on?


Things just seem to work out for you. Once
per day if you roll a 1 on any die you may roll
re-roll it.

Characters • 20
Church of England Vicar (33)
Repent for the end is extremely Party Resources
fucking nigh. 1 Scran
1 Molly
Sermon 3 (Bants) Mates
Bible Studies 2 (Noggin) Ethel - A devout parishioner at your church.
Kicking arse in the name of the lord 2 (2)
Morris Dance 1 (Dash) Character Question
One of the Party members entered your
Armour confession booth. Pick the Party member,
Vestments (1) they write down a confession of the worst
thing they have ever done and hand it to
Stuff you.
King James Bible (1)
Scroll of hymns (1) Special
Bottle of communion wine (1)
Vial of Holy Water (1) Last Rites
Loaf of communion bread (1) When someone is about to die you may
Donation box containing £83 sterling (1) perform the Last Rites. This ritual takes 2
bongs to complete. It reassures the Party
that the deceased is in a better place and no
anxiety is gained by their death.

21 • Shadow of Mogg
Extinction Activist (34)
You hate to say I told you so… Party Resources
(You actually bloody love saying it.) 1 Scran
1 Juice
Skills 1 Gubbins
Protesting 3 (Hench)
Knot Tying 2 (Dash) Special
Organising 2 (Bants)
Climatology 1 (Noggin) Environmentally Conscious
Once per day when you are with the
Stuff Party they may re-roll results of a 1 on the
Blank Placard (1) resource die for any Party resource.
Can of spray paint (1)
Handcuffs (1) Character Question
50 ft rope (2) Your protest delayed a Party member’s
commute causing them to be late for work
and lose their job. Who was it and how do
they feel about you now?

Characters • 22
People’s Front of Jezza (35)
We must unite behind the champion Special
of the people.
Skills Jezza’s People’s Front have -2 to reaction
Unionising 3 (Hench) rolls when encountering your Party.
Door to Door Activism 2 (Bants) If Jezza’s People’s Front are in your Party you
Chasing Fox Hunters 2 (Dash) must vote against any of their proposals out
Leaflet Making 1 (Noggin) of principle.

Stuff Character Question

Cucumber Sandwich (1) You got into an aggressive social media
Stack of Leaflets (1) argument with one of the Party members,
Notebook, Pen & Pencil (1) who was it and what was it about?

Party Resources
1 Scran
1 Juice

23 • Shadow of Mogg
Jezza’s People’s Front (36)
We must unite behind the people’s Special
Skills The People’s Front of Jezza have -2 to
Unionise 3 (Hench) reaction rolls when encountering your Party.
Door to Door Activism 2 (Bants) If the People’s Front of Jezza are in your
Chasing Fox Hunters 2 (Dash) Party you must vote against any of their
Leaflet Making 1 (Noggin) proposals out of principle.

Stuff Character Question

Cucumber Sandwich (1) You got into an aggressive social media
Stack of Leaflets (1) argument with one of the Party members,
Notebook, Pen & Pencil who was it and what was it about

Party Resources
1 Scran
1 Juice

Characters • 24
Proletariat (41)
We are the angry mob Special

We have nothing to lose but our Not one but many

chains Gain +4 Hench.
Each point of Hench represents a person in
Football’s coming home your collective.
When you consume Scran, Meds or Molly
Skills they run out on a 1 or 2.
Workers of the World, Unite! 3 (Hench) For each point of Hench you have you gain
Fuck this shit 2 (Dash) an additional vote towards Party actions.
Propa knees up 2 (Bants) You can carry 24 items and add 4 to the
The Curriculum 1 (Noggin) Party carrying capacity.
When you take Hench damage, including
Weapons from resolution rolls, that Hench is lost
Glass bottles (2) permanently. This represents one of your
collective dying.
Armour When you have 0 Hench your collective has
Flat caps reinforced with newspaper (1) perished and you are out of the game.
You may increase your Hench by 1 if you
Stuff convince someone to join your collective.
Tools of the Trade (2) This can increase over your max.
Portable Guillotine (3) You may spend Meds to heal your Hench
but only by 1 per use up to your max.
Party Resources
2 Scran Character Question
2 Molly You worked for one of the Party members,
who was it and what did you do?

25 • Shadow of Mogg
Bourgeoisie (42)
A Nation of Shopkeepers Mates
Shop Assistant (1)
Micro Management 3 (Noggin) Special
Commute 2 (Dash)
Sense and Sensibilities 2 (Bants) Mogg Affinity
Weekend Footie 1 (Hench) The Party gains a +2 with reaction rolls
against Moggs.
Pint of Milk (1) Character Question
Smoking Pipe (1) One of the Party members was a regular at
The Telegraph Newspaper (1) your shop. Who is it and what did they buy
Mortgage Papers (1) the most?

Party Resources
2 Scran
1 Gubbins
1 Juice
1 Molly

Characters • 26
Aristocrat (43)
The peasants are revolting. Stuff
1d6 vials of blood (1)
Skills 1d6 empty blood vials (1)
Class Privilege 3 (Bants) Golden buttons with your family crest upon
Hunt 2 (Dash) them (1)
Fuck the poor 2 (Hench) Gold Sovereign Ring (1)
Private Education 1 (Noggin)
Party Resources
Weapons 1 Slug
Riding Crop (1) 1 Molly
Hunting Rifle (4) – Uses 1 slug 2 Gubbins

Armour Mates
Red Hunting Uniform (1) Thoroughbred Horse (3)
Mastiff (2)

Character Question
You purchased the service of someone in
the Party in the before times. Who was it
and what did you ask of them?

27 • Shadow of Mogg
Barrister (44)
Law is order, and good law is good Stuff
order. BMW Keys (1)
Platinum credit card (1)
Law 3 (Noggin) Party Resources
Negotiation 2 (Bants) 2 Molly
Lunchtime Jog 2 (Dash) 1 Gubbins
Whiskey Chasers 1 (Hench)
Armour After an entry is written in the Party
Silly Hat (1) Manifesto you may alter or change one word
to ‘clarify’ it before it’s finalised. This can
change the meaning entirely.

Characters • 28
Old Street Beggar (45)
Before the event you had nothing. Stuff
What have you lost? Nothing

Nothing. Party Resources

Street life 3 (Hench) Mates
Scrounge 2 (Bants) Nothing
Skive 2 (Dash)
Scheme 1 (Noggin) Special
Nothing Character Question
Someone in the Party walked past you
Armour everyday. Who was it and why did they not
Nothing give you anything?

29 • Shadow of Mogg
Brixton Bobby (46)
It feels good to be back on the beat. Stuff
A pair of Walkie Talkies. (2) – Uses 1 Juice per
Skills use.
Keeping the Queen’s Peace 3 (Hench) Cuffs (2)
Kettling 2 (Dash)
Evidence Gathering 2 (Noggin) Party Resources
A totally innocuous friendly chat not 1 Juice
designed to incriminate you. 1 (Bants) 1 Scran

Weapons Character Question

Truncheon (2) You arrested one of the Party members.
Who was it and what was it for?
Helmet (1)

Characters • 30
Black Cabbie (51)
Did you know you can get arrested Party Resources
for saying you’re english? 1 Juice
1 Scran
Driving 3 (Dash) Character Question
Navigation 2 (Noggin) Someone in the Party took a long drive to
Long Nights 2 (Hench) the airport with you, who was it and what
Opinionated 1 (Bants) opinion of yours did you talk about for the
entire bloody journey?
Car Keys (1)
Car Wheel (1)
GPS System (2)

31 • Shadow of Mogg
Landlord (52)
You are not entitled to housing just Party Resources
because you exist. 1 Gubbins

Skills Special
The Good Life 3 (Bants) Social Parasite: When you are with the Party
Unashamed Greed 2 (Noggin) your resources run out on a roll of 1 or 2.
Sunday Drive 2 (Dash)
Golf 1 (Hench) Character Question
Someone in the Party lived in one of your
Weapons houses. Who was it and why did you evict
Golf Club (2) them?

Keychain with multiple house keys (1)
Destroyed Banksy Piece (1)

Characters • 32
Cumbrian Coal Miner (53)
What is a miner – what is he worth? Stuff
Bag of coal (2)
When he spends his life in the Lots of bleedin’ soot (1)
bowels of the earth.
Party Resources
Skills 1 Juice
Mining 3 (Hench) 1 Scran
Unionising 2 (Noggin)
Health and Safety 2 (Dash) Special
♪ It’s off to work we go � 1 (Bants)
Call this a fucking tunnel?
Weapons The underground doesn’t bother you. When
Mining pick (3) Heavy, slow you roll on the Bonk or Stiff Upper Lip Chart
roll twice and pick the highest result.
Hard Hat with Torch (1) Character question
Sooty Overalls (1) You came to the city to find someone from
the Party. Who is it and why did you seek

33 • Shadow of Mogg
West Country Farmer (54)
Farming is the jammiest of Stuff
professions. Half a dozen egg cups (1)
Bushel of wheat (1)
Food grows out of the bloody
ground and you sell it. Party Resources
3 Scran
Farming 3 (Noggin) Mates
Pitchforking 2 (Hench) Miffy the cow (3)
Combine ‘arvester 2 (Dash) Character Question
Local Gossip 1 (Bants) You’re related to one of the Party members
by blood, who is it and what’s the relation?
Pitchfork (2)

Characters • 34
Highlander (55)
We fight not for glory, nor for Party Resources
wealth, nor honour but only and 1 Molly
alone for freedom which no good 2 Scran
man surrenders but with his life. 1 Gubbins

Skills Special
Bagpipes 3 (Bants)
Ingenuity 2 (Noggin) There can only be one
Ceremonial Broadsword 2 (Hench) You must attack other Highlanders on sight.
Highland Hiking 1 (Dash) Highlanders will always attack you on sight.

Weapons Scottish Independence

Ceremonial Broadsword (2), Heavy You may act independently from the Party
and are not bound by their vote, but still
Armour retain all the benefits and negatives of being
Kilt (1) in the Party.
To make an independent resolution roll stat
Stuff + skill + stuff/weapon + any other modifiers.
Wee Quail egg (1)
Haggis (1) Character Question
Bagpipes (2) One of the Party members is a bit of a wee
Irn Bru (1) cunt, why do you think this?

