XI Chemistry Target Paper 2023 (Sir Nasim Zulfiqar)

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“TARGET PAPER for getting 85/85 Marks”

By Sir Nasim Zulfiqar (0300-21522272)
Section B (Short Answer Questions)
Q1: Define the following terms:

Stoichiometry Molar Volume Bond Energy Allotropy Sublimation

Unit Cell Transition Temperature Lattice Energy Solubility Product Common ion effect
Buffer Solution Order of Reaction Activation Energy Molarity Colligative Properties
System Surrounding Oxidation Number Electrode Potential Electrochemical Series
Q2: Differentiate between the following:

Continuous Spectrum & Line Spectrum VBT & MOT Sigma bond & Pi bond
Crystalline solid & Amorphous Solid Isomorphism & Polymorphism Homogenous & Heterogenous Catalyst
Positive catalyst and inhibitor Endothermic & Exothermic Reactions Primary & Secondary Cell
Oxidation & Reduction Oxidizing agent & Reducing Agent Rate of Reaction & Rate Constant
Q3: State the following:

Pauli’s exclusion principle Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity Charles’ Law

Boyle’s law Avogadro’s Law Dalton’s law of partial pressure
Graham’s law of diffusion Aufbau Principle n+l rule
Q4: Give Reasons for the following:

(i) CO2 has zero dipole moment.

(ii) Water spilled on floor evaporate fast than the same amount of water in a container.

(iii) A falling drop of liquid is spherical.

(iv) Why some solids are sublime in nature?

(v) Powdered marble reacts quickly with hydrochloric acid than solid lump of marble.

(vi) Milk sour more rapidly in Summer than in winter

Q5: Give three properties of α, β & γ rays.

Q6: Write down the electronic configuration of the following.

(i) Fe (Z=26) (ii) Br- (Z=35) (iii) Ca+2 (Z=20)

Q7: State main postulates of kinetic molecular theory of gas.

Q8: Define pH and pOH of a solution? Also show that pH+pOH=14.

Q9: Write down the conjugate base of each of the following acids:


Q10: Determine the oxidation number in the following:

(i) Cr in H2CrO4 (ii) S in K2S4O6 (iii) Fe in Fe3O4 (iv) Cl in HClO4

Q11: What is corrosion? What causes it to form? What can be done to prevent its formation?

Q12: Balance the following equations by ion-electron method.

Section C (Detailed Answer Questions)

−𝑚𝑒 4
Q1: Derive an expression for the frequency of radiation emitted from an electron given that 𝐸 = 8𝜀2 ℎ2 𝑛2

Q2: What are X-rays? How are they produced? Give their properties & uses.

Q3: Predict the shape of following molecules on the basis of VSERP theory.

AlCl3, CCl4, PH3, H2S

Q4: Define Hybridization. Explain sp3 hybridization in CH4 molecule & sp2 hybridization in C2H4 molecule.

Q5: Derive General gas equation. Also deduce the value of R in atm dm3/mol.K and /mol.K

Q6: What is surface tension? Explain it with example. Give its unit and describe the factors that affect on surface tension
of liquids.

Q7: Give four properties of ionic solids. How can you determine the number of Na+ and Cl- ions in a unit cell of sodium

Q8: State Le-Chatelier’s principle. Explain the industrial application of Le-Chatelier’s principle using Haber’s process.

Q9: Enlist various factors which influence on the rate of chemical reactions and describe the effect of concentration and
surface area of reactants on reaction rate.

Q10: State Raoult’s law and derive its mathematical expression.

Q11: State and explain First Law of Thermodynamics. Derive pressure-volume work of a system.

Q12: State and explain Hess’s Law of enthalpy summation. Discuss its applications.

Q13: Describe how the electrode potential of copper is determined.

Important Numerical
1) Ammonia gas can be produced by heating together the solid NH4Cl and Ca(OH)2

2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 → 2NH3 + CaCl2 + 2H2O

If a mixture containing 100 g of each of these solids is heated, determine the limiting reactant and the mass of NH3 gas

2) Aluminum chloride is used in the manufacturing of rubber. It is produced by allowing Aluminum to reach with Cl2 gas
at 650°.

2Al + 3Cl2 → 2AlCl3

When 10 g Aluminum reacts with excess of chlorine, 650 g of AlCl3 is produced. What is the percentage yield of AlCl3?

3) Calculate the volume occupied by 8 g of methane gas at 40°C and 842 torr pressure?

4) A 500 cm3 vessel contains H2 gas at 400 torr pressure and another 1 dm3 vessel contains O2 gas at 600 torr pressure. If
under similar condition of temperature these gases are transferred to 2 dm3 empty vessel, calculate the pressure of
mixtures of gases in new vessel.

5) Compare the rate of diffusion of the following pairs of gases:

(i) H2 and D2 (ii) He & SO2 (iii) SF6 and SO2

6) A 16 cm3 of hydrogen effuses in 30 sec, from a porous material, what volume of SO2 will effuse in the same time (30
sec) under similar conditions?

7) 40 dm3 of hydrogen gas was collected over water at 831 torr pressure at 23°C. What would be the volume of dry
hydrogen gas at standard conditions? The vapor pressure of water at 23°C is 21 torr of Hg.

8) Hydrogen iodide is a colorless gas prepared by reaction H2 and I2

H2 + I2 ↔ 2HI

In an equilibrium study of above reaction, 1.2 mole of H2 and 1.2 moles of I2 were injected in an evacuated 1000 cm3
sealed flask and start the reaction to occur at 440°C until the equilibrium is formed. If KC for the reaction is 49, calculate
the equilibrium concentration of H2, I2 and HI.

9) Lead fluoride (PbF2) is a high melting white solid used in glass coating to reflect IR rays. Its solubility in water at 25° C
is 0.58 g/dm3. Calculate its Ksp

10) The hydroxide ion concentration in an antiseptic solution at 25°C is 3.5x10-4 M. Calculate its pH.

11) Decomposition of NO2 into NO and O2 is of second order reaction.

2NO2 → 2NO + O2

If the rate constant at certain temperature is 3.8x10-4 dm3 mol-1 s-1 and the initial concentration of NO2 is 0.38 M,
calculate the initial rate of the reaction.
12) The overall rate law for the reaction:

A+B→C is R=K[A][B]

If in an experiment the initial concentration of A and B was found to be 0.43 M ad 0.78 M respectively while the initial
rate was 3.8x10-3 Ms-1. Determine rate constant and mention its unit.

13) The reaction 2NO + Cl2 → 2NOCl was studied at 25°, the following results were obtained

Experiment Initial concentration (mol/dm3) Initial rate

No. NO Cl2 (mol/dm3.s)
1 0.1 0.1 2.52x10-3
2 0.1 0.2 5.04x10-3
3 0.2 0.1 10.05x10-3
14) A solution is prepared by mixing 46 g ethanol (C2H5OH) and 180 g water. Calculate the mole freaction of both

20) A thermochemical process is carried out at a constant pressure of 8.52 atm. If it absorbs 15.4 KJ energy from the
surrounding due to which an expansion in the volume of 4.7 dm3 is occurred. Calculate its change in internal energy.

21) Glycerol (C3H8O3) is a well-known organic compound due to its versatile uses. Calculate the standard enthalpy of
formation of Glycerol from the given data below:

22) Draw a fully labelled Born Haber cycle for Rubidium chloride (RbCl) and determine the lattice energy by using the
following values. (all in kJ/mol)

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