Star IIZones

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Star II Zone Configuration

You may be familiar with the operation of Building Modes in older

Westinghouse panels such as the 4100. Building Modes have been replaced by
Zones in the NexWatch Star II Controller. Zones are similar in operation as
Building Modes, however you can define up to 16 zones in a Star II as opposed
to one Building Mode in a 4100.
This document will guide you through the setup of Zones in a Star II

Supported Platforms

● EBI R200.1 and greater

● Star II Controller Rev 2.29

To learn about:

Initial Setup Click here

Configuring the Star II Controller Click here
Configuring the Points Click here
Configuring the Readers Click here
Creating an SE Action for the Click here
Create a Time Period for the Click here
Create a Privileged Card Click here
Test the operation Click here

Initial Setup
The following are a few general notes before beginning the configuration.
● Setup the Star II panel and any MIROs per the Star II documentation.
● The on-board MIRO is always address 1.
● The first external MIRO should be set to address 2.
Configuring the Star II Controller

Channel and Controller

1. Via Quick Builder, build an SE Channel as appropriate.

2. Via Quick Builder, build an SE Controller and set the Controller Type to

Note: Make sure you set this to NexSentryPlus. If you download the
controller as NexSentry and download it, you will have to delete and re-
add the controller as a NexSentryPlus. See Product Bulletin 277.

3. Download the configuration to the EBI database.

4. In Station, enable the channel and verify communication is good.

5. Call up the SE System Parameters display and use the Previous or

Next buttons to select your elevator controller.

6. Select the Inputs Tab and map the inputs to the physical MIRO location.

1. The Star II’s on-board MIRO is always address 1. If you have

multiple MIROs, set the appropriate address in the Device ID
column for the MIRO you will be physically connecting your inputs

2. The Point Name column is populated only when the MNTR points
are built and downloaded from Quick Builder.

3. The Point ID is the physical input number on the MIRO (i.e. 1-16
on the on-board, 1-16 on a 16/8 external MIRO).

4. The Configuration corresponds to the End-Of-Line-Resistor

configuration you are using on your inputs.

5. Set all Input Actions to SE-ACTION1. We will create other SE

Actions to use with the Zones, but set everything to SE-ACTION1
for now.

6. It is not required that you setup your input definitions in any

particular order. The input number to the left of the Point Name
is the Input ID that will now be recognized by EBI and the
controller. This number corresponds to the number that we used
for the Input ID on the Elevator Tab for the readers in the last
section. Another example could be that input 1 is set for physical
input 4 on MIRO 3 (i.e. Device ID = 3 and Point ID = 4).
Whenever you reference input 1 for this controller (i.e. for a door
switch or elevator input), it corresponds to input 4 on MIRO 3. Of
course it is recommended that you configure the 4 inputs in a
more reasonable manner.

7. Select the Outputs Tab and map the outputs to the physical MIRO

1. The Point Name column is populated only when the RELAY points
are built and downloaded from Quick Builder.

2. The configuration here is much like the Inputs Tab.

3. Set the Device ID and Point ID accordingly.

Configuring the Points

1. Via Quick Builder, build an Access point (we will call this Star2a-
Reader1 for example throughout this document).

2. Set the Entry to Zone as required (we will call this zone Star2aRdr1
for example throughout this document).

3. Build at least one Monitor Point (i.e. use MNTR X):

4. On the Monitor Point's Display tab, et the Entry to Zone to the same
zone as the reader in step 2 (i.e. Star2aRdr1).

5. Add a new Status Point for the Zone status and control.

6. The PV Source and OP Destination for this point will be set to

'ControllerName ZONE ZoneNameConfiguredInEBI'. For this example it
would be CntName ZONE Star2aRdr1 (we will call this point
Star2aZone1 for example throughout this document).

7. Refer to the Quick Builder help under ZONE for the state names and
further configuration.
8. Download all of the added points to the EBI database.

Configuring the Readers

Zones can be armed and disarmed in several ways. One is to make use of
what's referred to as a Station reader. The Station reader can arm a zone
using a privileged card and an input switch or if the reader has a keypad (VIP),
you can use a PIN rather than a switch. The following will discuss Station
reader configuration.

1. Via Station, call up the Access Point Detail for the reader created in the
last step.

2. Select the Door Definition Tab and set the details as needed.

3. If the reader has a keypad (i.e. a 4205K), select Keypad enable and
set a Keypad enable time period.

4. Set the Reader mode to Station. This will allow this reader to arm and
disarm our zone.

5. Once the Reader mode is set to Station, the Zone control monitor
input field will become visible. If you want to arm and disarm the zone
with the reader and do not have a keypad on the reader, set this value
to a valid input number from the inputs assigned under the SE

6. Save the modifications.

Creating an SE Action for the Zone

1. Via Station, go to Configure -> Access Control -> SE Actions.

2. Create a new SE Action and give it a name (we will call this point
ZoneAction1 for example throughout this document).

3. Set the SE Action parameters as follows:

1. Leave the Action Type set to Event.

2. Under Send to host when, check the Zone armed check box.
3. If you want active input points assigned to this zone to prevent the
zone from arming, select the Prevent Zone Closure checkbox.

4. Set the Print to terminal checkbox if you want to be able to see

messages from points assigned to this action using the Star
terminal port.

5. Set the Zone combobox to the zone that you created with the
reader and monitor point(s) assigned to (i.e. Star2aRdr1). This will
let the SE Action know what zone to monitor.

Create a Time Period for the Zone

1. Via Station, go to Configure -> Access Control -> Time Periods.

2. Create a new Time Period and give it a name.

3. This time period is going to be used to set the state of the zone status
point (i.e. Star2aZone1) to 'Should be armed'.

4. Determine what times you want the zone to alarm if it's not in an armed
state and set the time period configuration accordingly.

5. If you don't want to be alarmed that the zone is not armed at any time,
just leave all days unchecked and the times at 0:00.

Note: The time period is still required even if you don't want to get a
'Should be armed' alarm.

6. Go to Configure -> Access Control -> Zones.

7. Modify the zone created in the previous steps (i.e. Star2aRdr1) and set
the NexSentry Plus time period control to the time period just

Create a Privileged Card

1. Via Station, add a cardholder and assign a card if you do not already
have any cardholders configured.
2. In the Cardholders details, select the Cards tab and then select the card
you want to make privileged.

3. Check the Privileged Access Card checkbox.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for any other cardholder you wish to give the
ability to arm and disarm zones with their card.

Test the operation

1. Perform a complete download from EBI to the Star II controller.

2. Call up the Status Point Detail for the Zone point (i.e. Star2aZone1). It's
state should be Disarmed.

3. Active one of the Monitor points assigned to the zone and verify that you
don't receive an alarm.

4. Command the Zone point to the Armed state.

5. Active one of the Monitor points assigned to the zone and verify that you
do receive the alarm.

Note: Since we set the SE Action to report only only when during the
Zone armed state, we should only get the alarm when the zone is

6. You should see that the Station reader we configured earlier is flashing
between red and amber.

7. Present a Privileged card to the Station reader. This should disarm the
Zone and after several seconds the reader LED should go to solid red.

8. If you configured the reader to arm the zone with an input switch,
activate the switch and present a Privileged card. The reader should
start flashing red and amber and the Zone should arm.

9. If the reader has a keypad, enter in the Privileged card's PIN minus 1,
then enter in the actual PIN, then present the card. The reader should
start flashing red and amber and the Zone should arm.
Written by Eric Paulson of TAC NAR. Revised 8/8/2003

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