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50 Useful Phrases for Discussions

in English
Updated May 18, 2022

Being able to use only ten of these fifty phrases can improve

your English by helping you communicate more effectively.

This post will give you fifty phrases that you can use when
participating in a discussion in English. These phrases can be used
when discussing both light and more serious topics.

These fifty useful phrases are divided into nine categories based on
their function. To skip directly to one of the categories, click on the
link, and it will take you to that section.

The categories include useful phrases for:

1. When you need more time to think

2. Asking for help or inviting others to talk
3. When you want clarification
4. Adding information and making connections
5. Telling what you heard
6. Agreeing
7. Disagreeing politely
8. Revising or showing a change in your thinking
9. When you don’t want to answer a question

Often, when learning a language, we remain silent when we aren’t

sure what to say or how to say it. This can make having a
conversation difficult and awkward. Luckily, there are phrases you
can use to keep the conversation moving along and to show that
you are a good listener.
If you really want to improve your English communication and
speaking skills, try to begin using English in a functional and natural
way. I recommend these 5 Practical English Questions for
beginners and even intermediate students who want to increase
their vocabulary while conversing in English. Once you are able to
use those accurately, these fifty useful phrases will take your
discussion skills to the next level.

50 Useful Phrases
1. When you need more time to think, you
can say:
 I’m not sure. What about you?
 I need to think about it. What do you think?
 I have to think about that. What are your thoughts?

Using the phrases above is a completely natural way to maintain the

flow of a conversation and avoid awkward silences. They can be
used when having a general discussion or when negotiating during a
business meeting. Negotiations require collaboration, and asking
about other people’s opinions is a good place to begin. In business
negotiations, you can omit I’m not sure to appear more confident.
Another expression you can use in negotiations is What do you

Using the above phrases can decrease embarrassment and build

confidence as they result in successful communication. Also, as you
listen to what others have to say, ideas are likely to come to you,
and then you can use a phrase from number four below to add
information or make a connection to what someone else said.

2. When you want help or want others to

talk, say:
 Can you help explain?
 That’s interesting. Tell us more.
 Can anyone give an example?
 Can someone think of an example?

If you are not a talkative person or do not want to be the center of

attention, you can develop the skill of encouraging others to talk.
You can be an important part of the conversation by including others
and inviting them to contribute. You can listen more than you speak,
but you can still participate and express interest by asking others to
add to the discussion.

Of course, talkative types should also develop this skill and be

careful not to hog the conversation.

To hog something is to take, keep, use, or do something in a

way that prevents others from having, using, or doing it.
—Adapted from the Merriam-Webster Learner’s Dictionary

3. When you want clarification, you can say:

 I have a question…
 What do you mean by…?
 In other words, …. , right?
 So, you’re saying…
 You mean…? (+ Is that right?)
 I wonder if / what / how…

If you are not sure you understand something someone has said, it
is important to communicate this in a helpful way. If you do not
understand, there is a good chance that other people listening also
do not understand. Using one of these phrases is a great way to
show that you are listening and that you care about what the
speaker has to say.
Asking for clarification doesn’t make you look stupid. It
makes you look smart!

4. To add information and make

connections, say:
 I’d like to add…
 That reminds me of…
 That’s related to…
 Another example is…
 I can relate to that because…
 Going back to what ___________ said…
 Adding to what ___________ said…
 What ___________ said made me think (of)…

Good conversations are organic. This means they develop naturally

in a continuous process. What one person says leads to something
else. This continues on and on as people add more information and
continue to ask new questions. To do this, you have to listen well.

5. Useful phrases for telling what you heard:

 A told me…
 B said (that)…
 C told me (that)…
 I heard someone say (that)…
 Someone said…

This is basic reported speech. During a conversation, you might

remember something that someone else said that relates to the
topic you are discussing. Sharing it is a great way to add to the
conversation. It is also another way to show that you are a good

People like good listeners. While nodding and using eye contact
and rejoinders show you are listening, using reported speech shows
that you listen to and remember what others say.

For more information on reported speech, check out my affiliate’s

post Reported Speech (Part 1) – Statements. The information there
is free, but if you decide to purchase one of their courses or e-
books, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only
recommend products and services that I trust and wish I had
created myself.

Good listeners are not completely silent listeners.

6. Useful phrases to show you agree:

 Totally.
 Absolutely.
 That’s a good point.
 I (totally) agree.
 I completely agree.
 That’s right.
 That’s (so) true.
 I couldn’t agree more.

When having a conversation, we often nod our head to show that we

are listening. Nodding your head does not always mean that you
agree. It just shows the speaker that you are following what they
are saying. To show agreement, use one of the above phrases. If
you want to hear these used by native speakers in context, I highly
recommend YouGlish. I’ve entered absolutely into the search, but
you can enter any word or phrase you are curious about. Of
course, absolutely can be used in different ways, but you’ll hear it
used to show agreement in some of the thousands of examples
on YouGlish.

7. Useful phrases to disagree politely:

 Actually, I think…
 That’s a good point, but…
 That’s interesting, but I think…
 I see/know what you mean, but…
 Yes, but (on the other hand)…
 I know what you’re saying, but…
 I see it differently because…
 There is some truth to what you’re saying, but…

Believe it or not, disagreeing can be fun and exciting. However, it is

important to do it respectfully and politely. To do this, first
acknowledge the other person’s view. Then you can share your
opinion. It’s also important to keep a calm tone. If you begin to get
too emotional or upset, it might be best to agree to disagree and
steer the conversation in another direction.

To agree to disagree is to agree not to argue anymore about

a difference of opinion.
—Merriam-Webster Learner’s Dictionary

It’s also important to note that many of these phrases can be used
to introduce another viewpoint even when you agree with what
someone has said. This skill can be used when engaging in dialogues
to explore ideas and concepts. Acknowledging and considering other
viewpoints helps us develop our own thinking and opinions.

8. To revise or show a change in your

 I used to think…, but now I think…
 I see___________ differently now because…
 I view _____________ differently now because…
 Actually, I’ve changed my mind. I no longer think… / I now

If you are open-minded, curious, and love to learn and explore

ideas, you may find that a discussion changes the way you view
something. This is a core aspect of learning. If we think we know
everything and have all of the answers, we may not be open to new
ideas that can lead to growth. By exploring ideas through
discussions with people who have had different experiences or who
view the world differently than you, your thinking about something
might develop and change. If it does, the four phrases above will be

9. Useful phrases for when you don’t want to

 I’d rather not say.
 I’d prefer not to say.
 So, ___________ was saying…
 I’ll tell you later.

You don’t have to answer every question someone asks you. It can
be awkward to encounter a situation where you are uncomfortable
answering a question. Respectful people will respect your right to
privacy when you use one of the phrases above. Don’t waste your
time talking to people who don’t respect you. The last two
expressions on the list are indirect ways to avoid a question. One
redirects the conversation. The other shifts the focus away from
you. Don’t worry, you don’t really have to tell anyone later. If
someone says this, they might be willing to tell you later or they
might just be indirectly avoiding a question. It depends on the
context and situation.
In addition to these 50 useful phrases, you can use other practical
English expressions like the ones below when you don’t understand
a word, idea, or what someone said.

Useful Practical English Phrases

 What does __________ mean?
 Could you give me an example?
 How do you say ___________ in English/Korean?
 Could you repeat that?
 What’s the difference between _________ and
___________? or How are they different/similar?

To learn more about these five practical English phrases, read Five

Practical Questions to Help Increase Understanding next.

If you are looking for more

conversation skills, click on the happy face image for 19 posts about
a variety of conversation skills.

Never stop learning!

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