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UNION Aled Lawlor & Panayiotis Lines

©2021 All Rights Reserved

Beta Quickstart Guide

Panayiotis Lines, Aled Lawlor, Malcolm Illidge
Alex Connolly, Hamish Frater, Francesco Silva, Aled Lawlor MECH WORKSHOP 10
- Hauler // Atlas 12 - 15
LAYOUT & DESIGN - Scout // Gopher 16 - 19
Aled Lawlor - Soldier // Brawler 20 - 23
- Hacker // Mantis 24 - 27
EDITING - Engineer // Magpie 28 - 31
Panayiotis Lines, Aled Lawlor - Salvager // Jackhammer 32 - 35


Malcolm Illidge, Joe Ewen, Tom Goodacre, - The Core Mechanic 38
Arthur Billington, Rupert Greyling, Matthew Marshall, - Pushing your Mech & Pilot 39-40
Peter Coffey Lawrence Van Der Merwe, Benjamin - Reactor & Stress Overload Tables 41
Wenham, Dave Parkinson - Who Acts First? 42
- Distances 42
- Damage 43
- Critical Damage and Injury Tables 44 - 45
- Salvaging 46 - 47
- Downtime 48 - 49
This is a BETA release.
all content is subject to change. - Consequences 53
- NPC Profiles 54 - 56
- NPC Actions, Reactions, and Morale 57 - 59
- Defined Terms 60 - 61

This work uses material from the Quest Creators SCRAP AND SALVAGE 62
Resource. The Quest Creators Resource by The Adventure - Scrap Tables 62 - 63
Guild, LLC is licensed under CC BY 4.0. - System Tables 65 - 71
- Module Tables 71 - 75

© 2021 Leyline Press THE DOWNING OF THE ATYCHOS 78-87

All Rights Reserved.

2 3
“The world’s a quiet place now. The thrum of a reactor;
the hiss of a radio; the whistling of the wind. That’s the
company I like to keep out in the wastes.
Until you find something worth having. Then all hell
breaks loose.”

-Unknown Salvager

4 5
Welcome to the Union in small, scattered settlements across the
wastelands. A single wastelander settle-
where people once thrived. Some folk see
the Salvage Unions as avenging angels,
Each player will need:
- Access to these rules
ment may only have access to one Mech, others as greedy opportunists, some - A 20 sided die
Salvage Union is a tabletop roleplaying
which is vital for survival as one of the simply as home. - A Pilot Sheet
game where you play as a rag-tag group
few means to travel safely in the wastes. - A Mech Sheet
of Mech Pilots who make ends meet by What stories will they tell about you? - Something to write or type with
salvaging scrap within the post-apoca-
Some of the luckiest and wealthiest
lyptic wastelands.
citizens of the world live in Corporate
Arcologies or Arcos. These are great,
The Players The game is designed to be run for a few
hours (3-4) and ideally in a comfortable,
The Pilots known as Salvagers live on a
spire shaped, fortress communities that Salvage Union works best with 4-6 quiet place without many distractions.
huge Mech called a Union Crawler which
dot the landscape. Each of them is run players. One of these players will take
houses their entire community.
by a different Corporation or Corpo, and
form a fragmented oligarchy that rules
on the role of The Mediator. The Medi-
ator takes on the role of structuring the
How to play
This Quickstart is designed as a simple
over the world. They hold the majority of narrative of the game, controlling the
introduction to get you straight into the The core play of Salvage Union is a
the wealth, resources and arable land that various non-player characters within
action and rolling dice. conversation between the players and
remains and continually hunger to spread the world and helping to adjudicate the
their power and influence. With access to The Mediator.
various rules. A more generic name for
The Setting powerful tech and weapons of war they The Mediator used in other games is the The Mediator will describe the situation
are a ruthless and powerful threat. Games Master. that the players find themselves in, this
Salvage Union is set in a post-apocalyptic
Resistance has formed in the shape of can include details such as the location,
world similar to Earth a few hundred years Everyone else will play a character within
the Salvage Unions, a collective band of the other characters in the gameworld
into the future. the world. In Salvage Union players take
workers, salvagers, pilots and free spirits and any dangers that are present.
on the role of a Mech Pilot who belongs
A series of great wars scarred the earth from all walks of life. They oppose the to one of the Salvage Unions as well as
authoritarian rule of the corpos, forming The players then describe what they want
but rapidly progressed technology. the Mech they control. You will play as
their own self-sufficient communities to do and The Mediator describes the
Advanced Nuclear Fusion was devel- both your Mech and your Pilot at different
within enormous Mechs known as Union outcome of their action.
oped allowing for the creation of Mechs. points within the game, and sometimes
Titanic, walking, armoured behemoths Crawlers. be in control of both at once. The Mediator decides this outcome based
powered by nuclear reactors and piloted
From these walking home bases they on the narrative situation within the game
by those skilled or reckless enough to
wade them into battle. range out into the wastes with a hodge- Things you need and the choices that the player makes.
Sometimes this is uncertain and The
podge of scrap built Mechs. Whilst no
match for a well armed Corpo lance they Salvage Union can be played in person or Mediator can ask the player to roll a dice
A combination of global warming,
can triumph through their grit, determina- online with a camera and microphone. We to help determine the outcome.
deforestation, pollution, nuclear fallout
and the numerous scars of war, has made tion and cunning. recommend playing in person for the best
most of the current world a bleak shadow tabletop experience.
of its former self. The people who are left, Many riches from the world before are
known as wastelanders, eke out a living still to be salvaged in the barren lands

6 7
Safety Tools and gore, you might describe a group
of wastelanders being massacred by a
rampaging Mech with the grim sounds of
Salvage Union explores a post-apoca-
metal and shouting in the background.
lyptic setting with elements that may be
distressing or uncomfortable for some
Or some groups may want to explore
players. We recommend the use of safety
sexual relationships between characters
tools to create a safe and welcoming
within the game but would want things to
environment for everyone to play the
fade to black during the actual scene of
game in.

Boundaries Some players may realise something is

out of bounds only when they hear it.
Before you begin the game, you should If you notice a player is uncomfortable
ask the players in your group to let you during a game, ask them if they are okay
know if there is any subject matter that to keep playing before continuing.
is sensitive for them. You can use these
categories to help create boundaries for
your story’s content.
Stop Sign
Players can use a STOP SIGN to signal
Out of Bounds: If something is out of
when something makes them uncom-
bounds that means you should not use
fortable or when they need to pause the
it in your story. For example, if a player
says that graphic descriptions of torture
are out of bounds, everyone in the group
The stop sign can be anything your group
should agree not to use that subject
agrees to use. It can be a verbal cue (like
matter in the game. Things that are out of
a safe word), a gesture or a card that you
bounds should not be part of the game.
hold up.
Off Camera: There are some topics that
If someone uses a stop sign, pause
might be okay to include within the game,
but not in detail. In this case, you should the game to find out why by talking to
reference these events indirectly or meta- each other out of character. Listen to
other players if they need to set a new
phorically as if they are happening off
boundary, and respect the boundaries of
screen in the background.
other players in your group.
A player can use a stop sign at any time
For example, if a player is uncomfort-
within the game and doesn’t need to
able with detailed descriptions of blood
justify its use.

8 9
Pilots & Mechs use a wide variety of different configura-
Structure Points (SP) Abilities
This represents how tough a Mech is and These are skills your Pilot has trained
In Salvage Union you play as both your how much damage it can take. When over years of practice. These can be
Pilot and your Mech. The core of the your Mech’s Structure Points reduce to learned and improved, as your character
game will involve controlling your Mech Key Terms 0 you roll on the Critical Damage Table
to see what happens. Your Mech can
progresses. In this Quickstart some
default abilities have been given to each
on missions in the wastelands, with
your Pilot in the cockpit. However some be destroyed, lose Systems, Modules or pre-constructed Pilot.
These terms describe some of the key
situations may just involve your Pilot and suffer other damaging effects.
features of your Mech and Pilot. The
others can involve a mixture of your Pilot Quickstart Mechs and Pilots have all been Hit Points (HP)
and your Mech. For example if your Pilot constructed for you so this is for refer- Energy Points (EP) Hit points denote how tough your Pilot as
is forced to eject during a fight and go out ence so you can understand the terms. Your Mech has a number of Energy Points well as other NPC’s within the game are..
on foot. These terms are also relevant to the based on it’s type. You can spend these When your Pilot’s Hit Points reaches 0
Downtime, Crafting and Mech customisa- points to use abilities that your Mech has you must roll on the Critical Injury Table to
When controlling their Mech a Pilot can’t tion rules at the back of this guide but if access to from it’s Systems, Modules and see what happens. They can die, or gain
take significant actions like attacking. this is your first time playing don’t worry sometimes Pilot. To restore Energy Points temporary or permanent injuries.
about them for now. your Mech must spend 1 week of repair
The rules are designed so flowing and maintenance at the Union Crawler
between Pilot and Mech play is simple
Ability Points (AP)
Mech Bay as part of your Downtime.
and they both use similar Mechanics. Systems Your Pilot has a number of Ability Points.
These include weapons such as the The default number is 5. You can spend
30mm Autocannon and hardware such Heat these points to use abilities your Pilot
as a Rigging Arm. Each of these systems Your Mech can generate Heat as you play has access to. To restore Ability Points
Choose a Mech & Pilot confers different abilities on your mech. the game. You generate 2 Heat when you you must rest and recuperate upon the
Each system has a System Slot value Push your Mech. You can also generate Union Crawler for 1 week as part of your
Your choice of Mech and Pilot is the most denoting how many System Slots it takes heat when you fire certain heat generating Downtime.
important decision in Salvage Union as up on your Mech. weapons such as the Railgun. When you
this is what you will be controlling for reach your Heat Maximum, as well as Stress
every time you Push, you must make a
most of the game. Modules Reactor Overload Check which can cause
Your Pilot can accumulate Stress as you
Modules are software, information and play the game. You generate 2 Stress
This quickstart guide offers you a choice your Mech to Shutdown, lose Systems or when you Push your Pilot. You can also
electronic warefare systems installed in
of six different Mechs and Pilot combi- Modules or even be Destroyed. generate Stress as the result of using
your Mech. They confer a wide range of
nations. These have a mix of default abilities and include the likes of Survey certain equipment or being affected
options. There are further Downtime rules Scanners and Coolant Flow Modules. Equipment by others. When you reach your Stress
in this Quickstart Guide on upgrading and Each has a Module Slot value, denoting Physical hardware carried by your Pilot. maximum, as well as every time you
customising your Mech with Salvage that how many Module Slots it takes up on Each item takes up one slot in your Push, you must make a roll on the Stress
you find. The core game will have even your Mech. inventory, by default all Pilots have six Overload Table.
more customisation rules allowing you to inventory slots.
design a Mech and Pilot from scratch and

10 11
HAULER Profile
Portable Comms Unit
A hand held communication device that
1AP Let’s Make a Deal
You make a deal with a group of locals,
uses a radio frequency.
traders, corpos or any one else willing.
Callsign: This lets you make an arrangement with
Commodore Allows you to communicate with any
them, this could be for aid, healing, use
other Comms Module or equivalent in
of their facilities or anything else appro-
Background: Long Range.
priate. You must give them something
Wastelander of real value to you as part of the deal

Revolver such as Salvage or significant help.

Family is everything This also allows you to trade any single

A six shooter revolver, just like in the
movies. component of Salvage one for one
Flaw: as long as they are of equivalent tech
The ends justify the means levels. The Mediator will adjudicate if it
Range: Close // Damage: 2HP
is a fair deal in both instances.
Bobblehead Toy Crowbar
A steel tool typically used to open crates
No job too big or pry apart boards. 2AP Behemoth
You strike fear into the hearts of a Crea-
STATS Range: Engaged // Damage: 2HP
ture or Mech. Explain how you do this
and ask for what you want.

Health: 10 Abilities ROLL THE DIE

Ability Pts: 5 2AP Bulwark 20: They, and everyone they are with, flee
from you or acquiesce to your demands.
You provoke all nearby enemies to give 10-19: They flee from you or acquiesce
Stress: 10 your allies cover to retreat. If you are in to your demands.
combat, one enemy within Long Range 6-10: They flee from you but barricade
immediately gets a chance to attack themselves in or alert someone stronger.
you. 2-5: They call your bluff and stand
Inventory Slots You and any willing allies can then safely
1: They were stronger than you thought.
and expeditiously disengage from a fight The Mediator will provide a conse-
1 - Revolver 4-
and leave the scene. quence.
2 - Crowbar 5-
You can activate this ability in a Heavy You can activate this ability in a Heavy
Mech and may use Energy Points if you Mech and may use Energy Points if you
3 - Portable Comms Unit 6-
do so. do so.