35 • Shadow of Mogg
Underground Train Driver (56)
A railroad is like a society you have Stuff
to keep building it to make it stand. Megaphone (1)
Pair of Walkie Talkies, uses 1 Juice. (2)
Skills Heavy duty torch (2)
Train Driving 3 (Dash)
Underground Navigation 2 (Noggin) Party Resources
Union Striking 2 (Hench) 1 Juice
Speakerphone Diction 1 (Bants) 1 Scran

Railway Spike (1)

Characters • 36
West London Primary School
Teacher (61)
Education, Education, Education. Mates
2d6 Year 6 Pupils (1)
SkillS Name each of them.
Teaching 3 (Noggin)
Keeping Discipline 2 (Bants) Special
Art Attack 2 (Dash)
Wrangle unruly ones 1 (Hench) Head of the Class
Up to 30 mates can follow you as long as
Stuff they are children.
12 children’s lunchboxes (1 each)
Pencil case with Ruler, protractor, pencil Character Question
and pen. (1) You taught one of the Party members
Pack of multicoloured crayons (1) before the event, who was it and what were
Notepad (1) they like as a child?
Bell (1)
Whistle (1)
Party Resources
1d6 Scran

37 • Shadow of Mogg
Tabloid Journalist (62)
Back in those days lots of papers Special
supported the moggs and at least
they made the trains run on time! Alternative Facts
After a Party member makes a proposition
Skills but before it’s voted on you may alter or
Shit stirring 3 (Bants) change one word in the proposition, the
Chasing a lead 2 (Dash) Party votes on this proposition instead.
News Hound 2 (Hench)
Research 1 (Noggin) Character Question
You’ve got some dirt on one of the charac-
Stuff ters, who is it and what’s the dirt?
Copy of the Daily Mail (1)
Flask of coffee (1)
Notepad and pen (1)

Party Resources
1 Molly
1 Scran

Characters • 38
Butcher (63)
It’s an offal job but someones gotta Stuff
do it. Sack of brains, livers, hearts, spleens, tripe,
kidneys, gonads and other lovely jubbly
Skills offally goodness (2)
Butchering 3 (Hench) Meat Hook (2)
Service with a fucking smile 2 (Bants)
Roasting 2 (Dash) Mates
Keeping ‘onest books for the taxman 1 Butchers dog (2)
Party Resources
Weapons 3 Scran
Butcher Knife (2) 1 Gubbins

Butchers Overalls (1)

39 • Shadow of Mogg
Baker (64)
Mary Berry’s got a job. So why don’t Stuff
you get a job? Bake off winning cake (1)
Rolling pin, that’s actually cake (1)
Skills Bag of flour (1)
Baking 3 (Noggin) Jam Roly Poly (1)
Cheery Service 2 (Bants)
Kneading 2 (Hench) Mates
Admin 1 (Noggin) Bakers assistant. (1)

Weapons Party Resources

Rolling Pin (1) 4 Scran

Character Question
You baked a special cake for someone in the
Party, who was it, what was the cake and
what was the occasion?

Characters • 40
Candlestick Maker (65)
Our candles now burn dim at both Party Resources
ends. 3 Juice

Skills Character Question

Candlestick Making 3 (Dash) You’ve made a candle for one of the Party
Navigate the dark path 2 (Noggin) members, who is it for, what does it look
Calloused Fingers 2 (Hench) like and why did you make it for them? They
Waxing Lyrically 1 (Bants) can add it to their stuff.

Stuff Special
10 candles (1)
Paraffin bottle (1) Light the Way
Wax (1) You may re-roll any die you bid for Naviga-
Bandages (1) tion checks but must keep the second

41 • Shadow of Mogg
Whigg (66)
I think I was once given cocaine but Party Resources
I sneezed so it didn’t go up my nose. 3 Molly
In fact, it may have been icing sugar.
Character Question
Skills Someone in the Party is your love child, who
Eton studies 3 (Noggin) is it ?
Philandering 2 (Bants)
Faux Bumbling 2 (Dash) Special
Quaffing 1 (Hench)
Stuff After a proposition is made but before it
White Toupe (1) is voted on you may declare a prorogation.
Meticulously crumpled suit (1) This means no vote can be taken or any
propositions made for 1 day. You cannot
prorogue two days in a row.

Characters • 42
Chrono Aristocrat (6666)
Would you like a jelly baby? Character Question
You visited one of the Party members as a
Skills child, who was it?
Advanced Negotiation 4 (Bants)
Galactic Knowledge 3 (Noggin) Special
Sidrat Navigation 3 (Dash)
Repair and bodge anything 2 (Noggin) 6666*
Running through tunnels and corridors 2 If you roll a 66 at character creation roll
(Dash) again. If you get another 66 you are the
Highly resilient 2 (Hench) Chrono Aristocrat.

Armour The Sidrat

Reinforced Endoskeleton (2) Your SIDRAT is down here somewhere. It can
travel through time and space. The Speaker
Stuff will determine its location randomly. It takes
Super Screwdriver - can unlock anything (3) 1 Juice to use. If you find it you can leave.
Fedora and multicoloured scarf (1) But maybe you’ll help these people first?
Keys to the SIDRAT (Spacial Ignition Dialectic
Rotor Amplitude Traveller) (1) Regeneration
Bag of Jelly Babies (1) You regain 1 Hench and Dash every 10
minutes of real life game time.
Mates If you die your body will regenerate into a
Doting homosapien follower (2) new form in d6 x 10 minutes.
If you lose any limbs they will regenerate in
d6 x 10 days.

43 • Shadow of Mogg
The Core Mechanic
Everything The Party does in Shadow of Once the proposal has been discussed The
Mogg is voted on by the Party and resolved Vote occurs.
as The Party. This is resolved in two stages:
“The Vote” where characters vote for the The Speaker goes to each Party member in
course of action and “The Resolution” order and asks them what their vote is.
where that action is resolved. This will typically be for or against the
proposition. This may also be a vote
The Vote between multiple options based on context.

When the Party wants to make a decision A player can choose to abstain but must
it must be voted on. Even decisions that make this clear.
would have a time constraint such as a A player can spoil their vote by voting
hostile situation must be voted on. We nonsensically.
imagine The Party has developed a means to
do this quickly and efficiently. The vote is then counted by The Speaker and
the result enacted if a majority votes for it.
If a character is under the age of 18 then
they cannot vote but they still partake in If a proposition is rejected then another
The Resolution. proposition may be made. This must be
different from the former proposition or
Voting decisions may include: the situation must have changed in some
• What direction to travel in.
• How to interact with another Party or If the proposition is accepted then it
individual. happens.
• How to spend Party Resources.
• Who eats first? If the proposition is for a Party Law it is
• What activities to do during the Cotch written in the Party Manifesto.
• Whether to take on another Party Some propositions, for example voting to
member. feed a starving beggar, can be resolved by
• Whether to fight or flee a dangerous spending Party Scran, or whatever else
opponent. appropriate.
• Any decision that involves The Party and
can harm, hinder or help them in some Votes that involve action, risk, and conse-
way. quences such as navigating the tunnels,
fighting a pack of Moggs, avoiding dangerous
To vote, one player must make a proposition obstacles, or convincing a party
to be discussed amongst The Party. of Her Majesty’s Soldiers to let you pass
safely are resolved via the Party Resolution
The Speaker goes to each Party member in Roll.
order and asks them to speak on the propo-

Rules • 44
The Party Manifesto Sheet The Resolution
The Party Manifesto Sheet is used to track These rules govern how all significant
multiple details about the Party including actions and scenes in the game are resolved.
Party Members Names, Party Resources, This roll should only be made for game
Party Encumbrance, Party Anxiety, Party situations that warrant a die roll.
Travel Speed and the Party Laws.
Each character has:
Party Laws
When a proposition is voted on it the vote • Stats which represent their physical and
can include making it Party Law. When a mental capabilities.
proposition becomes Party Law it no longer • (Hench, Dash, Noggin, Bants)
needs to be voted on. • Skills which represent any specialised
training they have such as Fire Fighting.
For example The Party may vote that they • Stuff which represents useful items they
will always feed the Party member with the have including Weapons.
lowest Hench first to prevent them dying of • Mates which represent non-playable
starvation. The Party may vote that they will characters who are part of the Party and
always fight Moggs on sight, always recruit can support them.
children to the Party to protect them or ban
the use of all forms of Molly. Each of these things has a value attached
to it. This number represents how many six
The Vote rules given within the game are the sided dice an individual character can bid in
base democratic rules the Party is initially the dice pool towards resolving an action.
governed by. A Party can vote to change the
voting system entirely, for example enacting To resolve actions as a Party The Speaker
a secret ballot based system, letting Party declares a Party Resolution Roll needs to be
members under the age of 18 or even Party made.
horses vote, or even vote to reject democ-
racy by for example declaring one player as The Speaker can advise on what Stats, Skills,
the great Party Leader who now makes all of Stuff and Mates are relevant in the situation,
the decisions. including allowing players to use skills not
directly tied to the stat if it is narratively
Whatever these laws are they must be voted appropriate.
on and written in the Party Manifesto Sheet.
A Party Member may choose not to contrib-
If the Party wishes to remove a law they may ute to the resolution and reveal 0 die,
vote to do so but it must remain law for at however will still suffer the consequences
least 1 day before it’s voted to be removed. of the Party failing.

Each Party Member forms a pool of d6 that

will be rolled from a combination of Stats,
Skills, Stuff and Mates.

45 • Shadow of Mogg
First each Party Member secretly chooses In addition a number of dice equal to the
a Stat from Hench, Dash, Noggin and Bants Party’s Anxiety are added together to form a
associated with the task. They then choose separate pool and rolled by The Speaker.
a number of d6 up to the max of that stat
to contribute to resolving the situation. For Keep all of the dice separate.
example a player with 3 Hench can bid 1, 2 or
3 Hench for the roll. Look for the highest die result amongst all
the dice rolled including the anxiety dice.
This pool of die is the Stat die.
If the highest result of all the dice rolled is a
The Party Member may then choose to 6 the Party action has Succeeded.
add a number of die equal to the value of If the highest result of all the dice rolled is
a relevant Skill associated with the chosen a 5 the Party action Partially Succeeds but at
Stat. For example the Party Member who cost.
has bidded Hench then adds 3 die for their If the highest result of all the dice is a 2-4
Fire Fighting Skill. the action Fails.
If the highest result of all the dice is a 1 the
You always add the maximum amount of die action Critically Fails with severe conse-
for Skills. quence.

This pool of die is the Skill die. Party Members can be harmed by actions,
their items can be damaged and Mates be
The Party Member may then add a number hurt or killed.
of die equal to the value of any relevant
Stuff they are using in the action. This can For each 1 a player rolls on their Stat die
include Weapons. For example the Panduy- they lose 1 point from that stat. For example
ponty Fire Fighter use their Axe, adding 2 d6 if they roll a 1 on their Hench Stat die their
to the pool. Hench is reduced by 1.
You always add the maximum amount of die
for Stuff. If Hench or Dash reaches 0 the character
rolls on the Bonk table. This represents
This pool of die is the Stuff die. physical injury.

Finally the Party Member may add a number If Noggin or Bants reaches 0 the charac-
of die equal to the value of one of their ter rolls on the Stiff Upper Lip Chart. This
Mates relevant to the task at hand. For represents mental and emotional trauma.
example the PandyPonty Fire Fighter gets
their cat to help them and adds 1 d6 to the For each 1 a player rolls on their Stuff
pool. die that stuff is reduced by 1 point. If this
reaches 0 the stuff is broken and cannot be
This pool of die is the Mates die used. Gubbins can be spent to repair broken
or damaged stuff by 1 point up to its max.
Each player then reveals the dice they have For each 1 a player rolls on their Mates
bid and descriptively narrates how they die that Mate is reduced by 1 point. If this
intend to help the Party in the situation. number reaches 0 the Mate is dead.

