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Ca m b r i d g e


Better H
-Samantha Lewis and Daniel Vincent-
with Andrew Reid Learning


Vocabulary Language in action Reading

Travel p4 Present and past simple and continuous p6 An interview in a school magazine
Starter Unit
Music and theatre p4 Present perfect and past simple p8
Welcome! p4
Ways of communicating p7

Describing clothes ® Present perfect simple and present A blog post: Fashion & technology -
Unit 1
and shoes p ll perfect continuous pl3 Connected clothes pl2
Trendsetters plO
Verbs related to clothes ® Modifiers p!5 A travel guide: Traditional Scottish dress pl8
I® and shoes pl4 ® What we wear and why pl8

Unit review p20, Finished? pll8

Phrasal verbs: changes p23 ® used to, would and past simple p25 A brochure: ACE Exchanges - discover a new
Unit 2
Parts of objects p26 ® Past perfect with never, already, world and a new you! p24
Changes p22
by (then), by the time p27 O History: Starting again pl37

Unit review p32, Finished? pll9

Cooking verbs p35 An online forum: class4C study room p36
Unit 3 ® Future tenses p37
Quantities p38 ® Future continuous and future perfect p39 An article: A taste of Australia p42
Food for
® Food in Japan p42
thought p34

Unit review p44, Finished? pl20

The five senses p47 ® Deduction and possibility p49 A magazine article: No pain, no fear - No way! p48
Unit 4
Describing texture, ® Obligation, prohibition, necessity and $ Science: Echolocation pl38
Sense and
sound, taste, etc. p50 advice p51
sensitivity p46

Unit review p56, Finished? pl21

Processes p59 ® The passive p61 A webzine article: Smart cities of the future p60
Extreme adjectives p62 ® Question tags and questions with A travel blog: Scott the Explorer p66
prepositions p63 ® Extreme homes p66
world p58

Unit review p68, Finished? pl22

Verb collocations with ® Firstand second conditional p73 A fact sheet: When taking risks is a good thing p72
get, take and have p71 ® Third conditional p75 Citizenship: Digital Citizenship: case studies pl39
No limits p70
Inspiration and
challenge p74
Unit review p80, Finished? pl23
Feelings p83 ® Gerunds and infinitives p85 A magazine interview: The power of ‘notyet’ p84
Unit 7
Expressions with heart ® Subject and object questions p87 A report about schools in Denmark p90
Keep calm! p82
and mind p86 ® Happiness around the world p90

Unit review p92, Finished? pl24

Advertising p95 ® Defining and non-defining relative A report: Online advertising p96
Internetverbs p98 clauses p97 ftjA rt and design: How to design an
Advertising p94
® Indefinite, reflexive and reciprocal effective print advert p!40
pronouns p99

Unit review pl04, Finished? pl25

Reporting verbs pl07 ® Reported statements and commands pl09 A newspaper story: International twins! pl08
Unit 9
Adverbs of time and ® Reported questions p ill A story: Maori storytelling - How Maui
Have you heard
manner p llO slowed the Sun p ll4
the news? pl06
® Stories on stage p ll4

Unit review p ll6 , Finished? pl26

Vocabulary Bank pl27-136 CLIL pl37-140 Pronunciation pl41-142 Irregular verbs pl43

Listening Speaking and pronunciation Writing Project Learn to Learn gjjj

Atalk p7 An informal Personalising vocabulary p4

email p9 Describing words you don’t know with
other words ora gesture P7
An interview p!4 Givingyour opinion A blog Categorising p ll
politely pl6 comment p!7 Recording new verbs pl4
The letters ea pl41 Usingspidergrams pl9
Learn to ... write different kinds of
example sentences p21

A quiz show p26 Explaining how to use An opinion The history project: a retro Using words in different situations p23
something p28 essay p29 museum exhibition p30 Identifying key words p26
used to p!41 How to schedule p31 Learn to ... help your partner improve
their writing p33

A recipe p38 Giving instructions p40 Alisticle p41 Wordbuilding: adjectives from verbs p35
The letters ch pl41 Usingdiagrams p38
Understanding words from context p43
Learn to ... set and achieve learning goals p45

An interview p50 Making guesses and An encyclopaedia The science project: Brainstorming p47
giving clues p52 entry p53 an infographicon Using visual clues when listening p50
Weak form of to p!41 animal senses p54 Learn t o ... plan your homework p57
Howto research p54

A virtual reality Expressing surprise and A competition Learning verbs with prepositions p59
tour p62 disbelief p64 entry p65 Listening for specific information p62
The letters mb and bt pl42 Skimmingforgist p66
Learn to ... use a presentation plan p69

A podcast p74 Encouraging a friend to do A for and The citizenship Using collocations in sentences p71
something p76 against essay p77 project: a leaflet p78 Listening and choosing the correct option p74
Stress in multi-syllable Howto motivate Learn to ... take responsibility for your learning p81
words pl42 yourself and your peers p78

A conversation Expressing sympathy and An email reply Remembering adjectives p83

p86 concern p88 p89 Gapped flashcards p86
Initial consonant clusters Synonyms and antonyms p91
withs pl42 Learn to ... give your partner useful feedback p93

An interview p98 Recommending an An online product The art and design project: Wordbuilding: nouns and verbs p95
online tool plOO review plO l an advert storyboard pl02 Open-ended questions p98
The letters -tion pl42 How to give feedback pl02 Learn t o ... workout the meaningof new words pl05

A news report Telling an anecdote p ll2 A news story p ll3 Telling stories to remember new words pl07
p l 10 The letters cia pl42 Collaborative listening pllO
Irregular adjective and noun pairs p ll5
Learn t o ... askfor help when
you don’t understand p ll7


Write true sentences about your holidays with the

WELCOME words in Exercise 1.

Travel Music and theatre
Ci Match the words in the box with the photos.
Ci 4 Match the nouns in the box with the definitions.
s 01 Listen, check and repeat. s 03 Listen, check and repeat.

accommodation backpacking audience lines part rehearsal scene show

holiday resort sightseeing
tourist attractions trip 1 When people practise a play rehearsal
2 live performance in a theatre
3 the words actors say
4 a character in a play
5 the people who watch
6 a part of a play

Use it!

Complete the questions with words in Exercise 4.

Discuss the questions.
Ci Complete the comments with the words in 1 Have you ever been in a ___ show___at
Exercise 1. Listen and check. school? What did you play? How
did you learn your ? Did you have
Where did you London. It’s a great city for any before the show?
go on holiday 1 sightseeing because there
2 How is the at the theatre and
this summer? are so m any 2
cinema different to at a concert?
My favourite was Big Ben.
3 If you were in a film, would you like to appear
all the way through the film, or be in one big,
To 3
a _____________ I went im porta n t ?
in Greece. The 5 in
4 was Mexico this summer - Explore it! >
amazing - a beautiful just me, my bag, and a Guess the correct answer.
hotel right next to paper map. Itwasthe What films do these lines come from?
the beach. 6
best _____________
a ‘To infinity and beyond!’
of my life.
b ‘Just keep swimming.’
Write other famous lines from English films. Can
CJ LEARN TO LEARN your partner guess the film?
Personalising vocabulary
Writing sentences helps you to remember words.


An interview in a school
A Look at the photo. What do you think
5 04 the boy is doing? Read the interview
and check your answer.

Now that we're back to school, everybody's

talking about what they did in the summer.
Some of you probably stayed in a holiday resort
or went sightseeing with your family, and most
of you probably spent time at the pool with
friends. But not Joshua Wills. His summer was
very different. Let's find out why.

Joshua, you didn't h a v e a norm al sum m er

h olid ay this year, did you? What did you do? then suddenly I couldn't remember anything!
No, I didn't. I took part in a theatre camp for teenagers. Everyone in the audience was looking at me, thinking,
Our teachers were real actors from the theatre and 'What's wrong? He's not speaking. He's not even moving!'
TV. They taught us all about acting - you know, how to W ere you p a n ic k in g ?
develop a character, how to project your voice and use
I wasn't panicking. I was just frozen! But in the end
your body. It was lots of fun.
I remembered the lines and it was all OK.
D id you put on a show ?
Do you w a n t to do m ore th ea tre?
We put on a musical about a detective. I played the part
Definitely! I don't want to stop. In fact, I'm writing a play.
of the detective's assistant. We had one rehearsal every
It's more difficult than I expected, but I'm really enjoying
day for a week, and then three performances. Lots of
it. I want to put it on at school.
my friends and family came.
Ire y o u lo o k in g for a n y actors?
H ow d id it go?
Of course! Why? Do you want to join us?
It was great, but on the first night, in the final scene, I
forgot my lines. Everything was going really well and M aybe! It so u n d s lik e fun!

Read the interview again and answer the Find words in the interview that mean:
questions. 1 speak loudly and clearly (phrase)
1 Why was Joshua’s summer holiday unusual? 2 somebody who helps someone do their job
(n) _______
2 What did the theatre camp participants learn? 3 unable to move (adj)
4 100% yes! (adv)
3 How often did the group practise their play?

4 What problem did Joshua have? 4 Discuss the questions.

1 Joshua’s teachers were real actors. What is
good about this?
5 How did the audience react to the problem?
2 Have you ever acted or spoken in front of a big
group of people? How was it?
6 Why is Joshua looking for actors now?


Watch video S.l

LANGUAGE IN ACTION What did he do every
Present and past simple and day?
W hat’s he doing now?
Present simple Present continuous Past simple Past continuous
We had one rehearsal Everybody in the audience
It sounds like fun. writing a play.
every day. looking at me.
You have a normal
want to stop. He isn’t speaking. panicking.
summer holiday this year.

7 8
you want to try? you looking for actors? What you do? Were you panicking?

Complete the examples in the table above with the correct

form of be or do. Use the interview on page 5 to help you.
4 Write the questions.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the 1 w h a t/y o u /d o /a t nine o’clock last
verbs in brackets. Listen and check. night
1 Mike goes (go) sightseeing every year. What were you doing a t nine o’clock
2 Amalia (not learn) her lines until the night la st night?______________
before the first show. 2 what tim e /yo u /g e t up/today
3 A Where’s Harry? BHe (read) in his room.
4 You didn’t like the play, did you, Emir? You 3 duringthe summer/you / preferto
(sleep) during it! go sightseeing or go to the beach
5 I’m so happy we (not stay) in that holiday
resort last week when the terrible storm came. 4 what tim e/you / usually/get up /
6 Ana’s not at the rehearsal because she when you’re on holiday
(not feel) well right now.
5 speak English to anyone/last week
Complete Esma’s blog with the correct form of the verbs in
the box.
6 w h a t/yo u /w e a r/a t the moment
begin do getup go have not finish
not forget practise start think
Ask and answer the questions.

Hi, everyone. Yesterday we had our last rehearsal for the
What were you doing
2 3 at nine o'clock last night?
musical. 1 practising until 11 pm, and when 1
4 still_____ . The first
to bed, some of the others
sh o w 5
at 7.30 tonight. I didn’t feel nervous when I was watching some
this morning, but 1 7
to feel nervous now - videos online.
8 9
I hope 1 my lines. But I’m also really excited. 1
it’s going to be a great night. Anyway, y o u ____
anything this weekend? Why don’t you come and see me?



LISTENING D escribing w ords you don't know w ith other
Ways of communicating w ords or a gesture
When you don’t know a word, use words you do know to describe it
O Match the verbs in the box with the or use gestures to express what you mean.
s 05
emoticons 1-9. Listen, check
and repeat. Q 4 Express or explain the words in the box with other words or

describe greet post accommodation cry dance film frozen

shake hands shout smile sing standup tourist attraction
translate wave whisper
It’s a place where you can stay. Accommodation?

Use gestures or tell your partner /do this when

Can they guess the verb?

A talk
Listen to Mateo and tick (/) the tips that helped him learn
a Describe a word with other words
b Do a language course
c Don’t worry about making mistakes
d Listen to music
Listen to the dialogues and circle the e Talk as much as possible
correct words in Exercise 1. Translate words and make them sound English
1 whisper/shake hands
g Watch TV
2 translate/smile
3 post/shout dTii Listen again and complete each sentence with one word.
4 greet/translate 1 Mateo is studying at university.
5 wave/describe 2 He didn’t understand the family at first because they
so fast.
Do we express the verbs in Exercise 1 3 When he doesn’t know a word, he describes it,
with actions or words? Complete the it or makes a word in English similarto the Spanish word.
4 Lots of things were different for him, but he liked the
_______ best.
Actions Words
shake hands describe

g Discuss the questions.

1 Which of Mateo’s tips do you use?
2 Which tips would you like to try?


W atch video S.2

W here did she go last
W hich language has
Present perfect and past sim ple she never studied?

Present perfect Past simple

I’ve been at university now for three months. I started my course in October.

I haven’t stopped 1 I was there!

I met lots of people in the first few weeks.
I’v e been to London.

Have yo u 3 been to London? Did you go to London last year?

Complete the examples in the Circle the correct words. Listen and check.
table above with ever, since or
never. BEN ](£/ave you everbeen) / Did you ever
go to a music festival?
Get it right! JESSIE 2
Ye ah, I’ve been / went to one this
We don’t use the present simple summer. It was great.
Where has it been / was it?
with since.
Near the town where w e have been / went on holiday.
l/l/e’ ve been here since Tuesday.
5We’ve stayed / stayed in the town lots of times but this
NOT l/l/e are here sinse Tuesday-.
was our first time at the festival.
What haveyou liked I did you like best?
The Night Owls have had / had some amazing dancers
Look at sentences a-d. &
and have sounded I sounded incredible.
Circle the correct options to 9 l’ve never heard I didn’t hear of them.
complete the rules. 10
JESSIE Oh, they’re great! l’ve liked I liked them for ages.
a Last year Ispent six months
in London.
4 Complete the text with the past simple or present perfect.
b Ididn’t understand the
kids because they spoke
11 have never been (be) to Mexico, but last summer I
2 (get) a job in a Mexican restaurant. 1 3
c I’ve watched every episode 4
(meet) loads of people since 1 (start) working there
of The Big Bang Theory. 5 6
and 1 (make) friends. At first th ey (speak)
d I’ve stayed in contact with to me in Spanish, but 1 7 (not understand). Since then I
people I met in London. 8 (go) to Spanish classes and 1 9 (learn) lots.
Our teacher 10 (teach) us how to describe things when
1 Use the present perfect I
past simple for things that we don’t know the exact word.
happened in a finished
time period, e.g. last year.
2 Use the present perfect I
Discuss the questions.
past simple for things that
happened in the past in an 1 How many cities in your country have you visited?
unfinished time period, or 2 How long have you know your best friend?
when the exact time of the 3 Have you ever been to a festival?
action is not important.
I've been to three cities. I went to the capital last
month, but there are some cities I've never been to.


W RITING 4 Complete the Useful language box with phrases

from the email.
An informal email
Useful language
Look at the photos. What can you see? Read Azra’s
email and put the photos in the correct order. Starting and ending an informal email
Start + name: Hello Gaby 1
First sentence: How are you? / Thanks for your
email 1 ?
The reason you are writing: I’m writing to /

Last sentence: See you soon. / Bye for now. /

Read the email again. Why did Azra write the 4

email? What did she enjoy about her visit?

End + name: Take care, Azra /
2To: Write your own informal email to a friend. ;
3 Subject:
Thank you
4 Hi Gaby, • 5 Imagine you are doing an exchange with
5 How 6 I just • someone in an English-speaking country. You •
are things? wanted to say thank you for a great
visit to Manchester. I had an amazing time and yourfamily have visited their country and they are going
are so kind! • to visit yours. Make notes about these things. *
• •
I loved meeting yourfriends and visiting the city. There's so where you w e n t I
• fl
much to see! I learned so much aboutthe UKthat I didn't • fl
• fl
• I
know before. I've listened to the playlist you made me lots of
; what you d i d ;
times since I got back home and I know all the words to the
songs! • -----------------------------------------------------
I've told my friends all about my trip and they're really looking what you liked about your visit
forward to meeting you next month. I can't wait to take you
sightseeing in Istanbul to showyou all the tourist attractions
what you are going to do when they visit you
and introduce you to my friends and family. We've bought
tickets to go and watch a Turkish dance show while you're
here - 1hope you like it!
7Write back soon, : WRITE
8Love Azra
0 Writeyour email. Remember to include
language and vocabulary from this unit,
Match the letters a-h with the parts of the • phrases from the Useful language box, the
email 1-8. I parts of the email in Exercise 3 and the ideas
a Address of the e Last sentence in Exercises.
recipient f Reason you are • CHECK
b Address of the writing
• 7 d° y ° u
sender g Beginning and • • start and end the email correctly?
Ending and your name • give the reason why you are writing?
name h Topic of the 1 • say w hat you are going to do when your
First sentence email • friend visits?


I can...
• understand texts about technology and fashion
• give my opinion politely
• comment on a blog post
• understand how to use the present perfect simple and
continuous and modifiers

TRENDSETTERS • talk about and describe clothes and shoes

• categorise adjectives, record new verbs, use
spidergrams for associated words.

‘A Y->1

Language in G lobetrotters
action 1.2 action 1.3 English 1.4 1.5

10 T R E N D S E T T E R S | U N IT 1


Describing clothes and shoes Categorising
When we use lots of adjectives to describe one thing,
we use this order: shape, colour, pattern, material.

Complete the table with the adjectives in

Exercise 1.

Shape Pattern Material

4 Write three sentences describing the clothes in

Exercise 1. Use at least two adjectives in each
She’s wearing a white cotton T-shirt.

Read your sentences in Exercise 4. Can your

partner guess which photo you are describing?

Discuss the questions.

1 Which clothes in Exercise 1 do you have?
2 Can you describe the clothes you are wearing?
Ci Match the adjectives in bold with the numbers
101 in the photos. Listen, check and repeat. 3 Which shapes, patterns and m aterials do you
usually wear? Which do you never wear?
baggy trousers checked shirt
denim skirt flat shoes Explore it! -------------------------------
flowery dress high-heeled boots Guess the correct answer.
long-sleeved dress plain cotton T-shirt
Som e celebrities wear special ‘anti-paparazzi’
spotted shoes striped T-shirt scarves. What do you think these scarves do?
tight jeans a make their faces more beautiful
b make the photos go black
Ci Juan and Rosa are shopping for clothes for a c make the celebrities look ugly
1 02
school party. Listen to the conversation. Which
Find out about a clothes designer. Write a
things in Exercise 1 do they buy?
question for your partner to answer.

Anyone who has been reading my blog for a while knows
that I'm a huge fan of technology in fashion.
Here are my latest discoveries.

A We've all seen watches that measure how much

we move or sleep, but what about a T-shirt? Over C Now there are even smart clothes
the last few years, scientists have been developing that produce energy while we're
clothes which can record information about our wearing them! Scientists in South
heart rate or breathing and which can help us Korea have created a material that
stay healthy. Most people have a denim jacket. But turns movement into electricity. So,
have you ever seen a denim jacket that can play you can charge your phone while
music or send instant messages? Well, scientists you're doing exercise or just walking
have designed one that can. You just have to around! That's smart!
touch the sleeve and your music starts playing!
D Finally, if you haven't been
B Scientists have also created clothes with sensors following my updates on 3-D
that take our body temperature and circulate printing, check out these trendy
warm or cool air through the material so that we designs. My favourite is the high­
never feel too hot or too cold. Special clothes for heeled shoes. I love the fact that
astronauts or emergency service workers have each design is individual and that
been using this technology for years, but now one day we'll be able to design
companies have created similar materials for and print our own patterned or
everyday clothing and shoes. Great! No more hot, plain clothes and shoes at home.
sweaty feet!

READING 4 Find words in the blog that mean:

A b lo g p o st 1 the part of clothing that covers
your arm (A)___
Look at the pictures. How do they combine technology 2 to move around something (B)
and fashion?
3 to put electricity into a device like a
phone (C)___
/Til Read the blog post. Match headings 1-4 with
paragraphs A-D. 4 the latest information (D)
1 3-D printed clothes 3 Connected clothing 5 to produce something with a printer
2 Clothes that change 4 Energy-producing (D)___
temperature clothes

Read the blog post again and answer the questions. Discuss the questions.
1 How can we watch our health with connected clothing? 1 Would you like to have any of the
smart clothes in the blog?
2 How does the denim jacket in the text play music? 2 Whatotherthings would you like
clothes to do in the future?
3 What’s good about creating electricity with clothes? 3 Do you think smart clothes are
important? Why / Why not?

4 What does the blogger predict about 3-D printed clothes? Finished? p!18 Ex 1

12 TR E N D S E TTE R S U N IT 1

Watch video 1.2

LANGUAGE IN ACTION How long has Tara been
Present perfect simple and How many people have
present perfect continuous bought Patrick’s shoes?

Present perfect simple Present perfect continuous

1 2
Scientists also created clothes with Over the last few years, scientists been
sensors. developing clothes which can record information.
If you been following my updates on 3-D
He bought any 3-D printed clothing yet.
printing, check out these trendy designs.
you ever seen a jacket that can 6
How long you been reading my blog?
play music?

Complete the examples in the table above with Ci Complete the sentences with the present
the correct form of have. perfect simple or continous form of the
verbs in brackets. Listen, check and
Complete the rules with simple or continuous. repeat.
1 In present perfect sentences the focus is on 1 How long has he been designing
the result of an activity. clothes? (design)
2 In present perfect sentences the focus is on 2 yo u eve r
how long the activity is. to knit? (learn)
3 She never
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
high-heeled shoes, (wear)
1 lots o f/ I’ve/blog posts/written
4 I in these shoes all morning
I’ve written lots of blog posts. and my feet really hurt! (walk).
2 since / a fashion blog / writing / She’s been / January
Use it!
3 made / Have you / your own clothes / ever / ?
Imagine you are a fashion designer. Make
questions with the present perfect simple
4 been / He’s / two years / designing / for / clothes or continuous. Then think of your answers.
1 What/designed?

Ci 4 Complete the text with the present perfect continuous

104 2 Who / worn your designs?
form of the verbs in the box. Listen and check.

help make not practise try watch work 3 How long / designing clothes?

Recently ’ve been trying to learn
Ask and answer the questions. Which
how to knit. It’s really difficult!
2 designer makes the most interesting
I lots of videos online,
3 clothes? Why?
but 1 __________ very much.
I a scarf for a few I've designed a coat which
days now, but it’s full of holes and looks awful. changes colour when it gets wet!
5 5
My m um _________ me too, but sh e __________
all week and hasn’t really got much free time. ija Finished? p!18 Ex 2

U N IT 1 TR E N D S E TTE R S 13


Verbs re la te d to clo th es and shoes
fifc Read the fashion forum and match the verbs in bold with the definitions. Listen, check and repeat.

