Sphenoid Bone CT

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Anatomy and Diseases of the Greater
Wings of the Sphenoid Bone

Renata Cochinski, MD
Mohit Agarwal, MD The greater wings of the sphenoid bone (GWS) comprise the com-
Jessica Albuquerque, MD ponents of the sphenoid bone that make up most of the posterior
Carolina A. de Almeida, MD orbital wall and form the anterior and medial parts of the floor
Rafaela P. Stricker, MD of the middle cranial fossa. Many important skull base foramina,
Marcela F. Uberti, MSc which transmit vital neurovascular structures, are present in these
Ana Paula K. Casqueiro, MD paired wings on either side of the central body of the sphenoid
Gabriel S. Mendonça, MD bone. A wide variety of diseases can affect the GWS, ranging from
Galba R. S. do Nascimento, MD benign osseus lesions to malignant primary and secondary bone ab-
Fernanda Miraldi, MSc normalities. The complex three-dimensional curved (winged) shape
Marcos Decnop, MD
of the GWS and the wide array of pathologic entities that affect this
bone can make it challenging for the radiologist to report the imag-
Abbreviations: GWS = greater wings of
the sphenoid bone, WHO = World Health
ing findings accurately, especially in relation to the important skull
Organization base foramina. The authors describe a systematic approach to un-
RadioGraphics 2022; 42:1177–1195 derstanding the three-dimensional anatomy of the GWS and review
important diseases, with the aid of imaging examples. Useful imag-
ing “pearls” that can help in making specific diagnoses are provided
Content Codes: throughout the article.
From the Department of Radiology, Instituto ©
Nacional de Câncer (INCA), Praça Cruz Ver- RSNA, 2022 • radiographics.rsna.org
melha 23, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil 20230-130
(R.C., J.A., C.A.d.A., R.P.S., M.F.U., A.P.K.C.,
G.S.M., G.R.S.d.N., F.M., M.D.); and De-
partment of Radiology, Medical College of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis (M.A.). Presented Introduction
as an education exhibit at the 2020 RSNA An-
nual Meeting. Received March 29, 2021; revi-
The greater wings of the sphenoid bone (GWS) are the components of
sion requested July 22 and received September the sphenoid bone that project laterally from the central body and
28; accepted October 5. For this journal-based form the anterior and medial portions of the floor of the middle
SA-CME activity, the authors, editor, and re-
viewers have disclosed no relevant relationships. cranial fossa. Many skull base foramina in the GWS transit important
Address correspondence to R.C. (e-mail: neurovascular structures.
As an osseous structure, the GWS can be affected by numerous be-
RSNA, 2022 nign and malignant primary or secondary bone lesions. Several nonos-
seous diseases can also affect the GWS, either through direct involve-
SA-CME LEARNING OBJECTIVES ment (such as from an adjacent schwannoma) or through contiguous
After completing this journal-based SA-CME extension (such as from perineural spread from a cancer of the head
activity, participants will be able to: or neck). For accurate reporting of abnormalities affecting the GWS,
Identify the anatomy of the sphenoid
„ especially in relation to the skull base foramina and the neurovascular
bone and its greater wings. structures, an understanding of the anatomy of the GWS is indispens-
Characterize the main imaging aspects
„ able. In this article, we describe a systematic approach to understand-
of GWS lesions.
ing the anatomy and pathologic conditions of the GWS.
List conditions that should be included
in the differential diagnosis of lesions in
the GWS. Anatomy and Embryology of the Sphenoid Bone
See rsna.org/learning-center-rg.
The skull base has an intricate anatomy that is not directly accessible
to clinical evaluation and is composed of five bones: the ethmoid,
frontal, sphenoid, temporal, and occipital bones.
The central portion of the skull base, which is posterior to the
frontal and ethmoid bones and anterior to the occipital and tempo-
ral bones, is formed by the sphenoid bone. The term sphenoid is de-
rived from the Greek sphenoeides (ie, wedge-shaped). The sphenoid
bone mainly comprises a central body and a pair of large lateral
triangular wings that are arranged in a way that resembles the shape
of a butterfly (1,2). It also has two smaller anterolateral wings and two
anteroinferior pterygoid processes (Figs 1–4).
1178  July-August 2022 radiographics.rsna.org