Once revealed and narrated each player

rolls their pool of dice in-front of them.

Rules • 46
A Mate can be healed by 1 point by spending Adjusting Difficulty of
a Med. A Mate can be resuscitated to life by Resolution Rolls
spending a Med within 1 Bong of them being To make a Resolution Roll more difficult
reduced to 0. The Speaker can increase the number of
successes required from the base of 1.
If a 1 is rolled on the Anxiety die the action
has failed irrespective of other die results If a task is at +1 difficulty then The Party has
and The Speaker rolls d6+ Party Anxiety on to roll two 6’s for a Success or two 5’s for a
The Party Upper Lip Table. This represents Partial Success.
the group going into panic.
If a task is at +2 difficulty then they have to
Your Skills will never reduce as part of a roll three 6’s for a Success or three 5’s for a
Resolution, however if you bid Skill die you Partial Success. (And so on for +3, +4)
must bid at least 1 relevant Stat die associ-
ated with the skill. If the Party doesn’t get the required number
of Full or Partial Successes then the action
The Speaker and Party then narrates the counts as a failure or critical failure if the
final consequences and result of the action highest result is a 1.
based on the parties intended goal, the
narrative situation and the result of the dice. Light Level will also adjust difficulty of rolls.
See the Light section for more detail.

It is the responsibility of The Speaker based

on the die roll, narrative situation and The
Party actions to narrate the result of The
Resolution Roll and apply any additional
consequences then transition the game to
the next situation the party confronts.

Resolution rolls are intended to resolve

entire scenes rather than individual minutia.
For example a Resolution Roll will decide
the outcome of an entire combat for the
Party rather than individual back and forth

Likewise a Resolution Roll is used to resolve

bypassing an entire area of dangerous
hazards or the entirety of a diplomatic
negotiation between a group of Aristocrats.

Therefore positive and negative results as

well as consequences need to reflect this.
What follows is some suggestions on how to
do this.

47 • Shadow of Mogg
Success - Doubleplus Good Failure - Ungood
Let players have their successes in full. If a Failure means the task was unsuccessful
success is rolled the Party should overcome and something different must be attempted.
the situation, defeat their opponents or be The Party can not simply try the same thing
successful in their negotiations. again.

Players can still suffer reduction in stats and To facilitate this The Speaker should transi-
break even if a resolution roll is successful tion the scene to the immediate aftermath
so it’s not all roses but don’t punish them of the failure.
In addition further consequences can
Partial Success - OkGood be applied based on context. A failure to
A Partial Success is still a success. The Party navigate an area can mean it is blocked off
should succeed at the situation at hand and the Party has to take a different route.
and this should move the game forwards. Failure in combat can result in Party
For example if a Party is partially successful members all suffering harm and being
in navigating through a hazardous area of forced to retreat from their assailants.
tunnels they will still reach their destina-
tion. If the Party is partially successful in Failure in negotiations can lead to hostilities
a fight they will still have defeated their or the Party being forced to find safety at
opponents. another location.

The main difference is there’s an additional Ungood consequences for Failure:

cost or consequence to a Partial success • Someone in the Party is kidnapped.
that The Speaker can decide. • A random event is rolled and the Party is
surprised by it.
OkGood consequences for Partial • The Party is separated.
Successes: • All of the Party take Stat damage.
• A Party member suffers additional stat • The Party loses all of one resource or
damage. multiple resources.
• A random event is rolled. • The Party is forced to make a Party
• A Party member loses or breaks one of Upper Lip roll.
their things. • Party Anxiety increases by 3.
• The Party loses a Party resource. • Negotiations turn into an outright fight.
• Party anxiety increases by 1. • The Party is blocked from exploring an
• The Party must accept a worse deal in a area.
• Navigation through an area takes longer Critical Failure -
than expected. Doubleplus Ungood
• The Party is forced to stop and rest Critical Failure’s are statistically unlikely.
entering the Cotch Phase. They are primarily intended to serve as a
consequence if The Party bids too few die
on rolls. If a Critical Failure is rolled The
Speaker can go hard on the group. A critical
failure can result in the entire Party being
kidnapped, dying, losing all of their belong-
ings or any other terrible consequence that
comes to the imagination.

Rules • 48
Stuff Light
Your Stuff can be used as part of an action.
If it’s appropriate add a number of Stuff dice Determine Base Light
equal to the items total. The default light setting in the underground
is Pitch Dark. However some areas may be
If you roll a 1 on the Stuff dice that item lit, for example an area of strobe lighting
reduces its total by 1. If this reduces it to 0 it may be Dim. It’s up to The Speaker to decide
is broken. what light level an area is.

You can repair an item by 1 by spending 1 Increasing Light Level

Gubbins. Juice represents the Party’s reserves of light
and fuel.
‘Heavy’ Stuff takes up two inventory slots. • Spending 1 Juice increases the Light Level
by 1 for the Party. For example if it is Pitch
Some Stuff has narrative ‘tags’ attached such Dark and Juice is spent then the Light Level
as ‘slow’, ‘blunt’, sharp’. These offer some increases to Shadowy.
guidance as to the properties of the item • The Light Level lasts for the entire day or
when adjudicating their use. entire night.
• Light is set before making a Navigation
Mates Roll.
You may find ‘Mates’ who will join you • Light is set when resting in a Danger Zone
during your travels underground. and making a Stay Alert check.
• Light lowers by 1 after a Ruck due to the
Some characters start the game with Mates. chaos involved in a fight.
Mates are non-playable characters attached
to a certain Party member. If a Party Light Chart
member leaves their mates will usually
leave with them. Light Level Success Die Needed
Pitch Dark +4
Your character is limited to a number of
Shadowy +2
mates equal to your Bants score.
Dim +1
Mates are abstractly represented by a Light +0
number that represents how many dice they
can contribute to Party actions and their
overall health. When a mate’s score reaches
0 they are dead unless the Party spends a
Med to heal them.

Mates heal by 1 per night rested. Mates heal

by 1 when a Med is spent on them.

49 • Shadow of Mogg
Party Anxiety
As the Party lives and acts with one another Anxiety Roll
in the underground Party anxiety can rise. When making a Party resolution roll the
Party Anxiety increases by 1 in the following Speaker also rolls a number of anxiety dice
instances. equal to the parties current anxiety.

• When a party member dies These dice count towards Party success
• When a party member is reduced to 0 in however if a 1 is rolled on any anxiety dice
any stat. the action counts as a failure and the Party
• When the party witnesses something must roll on the Party Upper Lip table.
particularly horrific.
• When the party gets into a ruck. The Party and The Speaker will narrate how
• When a proposition on a similar thing is the action fails based on the situation and
rejected twice or more in the same day. the roll.
• When a party member goes without
Scran for 1 day. To roll on the Party Upper Lip Table roll a d6
• When any party resource runs out and add the Party’s current anxiety.
Reducing Party Anxiety
Spend 1 Molly to reduce Party Anxiety by 1.

Resting for a night reduces Party Anxiety by 1.

Meditating during the Cotch phase reduces

Party Anxiety by 1.

The Party can vote for a Party member, either

Mate or Player, to become a scapegoat.

Reduce Party Anxiety by 2 if the scapegoat is


Reduce Party Anxiety to 0 if the scapegoat is


The Party can vote for an external scapegoat

to blame.

Once per day reduce Party Anxiety by 1

when symbolically punishing the scapegoat.

Once per day reduce Party Anxiety by 2

when literally punishing the scapegoat.

Rules • 50
Party Stiff Upper Lip Table
d6+ Party
Anxiety Description Effect
1-3 Our lips cannot remain Tickety-boo for now old chap.
stiff much longer. No effect.
4 Everyone’s lips are a Party Anxiety increases by 1
tad twitchy.
5 Why don’t we all have a Party must rest and enter the Cotch phase.
nice cup of tea?
If unable to increase Party Anxiety by 2.
6 Oh bollocks where did In the panic each Party member loses a random
I put it? item.
7 Sod the tea, let’s have The Party binges their resources.
some gin and scones.
Reduce Molly and Scran by 1.

If unable to increase Party Anxiety by 3.

8 Fly you fools. The Party flee d3 Stops in a random direction.
9 What the fuck did you The Party brawls.
say about my mum?
Everyone suffers d3 damage to Hench and Dash.
10 Screaming into the The Party screams into the void for the rest of the
void. day and night.

Roll a random d66 event.

The Party can only react by screaming.
11 Every Englishman for The Party split into d3+1 separate groups that flee in
himself. random directions.

Run each group as a separate Party or pick 1 Party

and assume the rest lost.
12+ IT’S ALL GONE The Party disbands and scatters to the winds.
Game over old chap.

51 • Shadow of Mogg
Rucks Herd Immunity Roll
Situations where the Party fights other Certain situations may require The Party
groups or individuals are referred to as to make a Herd Immunity Roll. These are
Rucks. A Ruck is resolved in the same way as typically situations where the Party is
any Resolution Roll however The Speaker passively trying to avoid a negative effect
may say the Party requires more Successes or situation such as disease, trauma from
to succeed if the Party is at some disadvan- witnessing a particularly horrible event or
tage such as: rocks falling on the Party from a collapsed
• If the Party is significantly outnumbered.
• If the Party has no guns and is fighting a This works the same way as a Resolution
group or individual who do have guns. Roll. The difference is that the roll is not
• If the Party is fighting a group or voted on and dice are not bid. It happens
individual with significantly better training at the discretion of The Speaker typically
or equipment. as a consequence to a Party decision or the
• If the Party is fighting someone in home situation at hand.
territory or in a defensive position.
• If the Party is outflanked and fighting For example if a Party encounters a group
foes from multiple directions. of disease carriers The Speaker can declare
• If the Party is fighting on hazardous a Hench Herd Immunity Roll to see if the
ground such as an area of pit traps or that Party contracts the disease.
is covered by slippery grease.
Herd Immunity Rolls are tied to a character
Armour statistic (Hench, Dash, Noggin, Bants) chosen
If a character takes physical harm they can by The Speaker and appropriate to the
roll a number of d6 equal to their armour situation.
Each character must roll the max of the Stat
Any 6’s they roll reduce the harm by 1 each. being saved against. For example if a charac-
ter has 2 Hench they must roll 2 Hench.
Any 1’s they roll degrades the armour by 1. They may optionally add appropriate Skill,
Stuff and Mate die.
Spending 1 Gubbins can repair any piece of
armour by 1. Check the highest die result rolled -

Armour can reduce harm from any physical 6 = The Party avoids the harm.
source including failed bid rolls. 5 = The Party member with the lowest
stat being rolled suffers the harm. On ties
Surprise all tied Party members suffer the effect.
If the Party is Surprised, such as if they are 2-4 = The entire Party suffers the harm
ambushed or they encounter something 1 = The entire Party suffers significant
whilst sleeping during a failed Stay Alert harm.
roll, then any rolls dealing with the situation
that surprised them are at +1 difficulty. Character Stats, Stuff and Mates will
degrade by 1 for every 1 rolled on the respec-
tive die when making a Herd Immunity Roll.