12 13
ATLAS The Mk8 ‘Atlas’ was developed by Evantis Heavy
Comms Module
Allows you to communicate with any
Emergency Hatch
Allows you to escape your mech when it
is Destroyed. If your Mech is destroyed
and you have an Emergency Hatch, roll on
Industries as a mobile, well armoured, resupply other Comms Module or equivalent in the Critical Injury Table for your Pilot. If
base. Following the Colonial War of Independence Long Range. you do not have an Emergency Hatch your
Evantis focused its production on colossal Mech Pilot dies.
production, making the Atlas the ‘smallest’ of
their line. This led to the Atlas being collo- Coolant Flow Module Railgun
quially called the ‘Evantis Scout’.
Allows you to vent 2 Heat as an action
during combat. Magnetically propelled ballistic weapon
that fires a large calibre, high velocity
projectile at extreme range dealing devas-
Systems tating damage on impact. It must draw
on the energy of a Mech’s reactor to fire,
generating heat.
Heavy Locomotion
System Range: Far // Damage: 5SP
Generates 1 Heat when fired.
A heavyweight series of pistons and
struts forming a locomotion system
capable of carrying enormous weight.
3EP Anti-Mech Mine
Move 1 Range per Action Layer
Lays a series of Anti-Mech cluster mines
Structure: 15 Rigging Arm in an area to deny it from the enemy and
cause tremendous damage. Choose
Allows salvaging and the manipulation of an area within Close Range to lay your
Energy Pts: 10 objects in your external environment. cluster mines in. Roll the die when trig-
Heat Cap: 10 Armour Plating ROLL THE DIE
When you are hit by an attack you may
System Slots: 17 20: Destroy everything in the area.
destroy your Armour Plating and prevent
Module Slots: 2 the damage from the hit. Alternatively 10-19: Deal 4 SP damage to everything in
Cargo Chassis Type: Heavy when an effect destroys a System or the area.
Module you may destroy your Armour 6-10: Deal 4 SP damage to one target in
1- 4- 7- 10 - Plating instead. the area, the rest get clear.
2-5: The targets avoid the explosions or
2- 5- 8- 11 - area and the mines explode harmlessly.
1: The mines avoid the target but hit
3- 6- 9- 12 - something innocent/unintended instead.

14 15
SCOUT Profile
Anti-Matter Rifle
1AP You Shot First
You have a knack for shooting first and
asking questions later. You may activate
this ability at any time to act first within
A large, anti-material rifle that delivers an
Callsign: experimental antimatter projectile to the an altercation.
Catfish target that can annihilate it in a burst of
hyper charged protons. You can activate this ability in a Mech
Background: and may use Energy Points if you do so.
Arco Exile Range: Long // Damage: 2SP

Ideal: Special: On a hit roll of 20, the target is

1AP Track
Redemption entirely destroyed.
When you find a set of tracks you can
On a hit roll of 1, the rifle is destroyed. Roll
use this ability to recognise the type of
Flaw: on the Critical Injury Table.
creature or Mech that left them. The
Mediator will share information that you
Keepsake: Katana know about them such as their habitat,
numbers or traits. In addition you can
Snowglobe of home Arco
A curved, single edged blade. follow these tracks to wherever they lead.
Failure is the mother of Range: Engaged // Damage: 2HP
Grav-Beam Hook
STATS This gravitonic beam laser allows the
user to latch onto surfaces at range. It
Health: 10 can attach to a target such as a ledge,
cliffside or Mech within Close Range. You
can swing from it or be pulled along.
Ability Pts: 5
Stress: 10
2AP Camo Suit
Inventory Slots This suit is designed with a series of
miniature optical refractors which bend
1 - Anti-Matter Rifle 4 - Camo Suit light away from you, allowing you to be
effectively invisible as long as you remain
2 - Katana 5- still. When activated as an action you are
hidden from sight and sensors as long as
3 - Grav-Beam Hook 6- you remain still.

16 17
GOPHER The ‘TC40’ Gopher designed by Opus
1EP Survey Scanner
A survey scanner allows you to scan a
specific point of interest within Far Range
such as a ruin, unique terrain feature,
modules by 1. These have been included
in your profile.

Emergency Hatch
Institute is a light cargo Mech origi- settlement or base. You must stop to Allows you to escape your mech when it
nally designed to quickly shuttle make a scan and it takes 10 minutes to is Destroyed. If your Mech is destroyed
equipment on and off the complete. You may only scan the same and you have an Emergency Hatch, roll on
battlefield. It has become area once. If an area is not of interest the Critical Injury Table for your Pilot. If
something of a work- The Mediator must say so before a roll is you do not have an Emergency Hatch your
horse for the Salvage made. Pilot dies.
Unions who of course
jury rig it with all manner
of additional scanning
Long Barrelled Laser
modules, laser weaponry 20: You make a thorough scan of the area
and may ask The Mediator 5 questions A high powered laser designed for
and evasion protocols.
about it. combat and modded with a long barrel for
10-19: You are successful and may ask significantly increased range.
SPEC The Mediator 3 questions about the area.
6-10: You make a partial scan and may Range: Long // Damage: 2SP
Structure: 5 ask The Mediator 1 question about the
2-5: You are unable to find any useful
2EP Tracking Node
Energy Pts: 10 information about the area.
1: Your scanner has malfunctioned, and is A small node that can be fired from your
Mech to track a target over range. You
Heat Cap: 10 now Damaged.
shoot a tracking node the size of a tiny

System Slots: 7 Systems
bead at a target in Far Range. The target
can be any Mech, creature or object.
Module Slots: 3
Chassis Type: Light Light Locomotion The tracker is linked to your tracking
systems and allows you to know the
System exact location of the target whilst it
Cargo remains in Far Range.
A lightweight set of legs, actuators and
1- 2- 3- 4- gyroscopes allowing quick movement
over even rough terrain.
Modules Move 2 Ranges per Turn.
1EP Evasion Protocol
Comms Module Allows you to avoid incoming attacks.
High Gain Antenna
When you are successfully hit you may Increases the range of your Comms
Allows you to communicate with any activate this ability as a reaction to force
other Comms Module or equivalent in Far Module , Survey Scanner, Tracking
the attacker to re-roll their attack and Node and other equivalent systems and
Range. choose the lower result.

18 19
Assault Rifle
position until they spend an action getting
out of it. During this time attacks hit them
for double damage.

You can activate this ability in a Brawler

A standard issue ballistic infantry rifle. and may use Energy Points if you do so.
Socrates Range: Close // Damage: 2HP
2AP Stims
Background: Service Pistol Stims allow you to push yourself well
Colonial War Veteran
beyond normal means but come with
A standard issue ballistic infantry pistol.
Ideal: potential side effects. Taking Stims is a
Heroism free action. When you take them:
Range: Close // Damage: 2HP


Wrathful 1AP Healing Bio-Foam
20: For the next 10 minutes you can act
Keepsake: When sprayed over a wound it forms a three times in a turn.
Dog-tags rigid layer of biocomposite polymer that 10-19: For the next 10 minutes you act
seals the injury. Heals a target within twice in a turn.
Motto: Engaged Range of 2 HP as an action. 6-10: You can act twice this turn.
Be kind, for everyone you 2-5: Everything seems to slow to a crawl.
For the next 10 minutes you can only
meet is fighting a hard battle
Abilities move or take an action during you or your
Mech’s turn, you also cannot Push rolls.

1AP Counter Attack 1: Overdose - Roll on the Critical Injury
When an enemy within Engaged Range
Stims can be used in a Mech and the
rolls a 6-10 on an attack against you, you
Health: 10 deflect their attack and take no damage.
effects will apply to your Mech.
If they roll a 1-5, you may also immedi-
Ability Pts: 5 ately roll the die to make an attack on

Stress: 10 You may activate this ability in a Brawler

and may use Energy Points if you do so.
Inventory Slots
1 - Assault Rifle 4 - Stims 1AP Overpower
2 - Service Pistol 5- You overpower a creature within Engaged
range. Describe how you overpower them.
3 - Healing Bio-Foam 6- You put the target in a compromised

20 21
BRAWLER The GCC21 ‘Brawler’ is an
advanced Mech Chassis
Anthropomorphic Arms
Can be used in combat to punch and
unharmed in Long Range
6-10: You escape in Close Range but it’s
a bumpy ride, you gain 4 stress and take
2HP damage.
2-5: The Ejector Seat fails to trigger,
though you escape through the canopy.
commissioned by the grapple. Further able to manipulate
Roll on the Critical Injury Table.
TDA council to counter objects in their environment.
1: The Escape Pod severely malfunctions.
the bio-titans that began to Range: Engaged // Damage: 3SP
The straps hold you in the chair. You die.
emerge in the years after
Impact Day. With a direct Locomotion System Modules
neuro-drive uplink that
connects the Pilots A sturdy and depedable locomotion
nervous system to suitable for most terrain and adaptable to Comms Module
the Mech it requires almost any chassis.
Move 1 Range per Turn. Allows you to communicate with any
advanced Pilot
other Comms Module or equivalent in
training, hence why 30mm Autocannon Long Range.
Brawler Pilots often
have combat A simple automatic ballistic weapon that
backgrounds. fires solid high calibre slugs with a rare Adv. Targeting Module
tendency to jam.
You can activate a targeting module as a
Range: Close // Damage: 3SP free action. Pick one of the below abilities
Special: On a hit roll of 1 it jams and is to use.
Inoperational for 10 minutes.
3EP Laser Guidance
SPEC Missile Pod You aim with the aid of the targeting
module and automatically roll a Success
Structure: 10 Fires a salvo of unguided rocket propelled (11-19) on a target of your choice with a
explosives to targets over wide terrain. weapon of your choice in range.
Energy Pts: 10 Range: Long // Damage: 3SP
3EP Pinpoint Targeter
Special: Deals additional 1SP to
everything in melee range of the target.
Heat Cap: 10 When you activate this ability choose a
specific System or Module on a Mech or
1EP Ejector Seat

System Slots: 12
appendage on a creature. Roll to hit as
normal, if you hit that System, Module or
Module Slots: 3 Allows you to escape your mech in the appendage is Destroyed. You also deal
event of catastrophic damage or reactor damage as normal.
Chassis Type: Medium overload. Use at any time as an action
Anthropomorphic or a reaction to prevent the pilot’s instant 1EP Multi-Targeting
death. When activated you may fire of your
The Brawler is designed to be an extension of the Pilot. Instead of the usual cockpit
ROLL THE DIE ranged weapons as one action but each
a Brawler Pilot stands fully harnessed in the chassis and their movements are able to
match those of the Mech as though they were both one. must have a different target. Roll for each
20: You escape perfectly and land
The Brawler can move and manipulate its environment as a person could. Pilot abilities attack as normal. Costs 1 Energy Point
anywhere you want up to Far Range.
that involve physical combat and stunts can be used by the Mech. per weapon fired.
10-19: You escape safely and land

22 23
HACKER Profile
Modded Laser Pistol
You may activate this ability in a Mech
with a Wide Band Hacking Chip and may
use Energy Points if you do so.

3AP Systems &

A handheld laser pistol, modded with
additional RGB lights, see through casing
and a synthesiser that makes appropriate
Software Hacker
laser sounds when fired. Choose a target System or Module in
Born on the Union Close range. It is Inoperational for 10
Range: Close // Damage: 2HP minutes.
If you activate this ability from your Mech
Ideal: Servo-Foot you can target a System at the maximum
Knowledge Range of your Wide Band Hacking System
For kicking ass when you’re all out of or equivalent.
Flaw: bubble gum.
Vain Requires Hacking Kit or Mech with Wide
Range: Engaged // Damage: 2HP Band Hacking Chip.
You may activate this ability in a Mech
Pre-war handheld
games console
Hacking Kit with a Wide Band Hacking Chip and may
use Energy Points if you do so.
A chaotic collection of computer equip-
ment designed for hacking. Allows you to
It’s not a bug, it’s a
utilise your range of hacking abilities. 1AP Well Actually...
You are able to answer questions about
STATS Modules, Systems, Mechs or technology.

Health: 10 2AP Database Hacker ROLL THE DIE

20: You are able to ask 4 questions about

As an action you are able to hack into a
Ability Pts: 5 database or information System in Close
it and The Mediator will give you true
Range to gain specific information about
10-19: You are able to ask 2 questions
Stress: 10 it and the wider network it is connected
about it and The Mediator will give you
true answers.
When activated you may ask 3 questions
Inventory Slots about it and The Mediator will tell you true
6-10: You are able to ask 2 questions
about it, but one of the questions will
have false information.
1 - Modded Laser Pistol 4-
2-5: You don’t actually know - make
Requires Hacking Kit or Mech with Wide
something up for your pride.
2 - Servo Foot 5- Band Hacking Chip.
1: You don’t know and everyone realises
3 - Hacking Kit 6-

24 25
MANTIS Developed as a collaboration between
the software arm of Stefanus indus-
A standard Mech mounted laser which
strikes a target with a searing beam of
2EP Firewall Module
If you or any allied Mech’s within Long
Range are the target of any hacking ability
you may attempt to counter it.
Requires ECM Transmitter.
tries and Mu-Cao Engineering the Range: Close // Damage: 2SP
MCS-1337 ‘Mantis’ was created as a ROLL THE DIE
lightweight hacking Mech utilised in a
series of classified Black Ops
Wide-Band Hacking
20: You stop the hack and may use any of
throughout the centuries. Chip your hacking abilities for free against the
Sometimes you just have to A Mech mountable CPU designed at the target. If it has an EP cost you still pay it.
respect Corpo engineering hardware level for a multitude of hacking 10-19: You successfully stop the hack.
and the Salvagers haven’t applications. Allows access to a wide 6-10: You reduce the effect of the hack in
done much to modify this range of hacking abilities and modules. an appropriate way. For example reducing
one. Yet. These can be used at Long Range. the intensity of the effect, or it’s length.
ECM Transmitter 2-5: The Firewall is breached.
1: The Firewall is breached. The Module is
SPEC A complex electronic countermeasure damaged and can’t be used until repaired.
device that has a wide range of applica-
Structure: 5 tions. 4EP Trojan Module

Energy Pts: 15 High Gain Antenna As an action you attempt to hack an

opposing Mech in Long Range to gain
control of it.
Increases the Range of Systems and
Requires Wide Band Hacking Chip.
Heat Cap: 10 Modules such as your Comms Module,
Wide Band Hacking Chip and ECM Trans- ROLL THE DIE

System Slots: 7 mitter by 1. These changes have already
20: You take control of the target in full.
been included in your profile.
Module Slots: 5 10-19: You take full control of the target
Chassis Type: Light Mech for 10 minutes.
Modules 6-10: The target Mech takes one action
of your choice and then regains control.
Corpo Reactor Comms Module 2-5: You fail to take control of the target.
The Mantis carries an advanced energy reactor that improves its 1: You lose control of your Mech for a turn
Allows you to communicate with any and The Mediator chooses its actions.
Energy Point Maximum by 5. This has been included in its profile.
other Comms Module or equivalent in Far

Range. 2EP Feign Shutdown
Emergency Hatch 3EP Reactor Overload Allied Mechs in Close Range go into a
Locomotion System If your Mech is destroyed and you have As an action you Overload the Reactor of
feigned reactor shutdown. They are still
operational but will appear as though they
A sturdy and depedable locomotion an Emergency Hatch, roll on the Critical a target Mech within Long Range. They are inoperational to all sensors. If they
suitable for most terrain and adaptable to Injury Table for your Pilot. If you do not must roll on the Reactor Overload Table. activate any systems or modules they will
almost any chassis. have an Emergency Hatch your Pilot dies. be flagged as active again.
Move 1 Range per Turn. instead. Requires Wide Band Hacking Chip. Requires ECM Transmitter.

