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Rajkot Edition

United Nations General Assembly
Disarmament and International Security Committee


Paving the Path to Peace: Curtailing the Illicit Arms Trade

in Asia's Conflict Zones.

Welcome to the EXML Model United Nations (MUN) held at R.K. University in Rajkot!
This study guide aims to provide delegates with a comprehensive understanding of the MUN
proceedings and the essential rules and regulations governing the committee. We, at EXML,
are dedicated to delivering a valuable learning experience to all participants, fostering
personal growth alongside academic pursuits. Our flagship MUN event, coupled with the
successful Agra MUN, has empowered over 250 students and nurtured their holistic

● Model United Nations is a simulation of the United Nations, wherein students

represent different countries, emulate diplomatic debates, and seek resolutions to
real-world issues.
● The primary objective of an MUN is to hone crucial skills, such as diplomacy,
negotiation, and public speaking, while promoting international cooperation and
mutual understanding.
● Our Agra MUN stands as a testament to our dedication, catering to a substantial
number of students, and facilitating their growth beyond academics.

Formation and History: The United Nations General Assembly - Disarmament and
International Security Committee (DISEC), also known as the First Committee, was
established on January 24, 1946, following the creation of the United Nations. It is one of the
six main committees of the United Nations General Assembly and plays a crucial role in
addressing issues related to disarmament, arms control, and international security.

Duties and Responsibilities:

​ Disarmament: DISEC is responsible for promoting global disarmament efforts aimed

at reducing and eliminating weapons of mass destruction, conventional weapons, and
other military armaments.
​ Arms Control: The committee works towards formulating policies and agreements to
regulate the production, transfer, and proliferation of arms to maintain regional and
international security.
​ Conflict Resolution: DISEC seeks to address conflicts and crises that may pose
threats to international peace and security, proposing peaceful resolutions and
diplomatic initiatives.
​ Non-Proliferation: The committee focuses on preventing the spread of nuclear,
chemical, and biological weapons to ensure non-proliferation commitments are
upheld by member states.

​ Peacekeeping Operations: DISEC collaborates with other UN bodies to support
peacekeeping operations and promote stability in regions affected by armed conflicts.
​ Cybersecurity: In recent years, DISEC has also addressed emerging threats in
cyberspace, including efforts to establish norms and rules for responsible state
behavior in cyberspace.

Famous Resolutions: Over the years, DISEC has passed several landmark resolutions
addressing global security challenges. Some notable resolutions include those related to
nuclear disarmament, the prevention of an arms race in outer space, conventional arms
control, and the establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zones.

Membership and Current Formation: DISEC comprises all 193 member states of the
United Nations. Each member state can appoint representatives to participate in the
committee's sessions and deliberations. The committee holds an annual session during the
United Nations General Assembly, where member states engage in discussions, negotiations,
and drafting of resolutions.
As one of the primary committees of the United Nations General Assembly, DISEC plays a
pivotal role in promoting international peace and security. Through its efforts in disarmament,
arms control, and conflict resolution, DISEC remains committed to upholding the principles
and objectives of the United Nations Charter, striving for a world free from the threat of
armed conflict and weapons of mass destruction.

Committee Agenda
What is Illicit Arms trade and why is this a concern?
The Menace of Illicit Arms Trade: Fueling Conflict in War-Torn Regions

Introduction: The illicit arms trade remains an insidious global issue, perpetuating violence,
exacerbating conflicts, and posing significant threats to international peace and security. In
war-torn regions, the availability of illicit weapons fuels the flames of violence, hindering
efforts towards peace, development, and stability. This clandestine trade involves various
actors, from warlords and criminals to corrupt officials, taking advantage of porous borders
and weak regulatory mechanisms to profit from human suffering.

A Global Phenomenon: The illicit arms trade knows no geographical boundaries. It is a

transnational problem, with arms flowing freely across war-torn regions and into the hands of
combatants and extremist groups. Conflicts in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Latin
America have all been marred by the inflow of illicit weaponry, leading to prolonged
conflicts, loss of innocent lives, and massive displacement of populations.