Rules • 52
Reaction Rolls Learn New Skills
When The Party meets another group You can also attempt to learn a new skill.
or individual or in response to The Party Pick any skill you’ve observed being used
interacting with another group or individual and roll either Noggin or the associated Stat
a Reaction Roll is made to determine how with the skill.
they react to the party as a whole.
On a 6 you gain 1 level in the skill
The Speaker rolls a number of d6 equal to On a 2-5 you don’t learn how to use the skill
the combined sum of the current Bants On a 1 you can never learn this skill it is
value of The Party. beyond you.
Skills max out at 4 levels.
This roll does not cause stats to be reduced.
Party Resources
Check the highest die result rolled - Party resources are abstracted into a die
value that ranges d4 - d6 - d8 - d10 - d12.
6 = They react in a friendly manner When the Party  wishes to spend one of
5 = They react in a guarded, reserved its resources, roll the resource die. On a 1
and wary manner. that resource reduces by 1 die. Otherwise it
2 - 4 = They react with hostility. remains the same.
1 = They attack The Party.
For example a d10 reduces to a d8 and a d6
The Speaker may adjust the reaction roll reduces to a d4.
based on circumstance by adding die to the
pool if the situation seems favourable to A d4 reduces to nothing.
The Party or removing die from the pool
if the situation seems unfavourable to The Some characters have individual items that
Party. could be construed as Party Resources,
for example the Baker has a Jam Roly Poly.
Likewise The Reaction Roll is at the Speaker’s The resource system is abstracted and
discretion and in certain situations it may be these items are intended for individual use
obvious based on the context and narrative within the game during bidding rolls and
how someone will react. cannot be added to the Party Resources.
However based on The Speaker’s discre-
Self Improvement tion individual Stuff may be used in lieu of
During the cotch phase the Party can attempt a Party Resource, for example the Baker
to improve the Skills of their members. could consume the Jam Roly Poly, remove
it from their character sheet and fulfill their
Improve Current Skills Scran consuming requirement for the day.
You can choose any skill that you have bid Or highly valuable individual Stuff may be
this day, whether you passed or failed. Roll traded for other Stuff or Party Resources.
a number of die equal to the Stat + Skill.
On a 6 you improve the skill by 1. Gubbins are the most effective form of
On a 2-5 you make no progress. barter in the underground. Gubbins can
On a 1 you lose one level in the skill decreas- also be used to repair weapons, armour and
ing it by 1. If this reduces it to 0 it is forgot- equipment.
ten and must be learned as though it was a
new Skill.

53 • Shadow of Mogg
Gubbins can usually always be traded 1 for 1. Juice
For example 1 Gubbins can be traded for 1 of Juice represents The Party’s fuel reserves,
any other resource. whether electric, oil or crude flame.

The Party can also roll your Gubbins during The Juice resource die is rolled when the
the Cotch Phase to repair Party Stuff. Party wishes to increase the level of light.
(Dark, Dim and Light.)
Scran represents The Party’s food and water Juice is further rolled for any situation in
reserves. It is assumed The Party is on the which electrical equipment needs to be
brink of starvation and therefore missing used.
one day’s meal can result in death.
The Party must expend one Scran each per Meds represent The Party’s supplies of
day to stay sustained. vital medicine. These can be used during
the Cotch Phase or during the day’s Tunnel
Roll the resource dice for each individual Activities.
Party member per day during the Cotch
Phase. This includes Mates. Meds heal a character’s Hench or Dash by 1
when used.
Large creatures such as cows and horses
must roll twice on the resource die, small Meds can be used to heal physical injuries
creatures such as dogs and children can and conditions from Bonks.
reroll 1’s on the resource die.
Meds can be used to heal Mates by increas-
For each day a character does not consume ing their value by 1 up to their max per Med
Scran they lose 1 Hench and Dash. used.

If this reduces a character to 0 Hench or Dash Roll the Meds resource die each time a Med
they die of a mix of hunger, thirst and exposure. is used.

For each day a Mate does not eat they lose 1 from Molly
their total. If this reduces them to 0 they die. Molly represents The Party’s supplies of
drugs and narcotics. This includes every-
Slugs thing from alcohol and cigarettes to harder
Slugs represent The Party’s reserves of street drugs.
Molly can be rolled to reduce Party Anxiety
Anytime a character uses a weapon that by 1. Roll the resource die each time it is
uses Slugs they must first roll the Slugs used.
resource die. If The Party has 0 Slugs they
cannot use the weapon. Molly can also be used to heal Noggin or
Bants by 1 when used. Roll the resource die
Roll only once per Resolution Roll or Ruck each time it is used.
using that weapon.

Roll for each character using a weapon that

uses Slugs.

Rules • 54
Using Molly can be risky. If you roll a 1 on Party Encumbrance
the resource die when using Molly this The Party Carry Weight is set by the
represents you taking too much. The combined encumbrance total of the value of
character that rolled the 1 rolls on Stiff all your party resource die. Each resource
Upper Lip Chart. If a 1 is rolled when dice has a weight value based on the die as
reducing Party Anxiety with Molly the entire follows.
Party rolls on the Stiff Upper Lip Chart.
D4 = 1
Trading Resources D6 = 2
When trading a resource you offer a die D8 = 3
worth of the resource to receive as much in D10 = 4
kind based on the deal. D12 = 5

For example if the Party wants to trade The Party Carrying Capacity is based on how
Scran for Molly and they have d8 Scran many members are in The Party.
and d4 Molly then they would decrease
their d8 Scran to d6 Scran and increase Each member of the Party increases the
their d4 Molly to d6 Molly. If a Party has 0 Party Carrying Capacity by 2
of a resource they increase to d4 of that Large mates such as horses or cows increase
resource. Party Carrying Capacity by 4.
Small mates such as children increase Party
Example of Play Carrying Capacity by 1.
The Party of 4 members has d6 Scran and
wishes to eat during the Cotch Phase. Each For example if the Party contains 5 Party
Party member eating rolls the d6 resource members the Party Carrying Capacity is 10.
die in order. (5 × 2)

The first to roll gets a 6 and the resource Carry weight past the Party Carrying
remains the same at d6. The second to Capacity affects how far they can travel in a
roll gets a 1 and eats but the resource die day and the difficulty of resolution rolls.
reduces to a d4. The 3rd party member rolls
a 1 on the d4, they eat but there’s now no For example if a Party of 5 members who
Scran left for the last Party Member and have a Carrying Capacity of 10 is carrying D4
they take 1 damage to Hench and Dash. Scran, d6 Slugs, d6 Juice, d8 Gubbins, d10
Molly and d12 Meds their Party Carry Weight
Individual Encumbrance is 17 (1 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 +5).
Each individual character may carry up to 10
items. This puts the Party at 7 over their max of
10 and makes the Party Moderately Encum-
Heavy Items such as 2 handed weapons or bered.
heavy equipment take up 2 slots.
Each item an individual character has over
Each additional item beyond 10 increases the limit of 10 further adds 1 to the group
Party Carry Weight by 1. total carrying capacity.

55 • Shadow of Mogg
Encumbrance Table
Capacity Stops Travel/Explore time per
over max Encumbrance per day Stop. Difficulty
<0 Unencumbered 8 Stops 1 Bong -

1 – 4 Lightly 4 Stops 2 Bongs -

5 – 8 Moderately 2 Stops 4 Bongs -
9 – 12 Heavily 1 Stop 8 Bongs +1 Success
Encumbered needed
12 > Over Encumbered 0 Stops You cannot move until you +2 Successes
lighten your load. needed

Navigating the Tunnels

The beating heart of Shadow of Mogg is On a 2-4 The Party travels in a random
the exploration of the underground tunnel direction not intended. They also encounter
network and stops within. a Tunnel Event. This can be rolled on the
Tunnel Events Table or be created by The
Navigation Roll Speaker.
When the Party wants to travel between
stops for the days travel they must roll a On a 1 The Party becomes entirely lost and
navigation check. makes no progress for the day. They also
encounter a Tunnel Event. This can be rolled
One Navigation check is enough for a day’s on the Tunnel Events Table or be created by
travel. The Speaker.

This works as the Resolution Roll with each Tunnel Activities

character bidding their Stat, Skill, Stuff and The Party may declare the following activi-
Mates die to the roll. ties during a day within the tunnels.

The main Stat for navigation is Noggin. Travel

The Party travels a number of stops based
Highest Result - on their encumbrance. This requires follow-
ing the Navigation Procedure including the
On a 6 the Party successfully and safely Navigation Roll.
navigates through the tunnels to their
agreed destination.

On a 5 the Party successfully navigates in the

correct direction. They also encounter a
Tunnel Event. This can be rolled on the
Tunnel Events Table or be created by The

Rules • 56
Scavenging Mindfulness Meditation
The Party scavenges a Stop. The Party can This reduces Party Anxiety by 1 and heals all
nominate a resource, item, person or thing Party members Noggin and Bants damage by 1.
they are specifically scavenging for. This This is in addition to healing from rest.
requires a Party Scavenging Roll using Noggin
as the core stat. This takes a number of Bongs Self Improvement
based on the Party Encumbrance Level. The Party can level up their skills and abilities.

Exploring Class Based

The Party fully explores a Stop. This action is Certain classes may have activities they can
intended for Stops which contain a complex lead the group in.
point of interest such as a station occupied
by frothing Moggs, a vast underground Zoo Nothing
or a bastion of Her Majesty’s Soldiers. This Bollocks to your organised fun.
takes at minimum 1 Bong and can take more
depending on context. Other
Another activity decided by The Party and
Cotch ratified by The Speaker.
The Party rest, sleep and recuperate.
The Party may choose a Cotch Activity to Safe Zones
perform and then sleep. Stops marked with a circular dot on the map
are ‘Safe Zones’. This means that they are
If the Party is in a Safe Zone such as a forti- in some way protected from the ravishes of
fied station they can rest safely. However the tunnels and The Party, if they can gain
if they are in a Danger Zone such as in the entry, can rest there safely.
tunnels or an unsecured stop they must The safe stops on the map are as follows -
make a Stay Alert Roll. Woodford, Richmond, Oxford Circus,
Victoria, Barons Court, Earls Court, Mile
If this rest is uninterrupted the Party each End, Waterloo and Kings Cross.
heals 1 of each Stat. Party Anxiety also Stops marked with a dash are Danger Zones.
reduces by 1. When sleeping in a Danger Zone The Party
must make a Stay Alert Roll to keep watch.
If it’s interrupted by a violent or exerting
situation, they do not heal any Stats or Party Stay Alert Roll
Anxiety. When keeping watch in a dangerous stop
The Party will need to make a Stay Alert Roll.
Cotch Activities This is a Noggin based Party Resolution Roll.
The Party may choose one activity to do as a On a 6 The Party is safe for the night.
group during the Cotch phase. This must be
voted on by The Party. The entire Party must On a 5 The Party is safe for the night but
partake in this activity together. weary. Increase Party Anxiety by 1.

