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What is authoritarianism? Why does authoritarian rule sustain in the Middle East?

Present your arguments? MD MEHEDI HASAN sovapoti16

Introduction: Authoritarianism is a political system where a single leader or a group of leaders
holds absolute power, suppresses political opposition, and limits individual freedoms.
Authoritarian rule has been prevalent in the Middle East for decades, with several countries
such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Syria being governed by authoritarian regimes. In this essay,
we will discuss what authoritarianism is, why it persists in the Middle East, and the impact it
has on society.
KEY CONCEPT/What is Authoritarianism? Authoritarianism is a form of government
characterized by a lack of political freedom, limited civil liberties, and a strong central authority
that exercises control over all aspects of society. In an authoritarian system, the leader or ruling
elite hold absolute power, with little or no accountability to the people they govern. Typically,
authoritarian regimes rely on a combination of coercion, propaganda, and fear to maintain their
hold on power.
 Juan J. Linz: Authoritarianism is a political system in which a single individual or a
small group of individuals holds power and seeks to maintain that power by restricting
political pluralism and individual freedoms.
 Hannah Arendt: Authoritarianism is characterized by the replacement of the rule of law
with the rule of the leader or the party, the use of terror as a means of control, and the
manipulation of public opinion through propaganda.
 Robert Dahl: Authoritarianism is a political system in which power is concentrated in
the hands of a small group of elites who use their control over the state to maintain their
power and privileges.
 Fareed Zakaria: Authoritarianism is a political system in which the government is not
accountable to the people, the rule of law is weak or non-existent, and the government
uses its power to suppress dissent and opposition.
 Guillermo O'Donnell: Authoritarianism is a political system in which the government
does not allow for free and fair elections, suppresses political opposition and civil
society, and relies on coercion and violence to maintain power.

THE REASONS why does authoritarian rule sustain in the Middle East
 Historical Context: The Middle East has a long history of authoritarian rule, dating
back to the Ottoman Empire and the various monarchies that have ruled the region.
Many of these regimes have used authoritarian tactics to maintain their hold on power,
such as censorship, repression, and the use of force. This historical context has created
a political culture in which authoritarianism is seen as the norm.
 Lack of Political Alternatives: One of the main reasons why authoritarian rule has
sustained in the Middle East is the lack of viable political alternatives. In many
countries, opposition parties are banned or severely restricted, leaving citizens with no
choice but to support the ruling regime. This lack of political options has contributed to
a sense of political apathy and resignation among the population.
 Economic Interests: Authoritarian regimes in the Middle East often have close ties to
powerful economic interests, such as wealthy business elites or oil companies. These
interests benefit from the stability and predictability of authoritarian rule, which allows
them to maintain their wealth and influence.
 Religious Conservatism: In many countries in the Middle East, religion plays a central
role in politics. Conservative religious leaders often support authoritarian regimes
because they see them as defenders of traditional values and morality. This support can
help authoritarian leaders maintain their hold on power.
 External Support: Many authoritarian regimes in the Middle East receive support
from external factors, such as foreign governments or international organizations. This
support can come in the form of military aid, economic assistance, or diplomatic
backing. External support can help authoritarian leaders resist pressure from domestic
opposition or international criticism.
 Repressive Tactics: Authoritarian regimes in the Middle East often use repressive
tactics to maintain their hold on power. These tactics can include censorship,
surveillance, and the use of force against dissidents. These tactics can help create a
sense of fear and intimidation among the population, making it harder for opposition
movements to gain traction.
 Weak Civil Society: Civil society organizations, such as trade unions, NGOs, and
independent media outlets, can play a critical role in promoting democracy and holding
authoritarian leaders accountable. However, in many countries in the Middle East, civil
society is weak or non-existent, leaving citizens with few avenues for political activism
or organizing.
 Tribalism: In some countries in the Middle East, tribal loyalties and identities are
stronger than national identity. This tribalism can make it harder to build a sense of
national unity and can create a power structure in which certain tribes or groups
dominate politics. This can make it harder for opposition movements to gain traction.
 Political Culture: In many countries in the Middle East, there is a deeply ingrained
political culture that values stability and order over democracy and political
participation. This culture can make it harder for opposition movements to gain traction
and can create a sense of resignation among the population.
 Geopolitical Tensions: Finally, geopolitical tensions in the Middle East can create an
environment in which authoritarian regimes are more likely to survive. Tensions
between different countries or regional powers can create a sense of external threat,
which can help authoritarian leaders justify their hold on power as a necessary measure
to protect national security.
Conclusion: In conclusion, authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by a lack
of political freedom, limited civil liberties, and a strong central authority that exercises control
over all aspects of society. Its persistence in the Middle East can be attributed to a range of
factors, including a legacy of colonialism and foreign intervention, social divisions, economic
patronage, and weak civil society institutions. The impact of authoritarianism on Middle
Eastern societies has been significant, stifling political dissent and limiting economic
opportunities for ordinary people. To address these challenges, it is crucial to support the
development of independent civil society institutions and to promote democratic values and

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