Sources of Illicit Arms: Illicit arms originate from diverse sources, including surplus
military stockpiles, corrupt government officials, and criminal networks. The diversion of

legally acquired arms from legitimate markets is another concerning factor. War-ravaged
regions, often awash with weapons, become lucrative markets for traffickers and
opportunistic arms dealers.

Weapons Proliferation: The illicit arms trade floods war-torn areas with a wide array of
weaponry, from small arms to heavy artillery and even advanced military equipment. These
weapons empower insurgent groups, separatist movements, and terrorists, prolonging
conflicts and causing untold suffering to civilian populations.

Enablers of Illicit Arms Trade:

​ Corruption: Corrupt officials and unscrupulous intermediaries play a significant role

in facilitating the movement of illicit arms across borders, evading legal checks and
​ Black Markets: Sophisticated black markets and smuggling networks thrive in
conflict zones, exploiting porous borders and weak governance structures to transport
and distribute illegal weaponry.
​ Arms Traffickers: Organized criminal syndicates and arms traffickers profit from the
chaos and vulnerability in war-torn regions, seeking profit over human lives.
​ Lack of Oversight: Inadequate international cooperation and weak arms control
mechanisms contribute to the proliferation of illicit weapons.

Human Toll: The illicit arms trade has devastating human consequences. Civilians bear the
brunt of the violence, facing indiscriminate attacks and living in constant fear. Child soldiers
are recruited and armed, and women suffer sexual violence at the hands of armed groups
wielding these illicit weapons.
Asia has seen a huge number of Conflicts and is no stranger to illicit arms trade taking place.
Illicit arms trade delays peace as more and more people try to fill their pockets through illegal
means and try to sabotage the attempts of peace with a sheer motive of extending the conflict.

Certain examples where illicit Arms trade took place are:-

​ Afghanistan: During the Afghan conflict, especially in the years following the Soviet
invasion (1979-1989) and the subsequent civil war (1992-1996), there was a thriving
illicit arms trade. Arms were often smuggled across the porous borders of
neighbouring countries like Pakistan and Iran, further fueling the conflict and
instability in the region. The Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan also relied heavily on
the illicit arms trade to sustain their activities.

​ Sri Lanka: The Sri Lankan civil war (1983-2009) between the government and the
separatist Tamil Tigers (LTTE) saw an extensive arms trade. The LTTE sourced
weapons from various illegal channels, including arms dealers, smuggling networks,
and corrupt officials. The group's naval wing was notorious for smuggling arms and
ammunition through the sea routes.


​ Syria: During the ongoing Syrian civil war, which began in 2011, the country has
become a hotbed for illicit arms trade. The conflict has attracted various armed
groups, rebel factions, and terrorist organizations, all vying for control. Weapons have
flowed into Syria through clandestine networks, exacerbating the violence and
humanitarian crisis.

​ Myanmar: The conflict in Myanmar, particularly in areas like Rakhine State and
Shan State, has witnessed an illicit arms trade for decades. Ethnic armed groups have
been involved in smuggling weapons from neighboring countries like China and
Thailand, sustaining their insurgency against the government.

​ Kashmir: The disputed region of Kashmir, which has experienced decades of conflict
between India and Pakistan, has also been a hub for the illicit arms trade. Various
militant groups operating in the region have relied on illegal arms sources to carry out
attacks and perpetuate the violence.

​ North Korea: North Korea is known for its involvement in illicit arms trade,
supplying weapons and military technology to various countries in Asia and beyond.
The country has been under various international sanctions due to its illegal arms
export activities.

​ The Golden Triangle: The Golden Triangle, a region overlapping parts of Myanmar,
Laos, and Thailand, has been notorious for its role in the production and trafficking of
illicit drugs. However, it has also been associated with arms smuggling, where
weapons are traded alongside the narcotics trade, further fueling conflicts in the

The Illicit arms trade sabotages the attempts to bring peace and as a result costly lives are lost
and nations are plunged into civil war causing world wide disruptions. Countries have tried to
stop the illegal supply of weapons but somehow through various means the weapons reach
the field of conflict. The reasons are several. Instead of sanctioning non important entities and
terrorist groups, its time the governments decided to go to the route cause of the problem to
figure out how these weapons were made available in the conflict zone and what groups or
syndicates are behind them.