transmits the nerves for extraocular muscle move-

ment (cranial nerves III, IV, and VI), the ophthal-
„ The greater wings of the sphenoid bone (GWS) are the com-
ponents of the sphenoid bone that project laterally from the
mic division of the trigeminal nerve (V1), and the
central body and form the anterior and medial portions of the superior ophthalmic vein (4).
floor of the middle cranial fossa. Many skull base foramina in Several other foramina are seen in the GWS
the GWS transit important neurovascular structures. (Table 1). The most medial of these and the
„ Although cortical involvement associated with an extraosse- closest to the sphenoid body is the foramen
ous soft-tissue component is highly suspicious for malignancy, rotundum, which transmits the maxillary division
there are some benign exceptions such as spheno-orbital me-
of the trigeminal nerve (V2) from the cavern-
ningiomas and eosinophilic granulomas.
ous sinus to the pterygopalatine fossa. Accessory
„ CT is the best imaging tool for characterizing the typical os-
seous changes of spheno-orbital meningiomas and helping
variant openings that are found in 6%–16% of
to discern them from other hyperostotic conditions (mainly individuals can sometimes be seen connecting
fibrous dysplasia). Although more than one pattern of hyper- this foramen to the infratemporal fossa and are
ostosis may be found in this subgroup of meningiomas, the presumed to contain emissary veins (3).
periosteal pattern is the most typical and useful because it is A relatively wide posteromedial opening of the
not expected in fibrous dysplasia, which does not induce peri-
osteal new bone formation. Surface irregularity of the hyper-
GWS that serves as a communication between the
ostotic bone is also characteristic of meningiomas. middle cranial fossa and the infratemporal fossa
„ Some imaging features of metastases to the GWS may be is an oval foramen aptly known as the foramen
related to the primary site of the tumor. Osteoblastic lesions ovale, which allows passage to the mandibular
are typically described in patients with breast and prostate division of the trigeminal nerve (V3) and the ac-
cancers, sometimes mimicking benign sclerotic entities such cessory meningeal artery (1,6). Anatomic varia-
as meningiomas and Paget disease. When a single and ex-
tions in the shape (eg, round vs oval) or size of the
pansive (“blowout”) lesion is found, renal cell and thyroid car-
cinomas should be suspected. However, this pattern may also foramen ovale are commonly found. A posterolat-
be present in patients with other primary malignancies, such eral groove for the accessory meningeal artery is
as breast and lung cancers. sometimes present. In rare cases, the medial wall
„ The proximity of the GWS to vital structures such as the of the foramen ovale is absent, allowing its com-
cavernous sinus and its intimate relationship with the skull munication with the sphenopetrosal fissure and
base foramina and the nerves and vessels it contains make confluence with an adjacent foramen (eg, sphe-
it important for radiologists to have a mental checklist of im-
aging findings for which to search and on which to report.
noidal emissary foramen or foramen spinosum).
Involvement of the nerves in the lateral wall of the cavernous Anteromedial to the foramen ovale is the sphe-
sinus and encasement of the cavernous internal carotid artery noid emissary foramen or the foramen of Vesalius,
are features that can alter the surgical approach or affect plan- which transmits an emissary vein connecting the
ning for radiation therapy. Also, involvement of the skull base cavernous sinus to the pterygoid venous plexus
foramina can lead to anterograde or retrograde spread of the
tumors and has the potential to change patient care. Such
(Fig 5). The most common variants of this fora-
features also help in determining the prognosis for patients men are asymmetry (unilateral), duplication, and
with these lesions. confluence with the foramen ovale (3).
Posterolateral to the foramen ovale is a small
rounded foramen, the foramen spinosum,
through which the meningeal branch of the
The central body contains the sphenoid sinus mandibular nerve (ie, nervus spinosus) and the
and has a superior component known as the sella middle meningeal artery and vein traverse. When
turcica, which contains an open cavity that houses the foramen spinosum is absent, a variation that
the pituitary gland. The body of the sphenoid bone occurs unilaterally in 0.4%–1% of cases, the
also forms the medial aspect of the optic canal, middle meningeal artery originates directly from
through which the optic nerve and the ophthal- a persistent stapedial artery (Fig 6) (7).
mic artery traverse (3,4). Laterally, the vidian (ie, A small canal called canaliculus innominatus is
pterygoid) canal can be found along the line of inconsistently present and is located between the
fusion of the pterygoid process and the body of foramen ovale and the foramen spinosum, allow-
the sphenoid bone, allowing passage to the vidian ing passage to some facial nerve fibers and the
nerve and artery (5). The lesser wings partially small superficial (or lesser) petrosal nerve, which is
separate the anterior cranial fossa from the middle derived from the glossopharyngeal nerve (3).
cranial fossa and form the other border of the op- The anatomic complexity of the sphenoid bone
tic canal. The greater wings are lateral projections results from the union of embryologically distinct
from the sphenoid body that make up most of the structures. The cephalic mesoderm forms the ba-
posterior wall of the orbits and the anterior and sipostsphenoids and the orbitosphenoids. The ba-
medial aspects of the floor of the middle cranial sipresphenoids originate from the neural crest cells,
fossa (1,6). The cleft between the lesser and the as do the alisphenoids (the ossification centers that
greater wings is the superior orbital fissure, which are the precursors of the GWS) (1,3) (Fig 7).
RG  •  Volume 42  Number 4 Cochinski et al  1179

Figures 1–4.  The anatomy of the greater wings of the sphenoid bone (GWS). Illustrations show the anterior (1A, 1B), posterior (2A,
2B), superior (3A, 3B), and inferior (4A, 4B) views of the sphenoid bone, with the GWS in oil blue.

Because of its large size, polymorphic shape, General Approach to Imaging Lesions
and central location, the sphenoid bone articu- of the GWS
lates with several bones (eg, frontal, parietal, eth- The benign and malignant lesions affecting the
moid, zygomatic, temporal, occipital, palatal, and GWS can be intrinsic or extrinsic in origin. A few
vomer bones) by fibrous joints known as sutures. general features can help in differentiating the
Its relationship with the ethmoid and frontal origin of the lesion (Table 2).
bones provides rigidity and stability to the skull, Radiologically, primary lesions of the GWS
thus contributing to protecting the brain. (and bones in general) are classified on the basis
1180  July-August 2022 radiographics.rsna.org

Table 1: Main Foramina Found in the GWS and Anatomic Variations

Vessels Passing
Foramen Through Nerves Passing Through Anatomic Variations
Rotundum Artery of the fora- Maxillary division of the Accessory variant openings
men rotundum trigeminal nerve (V2) Asymmetry in size
and emissary vein Lateral or inferior
Ovale Accessory menin- Mandibular division of the Asymmetry in size or shape
geal artery trigeminal nerve (V3) Abnormal location
Sphenoid emissary Lesser petrosal nerve (if Confluence with the foramen spinosum or
vein canaliculus innomina- Vesalius
tum is absent) Absence
Spinosum Middle meningeal Meningeal branch of V3 Confluence with the foramen ovale
artery and vein Duplication
Vesalius Emissary vein None Asymmetry
Confluence with the foramen ovale
Canaliculus None Lesser petrosal nerve Presence
 innominatum Facial nerve fibers
Vidian canal (me- Vidian artery Vidian nerve Variable relation to sphenoid sinus
dial to GWS)

of their biologic behavior. This can be ascertained

by distinguishing imaging features that suggest
aggressive (usually malignant) or nonaggressive
(usually benign) behavior, such as (a) the zone of
transition between a lesion and the adjacent bone,
(b) the pattern of periosteal reaction, (c) cortical
integrity, and (d) the presence of an associated
soft-tissue component. The last of these is best
evaluated with MRI, but CT is the best modality
to assess the osseous characteristics of the lesion.
The zone of transition represents the change
from pathologic to normal bone, thus defining
the sharpness of the margin of the lesion. Clas-
sically shown on radiographs, this feature can be
used to determinate the aggressiveness of intra- Figure 5.  Axial CT image (bone window) shows the
foramen spinosum (arrowhead), foramen ovale (*), and
medullary diseases (8). Aggressive lesions have a sphenoidal emissary foramen (Vesalius) (arrow).
broad zone of transition, whereas a narrow transi-
tion zone, often with sclerotic borders, suggests a
benign nature (9). both expanded and sclerotic. When the GWS is
An aggressive medullary lesion that grows rap- hyperostotic, some benign conditions should be
idly without allowing enough time for periosteal considered in the differential diagnosis, such as
osteogenesis to occur results in cortical destruc- fibrous dysplasia, meningiomas, and Paget dis-
tion. However, some osteogenic tissue can be ease. Distinct patterns of hyperostosis have been
produced if the tumor grows slowly, causing the described and may in fact coexist: periosteal,
bone to progressively expand, with cortical in- three-layer, diploic, and homogeneous patterns.
volvement being absent or featured subsequently Extrinsic lesions can also affect the GWS in
(10). Although cortical involvement associated different patterns, depending on how aggres-
with an extraosseous soft-tissue component is sive they are. Benign tumors have a tendency to
highly suspicious for malignancy, there are some cause remodeling of the adjacent bone, whereas
benign exceptions such as spheno-orbital menin- malignancies usually cause osseous destruction.
giomas and eosinophilic granulomas. (11,12). It Exceptions include juvenile angiofibroma and
is also important to define the term hyperostosis, skull base infections, which tend to be destructive
which is generally used to describe the bone, and infiltrating, respectively.
RG  •  Volume 42  Number 4 Cochinski et al  1181

