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Name: ________________________ Score: _________

Year and Section: _______________ Date: __________

A. Underline the verb that agrees with the subject.

1. It (is, are) unusual for him to be angry.
2. All of the children (help, helps) in household chores.
3. (Is, Are) either of your parents here?
4. There (is, are) fifty students in my class.
5. ‘The Arabian Nights” (has, have) been translated to different languages.
6. Either the speaker or the topic (is, are) boring.
7. The delegates (arrive, arrives) early for the conversation.
8. Neither Hector nor his friends (want, wants) to come.
9. A number of weddings (has, have) been solemnized in the church.
10. The first two parts of the test (is, are) easy.
11. There (has, have) been several calls for you.
12. Don’t you think that P500 (is, are) too much to pay for a blouse?
13. The number of overseas workers (is, are) increasing.
14. The committee (disagree, disagrees) on some points.
15. One – fourth of the applicants (was, were) taken in.
16. Physics (is, are) his major field of study.
17. The solution to the problem (lie, lies) in your hands.
18. Patricia, as well as her cousins, (love, loves) to attend rock concerts.
19. My teacher and adviser, Mrs.Lumbao (speak, speaks) articurately.
20. Everyone (is, are) invited to join the fun.

B. Supply the correct verb that agrees with the subject.

1. Monday and Wednesday _____ busy days.
2. My classmate and best friend, Jem _____ here.
3. The captain, together with his crew, _____ abandoning the ship.
4. Ten pesos _____ all I have.
5. Eight times seven _____fifty six.
6. His pair of jeans _____ faded.
7. A number of delegates _____ very young.
8. Many _____absent today.
9. Everybody _____ welcome.
10.Mitoy or Mike_____ the winner.


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