Chill On a 2-4 The Party encounters a Tunnel

This heals all Party members Hench and Dash Event This can be rolled on the Tunnel
by 1. This is in addition to healing from rest. Events Table or be created by The Speaker.

On a 1 The Party is surprised by a Tunnel

Event. This can be rolled on the Tunnel
Events Table or be created by The Speaker.

57 • Shadow of Mogg
Scavenging Roll
The Party can choose to scavenge a Stop for On a 1 they fail to find what they are search-
Party Resources, items, people or anything ing for and are surprised by a Tunnel Event.
else of interest. They declare the specific This can be rolled on the Tunnel Events
thing they are scavenging for then make a Table or be created by The Speaker.
Scavenging Roll which is resolved as a Party
Resolution Roll. Strict Time Records
This takes a number of Bongs based on their In Shadow of Mogg time is measured in
Party Encumbrance. ‘Bongs’. The characters can dimly hear these
bongs echoing above them from the Great
On a 6 they find the thing they are searching Bong in the sky.
for. If it is a Party Resource it’s added to the
Party Manifesto Sheet. One Bong is roughly equal to one hour.

On a 5 they find the thing they are searching • A Party needs 8 Bongs to rest per day.
for but there’s a complication. The Speaker • An unencumbered Party can travel for 8
decides what this Ungood Thing is. bongs per day or 1 Bong per stop.
• An unencumbered Party takes 1 Bong to
On a 2-4 they fail to find what they are Scavenge or Explore a Stop.
searching for and encounter a Tunnel Event. • Cotch Activities take 4 Bongs
This can be rolled on the Tunnel Events • A Ruck takes 1 Bong
Table or be created by The Speaker. • Dealing with a complication takes 1 Bong.

Random Tunnel Events Table

Roll on this table when a random event is d12 and cross reference it to the tube line
triggered during the navigation or cotch the players are on. Alternatively roll a d66
phase or whenever else you please. Roll a directly on the events table.

(d12) Central District Northern Circle Piccadilly Jubilee Bakerloo
1 54 13 52 22 13 14 11
2 43 35 55 45 26 56 12
3 62 56 42 63 31 24 55
4 11 63 15 24 36 31 14
5 14 34 64 62 46 13 41
6 25 16 21 29 65 54 24
7 16 64 36 54 41 42 26
8 35 41 65 40 36 16 22
9 64 52 25 23 53 22 36
10 23 11 16 46 33 61 56
11 46 32 31 13 24 21 62
12 41 51 22 44 55 25 66

Rules • 58
Random Tunnel Events
11 - Meat’s back on the 12 - Cheeky cup of tea?
menu boys. An old man by the name of Norman has
You come across a Party of skin traders. opened a tea shop here. There’s a sign that
These denizens of the underground make reads ‘PG Tips, Tips not required’, lit by
a living in the trading of a range of exotic tea lights. He sells a range of tea including,
meats, furs and pelts from rat, to dog , to Brown, Yellow and Propa.
‘long pig’.
Norman has an orange tabby cat called
They wear crude leather masks of these Peaches. Mate(1)
‘animals’ to show off their wares. They are
currently in the process of skinning a partic- Within Norman’s Shop is d6 Scran and d3
ularly succulent Party of little pigs, you can Gubbins worth of Resources.
smell the blood as you draw close to them.
Tea and Biscuits in Norman’s tea shop will
The skin traders are led by a gap toothed cost 1 Gubbins or two of any other Party
man by the name of Old Greg who carries a Resource except Slugs or Molly. Norman is
Shoota (2), uses Slugs. stringently anti-gun and tee-total.

They will trade Crude Leather Armour (2) If the Party eats here it takes 1 Bong, counts
and Scran 1 for 1 for Gubbins, Slugs or Molly. as their Scran for the day and reduces Party
Anxiety by 1.
They carry d3 Gubbins, d3 Slugs, d6 Scran
and d6 finished piece of Leather Armour There is also a chance there are other

Roll D6
1 - 2 = No other visitors
3 = A stray Doggo(2) sniffing at food.
4 = A party of sweet old ladies.
5 = A lone hooded stranger writing poetry.
6 = Norman’s Wife Betty. Has a penchant
for Gin. Will secretly trade Molly 1 for 1 to let
the Party have a cup of tea and biscuits at
the shop.

59 • Shadow of Mogg
13 - Void Screamers 14 - It was like those
A row of people stand screaming into black bags made people
the void of the tunnels. They include a entirely disappear
mix of 2d6 adults, 1d6 elderly people and A Party of Soldiers frog marches a group of a
1d3 children. They wear heavily tattered dozen people in hooded black sacks through
and worn clothing. One wears shiny Doc the tunnels. There are 6 soldiers in total,
Martens. This sight will increase Party well armed with rifles and body armour and
Anxiety by 1. ready for a ruck.

If attacked the Void Screamers will continue The soldiers are taking the prisoners to
to scream but will not fight or flee. The a secure location within d3 stops of this
Party will automatically succeed at killing position. This can be any appropriate stop
them however Party Anxiety will increase by 1. nearby. The prisoners are taken out for
execution daily. Roll a d6. On a 2-6 this is
If the Party screams with them they must only a mock execution. On a 1 this is a real
make a Noggin Herd Immunity Roll. On a execution.
Success they cathartically scream for 1 Bong.
Party Anxiety reduces by d6 and all Party This stops when all prisoners have been
members Noggin & Bants stats heal to full. executed and then the soldiers go out in
search of more hostages.
On a Partial Success The Party screams into
the Void for the next 24 Bongs. Party Anxiety Reaction
reduces by D3 and all Party members 1 = The Soldiers will attack The Party.
Noggin and Bants heal by 1. 2-4 = The Soldiers will raise their weapons
and demand the Party walk in the opposite
On a Failure The Party screams into the Void direction.
for 24 Bongs and Party Anxiety increases by d3. 5 = The Soldiers will ignore the Party if the
Party ignores them.
When this ends, make the Noggin Herd 6 = The Soldiers will barter for supplies
Immunity Roll again. and will pay 2 for 1 for Slugs.

On a Critical Failure The Party will remain The OkGood Thing

screaming into the void forever. The Soldiers retreat and the prisoners
escape, they both run in different direc-
The Party will suffer the effects of hunger, tions.
exposure and any other environmental
effects whilst screaming and if attacked will The Ungood Thing
suffer any ungood things. The Soldiers will black bag a Party member
and escort them to execution.

Rules • 60
15 - British Reactors do If the mob is let free the Party must roll a
not meltdown Hench Herd Immunity Roll.
A crumpled bright yellow radiation suit
lies here. On closer inspection you can see On a Failure they contract Dovic 42. The
inside is an emaciated and dying woman. A mob will further spread their infection to
lump of black cordite lies in the distance. each neighbouring underground stop.
Coughing blood she asks the Party if they
have any food or water. Infected Party members are sick with
Her name is Sophie. She survived the Dunge- flu-like symptoms for 2d6 days. This reduces
ness Melt Down. She is Radiated. all stats by 1 to a minimum of 1 and increases
group anxiety by 1 for each Party member
If the Party stays to talk to her and offer infected.
her aid they must make Party Hench Herd
Immunity Roll. Infected Party members must roll on the
chart below aiming to roll higher than the
On a Partial Success each Party Member number on a d100. On a failure they will die
loses 1 Hench. in d6 days.

On a Failure a random Party Member is Character Age D100 Roll High

0 – 17 1

On a Critical Failure the entire party is 18 – 44 4

Radiated. 45 – 64 22
65 – 74 25
See the Class Entry ‘Radiated Survivor of 75++ 49
Dungeness Power Station’ entry on how
being Radiated works.
21 - Rivers of blood.
16 - Plague Welders A Party of d66 Moggs are bringing a family
Three Public Health England officials of others to a gallows made of railway
wearing white hazard suits and bird like sleepers. The family of 5, a father, mother,
plague masks are welding a train door shut. 2 daughters and a son are tied with their
It’s clear within the train are around two hands together behind them and have black
dozen people. bin bags over their heads.
The Moggs jeer and snarl and throw rocks at
The PHE officials claim the people are the family.
suffering from a rare strain of Dovic 42 and
must be quarantined for their safety and the The OkGood Thing
safety of others living within the tunnels. The Party drives the Moggs off. The family
They’ll let them out in 14 days. can be saved but will need Meds within 1
Bong to resuscitate them each or they will
The people are screaming and saying they die.
don’t have enough food and water to last
that long. The Ungood Thing
The Moggs are able to overcome The Party
This is true and if left in quarantine they will and capture and kill a random Party member
resort to cannibalism. Returning 2d6 survi- who they hang along with the family as The
vors will remain with the rest eaten. Party is forced to watch.

61 • Shadow of Mogg
22 - Nobbling Nuts
Nobby the nut vendor sells nuts by the side This ritual culminates in the sacrifice of
of the train station. The smell is heavenly. Tubs to The Rat Queen.
If The Party refuses the children will grow
Party Anxiety Reduces by 1 at simply angry and throw rocks at the Party in an
smelling it. effort to ward them off.

The nut vendor will happily trade Gubbins OkGood Stuff

for smoked nuts on a 1 for 1 basis. The Party Members fend off the children,
but one of the children dies.
The nuts increase the Parties Scran by 1. The Party permanently has -1 to Reaction
Rolls due the miasma of child killing.
Nobby remembers a great bridge from Increase Party Anxiety by 1.
before the event where flocks of people
would crowd around them and a great bell Ungood Stuff
would bong out in the distance. One of the Party members is sacrificed to
the Rat Queen instead of Tubs.
If Nobby is prompted to remember more…
24 - Propa Cockney Knees
Pre -Event Memory Up
I. DO NOT THINK ABOUT THE EVENT - The Party hears singing out ahead
Nobby bleeds out of his ears then dies.
II. A glittering spire shaped like a vegetable. “Knees up Mother Brown,
III. A great rotating eye always watching. Knees Up Mother Brown,
IV. Sparkling sweet liquid being drank on Under the table you must go,
great barges. Ee-aye,Ee-aye,Ee-aye-oh”
V. A medieval castle tower full of prisoners.
VI. A great domed golden and glittering A gang of Cockneys are singing, drinking,
Cathedral. dancing and swearing around a bin fire.