Figure 6.  Illustration shows the su-

perior view of the central skull base
and the GWS (oil blue) and its fo-
ramina, with important nerves and

Figure 7.  Illustration shows the ossification

centers of the central skull base with the alisphe-
noids, which are precursors of the GWS, in oil

Developmental and Anatomic Variants process can range from minimal to consider-
able (15), as it can extend to the lesser wings,
Pneumatization of the Lateral Recess and laterally into the GWS, the pneumatized
The pneumatization process of the paranasal lateral recess (13). In these cases, the sphenoid
sinuses is variable (13). The sphenoid sinus, one sinus projects laterally beyond an imaginary line
of the most variable, is a small cavity at birth, connecting the foramen rotundum to the vidian
and mostly develops after puberty. In addi- canal (Fig 8).
tion to being the least accessible sinus, its close
relationship with vital neurovascular structures Arrested Pneumatization
such as the optic nerve and the internal carotid During normal development, there is a progres-
artery poses a challenge for endoscopic surgery sive replacement of the red bone marrow with
(14). Anatomic variations of the pneumatization adipose tissue. Studies indicate that bones that
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Table 2: How to Discern Each Group of Lesions Affecting the GWS

Type of Lesion Intrinsic Origin Extrinsic Origin

Benign Intraosseous lesion with well-defined, often sclerotic Extraosseous lesion causing bone
margins* and a small or no zone of transition remodeling†
May show bone expansion
Malignant Intraosseous lesion with ill-defined borders Extraosseous lesion causing bone de-
May show cortical breakthrough and a soft-tissue struction, moth-eaten appearance
component, wide zone of transition
* Exception: eosinophilic granuloma.

Exceptions: skull base osteomyelitis, fungal infection, and juvenile angiofibroma.

go through the process of pneumatization show

fat substitution at an earlier stage of develop-
ment than bones in which pneumatization does
not occur. Thus, if this process is not completed,
and bone atypically contains yellow marrow into
adulthood, this phenomenon is described as
arrested pneumatization (16,17). Typically found
in the sphenoid bone as an incidental radiologic
finding, it is not a true lesion but, in fact, a benign
developmental variation. However, to be diag- Figure 8.  Lateral recess pneumatization in a 32-year-old
nosed as such, four specific criteria must be met: woman. Coronal CT image (bone window) shows lateral recess
(a) location in a place of normal (or of recognized pneumatization (*) beyond the limits of an imaginary plane con-
accessory) pneumatization, (b) fatty content, necting the round foramen to the pterygoid canal (dotted line).
(c) no mass effect, and (d) normal appearance
of the associated skull base foramina. On CT
images, the area should also have sclerotic and
well-circumscribed margins and internal curvi-
linear calcifications (Fig 9); on MR images, these
pseudolesions do not enhance with intravenous
contrast media (16–18).

Benign Lesions

Intrinsic Benign Lesions Figure 9.  Arrested pneumatization in a 53-year-old woman.

Coronal CT image (bone window) shows a nonexpansile in-
traosseous area, with fatty content and internal curvilinear cal-
Fibrous Dysplasia.—Skull base and facial bones cifications, extending from the body to the left GWS (arrows).
are commonly affected by fibrous dysplasia and
are the second most common site of involve-
ment in the body. Craniofacial fibrous dyspla- hemorrhage and/or cystic degeneration, there
sia accounts for approximately 25% of cases are three different patterns of fibrous dyspla-
(19,20). Fibrous dysplasia is a congenital (not sia that have been described: homogeneously
hereditary) condition that may involve a single sclerotic (typically showing diffuse ground-glass
(monostotic form) or more than one (polyos- opacity), lytic (or predominantly lytic), and
totic form) bone. mixed (ie, basipostsphenoid) fibrous dysplasia
Histopathologically, there is replacement of (Fig 10) (Table 3) (21,22).
normal marrow and cancellous bone by an ex- Although classic low signal intensity from the
tensive fibrocellular matrix with scattered small osseous components is seen at MRI, this is not
irregular trabeculae of immature osseous tissue always present and the appearance is commonly
(19). As a result, fibrous dysplasia typically ap- confusing, especially at T1-weighted gadolin-
pears on CT images as an expanded medullary ium-enhanced MRI, with heterogeneous and
bone with ground-glass opacity, causing endos- avid enhancement from the fibrous component
teal scalloping and cortical thinning. Depending masquerading as a tumor (21). Correlation with
on the proportion of the osseous and fibrous CT images is always useful when the MRI ap-
components and the presence or absence of pearance is confusing or inconclusive.
RG  •  Volume 42  Number 4 Cochinski et al  1183

Figure 10.  Fibrous dysplasia in two patients. (A) Axial CT image (bone window) in a 37-year-old woman shows an
expansile lesion affecting the sphenoid bone, with a ground-glass appearance, mainly in the body and the right GWS,
which is a typical finding of fibrous dysplasia. (B) Axial CT image (bone window) in a 58-year-old woman shows a diffusely
enlarged right GWS, with thick pseudotrabeculae and a “cotton” appearance, representing a mixture of osteolytic and
osteoblastic areas. Cortical pseudothickening is also seen. These findings are consistent with pagetoid fibrous dysplasia.