1 be the right size fit

A R E Y O U A F O L L O W E R O F F A S H IO N ? 2 not popular any longer

I don't buy many clothes because they go out of fashion so 3 wear something so much
MARIA it looks o ld __________
quickly. I usually buy things that go with other clothes I already
have. I like wearing green clothes because they match my eyes! 4 make someone look good

I’m really tall so it’s difficult to find clothes that fit me,
especially jeans! I wear jeans so much they wear out! Lots of 5 look good together
clothes don't suit me, because they haven't been designed for 6 be similar or the same colour/type
tall people.

I love fashion and I work in a clothes store on Saturdays. It’s 7 close buttons or zips on clothes
great because I get to try on loads of clothes. The worst part

is the changing rooms. People leave clothes on the floor and

8 open buttons or zips on clothes
I have to hang up the jackets and trousers and fold all the
T-shirts. It takes forever!
9 put clothes on a coat hanger
Today I had a complete fashion disaster. I was trying on a dress
in a shop. I managed to do up the zip! But when I tried to take
10 bend clothes so that one part lies on

the dress off I couldn’t undo it. How embarrassing!

another part

Discuss the questions.
R ecording new verbs
1 Which clothes fit you well?
Make sentences with new verbs so that you can
remember how to use them. 2 Which ones suit you?
3 Which ones have you worn out?
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in the box and the words in brackets. An in te rv ie w
do up hangup not go with suit w Listen to an interview with Carla. Where does
You never wear out your s h o e s . They always she get her clothes from?
look new. (your shoes)
O Listen again and complete the text.
That colour . It looks good. 1.07
Carla started looking at fashion designs online
when she w a s 1 12 . She enjoys upcycling -
This to p ______ . They’re different 2
creating from something that exists.
styles, (my skirt) 3
She also decorates T-shirts and tops
on your jacket. It’s cold. with her own designs. She knows that people buy
(the zip) fast fashion because the clothes are 4

and that ethical fashion is 5 than

Get it right! fast fashion but ethical fashion thinks about the
p e o p le w h o 6 .
The word clothes is always plural.
Your new clothes look great! > Pronunciation pl41

14 TR E N D S E TTE R S U N IT 1

Watch video 1.3

LANGUAGE IN ACTION What are the top three
fashion mistakes?
Modifiers W hat’s the problem if
your bedroom is totally
I’ve been obsessed with fashion since I was a child. a extremely / a b s o l u t e l y / / really
They look good. b q u ite/rath er/fairly/
These clothes are more expensive ... c I a little
but they last longer. d /far

Complete the examples in the table 4 Complete the sentences with the words in brackets.
above with a bit, a lot, pretty and 1 I feel — quite— tired today. I need to sleep well otherwise
totally. Use the same words in each I’ll be extremely tired tomorrow, (extremely / quite)
2 The shopping centre in our town is good, but
the one outside town is better, (far / quite)
Which words (a-d) do we use before ...
1 comparative adjectives to show 3 He creates amazing designs, which are
a big difference? more fun than ours, (a lot / totally)

2 comparative adjectives to show 4 I’m good at art, but there are people in my
a small difference? class who are more talented than me.
(far / fairly)
3 strong adjectives?
5 This coat is beautiful and it’s only
4 adjectives to mean more than
more expensive than the other one. (a bit / absolutely)
a little but less than very?

Circle the correct words. Listen and

Complete the sentences so they are true for you.
1 I am pretty good a t______________________________
Making materials like cotton or denim
can b e (extreme/]/)/ a lot damaging 2 Ifeelquitesadw hen_____________________________
for the environment. That’s why it’s 3 A subject I find a lot easier than before is
Absolutely I far essential we create ■. •

new materials from natural products that 4 I’m a bit more interested in
are fairly I a lot better for the planet. than before.
Some materials like bamboo have been 5 I think it’s absolutely amazing that
4fairly I a little successful. Others are still

being developed, like a material from the

5 *
rice plant, which is quite I a bit similar Guess what your partner wrote in their sentences. Score
to cotton, and one made from chicken one point for each correct guess.
feathers, which is pretty I a bit warm,
like wool. Technology has also made it Did you say, '1 am pretty good at English'?
7really I far easier to recycle materials
No, Ididn't. 1said, 'I’m pretty good at art’.
like plastic bottles into clothes such as
leggings and T-shirts, which i s really I Finished? p!18 Ex 3
a lot good news for the environment!


Giving your o p in io n p o lite ly
Listen to the conversation.
Does Diego like the things? W a tch vid e o 1.4
Everyday E nglish
DIEGO Hey, Dana. How’s it checkout fashion victim in out there
DANA Hi Diego. I’ve been
Match the phrases in the Everyday English box
shopping all morning. I’ve bought some
with the words and phrases 1-4.
great stuff. Do you want to see?
1 someone who follows fashion
DIEGO Yeah, sure.
DANA I got this striped jacket from Zaps, that new 2 fashionable
store they’ve just opened. 3 different__________
DIEGO Oh right. Wow! 4 loo k a t__________
DANA I know! It’s totally out there!
DIEGO Mmm, yellow and blue
together, but the blue matches the colour of
your eyes.
4 Write about the clothes
DANA Thanks! And check out these trousers.
in the photo:
DIEGO Flowery trousers! Wow! Very retro!
DANA I know! They fit really well. What do you What clothes are they?
think? Who bought them and
DIEGO W ell, , but I can see why why?
you like them. What do they look like?
DANA Do you think they suit me?
Why do you like or not like
DIEGO Yes, I guess so.
DANA I think I might wear them to go out later,
with the jacket. SPEAK
DIEGO Mmm, _______________ 5 Practise the conversation with your partner.
I’d wear them together. Remember to use the present perfect simple
and continuous, modifiers, the vocabulary
the trousers would go from this unit and phrases from the Useful
better with a plain top. language and Everyday English boxes.
DANA No, patterns are totally
in this year. CHECK
DIEGO You’re such a fashion g Work with another pair. Listen to their
victim, Dana! conversation and complete the notes.
Who bought them and why?
O Complete the conversation with the phrases
111 from the Useful language box. Listen and check. What do they look like?

Useful language
Do the other pair like them?
I don’t know i f ... I’m not a huge fan o f ...
I think maybe ... That’s ... e r ... different!
They’re not exactly my style.

16 TR E N D S E TTE R S U N IT 1

Four steps omments

to reduce your Great post! It got me thinking Thanks for sharing!
fashion footprint about how to reduce my fashion I had no idea that I
footprint. I talked to my parents throw so many clothes
Here are some ideas you can try! and we decided to try and reduce away! I had a clothes
Have a clothes swap party. Swap the amount of energy we use on swap party last
clothes you d o n ’t want with your our clothes. Usually we wash all week. I got a great
friends. our clothes every time we wear denim jacket that I
them, even when they're still absolutely love! I also
Save energy. Wash clothes less often, pretty clean, but this month we've got two long-sleeved
dry clothes naturally, d o n ’t Iron! been washing clothes less often, tops and some cool
and we haven't ironed anything. high-heeled boots
Give old clothes to second-hand
My parents have saved money and for free! I was absolutely amazed that we swapped
shops. Don’t throw them away!
I've been much better at hanging everything! Since reading your post I've decided to
Buy fewer, better q u a lity new clothes. up my clothes! Carlos buy far fewer new clothes in the future. Amie

W RITING Write your own blog comment.

A b lo g c o m m e n t
Look at the blog post. How can people reduce their 4 Look at the ideas in the blog post and make •
fashion footprint? notes about which one to write about.
Which ideas will you try out?
Read the blog comments. Answer the questions.
1 Were the ideas that Carlos and Amie tried
Do you think it will go well? Why? I Why not? •
successful? How do you know?

____________________________________ •
2 What does Amie want to do in the future?
; What other ideas would you like to try in the ’
; future? *
Find the phrases from the Useful language box in the
blog comments. Which phrases can you use when
you ...
’. 5 Writeyour blog comment. Remember to
1 enjoy reading a post?
• include the present perfect simple and
continuous, modifiers, vocabulary from
2 learn something new from the post? this unit and phrases from the Useful
• language box.
3 change your behaviour because of the post?
• 6 Do you ...
Useful language • • explain why an idea might or might not
work well?
Great post! We decided to ...
• explain what you would like to try in
I had no idea th a t... Since reading your
’. the future?
It got methinking post I’ve...
about... Thanks for sharing!
Finished? p!18 Ex 4

U N IT 1 TR E N D S E TTE R S 17

Watch video 1.5
READING hat we wear and why
A travel g u id e
Why do we wear clothes and what do
Are the sentences about the kilt true or false? Read the they show about us?
travel guide and check your answers. What is a deel and why do Mongolian
Kilts are only worn by men. people wear it?
2 Kilts have not always been made of tartan. What do the colours blue, white, green,
3 Tartans today indicate where people live. yellow and orange represent for the
Masai people?
4 Scottish dress is different for men and women.
5 Tartan patterns are popular outside Scotland.

Traditional Scottish dress

ou have probably seen photos of
Y Scotland’s most famous
piece of clothing, the kilt. But did you
• tartan kilt and a kilt pin
know that Scottish men have been • leather belt
wearing kilts for centuries? A kilt • sporran — a small leather or fur bag
used to be an extremely long piece of that hangs from the belt. There are no
pockets in a kilt!
heavy plain or checked material that
• plain or tartan socks
men from the Scottish Highlands
• kilt knife — a small knife kept in one
wore every day. They wrapped the
material around their waist and over
• ghillies — plain, flat leather shoes with
one shoulder or their head to protect long laces
them from the cold wind or rain.
Nowadays, the design of the kilt is WOMEN:
totally different. It is knee-length • long or knee-length tartan kilt
and made from wool, with a pattern • tartan shawl — a piece of material
worn over your shoulders
of vertical and horizontal stripes in
• plain or tartan
different colours called tartan. Tartan
designs used to indicate the area
where people lived and were far less
colourful than they are today. Since
the 18th century, people have been
wearing tartan designs that represent
their family name or clan (group of
families) and today there are over
4,500 designs! The kilt forms part of
the traditional Highland dress, which
is quite different for men and women.

18 T R E N D S E T T E R S I U N IT 1

Use the travel guide to complete the table. Find the nouns and match them with the
Kilts in the 18th century Kilts in the 21st
One long piece of cloth century dress funeral laces pin shawl
worn around w aist and a ceremony when a person dies
over shoulder
2 a combination of clothes worn together for a
particular situ a tio n___
Highland dress for men Highland dress for
3 a sm all piece of metal to attach clothes
4 a large piece of cloth worn over your shoulders
or h e a d ___
Who wears traditional Who wears modern 5 string used to fasten shoes
tartan clothes? tartan clothes?
Using spidergram s
Spidergrams can help you remember words that have a
link with other words.



4 Make a spidergram of clothes and shoes which

have laces, a zip, buttons or sleeves.

Which words did you both write?

Add any new words to your spidergrams.

V oice it!

Discuss the questions.

I I i a h 1n n d d re s s is e x t r e m e l v n n m i l a r in S c o ld A n d f o r
* * A * V W * V W V W ^W ' V W V ' V W * . v w -w w v v w * v w V - ' V V * V W * V W *

What is traditional dress in your country?

special occasions such as weddings, funerals or
2 When do people w ear it?
parties, particularly for men. Women often wear
kilts to do traditional Scottish dancing at snorts
and cultural events. Nowadays, tartan isn’t just Explore it!
used for traditional dress in Scotland. Fashion
Guess the correct answer.
designers around the world use tartan to
create m odern designs such as tartan trousers It was illegal to w ear tartan in the middle of the
or tartan shoes and celebrities from R ihanna 18th century in Scotland. True or false?
to Shawn Mendes have been photographed a true b false
wearing tartan. Even though people have worn
Find another fact about traditional Scottish dress.
tartan for centuries, it is still popular today and
Write a question for your partner to answer.
looks like it’s not going to go out of fashion any
time soon.
if"/ The Culture Project Teacher’s Resource Bank

U N IT 1 TR E N D S E TTE R S 19


VOCABULARY 4 Circle the correct modifier to complete the

Circle the odd word out.
1 It takes a little / quite longer to fold your
1 baggy tight spotted
clothes, but then you don’t have to iron them.
2 cotton long-sleeved denim
2 Where did you get that jacket?
3 flowery flat plain I far I absolutely love it!
4 cotton striped checked 3 The second film in the series was
5 plain flat high-heeled a b it/ pretty better than the first one, but not
Match 1-5 with a-e.
/------ X 4 I speak a lot I fairly good Chinese, but I can’t
Hang up your clothes, write it.
------ X

I can’t undo myjacket, 5 I’m far/ totally confused by his explanation. I

Z------ X

These jeans are worn out don’t understand it at all.

This T-shirt doesn’t fit me any more, 6 Have you seen this video? It’s
— really / a lot funny.
5 Your glasses really suit you, [
That T-shirt is far / really nicer than the other
a because I’ve had them for ages. one, but it’s quite / a lot expensive.
b it’s too small.
c the zip’s broken.
d they look great!
e they’re all over the floor.

Complete the text with the present perfect simple
or continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

16-year-old Moziah Bridges

(design) ties since he
was nine. His grandmother taught
him to make bow ties and since
then he (own) his own
business. The designer
(appear) in magazines and on TV and
(make) a collection of ties
for basketball teams in the USA. Mo is still at school
but (work) in the evenings.
It (not be) easy, but his mum helps him
and h e (employ) more people as his
business (grow). Mo often gives talks to
other people w ho (think) about starting
a business.




You can write different kinds of example sentences to help you Match Ela’s examples 1-6 with
understand and remember new words. types a-c.

Read Ela’s blog. Why does she recommend using the

different kinds of example sentences to remember new
words? 3

€lo's English
Today's tip:
exam ple
BLOG sentences Choose five words from the box and
write an example sentence for each
Hi everyone! Today we’re looking at a great way to learn one. Use all of Ela’s types a-c at least
vocabulary: example sentences. When I learn new words, I once.
often use them in sentences to help me learn and remember
baggy charge
them. There are different types of example sentences you can
fashion victim flat
use. They're all good for different reasons.
hangup high-heeled
sentences about you, your family or your friends - when laces not go with
you use words in sentences about things people you spotted updates
know have done, the words are easier to remember
funny sentences - a funny image can help the word stay
in your memory
sentences that explain the word - these make the
meaning clear, like the examples in dictionaries

Here are some of my latest examples. Can you guess which

types they are?
I prefer plain T-shirts to ones with writing or pictures on
Your skin gets sweaty when you're hot or exercise a lot.
My baby brother always wipes his nose on his sleeve.
The giraffe couldn't do up the zip on his jacket because it 4 Tell your partner your sentences from
was too long! Exercise 3. Which types a-c are they?
5 A checked pattern is a pattern of squares of different Which sentences are your favourites
colours. and why?
I thought I saw a zebra - but it was a horse in a black and
white striped T-shirt.
So ... that's all from me today. Don't forget to share some
example sentences of your own. You can post them below!


XTZ\ ARC \ O T I in F M T jji

• understand texts about international exchanges and
a mystery object
• explain how to use something
• write an opinion essay

• understand how to use used to and would tor past
habits, the past simple, and the past perfect with
never, already, by (then), by the time
• talk about changes and parts of objects
• practise learning new words by usingthem in
different situations and identifying key words to
understand audio texts
• make a history exhibition.

S ta r t it! M
1 Look at the photo. Do you know what this animal is, and how it changes?
2 Before you watch, how do you think cities change over time?
3 Which two events changed the city of Seoul? Watch and check.
4 How has your town or city changed?

Language in action 2.2 Language in action 2.3 Everyday E n g lish 2.4

W a tc h v id e o 2.1


Phrasal verbs: changes
Which of the phrases a-l describes
We’re not getting
picture 1? Which phrase describes picture 2? it until next week
a settle down in a go back to the
new school beginning a whole week?

look forward to the end up in the

w eekend w rong place
I hope my new
sign up for French go through a
bedroom is nice.
lessons hard tim e
Well, it’s bigger
try out a new k do without the than your old one.
restaurant Internet
e turn out w ell turn down an
move out of a house invitation

move to a new

Match definitions 1-12 with the phrasal verbs a-l in C l LEARN TO LEARN
Exercise 1. Listen, check and repeat.
Using w ords in different situations
1 feel happy about som ething in the future Using new words in different situations helps you
2 not have som ething to remember them.
3 finally be in a place/situation
4 Think of different situations for the phrasal
4 experience
verbs in Exercise 1.
5 stop living in a particu lar place
What can you look forward to?
6 try som ething new
7 start to feel happy in a new place/situation
A party ...the end of exams
8 return
9 join an organised activity ( ^ U s e it!
10 say no to som ething
Think of questions using the phrasal verbs
have a p articu lar result
in Exercise 1. Ask and answer.
change to
Have you tried out a new restaurant recently?
Listen to six conversations and complete the
sentences using the phrases in Exercise 1. Yes. We went to a great Italian restaurant last week.
Mr Sm ith decides to for French
classes. Explore it!
2 M olly the baseball game. Ben
to the game. Guess the correct answer.

Tom is at the m om ent. He Where do m ost international students com e from?

new school. a USA China cln d ia
Jo asks Ed to th eb eg in n in g . Find out a fact about students in your country.
The girls are going to restaurant. Write a question for your partner.

In the end, Leila’s p a r t y .

U N IT 2 | C H A N C E S 23


Student testimonials

I love school here - it’s so different Last year I spent six wonderful months in Mexico. I used to
to the USA. Students have almost dream about living in a different country, so when I discovered
no homework and very few exams. Ace Exchanges I signed up immediately. It was an absolutely
At my school, we don’t even have incredible experience. I loved the mix of local, European and
school subjects. We study topics and African cultures, and the people were really outgoing.
do projects instead. It’s a great way Of course, I went through some ups and downs at first,
to learn. especially dealing with a different school system. For example,
This experience has really helped me many Mexican schools have two timetables. Some students
to become more confident. I didn’t start school at 7.30 am and some - like me - start at 2 pm.
use to be adventurous, but I’ve tried We would finish at 8 pm! Also, I didn’t speak much Spanish
lots of new things since I arrived here when I arrived, so it was quite difficult to follow lessons. But my
eight months ago. For example, I went on a reindeer safari on classmates would always
my birthday, and I’ve been going ice-swimming every Saturday. help me, and I improved a lot.
Plus, I’ve made lots of friends. Finns are very cool people. I felt a bit homesick from time
It hasn’t all been easy. Winter is very hard because it's really to time, but now I feel like I
dark - there are only three or four hours of light every day. The have two homes. In fact, I’ve
good thing is that you can see the beautiful Northern Lights. decided to go to university
there. I’m really looking
If you get the opportunity to study abroad don’t turn it down,
forward to going back.
especially not if you can come to Finland!

A brochure
Look at the photos. Which show Finland? Which show 4 Read the sentences and write T (true),
Mexico? What do you think it is like to live there? F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).
1 In Finland, students never do exams. JE
Read the brochure. Write L (Lucy) or B (Ben).
2.03 2 Students have long breaks in Finland. _
Which person ...
3 Lucy has been ice-swimming more than
1 has been abroad for more than half a year?
once. _
2 found the country’s education system difficult? __
4 Ben never wanted to leave the USA.
3 has changed in a positive way? __
5 Mexican students don’t all finish school
4 found part ofthe year difficult because of the light? at the same time.
6 Ben wants to go back home soon.
5 likes the variety of cultures?
6 cando something better than they used to do? Voice it!

Discuss the questions.

Find words in the brochure that mean:
1 Can you think of a country you would like
1 happy to try new things (Lucy)
to go on an exchange to?
2 from the nearby area (Ben)
2 Why would you like to visit that country?
3 friendly and sociable (Ben)
3 What do you think would be difficult
4 a mix of good and bad experiences (Ben)
about living there?
5 missing your family (Ben)
F in is h e d ? p119 E x l

24 C H A N G E S U N IT 2

W hat did her

LANGUAGE IN A C TIO N g ran dm oth er use to
w rite on?
used to, would and past simple W hat did she use to
do outdoors?

used to / would Past simple

to dream about living in a different country. I went on a reindeer safari.

I didn’t 2 to be adventurous. I didn’t speak much Spanish.

Did Lucy 3 to be adventurous? Did Ben learn a lot of Spanish?

My classm ates 4 always help me.

Pronunciation p!41

Complete the examples in the table 4 Circle the correct words. Sometimes both are possible.
above with one word in each gap. Use 1 More people would I used to live in the countryside than
the brochure on page 24 to help you. in cities. Now it’s the opposite.
2 In the past, TV channels would I used to stop at night.
Complete the rules with used to/would
or the past simple. 3 Some people didn’t use to / wouldn’t smile in photos
because their teeth were bad.
1 We use to talk about
situations that continued and actions 4 Many people would/ used to think that the Earth was flat.
that happened more than once in the
Complete the sentences with used to, didn’t use to or the
past simple and the verbs in brackets.
2 We use to talk about
1 For his birthday, Aidan got (get) a new bike. He loved it.
things that happened only once.
2 A d a ( lik e ) apples much, but now she does.
Complete the text with used to and the 3 I ( e n d up) in the wrong place yesterday
verbs in brackets. because I didn’t have a map.
My grandfather’s childhood was 4 When Bill was younger, he (turn down)
different to mine. When he was a boy, he invitations all the time because he was so shy.
never to have (have) many toys,
but h e 2 (have) a lot of time.
He 3 (love) playing outside.
Write questions for a partner about their parents’ lives
Sometimes, his friends
4 with used to or the past simple.
(play) outside all day -
th ey 5 (go) out early and 1 what to ys/p la y with ______________________________
then th ey 6 (come) home 2 study English / at school ___________________________
late at night. I think it 7 (be) 3 how / meet ______________________________________
safer for children then.
Ask and answer the questions.
0 Get it right!
What toys did your parents use to play with?
We don’t use would with past situations,
only repeated actions. 1think they used to play with wooden toys,
l/l/e used to live in Murcia. and they would often play outside.
NOT l/l/e would live /n Murcia
F i n i s h e d ? p119 E x 2
l/l/e used to / would play tennis at school.

U N IT 2 C H A N G E S 25


Parts of objects
Look at the photos. Which objects do you recognise? Use it!

home video camera typewriter 4 Ask and answer the questions in

Exercise 3. Are your answers similar or

A quiz show
fax machine
Listen to a quiz show about retro
objects. Which three objects in
Exercise 1 are mentioned?
digital watch lava lamp

Identifying key words
encyclopedia Identifying key words before you listen can
help you understand what you hear.

