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5 Physical Science 10th Edition

Tillery Solutions Manual

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Test Bank:


Wave Motion and Sound


5.1 Forces and Elastic Materials

Forces and Vibrations
Describing Vibrations
5.2 Waves
Kinds of Mechanical Waves
Waves in Air
5.3 Describing Waves
5.4 Sound Waves
Sound Waves in Air and Hearing
Medium Required
A Closer Look: Hearing Problems
Velocity of Sound in Air
Refraction and Reflection
Constructive and Destructive
5.5 Energy of Waves
How Loud Is That Sound?
5.6 Sources of Sounds
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Vibrating Strings
Science and Society: Laser Bug
Sounds from Moving Sources
People Behind the Science: Johann Christian Doppler
Case Study: Doppler Radar


Sound is an ideal way to present velocity, frequency, and wavelength as well as other
measurable characteristics of all types of waves. Some attributes of sound are subjective.
The same holds true of electromagnetic waves and others but to a lesser extent. Experience
and training provide recognition of the variance present in sound waves, such as pitch,
loudness, and quality. With proper demonstrations, you can determine the subjectivity of
these measures and ascertain which students are musically inclined or trained.
The chapter begins with vibrations and the characteristics of vibrations, and then
logically proceeds to the waves, or disturbances, that are produced by these vibrations.
Characteristic wave terms are introduced, and then used to explore some of the more
interesting sound phenomena to which students can relate. Students are familiar with echoes
but many have no conception of their cause. It is subjective if a listener hears a reverberation
or an echo. There are many methods by which various musical sounds are produced. All
sources of musical sounds are represented in the chapter, along with some theory behind
some musical notes. The Doppler effect applies to all waves, but it is easier to discuss and to
demonstrate with sound. Any constant sound that is in motion relative to the listener will
produce the effect. Light also undergoes the Doppler effect, and this application is discussed
in other chapters.


1. To illustrate how vibrating matter creates sound, place one end of a ruler, metal strip, or
meter stick on the edge of a desk. Hold the end down securely and pluck the opposite
end. Practice will enable you to determine proper adjustments. Students should also
relate the frequency of the sound produced to the length and rate of the vibrating object.
The vibrations of a struck tuning fork are difficult to observe. They can be illustrated by
holding a vibrating tuning fork in one hand and a sheet of paper in the other, lightly
touching the vibrating end against the paper. A dramatic (and somewhat humorous)
illustration is obtained by plunging a vibrating tuning fork into a beaker of water.
2. Vibrate your arm up and down as you hold a piece of chalk against the chalkboard,
walking along the length of the board. Point out that the wave trace obtained is a graph
of the vibration and not in itself a wave. Compare the wave traces obtained with more

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rapid vibration (greater frequency) and more energy (greater amplitude). Ask if anyone
hears your vibrating arm, which leads to a discussion of audible waves.
3. A twenty-foot long or so one-inch diameter helical spring is ideal to demonstrate both
longitudinal and transverse waves. Shaking the coil from side to side produces a
transverse wave, while holding the spring taut and releasing a group of bunched-up coils
produces longitudinal waves. The motion of a string tied to the center part clearly shows
the characteristic disturbances produced by these two kinds of waves. The coil can also
be used later to illustrate standing waves at several different frequencies.
4. A “trick” demonstration involving forced vibrations maintains interest and helps teach
the basic wave terms. State that you will illustrate what happens to a sound wave when
it is inside a container. Strike a tuning fork and hold it in one hand with the rod end near
the tabletop but covered by your hand. Tell the class that you are going to grasp a wave
by its crest, and then drops it into a beaker (or some other container). Act as if you are
grasping a crest with your thumb and finger near the end of the vibrating tuning fork,
then act as if you drop the wave into the container. The trick here is to touch the base of
the rod firmly (but quietly) to the tabletop as you “release the wave” over the beaker
with your other hand. With a little practice, it will seem as if there is an increase in
loudness as you “drop” the wave. You may need to do this several times before
someone catches on. You now have the class's undivided attention as you explain the
concept of forced vibrations—that the tuning fork touched to the table starts the whole
table vibrating. This is an ideal place to reinforce the conservation of energy concept.
Compare the time that the whole table vibrates (with a louder sound) with the time that
the tuning fork only vibrates (with a softer sound).
5. A signal generator can be used to illustrate the frequency ranges that students of various
ages are able to hear. Two signal generators can be used to illustrate the beat concept.
Hooking the generators to an oscilloscope provides a visual representation of what they
are hearing.
6. Additional demonstrations:
(a) Do the classic demonstration showing that the transmission of sound requires a
medium. Place an electric bell inside a vacuum pump bell jar, evacuating the jar as the
bell rings. Note the bell hammer continues vibrating as the sound level dies out. Stop
the pump and restore air to the jar to hear the bell again.
(b) Use citizen band radios or mobile telephones to measure the speed of sound over a
distance. One student signals the beginning of a sound over the radio or telephone and a
student at the other end starts a stopwatch at the signal, stopping it when the sound is
heard. The signal used will depend on what is available locally. Measure the distance
and make the correction for temperature.
(c) Use a commercial demonstration device that varies the height of a flame with the
frequencies of sounds.