Venous Malformation.—Formerly known as plaque from intraosseous meningiomas is often

intraosseous hemangioma, intraosseous venous impossible and of little importance, if any, from
malformation is a nontumorous slow-growing a surgical perspective (12,26,28).
vascular anomaly that can involve any skull bone, CT is the best imaging tool for characterizing
including the GWS. It is composed of angioma- the typical osseous changes of spheno-orbital me-
tous channels between thickened osseous tra- ningiomas and helping to discern them from other
beculae, resulting in the characteristic “sunburst” hyperostotic conditions (mainly fibrous dysplasia).
or “honeycomb” pattern seen on CT images. Although more than one pattern of hyperostosis
T2-weighted MRI shows the typical “bunch of may be found in this subgroup of meningiomas,
grapes” appearance from the hypointense tra- the periosteal pattern is the most typical and use-
beculae and the hyperintense vascular channels, ful because it is not expected in fibrous dysplasia,
which are also responsible for progressive con- which does not induce periosteal new bone forma-
trast enhancement (Fig 11) (23,24). tion. Surface irregularity of the hyperostotic bone
is also characteristic of meningiomas (12).
Meningiomas.—Meningiomas are the most Both intraorbital and intracranial soft-tissue
common primary intracranial tumors and occur components of spheno-orbital meningiomas are
predominantly in women, with an increasing best evaluated with gadolinium-enhanced MRI.
incidence with age. Most (up to 90%) menin- Typically, meningiomas are isointense when com-
giomas are benign and typical (World Health pared with gray matter at T1- and T2-weighted
Organization [WHO] grade I). Intratumoral MRI, showing intense, often homogeneous,
cystic changes, edema and/or contrast enhance- contrast enhancement. An enhancing dural tail is
ment in the adjacent brain parenchyma, and also a quintessential feature of meningiomas. The
the presence of a draining vein are predictive lesions may spread to the frontotemporal vault,
findings of atypical meningiomas (WHO grades the cavernous sinus, or the orbits.
II and III) (25). Cavernous sinus extension may simply involve
Approximately 50% of meningiomas are the lateral wall, variably affecting the III, IV, V1,
located at the skull base, and the GWS are one and V2 nerves, or may also invade the medial
of the common sites affected. The portion of compartment(ie, the cavernous sinus itself), with
the GWS that forms the posterolateral orbital variable encasement of the internal carotid artery.
wall is commonly involved, and these menin- There may be invasion of the optic canal and the
giomas are more aptly known as spheno-orbital superior orbital fissure, with involvement of the
meningiomas (26,27). Spheno-orbital menin- structures traversing through it. Direct extension
giomas can be primarily intraosseous or can along the posterolateral orbital wall may involve
originate from the adjacent meninges. In both the extraconal orbit or the extraocular muscles.
cases, neoplastic meningothelial cells infiltrate The intracranial component usually causes mass
the bone and can result in hyperostosis. Bone effect on the adjacent brain parenchyma. Higher-
involvement is usually disproportionate in this grade tumors may involve the brain parenchyma,
morphologic subgroup of meningiomas, even in which altered signal intensity and contrast en-
when they are derived from the meninges, which hancement may be seen. Extracranial extension is
typically results in a thickened sheet-like pattern also possible, in which a soft-tissue mass involves
(ie, en plaque meningiomas). Differentiating en the masticator space (27,29) (Fig 12).
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Table 3: Imaging Features of Benign Lesions of the GWS

Lesion Type Main Imaging Features Pearls to Remember

 Fibrous CT: expanded medullary bone with ground-glass at- CT: fibrous component may en-
dysplasia tenuation; lytic or pagetoid pattern may also occur hance like an aggressive mass;
MRI: variable signal intensity and contrast enhancement acquire CT images when in doubt
  Venous malfor- CT: characteristic “sunburst” or “honeycomb” pattern CT: “do not touch” lesion
mation MRI: “bunch of grapes” pattern on T2-weighted images
 Meningioma CT: diffuse hyperostosis CT: periosteal hyperostosis with sur-
MRI: soft-tissue component that is isointense face irregularity (to differentiate it
compared with gray matter and intense contrast from fibrous dysplasia)
enhancement; it may extend to the orbit, cavernous MRI: enhancing dural tail
sinus, skull base foramina, and masticator space
  Langerhans cell CT: “punched-out” appearance Affects young children
histiocytosis T1-weighted MRI: signal hypointensity compared
with the gray matter
T2-weighted MRI: signal hyperintensity, avid contrast
 Osteodural CT: osseous defect Frequently associated with elevated
  defects MRI: spontaneous lateral sphenoid cephalocele and intracranial pressure
arachnoid pits that show signal intensity similar to Look for cerebrospinal fluid signal
that of cerebrospinal fluid intensity at MRI
 Schwannoma CT: bone remodeling Trigeminal nerve is the second most
MRI: well-defined mass with high T2-weighted signal common cranial nerve involved
intensity and moderate-to-intense contrast en- (following the vestibulocochlear
hancement nerve)
 Sphenoid Isolated or associated with a plexiform neurofibroma Association with neurofibromatosis
dysplasia deformity type 1
Hypoplasia and displacement of the GWS
 Juvenile CT and MRI: avidly enhancing and locally aggressive Typical patient is a male teenager
angiofibroma mass originating at or near the sphenopalatine fora-
men; multiple flow voids at MRI
  Infectious and CT: bone erosion or sclerosis Often secondary to bacterial otitis
inflammatory MRI: soft-tissue infiltrative process involving the skull externa
diseases base foramina

Excision of meningiomas involving the medial Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis.—Formerly known

compartment of the cavernous sinus cannot be as histiocytosis X, Langerhans cell histiocytosis is
achieved without causing morbidity. So, during a rare disorder with a peak incidence in patients
the preoperative MRI evaluation, it is crucial to aged 1–3 years that is characterized by monoclonal
determinate whether the tumor is restricted to the growth of bone marrow–derived Langerhans cells.
lateral compartment of the cavernous sinus and to Bone lesions are either solitary (eg, eosinophilic
identify its relationship with the cavernous internal granuloma) or multiple and lead to osseous expan-
carotid artery. It is critical to determine whether sion, and eventually, cause a cortical breach (31).
the tumor involves the anterior clinoid process; in Craniofacial involvement is common, especially of
these cases, an anterior clinoidectomy is required. the calvaria, followed by the skull base and maxil-
Residual tumor in the medial compartment should lofacial bones (32). Lesions affecting the GWS
be managed with observation or radiation therapy, demonstrate a nonsclerotic “punched-out” appear-
depending on cellular atypia, the proliferative in- ance on CT images. At T1-weighted MRI, they are
dex, patient age, and clinical condition. The tumor hypointense when compared with gray matter, and
portion that infiltrates the superior orbital fissure at T2-weighted MRI, they are hyperintense and
can be followed and treated with radiation therapy exhibit avid contrast enhancement (31,33). The
(30). Although it is described in this section, simi- soft-tissue component of the tumor grows toward
lar guiding principles govern the surgical approach both the middle cranial fossa and the orbital cavity.
in other GWS lesions that may involve the cavern- Because of the dural displacement, a tapering rim
ous sinuses or the orbits. of dural enhancement is formed (ie, the “dural
RG  •  Volume 42  Number 4 Cochinski et al  1185

Figure 11.  Intraosseous venous malformation in a 42-year-old man. (A) Coronal T2-weighted MR image shows a hyperintense
expansile lesion (arrows) affecting the left GWS with the typical “bunch of grapes” appearance. (B) Coronal T1-weighted gadolinium-
enhanced fat-suppressed MR image shows avid and heterogeneous enhancement (arrows).