Read the questions and the options

and underline the key words.
1 Joey pushes the buzzer too early
because h e ...
a can’t wait to play.
b doesn’t understand the rules.
O Match the words in the box with parts of the objects 1-10. 2 Nicola guesses the first object
2 08 Listen, check and repeat. correctly because she ...
a has seen one before,
button cable cover display handle b has heard of it before.
key lens lid Plug strap 3 People had fax machines ...
a in their houses.
Cl Circle the correct words. Listen and check. b in their workplaces.
1 When you carry a backpack, do you use one strap I cable 4 People used lava lamps ...
or both? Why? a instead of lightbulbs.
2 Do you always put the handle / lid back on the b because they were attractive.
toothpaste after using it?
3 How often do you clean the key / lens of the camera on Listen again and answer the questions
your phone? in Exercise 6.

4 Without looking, can you remember what is on the Voice it!

cover / display of this book?
5 Can you name six objects that have an on/off plug / 8 Discuss the questions.
button? 1 Do you know any retro objects that
6 Do you take your phone charger cable/ display with you have come back into fashion?
when you go out? 2 What do you think of them?

26 C H A N G E S U N IT 2

Past p erfect w ith never,
already, by (then}, by the tim e

Watch video 2.3

last week?
When were 3-D
printers first

This was before anyone had heard

of printers.
I’d heard of fax machines before, but I’d
Ci 4 Complete the text with the past simple or the past
seen one. 211
perfect. Listen and check.
They’d gone out of fashion by the time
you were born. Last year 1
1 went (go) on an exchange to Moscow. 12

(never / travel) alone before, so 1 3 (feel) nervous at

I hadn’t started yet.
first. Before 14 (go), 1 5 (already / learn)
Had yo u seen a digital watch before then? to read the Russian alphabet, although 1 6 (not practise)
speaking Russian. By the time 17 (leave), I
Complete the examples in the table above 8 (improve) a lot. Everybody in Moscow 9

with already, ever or never. (be) really kind and friendly, but it 10 (not be) easy to
deal with the cold weather. 1 11 (not pack) enough warm
Circle the correct words to complete the rules. clothes, so I had to buy some after 1 12 (arrive). Anyway,
1 Already, never and ever come before I after I can't wait to go back. 1 13 (not expect) to enjoy it much
the main verb. before I actually 14 (get) there, but in the end I really
1 5 (do)!
2 By the time means before / after
something happened.

Answer the questions with the past perfect.

1 How did you know what would happen in Ask and answer the questions about the topics
the film? (already I read / the book) below. Use the past perfect.
Because I had already read the book.______ 1 hear of/connected clothing?
2 Why did you get lost? (never / be / there 2 see / a picture of 3-D printed clothes?
befo re) 3 hear of/ ice-swimming?
4 see / a picture of the Northern Lights?
3 Did you get a ticket for the concert? No, (by
Before you started using this book, had
the time / I went online / they / sell out)
you ever heard of connected clothing?

4 How was the party? (already / finish / when No, Id never heard of it, but now 1want to know
we got there) morel / Yes, I had. I'd already read about it online.

U N IT 2 C H A N C E S 27

ifi-i Complete the conversation with the phrases

from the Useful language box. Listen and
E x p la in in g how to use so m e th in g check.

Ci Listen to the conversation. Which of the things in Useful language

the box does the typewriter have? Is it some kind o f ... ? I’ve messed it up.
Like this, you mean? What you do is, you ...
cable display ink keys plug speaker
You’ll have t o ...

W atch video 2.4

Everyday English

all over again

I’m not surprised,
old-school That’s it.

Complete the sentences with the phrases in

the Everyday English box.
1 Barry’s not here yet. - he’s
What’s that? Is it some kind of computer? always late.
MERI No, it’s my grandad’s old typewriter. 2 A Do I press this button here?
YUSUF Where’s the display? B ______
MERI There isn’t one, and there’s no plug or cable.
3 Your new jacket’s s o . M y dad
YUSUF That’s so old-school! How did it work?
used to have one like that.
MERI The paper would move as you typed.
2 press the keys hard, but 4 Oh no! I’ve lost my homework! I’ll have to
not too fast or they get stuck. Try it out! do i t .
MERI That’s it. Just imagine - people used to type
books on these things! PLAN
YUSUF No way! I can’t even find the letters I want. 4 Choose one of the objects on page 26.
MERI You need to sign up for typing classes! They’re ! Make notes on how to use it.
in the same place as an ordinary keyboard.
YUSUF Oh no! How do I go back?
There’s no ‘delete’ key. ; 5 Practise the explanation with your
start all over again. partner. Remember to use past tenses,
YUSUF No, thanks! Anyway, how come your grandad • vocabulary from this unit and phrases
had this? ; from the Useful language and Everyday
MERI He used to need it for work, but after a while English boxes.
he ended up buying a computer. ; CHECK
YUSUF I’m not surprised! I’m glad they’d invented ; g Work with another pair. Listen to their
computers by the time I started school! I’d I explanation and complete the notes.
hate to do my homework on this! ; How does the object work?

Do you understand how to use it?

28 C H A N G E S U N IT 2

An opinion essay
In what ways has life changed for teenagers in 4 Complete the essay with the linkers from the
the last 30 years? Useful language box. Do you agree with the writer?
Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.
Read the essay. Does it mention any of your
ideas in Exercise 1? Some people think that online games are
worse for you than traditional games, because
A re teenagers today more or less stressed they are addictive and don't involve physical
than previous generations? exercise, but is this always true?

The world has changed a great deal in the last In my opinion, online games have many good
few decades, especially for teenagers, and not points. 'F irs tly , they improve your memory and
always in a positive way. In particular, people your problem-solving skills.
2 , you can make friends. 3 , you
of my generation are a lot more stressed than
teenagers in the past. play with people from around the world.
4 you often have to communicate in
Firstly, we are under enormous pressure to do
English and 5 your English improves.
well in exams. This means that we spend a lot of
time studying. Young people didn’t use to study However, it's important to spend time with your
as much because it wasn’t always necessary to friends offline.
6 , online games can be unhealthy, but
go to university. Therefore, they had more time
to relax and hang out with friends. only if you spend all your time playing them.
Secondly, previous generations didn’t have
online profiles to w orry about. In fact, young
people 20 or 30 years ago hadn’t even heard of Write an opinion essay. *
‘followers’ and ‘likes’ because social media hadn’t
been invented yet. For people of my age, it is PLAN •
almost impossible to do w ithout social media. In 5 Look at the statement and make notes. •
addition, it can become extremely addictive.
In conclusion, I would say that teenagers today Teenagers today have more
have more stressful lives than our parents did. freedom than in the past.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Complete the table with the linkers from the i Write two reasons for your opinion.
Useful language box. Look at the linkers in the I Give a summary of your opinion. •
essay to help you.
*• W RITE :
Order of ideas Connection between ideas ; g Write your opinion essay. Remember to include, •
firstly used to, the past simple and past perfect and •
• phrases from the Useful language box. I

*. 7 Do you ...
Useful language • • give your opinion?
firstly in addition in conclusion secondly • give reasons for your opinion?
therefore this means that • summarise your opinion?

Finished? pTI9 Ex 4

U N IT 2 C H A N G E S 29

Fashion is always changing, and old styles often come
back into fashion, although few people look forward
to seeing 1970s fashion again. If you watch TV shows
from that decade, you will see that people used to
wear trousers that were tight at the top and wide
at the bottom, flowery dresses, a lot of tight cotton
T-shirts or shirts with big collars, and plenty of big
round glasses. During the early 1970s, bright colours
were extremely trendy, but by the end of the decade
they had almost completely disappeared. Black,
white, grey and brown had replaced them, although
people still wore enormous glasses.
It is hard to imagine dealing with the ups and
downs of modern life without computers and
smartphones. However, in the 70s there were
very few computers, and the ones that existed
were a lot bigger than those we have today.
They were far slower, with simple displays and
enormous buttons. Compared to the devices we
use today, they also had very little memory. In
fact, the computers on the Apollo spaceships
that took men to the moon had less memory
than some modern toasters. By the beginning of
the 1970s, some companies had started to use
computers in their offices, but it was extremely
rare to see a computer in a house. In fact, most
people had never used one, and some people had
never seen one.

A retro museum Complete the table about exhibits 2 and 3.

1 2 3
Look at the photos. Area fashion technology music
What period in Period 1970s
history do you think Examples trousers (tight at top,
they are from? baggy at bottom),
flowery dresses, big
Read the exhibit glasses, bright colours
labels. Which one Changes black, white, grey,
do you find most over time brown became more
interesting? Why? popular

30 C H A N G E S | U N IT 2

MUSIC H ow to sch ed u le
Music has always been an important part of
teenage identity, but in an age of streaming and 4 Ask your teacher how long you have to
downloading it's easy to forget that it hasn't complete the project. Then decide together
always been as available as it is today. In the how long to spend on each of these stages:
1970s young music fans would spend hours in 1 looking for inform ation and photos
record shops looking for new music to buy. It
2 w riting draft texts for the labels
wasn't only the music that was popular. The
record covers were also important, and many 3 checking and correcting the drafts
of them became famous for their artwork. By 4 w riting the final labels and putting them
the middle of the 1990s, CDs had become more on a poster with the photos.
popular than records. Nevertheless, people
continued to collect records and DJs still used
to play them at discos. Recently, they have come
back into fashion, as many people prefer the
sound of a record to the sound of a digital file.
5 Work in groups. Complete the steps below.
• Decide which period in history you want
to concentrate on (for example, the 19th
century, the 1980s).
• Choose three areas you want to focus on.

entertainm ent fashion food and drink

house and home school life
technology/com m unication toys and games

i • Decide who is going to research and write

• about which exhibit.

\ g Present your history exhibition on the wall
of your classroom. Remember to include a
• title for each label, vocabulary from this unit,
; used to, the past simple and past perfect and
the tips in How to schedule.

• 7 Read the other groups’ history exhibitions.
; What areas are they focusing on? Which
group’s exhibition is most interesting?

U N IT 2 C H A N C E S 31

2 R E V IE W
Complete the text with used to, would or the past simple
VOCABULARY and the verb in brackets. Sometimes there is more than
Complete the conversation with the one possible answer.
correct form of a phrasal verb. My dad’s a writer now, although h e (not
be). H e (be) a diplomat, so when I was
A How was your bike trip? Where did
small, my fam ily (move) countries all the
you go?
time. Once, w e (live) in three different
B Well, we wanted to anew 5
countries in two years! I remember when 1
route. We were planning to cycle to
(move) to the school where I am now, in Rio de Janeiro. I
this old village near the sea, but we 6
(not know) any Portuguese at first, so the
got lost and on a farm! 7
first week (be) difficult. I used to take my
A Didn’t you have a map with you? lunch to the playground and then 1 8
(eat) it
B No, but the farmer helped us, so it alone. However, Brazilian people are really friendly, so after
3 9
OK in the end. We found a few days my classmates (start) to invite
the village! 10
me to eat with them and I quickly (make)
A Was it nice there? lots of friends. We’ve been living here for many years now,
B Beautiful. I’d love t o 4
one and I’m really happy.
day. How was your weekend?
4 Complete Ben’s message to Tom with the past perfect.
A Not great. I was sick. My friends
wanted me to go a concert. I’d said Tom, I'm so sorry I missed the wedding! Idecided to take
yes, and 15 to it, but in 1
the car to the airport, but because 1 (never
the end I had t o 6 them / drive) there before, Igot lost. Just the night before,
1 2 (think), 'I must fix the GPS!', but then I
completely forgot! Anyway, Igot to the airport around two
Circle the correct words. o'clock. The plane 3
(not taken off), but by the
time I finished checking in, the gate (close).
Itried to buy a ticket for the next flight, but they
Did you know...? 5
(already / sell out)!
• T h eW s/covers of plastic water
bottles are made from a different
plastic to the bottle.
2/ens I
S e lf-a s s e s s m e n t
• If you change the display on
your phone to black and white, it I can use phrasal verbs to talk about
can become less addictive. changes.
• On old trains, you couldn’t open I can use words to talk about parts of
the doors with a button I plug. objects.
You had to use a strap / handle,
I can use used to, would and the past
like a normal door.
• Every second, 600,000 people
I can use the past perfect with never,
around the world press the
already, by (then), by the time.
space cable / key when they’re
on a computer.

32 C H A N C E S U N IT 2



When you write something, ask your partner to check it. You can improve your w riting this way.

Read the instructions for the w riting task.

When I was tittle, 11 to play with
Correct Edison’s mistakes to help him improve.
Lego® bricks all the time. I wo aid building
WRITING TASK ah kinds of things - cars, airplagnes
______ , houses. I even built a computer with
Write about a favourite toy or game kegs an d a display. After Ifinished one thing,
from your childhood. I would keep it and then trg out something
Write betw een 100 and 130 words.
else, but I once *used to build a ship
th at I keptjor weeks. I've never built
Use language from this unit.
anything like it bejore. However, I remember
mg m um wo aid b e______ really angrg
with me one dag because I plaged with it in
the bathroom and ended up damaging the
sides of the bath. I've still got a photo of it
somewhere , 7
Don’t forget to use punctuation and check your spelling!
Number oj words: 107
Answer the questions in the checklist.
Has Edison completed the task in Exercise 1?

Edison’s w

Has he/she ...

writing MN IT!
written about the topic? Yes / No Yes / No Do the w riting task in
Exercise 1.
written between 100 and 130 words? Yes / No Yes / No
used phrasal verbs for changes and words 4 Answer the questions
for parts of objects? Yes / No Yes / No in the checklist
added details to make it interesting? Yes / No Yes / No for your partner’s
How well has he/she used ...
the past simple? Tell your partner
used to and would? what you like and
the past perfect? what they can

correct spelling?

O t h e r c o m m e n ts ? I enjoyed the part

about your mum
being angry!

8acKTc£cHo°L !
XT7Xk RC \ OTIinPlMTujuJ

I can...
• understand texts from an online forum and a cooking
• give cooking instructions
• write a listicle
• understand how to use different future forms

FOOD FOR • talk about cooking and quantities

• make adjectives from verbs, use diagrams,

THOUGHT and understand words from context by usingthe rest

of the text.

S ta rt

2 Before you watch, how do you think food has changed in the last 100 years?
3 What two foods will we eat more of in the future? Watch and check.
4 Are there other ways that our eating habits may change in the future?


La n g u a g e in La n g u a g e in Everyday G lo b e tro tte rs

a c tio n 3.2 a ctio n 3.3


Cooking verbs Wordbuilding: adjectives from verbs
Learn the adjective form of new verbs. Sometimes
the form is similar, for example bake (v) baked (adj).

Write the adjective form of the verbs in

Exercise 1.
bake ba ked overcook
chop _______ peel
fry _________ roast
grate season
grill _________ slice
heat spread

Which verbs in Exercise 1 usually go with the

foods in the box?

apple bread cheese chicken chocolate

meat tomato pepper

Grate... You can have grated apple,

O Match the verbs in the box with photos 1-12. cheese, chocolate, egg, tomato and pepper.
3 01
Listen, check and repeat.

bake chop fry Iz Use it!

grate grill heat Discuss the questions.

overcook peel roast

z Do you usually eat grilled, fried, baked or
season slice spread roast foods? Which are your favourites?
2 What can you cook?
Circle the correct verbs to complete the 3 Is it important to know how to cook? Why?
instructions to make a homemade pizza.
Listen and check.
Explore it!
Sp rea d/(Pee/)the tomatoes and chop I overcook
8 4
them. Then bake/ heat them in a pan and slice / Guess the correct answer.
season with salt and pepper. Grill I Roast some During the Chinese mid-autumn festival, people
8 traditionally bake mooncakes. Which ingredient
bread. Then fry / spread the tomatoes on the
bread and grate / season some cheese on top. is baked inside them to symbolise the moon?
Fry / Bake in the oven, but only for a few minutes a chicken egg b ostrich egg c duck egg
- you don’t want to "’overcook/ slice it!
Find another fact about a traditional food. Write
Circle the verb which does not go with each food. a question for your partner.

1 pepper: chop fry spread

> Pronunciation pl41
2 bread: bake roast slice
3 chicken: heat overcook grate
4 fish: grill season


An o nlin e forum
What types of food can you see in the
photos? Which ones would you eat?

O Read the forum and match comments

3 05 1-5 with photos A-E.
1 3 5
2 4

Read the forum again and match the

future food solutions 1-5 with the CLASS 4C STUDY ROOM
Read the article about future food and add your comments.
reasons a-e.
Professor Jones is coming to Friday’s class and we’re going to
Future food Why it solves the problem discuss your ideas.
solution 1 There isn’t going to be enough food for everyone in the future
1 Jellyfish a cheap and already eaten in because the population is growing, so we’re going to need to be
more adventurous and find new foods. I read that we could actually
many parts of the world
eat jellyfish, although many people won’t like the idea. Jellyfish
2 Lab food b can make new food from old probably doesn’t have much flavour, but if you season it and roast
3 Smart c better for the environment it, it might be quite tasty! Abi
fridges 2 We may eat artificial fish or meat grown in a laboratory in the
4 3-D d help us use the food we future. I think the idea sounds disgusting, but scientists say it will
printers already have so we don’t buy be better for the planet. I’m definitely not going to eat lab burgers!
food we don’t need
5 Insects e a new food and we need to 3 We throw away far too much food, often because we buy more
find more of these than we need. I read about these cool apps that will tell us what’s
in the fridge and suggest recipes with the food we already have so
we don’t waste so much. I think they’ll be really popular. Dana
4 Match the words in bold in the forum
with the meanings. 4 One thing I’m not sure about is 3-D printed food. The idea that a
1 another possibility printer will produce our food is a bit strange. But people say we’ll
be able to print snacks from food we’re going to throw away, so
2 the taste of som ething_____ 3-D printers might help reduce food waste. Marco
3 not real_____
5 Experts say that meat will be far more expensive in the future,
4 something special and good so we’re going to have to eat alternative types of food. Insects
to eat are cheaper than farm animals, so they may be a solution. Grilled
grasshoppers are a popular snack in Mexico and fried tarantulas
5 cooking instructions are a delicacy in Cambodia. In fact, lots of cultures eat bugs, so
why can’t we? Emma

।Voice it!

Discuss the questions.

1 Which of the ideas in Exercise 3 are your most and least
favourite. Why?
What other future food solutions can you think of?
Finished? p!2O E xl

36 FO O D FOR T H O U G H T U N IT 3

Come and have dinner in total

LANGUAGE IN ACTION darkness Tuesday to Saturday 8-10
Future ten ses pm. Use your other senses to taste
the food. Try new, unknown foods
and guess what you’re eating.
Watch video 3.2
What's happening this
LUCAS Hey Milena, 1 are you coming
Which workshop might (come) to Abi’s birthday tomorrow?
MILENA Whe re 2 you
Present tenses and be going to for future plans and intentions LUCAS To ‘Dining in the Dark’. We
3 (have) dinner in
Friday’s class starts at nine o’clock.
Professor Jones 1 coming to Friday’s class. 4
MILENA That’s strange. A b i
We’r e __________discuss your ideas on Friday. (not like) it!
LUCAS I’m sure she 5 (love)
it! It 6 (be) different to
Complete the examples in the table above. Use the online
forum on page 36 to help you. anything she’s done before.
MILENA But you 7 (not be able
Circle the correct words to complete the conversation. to) see the food. You 8

A 4Do you / Are you going to watch the final tonight? (eat) something you don’t like.
2comes LUCAS I know! We 9 (have to)
B Yeah. Kate I is coming to my house to watch it.
A What time 3does it start / is it starting? guess what we’re eating!
MILENA What tim e 10 it
B 8 pm, but she 4comes / is going to come at 7 pm.
0 Get right! LUCAS At eight o’clock.
MILENA I’m not sure. 1 1 1 (come).
We often use the present continuous or be going to to talk
1 1 2 (tell) you later.
about the future.
John’s cooking later. OR John’s going to cook later.

Write the questions. Use future tenses.

Ask and answer.
1 What I you / do / tomorrow?

2 How old / you / be/in 2050?

3 What foods we/eat / in the future?

4 When / your next class/start?

Complete the examples in the table above. Use the online
forum on page 36 to help you.
W hat are you going to do tomorrow?
4 Read the leaflet. Complete the dialogue with the present
simple, present continuous, be going to, will or may/might I'm not sure. 1might go to the beach.
form of the verbs in brackets.
Finished? pl2O Ex 2



Q u an tities Using diagrams
Read the recipe and choose the correct photo Use diagrams to help remember new phrases.
1-3. Listen and repeat.
Solids Both Liquids

Add quantities in Exercise 1 to

the diagram.

4 Think of a food you like and tell your

partner the ingredients.

Apancake... You need two cups of flour...

How to make your own fruity cereal A recipe

Mix the following ingredients in a bowl: Listen to the cooking show and write the
a cup of cereal, like oats quantities.
some pieces of strawberry
Pear smoothie Ant tacos
some slices of banana 6

some chunks of pineapple orange juice ant larvae

a handful of blueberries 2

a packet of nuts chopped pear chopped tomatoes

3 8
a pinch of cinnamon
a sprinkle of brown sugar cricket flour chopped chillies
4 9
Serve with a spoonful of
yoghurt or a splash of milk. mango and pineapple salt and pepper
5 10

Nutritious and delicious! lime juice chopped coriander

O Listen again and circle the correct answers.

Complete the sentences with quantities in Exercise 1 3.07
1 Both of Anton’s dishes ....
in the singular or plural form.
a contain insects b are spicy
1 I have two slices of toast for breakfast and
c are Mexican
coffee with milk.
2 By 2030 there will be ... billion people in
2 If your throat hurts, have honey.
the world.
3 Season the pasta sauce with salt and pepper.
a 5.5 b 6.5 c 8.5
4 I’m going to have a of crisps for lunch.
3 Cricket flour will add ... to the smoothie.
5 I love cookies with big chocolate!
a fruit flavour b vitamins c protein
6 I make the best Greek salad. I put in of olives, 4 Anton is goingto ... the ant larvae.
som e__ of feta cheese and_____ oregano on top.
a fry b heat c roast

38 FO O D FOR T H O U G H T U N IT 3

W atch vid eo 3.3

LANGUAGE IN ACTION W ho w ill be m aking
our food in the future?
Future continuous and future W hat food was
perfect invented by accid en t?

Future continuous Future perfect

making a pear smoothie. We 2 seen and tasted some very unusual dishes

We 3 eating a lot of meat in the future. He 4 finished by the end of the programme.

