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Saint Louis University Revision No. 01

School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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Activity: CICM Initiatives

You are a student of SLU taking a course on interreligious dialogue, how can you show your concrete
participation in the CICM mission to promote Interreligious Dialogue? What initiative/s can you do in our
own community in SLU or in your own locality of different faith traditions. Elaborate your answer by
proposing concrete steps that you can make. (40 points)

Please be guided by the following criteria:

Criteria Excellent Good Needs Improvement

(10-15 points) (6-10 points) (1-5 points)
Concreteness The answer gives a specific The answer gives a general The answer gives a
action in a concrete action in a concrete vague action in a
situation. situation. concrete situation
(10-15 points) (6-10 points) (1-5 points)
Relevance The answer gives a clear The answer gives a general The answer gives a
connection between the connection between the vague connection
topic and the student. topic and the student. between the topic and
the student.
(8-10 points) (4-7 points) (1-3 points)
Mechanics The presentation of ideas is The presentation of ideas is The presentation of ideas
easy to understand not easy to understand is difficult to understand

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