Figure 12. Spheno-orbital me-

ningioma in a 48-year-old woman.
(A) Axial CT image (bone window)
shows the typical periosteal pattern
of hyperostosis found in this set of
meningiomas (arrow). (B) Axial gad-
olinium-enhanced T1-weighted MR
image with fat suppression shows
both orbital (*) and intracranial (ar-
row) extraosseous extension.

tail” sign, a finding typical of but not exclusive to scattered in the medullary cavity at T1-weighted
meningiomas). When it affects the orbital wall, the MRI are helpful findings in differentiating Paget
mass typically invades the extraconal compart- disease from other similar diffuse conditions (34).
ment, and sometimes, the extrinsic eye muscula-
ture and the lacrimal gland (31) (Fig 13). Extrinsic Benign Lesions

Other Benign Bone Lesions.—Except for intraos- Osteodural Defects.—The term cephalocele is
seous spheno-orbital meningiomas, primary used generically to describe herniation of intra-
benign tumors of the GWS are rare. They may be cranial contents through a defect of the skull base
classified as bone forming (eg, osteoblastoma or or calvarial bones. The herniated material could
ossifying fibroma), cartilage forming (eg, chon- be meninges and cerebrospinal fluid (menin-
droblastoma or chondromyxoid fibroma), or with gocele), brain parenchyma (encephalocele), or a
neither an osteoid nor chondroid matrix. The combination of both (meningoencephalocele). The
last group encompasses the spectrum of giant- cause can be classified as congenital (ie, failure
cell lesions, which include giant cell granulomas, of the skull to close normally), acquired (ie, due
brown tumors, giant cell tumors, and other un- to trauma, surgery, tumor, dysplasia, or osteora-
common lesions that can be found in the GWS, dionecrosis), or spontaneous (ie, no clear cause)
such as dermoid cysts (Fig 14) (23,34). (17,35). A spontaneous cephalocele of the base
Diffuse osseus processes may affect the GWS. of the skull is currently regarded as a multifacto-
These disease processes include melorheostosis, os- rial process caused by a combination of osseous
teopetrosis (Fig 15), and Paget disease, among oth- thinning and elevated intracranial pressure. When
ers. Paget disease is most often multifocal and, like it is off the midline of the sphenoid bone, it is
fibrous dysplasia, exhibits a wide range of imaging called spontaneous lateral sphenoid cephalocele,
patterns, ranging from well-defined lytic areas to and can be classified as type 1 or type 2. Type
sclerotic changes, with thickening of both the med- 1 occurs when there is a defect of the bone in a
ullary cavity and the cortical bone. Hyperintensities pneumatized lateral recess (Fig 16), while type 2
1186  July-August 2022 radiographics.rsna.org

Figure 13.  Langerhans cell histiocytosis in an 11-year-old boy. Axial (A) and coronal (B) gadolinium-enhanced
T1-weighted MR images with fat suppression show an expansile and destructive lesion affecting the left GWS
that protrudes into the temporal fossa (arrowhead in B), the middle cranial fossa, and the orbital cavity, pushing
the left lateral rectus muscle (* in A). Note the dural tail sign (arrow in B).

Figure 14.  Small circumscribed fat-containing

lesion (presumed to be an intraosseous dermoid
cyst) in the right GWS in a 38-year-old man.
(A) Axial CT image (bone window) shows a non-
aggressive lytic lesion with well-defined margins.
(B) Corresponding axial CT image (soft-tissue win-
dow) shows fat attenuation.

develops as an osseous dehiscence in a nonpneu-

matized GWS (17). CT and MRI are able to show
the bone defect and the content of the herniation,
respectively (35).
Aberrant arachnoid granulations (ie, arach-
noid pits) can also be seen along the GWS,
especially among patients with elevated intracra-
nial pressure (Fig 16).
Figure 15.  Osteopetrosis in a 2-year-old child. Axial CT image
Schwannoma.—Schwannomas are benign tumors (bone window) shows a diffusely attenuating skull base.
that arise from the sheath of any of the multiple
nerves that pass through the foramina in or ad-
jacent to the GWS, and they usually have typical are detected with T2-weighted MRI, where lesions
benign imaging features such as well-defined mar- show characteristic findings of high signal intensity
gins, displacement of adjacent structures (instead and moderate to intense contrast enhancement.
of invasion), and osseous remodeling. Among Lesions, especially if they are large, can be partially
the cranial nerves involved by schwannomas, the cystic. Intratumoral microhemorrhage, which is
vestibulocochlear nerve accounts for the most seen as areas of low signal intensity on T2-weighted
schwannomas, followed by the trigeminal nerve. MR images, may be present and is better shown on
When they arise from V2 or V3, there can be en- susceptibility-weighted MR images (36).
largement of the foramen rotundum and foramen
ovale, respectively (Fig 17). Enlarged bone foram- Sphenoid Dysplasia.—Although it is one of the
ina can be seen with CT; however, most tumors diagnostic criteria for neurofibromatosis type 1,
RG  •  Volume 42  Number 4 Cochinski et al  1187

Figure 16.  Spontaneous lateral sphenoid cephalocele in a 33-year-old woman. (A, B) Axial T2-weighted (A) and T1-
weighted (B) gadolinium-enhanced fat-suppressed MR images show an extensive nonenhanced cerebrospinal fluid–
like cystic lesion in the sphenoid sinus, including the right lateral recess (arrow in A) and protruding through the sphe-
noethmoidal recess (arrowhead in A). (C, D) Coronal CT images (bone window) show the defect in the posterosuperior
wall of the right sphenoid sinus (arrow in C) and some arachnoid pits along the inner table of both greater sphenoid
wings (arrowheads in D). Other findings supporting the diagnosis of intracranial idiopathic hypertension as the underly-
ing cause for spontaneous lateral sphenoid cephalocele include enlarged Meckel caves (* in A), bilateral distention of
the perioptic subarachnoid space, and vertical tortuosity of the optic nerves (not shown).