° you finished by the end of the
W h at you making?

Future continuous
Write sentences about your future. Use
Complete the examples in the table above with will/won’t
the future continuous or perfect.
be or wiU/won’t have.
In one years’ tim e ...
Complete the sentences with the future continuous form.
In 2050...
not see stay On my 21st birthday ...

Don’t ring me at 8.30.1’ll W . By the end of this y e a r...

2 Where they while they’re on holiday? By 2030...
I’ve got exams next week. my friends. By the tim e I’m 25 ...
we insects in 30 years’ time?
ln_2.Q5_Q_l’lLb_e_l.ivi n.g. Ln_my_own±.Q.u.s.e.._
Future perfect By the tim e I’m 2 5 I’ll have learned
how to drive.____________________
Complete the sentences with the future perfect form.
1 I think scientists will have fo und (find) life on other
planets by 2060.
Tell your partner your sentences about
2 I (not finish) my exams by the end of May.
the future, but change some so that
3 They (not start) yet. It’s only 7.30.
they are false. Can they guess which
sentences are true and which are false?
Complete the conversation with the future continuous or
perfect form of the verbs. Listen and check. In 20501 won't be living
in my own house.
ZOE How 1
will restaurants have changed (change) by 2030?
SAM I think th e y 2 (become) more automatic. False?
Instead of human chefs, m achines 3 (cook)
Yes, it's false.
your food and human w aiters (not serve)
the tables, robots will.
ZOE So hum ans 5 (not work) in restaurants?
SAM That’s right, but I think w e 6 (design)
robots that look like humans by then.


Giving instructions
What can you see in the photo? What ingredients do you
need to make it? Listen and check your answers.

Complete the conversation with the phrases from

the Useful language box. Listen and check.

ROB Can you give me the recipe for your yummy Spanish
omelette? I’m going to make it for the picnic tomorrow.
It won’t take ages, will it? I W atch vid eo 3.4
1 Everyd ay E n g lish
EVA No, it’s a piece of cake ! You’ll need half
kilogramme of potatoes, five eggs, salt, ROB a fair amount ages a piece of cake
oil and an onion.
Is that it? yummy
ROB OK. Is that it?
EVA Yep, s o peeling and
slicing the potatoes. ,
chop the onion. PLAN
ROB OK. Then what? 4 Write about a recipe and the
EVA Heat a cup of oil in a pan and fry the
ingredients you need.
potatoes and onions.
ROB That’s a fair amount of oil! EVA
EVA Yeah, I know! frying, mix
the eggs in a bowl. Then put everything together and
add a pinch of salt. Heat a spoonful of oil in a smaller
pan and pour in the mixture. Once the bottom part has
cooked, 5
flip the omelette with a plate 5 Practise explaining the recipe to
and cook the other side. your partner. Remember to use
ROB OK, I’ll try. future tenses, vocabulary from
EVA It’s delicious! Your friends will all be asking for the this unit and phrases from the
recipe! Will you still be there at four? Useful language and Everyday
ROB Yeah, but we’ll have finished the omelette by then! English boxes.

Useful language g Work with another pair. Listen to
Don’t forget to ... (+ While that’s .. their conversation and complete
Once that’s d o n e,... You’ll need ... the notes.
Sta rt by (+ -ing) What was the recipe for?

Match the phrases in the conversation with the meanings.

What ingredients do you need?
How do you say these phrases in your language?
1 something that’s easy ___________________________________
2 delicious __________________________________________________
Would you like to eat this food?
3 Is that everything? _______________________________________
4 quite a lot ________________________________________________
5 a longtime

40 FO O D FOR T H O U G H T U N IT 3

W RITING 4 Complete the Useful language phrases with the

words in the box. Check in Megan’s listicle.
A Iis tic le
anywhere forever norm space stay
What food can you see in the photos? Read
Megan’s listicle. Which of her predictions do you
Useful language
agree with?
is here t o
The following are features of a good listicle. isn’t going 2

Which ones are in Megan’s listicle? 3

Watch th is
1 an interesting title 4
will be around
2 a number in the title 5
will be th e
3 short texts about the title, one for each number
4 some interesting predictions
5 photos

Write your own listicle.

1 If there’s onething we’ll still be eating in 50
years’ time, it’s pizza! 5 Look at the questions and make notes.
We’ve been eating pizza since the 19th century, so we're 1 What will people still be eating in 50
not going to stop now! Inthe future toppings will change years’ time?
for sure, but pizza isn’t going anywhere! 2 What might we start eating in the future?
2 Tasty meat alternatives ; 3 Which dishes will be around forever?
With more humans on the planet, well need alternative • 4 What food is unusual now but will be
sources of protein such as insects. What could be tastier
I normal in the future?
than a sprinkle of roast ants on your salad?
3 Classics that will never die out! • WRITE
Some classic British dishes, like fish and chips, will be • 6 Write a listicle about your future food
around forever, although the fish will probably come from ; predictions. Remember to include future
fish farms instead of the sea. tenses, vocabulary from this unit and
• phrases from the Useful language box.
4 Printed snacks
By 2070 well be printing most of our snacks with a 3-D I CHECK
printer. Impossible? Watch this space...
• 7 Do you...
5 Veggies and vegans • explain what we will or might be eating in
Vegetarian food is here to stay! In2070 beingveggie the future?
or vegan, and avoiding eggs, milk and cheese, will be
; • explain what will be normal in the future?
the norm!
• • make any other predictions?

Read Megan’s listicle again and make two lists.

Finished? pl2O Ex 4
Food that will be Food that will
the same be new

UNIT 3 | FO O D FOR T H O U G H T 41

W atch video 3.5
READING Food in Japan

What food is usually associated with your

A Look at the photos. What can you see? What do country or culture?
3 10
they tell you about food in Australia? Read the Can you explain what kaiseki and
article and check your ideas. wag ash i are?
How is Western food influencing
Japanese food traditions?


A country s food is influenced by its

inhabitants, geography, climate and wildlife,
and Australia is no exception.

Traditional Australia
For thousands of years, the indigenous people of Australia have eaten plants and
animals from the land or sea. Traditional Aboriginal food, or ‘bush tucker’, includes
crocodile, emu and snake. Examples that are still eaten today include kangaroo,
macadamia nuts and witchetty grubs. These tasty insect larvae are roasted on the
fire or grilled on the barbecue!

Multicultural Australia
Since the first Europeans arrived in Australia over 200 years ago, people have
been moving to the country from all over the world. As a result, Australian cuisine
is multicultural and includes British, Italian, Greek and Asian food. Popular dishes
are fish and chips, roast lamb and dim sum as well as traditional favourites such as
kangaroo, seafood pizza and fried shark. The warm, sunny climate means plenty of
fresh fruit and vegetables, and barbecues to grill meat or fish outside.

Tomorrow’s Australia
Desert food
Australia has built the first farm in the world that can grow fruit and veg in a desert.
The enormous solar-powered greenhouse only needs sunshine and seawater to work
and Australia has plenty of both. The solar panels create enough energy to transform
the salt water into fresh water which is used to water the tomato plants. It’s strange
to think that in the future we might be eating food which is grown in the desert.
Ugly food
Around a quarter of fruit and vegetables around the world is thrown away before
it gets to the supermarkets because people believe it’s too ‘ugly’ to sell. However,
some Australian supermarkets are trying to sell this food. They tell their customers
that even though the food looks odd, it tastes exactly the same as perfectly formed
fruit and veg. There are lots of advantages to eating this ugly food. It’s cheaper for
customers, farmers sell more of their produce and we reduce food waste.

Read the article again and find examples of how

CJ LEARN TO LEARN these things influence Australia’s food.
U n derstan d ing w ords from co n text Indigenous people
When you see new words, use the rest of the sentence They have always eaten food from the land and sea
to help you understand them. Guess what the new and some is still eaten today, e.g. macadamia nuts
word means and then check it in a dictionary.
and witchetty grubs.________________________________
Find the words in the article and guess the Wildlife
meaning. Check in a dictionary or with
your teacher.

What the other What 1think People from other cultures

New word
words tell me it means

1 indigenous It’s an adjective original, firs t

th a t describes
people who have
lived in Australia
fora long time. Food waste

2 witchetty grubs

3 multicultural
4 Find words in the article that mean:
4 shark 1 something not included in a group (introduction)

solar-powered 2 delicious (traditional Australia)

3 cooking (multicultural Australia)
6 greenhouse
4 a short word for vegetable (desert food)
5 strange (ugly food)

Voice it!

Discuss the questions.

1 Which foods from other cultures have become
popular in your country?
2 Australia is adapting to changes by eating ‘ugly’
food. How else can we adapt what we eat ordrink?

Explore it!
Guess the correct answer.
What will you not find on a pizza in Australia?
a emu b kangaroo c koala d crocodile
Find a fact about Australian food. Write a
question for your partner to answer.

^ 7 / 7 / The Culture Project Teacher’s Resource Bank

U N IT 3 FO O D FOR T H O U G H T 43

3 R E V IE W
Circle the correct words to complete the
VOCABULARY conversation.
Circle the correct verbs.
1 Season I Peel the orange before you eat it. IVAN What '-do you / are you going to do this
2 Is there any butter to spread I grate on my toast? afternoon?
We ’re going / will go to the cinema. Juan
3 Let’s roast I fry a chicken in the oven. 3
and Ali come / are coming too.
4 Can I borrow a knife to grill / slice the tomato?
IVAN What film ^areyou going to / will you see?
5 Sam bakes / chops his own bread. It’s great! ANDREA The Scream Factor.
Match the quantities with the photos. Then IVAN But you hate horror films!
I know! I’m not enjoying / I’m not going to
think of another example for each quantity.
enjoy the film, but Ali wants to see it.
It might be/ is OK. Who knows, you
chunk cup
7won’t / may enjoy it.
handful packet
We’ll see. Anyway, I have to go. It w/7/
piece pinch
start/ starts in 45 minutes.
slice splash
spoonful sprinkle
4 Complete the predictions with the future
continuous or perfect of the verbs in brackets.
Which predictions do you agree /disagree with?
In 10 years’ time ...
1 African c u i s i n e ( b e c o m e )
extremely popular.
2 most people (stop) eating meat.
3 w e ( n o t buy) ‘ugly’ fruit and veg.
4 w e ( n o t go out) to restaurants. We
(order) food online to eat at home.

44 FO O D FOR T H O U G H T U N IT 3



When you know what your English learning goals are, you can take steps to achieve them.

Read what Ada says about her learning goal.

What is it? Has she achieved it yet? NAME: Enzo
In three weeks' time I'm going
to New Zealand with, mg brother.
He doesn't speak English so I'll 2
need to book the hotels, order
food and ask directions. Mg goal 3
a __________
is to learn enough travel English to do this. I've
bought a book with asefal phrases for tourists,
b __________________________
and I've downloaded episodes of a podcast about
New Zealand. I'm going to listen to one episode
4 a __________
every week. I'm also going to learn one asefal
b __________
phrase from the book every day. Piece of cake!

Write Ada’s answers to questions 2-4.

NAME: A da
What do I want learn enough travel English
to book hotels, order food
and ask directions 4 Whose advice should Enzo take?
How much time Why don't you practise with your sister?
do I have?
Ten minutes a day would help. - Ela
How am I going
Id study lots of vocabulary the night
before. And don't sleep! - Hamid

How often am Look at the Everyday English phrases in our

I going to do book. Use three of them every day. - Olga
the things in

What’s my By the time we go to New Use your answers in Exercise 4 to complete

goal in one Zealan-d-.--I’-ll--h-a-v»-e--le--a-r-n-e--d---- questions 3 and 4 of Enzo’s action plan. Write
enough travel English. one sentence about his goal for question 5.

Read what Enzo says about his learning goal.

Write his answers to questions 1 and 2. WN)T.'
One month from now we've got Think of an English learning goal. What are your
a speaking exam. I want to get a answers to questions 1 to 5?
good grade, but I'm not great at
Tell your partner about your learning goal. Use
speaking - not like my sister. She
speaks English really well! the action plan to help you.

\ O T IinP M T iijrfl

I can...
• understand texts about people who don’t feel pain or
fear and artists who make sound effects
• make guesses and give clues about unfamiliar objects
• write an encyclopaedia entry
• make deductions and express obligation, prohibition,
SENSE A N D necessity and advice
• talk about senses and describe how things look, sound

S E N S IT IV IT Y and feel, etc.

• brainstorm and use visual clues when listening
• create an infographic.

Language in action 4.2 Language in a ctio n 4.3 Everyday E n g lish 4.4

W a tc h v id e o 4.1


The five senses
Match the words in bold with photos
A-E. Answer the questions.
Have you ever:
1 seen a durian?
2 touched a snake?
3 played football on artificial grass?
4 heard a koala?
5 eaten a knickerbocker glory?

Match the questions in Exercise 1 with statements Complete the sentences with the correct
a-e. Which things did you already know? form of the words in bold in Exercise 2.

a They look like friendly teddy bears but 1 When my dad sleeps, he snores so much
when they cry they sound really angry. he sounds like a trumpet!

It’s made of plastic but it can often feel like 2 ltried so m ecro co d ilem eato n
the real thing. __________ chicken.

It doesn’t sound like a food but it is! They 3 The m ilk bad and
taste really sweet and look really colourful. a bit yellow, so she didn’t taste it.

They look wet and slimy but when you 4 llo ve w e a rin g m yn e w w in te rco a
touch their skin they feel cold and dry. so soft and warm.

e They smell terrible. In fact, they smell like 5 A It a painting by Picasso.

dirty old socks and they don’t taste like B No, but it is.
fruit, but many people say they’re delicious. 6 Please the wall. I’ve just
painted it.


Brainstorming Talk about the things in the box with the
Brainstorming word groups can help you make vocabulary words in Exercise 2. Compare with another
connections. pair. Do you have the same descriptions?

Complete each line with the words in bold in

fastfood graffiti mobile phones
Exercise 2. Add three or more words or phrases that
new clothes rap music
you associate with them.
a Theears: sound, sound like, hear, listen to, music
Explore it!
b T h e e y e s:______________________________________________
c The hands: Guess the correct answer.

d The nose: Which human sense is the weakest?

e The tongue: a sight b hearing c touch

d taste e smell
fj} 4 Choose one group of words in Exercise 3. Say your Find another interesting fact about the
extra words to your partner. Can they guess which human senses. Write a question for your
group they belong to? partner to answer.


A magazine article
Imagine you couldn’t feel pain or fear. Would your life be better or worse? Why?

Read the magazine article. Which problems does it mention?

No pain, no fear - NO WAY!

verybody knows what pain feels like. It’s horrible. When Jordy Cernik tells people
E So imagine never feeling physical pain. You cut
your finger - nothing. You break your leg - no pain at
he feels no fear, they usually
think he can’t be serious.
all. It must be wonderful, right? Wrong, because pain Having no fear might sound
is the body’s way of telling the brain that there’s a like a joke but it’s not. During
problem. But some people, like Amy Campbell, can’t his 20s and 30s, Jordy had
feel pain. When she was born, Amy looked like an to have operations to remove
ordinary baby, but after a few months her parents his adrenal glands. Some time
realised something was wrong and thought she had later, he realised that these
developmental problems. She would chew her tongue operations had had a strange
and bite her fingers but she never cried. By the time effect - he couldn’t feel any fear.
she was a teenager, she had broken both arms and a He did a parachute jump but didn’t feel scared at all. He finds rollercoasters
leg - all without feeling a thing. It also doesn’t matter boring. Some people imagine it must be great not to feel fear, but there are
if the air feels hot or cold, Amy can’t feel the weather. disadvantages to not having any adrenaline. Adrenaline is a natural painkiller,
But, like any young person, she has friends, hobbies so Jordy now feels more pain than ordinary people. It also means he doesn’t
(she plays the guitar), dreams and ambitions. She just feel excited about anything. Jordy now does ‘scary’ challenges to raise money
has to be very careful. You may think her life can’t be for charity. Doctors think he could be the only person in the world who feels
easy, but Amy is optimistic about her future. She says no fear, but knowledge about his condition may help them understand more
her condition affects what she can do, but not who she common problems like anxiety.
is inside.

Read the magazine article again. Write T (true), 4 Find words in the article that mean:
F (false) or DS (doesn’t say). 1 to break food into smaller pieces with your
1 Amy’s parents knew there was a problem teeth. (Amy)
when she was born. _E_ 2 the things you want to achieve.
2 Amy wears special clothes on cold days. __ (Amy) _______
3 Amy doesn’t think her condition affects her 3 a chemical produced by the body.
personality. (Jordy) _______
4 Jordy has never been able to feel fear. 4 a chemical or drug that stops pain.
5 Jordy loves rollercoasters. (Jordy) _______
6 There are probably many people like Jordy in 5 the feeling of being very worried.
the world. _ (Jordy) _______
Doctors think studying Jordy’s condition could
be useful.
Why do people enjoying doing scary things like
riding on rollercoasters?


W hy is A n dy an
LANGUAGE IN ACTION am azing athlete?
D e d u ctio n and p o ssib ility How does he know

100% certain be wonderful.

Having no fe a r 2 sound like a joke. Knowledge about his con d ition 3 help
He 4 be the only person in the world them understand.
who feels no fear.
5 Why isn't Marco here?
100% impossible He be serious. Our presentation starts
in five minutes.
Complete the examples in the table above. Use 4 Write sentences about this
the magazine article on page 48 to help you. situation with the verbs and
phrases in the boxes. Use must,
/Til Circle the correct words. Listen and check. can’t, may, might or could.
4.02 ------
1 This drink(musg/ can’t have lots of sugar in it. Marco hasn’t come to school yet. He has to give a
It tastes really sweet. presentation with his partner, Alice, and all their
2 Don’t touch that snake! It might I can’t be notes are in Marco’s locker.
3 This milk must / can’t be really old. It smells be come feel have
4 It looks like a painting by Monet, but it a cold in bed late nervous
may I can’t be. It was painted after he died. soon very relaxed worried

5 A What instrument is that? It sounds like a violin. Marco might be in bed. Alice m ust feel worried.
B Maybe, or it can’t/co u ld be a viola.
6 This jacket m u st/ca n ’t be very warm in winter.
It feels like a blanket!

O Complete the dialogue with must, can’t or

4 03 might. Listen and check.
OMER What are you listening to? It’s so loud! Look at the photos. What do you think they are?
BRIONY It’s Beethoven. I think it’s beautiful. It could/might/can't/must be...
OMER You be joking! I thought you hated
classical music. It looks like (a)...
BRIONY Well, that’s because I hadn’t really listened to
any before. Did you know Beethoven became
deaf when he was still quite young?
OMER Wow, th a t 2 be easy for anyone,
but i t 3 be absolutely terrible for a
musician. You should turn it down, though.
The neighbours 4 be home.
BRIONY They 5 be. The lights are off and their
car’s not there. Anyway, I’m sure they’d prefer
Beethoven to the heavy metal you always play.
They 6 hate that! Every time you put it
on they start banging on the wall.


VOCABULARY An in te rv ie w
AND LISTENING 4 Foley artists create sound effects for films. What
D escrib in g te x tu re , sound effects do you think these items make?

sound, ta s te , etc. 1 a .sham knife

3 a ________4__ skin
umbrella chameleon

a two coconut halves

7 a __________ b shredded newspaper and a plastic bag
chili road grapefruit c cellophane
d celery
e rice and a metal tray

I think the coconut halves could be the sound of...

8 __________ 9 a __________ 10 a __________

Listen to the interview with James Ford, a Foley
balloons skunk heartbeat
artist. Check your answers to Exercise 4.
/Tii Complete the photo labels with the words in
4 04 /Hi Listen again and circle the correct words.
the box. Listen, check and repeat. 4.05
1 It’s important to never/ sometimes have total
colourful faint rough sharp shiny silence in a movie.
smelly smooth sour spicy transparent 2 The interviewer thinks the second effect is
made with newspaper / grass.
Complete the table with the words in Exercise 1. 3 Foley artists used to make more I fewer sounds.

Feel Look Smell Sound Taste 4 Jam es made some / didn’t make any of the
explosion sounds in his last movie.
5 To become a Foley artist, formal training is
necessary I unnecessary.

Use the words in Exercise 1 to describe the things
Using visual clues when listening
in the box. Can your partner guess the item?
Use pictures, instructions, etc., to help you understand
a cat’s tongue a concrete wall a curry what you are hearing.
a new coin a pencil a whisper lemons stars
Voice it!

It's shiny and gold. A new coin! Do you think the job of a Foley artist will
disappear in the future? Why / Why not?


W atch video 4.3

LANGUAGE IN ACTION W hat is sh e giving
a d v ice ab o u t?
Obligation, prohibition, W hat th re e th in g s
necessity and advice do you need to do?
1 2 3
(present) (present) 4

They must sound natural. We need to experiment You mustn’t speak We should listen to another one.
a lot. loudly in the library.
These days we don’t have You don’t need to have You shouldn’t do that.
to do everything. any formaltraining.
Do you have to work hard? You ought to be a creative personal
> Pronunciation p!41

Complete the headings in the Past obligation

table above with Obligation,
Prohibition, Necessity or Advice. In the past, Foley a rtists create all the effects.
I didn’t make those sounds.
Circle the correct words. your parents study English at school?

Complete the table above with the correct form of have to.

4 Match 1-5 with a-e. Listen and check.
1 She didn’t have to study hard
for the exam a because it’s a holiday.
2 I didn’t have to wear a uniform b so I had to do the exercise
Most of us 'mustn't/(peed tgfuse at my last school again.
computers every day but too much
3 Billy didn’t have to get up c because she had toothache.
screen time can be bad for your eyes.
early this morning d because she’s really good at
You 2 ought to / shouldn’t spend more
than about 20 minutes looking at a 4 Mia had to go to the dentist English.
screen without taking a break. 5 I got all the answers wrong e but I do at the one I goto now
You 3should/ shouldn’t avoid using your
phone in the dark. If you want to read,
Complete the text with the correct form of have to or should.
you ought t o / have to read a book.
4 5
Some people don’t have to / mustn’t Do your parents have old photos? You Should ask them - they might
wear glasses, but if you do, you should/ be interesting. In the past, when you took a photo, the people
ought not to clean the lenses. 2 3
stand still. They smile but they did. The
Buy a good pair of sunglasses: photographer 4
be careful because photos were expensive.
everybody 7needs to / mustn’t protect Now, you 5
worry because you can take lots on your phone.
their eyes from bright sunlight. 6
Some people think w e take so many.
6 Don’t forget about diet either. It
8 o u g h tto /
mustn’t include lots of
green vegetables and fatty fish.
Finally, everybody ^doesn’t have t o /
Make notes and compare with a partner.
should have an eye test once a year.
• something you had to do in the past
• something you ought to do soon
0 Get it right!
What did you have to do? 1had to visit the dentist last week!
We don’t use must in the past,
only had to.