26 27
Riveting Gun
A pneumatic riveting gun used to join
2AP Field Repair
You may spend 10 minutes to repair a
damaged System or module on a Mech.

sheet metal. With the safety removed it Requires Portable Arc Welder or Mech
Callsign: can be used as a weapon. with Welding Laser.
Range: Close // Damage: 2HP You may activate this ability in a Mech
Background: with a Welding Laser and may use Energy
Freelancer Points if you do so.
Pragmatism A common Mechanic tool for gripping, 1AP Talk Shop
loosening and tightening nuts, bolts,
Flaw: fittings and pipes. You are able to easily converse and build
Judgemental rapport with other Mechanics, Salvagers,
Range: Engaged // Damage: 2HP workers and similar common folk. You
Keepsake: must invent a local saying to exchange
with the NPC; it can be something like
Red toy car Portable Arc Welder “The only thing that overcomes hard luck
Motto: is hard work.”, “Get the show on the road.”
A portable tool used to weld pieces of or “Give a person a fish and you feed
Call me, or screw it up metal together. Enables a range of repair
yourself them for a day. Teach a person to fish and
and maintenance abilities. you feed them for a lifetime.”

STATS Abilities Explain what it means at the table.

You may then ask the NPC up to 3

Health: 10 2AP If I cut this wire… questions and they will answer to the full
extent of their knowledge.
You are able to work out exactly where to
Ability Pts: 5 pinpoint target a Mech to disable one of
its Systems or Modules. As an action pick
Stress: 10 a System or Module on a target Mech
within Engaged Range. That System
becomes Damaged.
Inventory Slots Requires Portable Arc Welder or Mech
1 - Riveting Gun 4- with Welding Laser.

2 - Wrench 5- You may activate this ability in a Mech

with a Welding Laser and may use Energy
3 - Portable Arc Welder 6- Points if you do so.

28 29
MAGPIE The Type 43 ‘Magpie’ was developed by
Stefanus Corporation as a worker Mech. It’s
universal mounting points allowed for rapid
Rigging Arm
Allows salvaging and the manipulation of
Emergency Hatch
Allows you to escape your mech when it
is Destroyed. If your Mech is destroyed
and you have an Emergency Hatch, roll on
the Critical Injury Table for your Pilot. If
transition between the various complex objects in your external environment. you do not have an Emergency Hatch your
servo arms needed during the develop- Pilot dies.
ment and roll out of the Prion chassis. Locomotion System
A sturdy and depedable locomotion Transport Hold
suitable for most terrain and adaptable to A basic hold to carry additional Salvage.
almost any chassis. Grants 3 cargo spaces, these are included
Move 1 Range per Turn.
Of course to an
Engineer being Welding Laser Modules
able to hot-swap
your parts makes Enables a range of repair, maintenance Comms Module
this the holy grail of and construction abilities. Select one of
Mechs. the below abilities or use as a weapon Allows you to communicate with any
other Comms Module or equivalent in
Range: Engaged // Damage: 2SP Long Range.

2EP Repair
2EP EM Shield Projector
Allows your Mech as an action to repair A protective shield appears around you or
a target Mech or Structure by 2 SP within a target Mech that can reflect lasers and
SPEC Melee Range. ballistics. When you or an ally in Close
Range is hit by an attack from a laser or
Structure: 10 2EP Mass Field Repair ballistic weapon you may activate the
Allows you to heal up to 10 SP amongst shield as a reaction.
Energy Pts: 10 any number of target Mech’s. This takes
Hot Swap Universal Mounts 10 minutes and can’t be done in tense ROLL THE DIE
situations like a combat or chase.
The Magpie can fit any System to its mounts. Heat Cap: 10 20: The attack is prevented and reflected
In addition its mounts can easily be swapped
in the field. You may spend 10 minutes to swap

System Slots: 12
Mini Mortar back at the firer who takes the damage of
the weapon.
any System or Module mounted on the Magpie A versatile weapon that fires small explo- 10-19: The shield prevents the hit.
Module Slots: 3 6-10: The shield partially prevents the hit,
with another System or Module of equivalent or sive charges in a high arc.
lower size at the cost of 1 EP or 1 AP. Chassis Type: Medium the target takes half damage.
Range: Long // Damage: 2SP 2-5: The shield fails and you or the target
Special: Deals additional 1SP to
Cargo everything in Engaged range of the target.
take damage as normal.
1: The shield fails and this causes a
sudden heat spike, gain 2 Heat and make
1- 2- 3-
a Reactor Overload Check.

30 31
SALVAGER Equipment
12 Bore Zip Gun
Expert Salvager
You are masterly at finding exactly
what you need from Salvage. When you
Profile A large caliber improvised firearm. As
deadly as it is unreliable.
Salvage an item for parts you may choose
exactly what part you want from the item.
Flea Range: Close // Damage: 2HP 1AP Bodge Job
Background: Hammer You may craft one System or Module
Wastelander from Salvage parts. You must have
A weighty tool designed to be swung to access to all of the required parts. This
Ideal: deliver an impact in a small area. takes you 10 minutes.
Range: Engaged // Damage: 2HP Systems and Modules bodged together
Flaw: on the field are temperamental. When you
Makes assumptions use them roll a d20, on the roll of a 1 the
Multi-Optic Lenses System or Module becomes Damaged.
Stuffed teddybear An optical tool allowing you to view
objects at different magnifications and
Motto: ranges. Has Thermal, Infra-Red, and
A Salvager knows Optical modes.
nothing is truly lost

STATS Abilities
Health: 10 1AP Rig it up.
You may attach a System or Module to a
Ability Pts: 5 Mech in the field. This takes 10 minutes.
The Mech must have enough System or
Stress: 10 Module slots to load the new part. You
can remove any number of Systems or
Modules to make room for the new part.
Inventory Slots Requires Mech with Rigging Arm.
1 - 12 Bore Zip Gun 4-

2 - Hammer 5-

3 - Multi-Optic Lenses 6-

32 33
JACKHAM MER Systems Modules
The BG-288 ‘Jackhammer’ was
commissioned by the Terrestrial
Locomotion System Comms Module
Democratic Alliance to aid in A sturdy and depedable locomotion Allows you to communicate with any
uranium mining operations suitable for most terrain and adaptable to other Comms Module or equivalent in
within the off-world colonies. almost any chassis. Long Range.
It was designed following a Move 1 Range per Turn.
catastrophic series of mine
collapses to preserve the
Pulse Laser
2EP Deep Survey
Mech’s expensive reactor.
The Pilot’s life was of A laser battery designed to fire a rapid
secondary consider- series of pulses at a target. A scanner initially conceived to analyse
ation.. underground areas to make sure they are
Range: Close // Damage: 3SP safe for mining operations. You scan an
underground structure such as a cave
3EP Heavy Duty Mining network, underground ruin or base. You
sense the general layout of the next three
Rig areas connected to yours, plus the layout
An industrial excavator designed for of any passageways between these
mining that can be used to deal death in areas. The Mediator will draw you a rudi-
a pinch. mentary map noting any major features
like columns, bridges or crevasses.
Target a Mech, Creature, or Structure,
within Engaged Range then: 2EPReactor Flare
Industrial Chassis ROLL THE DIE Module
SPEC 20: The target is destroyed. A highly charged reactor fuelled flare to
When you have to roll on the Critical Damage Table, roll alert others in emergency situations and
on this chart instead: Structure: 10 10-19: The target takes 4SP damage.
6-10: The target takes 2SP damage, brighten even the darkest of places. You
or it takes 4SP damage but your rig is shoot a reactor powered flare that sheds
20: Your Mech is somehow intact. You have 1 SP and
are fully operational. Energy Pts: 10 damaged and can’t be used until repaired. light over an entire area for the next hour
allowing you to see Far into the distance
10-19: Your Mech is Inoperational for one turn. Next 2-5: The target avoids your attack or you
miss. and almost as clearly as though it was
turn it has 1 SP and is operational.
6-10: A Module chosen by The Mediator is destroyed.
Heat Cap: 10 1: Your rig is stuck and you cannot move day.
Also apply the result of 10-19.
System Slots: 12
or take actions for 1 turn.
2-5: A System chosen by The Mediator is destroyed.
Also apply the result of 10-19. Module Slots: 3 Rigging Arm
1: Your Mech is destroyed but the Chassis remains Chassis Type: Medium Allows salvaging and the manipulation of
intact. Your pilot survives in the reinforced cockpit.
objects in your external environment.

34 35
“Being on the Crawler means being at home.
These days if I can’t feel the rumble of the
crawler beneath me, I can’t get a wink of

-Jim ‘Flea’ Raker , Crawler #279

36 37
The Core Mechanic the open. We discourage hiding rolls and
fudging dice as the core part of the fun
Mechs gain Heat when they push rolls.
They can also gain Heat when firing
When a player declares an action within the game that has an uncertain, risky or poten- of the game is the uncertainty of the dice certain marked weapons such as railguns
and the decisions and consequences they or lasers which produce lots of heat.
tially interesting outcome roll a 20 sided die. This is also referred to as a d20, or ‘the
spawn. There are also situations where The Medi-
ator may say your Mech gains Heat as a
Nailed it - You have overcome the odds and managed an outstanding Pushing your Mech
20 success. You may achieve an additional bonus of your choice to the
Once per turn you can choose to push
Some environments such as irradiated
action. When dealing damage you double it. wastelands or deserts can increase Heat
your Mech’s reactor to squeeze out levels as well. In these areas your Mech
Success - You’ve achieved your goal without any compromises. When
additional power. When you push you may
11-19 attacking you hit the target and deal standard damage.
re-roll the d20 die for any check.
gains twice as much Heat as it would
Tough Choice - You succeed in your action but at a cost. The Mediator You must do this when you see the die
6-10 will give you a tough choice with some kind of consequence. When result, and before The Mediator tells Venting Heat
attacking you hit but something has gone wrong. you what happens. You must accept the
Failure - You’ve failed at what you were attempting, and you’ll face a second result of the die. To reduce your Heat you must Shutdown
2-5 consequence of The Mediator’s choice. When attacking you miss the
Pushing is risky and there is a chance of
your Mech for 10 minutes. This will reset
its Heat back to 0 once complete. You
your reactor overheating. After pushing can then power your Mech back up as an
Cascade Failure - You have not only failed, but something has gone
your Mech you add 2 heat to it. Then roll action to make it fully operational.
terribly wrong. You will suffer a severe consequence of The Mediator’s
1 choice. When attacking you miss the target and something has gone
a d20, if the result is equal to or under
your current heat your Mech’s reactor has Some Systems and Modules also allow
overloaded. Roll on the Reactor Overload you to vent Heat more quickly to prevent
Table to see what happens to your Mech. an Overload.
This die roll represents a broad mix of factors including luck, fate and circumstance. It
It might Shutdown or even be destroyed.
isn’t directly representative of the character’s skill and ideally should never be modified
in play other than re-rolls via pushing. Shutdown Mechs
Many Abilities, Systems and Modules that require dice rolls list out specific conse- A Shutdown Mech is fully Inoperational,
quences and bonuses based on the above chart. These are guidelines and suggestions Mechs have a default maximum Heat of it can’t move, attack or take actions. If a
to make it easier to run those elements in game. The Mediator can always choose 10. When they reach this maximum of Mech is attacked when it is Shutdown it
another consequence or bonus as appropriate in the situation. 10 heat they must immediately make a takes 2x damage from the hit.
Reactor Overload Check. A Mech must
Roll in the open also make a Reactor Overload Check at
the start of each turn their heat level is at
A Pilot in a Shutdown Mech may activate
it as an action. It then takes a turn to
10. power up.
All rolls in Salvage Union from both The Mediator and the Players should be rolled in

38 39
Pushing your Pilot Reactor Overload Table
Once per turn you can choose to Push Reactor Overdrive - Your reactor goes into Overdrive. Your Mech can
your Pilot to get additional reserves out 20 perform an additional action this turn.
of them.
Reactor Overheat - Your Mech has overheated and shut down. You
cannot move or take actions for the rest of this turn and next turn. All
When you Push you may re-roll the d20
die for any check.
11-19 attacks that hit you in this state deal double damage. Your heat level is
reduced back to 0.
You must do this when you see the die Module Overload - One of your modules has overloaded and is
result and before The Mediator tells you 6-10 destroyed. This is chosen by The Mediator and can be picked at random
what happens. You must accept the or based on narrative circumstance. Your Heat level remains the same.
second result of the die.
System Overload - One of your systems has overloaded and is
destroyed. This is chosen by The Mediator and can be picked at
This can stress and strain your Pilot. 2-5 random or based on narrative circumstance. Your Heat level remains
the same.
After Pushing your Pilot add 2 Stress to
Reactor Meltdown - Your reactor goes into full meltdown. Your Mech is
them. Then roll a d20, if the result is equal
to or under your current Stress your Pilot’s
1 destroyed.
Stress will overload. Roll on the Stress
Overload Table. This can have negative
consequences such as freezing up in
panic or making bad decisions in your
stressed state. Stress Overload Table
Stress 20
Flow State - Your Pilot enters a calm and collected state of focus. You
can perform an additional action this turn.
Pilots have a default maximum Stress Frozen - You temporarily freeze in your panic as you try to regain
level of 10. When a Pilot reaches 10 composure. You cannot move or act during this turn or your next turn.
Stress they must roll on the Stress Over- 11-19 If attacked during this panicked state you take double damage. Your
load Table. Likewise at the start of every Stress reduces to 0 when this ends.
turn that they have 10 Stress they must
roll on the Stress Overload Table. Fumble - You make a bad decision in your panic. The Mediator gives
6-10 you a choice between two consequences and you pick one. Your Stress
remains the same.
Stress Overload - You make a significantly bad decision in your panic.
Relieving Stress 2-5 The Mediator chooses a severe consequence for you. Your Stress
remains the same.
Resting your Pilot for 10 minutes will
reset their Stress levels back to 0. Catatonic - You go into an unresponsive state and are unable to move
1 or take any actions. You will regain your composure in about 10 minutes
Using certain Abilities or Items can also and your Stress will reduce to 0.
reduce your Stress immediately.