sphenoid dysplasia occurs in only 4%–11% of bowing of the posterior wall of the maxillary si-
cases. Sphenoid dysplasia can be isolated or can nus. As it continues to grow, the tumor may reach
be due to extension of a plexiform neurofibroma the infratemporal fossa and the inferior orbital
to the vicinity of the bone, which induces osse- fissure, may erode the sphenoid bone (includ-
ous changes that progress over time. In addition ing the GWS), and may even invade the middle
to deformity and hypoplasia of the GWS, ante- cranial fossa (39).
rior displacement of the GWS and elevation of
the lesser wing can occur, thus causing enlarge- Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases.—Infec-
ment of the middle cranial fossa, proptosis, and tions that reach the GWS are usually advanced
widening of the superior orbital fissure (37,38) and life threatening. Osteomyelitis of the skull
(Fig 18). base is an important clinical entity, not only be-
cause of its local aggressiveness but also because
Juvenile Angiofibroma.—Juvenile angiofibroma the diagnosis is often delayed, and most patients
is a locally aggressive, although benign, vascular with it are immunocompromised. The process
neoplasm originating at or near the sphenopala- is usually secondary to bacterial otitis externa.
tine foramen. The typical patient who presents Through the vertical fissures in the cartilaginous
clinically with juvenile angiofibroma is a teenage external auditory canal (ie, the fissures of San-
boy with a nasal obstruction and epistaxis and torini), the infection reaches the adjacent supra-
the imaging appearance of a hypervascularized hyoid neck spaces and then may affect various
mass centered at the sphenopalatine foramen cranial nerves and may spread along the skull
(Fig 19). As in many diseases of the skull base, base foramina (40) (Fig 20). It can also spread to
CT is helpful for demonstrating bone changes, the floor of the middle cranial fossa and result in
whereas MRI is used to better differentiate the cavernous sinus thrombosis.
tumor from sinonasal secretions and to evaluate Some noninfectious inflammatory processes
intracranial extension and bone marrow invasion. may also invade or arise from the central skull
MRI shows an avidly enhancing richly vascular base (eg, sarcoidosis, granulomatosis with poly-
mass with multiple flow voids. Although different angiitis, and immunoglobulin G4–related dis-
growth patterns are described, juvenile angiofi- ease). Like skull base osteomyelitis, these entities
broma frequently spreads anterolaterally through have a propensity to spread along the skull base
the pterygopalatine fossa, filling it and causing foramina (41).
1188  July-August 2022 radiographics.rsna.org

Figure 17.  Schwannoma in a 58-year-old woman. (A) Coronal gadolinium-enhanced T2-weighted MR image
with fat suppression shows a large well-circumscribed mass that is causing substantial enlargement of the left
round foramen, which is consistent with a schwannoma arising from V2 (arrowhead). (B) Axial CT image (bone
window) shows remodeling of the left GWS (arrow).

Figure 18.  Neurofibromatosis type 1 in a 2-year-old

boy. (A) Axial gadolinium-enhanced T2-weighted fat-
suppressed MR image shows an orbital and periorbital
plexiform neurofibroma (arrow). Note the prominence
of the cerebrospinal fluid anterior to the temporal lobe
(*). (B, C) Axial (bone window) (B) and three-dimen-
sional reconstruction (C) CT images show dysplasia and
anterior displacement of the GWS (arrowhead), eleva-
tion of the lesser wing (*), and widening of the superior
orbital fissure.

Malignant Lesions

Intrinsic Malignant Lesions well-defined margins and the characteristic “rings

Several bone lesions with aggressive behavior can and arcs’’ calcifications (mineralized chondroid
affect the GWS, such as sarcomas, hematologic matrix) on CT images (Fig 21). On the other
malignancies, and metastases (Table 4). hand, the nonmineralized chondroid matrix can
be identified at T2-weighted MRI as a high-sig-
Sarcomas.—Although they are uncommon, nal-intensity component, while calcifications ex-
sarcomas can affect the GWS and should be hibit low signal intensity. Gadolinium-enhanced
considered in the differential diagnosis of an T1-weighted MRI may show a characteristic
aggressive mass, especially when there is a soft- pattern of curvilinear enhancement, reflecting
tissue component. fibrovascular bundles surrounding cartilaginous
Chondrosarcomas are malignant lesions with a areas (42–44). Aggressive lesions (eg, high-grade
cartilaginous matrix. Only 2% of them are found chondrosarcomas) tend to exhibit a “moth-eaten”
in the skull base, with the petroclival synchon- or permeative pattern of lytic destruction on CT
drosis being the most common site of origin. In images, and a heterogeneous pattern of contrast
some instances, chondrosarcomas may arise from enhancement (43,44).
the GWS (42). Histologically, these tumors can Craniofacial osteosarcomas are much rarer than
be classified by subtype (ie, conventional, mesen- those arising in the appendicular skeleton. The
chymal, clear-cell, or dedifferentiated) and grade maxillomandibular complex is more commonly
(ie, high-, intermediate-, or low-grade). Conven- affected than is the skull base, and the GWS are
tional low-grade chondrosarcomas typically show an uncommon site of origin. These tumors can be
RG  •  Volume 42  Number 4 Cochinski et al  1189

Figure 19.  Juvenile angiofibroma in a 16-year-old adolescent boy. (A) Axial CT image (bone window) shows a large
mass widening the left pterygopalatine fossa (*). (B) Coronal gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted fat-suppressed MR
image shows massive destruction of the sphenoid bone, mainly on the left side (*), where there is invasion of the
intracranial compartment. Flow voids (arrowhead) can be seen because of the vascular nature of the lesion.

Figure 20.  Osteomyelitis of the skull base in a 54-year-old man. Coronal (A) and axial (B) T1-weighted MR
images with fat suppression after gadolinium administration show an aggressive inflammatory process originat-
ing from the external auditory canal and compromising the infratemporal fossa (arrow). From this region, it
reaches the pterygopalatine fossa (arrowhead in B) and foramen ovale (*) and then spreads to the dura mater
(arrowhead in A).

