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Persuasion Theory and Research 3rd Edition

OKeefe Test Bank

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O’Keefe, Persuasion: Theory and Research, Third Edition

Chapter 5: Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Test Bank

1. All of the following are possible relations between two cognitive elements except:
@ Title: 05-01Fpp.77
*a. they are inversely related
b. they are irrelevant
c. they are consistent
d. they are inconsistent

2. Eric thinks that it is important to buy American made products, but when he goes shopping he buys t-
shirts manufactured in Taiwan because they are much less expensive. These two cognitive elements are:
@ Title: 05-02Dpp.77
a. consonant
*b. dissonant
c. irrelevant
d. opposites

3. When a person experiences dissonance they:

@ Title: 05-03Fpp.77
a. are more susceptible to persuasion
b. will try to increase it
*c. will try to reduce it
d. are at an increased likelihood for depression

4. Sarah is experiencing some feelings of dissonance as she is trying to eat more natural foods, but
continues to drink Diet Coke daily. One way she could reduce her feelings of dissonance would be to:
@ Title: 05-04Cpp.78
a. research more about aspartame, the sweetener in Diet Coke
b. research more about natural sweeteners
c. make a list of the pros and cons of drinking Diet Coke
*d. determine that since Diet Coke is only one part of her diet, it is okay to have one less natural thing
each day.
5. One way to reduce cognitive dissonance is to:
@ Title: 05-05Fpp.78
*a. add new consonant cognitions
b. add new dissonant cognitions
c. delete existing consonant cognitions
d. increase the salience of dissonant cognitions

6. In the context of decision making, dissonance occurs:

@ Title: 05-06Fpp.78
a. when weighing one’s options
*b. after the decision is made
c. when one regrets his or her decision
d. throughout the decision making process.

7. Caroline had to decide between going to a close friend’s bridal shower or a family member’s birthday
party, two equally desirable options. Caroline decides to attend the birthday party. Caroline is:
@ Title: 05-07Cpp.79
a. unlikely to experience a high level of dissonance because they were both good options.
b. likely to regret her decision
*c. likely to experience dissonance because both were good options
d. likely to experience dissonance because she did not have enough consonant cognitions about her

8. During which step of the decision making sequence is persuasion most relevant?
@ Title: 05-08Fpp.79
*a. conflict
b. decision
c. dissonance
d. dissonance reduction

9. Adam made a decision between buying popcorn or candy at the movie theater. After he chose
popcorn he is most likely not going to experience a lot of dissonance because:
@ Title: 05-09Cpp.80
a. his initial evaluation of the two options was similar
b. both are good options
c. he has a lot of consonant cognitions about popcorn
*d. the decision is relatively unimportant

10. Postdecisional spreading is:

@ Title: 05-10Dpp.80
*a. the effect of revaluating alternatives after a decision as less similar
b. keeping one’s options open to engage with other options
c. The increased dissonance one feels after making a choice
d. The increased consonance one feels after a making a choice

11. When does regret occur?

@ Title: 05-11Fpp.82
a. When feelings of dissonance are the strongest
*b. after the decision but before dissonance reduction
c. after conflict but before the decision
d. between the feelings of dissonance and dissonance reduction

12. Mike went shopping for a new computer. He was torn between buying a laptop and a tablet. The
salesperson convinced him to go with the tablet. Over the next few days he finds more and more things
he does not like about the tablet and thinks about how the laptop would better meet his needs. His
feelings of dissonance are increasing because:
@ Title: 05-12Cpp.83
a. of postdecisional regret
b. the decision is final
*c. he is revising his initial evaluations
d. of postdecisional spreading

13. What hypothesis explains why people seek out the specific information that they do?
@ Title: 05-13Fpp.83
a. Decisional Regret Hypothesis
b. Informational attainment hypothesis
c. Information engagement hypothesis
*d. Selective exposure hypothesis.

14. Carla has recently decided to adopt a gluten free diet. She wants to be informed about her new diet.
As she seeks out information, what type of information is she most likely to seek out according to
cognitive dissonance theory?
@ Title: 05-14Cpp.84
*a. information that supports the benefits of the diet
b. information that explains both the risks and benefits of the diet
c. Information that she does not already have
d. information that challenges her beliefs

15. When is a person more likely to expose themselves to information that does not support his or her
@ Title: 05-15Fpp.84
a. When there is a high level of dissonance is high
*b. When there is a high level or perceived utility of the information
c. When there is a high level of consonance
d. When there is a high level of salience