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(d) Demonstrate resonance with commercial resonator boxes fitted with identical
frequency sounding bars or tuning forks.
(e) Demonstrate beats with commercial resonator boxes fitted with tuning forks that are
1 Hz apart in frequency.
(f) Ask the class to close their eyes, and then drop a previously hidden metal drill bit.
Ask the class to open their eyes as you hold up the bit and a board, asking which you
dropped. Explain the concept of natural frequency.

For Class Discussions

1. How can astronauts talk to one another on the Moon, where there is no air?
a. Air is not needed if one is standing with heavy boots on something solid.
b. By radio transmissions.
c. By staying inside a pressurized space suit.
d. This is impossible; they could not talk.

2. An airplane moves over your location at a speed greater than the speed of sound, so you
should hear
a. nothing since the plane was moving faster than sound.
b. nothing, then a sonic boom, followed by the distant sound of engines.
c. a sonic boom only at the instant the plane breaks the sound barrier, then silence.
d. two sharp sonic booms, followed by silence.

3. Does a high frequency sound travel faster than a low frequency sound?
a. Yes.
b. No.
c. Sometimes it does, depending on the conditions.

4. What happens if a source is moving toward you at a high rate of speed?

a. The sound will be traveling faster than from a stationary source.
b. The sound will be moving faster only in the direction of travel.
c. A higher frequency will be heard by you only.
d. A higher frequency will be heard by all observers in all directions.

5. What happens if you are moving at a high rate of speed with a sound source? You will
a. a higher frequency than people you are approaching.
b. the same frequency as people you are approaching.
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c. a frequency that is the same as from the source when it is not moving.

6. During a track and field meet, the time difference between seeing the smoke from a
starter's gun and hearing the “bang” would be less
a. on a warmer day.
b. on a cooler day.
c. if a more powerful shell is used.
d. if a less powerful shell is used.

7. At the same temperature, the gas that would carry a sound with the greatest velocity
would be
a. oxygen.
b. hydrogen.
c. carbon dioxide.
d. The velocity would be the same in each gas.

8. As you go up a mountain the air becomes less dense, and with everything else constant,
the overall velocity of sound
a. increases steadily with increasing altitude.
b. decreases steadily with increasing altitude.
c. increases slowly at first, then rapidly with increasing altitude.
d. does not change.

Answers: 1b, 2b, 3b, 4c, 5c, 6a, 7b, 8d.

Answers to Questions for Thought

1. A wave is a disturbance that moves through a medium such as a solid or the air.
2. No, because there is no force acting on the air to return it to its original position after the
wave has dislocated it.
3. Loosen. Since the beat frequency depends upon the difference between the two
frequencies, you wish to go in the direction of fewer beats per second.
4. There is no medium such as air to transmit sound on the moon.
5. The condition where the frequency of an external force matches the frequency of an
object is resonance.
6. Gas molecules have a greater kinetic energy and move faster in warm air than in cold air.
These molecules are able to transfer an impulse from one molecule to the next faster.

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7. Longer wavelengths have lower frequencies. Since the velocity of sound is equal to the
product of the frequency times the wavelength, the velocity is a constant.
8. The energy of the sound wave is eventually dissipated into heat.
9. The presence and strength of various overtones determine the characteristic sound of a
musical note.
10. The sonic boom is from the building up of a pressure wave in front of the moving
aircraft. Since this pressure wave is present as long as the plane is moving faster than
the speed of sound, the aircraft continually makes a sonic boom.
11. An echo is the return of a sound wave to its source after the wave has been reflected.
12. They all produce standing waves or resonance in whatever is oscillating.

For Further Analysis

1. If the speed of sound decreased with frequency, all the musical notes would become
separated with higher frequencies arriving first.

2. Similarities – both longitudinal and transverse waves are mechanical disturbances that
move through matter. Differences – In a longitudinal wave the disturbance acts in a
direction parallel to the direction the wave is moving; In a transverse wave the
disturbance acts in a direction perpendicular to the direction the wave is moving.
Examples will vary.

3. Possible explanation: The empty room has more echoes that bounce around and
garble the sound.

4. Starting with two distinct tones, a fast beat develops, which slows as the frequencies
approach each other while tuning the instrument. It slows to a single pitch when

5. Two identical sounds moving through the air that are 180 degrees out of phase will
cancel each other.

6. Vibrations are the sources of all sounds, which is supported by observation as well

7. Unlike objects, sounds waves have the ability to pass through one another.

8. If the marching band happens to match the natural frequency of the bridge, resonance
could start the bridge swaying and possibly cause damage.