Making guesses and giving clues
Look at the picture. What are tabi? Listen and find out.

Complete the conversation with the phrases from

the Useful language box. Listen and check.

Useful language

Guess what it is / they are. Watch video 4.4

Everyday English
I guess they must be
Perhaps it’s something (+ adjective) Bingo! I give up! I guess so.
They’re definitely some kind o f ... nice and warm/hot, etc. Sure, why not?

Complete the dialogues with the phrases in the

AIDAN Hey, do you want to see something Everyday English box.
1 A Shall we watch a movie? B
ZOE Sure, why not? Wow! What are
those? 2 It’s today. Let’s have a picnic!
AIDAN They’re called tabi. They’re from 3 A Is the answer 23? B
Japan. ^ u ess what th ey a re. 4 A Chinese must be hard to learn. B
ZOE Well, they’re 2 of 5 A One more guess? B No-
clothing. They look like gloves, but
they can’t be, can they?
AIDAN Nope. They’re definitely not gloves.
ZOE They’re in the shape of a n ‘ L’, so I
guess 3 socks. 4 Write about something from your country that might be ’
AIDAN Bingo! new or strange to a foreigner, for example a food or an *
ZOE But why is the big toe separate item of clothing. How would you describe it? •
from the other toes?
AIDAN I’m not telling you. Try and work it
out yourself.
ZOE Hmm. Perhaps 4 • SPEAK
traditional. Maybe Japanese • 5 Practise describing something from your country to
people wear rings on their big toes? • your partner. Remember to use modals, vocabulary
AIDAN No, that’s not it. 5 from this unit and phrases from the Useful language
again. • and Everyday English boxes.
ZOE No, I give up!
AIDAN It’s so that they can wear them with
* 5 Work with another pair. Listen to their conversation
sandals with straps. The strap goes
I and complete the notes.
between the big toe and the others.
ZOE Oh, that’s a clever idea! They must What did you hear about? _______________________
be nice and warm to wear.
AIDAN I guess so. I haven’t tried them on • How was it described? ___________________________


Neil was born in Belfast in 1984 and

grew up in Barcelona. At the age of 16,
W RITING he started to make black and white art.
An encyclopaedia In 2004, scientists developed his special
camera and attached it to his head. With
en try the camera, Neil can 'hear’ 360 colours,
including some which are invisible to the
Look at the pictures. human eye. In 2004, when he had to get
What is attached to the a new passport, the UK passport office
man’s head? Read the said no at first because he didn’t look like
encyclopaedia entry a human. However, they finally accepted
and find out. his application. He must be the only official
cyborg in the world.
Z ------ \

Match titles a-e with Neil Harbisson, 27 July 1984 4 Neil now makes colourful art, including
--- \
paragraphs 1-5. __ / Neil Harbisson is known as the world’s
'sound portraits’ of famous people and
first cyborg artist. He has been colour geometric paintings. He has had exhibitions
a Artwork
blind since birth and has a special antenna all around the world.
b Other information connected to his skull that lets him 'hear’ According to Neil, all human skin
c Introduction colours as different vibrations in his head. sounds orange.
d Name and date of
e Life

Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)? Write an encyclopaedia entry.

1 Neil has always lived in the same place. __ PLAN

2 Neil doesn’t always wear his antenna. 5 These artists all have a physical •
3 Neil can experience coloursthat ordinary humans difference. Choose one and make notes •
can’t see. _ about them. ‘
4 Neil couldn’t get a new British passport. __ photographer Roesie Percy
5 People in many countries have seen Neil’s art. chef Adam Cole
rapper Sean Forbes
4 Complete the sentences with the phrases from the
Useful language box. name and date of birth
1 Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta their life
____________ Lady Gaga. their artwork
2 She 28 March 1986
______________ New York City.
g Write your encyclopaedia entry.
3 four she began to learn to play
Remember to include five paragraphs,
the piano.
modal verbs, vocabulary from this unit
4 She makes energetic pop music, and phrases from the Usefullanguage box.
songs like Bad Romance and Alejandro.
5 Lady Gaga, you can teach CHECK
yourself art. *. 7 Do you ...
• include information about the person’s
Useful language
According to ... ... is known as ... I • include information about the person’s
At the age o f ... ... was born on ... • artwork?
including... and grew up in ... .......................................... © Finished? p!21 Ex 4


le p h a n t s a n d
An in fo g rap h ic on an im al senses
Work in pairs. Can you answer the questions?
Elephants' eyes are on the side of
1 Which continents do elephants live in? their head and have three eyelids,
2 How do they know where they are going? one above the eye, one below, like
humans, and an almost transparent
3 How strong is their trunk (their long nose)?
one they use to keep dust, dirt
4 What do they use their ears for? and water out. However, their eyes
aren't very strong. They normally use
Read the infographic and check your answers their trunks to know where they are
to Exercise 1. going. In fact, the leader of a group
of elephants is sometimes blind.

H o w to research
Which of these things should you do when
you research? Tick the correct answers. Elephants can hear extremely well
Decide the main information you because they have big ears.They
want before doing research. can hear faint sounds, including the
calls of elephants up to 1.5 km away.
Use questions in search engines,
Their ears are about V6 of the size of
e.g. How well can elephants see? their bodies.They also use them to
Read articles from start to finish. keep cool.
Read the contents list of articles or
the titles of sections and then
decide what you need to read.
Make sure the information is fact Elephants have to move their trunk
and not opinion. around and smell the air all the time
in order to find water, so they have
Only check information on one site.
an excellent sense of smell. They
Take notes as you read. can detect water up to 12 km away.

Elephants use their rough trunks

to explore the environment and
care for their young. They also use
it to fight. The trunk can lift objects
that weigh up to 250 kg. They can
also sense tiny vibrations in the
ground with their feet. Scientists
think this must be the reason why
many survived the Asian Tsunami
of 2004. They felt the vibrations
of the earthquake and moved to
higher ground.


t h e ir a m a z in g s e n s e s

4 Work in groups. Choose an
• Two species: African and Asian
animal you want to research.
• Males: 2,700 to 6,300 kg
Decide who is going to research
• Females: 1,800 to 3,600 kg
which sense. Remember to:
• Lifespan: approx. 65 years
• have a title for your
• 100,000 muscles in the trunk
• use photos
• make the headings and the
contents easy to read
• use numbers (21, % etc.)
instead of words (twenty-
one, two-thirds).
5 Present your infographic to
your class. Remember to
include interesting facts,
visuals and headings, modal
verbs and vocabulary from this
0 Look at the other groups’
infographics. Tell the group
members which information
you find most interesting.

4 Match 1-5 with a-e. Complete the
sentences with have/has to, don’t/
doesn’t have to, must/mustn’t or
VOCABULARY had to/didn’t have to.
1 Eric got up early yesterday
Complete the sentences with the correct sense verb.
because he
1 A Do you your mum oryourdad?
2 This seat is reserved for old
B My m um -I’ve got the same eyes as her. people so you
2 This coffee incredibly sweet. 3 I’ve got lots to do tomorrow /-- \
3 Your perfume roses. so I really
4 Your forehead hot, Sam. You might have a fever. 4 My friend had his car so we
5 Listen! Do you hearthat noise? It a mouse.
6 Ouch! I a cactus! Before visitors enter the
I’ve just started to learn the guitar. I very good exhibition, they
yet, but one day I will. a sit there.
b start work at 7 am.
Circle the correct words.
c take the bus.
1 I don’t like spicy / smooth food much - it burns my mouth.
d put their bags in a locker.
2 I heard a very transparent / faint sou nd in the distance.
e go to bed soon.
3 Are they new shoes? They’re so smelly / shiny - I love them!
4 Be careful with that knife! It’s really sharp / faint.
5 The pictures in that book are really sour / colourful.
6 These glasses are not completely smelly / transparent.
You can’t see the eyes of the person wearing them.

Complete the dialogue with must, might or can’t and a
phrase in the box.

be doing that be right be studying be wrong

have football practice know the answer

A What did you answer for question 10? I put 65.5.

B I put 75.3. We both
One of u s .
A Shall we ask Tim? He . He’s good at
B Sure, but where is he?
A I’m not sure. He in the library or he

B No, he . Football practice is on Tuesday
and today is Wednesday.
A OK, let’s try and find him in the library then.



When you have a lot of homework to do, it’s important to decide what order to do it in and when to do it.

Ask and answer questions 1-4 in the leaflet with a partner. Are your answers similar or different?

Feeling S tre s s e d homework? A Decide when you need to start your

With our useful advice, you don’t need to panic! homework and give yourself enough time.
How often have you ... f) When you ought to start but don’t want to,
tell yourself, ‘I’ll just do five minutes’. Once
1 forgotten what you had to do for homework?
you start, it’s easy to continue.
2 handed in a piece of homework late because
C You should think about how difficult a piece
you didn’t start it until too late?
of homework is or how much time it needs.
3 not started until you’re too tired?
When you get your homework, write it down
4 done the quick or easy homework first and immediately and always in the same place.
then not had time for more difficult things?

If eject answered 'often' er 'a I w &ij s', then ejeu

New use cur hemewerk planner
re^Uij need cur help! <*nd start planning!

Match advice a-d with the problems in questions 1-4.

Helen is planning her homework. What should she do first and last on Saturday? Why?

Homework Planner Student's name: Helen

1 What is the 2 When do I have 3 From 1-5, how 4 How much 5 What day am 6 On each day,
subject and to hand the easy/difficult time do I need I going to do it? what am I
homework homework in? is it? to do it? going to do
task? 1= very easy, first, second
5= very difficult

Maths, p3<5
Monday 3 4 5 minutes Saturday
Exercises 6 - G

History, essay Monday 5 11/2 hours Saturday

Science, p67
Monday 4 I hour Saturday
Exercises 3 and 4

Geography, project Wednesday 4 21/2 hours Sunday


I can...
• understand texts about smart cities and a virtual reality
% tour '
• express surprise and disbelief
• write a competition entry
• understand how to use the passive, question tags and

W O NDERFUL questions with prepositions

• use verbs related to processes and extreme adjectives

W ORLD • learn verbs with prepositions, listen for specific

information and skim read to understand the general

1 Look at the photo of the Northern Lights. What does it look like?
2 Before you watch, can you think of any natural wonders?
3 What does a waterfall in Yosemite National Park look like? Watch and check.
4 Which is your favourite natural wonder? Why?

Language in
action 5.2
W a tc h v id e o 5 J

58 W O N D E R F U L W O R L D I U N IT 5

VOCABULARY Bees measure distances between

new flowers and their hive. They
Processes communicate this information
by dancing for other bees, which
A Read about three amazing animals. then collect the nectar and
5 01 Listen and repeat the words in bold. deliver it to the hive. Nectar and
pollen supply the nutrients bees
Match the words in bold in the text need to live.
with definitions a-l.
Spiders create webs to attract as
a make something exist create
well as catch insects. The silk they
b make something come produce is five times as strong as
nearer _____ steel, but they have to wait for the
wind to connect the end of the first
c get a new quality/ability
line to something nearby. Spiders
d take somewhere don't waste any silk: they sometimes
e find the size eat their webs when they have
finished with them.
f join ________
g bring together Crows solve problems to get
food. In some cities they develop
h make something the ability to read traffic lights;
i give ________ they wait for the red light, place a
walnut in the road, then fly up and
j find the answer
wait for a car to drive over the nut
k share information and break it open.
I use too much
4 Circle the correct words.
c j LEARN TO LEARN 1 Which puzzle has six sides and is difficult to solve / deliver?
2 Which North American country measures /supplies length in
Learning verbs w ith p re p o sitio n s
inches and feet, not centimetres and metres?
Learn verbs with the prepositions they
take. This helps you to use them correctly. 3 Which country produces / attracts the most films every year?
4 What’s the name of the tunnel that wastes/connects the UK
Complete each sentence with a with France?
preposition (to or with). Sometimes
5 How do dolphins communicate / develop with each other?
both are possible.
6 Which animals create /collect nuts for the winter?
1 Insects are attracted to spider
2 Spiders connect their webs
something nearby. Discuss the questions in Exercise 4.
3 Bees communicate each
other by dancing. Explore it!
4 Bees collect nectar and deliver it Guess the correct answer.
other bees.
Bees beat their wings very fast, but how many times per second?
5 Nectar supplies bees
a 100 b 200 c 300
Find an interesting fact about birds or insects. Write a
question for your partner to answer.

U N IT 5 W O N D E R F U L W O R L D 59

A w e b zin e a rtic le
O Look at the photo. What do you think a
5 02
smart city is? Read the webzine article and
find out.

Match headings a-d with paragraphs 1-4.

a Soon to become a reality
b Greener streets
c Everything will be connected SMART CITIES OF THE FUTURE
d More choices for citizens
Electric cars, drone deliveries, houses that communicate
Read the webzine article again and discuss with you when you're out. Are you attracted by this
image of city life? If so, you're not alone. Scientists and
the questions.
engineers around the world are developing a huge
1 How will the IOT make urban life better? digital web called the Internet of Things (IOT) that will
2 What will 3-D printers be able to do? make all of this possible. Soon, billions of devices will
be connected by the IOT. It will collect all sorts of data
3 How will food be delivered to our homes? - information about the weather, the traffic, population
4 How will we be healthier? movement, our shopping, the places we visit, even our
health. This information will be used to make urban life
5 Why won’t electricity be wasted?
better for everyone. Welcome to smart cities, the cities of
6 What percentage of people will be living in the future.
rural areas by 2050?
In smart cities, we'll have more free time. For example,
imagine you're feeling hungry on the way home but don't
4 Find words in the webzine article that mean:
want to cook. All you'll need to do is send a message
1 the number of people living in a place to your 3-D printer and tell it to print something tasty
(paragraph 1) for you. Or, if you prefer, order a takeaway and within
minutes a delicious pizza is delivered by a drone. Smart
2 belong or relating to the city (paragraph 1)
citizens will be healthier too. Our fridges will remind us
3 a small flying machine without a pilot when it's time to buy fresh fruit and vegetables, while
(paragraph 2) devices on our bodies will measure our levels of fitness.
The data they collect will be supplied to our doctors
4 to stop something happening
and we'll be told to visit them as soon as anything is
(paragraph 3)
wrong, so we won't be surprised by unexpected health
5 the people who live in a particular place problems.
(paragraph 4)
Smart cities will also be better for the environment,
because electricity won't be wasted in them. Imagine you
Voice it! forget to turn the lights off when you go out. Don't worry
- your house will do it for you. What's more, streetlights
Discuss the questions. will only be switched on when you walk past them and
cars will communicate with traffic lights to prevent traffic
1 What disadvantages might there be to
jams, saving both time and energy.
living in a smart city? Think of three ideas.
When the first cities were built thousands of years ago,
2 Would you like to live in a smart city?
their inhabitants couldn't have realised how different
Tell your partner and explain your reasons. urban life would become, but smart cities are nearly
here. W ill everything and everyone soon be connected
by the IOT? Probably not, but by 2050 more than 70%
Finished? p!22 E xl of us will be living in a city, and we'll definitely be even
more connected than we are today.

Watch video 5.2

LANGUAGE IN ACTION How did people listen
to music in the past?
The passive How will our clothes

Present Past Future

2 3
The first cities _____built Billions of devices
A pizza delivered by a drone.
thousands of years ago. connected by the IOT.
Time and energy aren’t wasted. Hieroglyphics weren’t We 4
surprised by
understood until 1822. unexpected health problems.
5 6
you attracted by this image everything and everyone
When was the Internet invented?
of city life? soon connected by the IOT?

Complete the examples in the table above. Ci 4 Complete the conversation with the future
5 03
Use the webzine article on page 60 to help you. passive of the verbs in brackets. Listen and
Rewrite the sentences in the present or past
A I was reading a blog that said in the future
with a passive form of the verb in bold and by. 1
many jobs will be done (do) by robots.
1 Moving objects attract bulls.
B Really? Like what?
Bulls are attracted by moving objects.
A Well, food (serve) by them in
2 Lightning strikes men more often than women. 3
restaurants, houses (build) by
them - and in some schools, classes
4 (teach) by them.
3 The Romans didn’t invent Roman letters.
B Robot teachers! That will be strange. But
5 all h u m a n s ( r e p l a c e )
4 Elizabeth Magie invented Monopoly.
by robots?
A I don’t think so. The blog said most operations
Complete the text with the verbs in the box in (not do) by robots - human
the present and past passive. doctors and surgeons will still do those.
B What about sports? human
build bury lift make
football players (replace)
place pull use visit
A I don’t think so, but who knows?
The Pyramids of Giza in Egypt are visite d by millions of B I hope not, because that’s what I want to be in
tourists every year. When th e y , about 5,500 the future!
years ago, great kings called pharaohs inside
them. What we don't know is how the Pyramids
. More than two million blocks of stone
for each one, but nobody knows how each
Discuss the questions.
stone in the correct position. Clearly, they
by hand, because they were too heavy. 1 Will all lessons be taught in English?
th e y by ropes or did people 2 Will all shopping be done online?
push them by hand?
Some lessons will be taught
in English, but not all of them.

F in is h e d ? p122 E x 2

W O N D E R F U L W O R LD 61

A virtual reality tour
Look at photos 1-3.
Do you know where
these places are?

2 Listen to the virtual tour
and check your answers
to Exercise 1.

Listening for specific
Extrem e adjectives
Replace the underlined words in the text with the words in
Knowing what kind of information we 5.05
the box. Listen and check.
are listening for can help us to hear it.
boiling deafening dreadful enormous fascinating
Read the sentences and decide
freezing gorgeous marvellous stunning terrifying
if the missing information is
a year, a measurement or a The Sahara Desert looks ^ery beautiful st-unnim. I’ve been learning
number. 2
about it in class. It’s very interesting . At 9.2 million
1 There a re seven New 2 3
km , it’s very big 4
. The sand dunes are very beautiful
Wonders of the Natural 5
. It would be very good to visit it one day, but it
World, a number 6
would be very scary to get lost there without water.
7 8
2 A major sports event took During the day it’s very hot , but at night it can be very
place in South Africa in cold . Sometimes there are sandstorms with very loud
winds. It must be very bad to be caught in one.
3 The top of Table Mountain is
wide. Get it right!
4 The biggest Komodo dragons We don’t use very with extreme adjectives, but we can
are long. use really or absolutely.
5 There are approximately
Komodo dragons
on Komodo Island.
6 smaller waterfalls Discuss the questions.
make up Iguazu Falls. 1 Where can you find stunning scenery in your country?
2 Which is worse, boiling hot or freezing cold weather? Why?
7 The water falls up to 3 Would you prefer to live in a gorgeous, tiny house or an ugly,
enormous house? Why?

0 4 Listen again and complete the 4 What’s the most fascinating school subject? Why?
5 04 sentences in Exercise 3. There is an enormous waterfall in my country.
The noise is deafening when you stand next to it.

62 W O N D E R F U L W O R LD U N IT 5

Question tags and questions W h a t is her v lo g a b o u t?
W h a t w as sh e m o st
with prepositions im p re s s e d by?

Positive sentence + negative tag Negative sentence + positive tag

to be It’s Cape Town, isn’t it? It isn’t S yd n e y, 1_____ it?

auxiliary have The lesson has 2
fin is h e d , _____ it? Ivan hasn’t arrived yet, has he?
m odal verbs The speech will be recorded, won’t it? You won’t be 3
e a te n , _____ you?
present sim ple You speak G e rm a n , 4 you? They don’t live here, do they?
past sim ple Linda went hom e early, didn’t she? You didn’t tell anyone our s e c re t, 5 you?/

Question tags Questions with prepositions

What are we le a rn in g 1 today? Where are we g o in g 2
Complete the examples in the table
above. What are you lo o k in g 3 ? next?

Who was it w on 5 ? What a re you sea re d 4

Complete the sentences with the 6
Who do you lo o k
correct question tag.
1 That tour was very good, wasn’t it ? 4 Complete the examples in the table above with about, at,
2 Insects are interesting, ? by, like, of or to.

3 It’s not very hot in h e r e , ?

Put the words in the correct order to make
4 We ca n ’t hear each other, sentences. Then circle the correct answers.
5 It would be scary to see a ghost,
made / what / Tutankhamen's mask / of / was / ?

Match the sentences in Exercise 1 a glass b gold c silver

with responses a-e. Complete the
responses with the adjectives in to / Apollo 11 / where / did / go / ?
the box.
a Mars b the moon c The International Space Station
deafening fascinating freezing
m arvellous terrifying a compass / what / for / used / is / ?

a Yes, it w ould be te rrifyin g _ .

a making holes b drawing circles c cutting paper
b No, it ’s absolutely

c N o - t h e m usic is
Use it!
d It w a s __________
5 Discuss the questions using question tags.
e Yes, th e y ’re really
1 Who was Don Quijote w ritten by?
2 What is a GPS used for?
3 What is glass m ade of?

Who was Don Quijote written by? It was written by..., wasn't it?

Finished? p!22 Ex 3

W O N D E R F U L W O R LD 63

SPEAKING Complete the dialogues with the phrases in the

Everyday English box.
Expressing surprise and disbelief
1 A What’s the best place you’ve ever been to?
/Tii What do you know about the building in the B Ice la nd.
5 06
picture? Listen to the conversation. What do you 2 A How was the movie?
learn about it?
B , I loved it!

0 2 Complete the conversation with the phrases 3 A The exam was easy, wasn’t it?
from the Useful language box. Listen and check. B . I think it was quite hard.
4 A Jack’s house is enormous, isn’t it?
ANGELA So, Ryan, how was your trip B I know! It’s got a p o o l .
to Rome? 5 A have a picnic tomorrow?
RYAN Oh, man, you should go. It’s
B I can’t, sorry. I’m busy.
absolutely stunning. There’s
so much history and so many
amazing buildings there. I loved it.
ANGELA Where was your favourite place?
RYAN I’d say it was the Coliseum.
ANGELA That’s where the gladiators used to fight, W atch video 5.4
isn’t it? Everyday English
RYAN Got it in one. Sometimes they would fight
... and everything Er, not exactly.
with animals, too. Bears, lions, elephants.
1 I’d say it was ... Oh, man W anna...?
ANGELA You can’t be serious . With animals?
RYAN Yep. On one occasion over 10,000 animals
were killed in a single day.
ANGELA 2 me? That’s dreadful! PLAN
RYAN And they used to have sea battles there. ; 4Write about an amazing place you have been ;
ANGELA I fin d 3 . How was that done? to. Think of three interesting things about it.
RYAN They would fill the stadium with water
from the aqueducts. There were real ’•• SPEAK •4
• ।
ships and everything. • 5 Practise the conversation. Describe your
4 ? That’s fascinating. ; amazing place and ask your partner about
RYAN Wanna see a photo of me dressed as a their place. Remember to use the passive,
gladiator outside? ; question tags, questions with prepositions
ANGELA OK, go on. Wow! Is that you? I can’t ’ and phrases from the Useful language and
5 wore that! Everyday English boxes.
RYAN I look terrifying, don’t I?
ANGELA Er, not exactly. You look sweaty. It must’ve
been really hot there. 6 Work with another pair. Listen to their
RYAN It was. It was boiling. conversation and complete the notes.
What place did they talk about?