Addressing the Issue:

To curb the illicit arms trade and its devastating impact, a collective effort is required at both
national and international levels:
​ Strengthening Arms Control Measures: Nations must strengthen arms export
controls and implement strict regulatory frameworks to prevent diversion and
trafficking of weapons.

​ Regional Cooperation: Regional alliances should collaborate to monitor borders and
share intelligence to intercept illicit arms shipments effectively.
​ Disarmament Initiatives: Disarmament programs and buyback schemes can
encourage the surrender of illegal weapons by combatants and reduce their

​ Addressing Root Causes: Tackling the root causes of conflicts, such as
socio-economic disparities and political grievances, can help reduce the demand for
illicit arms.

The illicit arms trade perpetuates violence, destruction, and human suffering in war-torn
regions across the globe. It is imperative for the international community to unite and take
decisive action to dismantle the networks that enable this illicit trade. By addressing the illicit
arms trade, we can pave the way for lasting peace, stability, and the protection of vulnerable
communities in regions plagued by conflict.

The persistent conflicts in various parts of Asia, from the Middle East to Myanmar, have
resulted in a devastating impact on human life and stability. One of the major catalysts for
prolonging these conflicts is the illicit arms trade, which fuels violence and disrupts peace
efforts. This clandestine trade flourishes due to the involvement of various actors, including
weapons smugglers, corrupt officials, and even governments. To put an end to this menace, it
is imperative for governments to collaborate and formulate a comprehensive guideline that
fosters information exchange and a shared commitment to peace.

The Middle East: A Center of Prolonged Conflict: The Middle East stands out as one of the
most conflict-ridden regions in the world. Ongoing disputes in countries like Syria, Yemen,
and Iraq have led to the widespread proliferation of illicit arms. The illicit arms trade in the
Middle East is driven by diverse motives, ranging from sectarian tensions to geopolitical
rivalries, and it presents a significant challenge to regional and international peace and

Opportunity for Weapons Smugglers and Corporations: The perpetuation of conflicts in

Asia serves as an opportunity for unscrupulous weapons smugglers and arms manufacturers
to increase their profits. The lack of effective arms control measures allows these actors to
exploit the chaos and supply illicit weaponry to conflicting parties. Unfortunately, some

corporations indirectly support these conflicts by capitalizing on the demand for arms,
perpetuating violence and human suffering.

United Front for Peace: Addressing the illicit arms trade in conflict-ridden Asia necessitates
a united front comprising the cooperation of governments, regional alliances, and
international organizations. Here are some key steps towards achieving this goal:

​ Information Exchange and Intelligence Sharing: Governments must foster a

culture of trust and transparency, facilitating the exchange of information regarding
illicit arms trade networks and activities. Intelligence sharing can help identify and
intercept arms shipments, cutting off the supply chain for armed groups.
​ Formulation of a Comprehensive Guideline: Collaborative efforts among nations are
vital in formulating a comprehensive guideline aimed at curbing illicit arms trade.
This guideline should include measures to strengthen arms export controls, establish
buyback programs, and dismantle black markets.

​ Involvement of Regional Alliances: Regional alliances such as the Gulf Cooperation
Council (GCC), ASEAN, and SAARC should actively engage in peacekeeping
initiatives and arms control mechanisms. These alliances can play a pivotal role in
monitoring borders and combating the movement of illicit arms.

​ Pressure on Irresponsible Corporations: Civil society, international bodies, and
responsible governments can exert pressure on corporations that indirectly support
conflicts by profiting from arms sales. Encouraging ethical business practices and
divestment from such entities can help curtail the illicit arms trade.

​ Addressing Root Causes of Conflict: Diplomatic efforts must be intensified to
address the root causes of conflicts in the region, such as socio-economic inequalities,
political grievances, and territorial disputes. Sustainable peace can only be achieved
through a comprehensive approach that addresses these underlying issues.