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Group B Solutions

(a) T =
= s
= 0.16 s
= 0.2 s

(b) v = f 
= ( 6 Hz )  ( 3m )
= 18 m/s
= 20 m/s

 0.600 m/s 
vTP ( m / s ) = v0 +   (TP )
 C 
m  0.600 m/s 
= 331 +   ( 20.0C )
s  C 
m m
= 331 + 12.0
s s
= 343
v=f  =
= s
343 m s
= 
20.0 s 1
= 17.15m
= 17.2 m

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f b = f 2 − f1
= ( 520 Hz ) − ( 516 Hz )
= 4 Hz

 m
 0.600 s 
vTP (m/s) = v0 +   ( TP )
  C 
 
 m
0.600 
m  s ( 20.0C )
= 331 +  
s  C 
 
m m
= 331 + 12.0
s s
= 343
v=f  =
= s
1  10
343 m s
= 
1  106 s 1
= 3.43  10−4 m
= 3  10−4 m

5. Assume room temperature (20.0°C) to obtain the velocity (yes, you can have room
temperature outside a room):

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 m
 0.600 s 
vTP (m/s) = v0 +   ( TP )
  C 
 
 m
 0.600 
m s ( 20.0C )
= 331 +  
s  C 
 
m m
= 331 + 12.0
s s
= 343

d d
v=  t=
t v
400.0 m
400.0 m s
= 
343 1 m
= 1.166180758s
= 1.17s

 ft 
 2.00 s 
vTP (ft/s) = v0 +   ( TP )
 C 
 
 ft 
ft  2.00 s 
= 1087 +  ( 20.0C )
s  C 
 
ft ft
= 1087 + 40.0
s s
= 1127

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v=  d = vt
 ft 
=  1127  (1.00s )
 s
= 1127  1.00  s
= 1127 ft

The distance to the building is half the distance the sound traveled, so

= 563.5ft
= 564 ft

v=  d = vt
 m
= 1530.0  ( 2.250s )
 s 
= 1530.0  2.250 s
= 3, 442.5 m
= 3, 443m

The sonar signal traveled from the submarine to the ship, and then back to the submarine, so
the distance to the ship is half of the distance traveled:

3, 443m
= 1, 722 m

 1
= ( 2.5m )  600.0 
 s
= 2.5  600.0 m 
= 1,500

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 m
 0.600 s 
vTP (m/s) = v0 +   ( TP )
  C 
 
 m
 0.600 
m s ( 20.0C )
= 331 +  
s  C 
 
m m
= 331 + 12.0
s s
= 343

v=  d = vt
 m
=  343  ( 2.50s )
 s
= 343  2.50 s
= 857.50 m
= 858 m

10. According to table 5.1, sound moves through water at 25°C with a velocity of 1,497 m/s
and through seawater at 25°C with a velocity of 1,530 m/s. Therefore,

(a) v =  d = vt
 m
=  1, 497  ( 6.00s )
 s
= 1, 497  6.00 s
= 8,982 m
= 8.98 km
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(b) v =  d = vt
 m
=  1,530  ( 6.00s )
 s
= 1,530  6.00 s
= 9,180 m
= 9.18 km

v = f
= ( 440.0 Hz )  ( 78.0cm )
= 3.43  104 (or 343 m/s)

v = f
f = 256.0 Hz  = 2  ( 65.23 cm )
 1
v =  256.0  ( 2  65.23 cm )
 s
= 3.340  104 cm/s

(a ) T = 5.0s
( b) f =
= 0.20 Hz

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v = f   =
 = s
343.0 m s
= 
750.0 s 1
= 0.4573 m

(a) v = f 
v = ( 20.0 Hz )(17.2 m ) = 343 m/s

(b) v = ( 200.0 Hz )(1.72 m ) = 344 m/s

(c) v = ( 2000.0 Hz )( 0.172 m ) = 344 m/s

(d) v = ( 20, 000.0 Hz )( 0.0172 m ) = 344 m/s

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16. (a)
 ft 
 2.00 s 
 (Tp ) so
d d
v =  t = and v = v0 + 
t v  C 
 
t =
 ft 
 2.00 s 
v0 +   (Tp )
 C 
 
 ft 
2.00 
ft  s ( 0.0C )
1087 +  
s  C 
 
= 4.9s

(b) Tp = 20.0C  t = 4.7s

(c) Tp = 40.0C  t = 4.5s
(d) Tp = 80.0C  t = 4.2s

 m
 0.600 s 
 (Tp ) so
v =  d = vt and v = v0 + 
t  C 
 
 m
 0.600 s 
d = v0 +   (Tp ) t
 C 
 
  m 
 m  s (10.0C )   (10.0s )
0.600 
=  331 +  
 s  C  
   
= 391m
= m
= 196 m

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TC = (TF − 32 )
= ( 90.0 − 32 )
= 32C

 ft 
 2.00 s 
v = v0 +   (Tp )
 C 
 
 ft 
 2.00 
ft s ( 32C )
= 1087 +  
s  C 
 
ft ft
= 1087 + 64.0
s s
= 1151

d d
v =  t =
t v
= 4.59s
v = f   =
Air: ft
= s
= 1.812 ft

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 = s
= 8.200 ft

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