16. What is the term used to describe situations when a person is compelled to act in a way that is
discrepant from his or her beliefs?
@ Title: 05-16Dpp.85
a. selective exposure
b. Induced discrepancy
*c. induced compliance
d. dissonance compulsion
17. Brad is trying to get his students to do their reading before class, but the majority of the students
don’t because they believe they will get the information they need during class and can read to review
after class. Based on the idea of induced compliance, all of the following are ways Brad could get his
students to read the material prior to class except?
@ Title: 05-17Cpp.85
a. give an extra credit quiz over the readings
b. give candy to the class if everyone reads the assigned chapters
c. threaten to assign homework over the chapters if he feels that people are unable to actively
participate in the discussion because they have not read
*d. stress the benefits to the students of reading the material before coming to class

18. What size of reward leads to the greatest amount of dissonance when someone engages in induced
@ Title: 05-18Cpp.86
*a. the minimum amount needed to induce compliance
b. the largest reward possible
c. no reward
d. the reward that matches the importance of the action

19. Using a very large incentive to induce compliance is:

@ Title: 05-19Fpp.86
a. a good idea because it is a strong motivator
b. a bad idea because it is a form of manipulation
*c. a bad idea because it is unlikely to create actual attitude change
d. a good idea because it reduces the amount of dissonance one feels

20. Counterattitudinal-advocacy-based interventions have been shown to be successful for what type of
@ Title: 05-20Fpp.87
a. drinking and driving
*b. eating disorder prevention
c. binge drinking
d. environmental protection

21. In order for induced compliance to have the intended effects which of the following conditions must
be met?
@ Title: 05-21Fpp.89
a. the individual must not be aware he or she is being persuaded
b. the individual must be aware he or she is being persuaded
c. the individual must have a small level of dissonance
*d. the individual has a choice

22. What often happens when the punishment for not being compliant is very large or harsh?
@ Title: 05-22Fpp.90
*a. it produces initial results but often makes the non-desired action even more desirable
b. it works because of the fear induced
c. it works fast than a minimum punishment
d. it works better than if a reward had been offered
23. Megan wants to persuade her friend Beth to start using the gym membership that Beth bought three
months ago after she decided she wanted to get in shape, but she has yet to go to the gym. Knowing
there is a difference between Beths’ attitudes and behavior, what strategy could Megan use in her
persuasive attempts?
@ Title: 05-23Cpp.90
a. postdecisional spreading
*b. hypocrisy induction
c. counterattitudinal advocacy
d. offering a reward

24. The backfire effect refers to situations when:

@ Title: 05-24Dpp.92
a. rewards offered are too large to create sustained change
b. the low price offered is too low to create loyal customers
*c. when feelings of hypocrisy are induced a person changes his or her attitude rather than behavior
d. feelings of regret cause a person to go back on his or her choice

25. Steel’s self-affirmation theory argues that the key motivating force behind dissonance phenomena
@ Title: 05-25Fpp.93
a. self-efficacy
b. self-motivation
c. self-monitoring
*d. self-integrity

26. Dissonance is a neutral emotional state.

@ Title: 05-26Dpp.77
a. true
*b. false

27. Persuasive effort are most relevant when a person is experiencing conflict before making a decision.
@ Title: 05-27Fpp.79
*a. true
b. false

28. The degree of dissonance one feels after making a decision depends partly on how similar the initial
evaluations of the options are.
@ Title: 05-28Fpp.80
*a. true
b. false

29. Once you have persuaded someone to take an action your persuasive efforts are over.
@ Title: 05-29Fpp.82
a. true
*b. false

30. Someone who identifies as conservative will prefer to watch conservative news networks.
@ Title: 05-30Cpp.83
*a. true
b. false

31. When people are in situations where they are expected to be fair they continue to seek our
information that supports their viewpoint.
@ Title: 05-31Fpp.84
a. true
*b. false

32. Counter-attitudinal advocacy is when a person tries to persuade another to change their attitudes.
@ Title: 05-32Fpp.85
a. true
*b. false

33. When attempting to induce compliance one needs to be sure that reward offered is not too large.
@ Title: 05-33Fpp.86
*a. true
b. false

34. When children are told not play with a toy, the harsher the threatened punishment, the less
attractive the toy becomes.
@ Title: 05-34Fpp.87
a. true
*b. false

35. In order for induced compliance to work there must not by an obvious alternative cause to attribute
the feelings of dissonance.
@ Title: 05-35Fpp.89
*a. true
b. false

Type: E
36. What is one factor that will influence the magnitude of dissonance one will feel when his or her
cognitions are not consistent?
@ Title:05-36Fpp.77-78
*a. relative size of consonant to dissonant cognitions, the importance of the issue

Type: E
37. What is one way a person can reduce cognitive dissonance?
@ Title: 05-37Fpp.80
*a. decrease the importance of the issue, reevaluate the cognitive elements, add more consonant or
dissonant elements

Type: E
38. When trying to persuade someone to act on their currently held beliefs, what is a strategy that can
be used?
@ Title: 05-38Fpp.90
*a. hypocrisy induction

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