The illicit arms trade in conflict-ridden regions of Asia is not limited to the continent's
borders alone. Its repercussions extend far beyond, affecting countries from various
continents. As representatives of nations across the globe, we must recognize that the illicit
arms trade in Asia can exacerbate the global refugee crisis, destabilize countries, and foster
the spread of terrorism. Addressing this challenge requires a unified global response and
collaborative efforts to curb the flow of illicit weapons and promote peace and stability.

Impact on Refugee Crisis: Asia's conflicts, driven by the inflow of illicit arms, result in
mass displacements of populations seeking safety and security. The surge in refugees from
conflict-affected regions places an immense burden on neighboring countries and even
distant nations. It is essential for the international community to address the root causes of
conflicts in Asia and work towards durable solutions to reduce the flow of refugees.

Destabilizing Influence: The illicit arms trade in Asia has the potential to destabilize not
only neighboring countries but also those geographically distant. The spread of weapons and
the growth of armed groups can ignite conflicts beyond the region, contributing to global
insecurity. To safeguard international peace, it is imperative for nations to collaborate and
implement robust arms control measures.

Terrorism Threat: The unchecked movement of illicit arms in Asia can create an
environment conducive to terrorist activities. Armed groups may exploit porous borders and
weak regulatory systems to infiltrate other countries and orchestrate acts of violence. To
prevent terrorism from gaining a foothold in various regions, international cooperation is
crucial to dismantle the networks that facilitate the illicit arms trade.

The illicit arms trade in conflict-ridden Asia perpetuates violence and exacerbates human
suffering. To effectively combat this menace, governments must set aside their differences
and work together towards a common goal of peace and stability. By formulating a
comprehensive guideline, exchanging information, and holding accountable those involved in
the illicit arms trade, we can take a significant step towards putting an end to this deadly trade
and fostering a safer and more prosperous future for the people of Asia. As delegates, it is our
responsibility to strive for a united front for peace and resolutely work towards curbing the
illicit arms trade for the greater good of the region.

Many countres and union s have come up with laws preventing the channels and the illegal
supply of illicit arms trade. Governments have passed laws in order to make them effective
but the implementation has been week as the laws are not targeting the route cause of the
issue. Sometimes the laws made are not strict or definitive enough or sometimes the rules
made by individual countries only take into account their own interest and not that of the
other countries. Certain laws are made in such a way as to punish a whole country for the
misdeeds of one organisation from the country.

Certain laws that are made to prevent the illicit arms trade are:-

​ Arms Trade Treaty (ATT): The Arms Trade Treaty is a multilateral treaty that aims
to regulate the international trade in conventional weapons. It was adopted by the
United Nations General Assembly in April 2013 and entered into force on December
24, 2014. The treaty sets common international standards for the import, export, and
transfer of conventional arms and seeks to prevent their diversion to illicit or
unauthorized users.

​ Wassenaar Arrangement: The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for
Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies is a voluntary, multilateral
export control regime. It was established in 1996 and currently includes 42
participating states. The arrangement aims to promote transparency and responsibility
in arms transfers by coordinating member states' export control policies and practices.


​ United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the
Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons (UNPoA): Adopted by the United
Nations in 2001, UNPoA is a global program designed to address the challenges
posed by the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons. It outlines measures for
improving stockpile management, tracing, and marking of weapons, as well as
cooperation among member states to prevent the illegal flow of arms.

​ European Union Common Position on Arms Export Control: The European
Union (EU) has established a Common Position on arms exports, which sets out the
criteria member states must follow when considering the authorization of arms
exports. These criteria include respect for human rights and international
humanitarian law, the risk of diversion, and the preservation of regional peace,
security, and stability.

