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Name: Sandrovio Fortino Rusli

Group: Yeonjun, Eunsu
Grade: 9
Subject: Science
Teacher: Mr.Aldo Hutagalung

Table Of Contents:
I. Introduction
- Inertia
- Hydrodynamics
- Fluid Statics

II. Data Acquisition

- Materials
- Procedures
- Pictures Of Manual Plotting, Setting, Data Table

III. Analysis
- Angle Of Tilt Vs Height
- Angle Of Tilt Vs Volume Of Water

IV. Evaluation
- Struggles
- Strengths
- Conclusion

V. Personal Engagement
- Things You Like & Dislike
- God’s Creation

VI. References

I. Background Research/Introduction
Physics Law:
When I did the Tilting the bottle experiment, I saw that there are many physic’s laws
involved in making this experiment possible. Inertia is one of them.

Who Invented Inertia?

Inertia was invented by a man named Galileo Galilei, he was
the first one to formulate it for horizontal motion on earth
and was later generalized by René Descartes.

Newton’s First law: Inertia

Newton's first law states that every object will remain at rest
or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to
change its state by the action of an external force. This
tendency to resist changes in a state of motion is inertia.

What Is Inertia?
Definition: Inertia is a property of matter by which it
continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion
in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an
external force.

Simple Words: Inertia is the tendency of a body to

resist a change in motion or rest.

Example: When the bus stops suddenly, people lean

forward due to Inertia.

The formula for the moment of inertia is the “sum of the product of mass” of each
particle with the “square of its distance from the axis of the rotation”.

Formula Of Inertia: I = Σ mir(i)^2

Who Invented Hydrodynamics?

Castelli and Torricelli invented Hydrodynamics. Benedetto Castelli, and Evangelista
Torricelli, two of the disciples of Galileo, applied the discoveries of their master to the
science of hydrodynamics.

What Is Hydrodynamics?
Hydrodynamics is the branch of science concerned with forces acting on or exerted by
fluids (especially liquids).

Who Invented Fluid Statics?

This concept was first formulated, in a slightly
extended form, by the French mathematician and
philosopher Blaise Pascal in 1647 and would later be
known as Pascal's law. This law has many important
applications in hydraulics. Galileo Galilei, also was
one of the fathers of hydrostatics.

Pascal’s law: Fluid Statics

Pascal's law states that pressure applied to an enclosed fluid will be transmitted
without a change in magnitude to every point of the fluid and to the walls of the

What Is Fluid Statics?

Fluid statics is the part of fluid mechanics that deals with fluids when there is no
relative motion between the fluid particles.

There are two types of Fluid Statics:

Gas - Aerostatic

Liquid - Hydrostatic

The SI unit of pressure is pascal and 1Pa=1 N/m2. Pressure is the weight of the fluid
mg divided by the area A supporting it (the area of the bottom of the container)

Formula Of Fluid Statics: P=mgA

II. Data Acquisition

Materials Needed:

- Beaker
- Protractor
- Ruler
- Bottle
First, we had to fill the water in the bottle according to the table. As an example I am
going to use 200 ml. Now.. How can we know that it is 200 ml? That’s where the
beaker came in to do its job, you fill the beaker until 200 ml. You can see the numbers
of different ml in the beaker, then fill the bottle. Second, measure the height of the
water. Thirdly, tilt the bottle slowly and measure the exact angle when the bottle was
about to fall. It will not be precise, but that’s why there are 3 trials. Finally do it until
600 ml, moving up by 50 ml.

III. Analysis

Angle Of Tilt Vs Height (Excel Graph)

Angle Of Tilt Vs Volume (Excel Graph)

IV. Evaluation

For this part, I am going to be summarizing the whole time we did the experiment. It
was a very stressful and long experiment. There are many struggles that we faced
throughout the making of the project. Such as finding the exact angle of when the
bottle was about to fall. Also, I cannot stop spilling the water everywhere for whatever
reason and we got to clean it. But, there are also some strengths that we did as a
group. We are able to work together really nicely and finish the experiment with the
data needed. The lab report though was the most stressful part out of all, since you’ve
got to explain physics law involved in the creation of this experiment and also do the
excel graph. But overall it was a fun experiment.

V. Personal Engagement

There are obviously things I liked and disliked about the experiment. I liked to work
as a group to do the experiment since it helps with everything rather than doing it
individually. The thing I disliked is the lab report, since I am a very lazy person when
it comes to long and dedicated assignments.

Throughout this experiment, I feel that God has given us a world full of mystery for us
to find. You can just see the greatness of God from this little simple experiment. All
the physics law involved just makes your brain wonder that our world is a beautiful
and mysterious place.

VI. References

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