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Questionnaires XII-D

Political Science Practical 2022-2023

Group A - Globalisation
Arjun Sethi
Q1. State any two arguments in favor of globalisation.
Q2. How was globalisation created worldwide interconnectedness?
Q3. What types of flows is globalisation related to?
Q4. What are the thrust areas of globalisation?
Q5. How is technology a crucial cause of globalisation?
Saanvi Anand
Q1. What was the New Economic Policy?
Q2. Mention any two positive impacts of globalisation.
Q3. How has globalisation affected the world politics?
Q4. What are safety nets?
Q5. Is globalisation a multi-dimensional concept?
Bhuvan Gupta
Q1. What is culture homogenisation? Give examples to sHow that its consequences
are not negative.
Q2. Do you agree that globalisation leads to cultural hetroginisation ?
Q3 Highlight any two cultural consequences.
Q4. Explain any three effects of the culture of the country.
Q5. What is the role of cultural globalisation ?
Shivang Malhotra
Q1. What was anti globalisation?
Q2. What is meant by WSF?
Q3. What has been India’s experience in resisting globalization?
Q4. Analyse any 3 reasons for resistance to globalization.
Q5. What is the criticism of globalisation?
Group B- End of Bipolarity
Arshia Bajwa
1. How did the Ussr come into being?
2. What ideals shaped Ussr?
3. What is the Warsaw pact?
4. Describe soviet economy?
5. How was the soviet govt stifling?

Mannsi Gulati
1. What pushed Ussr into economic backwardness
2. Why could the citizens not relate to their govt
3. Why was the economy stagnant?
4. How was the Soviet Union stagnant politically?

Palak Gupta
1. How did shock therapy benefit the west?
2. What did shock therapy mean in terms of ownership?
3. How did the economies start reviving?
4. What were the consequences of withdrawal of govt subsidies?

Aadya Suri
1. What are the reasons of conflicts in republics?
2. Name the two republics which have had violent separatist movements.
3. What is the region of civil war in Georgia?
4. In middle Asia, for how long did Tazakistan remain under the influence of civil

Bhoomi Talwar
1. What kind of a view do India and Russia share?
2. How did the disintegration bring about peace?
3. How was the disintegration good for world politics?
4. What role did IMF and world bank play after the disintegration?
Group C – India’s External Relations

Krish Johar
1. During Nehru’s tenure as a prime minister What main objectives did he focus
on while making India’s foreign policy?
2. Which factions or individuals insisted on joining the western camp?
3. State some factors that influenced indias foreign policy
4. How did India adapted to its policy of non-alignment and stayed unbiased
5. How were Indo-Us relations right after independence?

Ritisha Grover
1. When did india expand its military budget?
2. When was the first nuclear plan initiated?
3. Who always had faith in the development of science and technology in India?
4. The most crucial development was the first nuclear explosion, why?
5. Why did India not sign the ctbt?

Rachel Pahwa
1. Why did Nehru want india and Africa to have friendly relations?
2. Where was the afro Asian conference held? State its significance.
3. Who co-founded NAM? where was the first submit held?

Gul Makhija

1. Which two differences between india and chine led to an army conflict?
2. How did the Sino Indian conflict affect the communist party?
3. What were the five principals of pansheel?
4. Why did Dalia lama take shelter in India?
5. What were the aftereffects of the military attacks?
Yash Goyal
1. Why did east Pakistan want independence from west Pakistan?
2. What were the turning points of the peace between India and Pakistan?
3. What was the Kashmir conflict?
4. How did the was with Pakistan in 1971 effect the Indian politics?
Group D – Recent Developments in Indian Politics

Diya Dawara
1. How does the media play a crucial role in times of communal violence?
2. Enlist a few crucial developments of the 1990s.
3. What were the new economic reforms?
4. Why is democracy an essential of Indian Political System?
5. How do the people remind the state of its policy?

