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My first phone

I was about 12 when I got my first mobile phone. It was a Motorola Flip-phone. That
was quite some time ago now 在很久以前. Mobile phones were much more basic 基
本 then and very different from the smartphones 智慧型手机 we have nowadays 如今.

Actually 实际上, I didn’t buy it. It was a gift from my parents when I finished my
exams 考试 at school. They bought 买 it for me when I graduated 毕业. I remember it
very well because some of my friends had mobile phones but not all of them.

That was when mobile phones were beginning to become really popular – essential

基本的 really – but people used them differently.

We used to make more calls or send SMS text messages to each other whereas 哪里
now I mostly send texts or emails through various 各种各样 platforms 平台 and
rarely actually call someone using my mobile.

When my parents gave it to me I felt very happy and proud 骄傲 because it was the
latest 最新的 model 模型, at that time, so it had some new features 特征/功能 which
my friends’ phones didn’t have.

I think I kept 保留 it for around three years before I replaced 代替 it with an iPhone.
But it was still special 特别 because it was my first mobile so it was kind of important
重要 for me.

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