40 41
Who acts first? Who acts next? Mech Structure Points Pilot Hit Points
For some scenes that involve tense Salvage Union can be easily played out Your Mech has a number of Structure Your Pilot has 10 Hit Points. (HP). This is
situations such as a chase or combat without any strict turn order. However Points (SP) that represents how durable their maximum and they cannot go below
it’s more appropriate to slow down the if you wish to include one we suggest they are. This differs based on the Mech 0 HP. When they are hit by an attack,
action. These are taken in a loose turn ‘Popcorn Initiative’. In this method and options you choose. These are reduce their hit points by the damage of
order with each turn representing around whenever someone finishes their turn included in your Mech profiles. the weapon.
10 seconds of game time. The Mediator they choose who acts next. This can be
will decide who acts first in these situa- another player or one of the NPC’s. After When a Mech is hit by an attack, reduce If a Pilot is hit by a Mech weapon, noted
tions based on the narrative, the player’s an NPC finishes their turn The Mediator it’s Structure Points by the damage the by any weapon that deals SP damage,
actions, abilities and the result of the dice. will decide who acts next which can be attack dealt. When a Mech is reduced to they always take double damage.
If in doubt you can resolve this with a another player or NPC. Once everyone in 0 SP they are critically damaged. A Mech
simple d20 roll off between the two sides the round has acted things restart with cannot go below 0 SP. When your Pilot is reduced to 0 HP, roll on
with the highest going first. The Mediator choosing who acts first in the Critical Injury Table to determine what
the next round. Roll on the Critical Damage Table to deter- happens.
During your turn you can move and take mine what happens to your Mech when it
an action. You may choose to move twice reaches 0 SP.
instead of taking an action but you cannot Death Blow
take two actions. If your Mech is Destroyed -
A special action known as a Death Blow
If you have an Escape Hatch on your can be taken by Pilots, Mechs and NPC’s.
Mech roll on the Critical Injury Table to This is a special attack designed to finish
off an incapacitated foe in Engaged
Distances determine what happens to your Pilot.
If you do not have an Escape Hatch
Distances are abstracted into the following Range categories. Pilots & Mechs use both A Mech or Bio-Titan may target any other
or equivalent System or Module on
of these categories. The Mediator will factor in the difference between Pilot & Mech Mech, Humanoid or creature at 0 SP or 0
your Mech then your Pilot dies if it is
speed situationally based on the narrative. HP with this ability. The attack automati-
cally hits and Destroys or kills them.
Engaged - You are toe to toe with your target. This is the range for close combat
whether by fist or mechanical claw. Walking Behemoths A Pilot may target another roughly human
sized creature at 0 HP with this ability.
Close Range - You are a few good strides away from the target and can see it clearly. Mechs are behemoth metal structures. If When they do so this kills the creature.
You can reach it in a single turn. a Mech is hit by a regular weapon, such
as a Pistol, this always deals half damage
Long Range - You are able to see the rough outline of a target from this range, it’s rounded down. These weapons are ones NPC Health
visible with the naked eye but for a clear view you’d need a scope that specifically deal HP damage.
When the Structure Points or Hit Points of
Far Range - This range represents a loose point towards horizon. You are able to see Only Mech weapons or specific anti-ma- an NPC is reduced to 0 they are consid-
a small silhouette of your target, though for any detail at all you would need a scope of terial weapons do full damage to a ered destroyed, killed or otherwise entirely
some kind. Mech. These weapons will specifically incapacitated. The Mediator may wish
note they deal SP damage. If in doubt a to roll on the respective damage table
Mech mounted weapon usually does SP instead for a particularly strong or impor-
damage and if it’s a weapon a person tant foe or an allied NPC.
would carry it does HP damage.

42 43
Critical Damage Table Critical Injury Table
This table determines what happens to your Mech when it reaches 0 SP. Roll a d20 - This table determines what happens to your Pilot when they reach 0 HP or suffers a
severe injury. Roll a d20 -
Miraculous Survival - Your Mech is somehow intact. You have 1 SP
20 and are fully operational. Miraculous Survival - You survived against the odds. You have 1 HP
Core Damage - Your Mech is stable at 0 SP but Inoperational and
20 and remain conscious.
11-19 cannot move or take actions until it regains at least 1 SP. Unconsciousness - You are stable at 0 HP but unconscious and cannot
Module Destruction - A Module mounted on your Mech chosen by The 11-19 move or take actions until you gain at least 1 HP. You will regain
Mediator is Destroyed. This can be chosen randomly or based on narra- consciousness in 10 minutes with 1 HP.
6-10 tive circumstance. In addition your Mech is Inoperational and cannot Injury - You suffer an injury such as a broken bone, sprain, burns,
move or take actions until it regains at least 1 SP. hemorrhage, or minor concussion. The Mediator determines the injury
System Destruction - A System mounted on your Mech chosen by The
6-10 randomly or based on the situation as well as its effect. In addition
Mediator is Destroyed. This can be chosen randomly or based on narra- apply the effects of 11-19.
2-5 tive circumstance. In addition your Mech is Inoperational and cannot Permanent Injury - You suffer a permanent injury such as limb loss,
move or take actions until it regains at least 1 SP. scarring or internal injuries. The Mediator determines the permanent
Catastrophic Damage - Your Mech is entirely Destroyed. If you have an
2-5 injury randomly or based on the situation as well as its effect. In addi-
1 Escape Hatch your Pilot must roll on the Critical Injury Table. If you have tion apply the effects of 11-19.
no Escape Hatch or equivalent your Pilot is dead. 1 Death - Your Pilot suffers a fatal injury and dies.

If an effect cannot be resolved, for example a Mech with no Modules rolls the Module
Destruction result, then use the effect below instead, in this case System Destruction.

Any Pilot may spend 1 Salvage to mend a Mech at 0 SP. It regains 1 SP and is opera-
tional again. This takes 10 minutes.

‘There’s an old saying; “Don’t take into the wastes what you can’t
afford to lose”. I say that’s a load of bull. Take the best you’ve
got, or you might not come back at all.’

-Ben ‘Socrates’ St.Clair, Crawler #279

44 45
Mech Carrying Capacity For example an Autocannon is made from
the parts Base Metals, Wiring Looms and
Salvaging is for things that are discarded
or have already been Destroyed such a
room such as a mech bay or cargo
hanger, or a specific ruin, bunker, aban-
Each individual piece of Salvage takes Simple Mechanisms. Weapon System on a downed Mech. doned settlement or other sizable
construct or terrain feature.
up one Cargo Slot on your Mech. Some
Each of these parts can be used to craft When you Salvage you gain a component
larger items may take up additional slot.
an Autocannon when combined during at random from the System or Module You can only Salvage an area when it is
A Mech must be fitted with a cargo or Downtime. The parts can also be used For example when Salvaging an Auto- cleared of anything hostile as well as any
transport hold or equivalent to have the to craft a variety of other Systems and cannon you gain either Base Metals, other obstacles that would prevent safe
Modules. Wiring Looms or Simple Mechanisms. Salvage.
necessary space to carry Salvage.
These are chosen at random or by The
A Mech with a Rigging Arm or equivalent Each part is also worth a number of Mediator based on narrative circum- Salvaging an area takes 1 hour. For each
can carry 1 Salvage in each of its arms Salvage equal to its Tech Level. In this stances. This represents that many items Mech salvaging in an area they may
case these 3 parts are all Tech 1 so in the wastes are going to be damaged, spend any number of Energy Points. They
as long as the arm isn’t used for anything
else. they would be worth 3 Salvage. You defective or difficult to take apart and that will gain at a number of component parts
can choose whether you want to use salvaging isn’t a precise art. equal to the amount of Energy Points they
your Salvage for crafting or spend it as spend. These are chosen at random by
Pilot Carrying Capacity currency. When you have a piece of Salvage the The Mediator and are based on the Tech
thing you Salvaged from is considered Level of the area.
Pilots have 6 Inventory Slots. These are You can spend Salvage during Downtime depleted of anything else worth salvaging
for items they can carry such as Pilot to do a variety of things such as repairing and cannot be Salvaged from again. Pilots can Salvage if they have appro-
Weapons, Equipment, and anything else damaged Mechs, purchasing things you priate gear such as a Portable Arc Welder.
appropriate they can find to pick up. need, engaging in training, picking up Salvaging from an area This works as normal salvaging and costs
rumours, indulging your vices and many Ability Points to use.
Pilots can not carry Systems, Modules or other things you can adjudicate with The When you Salvage from an area you
Mech Weapons. Pilots can carry Salvage Mediator. search it for any valuable Salvage. An See the Salvaging Tables for more infor-
Parts but they’re heavy. Each Salvage Part area is defined as a significantly sized mation (p62 - 73).
takes up 2 Pilot Inventory Slots.
Salvaging in play
Salvaging When you want to Salvage during play you
must first determine if you are salvaging
Salvaging is at the heart of Salvage a specific System, Module, or salvaging
Union. It’s why your Pilots risk life and an area.
limb by strapping themselves into nuclear
powered metal walkers. Salvaging a specific part
These rules are designed to abstract Salvaging a specific System or Module
and balance out that process so it’s an takes an action and costs 1 Energy Point
exciting part of play that doesn’t slow or Ability Point. It requires a Mech with a
down the experience. Rigging Arms, Anthropomorphic arms or
equivalent that allows you to manipulate
Salvage is both used to craft Systems and objects in your external environment.
Modules; and a more abstract currency
within the game that you can use to You cannot Salvage anything mounted on
purchase things. an active Mech or being actively used.

46 47
Downtime Each Pilot can choose as many Mech
Workshop Downtime Pilot Downtime
When you finish your mission your Pilots Downtime Activities as they want but may
only choose one Pilot Downtime Activity. Repair Relax
& Mechs will head back to the Union Salvage Cost: 1 Your Pilot can simply rest and recuperate
Crawler. You’re safe here. Pilot activities tend to take longer and you
need time to rest whilst Mech activities You may repair any number of damaged for a week in whatever way they wish
have a whole support crew to aid you systems or modules on your Mech. These upon the Union Crawler, they might play
The Union Crawler is effectively your cost 1 Salvage each to repair. If a System some games, do some light exercise,
home base, though you can think of it with.
or Module has been entirely Destroyed meditate or anything else you feel your
as a small community too. It includes you cannot repair it and it must be Pilot would do.
support engineers, barkeepers, cooks, Some Downtime Activities cost Salvage
whilst others are free. A small sample of replaced.
maintenance staff and it’s where you eat, If your Pilot chooses this option the first
sleep, have fun and recuperate. Impor- Downtime Activities are provided here.
Feel free to invent additional ones for your Craft time they Push on the next mission they
tantly it’s also where your Mechs get may do so without gaining Stress or
repaired. own game. The full game will also have a You may craft any number of Systems,
far more extensive Downtime system with Modules or Equipment that you have making a Stress Overload roll.

When you return to the Union Crawler a myriad more options. Salvage Parts for. As long as you have
you must pay your Union Dues. This all of the parts this doesn’t cost you any Cantina
costs 1 Salvage for the entire group and additional salvage. Your Pilot can visit the Cantina to pick up
covers the various costs and day to day on rumours and gather information about
expenses. Think of it as upkeep. Customise things that are going on in the world.
You may remove any number of Systems
You must rest at the Union Crawler for a or Modules from your Mech. You may You may ask The Mediator the answer to
full week to recover both your Pilot and also install any number of Systems or one question that you’re ‘asking around’
your Mech. Modules that you own on your Mech about and they will tell you an answer.
as long as your Mech has the required
When your Pilot rests for a full week at number of System or Module slots to The Mediator will then tell you one
the Union Crawler they regain all of their load them. As long as you have all of the additional interesting rumour or piece of
Hit Points, Ability Points and their Stress parts this doesn’t cost you any additional information you gather.
reduces to 0. salvage.
Black Market
A full week of maintenance at the Union For example you could remove the Long Your Pilot can visit the Black Market to
Crawler Mechbay recovers all of the Ranged Missile Pods from your Brawler get hold of additional Mech Parts.
Structure Points and Energy Points on Mech which takes up 5 System Slots and
your Mech and reduces their Heat to 0. install a Pulse Laser for 3 System Slots The Mediator will roll three Salvage
and a Laser for 2 System Slots. Or you parts of each Tech Level at random
During this week you can participate in could remove the Survey Scanner Module that you find at the Black Market. You
Downtime Activities. These are split into from your Gopher Mech and replace it may purchase any of these that you can
Mech Downtime Activities which covers with a Deep Survey Scanner Module. afford. Their cost is equal to 2x their Tech
anything to do with repairing, upgrading Level in Salvage.
and customising your Mech as well as You may even remove core Systems or
Pilot Downtime Activities which covers Modules from your Mech such as their It is rare that any Exotics would be avail-
things your Pilot does during your down- Locomotion System, Comms Modules or able at the market, though from time to
time. Emergency Hatch Release if you are time The Mediator may make some avail-
feeling brave enough. able. If so they they count as Tech 5.