Useful language
• What was interesting about it?
Are you kidding me? Seriously?
I can’t believe you actually ... You can’t be serious.
Would you like to visit it?
I find that hard to believe.

64 W O N D E R F U L W O R LD U N IT 5

A competition entry
Look at the photo. What do you think the building is? THE MOST INCREDIBLE
Read the competition entry and check your ideas. PLACE I'VE EVER VISITED

__ I've been to lots of amazing places, but the one that __ The highlight of a visit to Petra is the Treasury. Nobody is sure
impressed me the most was Petra, an ancient city in Jordan. why it was built, but archaeologists think that a king was
I visited it last summer with my family. We all loved it. buried there or that it was a place for important documents.
When the sun shines on the front of the building, it's really
Petra is fascinating. The first buildings were built over 2,000 stunning. I'm absolutely certain that it will still be visited
years ago. At one time it was inhabited by 30,000 people. hundreds of years in the future.
A lot of it was carved out of the rock of the mountains. In z---- X

fact, it is sometimes known as 'the Rose City' because of the ,__ J I think Petra deserves to win because it is so beautiful,
colour of the rock. especially the Treasury. Without a doubt, it's one of the
GO GLOBAL most incredible places in the world.
Tell us about the most incredible place
you've ever visited to win two air tickets!

Read the entry again. Match topics a-d with

paragraphs 1-4. • Write a competition entry.
a The reason why the place should win : PLAN
b Introduction • 5 Think of the most incredible place you
c Detailed description of part of the place *. have visited. Find out information about
d General description of the place it and write down two reasons why it
; impressed you.
Discuss the questions.
1 What is unusual about the way Petra was built?
*. 5 Writeyour competition entry. Remember to
2 What do people thinkthe Treasury was built for? ’. include the four paragraphs in Exercise 2,
3 List all the extreme adjectives in the entry. ; extreme adjectives and phrases from the
; Useful language box.
Match phrases 1-5 with the phrases from the Useful
language box a-e with a similar meaning. CHECK
1 for me, the ... that was best was ... 7 Do you...
*. • give a description of the place?
2 It’s certain th a t...
• say why it impressed you?
3 I’m completely sure th a t...
• • explain why you thinkthe place
4 ... should win because ... 1 should win?
5 When you go to ..., the best part is ...

Useful language Pronunciation pl42

a ... deserves to win because ...

Finished? pl22 Ex 4
b I’m absolutely certain th a t...
c The highlight of a visit to ... is ...
d the ... that impressed me the most was ...
e Without a d o u b t...

W O N D E R F U L W O R LD 65

A travel blog Hi, everyone! This week I’m in Meghalaya in northeast
India, the wettest place on Earth. I’ve only been here
for a day but I love the place already. It’s really cloudy,
but when the clouds lift the scenery is stunning:
-:*x Globetrotters beautiful mountains covered by gorgeous green
W a tc h v id e o 5.5 forests. The people are really friendly, and there are
E x tre m e h o m e s loads of things to do - you can go to festivals, explore
caves, see waterfalls,
What can make a place difficult to live in? visit a bird sanctuary,
cross ‘living root bridges’,
Why is it d ifficu lt to live in these places:
go trekking and so much
Atacam a Desert, Siberia and Lake Titicaca? more. I can’t wait! This
W hat’s unusual about Matera? blog will be updated
while I’m here so make
sure you check out my
Look at the pictures. Where do you think they posts!
were taken?
This morning I went to
A Read Scott’s blog for Day 1. Which activities that
5 09 the marvellous Siju Bird
you can do in Meghalaya does he mention? Sanctuary, where lots
of endangered birds are
protected. I even saw
one of the rare peacock
pheasants. Check out
the photo! After that I tried jadoh, a local dish of rice
and meat. Rice is traditionally eaten several times
a day here, and it was delicious. In the afternoon I
wanted to explore the capital, Shillong, where I’m
staying, but it started raining heavily, so I stayed
inside and relaxed. Tomorrow I'm going to visit the
Krem Lymput cave. I’m really excited - I’ve never
been in a cave before!

Skimming for gist
Often you want to understand the general idea of a
text, not the details. To do this you can ‘skim’ the text,
which means to read it very quickly.

Skim the rest of the blog. Which of the activities

that Scott mentions in Day 1 of his blog does he
not do while he is in Meghalaya?


H 4 Now read the whole of Scott’s blog.

Discuss the questions.
DAY 3 1 What problem did Scott have on
OK, I’ve just got back from the cave tour. It wasn’t my favourite Day 2?
experience! The guide was great. He explained everything really
clearly - how old the cave is, how it was made and so on, and the 2 Do you think Scott will visit any more
cave was beautiful, but at times I was really scared. It’s over six km caves in the future? Why / Why not?
long, with some enormous rooms, but most of it was narrow, dark and 3 What is unusual about births in
wet. I had to carry a torch and walk really carefully. It was terrifying! Khasi society?
Anyway, I’m safely back in the hostel now. More from me tomorrow!
4 Why didn’t Scott post anything on
DAY 4 Day 5?
Today I saw the Nongkrem dance festival. This colourful festival is 5 How are‘living root bridges’ made?
celebrated by the Khasi people, who are one of the main groups
of people in Meghalaya. They have an Find adverbs in the travel blog that
incredibly fascinating society. Women have mean:
a very important role in Meghalaya society.
For example, the birth of a boy is not a 1 in a traditional way (day 2)
special occasion but the birth of a girl is 2 a lot (day 2)_____
celebrated by everyone, children take their 3 in a way that is easy to understand
mother’s surname, and when parents die,
(day 3)__
the youngest daughter gets their house. It’s not the best place to be a
boy. The sons don’t really get anything! 4 absolutely (day 4)
5 in the end (day 6)
Voice it!
I’m back! I didn’t write anything yesterday because I was trekking Discuss the questions.
in the mountains overnight. I saw some incredible views and finally
crossed one of the famous tree root bridges. These bridges are 1 Would you like to visit Meghalaya?
created by hand. People tie the roots of young trees together and Why / Why not?
help them to grow slowly across rivers. The process takes many 2 Are boys and girls treated the same
years, but eventually the roots are strong in your country?
enough for people to walk on. Check out
the picture I took! Anyway, the time here
Explore it!
has gone so fast. I’d love to stay longer
but tomorrow I have to leave. Thanks Guess the correct answer.
for reading!
Meghalaya is the wettest place on
Earth, but where is the driest?
a in South America
b in Africa c in Australia
Find another interesting fact about
an extreme place on Earth. Write
a question for your partner to

M N I T / The Culture Project Teacher’s Resource Bank

U N IT 5 | W O N D E R F U L W O R L D 67

5 R E V IE W
Rewrite sentences 1 to 5 in Exercise 1 as
VOCABULARY passive sentences.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the 1 ______________________________
verbs in the box.
2 ______________________________
attract collect communicate connect
create deliver develop measure
produce solve supply waste 3 _____________________________

1 The postman seven letters to my 4

house this morning.
2 The teacher the students’ homework 5 ______________________________
next Monday.
3 Scientists the Internet in the 1970s. 4 Complete the dialogue with the correct
questions and question tags.
4 Most people lots of plastic every day.
A looking/you / w h at/fo r/are
5 My car engine a lot of heat.
1 7
6 Electric lights different insects.
B My phone charger. It was here somewhere.
Walt Disney some of the world’s most
A You haven’t put it in your bag,
famous cartoon characters. 2 ?
8 A stopwatch time.
B No, I looked there. You don’t have an extra
9 A young mathematician the most one, 3
1 7
difficult equation in history a few years ago.
A Sorry, no. to /y o u /w h o /d o /to /ta lk / need
10 Three different companies electricity 4 7
to this city next year.
B My brother. We’re going to a rugby match.
11 The Channel Tunnel the United
It starts in 15 minutes.
Kingdom with France.
A He can just wait for you inside the stadium,
12 Pilots on international flights use English 5 7
with each other.
B: No, because I’ve got the tickets!
Complete the sentences with the adjectives in
the box.

boiling deafening dreadful enormous

fascinating freezing terrifying

1 Turn that music down - it’s !

2 Can you open the window? It’s in here.
3 It was a bad movie - the actors were
4 The Grand Canyon? is 446 km long - it’s

5 Put your coat on. It’s today.

6 I’m scared of spiders. They’r e .
7 The book w a s . I read it twice!

68 W O N D E R F U L W O R LD U N IT 5



A presentation plan can help you prepare a presentation and make it clear and easy for the listener to understand.

Read Kirill’s presentation plan notes. What do you think Read the beginning of Kirill’s
his presentation is about? Circle a, b or c. presentation. Complete the missing
Good afternoon. Today, I'm going to talk
about a total eclipse of the sun. Perhaps you've
seen one. What is it? Well, it's a very special
event in the sky. ___________________
a a rainbow b a total eclipse c the aurora It happens when the sun is hidden by the
of the sun borealis moon and parts of the Earth are covered by its
shadow. 3 Well, you
can only see it...
Presentation Plan
Imagine you are doing Kirill’s
Introduce the Today, I’m going to presentation together. Use the
presentation. talk about... questions and the notes to do the
complete presentation.
a very special event
What is it?
in the sky!

the sun is hidden by 9WNIT/

How does it the moon, parts of
4 Prepare a presentation on how a
happen? the Earth are covered
rainbow is formed. Use the information
by its shadow
below to help you.
^You need to be in How is a rainbow formed? The
, .... .... ....
r white light is split
W here? the area covered by
Where and into different colours.
the moon’s shadow.
when can you
see it? . When it rains, white light from a raindrop
about once every the sun (made up of many (one of
’ year and a half colours) enters raindrops. millions!)

What other
Never look directly
at it! It’s dangerous. The light is reflected and comes back out.
can I give you?
We see the coloured light from all the millions of
W here? Yes, in Russia raindrops as a rainbow.

-lave i ever You can see rainbows in the sky opposite the sun.
When? I I August, 2 0 18 Rainbows are really circles, but we only see half.
seen one?
If you’re lucky, you might see a double rainbow
W hat absolutely stunning!
was it
fj} Listen to your partner’s presentation
and ask a question.


{Ba.cKToSc HoqL !! NIT 5 | W O N D E R F U L W O R LD 69

" —-Rb ARC zC"~'k

4 U 11 I l l l l i \ O T IIR F -M T u^

understand texts about taking risks and overcoming
encourage a friend to do something
write a for and against essay
understand how to use conditional tenses
NO L MITS use verb collocations with get, take and have, and talk
about inspirations and challenges
use collocations in sentences, and practise listen and
choose questions
make a leaflet.

S ta r t it!
Look at the photo. Would you like to do a sport like this?
Before you watch, what extreme sports can you think of?
Why do people do extreme sports? Watch and check.
Are there any extreme sports you’d like to do? Which ones?

Language in a ctio n 6.2 Language in action 6.3 Everyday E n g lish 6.4

W a tc h v id e o 6 J

ZVld uoiiepunuojd
•J9MSUB 0} Did you choose more As or more Bs?
More As - You enjoy taking risks and like to experience new, exciting situations.
ja u jje d jnoA j o j u o ip a n b e ajiJ/v\ ’)Jods
More Bs - You prefer not to take lots of risks and enjoy being in a routine.
3 iu d j;x 3 ue p o q e p e j ja q p u e p u ij
jauj ajeos Aaqj_ sapiJ >fjed awaqq uo unj aneq p o p | g
OTT 3 ZOT q 68 e
■sapij >|jed aiuaqq uo 6uio6 a>|!| 'saqiAqoe
pAipA>|s cq u o sja d js a p p a q i s baa pjo mo h unj jo spuiq ||P ui isauaiui ue aqei | V
•jaMsue a q j ssang
sanjau Aui uo iafi
ill auo|dx3 sauupawos aiqepipajdun aje oqM a|doay g
■aiqepipajdun pue Buqioxa
aje oqM a|doad nnouq 01 fiuinafi aqq ।
■im s iSEi ajojaq uaqea
aip ppp i 'sax
j babu aAj spooj /v\au Bu iAj j jnoqe siqnop aneq । g
::: :;:'d u p Au o i aaueqa aqi aneq । jaAauaqM spooj Mau Aj j | v
■■I «■■■■■ ” ■ ■ ~ ■■■■ ■■■■■■■ ” v ■■■ fllHM
idAd noA 8a e h ■squads
aiuaj^xa op j babu p|noM pue sqsu aqei o) a>|!| p o p | g £
'Suii^sjaqeM j o Builds a>|!| sqjods aiuajijxa jo )no )0| e jafi ।
iso| iafi । aseo ui j|asAiu Aq saoe|d Mau punoje >j|baa j bao u । g
■ajo|dxa o)
jiasAiu Aq saoejd uMOu>|un ui Buiaq joafieiuenpe fiuiqe} a>|i| | v
I 'aujq pjiqq jo puooas e siu|ij buiqoqeM ui ajnsea|d aqei I 8 r
•suoqsanb aq ) jaAASue pue >js\/
j. - ajojaq uaas o a,| u j |ij e qo)BM | uaqM pajoq )afi । y ।
■suoqeao]]oa aq ) q)i aa suoi)sanb a)u/v\ BIB?** UI f -—-— -x "5.
uoiqenqis e lu o jj s § u iq ; poo§ aqq asn ]
layo]. pue dAoq ‘jaB q)iAA m o u >| p o q e a jo iu idea] noA os A po qaiuos qqiaa aiuiq puads >|
noA op su o ip ao jio a ja q )o )eq/v\ u o u p e d Suiqqaw os l uo j j S uijaej poo§ e qaS f
jnoA q iiM saauaiuas jnoA a je d w o o
a je noA ajaqAA a a o u >| pu i
•9 iw q l uj ugqM p a jo q q.90 । S u iq ia iu o s op oq A ji]iq isso d a q j OAeq q
’j q aq u ‘jdAdAjpjDL] ‘sdiuijdLuos ‘A]]onsn S u iq ja iu o s lu o jp u a iu A o ju e qa§ §
‘ sAd mj d asp *t a s p ja x 3 ui suoi)e3ojjoD § u iq ia w o s jn o q e a jn su n p a j
aq ) j o j s a a u a p a s a n j) p >juiqj_ V S u iq ja iu o s ui p a is a ja ju i aq a
jja s jn o A Aofua p
•§uiueaw aq ) u aq w aiu aj o) aauajuas
e ui suoi;e3O]]O3 asaq) p jo aay -sSujueaui p snojaS uep aq iqSiLU p q jS u iq p iu o s op 3
s p j aneq dADtf pue aj/oj ‘jaB q)iM s u o ip a o jp o --------------------- S u ip a ja iu i
S 3 3 U 3 1 U 3 S U I S U O |ie 3 O ||O 3 O u iS p p u si S u iq p iu o s asneaaq Addequn aiuooaq q
p ] 6 ApoqOWOS AOUUB B
Ndvai o± Navai fo •sasejqd aq ; p a d a j pue uaqsiq q -e s u o p iu ip p
qqiAA p p q ui sasejqd aq ; q3je|/\| *zinb aqq peay (j
<.ujaq) qji/v\ a a j§ e noA o<] ’aSed
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*noA j o j an j ; a je )e q )
s j b ms u b a q ) a p j p *uie§e zinb aq ) peay

When taking risks is a

Everyone has to take risks sometimes, but many people think risks are negative, especially for teenagers. They connect risk-taking
with dangerous behaviour, such as riding a motorbike too fast or looking at your phone while crossing the street. If this sounds like
your parents, you might want to explain this to them. Taking risks can also be positive. Sometimes feeling scared or uncomfortable
can help us experience new things and learn how to make good decisions. If more people understood this, they might see why
teenagers sometimes need to take risks.

What type of risks do you like? Healthy risks

Surprises Would you be happy if your friends planned a surprise party for you? Ifthe Howwould you feel if you had an audition
answer is yes, then you may enjoy unpredictable things. You get bored very easily and take for the school show? Auditions, selection
pleasure in not knowing what's going to happen next. to get into a school sports team or facing
Danger Ifyou take an interest in activities such as skiing or parkour, you might enjoy a school bully are situations that might
danger. If you adore extreme sports or theme park rides, it's because risky situations make you feel scared. However, they also
produce a chemical in the brain called dopamine. Dopamine makes you feel happy and help you develop important skills such
want to repeat an activity again to get the same feeling. That's why you want to go back as how to solve problems, make good
on a rollercoaster ride as soon as it's finished. decisions and become independent. Just
think, you could be the world's best singer,
Newexperiences Alternatively, if you have fun trying new foods or discovering new
lawyer or volleyball player. But unless you
places, you may be someone who gets a lot out of new experiences. This is important
take some risks, you'll never know.
because if you didn't go to new places, you wouldn't learn new things about other cultures.

A fact sheet
Di How do the people in the photos feel? How would you feel? 4 Find words in the fact sheet that
6 04 Read the fact sheet and check your ideas. mean:
1 somethingthat can change
Read the fact sheet again and complete the table. suddenly (adj)
Types of risk taker People who like unpredictable things 2 love (v)
2 People who like___________________ 3 if something bad could happen
3 People who like (adj) _____
Examples of
4 another possibility
negative risks
(adv) _______
Examples of
positive risks 5 choosing someone from a
Skills you develop group of people (n)
when you take risks
Voice it!
Read the fact sheet again. Write T (true), F (false) or DS Discuss the questions.
(doesn’t say).
1 Whattypeof risk taker is most
1 All risks are dangerous. _E_ similar to you? Why?
2 Most parents don’t want teenagers to take risks. 2 What risky things have you
3 Some people like not knowing what will happen. done that aren’t dangerous,
4 You have more dopamine in your brain when you feel e.g. having an audition?
bored. __ 3 Can taking risks help solve
5 Taking risks can teach us about other cultures. problems?
6 There are advantages to scary situations.
If you don’t take risks, you won’t solve problems.

72 NO LIM ITS | U N IT 6

First and seco n d c o n d itio n a l

First conditional

If th is 1 (sound) like your parents, you might want If you took healthy risks, you could become more
to explain this to them. independent.

If you3 (not go) to new places, you wouldn’t

Unless you 2 (take) some risks, you’ll never know.
learn new things about other cultures.

Would you be happy if your friends 4 (plan)

Will you go on all the rides if we go to the theme park?
a surprise party for you?

Complete the examples in the table Complete the second conditional sentences with the
above with the correct form of the correct form of the verbs.
verbs in brackets. Use the fact sheet 1 Would you learn to fly a plane if you had the chance?
on page 72 to help you. (would / have / learn)
2 If we crazy things from time to time, life
Get it right!
boring, (could / be / not do)
We can use unless to mean except if. I frightened if I in a forest at night.
Use a positive verb with unless. (wouldn’t / get lost / be)
I’ll go to the beach unless it rains =
I’ll go to the beach except if it rains. 4 Complete the text with the first or second conditional.

If you 4had
(have) the chance, would you risk your life to save
someone? If you thought about it carefully, you probably
2 (not put) yourself in danger, but scientists say it's a
natural impulse. For example, if w e 3 (see) someone
in the water who couldn't swim, we would save them. In an
emergency, unless we 4 (stop) a n d 5 (think)
about it, the human body will react automatically.
Put the words in the correct order to
make first conditional sentences. (^ U s e it!
1 you’ll / get better at it I If you I a lot,
Make questions with you in the first or second
/ practise parkour
conditional. Ask and answer.
If you practise parkour a lot, you’ll
1 If / not meet / friends I later / might / feel?
get better a t it._________________________
If you don’t meet your friends later, how might you feel?
2 from other cultures / if you/You
2 How / life / different / not have / social media?
might / try it / enjoy food

3 What / do this weekend / have some free time?

3 will y o u /d o e sn ’t ra in /g o to / I f it/
the water park / ?
4 Which extreme sport / try / could choose?

Finished? p!23 Ex 2



Inspiration and challenge
O Read the nomination for an amazing athlete.
6 05
Match the words in bold with definitions a-j.
A podcast
Send us your nominations for the most amazing athlete
you know and we ll tell their story on our podcast. Listen to the podcast. What big challenge did
Bethany Hamilton overcome?
Which athlete inspires you because they have c| LEARN TO LEARN
2overcome an 3obstade?

Did they show determination and 5bravery? Listening and choosing the correct option
How? Read all the options, check any unknown words and
How did friends or family 6support
and cross out any options you know are not correct.
7encourage them to get on with their life?

What was their biggest challenge? 4 Listen and circle the correct option.

What have they ’achieved? 1 When she was 13 Bethany ...

Have they had any ' opportunities to help other a learned to surf, b had an accident.
people? c gave up surfing.
• Check you understand gave up (past simple of
give up - to stop something forever.)
a deal with a difficult situation successfully
• Option a isn’t correct as she learned to surf when
b finish something or reach an aim after
she was a young child.
a lot of hard work
• Option c isn’t correct as she returned to surfing
c give confidence to others and motivate
soon after the accident.
them to do something
• The correct answer is option b.
d give emotional or practical help to others
e make someone feel they want to do
5 Listen to the whole extract and circle the
correct options.
something and can do it
2 Bethany lost her arm ....
no fear of dangerous or difficult things
a in the sea b in hospital
g situations or chances
c three weeks after the accident
h something which requires a lot of hard
3 It was ... decision to return to surfing.
work to be done (successfully)
a Bethany’s b herfamily’s c a bad
i the ability to continue trying to do
4 Bethany com petes....
something difficult
a in special competitions
something that stops an action or makes
b only in the USA
progress difficult or slow
c against other professional surfers
5 Her book and films ....
a are not true b teach people how to surf
Discuss the questions. c inspire people to overcome challenges
1 Who or what inspires you?
2 What’s the biggest obstacle you or someone Voice it!
you know has overcome? What surprises you most about her story?
3 Who encourages you to do your homework? What would you do in a similar situation?