​ U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR): The United States has its
own set of laws and regulations to control the export of defense articles and services.
The ITAR is administered by the U.S. Department of State and aims to ensure that
arms and military technologies do not end up in the hands of unauthorized or hostile

Delegate Assignment:

As esteemed delegates gathered in this committee, our shared goal is to address the critical
issue of illicit arms trade in conflict-ridden regions of Asia. Each of you represents a unique
country, and it is essential to present viewpoints from the perspective of your assigned nation.
Thorough research and accurate presentation of facts will contribute to the formulation of a
comprehensive draft that reflects the interests and sovereignty of your respective countries.
Through respectful discourse and diplomatic engagement, we aim to curb the illicit arms
trade and pave the way for lasting peace and stability in the region.
Role of Each Delegate:

​ Comprehensive Research: Delegates are encouraged to delve deeply into the

historical context, geopolitical situation, and domestic policies of their assigned
country. Understanding the nation's stance on arms control and regional security will
facilitate informed contributions to the discussions.

​ Advocating National Interests: Each delegate shall present viewpoints in alignment
with the national interests of their assigned country. Proposals and motions should be
thoroughly examined to ensure they align with the nation's policies and priorities.

​ Engaging in Constructive Debate: Delegates are urged to engage in respectful and
constructive debates while expressing their viewpoints. Counterarguments should be
well-reasoned and evidence-based, promoting healthy discourse among nations.

​ Formulating a Consensus Draft: As discussions progress, the ultimate objective is
to work towards a consensus draft that addresses the concerns and aspirations of all
participating nations. This draft should reflect the collective efforts towards curbing
illicit arms trade while respecting each nation's sovereignty.

Through diligent research, respectful engagement, and alignment with national interests, each
delegate has the power to contribute significantly to the formation of a consensus draft.
Together, we can work towards curbing the illicit arms trade, fostering regional peace, and
ensuring the sovereignty and prosperity of all nations involved. As representatives of our
respective countries, let us seize this opportunity for diplomacy and collaboration to address
this pressing global challenge effectively.

Understanding Committee Proceedings:

● Opening Session: The MUN begins with an opening ceremony, where the
Secretary-General and other dignitaries welcome delegates and set the tone for the
● Roll Call: Delegates' presence is recorded, and absent delegates are noted.
● Agenda Setting: Delegates propose and vote on the agenda topics to be discussed
during the sessions.
● Moderated Caucus: This is a structured debate where delegates raise their placards
to speak. The Chairperson grants speaking time to delegates, ensuring orderly
● Unmoderated Caucus: Informal discussions where delegates can interact freely,
form alliances, and collaborate on draft resolutions.
● Draft Resolution: Delegates work together to write a resolution that addresses the
agenda topics. Resolutions should be well-researched, feasible, and diplomatic.
● Voting: Resolutions are presented, debated, and voted upon. A resolution requires a
majority vote to pass.
● Closing Ceremony: The MUN concludes with a closing ceremony, where awards are
presented, and delegates share their experiences.

Rules and Regulations:

● Respectful Conduct: Treat all participants with respect and courtesy. MUN is a
platform for constructive dialogue, not personal attacks.
● Proper Attire: Dress professionally during the MUN sessions to maintain a formal
● Follow the Agenda: Stick to the topics specified in the agenda and avoid going
off-topic during debates.
● Speaking Time: Respect the allocated speaking time and do not interrupt others
during their speeches.
● Resolution Format: Adhere to the prescribed resolution format provided by EXML
● Follow Chair's Instructions: Abide by the Chairperson's instructions and decisions
throughout the event.

Additional Tips:
● Be Confident: Believe in your abilities and ideas. Confidence is crucial in effective
public speaking and negotiation.
● Active Participation: Engage actively in debates, collaborate with other delegates, and
contribute constructively to discussions.
● Be Open-Minded: Be willing to listen to others' viewpoints and consider different
perspectives during the debates.

Good luck with your preparations for the EXML MUN! Remember, MUN is not just about
winning awards but also about learning, networking, and developing essential life skills.
Embrace the experience, and you will undoubtedly benefit from it.

EXML MUN holds all the rights during the proceedings of the Event. Any delegate found to
be violating the spirit of the MUN will be held accountable and proper action will be taken
against them.
The Speaker or the Chairperson of the committee holds the rights for final decisions in the
committee proceedings and will share and frame the rules and regulations for each committee
accordingly. Their decision will be final in case of any dispute.


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