48 49
“You load sixteen tons and what do
you get? Sixteen tons of salvage that’s
what; sixteen tons of sweet, tradeable

-Pam ‘Commodore’ Ulrich, Crawler #279

50 51
Mediator Advice example in combat you may say a Tough
Choice results in a character’s Mech
Create a Setback - This is something that
challenges the players or goes wrong that
do, then dealing 2 Structure damage to
their Mechs if they fail to avoid the threat,
The core procedure of play in Salvage being flanked by an opposing Mech who raises the stakes of the game. This could would be reasonable. Saying boulders
is now bearing down on them. Whilst be an enemy ambush, a treacherous area fall blocking the path but opening up an
Union is a conversation that goes like
‘technically’ the opposing Mech couldn’t of wastes to explore, or a tough choice unexplored route would be interesting.
move as it wasn’t its turn this adds a fun, like saving a group of friendly allies or
- The Mediator describes the situation dramatic moment to play. Feel embold- getting to a destination more quickly. You Consequences should mostly occur as a
that the players are in. ened, to throw curveballs like this at can string together many of these and result of the player making a significant
Players when the die prompts you to. even add choices between them for the choice in the game, rolling the die and
- The Players tell the Mediator what they
The Core Mechanic takes precedence in players. getting a result that results in a conse-
wish to do.
- The Mediator narrates the result. Salvage Union over any other rule. The Run the Finale - This is a big ‘showdown’ quence. You may however apply conse-
other rules are built around it entirely as a that leads to the players resolving the quences as a Mediator as you see fit to
framework. hook. It could be a tense chase, a fight the situation and players actions.
If something the players want to do at
with a powerful enemy, an unexpected
step 2 is significant, dangerous, dramatic
or has some chance of going wrong The key advice to running Salvage Union revelation or a tough choice. Here are some examples of Conse-
then they roll a d20 to see what happens is always be upfront and honest with the Downtime - In Salvage Union the end quences that The Mediator can set based
players about the situation they are in, of the scenario should have the players on the narrative choices the player makes
based on the Core Mechanic. Be wary of
rolling the dice in trivial situations or ones the options they have and what conse- returning back to the Union Crawler and the result of the die.
without any interesting outcomes. The quences they may cause and to balance for Downtime. This lets them heal and
those options to create a tense and satis- repair and more importantly upgrade and When dealing damage as a conse-
die roll is not a test of character ability, it
represents fate, luck, serendipity and an fying experience. customise their Mech’s and Pilots with quence the default baseline is 2 Struc-
array of potential external factors; hence the Salvage they have found. ture Damage for Mechs and 2 Hit Point
damage for Pilots.
why it broadly applies in the same way to Game Structure
everyone in the game. Consequence They are hurt:
There’s many ways to structure a game of
The player skill of the game comes from Salvage Union. We have a scenario at the A consequence should be framed as - They take damage. (2 SP/HP Default)
working out actions and ideas in play back of this booklet - The Downing of the some kind of a setback. It should never - An NPC attacks them.
that would result in beneficial situations Atychos - which shows off one method. stall play entirely or be magnified beyond - They have to roll on the Critical Damage
and reduce the effects of potential If you want to create your own a simple what it reasonably would be within or Critical Injury Table.
consequences and in how players utilise structure to follow is - the narrative. Instead it should propel - Their Mech or body is impaired in some
their array of Pilot and Mech abilities play forwards but into interesting and way.
throughout play. Establish a Hook - This is something unexpected new avenues. For example - A System or Module on their Mech
that draws the players into the game and if players attempt to cross a mountain malfunctions or they suffer from a
There’s a lot of flexibility to the Core gives them a motivation to do things. The pass; saying boulders fall on their Mechs disease or ailment.
Mechanic and it can be applied in many simplest hook in Salvage Union is that and they’re all destroyed would be an - A System or Module on their Mech is
different ways throughout play to create there’s some good Salvage out there for unfair consequence. Saying boulders Damaged or Destroyed.
dynamic and changing situations. For the characters to find. fall and asking them what they want to

52 53
- Their laser weapon overheats causing
them to gain Heat or make a Reactor
Tough Choices Examples:
Overload Check. A good tough choice is one between two
- Their explosive weapon hits them or an consequences that are equally unde-
ally. sirable. You can use any of the conse- SP: 3
quences noted on the previous page
Their reputation or standing is harmed: when offering players a tough choice or
create your own based on the narrative Systems:
- They offend someone. context of the situation. Here are some Laser - Range: Close // Dmg: 2SP
- They break the law and become wanted additional examples to help you. Light Locomotion System
by authorities. Escape Hatch
- They are cast out of a community. - Deal half damage or hurt yourself.
- A bounty is put on their heads. - Take damage, lose or break a piece of Modules:
- They lose an ally. Equipment, Mech System or Module. Comms Module
- One of the character’s flaws is triggered. - Betray a friend or make an enemy.
- Retreat to save the convoy but sacrifice MEDIUM MECH
They lose something: an ally.
- Save one wastelander from dying but not
- Something important to them is stolen. the other. SP: 6
- Their ballistic weapon jams or runs out - Save a wastelander from dying or get to
of ammo. your destination faster.
- Their items or weapons are less effec- - Pick up powerful experimental tech- Systems:
tive than they should be. nology but activate its downside. 30mm Autocannon
- A trader demands a costly deal. Range: Close // Dmg: 3SP
- A bounty is put on their head. Std Locomotion System
- The negatives of their Systems, Module, Escape Hatch
Equipment, or Mech are triggered. NPC Mech Profiles
Their environment shifts: Comms Module
NPC Mechs are similar to Pilots but many
- A rad storm makes the journey difficult. elements have been simplified so The
Mediator can easily control multiples of
- A disaster devastates the land.
- A mishap creates an impasse. them. These broadly represent a wide
range of Mechs that can be encoun-
- A disease begins to spread.
tered in the game. These can be further SP: 9
Their enemies advance: customised with NPC Systems and
Modules to give them extra abilities. NPC
- A faction gains power. Mechs cannot push and don’t track Heat. Systems:
However some abilities allow them to Large Phased Array Laser
- An ally loses territory or resources.
attack multiple times in a round and the Range: Long // Dmg: 4SP
- A settlement is taken over by an enemy.
Mediator can apply Heat effects narrar- Heavy Locomotion System
- The enemy are awaiting the party in
tively. Three basic profiles are listed on Escape Hatch
- Enemies spread across the land. the next page.
- An enemy captures something powerful. Modules:
Comms Module

54 55
NPC Profiles Special Abilities Many Attacks Regeneration
Creatures with a lot of scythes, tendrils or The Mech or Creature can repair its
These basic NPC profiles broadly cover appendages. These can attack an addi- armour or regenerate its flesh automati-
Ambusher tional 1-3 times in a round. cally. At the start of each turn it recovers
people, and creatures of a similar size The Mech or Creature is expert at
you’ll find in the wastelands. half of it’s Hit Point maximum.
ambushing prey. If hidden in ambush it
always acts first. If another creature has a Morph Sphere
WASTELANDER // similar ability to this they must roll a d20 The Mech or Creature can turn into a Shield Array
each and the highest goes first. spherical ball around half of its size The Mech or Creature has advanced
SIMPLE CREATURE as an action. This allows it to move an shield technologies.
additional movement range per turn and When the Mech or Creature is attacked by
Armour Plating fit into smaller spaces than it normally a ballistic or laser weapon roll a d20.
HP: 2 The Mech or Creature has additional
plates of armour. When it is hit by an
would be able to. It can unmorph as an
action. 20 - The damage is prevented and the full
attack it may destroy its armour to
Wastelander or Simple Creature attack reflected back.
prevent the damage. It can also negate a
Represents a common denizen of the Phase Shifter 10 - 19 - Half the damage is prevented
system/module destroyed or injury result.
wastes or a simple creature such as a The Mech or Creature has the ability to and reflected back at the attacker.
dog. phase through objects. 6 - 10 - Half the damage is prevented.
Evasive Module Ignores all terrain, can walk through walls 2 - 5 - The damage is not prevented.
The Mech is particularly agile. Once per 1 - The Shield breaks and cannot be used.
TRAINED FIGHTER // turn when it’s hit it may force the attacker
and other obstacles.

TOUGH CREATURE to re-roll the attack die and pick the lower
result. NPC Actions
An NPC can move and do one action during their turn. This can be an attack, an activa-
HP: 4 Experimental Weapon System tion of a special ability or a cool stunt like leaping on top of a building with their mech.
The Mech has a powerful experimental Many will also have special abilities to enhance their power.
Represents a trained wastelander such weapon. It deals an additional 3 SP
as an outlaw or a tough creature like a damage on a hit, however on the roll of a When attacking with an NPC or taking an action with an uncertain outcome The Medi-
Wasteland Bear. 1 to hit the Mech is destroyed ator rolls a d20 and refers to this table to see what happens.
Typically has 1 Special Ability or unique Expert Pilot
equipment. Nailed it - The NPC succeeds spectacularly at the action and will
The Mech is piloted by a well trained pilot.
Increase it’s attacks by 1 and SP by 3.
20 receive an additional bonus of The Mediator’s choice. A weapon hits
and deals double damage.
EXPERT FIGHTER // Success - The NPC achieves their goal successfully. A weapon attack
HUGE CREATURE Hacking Chip 11-19 hits.
The Mech or Creature is able to Hack
another Mech within Close Range. Roll a Setback - The NPC is successful but is impacted by a consequence.
HP: 10 d20 and on a Success or more (11- 20) 6-10 The players will give The Mediator a choice between two consequences
choose one of these effects - to choose from. A weapon attack hits.
Represents a highly trained wastelander -The Mech gains 2 heat and must roll on Failure - The NPC has failed and the players will choose an appropriate
such as a Veteran Corpo Pilot or a highly the Reactor Overload Table. 2-5 consequence. A weapon attack misses.
powerful creature such as Megafauna. -The Mech is controlled by the NPC for 1
Catastrophe - The NPC has catastrophically failed at the action. They
Typically has 2+ Special Abilities or -A system or module on the Mech is inop- 1 will suffer a severe setback that the players choose. A weapon attack
unique equipment. erational for 10 minutes.

56 57
Reaction Rolls For simplicities sake you can also apply this to an entire group rather than individual
creatures or mechs. When a group of NPC’s suffers 50% or more overall deaths or the
Sometimes it’s not obvious how a group of NPC’s will react to the party when they destruction of 50% or more Mechs; make a Morale check to determine if the entire
group stays in the fight.
meet them. It’s also easy to get into the habit of always making NPC’s attack or react in
some other prescribed manner. This table is designed to give The Mediator prompts for
NPC reactions and adds a lot of variety to play. Fight to the death - The NPC is going to see this one through to the end.
20 They double down and will not retreat from this fight.
Roll a d20 on this table when your players meet a group of NPC’s to determine how
they react to the party. This sets the initial reaction and the rest of the scene can be 11-19 Fight On - The NPC or group will continue to fight.

roleplayed out from that point Fighting Retreat - The NPC or group will retreat but do so whilst contin-
6-10 uing to fight.
Actively Helpful and Friendly - The NPC’s are incredibly friendly and Retreat - The NPC or group will flee the fight as quickly and safely as
20 positive towards the party and will actively help them in any reasonable 2-5 possible.
way they can.
Surrender - The NPC or NPC group will surrender to whoever is
Friendly - The NPC’s are friendly and willing to talk, trade and offer infor- 1 attacking them. If there is nobody to surrender to they will recklessly
mation to the party however will still ask for their fair share in return. flee.
Unfriendly - The NPC’s react in an unfriendly manner to the party , they
6-10 will be difficult to talk or trade with and reluctant to offer any help to the
party. Retreat
Hostile - The NPC’s are hostile to the party. They will defend
2-5 their area, make motions to attack, gesture, threaten, and be highly Sometimes things go wrong and the players need to retreat. The players can choose to
reluctant to parley. retreat at any time during a scene. Retreat covers the entire group.
Actively Hostile - The NPC’s will either launch an attack on the Party
1 if appropriate, or flee from them, barricade themselves in and avoid Roll a d20 -
contact as though the Party were hostile.
Perfect Escape - The party escape perfectly to a well secured location
20 and lose their pursuers.

11-19 Escape - The party escapes safely from the scene.