Table 4: Types of Malignant Lesions of the GWS

Lesion Type Main Imaging Features Pearls to Remember

 Sarcoma CT and MRI: well- to ill-defined borders (depending Osteosarcomas of the GWS
on histologic grade; attenuation and signal intensity usually do not cause periosteal
depend on the matrix reaction
Look for pulmonary metastasis
 Lymphoma CT: permeative lytic lesion causing little or no cortical MRI for early diagnosis and pre-
destruction diction of treatment outcome
MRI: T2-weighted signal isointensity compared with
gray matter; restricted diffusion
 Plasmacytoma CT: hyperattenuating mass, with destructive behavior Associated with or progressing to
MRI: T2-weighted signal hypointensity with restricted multiple myeloma
 Metastases CT: circumscribed or diffuse; attenuation depends on Primary neoplastic malignancies
the primary origin are lung, breast, and prostate
MRI: T1-weighted signal hypointensity, T2-weighted cancers in adults and sarcomas
signal intensity and variable contrast enhancement and neuroblastoma in children
Extrinsic (head and CT: bone destruction (direct extension), foraminal MRI is the best imaging modality
neck malignan- widening (perineural spread) to identify perineural spread
cies) MRI: invasive mass (direct extension), T1-weighted
hypointensity, T2-weighted heterogeneous signal in-
tensity with variable contrast enhancement, perineu-
ral spread, foraminal contrast enhancement
1190  July-August 2022 radiographics.rsna.org

Figure 21.  Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma in a 12-year-old girl. Axial (A) and sagittal (B) CT images (bone window)
show a conventional low-grade chondrosarcoma affecting the left GWS, with well-defined margins and chondroid
calcifications (arrows).

Figure 22.  Chondroblastic osteosarcoma in a 36-year-old woman. (A) Axial CT image (bone window) shows a sphe-
noid lesion destroying the GWS (arrow) and the body, with chondroid calcifications (arrowhead). (B) Axial gadolinium-
enhanced T1-weighted fat-suppressed MR image shows dural invasion with contrast enhancement (arrow).

primary or secondary to radiation therapy, fibrous type, which sometimes affect the GWS. Although
dysplasia, Paget disease, trauma, osteomyelitis, os- sclerotic and mixed patterns have been described,
sifying fibroma, or giant cell tumors. Lesions can be the typical appearance on CT images is that of
intramedullary, intracortical, periosteal, parosteal, a permeative lytic lesion extending beyond the
or extraosseous. Histologically, they could be osteo- bone but causing little cortical destruction. MRI
blastic, chondroblastic, fibroblastic, telangiectatic, allows better evaluation of bone marrow replace-
or osteoclastic and could exhibit high, intermediate, ment and soft-tissue involvement, thus allowing
or low histologic grade (43). As a result, a spec- early diagnosis and prognostication of treatment
trum of bone changes can be found on CT images, outcome, respectively (46). The characteristic
ranging from well- to ill-defined borders, depending high cellularity of lymphomas accounts for their
on the histologic grade, and from lytic to sclerotic, signal isointensity compared with gray matter at
depending on the extent of matrix mineralization. T2-weighted MRI, their low signal intensity on
Although variable, the typical CT pattern is of an apparent diffusion coefficient maps, and their
ill-defined sclerotic mass with cortical breakthrough high attenuation at noncontrast CT, which are
and extension to the soft tissues (44,45). Except findings that raise diagnostic suspicion (47).
for those affecting the jaw, craniofacial osteosarco- Composed of malignant monoclonal plasma
mas usually do not cause periosteal reactions (44). cells, plasmacytomas are solitary or multiple
In the chondroblastic variant, typical chondroid bone or soft-tissue tumors with variable mass
calcifications can be found (Fig 22). MRI is more effect and may be associated with or progress to
accurate for assessing the soft-tissue component for multiple myeloma. As for imaging findings, high
surgical planning (42). cellularity and a low nucleocytoplasmic ratio
Other types of sarcomas affecting the GWS explain the hyperattenuating appearance on CT
are described in the literature, but they are rare images and signal hypointensity on T2-weighted
malignancies. MR images. Restricted diffusion on diffusion-
weighted MR images is also likely because of the
Hematologic Malignancies.—Primary lymphomas high cellular nature of these lesions. Contrast
of the bone are an uncommon subgroup of ex- enhancement is typically intense, and destructive
tranodal lymphomas, usually of the non-Hodgkin behavior is usually evident (48).
RG  •  Volume 42  Number 4 Cochinski et al  1191

Figure 23.  Metastasis of adenocarcinoma of the lung

to the GWS (both wings) in a 48-year-old man. Axial
CT image (bone window) shows aggressive lytic lesions
affecting the central skull base. Note the circumscribed
geographic pattern on the right side (arrow) and a more
aggressive involvement on the left (arrowheads), with a
permeative “moth-eaten” appearance across the spheno-
squamosal suture.

Figure 24.  Metastatic adenocarcinoma of the prostate in a 72-year-old man. (A) Axial contrast-enhanced CT image
(soft-tissue window) shows diffuse metastatic involvement of the central skull base, with an extraosseous component
arising from the GWS (both wings). (B) Axial CT image (bone window) shows no bone sclerosis, unlike most cases
of skeletal prostate metastases.

Metastases.—Metastases to the skull base can MRI, with different patterns of contrast enhance-
be found in approximately 4% of all patients with ment ranging from markedly avid to virtually
cancer, occurring most commonly secondary to absent (common in osteoblastic lesions) (49,52).
prostate, breast, or lung malignancies in adults and Some imaging features of metastases to the
to neuroblastoma or sarcomas in children (49,50). GWS may be related to the primary site of the
They arise by hematogenous spread of neoplastic tumor. Osteoblastic lesions are typically described
cells to the bone marrow and, depending on the in patients with breast and prostate cancers, some-
histopathologic type and location of the primary times mimicking benign sclerotic entities such as
tumor, lytic or blastic lesions may be seen (51). meningiomas and Paget disease. When a single
Metastatic disease affecting the GWS can and expansive (“blowout”) lesion is found, renal
be described on the basis of the number of le- cell and thyroid carcinomas should be suspected.
sions (ie, single or multiple), osseous extension However, this pattern may also be present in
(ie, circumscribed or diffuse, depending on the patients with other primary malignancies, such as
spread across sutures), extraosseous extension breast and lung cancers (49,51).
(ie, whether there is extension to the orbital cav-
ity or middle cranial fossa), and the nature of the Extrinsic Lesions: Malignancies of the
lesions (ie, sclerotic, lytic, or mixed) (49,51,52). Head and Neck
CT and MRI have complementary roles in The GWS can also be affected by local ex-
the evaluation of metastases to the GWS. Al- tension of aggressive disease arising from the
though they are considered appropriate to assess surrounding regions. In addition to infectious
lytic lesions with cortical erosion (Fig 23) and entities such as invasive fungal sinusitis and
sometimes allow identification of extraosseous osteomyelitis, several head and neck malignan-
extension (Fig 24), CT is less sensitive than MRI cies can extend to the GWS.
for detection of multiplicity of the lesions, dural Contiguous involvement of malignancies aris-
invasion, intracranial extension, and cranial nerve ing in the suprahyoid neck and facial structures
invasion. At T1-weighted MRI, the normal signal account for most of the aggressive lesions affect-
intensity of bone marrow is replaced by the ab- ing the skull base, including the GWS. They can
normal signal hypointensity of metastatic tissue, result from direct extension, perineural spread
which has a variable appearance at T2-weighted through the GWS foramina, or both (34).
1192  July-August 2022 radiographics.rsna.org