23 - Improper British They turn to the party and scream ‘LOVE A

Behaviour DUCK!’
A bloated rat carcass with flies surround-
ing it sits on a pedestal made of concrete Reaction Roll
breeze blocks, 6 smaller rat carcasses 6: The Cockneys invite the Party to join them
surround the large bloated one. and offer them Scran and Molly. This will
lower Party Anxiety by 1 and count as eating
Tied to the Pedestal is a chubby young boy for the day.
wearing broken glasses and visibly sobbing.
5: They invite The Party to join them but ask
Everyone calls him Tubs. they offer 1 Scran and 1 Molly to the ‘pot’. If
the Party Refuse they are told to sod off.
The children dance around the rat, they
wear tattered school uniforms and carry 2-4: The music stops. The Cockneys turn
sharpened sticks. around glaring at The Party. Some grip
Their leader calls themselves Raff and empty bottles in their hands.
invites the Party to ‘The Dance of the Rat
Queen’. 1: They stop singing, one steps forward and

Rules • 62
screams “Helter-Skelter” then they charge The book they are currently memorising is
forth wielding broken bottles, knuckle “The World According to Clarkson.”
dusters and Makeshift Shootas to attack The
Party. “Mandela Just Doesn’t Deserve His Pedestal”
“Men are a Lost Cause, and We're Proud of
25 - Sacrament It.”
A Party of Church of England Vicars in suits “All This Health and Safety Talk is Just Killing
are worshipping at an altar. Me”
So I bought some gaffer tape and suddenly
An effigy of a giant purple humanoid my life had purpose. There was something
creature with an antenna for a head and a to do.
television in it’s stomach stands atop the altar.
31 - Union Negotiations
A portly Vicar leading the ceremony offers a A working train has stopped on the tracks
sacrament of Hobnobs dipped in Ribena to and a Party of Train Union protestors have
each of a patient crowd of common tunnel formed a picket line around it.
The train is carrying a vital shipment of
She turns to the Party and asks them if they supplies to Her Majesty.
will take the sacrament too?
A Party of Aristocratic strikebreakers on
Those who take the sacrament will feel an horses armed with hunting rifles and batons
urge to repent their sins. edge towards the picket line.

They will share the worst thing they did The Union is demanding restitution
with The Party and Vicars. payment of 2 Gubbins for a train operator
injured on the track whilst loading the
The Vicars have 1d3 Scran and 1d3 Gubbins supplies into the train as stipulated within
between them. the contract.

26 - The Keepers Her Majesty is refusing to honour that part

A dusty Party of Librarians pass a book to of the contract claiming gross negligence
one another, lit by a lone candle. on the part of the train operator voids their
They are each memorising a line from
the book then passing it on to the next to A Ruck is imminently going to break out
memorise another line. between the two sides.

They consider themselves fonts of knowl- The train is fully functioning if captured.
edge to restart a new age and covet their Refer to Event 63 “You are a very hard
books with unimaginable pride. working and useful engine.” for how trains
They’ll trade any Resource for any books or
sources of knowledge.

They carry d3 of every resource.

63 • Shadow of Mogg
32 - Scrooged If alerted to the Party he will attempt to
An old black and white movie is played on a stalk them, pick them off one by one in the
film projector against the tunnel wall. tunnels. He has a lair deeper in the stop
The movie is a Christmas film about a man where he keeps his victims trapped and
who is persuaded to turn against his miserly practices medical experiments upon them.
ways by three spirits of Christmas Past, He’s a deceptively strong attacker who is
Present and Future. effective at splitting the Party up through
the tunnels.
Those watching wonder what Christmas is?
The movie will cut out before the ending He will accept a living medical offering to
as the final reel of the tape is missing. It is allow passage through his domain.
rumoured to be within the tunnels to the
north of this location. The folk here will OkGood Thing
happily spare any one resource for a Party The Party survive but he slits one of the
that can retrieve it. Party members throats and drags them back
The ending of the film will not much help to his lair for further experiments.
answer what Christmas is, but will further
make them wonder what a Turkey is. Ungood Thing
Resting here will reduce Party Anxiety by 1 The Party awakes in a large cage, the cage is
and heal Noggin and Bants by an additional 1. built out of railway sleepers and filled to the
brim with water. The sound of a knife being
33 - 24 hour party people sharpened echoes in the distance. They will
A jumbled mix of mattresses, plastic bottles, all die within 1 Bong unless they find some
dirty sheets, torn shoes, rotting food, bones means of escape.
and other such detritus forms the living
area of a small Party of teenagers who 35 - Raving Loonies
sit listlessly staring into the tunnels and The sound of synth echoes down the
intermittently laughing whilst sniffing fumes tunnels. A Party of Ravers stand together
from a spray paint labelled ‘Chaotic Black’. in the distance around a decrepit pinball
machine glowing with light from a
They will offer those who pass by a hit of foregone era.
Enhanced Molly. This is particularly potent,
it heals Noggin and Bants to full and reduces The electronic dashboard resembles a huge
Party Anxiety by 2, characters who take it muscled robot fighting other robots in a
must roll on the Stiff Upper Lip Chart and if distant apocalyptic landscape. The people
used to reduce Party Anxiety the party must sit transfixed by the flashing lights but can’t
roll on the Party Upper Lip Chart. seem to work out how to make the ball in
the machine work. The spring mechanism is
34 - Creep currently faulty.
A man in a medical outfit stands staring at
the tunnel wall and repeatedly smashing his Gubbins can be used to attempt to repair it.
head against the wall. He holds a surgical If repaired the Party can play some games
knife in one hand and a syringe of poison and relax here to reduce Party Anxiety by 1
rests in his bed. His face is hideously and heal Noggin and Bants by 1.
deformed with acid and wrapped in

Rules • 64
36 - The Hunt The teacher is beleaguered and asks The
The sound of hooves echoes in the distance. Party to help teach the class anything else
An emaciated, terrified, human figure they know of the history of the world before.
wearing a fox mask rushes past. The sound
of barking dogs follows, then a rifle shot 43 - Double O
echoes out loudly in the tunnels. A Party A lone, smartly dressed figure in a tuxedo
of six aristocrats, armed with rifles, and carrying a briefcase, wearing an expensive
mounted on horses charge through the watch and with a hidden silenced pistol upon
tunnels after their lone prey. They hoot their person walks silently through the tunnel.
war cries and their faces are covered in the
blood of their previous kills. They are on a mission to deliver the brief-
case to a secret location on the Central Line.
Ungood Thing The briefcase contains a wide selection of plant
The Aristocrats strip The Party of their Stuff, seeds. The figure will guard it with their life.
place fox masks upon them and give them 1
Bong head start for The New Hunt. OkGood Thing
The Party retrieve the briefcase but the
41 - Street Rats Double 0 will now use the full force of their
A Party of street rats stalk this area of the super army soldier training to track them
tunnels led by an enigmatic, hunched, old down and retrieve it.
figure who collects a wide variety of multi-
coloured handkerchiefs. They use a mixture Ungood Thing
of stealth and distraction to pickpocket The figure has a license to kill and uses it
anyone who comes through the area and judicially, one of The Party members dies.
have a particular fixation on Gubbins of all The figure then makes an appropriately
varieties. macabre quip and escapes into the tunnels.

Ungood Thing 44 - Butcher’s Treat

Each Party member loses an item from their The strong smell of herbs and spices
Stuff at random and The Party loses one of a flows down the tunnel. A butcher wearing
Random Party Resource as they’re rinsed by a somewhat tattered white hat cuts up
the Street Rats. meat and stir frys it in a mixture of cumin,
turmeric coriander and chilli powder. On
42 - The Meaning of Life closer inspection the meat itself looks rather
A black board rests upon the station walls. suspect but the spices certainly cover the fact.
A teacher stands in front of the blackboard
giving a lesson to a class of unruly children. The butcher will invite the Party to buy
Upon the blackboard a detailed historical some discounted meat, selling it 2 Scran
timeline is etched out of a place referred to for 1 Gubbins, however anytime The Party
as ‘Middle Earth’. The timeline discusses the eats when this meat is in their resources
rise and fall of empires, horrendous attacks they must make a Hench Herd Immunity
by bestial Orcs, the fall of the Kingdoms Roll. Failure results in the affected losing
of Dwarves and Elves and the rise of the d3 Hench to food poisoning. If this reduces
kingdoms of man. them to 0 they die.

The teacher is using a large paperback book The meat will fully go off in d3 days time,
as a reference. The words ‘now a major reducing the Party’s Scran by how much
motion picture’ are written upon the book. they bought.

65 • Shadow of Mogg
45 - The army of the For the ‘low’ price of 4 Gubbins or twice as
Twelve Monkeys much of any other resource the teacher will
A handsome, long haired man wearing an indoctrinate the Party into the class.
orange jumpsuit leads a menagerie of a
dozen monkeys down the tunnels. His name The class will take a week of time and will
is Jeff. He is leading them forwards with involve a strict daily routine of meditation,
strums of his guitar. The monkeys follow fasting, lessons in the art of manipulation
in a mixed, sprawling, cahooting mass. Jeff and freezing cold baths.
laughs as they stride forwards and beckons
The Party to follow them. After the week The Party must make a
Noggin Herd Immunity Roll.
Following Jeff leads The Party down a series
of tunnels until they arrive in a crude On a Success The Party learns the skill
makeshift habitat where the figure lives ‘Mind Trick (Bants)’ at a level of 2 and gain a
amongst the creatures and has a plentiful Psychic Certificate.
supply of strange and exotic foods.
On a Partial Success The Party learns the
Soon after resting here a Party of Public skill ‘Mind Trick (Bants)’ at a level of 2 and
Health England officials in hazmat suits will gain a Psychic Certificate but each Party
appear, they are convinced that Jeff has member loses 1 Max Hench to a minimum of
caused The Event by unleashing an animal 1 due to the strain of the training.
borne plague upon humanity.
On a Failure The Party have failed the
Jeff seems oblivious to this and will fight course. They may try again if they can pay.
them to the death to keep his monkeys safe.
51 - Mogg Rustling
The PHE officials wish to arrest and inter- The metallic clang of digging echoes down
rogate Jeff and kill then incinerate the the tunnels.
Upon closer inspection a Party of Mogg
The monkeys are carrying a dangerous strain Rustlers surround a massive pit dug into
of Dovic 42 however this will only spread if the tunnels. The pit is full of the wriggling
the monkey’s bite someone or their flesh is bodies of Mogg’s.
A Party of Mogg’s are chained together and
They are currently friendly and docile and being led into the pit by the armed Mogg
loved by Jeff Rustlers and thrown unceremoniously into
the pit. There are rows of railway sleepers
46 - Psychic Certificates near the pit that will be used to cover it
4 Gubbins when they are done.
A Party of people sit cross legged upon
yoga mats. A tall figure sits in the middle A large industrial machine sits nearby slowly
of them and asks them to come together pumping a sweet, milky, strawberry red
to meditate, tap into their inner power and liquid into the pit.
learn the ways of the school of Geller. A
mess of bent spoons lay scattered in the The Mogg Rustlers have a small camp in the
area. tunnels nearby.