Morale Dangerous Escape - The party escapes but at a cost. The Mediator
will offer a tough choice based on the narrative circumstances. This
These rules cover whether or not NPC’s in the game choose to retreat. The party never 6-10 could be everyone taking damage, a Mech being damaged, a Pilot being
rolls Morale and it is always the player’s choice whether the party retreats or not.
injured or anything else appropriate.
NPC’s in this case include both those the party are actively fighting as well as any allied Failed Escape - You are unable to escape and will have to fight this one
NPC’s they may have with them. 2-5 out.
Disastrous Escape - You fail to escape and are pinned down by the
When a Mech is reduced to 50% or less of it’s Structure Points make a Morale check 1 enemy with all retreat cut off.
to determine if it stays in the fight. When a Creature is reduced to 50% or less of it’s Hit
Points, make a Morale check to determine if it stays in the fight.

58 59
Defined terms Free Action Non Playable Character (NPC) Salvage
Things you can do that don’t cost an Any character, creature, Mech, Pilot or Salvage refers to both a currency within
action to use within a turn such as otherwise within the game not controlled the game and individual parts that make
Abilities speaking or activating certain abilities. by a Player. up Systems and Modules. An individual
Your Pilots skills and talents, activated
Salvage Part is worth a number of
with AP. See p11 for full details.
Heat Pilot ‘Salvage’ currency equal to its Tech level.
Increases when a Mech pushes or uses Refers typically to the Player’s Pilot char- For example Scrap Metal is Tech 1 so
Ability Points certain weapons. See p11 for full details. acter who controls their Mech. Can also worth 1, Carbon Fibre is Tech 3 so worth
Used to activate Equipment and Abilities 3.
refer to NPC Pilots within the world.
on your Pilot. See p11 for full details.
Hit Points
How tough a Pilot, NPC or Creature is and Range Salvage Part
Attack a measure of it’s health. See p11 for full The game’s distance ranges are Engaged, Refers to an individual part of a System
An action that a Mech or Pilot can take on or Weapon that can be salvaged. For
details. Close, Long and Far. Range also applies
their turn to attack a target. example the Optical Lens of a Laser
to the distance between these such as
moving 1 Range in a Turn. Weapon System. Each one takes up a
Cargo Slots Humanoid Cargo Slot.
Any human or human-like character within
How many Salvage Parts a Mech can
the world. Reaction
Pilots and Mechs have numerous abilities Stress
that trigger as a ‘Reaction’ to an event in Increases when you Push your Pilot or
Creature Inoperational they are subjected to certain stuations.
An inoperational Mech is Shutdown. An play. Pilots and Mechs can also organi-
Any animal or monster within the world. cally react to things happening within the See p11 for full details.
inoperational System or Module cannot
be used. game. They may activate these abilities
Damaged and react as many times as they wish Structure Points
When something is damaged it is Inoper- within a turn or round, there’s no hard How tough a Mech is and a measure of
ational until repaired by an ability or at the
Inventory Slots limit beyond what would be reasonable it’s health. See p11 for full details.
How many pieces of Equipment a Pilot within the narrative as adjudicated by The
Union Crawler.
can carry. Mediator. Systems
Destroyed Mech
Hardware installed on a Mech such as
When something is destroyed it is irrevo- Repair weapons or antennas. See p10 for full
A walking, armoured and often armed The only way to repair a damaged or details.
cably damaged and cannot be repaired. It
mechanical construct, that you spend the malfunctioning System or Module in the
can still be Salvaged.
majority of the game controlling. field is via a special ability that lets you Shutdown
do so. These however may be repaired
Energy Points Module at a cost during Downtime at the Union
A Shutdown Mech cannot move or take
Used to activate Systems and Modules on actions and takes 2x damage when hit
Software and electronics installed in a Crawler. with an attack.
your Mech. See p11 for full details.
Mech. See p10 for full details.

Equipment Round Turn

Gear and personal items carried by Pilots.
Move A round is over when all Players and A turn is roughly 10 seconds of game
Moving typically refers to your Mech NPC’s have finished a turn. time. Tense scenes such as combat are
Each takes up 1 Inventory Slot. See p11
going from one Range to another in one tracked turn by turn.
for full details.
step. For example from Close Range to
Engaged Range or Long Range to Far

60 61
Salvage Area Tables TECH 3
When you Salvage an area, roll on one of the following tables based on the Tech level Carbon Fibre - Stronger and lighter than base metals, is useful for
of the area as determined by the Mediator. Tech level denotes both technological
advancement and rarity in the wastelands. These tables are purposefully abstracted
17-20 strengthening load bearing components or for creating light and effec-
tive armour.
and do not contain all of the materials that will be available in the full game. The core
Depleted Uranium - Dense, heavy, and slightly radioactive. Often used
book will contain many more tables of both standard and more exotic materials.
13-16 for ammunition, but could also have other applications.

TECH 1 9-12
Superconductors - Efficiently conduct electricity at high voltages and
currents but must be cooled to low temperatures. Used in applications
requiring high power transference.
Simple Mechanisms - Triggers, solenoids, pistons, gears and cranks. All
17-20 the parts needed to get things moving and operational.
High Heat Ceramics - Brittle but with a high compressive strength,
5-8 and excellent heat insulation. Used in turbines and other applications
Plastics - Thermoplastics, polycarbonates, vinyls, polymers, and oil requiring resistance to high heat and pressure.
13-16 derived products in various shapes and sizes.
Titanium Alloys - Expensive to make and difficult to work, but extremely
Wiring Looms - Cables, connectors, converters, and conduit. Piping 1-4 strong and light. Useful anywhere you would replace metal.
9-12 along with hydraulic and pneumatic lines are also covered here.
High Performace Fabrics - Meshes, gauzes, silks, ripstop nylons, cords,
5-8 webbing and strapping. EXOTICS
Scrap Metals - Steel, copper, aluminium, lead and other non-ferrous
1-4 metals. Found in various forms, rods, barrels, beams and plate etc. Active Meld Nanites - Meld nanotech usually deactivates when
17-20 destroyed. Active Meld Nanites can be reprogrammed and used for
TECH 2 almost anything. Also known as programmable liquid metal.
Polycarbonate Stealth Composite - A proprietary material created by

17-20 Liquid Gases - Stored liquid nitrogen, helium, oxygen, noble gases. 13-16 Mu-Cao R&D, does not show up on conventional scanners. Usually used
for creating stealth Mech chassis.
Optical Glass - Glass of sufficient clarity and quality to be used in
13-16 scopes, scanners, lasers and other optical applications. 9-12
Rare-Earth Metals - Vital for magnetics and catalytic applications.
Highly prized and very valuable even in small quantities.
Explosives - All explosve compunds, their component materials and
9-12 Bio-Titan Organics - Valuable as a source of organics for the food
5-8 synths, given their sheer mass. Also may have interesting compounds
Fuel - Solid, liquid and gaseous incendiary fuels. Gasoline, kerosine, and properties in various organs to the right buyer.
5-8 diesel, and liquid petroleum gases. Graphene - A room temperature superconductor. Myriad of uses
1-4 Circuitry - PCB’s, resistors, capacitors, and other microelectronics. 1-4 including energy storage and any superconductor applications without
the cooling requirements.

62 63
Salvaging a Mech MEDIUM MECH Systems Table 2EP Energy Point Cost 1 Slot Size

Chassis To construct a Medium Mech Chassis you

Name Description
need 10 Chassis Parts. It will have the
A Mech Chassis is a vastly complex following specification: .50 Caliber 1
Range: Close // Damage: 1SP // Pinning - Humanoids hit
construct and these rules simplify by this weapon cannot move for 1 turn
Salvaging them. When you wish to Structure Points 10
Heavy A simple automatic ballistic weapon that fires solid high calibre
Salvage a Mech Chassis you Salvage 1 Heat Capacity 10 Machine Gun slugs. Often used in an anti-personnel capacity.
‘Chassis Part’ from it automatically. This Energy Points 10
works as with Salvaging requiring you System Slots 12 Scrap Metals, Simple Mechanism
spend 1 Energy or Ability Point and have Module Slots 3
a Mech with a Rigging Arm or equivalent.
30 mm 3
Range: Close // Damage: 3SP // On a hit roll of 1 it
jams and is Inoperational for 10 minutes.
You cannot Salvage any more parts from HEAVY MECH Autocannon A powerful automatic ballistic weapon that fires a high calibre
that Chassis once it’s been salvaged. armour piercing round, with a rare tendency to jam.
To construct a Heavy Mech chassis you
A Chassis Part takes up 1 Cargo Slot. need 15 Chassis Parts. It will have the Scrap Metals, Wiring Loom, Simple Mechanism
following specification:
Experimental 8
Range: Long // Damage: d20SP // Gain 2 Heat when
Crafting a Mech Chassis Structure Points 15 Particle fired and roll on the Reactor Overload Table
Heat Capacity 10 A tempremental high powered energy weapon that fires a
You can use Chassis Parts to craft any Energy Points 10 Beam focused beam of ionised particles. As devastating as it is unpre-
Mech Chassis you wish during downtime, System Slots 17 Cannon dictable, it also generates huge quantities of heat.
however different types of Mechs require Module Slots 2
different numbers of Chassis parts. The Superconductors x 2, High Heat Ceramics, Scrap Metals, Wiring
chassis includes the Mechs Reactor and Loom, Circuitry, Optical Glass, Liquid Gases, Rare Earth Metals
all parts except for attached Systems and
Modules and it’s Locomotion Systems. Large Phase 5
Range: Long // Damage: 4SP // Gain 1 Heat when
Crafting a Unique Mech Array Laser fired
A heavy laser with a carbon nanotube phased array to focus it’s
This lets you create a generic Mech of
your own design. You can describe it
Chassis power over long ranges.
however you desire. High Heat Ceramics, Scrap Metals, Wiring Loom, Circuitry,
To craft a specific Mech Chassis such as
a Jackhammer or Brawler you must have Optical Glass, Carbon Fibre
the parts above and the Blueprints. You Laser
have the Blueprints of the Mech you start 2 Range: Close // Damage: 2SP
To construct a Light Mech Chassis you
the game with. A standard Mech mounted laser which strikes a target with a
need 5 Chassis Parts. It will have the
following specification: searing beam of heat.
To obtain other Blueprints you must find
them out in the wastelands as they are Scrap Metals, Wiring Loom, Circuitry, Optical Glass
Structure Points 5
well guarded. The Mediator may offer
Heat Capacity 10 Long
Energy Points 10 them as hooks and rewards for exploring 3 Range: Long // Damage: 2SP
System Slots 7 the wastelands and completing missions Barrelled A high powered laser designed for combat and modded with a
and objectives.
Module Slots 3 Laser long barrel for significantly increased range.

Scrap Metals x2, Wiring Loom, Optical Glass, Circuitry

64 65
Systems Table Systems Table 2EP Energy Point Cost 1 Slot Size

Name Description Name Description

Mini Mortar 3
Range: Close // Damage: 2SP // Explosive: Deals addi- Anti-Mech 3EP 3 Range: Engaged
tional 1SP to everything in Engaged range of the target.
A versatile weapon that fires small explosive charges in a high
Mine Layer Lays a series of Anti-Mech cluster mines in an area to deny it
arc. from the enemy and cause tremendous damage. Choose an area
within Close Range to lay your cluster mines in. Roll the die when
Scrap Metals, Wiring Loom, Explosive Materials, Optical Glass triggered.
Missile Pod 5
Range: Long // Damage: 3SP // Explosive: Deals addi-
tional 1SP to everything in Engaged range of the target.
Fires a salvo of unguided rocket propelled explosives to targets
over wide terrain. 20: Destroy everything in the area.
10-19: Deal 4 SP damage to everything in the area.
Scrap Metals, Wiring Loom, Simple Mechanism, Fuel, Explosive 6-10: Deal 4 SP damage to one target in the area, the rest get
Materials clear.
2-5: The targets avoid the explosions or area and the mines
Mono- 3
Range: Engaged // Damage: 4SP // On a roll of 20 to explode harmlessly.
hit the Target is Destroyed
molecular A high-tech sword honed to the thickness of a single molecule.
1: The mines avoid the target but hit something innocent/unin-
tended instead.
Blade Requires a rigging arm or equivalent to wield.
Scrap Metals x 2, Explosive Materials, Circuitry, Wiring Loom,
Titanium Alloys, High Heat Ceramics, High Performance Simple Mechanisms
Armour 1
Pulse Laser 3 Range: Close // Damage: 3SP Plating Simple armour plating to protect your Mech. Destroy this System
A laser battery designed to fire a rapid series of pulses at a target. as a reaction to negate a source of damage or a System/Module
destroyed result.
Scrap Metals, Wiring Loom, Circuitry, Optical Glass x2
Railgun Range: Far // Damage: 5SP // Generates 1 Heat Scrap Metals x 3
6 when fired.
Magnetically propelled ballistic weapon that fires a large calibre,
Cargo Hold 3 Add 10 Cargo Slots
high velocity projectile at extreme range dealing devastating A large container to store scrap and salvage.
damage on impact. It must draw on the energy of a Mech’s
reactor to fire, generating heat. Scrap Metals x 6

Scrap Metals, Wiring Loom, Simple Mechanism, Liquid Gasses,

Superconductors, High Heat Ceramics, Rare Earth Metals

66 67
Systems Table Systems Table 2EP Energy Point Cost 1 Slot Size

Name Description Name Description

Chaff 3EP 2 Emergency 1
Launcher Launches a cloud of metallic foil to counter the radar guidance
Escape Allows you to escape your Mech when it is Destroyed. If your
of incoming missiles and weapons fired with a targeting module. Hatch Mech is destroyed and you have an Emergency Hatch, roll on the
As a reaction to being hit by a missile or shot fired by a targeting Critical Injury Table for your Pilot. If you do not have an Emer-
module or equivalent roll a d20. gency Hatch your Pilot dies.

ROLL THE DIE Scrap Metals, Simple Mechanism.

