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Белорусский государственный университет

Факультет социокультурных коммуникаций

Кафедра теории и практики перевода

Летняя экзаменационная сессия 2022-2023 учебного года

4 курс, 8 семестр
Специальность: 1-21 06 01-02 «Современные иностранные языки (перевод)»

Вопросы к экзамену по дисциплине «Стилистика»

1) The subject of stylistics. The definition of key terms (style, individual style,
functional style, stylistics, norm, standard language).
2) Stylistic characteristics of the English vocabulary.
3) Territorial varieties of English. The main differences between northern and
southern English dialects.
4) English vocabulary in the aspect of time. Historical influences on the English
5) Phonetic stylistic means and expressive devices.
6) Stylistic devices that make use of the meaning of language units (metaphor;
metonymy; simile; zeugma; oxymoron; hyperbole; litotes; epithet; periphrasis;
antonomasia; euphemism; allegory; personification; allusion; irony; rhetorical
7) Stylistic devices that make use of the structure of language units (repetition;
chiasmus; climax; stylistic inversion; ellipsis; asyndeton; polysyndeton; antithesis;
suspense; a break in the narration; represented speech).
8) Galperin’s classification of stylistic devices and lexical expressive means.
9) The notion of style. An overview of functional style systems.
10) The status of the belles-lettres style among other functional styles. Language of
poetry. Language of the drama. Emotive prose.
11) The main characteristics of the scientific style.
12) The main characteristics of the official documents style.
13) The main characteristics of the publicist style. The essay.
14) Newspaper speech. Language of editorials.
15) The style of colloquial speech.

Рассмотрены и утверждены на заседании кафедры 26.04.2023, протокол № 10.

Заведующий кафедрой
теории и практики перевода Т.В. Никитенко

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