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Group 13

Rizka Amalia (1308621057)
Naura Ruby Abidin (1308621008)

Fermentation is a process of energy production by cells under
anaerobic conditions or without involving oxygen. The first
stage of fermentation is the process of breaking down glucose
(glycolysis) and producing pyruvic acid, then pyruvate will be
reduced and produce fermentation products.

Tape fermentation is alcoholic fermentation because alcohol is

the main product. Tape yeast is used as a source of
microorganisms that play a role in the tape fermentation

The Fermentation time required in the process of fermentation

is 2-3 days, the appropriate time we will get a sense of tape
that tastes a little sour and sweet with the scent of alcohol
(Fahmi ,2014).
Students are able to know the process of alcoholic
fermentation through the making of sticky rice tape

Students are able to analyze the use of yeast in tape

Students are able identify what happens during the
fermentation process
Equipments and Ingredients
Cooking pot 1 liter glutinous rice (black or white)

Stove Tape Yeast

Big bowl Banana Leaves



1. Wash the glutinous rice until clean. then soak in clean
water for 1-2 hours.
2. Drain the soaked glutinous rice, then steam until cooked.
3. Once cooked, place the sticky rice on a tray that has been
lined with banana leaves and let it cool completely.
4. smooth out the tape yeast with a spoon until it becomes a
powder then sprinkle the yeast powder evenly over the sticky rice
(sprinkle when the sticky rice is completely cold)
5. Wrap the sticky rice that has been given yeast with banana
leaves and put it in a clean jar. Cover tightly so that air
cannot enter the jar and ferment for 3 days. Observe and record
changes that occur every day. The finished tape will have a
soft, runny texture and an alcohol scent.
Based on the results of observations that have been made, it can be seen
that glutinous rice that has not been given yeast does not have a taste,
aroma, and water content like tape in general. However, after the addition
of yeast and stored for 3 days, the taste and aroma changed, as well as the
presence of water around the glutinous rice.

The first day the texture of the sticky rice began to be mushy, but the
taste was still bland and unscented and not runny. The second day the
texture of the sticky rice was mushy and tasted a little sweet, then the
sour smell started to smell and it started to runny. The third day the
texture of sticky rice is soft and then it tastes sweet and has a pungent
odor and a lot of water content.

The sweet taste of tape is caused by the hydrolysis of polysaccharides into

simple sugars like reducing sugar while the alcoholic taste is caused by the
oxidation of sugar to alcoholor ethanol (Suaniti, 2015).
The manufacture of black sticky rice tape is
carried out by a fermentation process and
assisted by bacteria stored in yeast.

The process of fermentation in sticky rice

occurs for 3-4 days.

Fermentation that occurs is the change of starch
into sugar.

In the fermentation process, sugar is converted

into alcohol by the bacteria Saccharomyces
cereviseae so that the sticky rice becomes soft,
watery, sweet, and smells of alcohol.

When the fermentation process is carried out at

room temperature and stored in a tightly closed
container. So that the bacteria in the yeast can
work perfectly and are not contaminated from the
outside air.
Berlian, Z., Aini, F., Ulandari R. 2016. Uji Kadar Alkohol
Pada Tapai Ketan Putih Dan SingkongMelalui Fermentasi
Dengan Dosis Ragi Yang Berbeda.Biota 2 (1): 106-11
Fahmi, N. (2014). Kadar Glukosa, Alkohol Dan Citarasa Tape
Onggok Berdasarkan Lama Fermentasi. Jurnal Pangan dan Gizi,
Pawiroharsono, S. 2007. PotensiPengembangan Industri Dan
3 Bioekonomi BerbasisMakanan Fermentasi Tradisional. J Ilmu
Kefarmasian Indonesia 5: 85-91.
4 Suaniti, N. M. (2015). Kadar Etanol dalam Tape sebagai
Hasil Fermentasi Beras Ketan (Oryza sativa glutinosa)
dengan Saccaromyces cerevisiae. Jurnal Virgin, 1(1), 16-19.

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