20: The hit misses and you cannot be targeted by missiles or

Heavy Duty 3EP 4
Range: Long // Damage: 3SP // Deals additional 1SP
to everything in Engaged range of the target.
weapons using targeting modules until the end of your next turn. Mining Rig An industrial excavator designed for mining that can be used to
10-19: The chaff prevents your Mech from being hit. deal death in a pinch. Target a Mech, Creature or Structure within
6-10: The chaff throws the shot off, you take half damage from Engaged Range:
the hit. ROLL THE DIE
2-5: Your Chaff launcher fails to prevent the hit and you are
struck as normal. 20: The target is destroyed.
1: Your Chaff launcher fails to prevent the hit and runs dry. It can 10-19: The target takes 4SP damage.
no longer be used until replenished at the Crawler 6-10: The target takes 2SP damage, or it takes 4SP damage but
your rig is damaged and can’t be used until repaired.
Scrap Metals, Plastics, Simple Mechanism, High Performace 2-5: The target avoids your attack or you miss.
Fabrics 1: Your rig is stuck and you can’t move or take actions for 1 turn.
Ejection 11EP 2 Scrap Metals x 3, Simple Mechanisms, Fuel, Wiring Loom,
System Allows you to escape your Mech in the event of catastrophic Circuitry
damage or reactor overload. Use at any time as an action or a
Heavy 3 Move 1 Range per Action
Locomotion A heavyweight series of pistons and struts forming a locomotion
ROLL THE DIE System system capable of carrying enormous weight.
20: You escape perfectly and land anywhere you want up to Far
Range. Scrap Metals x 3, Simple Mechanism, Wiring Loom, Circuitry.
10-19: You escape safely and land unharmed in Long Range. High Gain 1
6-10: You escape in Close Range but it’s a bumpy ride, you gain 4
stress and take 2 hp damage.
Antenna Increases the range of all Modules with a Range value by 1. For
2-5: The Ejector Seat fails to trigger, though you escape through example a Comms Module with a Long Range becomes Far
the canopy. Roll on the Critical Injury Table. Range.
1: The Escape Pod severely malfunctions. The straps hold you in
the chair. You die. Scrap Metals, Wiring Loom.

Scrap Metals x 2, Fuel, Simple Mechanisms, Wiring Loom,High

Performance Fabrics

68 69
Systems Table Systems Table 2EP Energy Point Cost 1 Slot Size

Name Description Name Description

Light 1 Move 2 Ranges per Turn Welding 2 Range: Engaged // Damage: 2SP
Locomotion A lightweight set of legs, actuators and gyroscopes allowing
Laser Enables a range of repair, maintenance and construction abilities.
System quick movement over even rough terrain. Select one of the below abilities or use as a weapon

Scrap Metals, Simple Mechanism, Wiring Loom, Circuitry. 2EP Repair

Rigging Arm 2 Allows your Mech as an action to repair a target Mech or Struc-
ture by 2 SP within Engaged Range.
Allows salvaging and the manipulation of objects in your external
2EP Mass Field Repair
Scrap Metals, Wiring Loom, Simple Mechanism, Circuitry. Allows you to heal up to 10 SP amongst any number of target
Standard Mechs. This takes 10 minutes and can’t be done in tense situa-
2 Move 1 Range per Turn tions like a combat or chase.
Locomotion A sturdy and dependable locomotion system suitable for most
System terrain and adaptable to any standard Mech chassis. Scrap Metals, Circuitry, Wiring Loom, Optical Glass, Simple
Scrap Metals x 2, Simple Mechanism, Wiring Loom, Circuitry.
Wide Band 1 Range: Close
Transport 1 Increases Cargo Capacity by 3. Hacking A Mech mountable CPU designed at the hardware level for a
Hold A basic hold to carry additional Salvage. Chip multitude of hacking applications. Allows access to a wide range
of hacking abilities and modules.
Scrap Metals x 3
Scrap Metals, Circuitry, Wiring Loom, Plastics
Tracking 2EP 1 Range: Long
Node A small node that can be fired from your Mech to track a target Modules Table
over range. You shoot a tracking node the size of a tiny bead at
a target in Long Range. The target can be any Mech, creature or
Name Description
Alpha Strike 2EP 1 Generates 1 Heat per weapon fired.
It is linked to your mech’s HUD and you know the exact location of
the target whilst it remains in Long Range.
Module Allows your Mech to fire all of it’s weapons as a single action
against a single target.
Scrap Metals, Circuitry, Wiring Loom, Plastics.
Circuitry, Wiring Loom.

70 71
Modules Table Modules Table 2EP Energy Point Cost 1 Slot Size

Name Description Name Description

Advanced 1 Range: Long // Requires Wide Band Hacking Chip Deep Survey 2EP 1 Range: Long
Targeting You can activate a targeting module as a free action. Pick one of
Scanner A scanner initially conceived to analyse underground areas to
Module the below abilities to use. make sure they are safe for mining operations. You scan an
underground structure such as a cave network, underground ruin
3EP Laser Guidance or base. You sense the general layout of the next three areas
connected to yours, plus the layout of any passageways between
You aim with the aid of the targeting module and automatically these areas. The Mediator will draw you a rudimentary map
hit a target of your choice with a weapon of your choice in range. noting any major features like columns, bridges or crevasses.

3EP Pinpoint Targeter Optical Glass, Circuitry, Wiring Loom, Plastics.

When you activate this ability choose a specific System or EM Shield 2EP 1 Range: Close
Module on a Mech or appendage on a creature. Roll to hit as
Projector A protective shield appears around you or a target Mech that can
normal, if you hit that System, Module or appendage is destroyed.
You also deal damage as normal. reflect lasers and ballistics. When you or an ally in Close Range is
hit by an attack from a laser or ballistic weapon you may activate
1EP Multi-Targeting the shield as a reaction.
When activated you may fire all of your ranged weapons as one
action but each must have a different target. Roll for each attack
as normal. Costs 1 Energy Point per weapon fired.
20: The attack is prevented and reflected back at the firer who
takes the damage of the weapon.
Optical Glass, Circuitry, Wiring Loom, Plastics.
10-19: The shield prevents the hit.
Comms 1 Range: Long 6-10: The shield partially prevents the hit, the target takes half
Module damage.
Allows you to communicate with any other Comms Module or 2-5: The shield fails and you or the target take damage as
equivalent in Long Range. normal.
1: The shield fails and this causes a sudden heat spike, gain 2
Circuitry, Wiring Loom, Scrap Metal. heat and make a Reactor Overload Check.
Coolant 1 Optical Glass, Circuitry, Wiring Loom, Superconductors.
Flow Module Flushes your reactor with sub-zero liquid coolant. When activated Evasion 1EP 1
as an action reduces your heat by 2.
Protocols Allows you to avoid incoming attacks. When you are successfully
Circuitry, Simple Mechanisms, Liquid Gases, Plastics. hit you may activate this ability as a reaction to force the attacker
to re-roll their attack and choose the lower result.

Wiring Loom, Circuitry.

72 73
Modules Table Modules Table 2EP Energy Point Cost 1 Slot Size

Name Description Name Description

Feign 2EP 1 Range: Engaged // Requires ECM Transmitter Survey 2EP 1 Range: Long
Shutdown Allied Mechs in Engaged Range go into a feigned reactor shut-
Scanner A survey scanner allows you to scan a specific point of interest
down. They are still operational but will appear as though they are within Long Range such as a ruin, unique terrain feature, settle-
shutdown and inoperational to all sensors. If they activate any ment or base. You must stop to make a scan and it takes 10
systems or modules they will be flagged as active again. minutes to complete. You may only scan the same area once. If
an area is not of interest The Mediator must say so before a roll
Circuitry, Wiring Loom. is made.
Firewall 2EP 1 Range: Long // Requires ECM Transmitter
Module If you or any allied Mech’s within Long Range are the target of any 20: You make a thorough scan of the area and may ask The Medi-
hacking ability you may attempt to counter it. ator 5 questions about it.
10-19: You are successful and may ask The Mediator 3 ques-
ROLL THE DIE tions about the area.
6-10: You make a partial scan and may ask The Mediator 1 ques-
20: You stop the hack and may use any of your hacking abilities tion about the area.
for free against the target. 2-5: You are unable to find any useful information about the
10-19: You successfully stop the hack. area.
6-10: You reduce the effect of the hack in an appropriate way. For 1: Your scanner has malfunctioned. It becomes Damaged
example reducing the intensity of the effect, or it’s length.
2-5: The Firewall is breached and has no effect.
1: The Firewall is breached. The Module is damaged and can’t be Optical Glass, Circuitry, Wiring Loom, Plastics.
used until repaired. Trojan 4EP 1 Range: Close // Requires Wide Band Hacking Chip
Circuitry, Wiring Loom.
Module As an action you attempt to hack an opposing Mech in Long
Range to gain control of it.
Reactor 2EP 1
A highly charged reactor fuelled flare to alert others in emergency
Module situations and brighten even the darkest of places. You shoot a 20: You take control of the target in full.
reactor powered flare that sheds light over an entire area for the 10-19: You take full control of the target Mech for 10 minutes.
next hour allowing you to see far into the distance and almost as 6-10: The target Mech takes one action of your choice and then
clearly as though it was day. regains control.
2-5: You fail to take control of the target.
Optical Glass, Circuitry, Wiring Loom, Plastics, Scrap Metals. 1: You lose control of your Mech for a turn and The Mediator
chooses its actions.
Reactor 2EP 1 Range: Long // Requires Wide Band Hacking Chip
Overload As an action you Overload the Reactor of a target Mech within
Circuitry, Wiring Loom
Module Long Range. The target rolls on the Reactor Overload Table.

Wiring Loom, Circuitry.

74 75
“Shooting stars is lucky. Well, lucky for
us, not the star that got shot”

-Artemis, Wastelander

76 77
Intro There are wastelanders in the area who
are going to be after whatever they can
This scenario is designed as a straight- find.
forward mission to get your players right
There’s rumours of outlaws in the area
into the action. The first section includes
information intended to be shown to the too.
players at the start of the scenario. This
includes the hook, the map and informa- You have a datamap of the area as well
as some basic intel. You’ll have to range
tion about the area.
out to find out more.
Beyond that, The Mediator can offer infor-
mation and describe what is happening Each area of the map represents a vast
as they see fit. area of terrain. Each point can be moved
across within 1 hour by Mechs. A Light
Mech can move across 2 points in 1 hour.
Scenario A Humanoid on foot can move across a
point of the map in 1 day. 0.002 Mountain Pass ‘SCYLLA’
You have detected a crashed Corpo air
transport ship belonging to Evantis Indus-
tries a Corporation that specialises in 0.001 Crawler #279 This rugged mountain pass is home to
a Bio-Titan - S8226 ‘Scylla’. A gigantic, SP: 20
experimental heavy mechs and weaponry. armoured arachnid-like predator beast
The Party’s home crawler and starting
That means the transport is likely holding designed as an ambush hunter for moun-
some quality salvage. point of the scenario. This is where the
tainous environments. It’s able to meld Abilities:
party will deploy their mechs from and Attack - Range: Engaged // Dmg: 3SP
into its environment and it’s carapace is
range out into the wastes. Many Scythes: Can attack 4 times in
The transport has crashed in the midst of as hard as stone.
a ruined city once known as Hope Falls. a round.
The Union Crawler is a highly vulnerable Ambush: Always goes first.
Your Union Crawler has deployed at the The path is winding, strewn around the
Mech that shouldn’t be taken into combat Armour Plating: Destroy to counter
edge of the area for safety and you’re area are scattered scraps of a fallen mech
zones. It’s been deployed in a safe area at damage from a hit.
ready to range out on your mechs to get chassis.
yourself some salvage. the edge of the map. If it is attacked treat Climb: Can effortlessly climb over
it as a 20 SP NPC Mech with no defences. vertical surfaces.
The bio-titan hides in the rocky outcrops
You’re not alone here and there’s going to overlooking the pass. The Scylla will
The party will need to safely return back
be many interested parties in this Salvage attempt to ambush anything coming
here with their Salvage to complete the
so you’ll need to get in there fast. through the pass to get the juicy ‘nut’
scenario. It takes 1 week of downtime
You can expect a Evantis Corpo retrieval at the Union Crawler to repair all their
damage and restore Energy and Ability
team will be en-route.