74 NO LIM ITS | U N IT 6

W atch video 6.3

W hat is she thinking
Third conditional W here w ould she have
gone on holiday?

situation in the past 2 consequence

If +had (not) +past participle would (not) have +past participle

If they hadn’t taken Bethany to hospital straight away, she would have died.
If that had happened to me, I wouldn’t have returned to the water.


What would you have done if it had happened to you?

Complete the headings with Possible or Imaginary. 4 Write a third conditional sentence for
each situation.
Put the words in the correct order to make third conditional
1 Alfie broke his leg when he went rock
1 had seen / she wouldn’t I in the water/ If Bethany I
If Alfie hadn’t gone rock climbing, he
the shark / have gone
wouldn’t have broken his leg.
2 Four students got up late and missed
2 Many people wouldn’t / if she / a film I have heard /
the coach to France.
hadn’t made / about her bravery

Complete the third conditional sentences about stories 3 The school cook didn’t make enough
5 08 1-3. Use the verbs in brackets. Listen and check. food and the students were hungry.
1 A girl got stuck under a car and a high school baseball
team lifted the car off the girl.
If the girl hadn't got stuck (not get stuck), the team 4 Class 4B went to Madrid and learned
wouldn’t have needed (not need) to lift the car. how to speak Spanish.
b If the team (not lift) the car, the girl
(not survive)
2 A 14-year-old saw a fire in his neighbour’s home and
went to help and saved a boy.
a If he (not see) the fire, he
Complete the sentences about you.
(not go) to help.
1 If I had been born in a different
b If h e ( n o t go) to help, he
(not save) the boy.
3 A group of teens were attacked by a bear in Alaska. One
2 If I hadn’t gone to this school
girl did first aid for nine hours until help arrived.
a If t h e y ( n o t go) to Alaska, they
■■ •

(not be) attacked. 3 If I hadn’t met my best friend

b If help (arrive) earlier, the girl
(not do) first aid for nine hours.
F in ish e d ? p123 Ex 3


Encouraging a friend to
do something
Watch video 6.4
O Listen to Mia and Jack’s conversation. Which Everyday English
6 09
activities do they discuss?
Come on! Goodforyou! not really
Cil Complete the conversation with the phrases from seriously You’ve got to be joking!
5 09
the Useful language box. Listen and check.
Match the phrases in the Everyday English box
MIA Are you going to come whitewater rafting this with their meanings 1-5.
1 extremely
JACK I’m not sure. It looks a little scary to me.
MIA Oh, it’s not really. I had so much fun when I 2 not very _____________
went. 3 That’s great!
you? 4 to encourage someone to do something
JACK But the water is so fast! It looks seriously deep
and I’m not the world’s best swimmer. 5 You’re not serious!
MIA Relax and . The instructors
will look after you. They don’t take any risks. 4 How do you say these phrases in your language?
JACK Mmm, I’m still not sure.
MIA: Well what about paddle boarding? That’s less
risky. PLAN
JACK You’ve got to be joking! I wouldn’t dare stand
5 Make notes about something you want to
up on the board in the middle of the sea.
encourage your partner to do. Use the ideas
I fell in?
below or your own ideas.
MIA Come on! It’s easy! !
If you fall in, you just get back on the board. do an audition for a school show •
JACK , but I’m not like try an extreme sport
you. Water sports are a real challenge for me.
MIA Well, what if I practised SPEAK ;
with you?
5 Practise trying to encourage your partner.
JACK Hmm. That might help. OK,
Remember to use first, second and third
I’ll come.
conditionals, vocabulary from this unit and •
MIA Good for you! I promise
6 phrases from the Useful language and Everyday ;
English boxes. *
and you might even have
fun! Let’s go on Sunday.
7 Work with another pair. Listen to their
Useful language
conversation and complete the notes.
Encouraging What did the other students encourage each
Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. You can do it! ot he r to do? ____________________________________
You’ll feel really proud afterwards. Would you try the things in their conversation?
You’ll never know unless you try ...
That’s easy for you to say ... What i f ... (+ past simple)?

76 NO LIM ITS | U N IT 6

4 Complete the Useful language box

WRITING with the phrases from the essay.
A for and again st essay
Useful language
Think about a time when something went wrong for you.
introducing a new idea: Furtherm ore ..
How did you feel? What did you learn?

Read the for and against essay. Circle the best title. introducing the opposite idea:
a Is it always bad when things go wrong?
b Should we try more new things? giving an example: For example ...,
3 4
----------------j ----------------
giving an opinion:
1 There are times when things introducing a conclusion:
go wrong. For example,--
i you might Lose a sports —
match or fail an important _
I__ exam. However, is i t -------- Write your own for and against essay.
__ always negative when this
happens? ___________
5 Look at the essay title and make
2 On the one hand, when things go wrong we feel — notes on your ideas and examples.
bad. For instance, if we fail a French exam, we _ Decide what information to
—] might have doubts about our ability to speak th e_ include in each paragraph. Use the
~ | language and lose confidence. Furthermore, we— information in Exercise 3 to help
i might think we haven't got the skills to achieve—
: you.
our goals. -------------------
; Should we take risks? j
3 On the other hand, when we overcome a difficult
j situation we feel good. If we think about what — • W RITE
j went wrong, we might solve the problem in the _
• 6 Write your for and against essay.
_ future, such as by preparing for our next exam in_
’ Remember to include four
a different way.
• paragraphs, conditional tenses,
4 In conclusion, although it can feel negative when vocabulary from this unit and
things go wrong, I personally believe that this is_ I phrases from the Useful language
1 not always bad if we can learn something new. • box.
| ~ When we look for an opportunity to overcome the
| problem, we'll soon feel good again.--------------- : CHEC K
; 7 Do you ...
• • include an introduction?
<5 Read the essay again and discuss the questions.
• talk about the negatives?
1 How does the writer end the introduction? Why?
* • talk about the positives?
2 In which paragrap h does the writer give their opinion?
• have a conclusio n?
3 Which paragrap h talks about the negatives?
4 Which paragrap h talks about the positives?


Look at the leaflet. Which two things does it
aim to do?
a inform b warn c entertain d persuade
A re you 14-18? D o you g et bored in th e
Ci Read the leaflet and answer the questions. holidays? D o you like m aking friends, having
1 Who are the courses for? fun and doing lots o f exciting activities? If
this sounds like you, th en check o u t o u r
2 Which activities can you do on each course?
courses and choose th e one fo r you.
3 On which course will you work in a team?
4 The courses are ‘unplugged’. What does that
5 Why might it be good to try one of the courses?

Read the leaflet again and find these features.

1 Title
2 Introduction to get readers interested
3 Details about the activities
4 Phrases to persuade people to do the course

How to motivate yourself and your peers

Match 1-4 with a-d to make tips about how

to motivate yourself and your peers on
a project.

1 Be clear about what a All projects have

you have to do. problems. Find a way
to solve them.
2 Don’t give up when b Divide up the work OUTDOOR SURVIVAL SKILLS
there’s an obstacle. equally. If you enjoy adventure and being outside
3 Each person has a role. c Have confidence in in the fresh air, you will love this course.
yourself and your team. It’s a great way to meet new people as
you will be working in teams on different
4 Believe you can do d If you don’t understand
activities such as orienteering, building a
the project. something, ask.
fire and cooking outdoors. Some of the
activities are challenging and you will have
m Listen to students working in a team at the start to work together and support each other
of their project. Put tips 1-4 in Exercise 4 in the to complete them.
order you hear them.

6 Work in groups. Make a list of courses for I
If your idea of fun is
teenagers to build their confidence. Then •
spending all day in the
choose two or three ideas and design a leaflet •
water, you will get a lot
to inform and persuade people to do them.
out of this course. You
Complete the steps below. •
will have the chance
• Draw a plan of the leaflet.
to try everything from
surfing and paddle boarding to scuba diving and • Decide who prepares each section.
whitewater rafting. If you’ve never tried water • P rep a reyo u rsectio n with the features in
sports before, why not give them a go? You might Exercise 3. ’
be surprised at how much fun you have. • Show your section to som eone else
to check.
• Listen to your classm ate’s ideas and im prove *.
CLIMBING HIGH ; your section. •

One of our most • • Work together to make your leaflet. I

popular courses : PRESENT

is this confidence-
; 7 Present your leaflet to your classmates.
building one. You
Remember to include information about the
will have the chance
; courses, the features in Exercise 3 and the tips
to go rock climbing
in How to motivate yourself and your peers.
and then abseil down
again. You’ll also go
on a tree-top ropes
g Read your classmates’ leaflets. Decide which
course. If you’d like
• activities you would like to do from their
to learn a different
’ leaflets.
skill, you could spend
a day trying parkour.

Remember! All of our courses are

unplugged, so leave your mobiles and
other electronic devices at home. From
day one you will discover that you don’t
have to be online to have fun.

We encourage you to take risks and try new

things, so if you have never tried any of these
sports, one of our courses is the perfect
opportunity. Just think how good you’ll feel
if you overcome the fear to do something
you’ve never done before!


6 R E V IE W
VOCABULARY 4 Complete the sentences about parkour with the first
or second conditional.
Circle the words which don’t go with each 1 How quickly I ( le a r n ) if I
verb. practised every day?
1 get a lot out of something / risks / 2 Ifyou already (do) regular sport or
lost exercise, you may find it easy to learn.
2 take pleasure in something I 3 If I (watch) parkour videos online, will I
advantage of something / doubts learn some techniques?
3 have on someone’s nerves / the chance 4 Ifyou (train) every day for a month, you
to do something / fun could learn to jump over walls.
4 get bored / to know someone /
Join the two sentences to make one sentence in
an interest in something
the third conditional.
Complete the sentences with the correct 1 Mozart learned music as a young child. He wrote his
form of the words and phrases that don’t first symphony when he was eight or nine.
go with the verbs in Exercise 1.
1 I had before I went rafting
because I’m not a strong swimmer.
2 Emma Watson studied drama as a child. She was
2 It can be positive to take Hermione in the Harry Potter films.
because we learn to make decisions.
3 My brother has started to take
3 The artist van Gogh moved to Paris. Van Gogh met
4 My sister really gets .She’s
his friend Paul Gauguin in Paris.
always taking my things.

Complete the sentences with the words in

the box. 4 J.R.R. Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings. Peter
Jackson made a film trilogy of the book.
achieved bravery determination
opportunity overcome supported

1 She was awarded a prize for her

in the fire.
S e l f —a s s e s s m e n t
2 My cousin finally his
ambition to learn how to windsurf. I can use collocations with get,
3 Do students have the take and have.
to go to music classes at your school? I can use nouns and verbs for
4 My parents my decision inspiration and challenge.
to do a bungee jump for charity. I can use the first and second
5 He passed his final exams after a lot of conditional.
hard work a n d .
I can use the third conditional.
6 Since I started swimming I have
my fea r of deep water.

80 NO LIM ITS | U N IT 6


It’s im p o rta n t to take responsibility fo r your own learning. This w ill help you to learn when you are outside your
class as w ell.

Do the quiz and fin d out your score. Do you agree w ith
w hat it says about you? Discuss the results w ith a partner.

A re you takin g responsibility fo r your learning?

I W hen you’re in class, how often do you ...

a pay attention to the teacher’s corrections?
b try to help your partner speak and w rite better? E x tra challenges!
c use spidergrams and presentation plans? Write te x t
2 W hen you want to learn new vocabulary, how often do you ... messages to your
friends in English.
a w rite example sentences?
b make and use flashcards? • Send and receive
c use a monolingual (only English) dictionary? voice messages
with friends in
3 Outside class, how often do you ...
a speak in English to other people?
b watch TV series o r films in English? • Listen to music
f rj c read books o r articles in EnOglish online? in English and
look up the lyrics
4 Thinking about technology, how often do you ... online.
a have English as the language on your phone and your apps?
Read a ‘graded
b use vocabulary learning apps?
reader’ - a
c listen to podcasts in English?
famous book
If you were travelling in an English-speaking made easier for
country, would you ... learners.
a speak English in shops and restaurants?
b try to understand signs in English?
c ask fo r directions in English if you got lost?

Points: always = 2, som etim es = 1, never = 0. Look at the extra challenges. Which is the best
0 - 3 points: You aren’t taking much responsibility idea? Write one more.
foryourlearningyet, but ifyou t r y more ideas from
the quiz, you’ll soon become a better learner!

4 - 7 points: You’re taking some responsibility for

your learning, but there’s a lot more you could do if
you tried. Take advantage of what you ve learned in Think about how to take more responsibility fo r
th is quiz to think about how to improve. your learning. Choose three ideas and te ll your
partner w hat you have chosen and why.
3 - 1 0 points: You’re taking lo ts of responsibility
for your learning. T h at’s great! Time for I've chosen 'read a graded reader' because I love books. If
something new - t r y our extra challenges! I'd known about them before, I'd have started one already!



I can...
• understand texts about a growth mindset and
reducingexam stress
• express sympathy and concern
• write an email reply
• understand gerunds and infinitives, and subject and
object questions
• use adjectives that describe feelings and expressions
with heart and mind
• personalise vocabulary, make gapped flashcards, and
learn synonyms and antonyms.

S ta r t it!
1 Look at the photo. How is the girl feeling?
2 Before you watch, do you associate an emotion with these colours: red, grey, purple, yellow?
3 What colour can make you feel hungry? Watch and check.
4 What colours do you wear when you’re happy and when you’re sad?

Language in Language in Everyday G lobetrotters

action 7.2 action 7.3
W a tc h v id e o 7.1

Feelings Now do Part 2 of the leaflet. Tell your partner your
Read the leaflet. Do you agree with it?
For teenagers, life can be an
Match the words in bold in the leaflet with emotional rollercoaster. Sometimes
7.01 you're '’thrilled to be alive, then
definitions 1-13. Listen, check and repeat.
you feel bdown for no reason.
1 m
You often feel Insecure about
2 angry d
who you are, and annoyed
3 with every adult on the planet.
4 You feel ridiculous when you
don't know something all
5 feeling thanks f
your friends seem to know, and hurt that
6 ____ z nobody seems to care about what you're feeling. Of

____ y
course, people do care, which is why we've created this
exercise for developing positive emotions.
?---- >

8 quiet and calm

9 in em otional pain Part 1 For each word below (amused, etc.), think of a
10 extrem ely happy situation that helps you feel that emotion.
11 finding som ething funny Part 2 Choose two positive emotions you want to
12 positive about the future practise. Do something which will increase
those emotions every day for a week.
13 pleased to achieve som ething

Listen and comple te the sentences with one I fe e l... This week I w ill...
word. 9amused when my best ask him to tell me some
friend tells me jokes. every day.
1 Sally feels absolut ely
hhopeful when I make make three wishes about
2 The boy feels
a wish.
3 Mark felt absolut ely
'peaceful when I walk
4 The girl feels really on the beach.
5 Monica is feeling a bit 'grateful when people
help me.
C | LEARN TO LEARN keager when I start a
new art project.
R e m e m b e rin g a d je c tiv e s 'satisfied when I've
Think about your person al experiences to help you tidied my room.
remem ber new adjectiv es. mglad when my friends
are happy.
4 Do Part 1 in the Stay happy! leaflet. Think of
a sentence for each adjectiv e.
Explore it! ------------------------------
I feel amused when I watch comedy films.
Guess the correct answer.
Say your sentences. Do you have similar or Comple te the express ion Laughte r is the b e s t...
differen t ideas? c medicin e.
a com m unicatio n, b exercise,
I feel satisfied when 1score a goal in football. Find out a fact about smiling. Write a questio n for
. your partner to answer.


READING The power of ‘not yet’
A magazine interview Imagine you’ve just failed an important
maths test. What do you think?
Read and answer the question at the a I failed this test, but I can pass the next one if I study harder.
beginning of the interview. b I’m just not good at maths. There’s no point trying.
If you chose a, you have a growth mindset. People with a growth mindset
rffii Read the interview and match the are often happier and more successful. But if you chose b, don't worry - you
7 03 •
interviewer’s questions a-d with 1-4. Listen can change. I spoke to psychologist Malcolm Adams to find out how.
and check. 1 A mindset is your attitude to life. Some people have a fixed mindset.
a You had a fixed mindset? These people often avoid trying new things because they’re afraid of
making mistakes. They refuse to try harder, because they don’t believe
b Malcolm, what exactly is a growth mindset?
they can get better. On the other hand, people with a growth mindset
c What advice would you give our readers? believe they can improve with practice. They’re eager to learn new skills
d How can you develop a growth mindset? and they’re not afraid to fail sometimes. They often do well in life.
C--- X

2 Let me tell you a story to explain this. When I was a kid my parents
Read the interview again and circle the made me learn the piano. I didn’t like the piano and it was really difficult.
correct answers. I remember feeling annoyed with myself whenever I made a mistake. After
1 Even if you have a fixed mindset, you ... about a year, I stopped trying. I thought, ‘This is pointless. I don’t have any
musical talent.’
a never change.
b are bad at maths. , Exactly. But later, at university, a friend said to me, ‘If you want to be
c can change. good at something, you have to believe you can do it.’ So I thought, ‘OK,
let’s try again.' I decided to learn the guitar, which I’d always adored. This
d like taking tests.
time I told myself, ‘You can do it!’ I practised loads. It was hard, but little
2 People with a growth m indset... by little I got better. I’ll never forget playing for my friends for the first time.
a thinkthey can get better. I was thrilled! My mindset had completely changed.

b are good at everything. 4 Firstly, believe in yourself. Being positive is essential. Secondly, don’t
c are scared of failing. worry about making mistakes. A mistake isn’t failure - it's an opportunity
d don’t have to learn new skills. to learn. Finally, don’t forget to use the power of ‘not yet’. Never say, 'I can't
do this.’ Always remember to tell yourself, ‘I can - just not yet.’
3 Malcolm...
a wanted to learn the piano.
b played the piano for several years.
c learned to play the guitar easily. Voice it!

d slowly improved his guitar playing. Discuss the questions.

4 Malcolm encourages readers to ... 1 Do you like to try new things? Why / Why not?
a learn from their mistakes. 2 Where do you think you are on the scale for the
b wait before trying new things. activities in the box? Why? How can you change?
c ignore their mistakes.
d try one thing at a time. doing art doing sports
playing music and singing speaking English
4 Find words in the interview that mean:
1 a feeling/opinion (question 1) fixed mindset
2 not changing (question 1)
a mixture of both
3 without purpose (question 2)
4 necessary (question 4) growth mindset
5 not a success (question 4)


W atch video 7.2

W hy does Claire
Gerunds and infinitives W hat did he try last
sum m er?

Gerunds Infinitives (with to)

As the subject of the ^ eing positive is To explain purpose 2I spoke to Malcolm Adams
sentence essential. to find out how.

After prepositions 3They’reafraid of making After adjectives 4They’re eager to learn

mistakes. new skills.

After certain verbs (avoid, 5These people often avoid After certain verbs (hope, 6They refuse to try harder.
enjoy, finish, miss, etc.) trying new things. refuse, would like, etc.)

Underline the gerunds and infinitives

You can use the gerund or infinitive after remember, forget and
(with to) in the examples in the table
stop, but this changes the meaning.
Gerunds Infinitives (with to)
Get it right!
I remember feeling annoyed. Always remember to tell
Some verbs, including like, love and ( - 1have a memory o f ...) yourself... (- don’t forget)
start, can take the gerund or infinitive I’ll never forget playing for my Don’t forget to use the
with no change in meaning. friends for the first time. power of ‘ not yet’. (=don’t
He loves going/to go for walks. ( - 1won’t forget that memory) forget to do this in the future)

I stopped to rest for a few

Complete the text with the gerund or I stopped trying. (= I didn’t do
minutes. (= I stopped what
infinitive form of the verbs in the box. this anymore)
I was doing fora while)

develop feel help (x2)

Complete the questions with the gerund or infinitive form
increase know make say
of the verbs in brackets.
Do you remember meeting (meet) your best friend?
t h /N’t ' rostnve When you’re studying, how often do you stop
You’ll be glad to know there are steps (take) a break?
you can take 2 a positive mindset. What would happen if you forgot (set) your
Psychologists suggest 3 a list of alarm the night before an exam?
activities that make you feel good, and
Would it be harder to stop (use) your phone?
then doing one every day 4 your
What things do you have to remember (do) this
positivity. others when they
have a problem also makes us feel happier.
O f course, it’s important Think of two people you’ll never forget (meet)
6 thank you on your first day at school. Who are they?
to people for
Use it!
it! Everyone wants 4 Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 3.
8 more
satisfied in life.

U N IT 7 KEEP C A LM ! 85

I’m 3in two minds about I know if 18put my heart

the party. I don’t know into this project, I’ll do
many people there. Shall I well, but I’m so tired!

VOCABULARY AND go or just stay home?

It’s just 9crossed my
got something on mind that Dan might be
Expressions w ith h e a r t and m in d my mind about school. at the party.
Who should I talk to?
O Match the phrases in bold in the thought I must 10bear in mind we
7 04 bubbles with definitions a-j. Listen, check and can’t use a pencil in the
I want to become an actor,
repeat. but what will Dad say? It’ll exam. I don’t want to
5break his heart if I don’t fail for something silly
I have to Hearn by heart so What am I going to study study science. like that!
many facts for that exam at university? I have to
2make my mind up soon.
but I don’t have time! Education is a subject
th at’s close to my heart,
but I don’t know if I’d be a
a consider something important good teacher or not!
b make an effort to do something
c think of something I need to choose my
degree carefully. I can’t
d make a decision 7change my mind later.

e memorise
f change a decision
A conversation
g unable to decide between two options
h be worried about something 4 Which ofthese things do you think can reduce
I make someone really sad

exam stress?
1 studying late at night 5 testing yourself
J be important to someone
2 studying with friends 6 eating apples
CJ LEARN TO LEARN 3 drinking energy drinks 7 making lists
4 doing exercise
G apped flash card s
Flashcards can help you learn expressions. Listen to the conversation. Circle the things in
Exercise 4 that the counsellor recommends.
Make flashcards for some of the expressions in
Exercise 1, leaving a gap for heart or mind(s). fik Listen again and discuss the questions.
Write the missing word on the back. Then test 1 Why is Gavin so stressed?
your partner.
He’s worried he’s going to fail his exams.______

be in two
2 Why does the counsellor suggest making a list?
minds 3 Why does the counsellor recommend eating
J \ _ I/ apples and nuts?
— -------— — -- —

4 Why doesn’t Gavin want to go to bed early?

5 Why is it important for Gavin to do well in
Choose six phrases in Exercise 1 and make every subject?
sentences with the ideas in the box.
6 What is Gavin going to ask his sister tonight?
clothes friends and family going out What was Gavin in two minds about earlier?