Rules • 66
52 - Dodgy Dave The broken apart exit doors at the far end of
A Party of 2d6 survivors led by an enigmatic the carriage can be seen past the corpses.
cab driver by the name of Dodgy Dave
ambush unsuspecting parties along this The Party gains 1 anxiety when seeing this.
stretch of tunnels.
OkGood Thing
Dodgy Dave is armed with a tire iron and The Party circumvents the corpses but Party
the rest of the Party have a mix of crudely Anxiety increases by 1.
improvised melee weapons.
Ungood Thing
They’re looking for any resources they can If the Party fails their roll to circumvent the
get their hands on from the Party and will train Party Anxiety increases by 1, the area is
attack first and ask questions later. blocked off from travel and they must make
a Party Stiff Upper Lip check.
The Okgood Thing
The Party overcome the ambush but all 55 - The New Apostle
suffer 1 damage to Hench and Dash in Ruck. A person in a black suit wearing a top hat
stands in-front of an altar in-front of a
The Ungood Thing large gathered crowd. Upon the altar is the
The Party lose all of their Party Resources. crucified figure of a large mouse wearing a
crown of thorns. The ambient sound of rain
53 - I can has kitty? emanates from a nearby radio mixed with
A wild pack of tunnel cats have cornered the orchestral sounds of an out of tune
a skinny kitten (Mate 1) and are advancing piano being played by a hunched figure.
menacingly towards her.
The tunnel cats look emaciated and Two people approach the altar holding
hungry and the kitten is terrified, meowing, hands with one another, one is dressed in a
helplessly as they encroach on her , claws flowing white gown and the other in black
out. The kitten has a small collar with the latex.
name ‘Angel’ upon it. If the Party journeys
to Angel Station they will find a litter of The ceremony then begins...a marriage is
kittens en route. about to commence.

54 - Steel Corpses 56 - The Bright Side of

Stretched Out Scorched Death
and Black A body wrapped in white linen is being
The wreckage of a destroyed train carriage placed carefully upon a handcar and doused
lays blocking the path ahead. There is an in gasoline. A Party of solemn gathered
exposed open window that can be crawled onlookers dutifully watch.
through. The train has a mess of twisted, The hand-car is pushed down the tracks
blackened, jagged metal, hazardous broken until it begins to roll on its own momentum.
pieces of glass and a white phosphorus One of the onlookers steps forwards with a
substance. molotov cocktail in hand and hurls it at the
handcar immolating the corpse. The onlook-
A jumble of corpses and limbs lay splayed ers begin to sing ‘Always look on the bright
chaotically across the carriage, they reek as side of life’ as the smell of roasted flesh
rats and flies crawl over them. One has a wafts down the tunnel.
pierced fragment of bone in their eye.

67 • Shadow of Mogg
61 - An Uncivil War If the Party joins them they must make a
King Charles James Piffel Diffle Johnson Noggin Herd Immunity Roll.
Stuart sits weeping by the side of the
tunnels. He holds a loaded rifle in his hands On a Success The Party’s Anxiety will be
pointed towards his open mouth. reduced to 0 through catharsis.

A confused horse sits nearby. On a Partial Success The Party’s Anxiety

reduces to 0 but now the only way The Party
He weeps as he has lost his lands, titles can reduce Anxiety is via a masochistic orgy
and family to the cruel Lord Cromwell of within the Cotch Phase.
Kings Cross in a violent coup by his army
of Redcoats. The last remnants of Charles On a Failure The Party becomes lost in
Royal army are imprisoned and awaiting the the orgy. They take 1 damage to Hench and
gallows. remain in the orgy for the next 12 Bongs
oblivious to the world.
If he joins the Party he functions as a
Mate(3). He further contributes 1 slug to the If The Party refuses, the orgy will grow
Party resource list. enraged, and their masochism will be turned
to sadism aimed at The Party.
He will not join a Party with Jezza’s People’s
Front or the People’s Front of Jezza and Ungood Thing
would rather choose death. The chaos of the situation splits the Party
with one half being dragged away by the
Cromwell and Charles are secretly both mob and the other lost in the tunnels.
former Medieval History teachers at Oxford Run them as two separate Parties.
and ardent members of the historical
reenactment group. They play out this act
of coup over and over again sacrificing the 63. You are a very hard
lives of those who believe their tall tales to working and useful engine.
retain some semblance of their own sanity. An underground train rests on this portion
of the track, it is empty and appears to be
The Party may well be sacrificed in the in both fair condition and working order
name of history too. although it’s doors are sealed.

62 - Some people only feel The train requires Juice to function every
alive when they’re on day. It can travel 16 Stops per day on the 1
the end of a spike Juice used to kickstart it.
A chaotic orgy of people scream as they
mercilessly beat themselves with barbed A navigation roll must still be made when
whips, fiberwire, sticks and other assorted using the train. The train provides a Stuff
instruments whilst walking down the bonus of 4 and can degrade as with all Stuff.
tunnels spraying flecks of blood as they go.
Most of them are emaciated, with bare feet It must be repaired with Gubbins.
and backs stripped raw.
Trains are incredibly coveted and most
Screeching they urge the Party to join them parties will seek a way to take the train force-
and purge themselves. fully if need be or barter for a way to ride it.

Rules • 68
64 - The Milkman 66 - Quack Why?
A man in a white suit by the name of Tom With a flash of light and a low humming
rides down the railway on a carriage drawn sound a police telephone box suddenly
by a beleaguered mule. Upon his carriage materialises from thin air in-front of the
is pint upon pint of fresh milk which he is Party. This is a time travel device known as
delivering to various upcoming stops and the SIDRAT. It is totally impenetrable by any
nearby factions. physical means. It can only be unlocked with
a specific set of keys for the SIDRAT that
For the price of 1 Gubbins per delivery he only the Chrono Aristocratic possesses.
will bring fresh milk to a place of the parties
choosing every day. This will increase Scran The inside of the SIDRAT is significantly
by 1. He cannot trade the milk he has now as bigger than the outside and houses a
it’s all marked for delivery. plethora of computer monitors, tubes,
wires and a large central humming and
His supply comes from a farmer by the glowing core.
name of Wycliffe who owns 3 dairy cows
and resides at a randomly determined If the Chrono Aristocrat is not a member
station within 6 stops of the current Party of the Party they reside somewhere in the
position. tunnels. Randomly determine their location.
They will be seeking the SIDRAT.
65 - Smog is good actually
A black choking cloud of smog fills this area Ungood Thing
of the tunnel blocking off the entire area. If the Party chooses to fight the Chrono
Traversing through the area will be danger- Aristocrat and fail they’ll simply wake up in
ous and require some means of overcoming a few hours unconscious with the Chrono
the hazard. Aristocrat long gone. The Chrono Aristocrat
is a pacifist who will do everything in their
Roughly in the centre of the mass of smog power not to cause harm on anyone.
is an overturned coal powered railway cart
sputtering out fumes into the tunnel.
It can be kickstarted each day using 1 Juice
and will move 8 Stops per day regardless of
Party Encumbrance. A navigation check is
still required.

Ungood Thing
Characters will suffer black lung from the
exposure to the smog. This will reduce their
Hench and Dash by 1 permanently. If this
reduces Hench or Dash to 0 they die.

69 • Shadow of Mogg
Procedures and Tables
Voting Procedure IV. Each Party Member may add a number
I. A character eligible to vote makes a of d6 up to the max of one of their
proposition. Mates relevant to the situation.
II. The proposition is discussed by The These are the Mate die.
Party. The Speaker asks each Party V. Each Party Member forms these die
Member in order to speak on it. into separate pools then reveals them
III. The Speaker asks each Party Member and narrates what they are doing in the
eligible to vote what their vote is in situation.
order. VI. Each Party Member, keeping the dice
IV. Each Party Member must either vote, pools separate, rolls them.
abstain or spoil their vote. VII. The Speaker rolls a number of die
V. Party ‘Mates’ are included in the vote. equal to the Party’s Anxiety.
They will usually side with the charac- These are the Anxiety die.
ter they are following, by The Speaker’s VIII. Check all of the die rolled for the
discretion. action, including Anxiety Die.
VI. If the vote receives a majority then the If the highest result is a 6 the action has
voted for Proposition happens. Succeeded.
VII. If not a different proposition can be If the highest result is a 5 the action has
made. You cannot vote for the same Partially Succeeded at cost.
proposition more than once in the If the highest result is a 2-4 the action
same day. has Failed.
VIII. If this vote is to become Party Law, note If the highest result is a 1 the action has
it down on the Party Manifesto Sheet. Critically Failed.
IX. If the voted for proposition requires IX. If a 1 is rolled on the Anxiety die the
significant action, risk or consequence action has Failed irrespective of other
to resolve, make a Party Resolution Roll. die results and The Speaker rolls d6+
Party Anxiety on The Party Upper Lip
Party Resolution Table.
Procedure X. If a 1 is rolled on a Stat die reduce the
I. Each Party Member secretly chooses Stat for that player by 1.
a number of d6 up to their max in a XI. If a 1 is rolled on a Mates die or Stuff
relevant Stat (Hench, Dash, Noggin, Die reduce it’s value by 1.
Bants) for their actions. XII. The Speaker narrates the result and any
These are the Stat die. further consequences then moves to
II. Each Party Member may add a further the next situation.
number of d6 up to the max of any
appropriate Skill linked to the main
Stat These are the Skill die.
III. Each Party Member may add a number
of d6 up to the max of a relevant item
from their Stuff. This may include
Weapons where appropriate. These are
the Stuff die.

Procedures & Tables • 70

Cotch Phase Procedure Navigation Procedure
I. Each Party Member eats Scran, those I. The Party votes on the direction of
who cannot take 1 Hench & Dash travel and intended Stop they wish to
damage. travel to.
II. Spend Gubbins to repair any Party II. The Party spend Juice until the voted
Stuff. on light level is reached (Dark, Shadowy,
III. Spend Meds to heal Party members Dim, Light)
Hench & Dash. III. Check Party Encumbrance to deter-
IV. Spend Molly to heal Party members mine Party travel speed.
Noggin & Bants. IV. Make the Party Navigation Roll.
V. Vote for Party Cotch Phase activity. V. The Party moves in the direction of
VI. When in a Danger Zone Stop spend travel up to the number of Stops
Juice for light & roll the Stay Alert The Party can travel per day, resolving
check. any tunnel complications.
VII. Sleep & Heal 1 of each character Stat. VI. When the destination Stop is reached
(Hench, Dash, Noggin, Bants) resolve any exploration or scavenging
at the Stop
VII. When the Party wishes to rest or has
reached its travel limit for the day
enter the Cotch Phase.

71 • Shadow of Mogg
Bonk Chart (Hench/Dash)
When your Hench or Dash is reduced to 0 Roll on the chart below to find out the
or less as a result of harm or you will suffer effect.
a Bonk.

d6 Description Effect Heal

1 Fatal Bonk You’ve kicked the bucket. Your character Nothing, your character
is deceased and out of the game. has ceased to be, they
are an ex-character.

