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The Whispers Of The Forest

As I looked up at the dark sky, I realized that I should’ve been home by now.
Left and right, I saw all the stores were dark as pitch black. The dim street lights
ahead of me flickering, some shattered into little pieces. In the distance, I could see a
red fox in the middle of the streets. I couldn’t care less. I knew if I wanted to go home
quick; the forest would be the quickest way.

Minutes had passed, yet it seemed like hours had passed. All I could hear was the
sound of the crumbling dead branches laying on the ground as I walked further and
further. The tall dark oak trees covering the view of the sky. The moonlight shining
through the leaves made things around me slightly visible. But then, I started hearing
noises. I told myself to keep it together. I felt as if someone was trailing behind me, as
if I were about to get kidnapped. I started to walk faster and faster. The leaves rustling
in the wind, the crickets chirping from above. I could feel the quickening beat of my
own heart. Then, I saw a tall pair of bright yellow eyes scurrying in the bushes. My
hands shivering in fear, the bumps on my hands started forming. I could feel the drop
of sweat racing down to my neck.

I ran even faster than ever before. Going left and right; dodging the tall trees ahead
of me. All I could think about was how I regret going through the forest. Before I
could realize, there was a big tree up ahead. I barely dodge that one. I stumbled and hit
the ground with a loud thump. My breath sank, as I knew that I was done for. The pair
of bright yellow eyes appeared in front of me, it came closer and closer. I started to
crawl back, desperate for a light of hope. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see what
happened. As I went for a peek… I quickly realized who that was. It’s the red fox that
I saw earlier on the streets. I gasped for air; thanking that nothing bad happened to me.
But, something I realized is… What I saw was a tall pair of bright yellow eyes. Then,
who was that?

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