Figure 25.  Parameningeal rhabdomyosarcoma in an 8-year-old girl. (A) Coronal T2-weighted fat-suppressed MR im-
age shows a large lesion that arises from the masticator space, causing destruction of the GWS and protrusion toward
the sphenoid sinus (*) and the middle cranial fossa (arrowhead). (B) Axial CT image (bone window) shows destruction
of the left GWS.

Figure 26.  Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the right maxillary sinus in a 50-year-old man. Axial (A) and coronal (B)
gadolinium-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted MR images show an extensive tumor spreading through the inferior
orbital fissure (white arrow in A) and the foramen rotundum (dashed arrow in B), reaching the cavernous sinus (solid
black arrow in A), the Meckel cave (arrowhead in A) and the orbital apex (arrowhead in B), with dural infiltration
(dashed black arrow in A).

In children, parameningeal rhabdomyosarco- Lymphomas more commonly affect the GWS by

mas from the nasopharynx, parapharyngeal space, contiguous extension rather than arising primar-
masticator space, or paranasal sinuses may affect ily from the GWS (34).
the GWS directly, because of the proximity to the
skull base (Fig 25), and may spread along V2 and Checklist for Reporting GWS Lesions
V3 in the foramen rotundum and foramen ovale, The proximity of the GWS to vital structures
respectively. Orbital rhabdomyosarcomas can such as the cavernous sinus and its intimate
invade the orbital fissures and the GWS (47). relationship with the skull base foramina and
Because they occur frequently, cutaneous the nerves and vessels it contains make it impor-
and mucosal squamous cell carcinomas account tant for radiologists to have a mental checklist
for most cases of perineural spread among head of imaging findings for which to search and on
and neck malignancies. However, adenoid cystic which to report (Table 5). Involvement of the
carcinoma (from both minor and major salivary nerves in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus
glands) is the histopathologic type that is most and encasement of the cavernous internal carotid
likely to develop this complication (53) (Fig 26). artery are features that can alter the surgical ap-
Nasopharyngeal carcinomas may reach the sphe- proach or affect planning for radiation therapy.
nopalatine foramen, gaining access to the ptery- Also, involvement of the skull base foramina can
gopalatine fossa, and then extend along V2 (Fig lead to anterograde or retrograde spread of the
27). When these tumors invade the masticator tumors and has the potential to change patient
space, perineural spread along V3 is of concern care. Such features also help in determining the
(Fig 28). Malignancies can also involve the V3 prognosis for patients with these lesions. Simi-
through its cutaneous branches or through the larly, extension into the orbit, optic canal, and
auriculotemporal nerve that runs in the parotid superior orbital fissure is essential to be evaluated
gland in the stylomandibular tunnel (Fig 29). if orbital salvage is being considered at surgery.
RG  •  Volume 42  Number 4 Cochinski et al  1193

Figure 27.  Nasopharyngeal carcinoma in a 42-year-old man. Axial (A) and coronal (B) T1-weighted MR images
with fat suppression after gadolinium administration show an enhancing lesion enlarging the sphenopalatine foramen
(arrow in A) and reaching the pterygopalatine fossa (* in A). From this point, it spreads along the foramen rotundum
(arrow in B). Also, there is direct erosion of the body of the sphenoid bone (arrowhead in B) and the medial portion
of the right GWS.

Figure 28.  Nasopharyngeal carcinoma in a 45-year-old woman. (A) Coronal T1-weighted MR image with fat suppres-
sion after gadolinium administration shows the tumor extending laterally and ascending through the foramen ovale
(*). (B) Axial bone window CT image better demonstrates the foraminal enlargement (*). Note that the left foramen
lacerum is also enlarged by the lesion in comparison with the right side (arrowheads).

Figure 29.  Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin in a 53-year-old man. Axial gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted
fat-suppressed MR images show diffuse infiltration of the facial skin, subcutaneous tissue, and parotid gland on the
right side (arrows in A). Through the auriculotemporal nerve (arrowhead in A), there is perineural spread to V3
(dashed arrow in B).

The presence and extent of involvement of the measured in all three planes (axial, coronal, and
temporal fossa could determine and guide the sagittal) as best as possible.
surgical approach for optimal cosmesis in qualify-
ing cases. Aggressive lesions may involve the sub- Conclusion
jacent brain parenchyma, and it is essential for It is essential for the radiologist to be familiar with
radiologists to search for and report on abnormal the complex anatomy of the GWS to better iden-
signal intensity and/or enhancement in the brain. tify incidental or suspected lesions affecting the
Given the three-dimensional curved shape of GWS, whether with MRI or CT. By defining the
the GWS, the size of a lesion can be difficult to behavior (benign or malignant) and origin (intrin-
measure accurately. Lesions, therefore, should be sic or extrinsic) and other imaging characteristics
1194  July-August 2022 radiographics.rsna.org

Table 5: Checklist for Reporting of GWS Lesions

Structure to Be Evaluated Imaging Findings

Orbit Orbital bony walls
Orbital fat
Extraocular muscles
Optic canal/nerve
Superior orbital fissure
Cavernous sinus Involvement of lateral wall or entire sinus
Encasement of the internal carotid artery
Skull base foramina Anterograde or retrograde perineural tumor spread along the cranial nerves
Brain Abnormal T2-weighted fluid-attenuation inversion-recovery signal intensity
Mass effect
Dural involvement
Temporal fossa/masticator space Involvement of muscles of the masticator space
Involvement of temporalis fascia

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