Yashvi Chopra
1. How did India start its experimentation of democracy and What was it ?
2. Which are the 3 pillars of Indian politics
3. What happened after 1989 ?
4. What are the responsibilities that are reminding the states ?
5. What happened in the nineties ?

Mehul Bhardwaj
1. What do you understand by the term OBC?
2. Who was the chairperson of Mandal Commission?
3. What is the result of caste-based politics?
4. What were the objectives of mandal commission?
5. What do you understand by the ‘weaker section’?
Prisha Khanijo
1. Which party was formed after the fall of the Janata party in 1980?
2. What ideology did the BJP embrace?
3. How did the BJP change its ideology after the 1980 and 1984 elections?
4. What two developments around 1986 became central to the politics of BJP as
a ‘Hindutva party’?
5. What order was passed by the court in February 1986?

Somya Pasrija
1. How are members of Lok Sabha elected, criterion?
2. Election is held for How many numbers of seats?
3. What was BJP’s agenda that year?
4. When does our religion influence us as a human being?
5. Who are more prone to suffer from riots?
Group E- Challenges of Nation Building

Prisha Arora:

1. Give any 2 consequences of partition.

2. How did Mahatma Gandhi persuade Hindu and Muslim to give up violence?
3. When was Mahatma Gandhi killed?
4. What were the consequences of Mahatma Gandhi’s death?
5. What was partition also known as by the writers and poets?

Navya Aggarwal

1. What is two nation theory ?

2. Who was frontier gandhi ?
3. On which basis the process of partition began ?
4. What happen to minorities while the process of partition?

Misti Gupta

1. What was the first speech given by Jawaharlal Nehru at the night of
2. Explain the process of partition ?
3. What were the reasons for keeping India secular?
4. What were the three challenges of nation building?

Saadgi Khanna

1. How many states were there at the time of independence?

2. What were the three considerations by the government regarding integration
of princely states?
3. Define instrument of accession.
4. Explain the circumstances that led to accession of Hyderabad.
Group F- New Centres of Power

Aaditri Chawla

Q1. How was the European Union integrated?

Q2. What are the economic influences of EU?
Q3. What are the political and military influences of the EU?
Q4. Mention the limitations of the European Union.

Piyush Shokeen
Q1. When was ASEAN established? Name its members.
Q2. What are the objectives of ASEAN?
Q3. Briefly explain the ASEAN communities?
Q4. What are the major developments made by ASEAN in the international system?

Yashika Aggarwal
Q1. What led to the end of China’s economic and political isolation?
Q2. What were the merits of Chinese privatization?
Q3. Mention the features of BRICS.
Q4. What were the aims of BRICS? When was it established?

Cherryl Singhal
Q1. Why is Russia a threat to the US dominance?
Q2. Mention the members of SAARC.
Q3. What are the aims of SAARC?

Kritee Arya
Q1. ‘India is being seen as an emerging global power’. Elaborate.
Q2. Explain India’s relations with Russia.
Q3. How have Inia-US relations been over the years?
Q4. Why is Japan considered as an emerging super power in the world?
Group G- Contemporary South Asia
Nandini Nayyar
1. What is South Asia?
2. What are the geographical features of south asia?
3. What are the political features of south asia?
4. What are the problems faced in south asia?

Siya Wadhwa
1. List any three challenges to democracy in Nepal.
2. In 1987, why did India send the 'Indian Peace Keeping Force' (PKF) to Sri
3. Mention two areas each of cooperation and disagreement between India and
4. "In spite of ongoing conflict, Sri Lanka has registered considerable economic
growth and recorded high levels of human development." Explain.
5. When did Nepal transform into a secular state?

Nischay Malcha
1. Describe India's Intervention In Sri Lanka?
2. Describe India's relations with Maldives?
3. How has peace and cooperation been enhanced in South Asia?

Saumya Chadha
1. Brief about ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka
2. What was India’s role in peace keeping in Sri linkan conflict
3. What is LTTE ? What was its role ?
4. What were the issues of conflicts between Pakistan and India ?

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