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TEXT : Matt . 28 : 18-20

INTRODUCTION : Before the Lord Jesus Christ went back to heaven , He gave His followers the last words
of command . They were instructed to make disciples . This is the greatest divine assignment being
executed on earth . Those who have experienced the saving grace of God , witnessing for Him is their
primary assignment . It gives them joy and fulfillment . In this study , we shall consider the necessity for
witnessing , the contents of the message , the reactions to the message and the rewards that go with
obedience to the divine command


1 . Read the following passages and point out the great commission : Matt.4 : 19 ; Mk.16 : 15 , 13:10 ;
Lk.24 : 17 ; Jn.20 : 21 ; Rom . 10 : 14-15 ; 2Cor.5 : 20 .

2. Why do we need to witness or preach the gospel ? Prov . 14:25 ; Ezek.3 : 17-19 ; Act.20 : 26-27,26 :
18 ; 1Cor.9 : 16 ; Jam . 5:20 .

3. What is the content of our message ? Act.5 : 42 , 13 : 38-39 , 20:21 , 1 Cor . 1:23 , 2Cor.4 : 5 , 1Tim.1 :
15 , 1Jn.4 : 14

4. Who are the target audience and the scope of the assignment ? Mk.5 : 19 , 16:15 ; Act.26 : 22 . 5.
When are we to witness or preach the gospel ? Jn.4 : 35 ; 2Tim.4 : 2 ; 1Pet . 3:15 .

6.( a ) Where are we to witness ? Lk.8 : 39 , 14 : 21-23 ; Act.5 : 42 , 8 : 4 , 29 35 , 17:17 , 19 : 9-10 , 20:20 ,
27 : 22-25 , 28 : 30-31 ; Heb.2 : 12 . ( b ) What is Christ's promise to His followers who are involved in this
great commission ? Matt.28 : 19-20 ; Mk . 16 : 15-20 .

7.The life of the witness or preacher plays an important role in soul winning , discuss . Matt . 5:16 ; Jn .
13:15 ; Rom.2 : 21-24 ; Phil.2 : 15-16 ; 1Thes.1 : 7-8 ; 1 Tim.4 : 12 ; 2Tim.2 : 23-24 ; Tit . 2 : 7-8

8. Read the following passages and consider the reactions of people to the Gospel : Jonah 3 : 1-9 ; Jn.4 :
39-42 ; Act.4 : 18-22 , 8 : 4-8 , 16 : 20-34 .

9What are the consequences of not preaching the Gospel ? Ezek 3 : 17 19 ; Mk.8 : 38 ; Act . 18 : 6 ;
1Cor.9 : 16 . 10 .

10. From these passages , point out the rewards of witnessing for Christ : Prov . 11:30 ; Dan . 12 : 3 ;
Lk.12 : 8 ; 1Cor.3 : 8 , 9 : 16-17 ; Phil 4 : 1 ; 1Thes.2 : 9 .

CONCLUSION : Witnessing is not optional but a command to all who have benefited from the
substutionary death of Christ on the Cross . We are called individually to witness or preach and spread
the Gospel . The baptism of the Holy Spirit and power , and continuous infilling and dependence on Him
are the necessary key to fruitfulness and mighty breakthroughs in personal or group witnessing and
preaching of Gospel of the Kingdom . We should lead people ( young and old ) to Christ with our lives
and words . This also includes leading the converts into a continuing spiritual growth in discipleship .

MEMORY VERSE : Act . 8 : 4 26

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