78 79
0.003 Rad Desert TEX She also commands two ‘Scrappy’ Light
Mechs piloted by Wasterlanders.
The Rad Desert is a hostile and desolate
place, Mechs gain double Heat in a Rad HP: 10 They also have 2 Portable Rocket HP: 10
Launchers (SP 2, Long) at their disposal
which are each crewed by a two man
Equipment: Wastelander team (Wastelander see p56). Equipment:
A Pilot within a Mech will be safe from the Six Shooter - Range: Close // Dmg: Pistol - Range: Close // Dmg: 2HP
Radiation in this area. A Pilot exposed will 2HP Leading up to the settlement are a series
take 1 HP damage per turn until they get ‘Tex’ pilots ‘Reaver’ a Standard
to safety. Medium Mech (see p55).
of hidden murder holes that they can Abilities:
ambush unsuspecting foes from. May attack twice as a single action
For every hour a Mech spends here it Ideals: Freedom The Wastelanders are specifically looking Artemis pilots a ‘Longbow’ Recon
takes 1SP Damage and their max Heat Flaws: Bloodthirsty for a Reactor Core Control Rod from the Mech as below.
Capacity is reduced by 2 until their Wants: Enough salvage to buy his way wreckage of the Atychos as their current
Reactor is repaired. into an Arco and join a proper Reactor is malfunctioning continually due Background: Artemis was a former
mercenary crew. to the rods degrading over time. Without
In the centre of the Rad Desert is a factory Salvager on Crawler #173. The Crawler
this their settlement will not survive in the was taken down by an Evantis hit
ruin that may be salvaged at Tech 2.
Tex commands 3 Outlaws (they count as wastes. squad during a salvage mission gone
Trained Fighters see p56).
0.004 Ruined Highway SCRAPPY MECH wrong. She is hardened and to the
The Outlaws each pilot a Standard Light Ideal: Wanderer.
A portion of ruined highway leading Mech (see p55). SP: 2 Flaw: Vengeful.
towards the city curves through this area Keepsake: An old postcard of a city lit
of the wastes. The road is crumbling and If it can be made safe this area has a up at night.
unstable and full of wasted and junked Tech 1 Salvage Rating. Systems: Wants: Her first loyalty is to the people
vehicles. .50 Cal Machine Gun - Range: Close //
of Scrappers Bluff and she wants
Dmg: 1SP
A Merchant Caravan made of 4 heavy 0.005 Scrappers Bluff Light Locomotion System
that Control Rod so that they have a
chance of survival.
transport ‘mule’ mechs is attempting to Modules:
navigate through this highway but have A Wastelander settlement built around the Comms Module Part of her misses the old ways and
carcass of a fallen Union Crawler, Scrap-
been trapped by the blocked vehicles wants to experience the life of a
pers Bluff borders a great mountain range
which they are trying to clear. They have 1
Standard Light Mech leading the convoy. in the wastelands. Its reactor serves as LONGBOW RECON Salvager again.
their main source of heat and electricity
and without it they will die. Many of its SP: 5 MECH She hates Evantis and has a personal
Ranging towards them ready to pick them vendetta against them due to them
population are former salvagers from that
apart is a band of Outlaws ‘Tex & Crew.’ destroying her crawler.
The Merchant Caravan has six Tech Long Barrelled Laser - Range: Long //
2 Salvage Parts in their convoy. If the The settlement is a loose collective of
around 300 souls; though they look to Dmg: 2SP
Merchant Caravan is saved they will offer Light Locomotion System
Artemis as the one in charge. She pilots
one Salvage to the Party as thanks. (Expert Mech SP included in profile)
a well maintained but aging ‘Longbow’
Recon Mech . Modules:
Comms Module

80 81
0.006 City of Hope Falls A group of 7 Wastelanders are huddled
within this factory, they are some of the
1.002 - Hab Block that remain.

common denizens of the city that still The main fuselage has crashed through
The Atychos suffered an internal engine This ruined area was once inhabited by
eke out a semblance of an existence here into this area and it’s smouldering
explosion on its flight en-route to the the citizens of Hope Falls. It’s comprised
split loosely into two family groups. They wreckage lies open here. A survivor is in
Evantis Arco. It’s parts were scattered of a interlocking maze of high rise build-
are unarmed and will not be hostile to the the wreckage - Tauros an Evantis Pilot -
across the City of Hope Falls, a desolate ings.
party. his parachute and cockpit is entangled
place left to rot in the wastes. Some say a
few scattered denizens of the city do still The Cockpit has crashed into the top of within a tree.
One of the group, George, a young boy,
dwell within its darkest recesses. one of these high rises and will be difficult
has an incredibly nasty leg wound from The Fuselage can be salavged as a
to reach on a Mech without destroying the
the engine’s crash. He’s stable for now System (Scrap Metals, Titanium Alloys,
The Wastelanders, Corpos and Meld are building and salvage. Characters will have
but it’s likely he won’t last long out in the Plastics, High Performance Fabrics).
all within the city. If the party takes too to go on foot unless they can think of a
wastes without medical attention to stop
long to get to a point assume one of creative solution.
the wound being infected.
these groups as appropriate gets to the 1.004 Lake
area they were heading to first. There are 4 Meld Drones around the
If taken back to the Union Crawler he can
area of the Cockpit on the high rise, the This area of irradiated lake holds the
be healed by the facilities within.
former crew of the ship. The Cockpit can
1.001 Industrial Block be salvaged as a System (Circuitry, High
reactor core of the ship. It is currently
stable but it’s only a matter of time before
If it can be made safe this area has a
Performance Fabrics, Optical Glass, the Rad Lake erodes it. The Reactor is
An intertwined area of factories. The Tech 3 Salvage Rating. The Engine can
Wiring Looms, Scrap Metals). embedded within the silt at the bottom of
ship’s engine has landed in an old Meat be salvaged as a System (Fuel, Simple
Mechanisms, Explosive Materials, Scrap the lake and the top of it juts out into the
Processing Factory.
Metals, Rare Earth Metals). MELD DRONE open air.

The Wastelanders led by Artemis will

head to this area first. If the party do not
HP: 4 intervene:
Attack - Range: Engaged // Dmg: 2HP 20 - They retrieve the Control Rod and
Nimble - Attacks twice as one action. additionally salvage Depleted Uranium
from the Reactor.
When the Meld take over a living 11 - 19 - They retrieve the Control Rod
organism they can turn it into a successfully.
zombie-like drone. These cannot split 6 - 10 - They retrieve the Control Rod but
like their mechanical counterparts but it’s in a badly damaged state. It will help
can be formed in large numbers and them survive another month but not much
appear as a living being. longer.
2 - 5 - They fail to retrieve the Control Rod
and a Wastelander and Mech dies in the
1.003 Park attempt.
1 - They fail to retrieve the Control Rod
and Artemis and her Mech die in the
A once flourishing park. Twisted trees
barren of leaves and rusted swings are all

82 83
The Reactor Core can be salvaged as a
system. (Reactor Control Rod, Depleted
The Retrieval Team will head to this area
first. If the Party do not intervene they will
Uranium, Liquid Gases, High Heat awaken the Meld Behemoth. The sound
Ceramics, Scrap Metals). of battle will be obvious to anyone in the
city. HP: 10 HP: 10
1.006 Central Plaza
20 - They successfully destroy the Meld Equipment/Abilities: Equipment/Abilities:
The Atychos was carrying a rare, exper- and retrieve Active Meld Nanite Particles Heavy Rifle - Range: Long // Dmg: 3HP Laser Rifle - Range: Long // Dmg: 2HP
imental cargo of Active Meld Nanites. to return to the Evantis Arco. May attack twice as a single action May attack twice as a single action
These were accidentally released on 11 - 19 - They successfully destroy the Sgt Baines pilots an Evantis Gladiator Lt Lopez pilots an Evantis Gladiator
board and are what caused the ship to Meld and scour the area destroying all Mech as below. Mech as below.
crash as the Meld spread over the core of traces.
the ship and disabled its key functions. 6 - 10 - They must choose between Background: Baines grew up on the Background: Lopez was headhunted
The Cargo Bay of the ship containing the retrieving the Active Meld Nanite Particles Evantis Arco and has had an impec- by Evantis from Opus Industries after
Meld has landed in the Central Plaza or destroying all of the Meld. cable career with 19 successful she showed impeccable skill on a
2 - 5 - They fail to destroy the Meld combat incursions. Covert Ops mission against Evantis.
The Meld are buried under rubble and and retreat. One of the Lance chosen at Ideal: Order Ideal: Discipline
wreckage in the Plaza but will soon Random is killed along with their Mech Flaw: Follows orders, even if they’re Flaw: Highly Competitive
escape. and turned into a Meld Construct. wrong. Wants: To take the top spot from
1 - The entire lance is destroyed by the Wants: To hit 20 successful combat Baines when he retires, or is killed in
There is one Meld Behemoth in the Meld who use its wreckage to form a drops and retire. action.
wreckage that has formed itself around second Meld Behemoth.
the core of the ship and its rich cargo.
The Cargo Bay can be salvaged as a
The Evantis Retrieval Team has been
dispatched upon hearing the distress
Metals, High performance Fabrics)
signal from the Atychos before it crashed.

Their mission is to either retrieve the SP: 9 SP: 6

Active Meld Nanites or on failure of that
to destroy all remnants, for if they got Systems: Systems:
out not only would they be a devastating Missile Pod - Range: Long // Dmg: 3SP Large Phase Array Laser - Range: Long
force but another Corpo may get access SP: 9 // Explosive // Dmg: 4SP
to their technological potential, which Pulse Laser - Range: Close // Dmg: Hacking Chip - See details on p56
would ruin their bottom line. 3SP Light Locomotion System
Systems: Anthropomorphic Arms Range: Ejection System
The team consists of the leader Sergeant Missile Pod - Range: Long // Dmg: 3SP Engaged // Dmg: 3SP (Expert Mech SP included in profile)
Baines in an Evantis Gladiator, the second // Explosive Standard Locomotion System
in command Lieutenant Lopez piloting Standard Locomotion System Ejection System
an Evantis Wyvern Mech and two Corpo Ejection System Modules:
(Expert Mech SP included in profile) Comms Module
pilots (as Brute p56) both piloting Evantis
Modules: Evasion Module
Sentinels. Modules: Comms Module
Comms Module Alpha Strike Module

84 85
Roll on this table when the players move through an area on the main area map to see
what they encounter.
SP: 12 SP: 6
You come upon an abandoned baggage train. Multiple heavy goods
Abilities: Abilities: vehicles lie inert in the wastes along with a wrecked Light Mech. The
Attack - Range: Close // Dmg: 3SP Attack - Range: Close // Dmg: 2SP convey seems to have been ambushed and torn apart by heavy ballistic
Tendrils - Makes 4 Attacks per Action Tendrils - Makes 2 Attacks per Action 20 fire. Tex and his crew are responsible.
Reform - Takes half damage rounded Reform - Takes half damage rounded
down from Ballistic weapons down from Ballistic weapons Though much of the baggage train has already been picked apart, there
Split - When reduced to 0SP or less it Split - When reduced to 0SP or less it are three Random Tech 2 Salvage Parts left in the wreckage
splits into 2 Meld Nanoids
splits into 2 Meld Constructs
11-19 The path is a safe and quiet one without any particular incident.

GRIFFON KNIGHT MELD NANOID A sudden radiation storm picks up in this area. Numerous particles
carried by high winds harbour deadly levels of radiation that will kill a
pilot and can even damage Mechs.
SP: 9 SP: 3
A Pilot within a Mech will be safe from the Radiation.
Systems: Abilities: 6-10 A Pilot exposed will take 1 HP damage per turn until they get to safety.
Monomolecular Blade - Range: Attack - Range: Engaged // Dmg: 1SP A Mech exposed will take 1 SP damage per hour and have its heat
Engaged // Dmg: 4SP Reform - Takes half damage rounded capacity reduced by 2 until its Reactor is repaired.
Heavy Locomotion System down from Ballistic weapons
Armour Plating Split - When reduced to 0SP it turns If this effect is rolled within a Rad Desert doubles its effects.
Modules: Comms Module into Active Meld Nanites You hear the sound of heavy footsteps thudding from the distance of
the wastes. The ground seems to shake beneath your feet as a humon-
gous, rust covered Mech strides towards you. On one hand it holds a
City Encounter Table huge shield with the painting of a Dragon upon it, and on the other a
curved, vibrating blade.
Roll on this table everytime the players move from one point in the city to another.
2-5 This Mech was once part of the Knightly Clan Order of the Dragon. It’s
20 The party makes rapid and safe progress to the point and arrives first. Pilot is a now old man by the name of Sir Lionell. He ranges the wastes,
looking for one final duel so he can die with honour. He will offer such a
The Party makes safe progress to the next point and arrives simultane-
11-19 ously with any other group attempting to head to this area.
duel to any Mech pilot he see’s but will not force their hand. He will offer
his blade as the prize (Monomolecular Blade).
A collapsed area of the city ruins blocks the party’s path. They must find
6-10 a way through the wreckage quickly. If they choose to go around this will See ‘Griffon Knight’ p86.
significantly slow them down and they will arrive second to the area. A band of outlaws are waiting in ambush in this area of Wasteland led
Two Meld Constructs launch an attack on the party as they travel by ‘Tex’ They prey on convoys and mechs in a never ending hunt for
2-5 through the area. These Meld scattered from the Atychos and 1 salvage.
consumed a nearby hunk of machinery in the city ruins.
See ‘Outlaws - Tex & Crew’ p80.
The Party is ambushed by the Corpo Lance led by Baines who identify
1 them as a key threat.

86 87
Salvage Union is a post-apocalyptic roleplaying
game where you play as a scrappy band of Mech
Pilots known as ‘Salvagers’ who range into the
wastes on the hunt for precious Salvage.
The Salvage Union Quickstart contains everything you need to get into the action
including the core rules, premade Pilots and Mechs and a simple scenario.
The full Salvage Union Game will be presented in a 200+ page A5 full colour
Hardback book.

The full book will contain -

• 20 + Mech Chassis to control and customise.

• 12 + Pilot Classes to pick and customise.
• Detailed setting information fleshing out the world of Salvage Union.
• The core rules to run and play Salvage Union.
• A multitude of abilities across both your Pilots and Mechs.
• A slew of weapons, systems and modules to kit out and customise your
mechs with.
• A fully fleshed out scenario with maps to play.
• Rules for campaign play rules for lengthier sessions based around surviving
in the wastelands.
• Mission play rules designed for smaller campaigns, one shots and narrative
focussed sessions.
• Tools for The Mediator such as encounter tables to design and run their
• Full mech building and customisation rules.
• A bestiary of Monsters, Bio-Titans, humanoid warriors of the waste as well as
Corpo NPC mechs.
• Lots more artwork of the Salvage Union setting including Mechs, Bio-Titans,
Pilots, landscapes and more!

Find us on Kickstarter at:
Or scan the QR code!

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