2 Severe Bonk Random body part loss - d6 Permanent

1 = Eye (Noggin) 4 = Groin (Bants)

2 = Arm (Hench) 5 = Nose (Noggin)
3 = Leg (Dash) 6 = Fingers (Dash)
Reduces relevant stat permanently by 1.
3 Double Plus Random Injury - d6 Meds or 24 Bongs safe
Ungood Bonk rest.
1 = Eye (Noggin) 4 = Groin (Bants)
2 = Arm (Hench) 5 = Nose (Noggin)
3 = Leg (Dash) 6 = Fingers (Dash)
Reduce the max of the relevant stat by 1.
4 Double Ungood Max Hench & Dash reduced by 1. Meds or 24 Bongs safe
Bonk rest.
5 Ungood Bonk Party Anxiety increases by 1. -
6 Tiddly Bonk No effect. -

Stiff Upper Lip Chart (Noggin/Bants)

When your characters Noggin or Bants This can also occur when a 1 is rolled on the
score reaches 0 they may suffer Stiff Upper Molly die. Roll on the chart below to deter-
Lip effects. mine the effect.

d6 Description Effect Heal

1 Total loss of Character breaks down entirely and is no Nothing can save you
Stiff Upper Lip longer able to function. They are out of now..
the game.
Party Anxiety increases by 2.
2 Quivering The character cannot bid or participate Molly or 24 Bongs safe
Upper Lip in Party Resolution Rolls or take actions rest.
until healed.
3 Trembling The character cannot participate in Votes Molly or 24 Bongs safe
Upper Lip until healed. rest.
4 Wobbly Upper The characters max Noggin and Bants are Molly or 24 Bongs safe
Lip reduced by 1. rest.
5 Shaky Upper Lip Party Anxiety Increases by 1. -
6 Stiff Upper Lip You held it together good chap. No effect. -

Procedures & Tables • 72

d66 Random Tunnel Tables
(D66) Hooks Key People Locations
11 An artifact before the event A unit of soldiers A fully functioning train

12 Kings Cross needs a new King A choir of Anglican A secret nuclear bunker
13 A renewable source of Scran A union of train A memorial to the dead
14 A safe and secure place A gaggle of grifters A discreet coffee shop

15 Eternal Happiness A group of school A den of ill repute

16 A revolutionary new society awaits A party of An abandoned train station
enviromentalists exposed to the heavens
21 A burrow of rabbit shave escaped A band of Fire An underground mushroom farm
22 A safe stop has caught fire A pack of moggs An abandoned car

23 Everyone who goes to this stop A Heroic band of A candlemakers studio, trapped
disappears Nurses with explosives"
24 Nobody sleeps at this stop A punk band A hewn area of cavern in the
25 A renewable source of Juice Raving Loony Party A mass grave of dead

26 A garden in the outside world A union of miners A station converted into a travel
31 The prophet has been executed A pig farmer A smithy that produces railway
32 The prophet has been born The 118 Men The worst toilet in london

33 A large store of gin Stem Bros A greasy spoon

34 A real train in the tunnels A clang of miners A sushi shop serving slices of

35 A promise of great power A morris band A decrepit cash machine

36 A huge store of pre-event weapons The Vicar of A makeshift underground hospital


73 • Shadow of Mogg
Station Complications Gubbinz Scapegoats
Oxford Circus A party member must be A pair of safety scissors Aliens must have
sacrificed done it
St Paul's The party have fallen into a trap A tattered copy of the metro Mass delusions
circa 2015
Stratford The party have to be split An empty recyclable plastic Terrorists
coffee cup
Mile End The party all suffer harm A screwdriver Immigrants

Canary Wharf A future ungood thing is A vial of superglue Big Government

Euston The Party is being watched by A 10 pound note Nuclear war
another faction
Victoria The Party lose one of their A collection of victorian coins Corporations
Ealing Common Party members lose one of their A china tea set Media conspiracy
individual items
Mogg End One of the party suffers a A brick phone The Event was
random Bonk Fake News
Earl's Court Party Panic - roll on the Party A spice girls CD Russians
Stiff Upper Lip Chart
Vauxhall The Party have to pay resources Freshly sealed toilet paper Anarchists

Green Park A Party member is kidnapped A pint glass with the symbol of Scientists
a dragon
Totty Court The Party are put in a tough A WW2 era plastic toy soldier Scandinavian
Road position fishermen
Barons Court The Party's Stuff malfunctions A set of playing cards with the Brussels
jokers missing bureaucrats
Hampstead It takes more Bongs than A golfball Heretics to GOD
Camden The Party are forced to Cotch The Specials 33” LP Record Plague carriers

Hammersmith The Party are exposed to A sealed toothbrush Crazed Bovines

something dangerous
Stanmore A dangerous hazard lies in the An empty plastic water bottle New street drug
parties way 'Cake'

Procedures & Tables • 74

d66 Random TuNnel Tables (co

(D66) Hooks Key People Locations
41 Your family are alive somewhere A platoon of A hole in the ground
Queen's Guard
42 The meaning of life awaits The last child A working photo booth

43 An answer to infection awaits The Earl of Earl's A working lift

44 An Aristocrat has been murdered The Baron of A restaurant that only serves
Baron's Court french toast
45 Rumours of mutated animals The Jester at Earl's A tea shop
46 A trainwreck has secrets within The Huskarl at A pasty shop
Baron's Court
51 A troupe of shakespeare performers A drunkard A glowing computer server room
have pre-event secrets
52 A tunnel cave in has revealed part of the A kind old couple A metallic obelisk with faces
outside carved upon it
53 Ghosts are said to haunt this place An out of work Roman Ruins
54 A war rages between two factions A band of burly A gallows with several burnt
builders corpses
55 A wave of infection is spreading A cyclist A small underground river

56 An ancient tome of secrets has been A member of A giant underground clocktower

found parliament
61 People have been found with missing The King of King's A ww2 bomb shelter
limbs Cross
62 Good Gubbins can be paid for any plant The Queen of A 3 mile subterranean shaft
seeds Queensway leading into the unknown
63 A chunk of ore has fallen in the ground A vetenarian An underground aircraft factory

64 An alien artifact has been found A park An underground bar serving the
groundskeeper good shit
65 The dead are said to be coming back to The Steward of An abandoned film studio
life White City
66 A safe way out of the underground Mogg Himself An undiscovered underground
railway line

75 • Shadow of Mogg

Station Complications Gubbinz Scapegoats
Brixton The opposition are stronger than A toy super soaker watergun Breakdown in
the party thought societal values
Monument An innocent gets harmed An empty but working lighter Global warming

Liverpool Street The Party have to sacrifice one A large pot of white paint Global warming
of their Mates activists
Goldhawk Road The Party have to fight on two A bottle of fresh lemon The tabloids
fronts shampoo
Hammersmith The Party are forced to negotiate A light bulb Capitalism

Waterloo The Party lose all of their A comfy large red dressing Socialism
weapons gown
Old Street A safe spot is now ruined A framed photo of a cottage in The memory of
the woods Diana
Westminster The Party are blocked from A paperback copy of The Degeneracy
going forth Hobbit
Buffet St The Party have to make a vote A tub of moisturising cream The Irish
Charing Cross A guardian defends this place A tube of mascara The Canadians

Swiss Cottage The Party are knocked A sealed vial of perfume Social media
Church Hill The Party fall into a frenzy A set of metallic dice Robots

Paddington The Party need an outsiders help A can of chaotic black Obesity
Harrow The Party are made an offer with A leather wallet Smart phones
strings attached
Barryside The Party gain anxiety A leather belt with metal Gin
Bond Street There is an unforseen side effect A fresh bar of soap Globalist
Warren Street The Party are now being hunted A notepad and set of ballpoint Technology
Kings Cross The Party realise a horrible truth An empty crisp packet Elf Games

Procedures & Tables • 76

77 • Shadow of Mogg
Procedures & Tables • 78
79 • Shadow of Mogg
Procedures & Tables • 80
Britbong Game Translations
The Speaker = The madlad running the game. OkGood = Quite Bad
The Party = Everyone else. Ungood = Bad
Bants = A character’s charisma and humour. Double Ungood = Very Bad
Hench = A character’s toughness and Stiff Upper Lip = Idiom to mean bravery,
strength. stoicism and calm in the face of adverse
Noggin = A character’s intelligence and brain circumstances.
power. Grifting = Scamming somebody for
Dash = A character’s speed and agility. valuables.
Deets = Details of your character. Grifter = Somebody who swindles and
Bonk = An injury “She bonked her head after scams people.
tripping over the discarded copy of Even Stevens = A Draw.
The Daily Mail.” Rustling = Stealing
Scran = Food and Water Knees up = To have a Party usually involving
Gubbins = Miscellaneous items of value alcoholic drinks, music and dancing.
such as a shiny bauble, a Rupert Calendar or Tea = Dinner
an empty jam jar. Lark = Play
Juice = energy and fuel Bong = 1 Hour - the sound of big ben
Molly = Any form of drug Big Ben = A clocktower in London
Slugs = Ammunition Cheeky = Naughty
Stuff = A characters items Brit = A british person
Mate = Friend of a character Pinched = Stolen
Cotch = Relax - The Rest Phase Bollocks = Exultation of frustration.
Self Improvement = A bourgeoise myth Tickety Boo = All Good
Heavy = Items that weigh 2x as much Sod = Expression of anger or annoyance
Mogg = REDACTED Pete Tong = Wrong
The Event = DO NOT TRY TO TRANSLATE Her Majesty = The Queen

81 • Shadow of Mogg

Armour.......................................................... 52 Party Anxiety................................................. 50
Party Encumbrance...................................... 55
B Party Manifesto Sheet.................................. 78
Bonk Chart.................................................... 72 Party Resolution Procedure Reference...... 70
Britbong Game Translations......................... 81 Party Resources............................................ 53
Party Stiff Upper Lip Table............................ 51
Character Classes Table.................................6 R
Character Creation......................................... 5 Random Tunnel Events................................. 59
Character Sheet............................................ 77 Random Tunnel Events Table....................... 58
Character Stats............................................... 5 Reaction Rolls............................................... 53
Cotch Activities............................................. 57 Rucks ............................................................. 52
Cotch Phase Procedure................................. 71
D Safe Zones..................................................... 57
d66 Random Tunnel Tables.......................... 73 Scavenging Roll............................................. 58
Self Improvement......................................... 53
E Stay Alert Roll............................................... 57
Encumbrance Table...................................... 56 Stiff Upper Lip Chart.................................... 72
Stuff .............................................................49
H Surprise......................................................... 52
Hello, Good Evening and Remain Indoors.... 2
Herd Immunity Roll...................................... 52 T
Themes and Safety Tools............................... 2
I The Party.........................................................4
Individual Encumbrance.............................. 55 The Resolution..............................................45
The Speaker.....................................................4
L The Underground Map................................. 79
Light .............................................................49 The Vote....................................................... 44
Tunnel Activities........................................... 56
Mates .............................................................49 V
Voting Procedure Reference........................ 70
Navigating the Tunnels................................. 56
Navigation Procedure.................................... 71
Navigation Roll.............................................. 56

Index • 82
Writer, editor and layout - Panayiotis Lines
Art and Layout - Aled Lawlor of Anima Press
Printer-friendly Layout - Dre Jones of Lost Motion Assembly

Rob Hughes, Sean F Smith, Narök.

Inspiration & Acknowledgements

Proofreaders who wished to stay anonymous
My fam & and my brethren.
Me Tess
Worzel Gummidge
Gary Gygax & Dave Arneson who started this wild ride.

Visit for more elf games.

Shadow of Mogg is a work of parody. Any reference to the truth is purely coincidental.

Copyright is a capitalist brain drain psyop on the working class. Steal this game.

83 • Shadow of Mogg

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