When I go out in the evening, 1have to bear in Do you think the counsellor’s suggestions are
mind what time my parents want me to come home. useful?

86 KEEP C ALM ! U N IT 7

LANGUAGE IN ACTION 4 Complete the past simple questions with subject or

object question forms.
S u b je ct and o b ject q u e stio n s
1 Who taught (teach) you English last year?
2 What (eat/you) for breakfast?
3 Who (give) you presents for your birthday?
W atch video 7.3
W h a t’s good about 4 What presents (give / they) you?
keeping a journal? 5 Which TV shows (watch / you) yesterday?
W ho helped her
today? 6 Which country (win) the last football
World Cup?

ft Ask and answer the questions in Exercises 2 and 3.

Who helps you? My sister (helps me).
Complete the dialogue with the correct subject or
1 makes you Everything (makes object question form. Listen and check.
thinkthat? methinkthat)!
OLAF What’s that?
Object questions
ROSA It’s a stress ball.
Who do you want to (I want to teach) OLAF What 'does i t do (do/it)?
teach? primary school kids. ROSA It helps you relax. Look, you squeeze it
2 like this. It was a birthday present.
she study? (She studied) physics. ^ 2
OLAF Wow, that feels great! W ho
(give) it to you?
Complete the examples in the table
ROSA My sister. She knows I get stressed out a lot so
she thought it might help.
Circle the correct words to complete the OLAF I want one.
rules. ROSA You don’t need one! You never get stressed.
OLAF That’s not true. W ho (tell) you that? I get
1 The words in red are subjects / objects.
stressed before exams.
The ones in green are subjects /
ROSA Well, you could borrow this one if you like.
OLAF No, I’d prefer my own, thanks. Where (get/
2 Subject I Object questions always use
your sister) it?
a form of do.
ROSA Online, I think.
OLAF What site (use/she)? Do you know?
Complete the present simple questions
ROSA I’ll ask her, but I’m sure you can get them in lots of
with subject or object question forms.
places. They’ve been around for years.
1 What do you do (do/you) at the 6
OLAF Really? W ho (invent) them?
ROSA No idea. Let’s look it up!
2 W h o ( t e a c h ) you maths?
3 Who (send) you the most
messages every day?
4 Which s u b j e c t s ( p u t / y o u ) Ask and answer the questions.
your heart into? 1 Who did you call/visit/help yesterday?
5 W h o ( h e l p ) you with your 2 Who called/visited/helped you yesterday?
> Pronunciation p!42
6 W h a t ( h a p p e n ) if you
don’t sleep enough?

U N IT 7 KEEP C A LM ! 87

SPEAKING 4 Replace the phrases in bold with the Everyday

English phrases in the box.
Expressing sympathy
1 Do I need help? No, that’s a nice thing to offer,
and concern
but I’m fine. _________
What problems do brothers 2 I’m absolutely certain my keys are here. I had
and sisters usually have? them a few minutes ago.
3 Your teacher told you off for beingtwo minutes
n 2
Listen to the conversation. What is Jerry’s late? That’s not fair. _________
4 Of course you’re totally nervous and worried.
It’s your final exams! __________________________
PAULA Hey, Jerry. What’s ih£m atter ? You look
5 A Thanks for letting me use your desk.
really down.
B No problem at all. _________________________
JERRY I am. It’s my brother. He’s refusing to talk
to me.
PAULA Really? That’s not .Why?
JERRY His tablet has stopped working. He thinks
I took it without asking and broke it, but
I didn’t, I swear. Now when I try to talk to W a tch v id e o 7.4
him he just walks away. E veryday E nglish
PAULA That’s a little harsh, isn’t it?
JERRY The thing is, he ought to know I wouldn’t a little harsh Don’t mention it. I swear
take his stuff without permission. I feel stressed out That’s kind of you ...
really hurt.
PAULA 1 . 11’s horrible
when someone doesn’t believe you. But
bear in mind he’s doing his final exams at
5 Make notes about one of the problems you
the moment. He’s probably really stressed
thought of in Exercise 1.
out about everything.
JERRY I guess you’re right, but I hope he calms
down soon.
PAULA Isthere ____________________________________
I have an old tablet I could lend him.
JERRY That’s kind of you, but you don’t need to SPEAK
do that. • g Practise talking about the problem with
PAULA Don’t mention it, but let me know if you your partner. Remember to use gerunds
change your mind. It’ll 5 • or infinitives, vocabulary from this unit
; and phrases from the Useful language and
Everyday English boxes
Complete the conversation with the phrases
from the Useful language box. Listen and check. • CHECK
• 7 Work with another pair. Listen to their
Useful language
; conversation and complete the notes.
I can imagine. That’s not very nice. • What problem did they talk about?
Is there anything I can What’s the matter?
do to help?
How sympathetic did the conversation sound?
It’ll all be OK, you’ll see.

88 KEEP C A LM ! U N IT 7

An email reply
Look at the photo of a teenager and her mum. What 1
Useful language
do you think is the problem?
It might be better (not) to ...
Read the email to a teenage magazine and the It would definitely help to ...
reply. Who is asking for advice? Who is giving it? I would recommend ... (+
Whatever you do, don’t ...
Dear Abby,
I want to follow my daughter on social media because I’m worried about Why don’t you suggest... (+-ing)?
who she might become friends with, but she says I can’t because it
would be 'totally embarrassing’ if I posted on her wall. I feel hurt by her
reaction. You’re a teenager - how can I change her mind?
Many thanks, Write an email reply to a worried parent.
• PLAN :
Dear Janelle, • 5 Imagine you are Abby. Choose one of
I’m glad you wrote. Firstly, this is a common problem, so don’t feel down. ; the problems below to reply to. Think of •
However, your daughter’s reaction isn’t unusual. It doesn’t mean she three pieces of advice that they should or ;
doesn’t love you, but she needs space. • shouldn’t do.
I would recommend telling her why you are worried. It would definitely help
to talk. Why don’t you suggest following, her but promise not to post on her My son never does his homework on time. '
wall? If she isn’t happy with that, it might be better not to follow her at all. His teachers are angry and I don’t know
Whatever you do, don’t get annoyed with her and don’t forget to tell her that what to do.
you trust her.
Good luck, and let me know how it goes. ; My daughter refuses to help with the
Abby housework. She says she’s too busy studying.

3 How useful is Abby’s advice? : WRITE

; 7 Write your email reply. Remember to
4 Look at the Useful language box. Find and underline include the plan in Exercise 6, language
the phrases in Abby’s email. • from this unit and phrases from the
; Useful language box.
Complete the mini-dialogues with the phrases from
the Useful language box. : CHECK
1 A So the party starts at seven, does it? • 8 Do you ...
B Yes, but , don’t tell Pablo. It’s • say what the person should do?
a surprise. •. • say what the person should not do?
2 A My best friend is stressed about her exams. • • think the advice is useful?
B joining a study group?
3 A Joe has to take his medicine.
B Yes, but not to wake him. He Finished? pl24 Ex 4
needs to rest as well.
4 A What’s a good way to get fit and have fun?
B joining a football team.
5 A Felix isn’t talking to me.
B W e l l , s a y sorry.

U N IT 7 KEEP C A LM ! 89

THE W ORLD What do you think is most important in
making a school a happy place? Why?
a lots of events
READING b a nice building

A re p o rt a b o u t s c h o o ls in D e n m a rk c student clubs and sportsteams

d technology in the classroom

Ci Read the report and put the paragraph titles

Globetrotters 711
in the correct place 1-5. Listen and check
Watch video 7.5 your answers.
Happiness around
the world a Enjoying hygge is for everyone
b Conclusion
What different things can make us happy? c Introduction
Are Costa Rica and Norway considered d Understanding other people
happy countries? Why?
e Learning with others builds a better society
What do Ecuador and Bhutan have in

The happiest children in the world: a report

The preschool children say what they think One student might find English difficult, for
We have written this report to describe some the children in the pictures are feeling, and example, but be good at maths. Another
of the reasons why Danish children are the try to imagine being them. Schoolchildren might find English easy but find it difficult to
happiest in the world. It is part of our school never stop learning about empathy. Even 15- understand maths. In a Danish school, these
project 'Happier students, happier societies'. and 16-year-olds continue to have one hour two students would help each other during
a week of empathy as a compulsory subject. lessons, and often between lessons as well.
The system develops teamwork, respect and
collaboration. These are essential qualities
Danish teenagers also have 'Class time'. fora successful, happy life both at school
This is a special time when students come and in the adult world.
together to talk about any individual or V

group problems they are having. This 5 _

could be a personal issue between two In summary, the main reason that Danish
students, or even something unrelated to children are so happy is very simple: they
school. During this time, everyone bears develop empathy, and empathy increases
in mind the feelings of others and avoids happiness by making everyone feel
criticising anyone. The group tries to find a included and understood. They do this
solution together. They do this in a peaceful in a number of different but connected
environment, with everyone glad to take ways: learning to read the feelings of
part. 'Class time' is connected to hygge, a others, discussing problems together, and
One of the most important reasons Danish Danish word that is tricky to translate into working in mixed groups. We believe that
children are so happy is that they are English but which means relaxed and cosy. introducing any one of these methods into
taught empathy from a very young age. our own school would be straightforward
Empathy is the ability to imagine what and would improve our school life a great
it must be like to be another person. At In Danish schools students with different deal. Imagine what we could achieve if we
preschool, Danish children learn to do strengths and weaknesses study together tried all three!
this by studying facial expressions. They in mixed groups. This helps to develop their
are shown pictures of the faces of other empathy by showing them that everyone has
children showing anger, fear, sadness, etc. strong points, talents and positive qualities.

90 KEEP C ALM ! U N IT 7

Read the report again and circle the

correct answers. LEARN TO LEARN
This report was written by ... Synonym s and an to n ym s
a teachers, Learning words with similar or opposite meanings can help
b students. you to increase your vocabulary quickly.
2 Preschool Danish children look at
pictures o f... 4 Complete the table with words from the report.
a their classmates. Word(s) with a Word with the
b children they don’t know. similar meaning opposite meaning
3 Danish teenagers...
joy happiness badness
a can study empathy if they want to.
2 obligatory optional
b have to study empathy.
4 In ‘Class time’ students talk about... 3 single 4

a all kinds of problems. related 5 6

b their individual problems.

difficult easy
5 In Danish schools, students with
8 strong points weaknesses
different abilities...
a help each other in class. important 9
b help each other in and out of class.
simple 10
6 To improve their own school, the writers
Voice it!
a trying all the ideas in the report.
b tryingonly one of the ideas. Discuss the questions.
1 Which of the ideas in the report do you think is best
for developing empathy? Why?
2 Why is empathy important in life?

Explore it!
Guess the correct answer.
Which of these can make
you happier?
a smelling flowers
b the colour yellow
c being outside
Find another interesting
fact about happiness.
Write a question for your
partner to answer.

SfWNtT/ Th® Culture Project Teacher’s Resource Bank

7 R E V IE W
4 Complete the dialogue with the correct
subject and object questions.

VOCABULARY EMMA Happy birthday!

YUSUF Thanks, guys! This is amazing. Who
Circle the correct words. 1
(cook) the cake?
Hi Lee, TIM Emma did.
How’s it going? I’ve been in Turkey fora month. r
I’m gladI YUSUF It’s delicious. W hat 2
hopeful I came to a town and not a city. It’s more peaceful / (put/you) in it, Emma?
grateful. I’ve been practising Turkish a lot-you know me, EMMA Sorry - that’s a secret! Anyway, what
I’m eager I insecure to learn! I felt ^satisfied / ridiculous at 3
(think) of your birthday
first, but I’m improving. I’m ^thrilled / annoyed when people playlist?
understand me, although sometimes people are hurt/ 6
YUSUF I love it. W ho (make) it?
amused by my mistakes. Mehmet has introduced me to lots
TIM Emma put it together.
of people. I’m really grateful / down to him. 5
YUSUF W ho (choose) the song
Anyway, how are you? Write soon! that’s playing now? It’s one of my
James favourites.
TIM That was me!
Complete the sentences with an expression with heart
EMMA So tell us - what presents
or mind. 6
__ (get/you)?
1 I’m about the party. Should I go or YUSUF Some clothes and this fidget spinner.
not? TIM W ho 7
(give) you that?
2 Waiter! I’v e . I’ll have pizza, not YUSUF My cousin. He knows I collect them.
pasta. TIM W hat 8 (want/you)to
3 My sister’s great at all sorts of facts drink? Some juice, some cola? We’ve
and d a t e s . got everything.
4 Pollution is an issue that’s r e a l l y .
That’s why I don’t drive.
5 It takes me ages what to wear in
the morning. I’d prefer a school uniform!
6 Can I talk to you? I’ve g o t . It’s
about my best friend.

Complete the sentences with the gerund or infinitive
with to form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I’m not shy about (give) presentations.
2 I was so glad (see) my cousin at the party.
3 I remember (feel) really insecure on my first
day at school.
4 My baby brother is always amused at something.
He never s t o p s ( l a u g h ) .
5 (keep) notes of new vocabulary is really
important when you study.

92 KEEP C A LM ! U N IT 7



You can help your partner to improve their speaking by giving useful feedback. When you work together, they can
help you improve too.

Match 1-5 with a-e to complete advice about giving feedback.

Giving your partner feedback can help them speak, but there are some important things to bear in mind.

Being positive is important, so always tell talking about personal things.

your p a rtn e r_____ to give ideas for how your partner can improve,
You don’t want your partner to feel hurt, so
talk about anything negative in a friendly way.
Remember to focus on their English and avoid
better or worse than it really is.
Feedback should be useful, so don’t forget
Be honest. Don’t say something is what you liked and what they did well.

Look at the feedback that seven students have Prepare a talk about a topic in the box.
given Lars. Do they follow the advice in Exercise 1?
Why? / Why n ot? a happy memory
growth mindset
how to deal with exam stress
how to stay happy

How was my

You didn't speak very clearly.

You sounded like a robot! 4 T ak etu rn sto g iv eyo u rtalk s. While your partner
is speaking, think about these things.
I'm glad you used lots of the • What do you like about th e irta lk?
new vocabulary. That was nice! • What language do they use well?
• How can they improve next time?
You've got a gorgeous voice!
Give your partner useful feedback using the
You repeated some words a lot. 1would advice in Exercise 1. Is your partner’s feedback
recommend using synonyms next time. on your own talk useful? How?

You made some grammar mistakes,

but maybe because you were nervous.

That was absolutely the most

dreadful presentation in history!

1think you'll sound more natural next

time if you don't learn everything by heart.

{ BO.CK ToSCHOOL! ! g 11 w I l l i w

" —-Rb ARC zC"~'k \ O T Iin P N T u A

4 U 11 I l l l l i

I can...
• understand texts about online advertising and social
media influencers
• recommend an online tool

understand how to use definingand non-defining

A D VER TISIN G relative clauses, and indefinite, reflexive and
reciprocal pronouns
talk about advertising and use Internet verbs
understand word building (nouns and verbs) and how
to answer open-ended questions
create an advert storyboard.

1 Look at the photo. Is there a place where you live where you can see lots of adverts like this?
2 Before you watch, think of all the different places where you can see adverts.
3 What are the four important aspects of advertising? Watch and check.
4 What’s your favourite advert? Why?

Language in action 8.2 Language in action 8.3 Everyday E n g lish 8.4

VOCABULARY First, a company makes something to sell. This is the product.
Then, they create a brand to represent the product - this is a
Advertising name and design that creates a product’s identity. It is usually
represented by a symbol or logo. There is often a slogan (a
/Til Read the story of an advert and put short phrase that is easy to remember) linked to a brand.
8 01 Next an advert is made to advertise the product. This could
pictures A-F in the correct order. Listen
and repeat the words in bold. be a poster in the street or a short film on the television or
online that shows what the product is like. It is made by a
1 2 3 m arketing company to encourage or influence people to
4 5 6 buy the product.
When the product goes on sale the customer or buyer buys
rii Circle the correct words. Listen and check the product from a seller. Buyers sometimes write their
opinions about the product in an online review. People who
1 I love watching funny marketing
don’t want to see online adverts use an ad blocker, a computer
companies I adverts online or on TV. programme that stops adverts appearing on the screen.
2 My dad always buys the same
brand I product of toothpaste.
3 Sometimes it’s not easy for sellers I START
buyers to decide which product they DAY
want. B EST
4 I always look at ad blockers I reviews
before I buy something new.
5 That advert advertised / influenced my
decision to buy a new tablet.
6 At school we have to draw a simple
B/eaHask Ca/»*l
ucs Start
I love this cereal! It tastes great every day
design for a logo / slogan competition. and it s healthy too. It's a good
way to make sure I eat plenty of
the best way
fruit. I have it with milk or yogurt
and love breakfast time!

W o rd b u ild in g : nouns and verbs
Use it!
When you learn a noun, check the verb form
and record them in a table. Read the questions and make notes.

Complete the table. 1 Do you think ad blockers are a good idea? Why?
2 Do online reviews influence people to buy a product?
Noun Verb
3 Which brand slogans or logos can you remember?
advert Advertise
Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 5.
product 2

buy Explore it! ----------------------------------
review 4
Guess the correct answer.
block (an ad) When you see a glass of milk in an advert, it probably
market isn’t milk. What is it?
influencer 7 a paint b glue c yoghurt
seller 8 Find out some tricks that are used in adverts to make
products look good. Write a question for your partner
4 Close your books. One person says a to answer.
noun from the table and the other says
the matching verb.

U N IT 8 | A D V E R T IS IN G 95

A report
Di What can you see in the photos?
8 03 What do you think peopled© with
the videos? Read the report and Online NEW S
check your ideas.
advertising CHAT
Read the report again. What do the
Social media influencers
numbers refer to?
One of the most successful types | | V ’
1 31% ________________________ of advertising on social media is
2 74% ________________________ influencer advertising. Brands choose social media stars who have thousands
3 +600 million of followers on their blog, YouTube channel or Instagram to advertise their
products. The stars talk positively about the products in a natural, personal
Which type of advertising do the way, which is different to the slogans in traditional adverts. They might talk
sentences refer to: I(influencer, UGC about a beauty product, play a song, or wear certain clothes in their videos,
photos or blogs. Many fans, who want to copy their favourite social media
(user-generated content) or N (native)?
stars, go and buy the same products when they see them.
1 Customers can win prizes.
What influences us to buy a product?
2 Customers share photos of Shop websites - 56%, Brand websites - 34%, Blogs - 31%
3 It doesn’t look like advertising. User-generated content
Another technique used is user-generated content, or UGC. You may know
4 People buy the products to copy a soft drinks company whose advertising campaign put everyday names on
someone else. their drinks bottles. Buyers took photos of themselves with
5 Products are promoted by famous their personalised bottle and shared them on social media.
people. With UGC the buyer becomes the person who advertises the
brand so, for example, they upload photos of themselves
6 There is a word that tells you it’s an
wearing clothes with the brand logo. Sometimes companies
have competitions where you can win a prize for the best
photo, and of course, it's free advertising for the brand.
4 Find words in the report that mean:
1 people who follow someone online Who gives you the best product information?
(Traditional media) TV - 34%, radio - 37%, newspapers - 44%,
(UGC) social networking - 50%, reviews - 68%, conversations with friends - 74%
2 a planned series of activities to
advertise a product (UGC) Native advertising »
3 something that has your name on Have you ever used an ad blocker so you don't see so many adverts online?
Ad blockers block some adverts, but not native advertising. It's a type of
(UGC) _____
advertising that you can't see because it looks exactly the same as a social
4 to stop (N) platform or website. For example, on Facebook a native ad looks like a normal
5 paid advertising (N) post with like, share and comment buttons, or it could be a photo or video on
Instagram. However, if you look closely, you will see the words ’sponsored'
Voice it! or ’paid post' next to it. The good thing about native advertising is that users
don't feel like their favourite social media channels are full of adverts, but
Discuss the questions. some people don't like the idea of hidden adverts.
1 Do you have a favourite social
Fact: +600M people use ad blockers
media influencer or vlogger?
2 Where have you seen native ads on
social media? Pronunciation pl42 Finished? p!25 Ext

96 A D V E R T IS IN G U N IT 8

W hat is he g iv in g
LANGUAGE IN ACTION a d v ice about?
Defining and non-defining W hat sh o u ld you do
w ith your phone?
relative clauses

Defining relative clauses

With UGC the buyer becomes the person I that advertises the brand.
It’s a type of advertising which / 2 you can’t see.
Sometimes companies have competitions 3 you can win a prize for the best photo.
Many fans buy the same products 4 they see them.
You may know a softdrinks company 5 advertising campaign put everyday names on their drinks bottles.
Non-defining relative clauses
The stars talk positively about the products in a natural, personal way, 5 is different to the slogans in
traditional adverts.
Many fans, 7 want to copy their favourite social media stars, go and buy the same products when they
see them.

Complete the examples in the table above. Use 4 Join the two sentences with a relative pronoun.
the report on page 96 to help you. 1 Jo has got her own vlog. Jo is older than me.
Circle the correct relative pronouns.
, Jo, who’s older than me, has got her own vlog.
1 The online advertising who /(w/)/c/7)most teens
2 We’re going on holiday to the beach. Katia’s
prefer is made by social media influencers.
family have got a house at the beach, (where)
2 Influencers that I whose channels have the
most followers advertise lots of products.
3 Some influencers who I where advertise
products are paid lots of money. 3 My phone takes excellent photos. My phone is
really old. (which)
4 Many teens ignore adverts which / when they
see them on social networking sites.
5 Marketing companies look for sites online
which I where they can advertise products.

Complete the sentences with the relative

pronouns in the box and your own ideas.

when which whose

1 A time I feel happy is _____________

Think of six quiz questions about facts you have
read in this book. Use a relative clause.
2 Someone videos I have watched is What was the name of the pe rson who .., ? ____
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ♦

3 The a p ps I use most a re Ask and answer your questions.

U N IT 8 A D V E R T IS IN G 97

LISTENING An interview
Internet verbs Ci Jerome is an influencer. Put
8 07 the events in the order you think
Ci Match words 1-10 with definitions a-j. Listen
8 06 and repeat the words in bold. he did them. Listen to the interview
and check your answers.
• I Subscribe to a YouTube channel about
2 a He tried out and reviewed products.
parkour. They post some awesome videos on it.
3switch b He commented on other posts.
• If your Internet doesn’t work, it off and
then switch it on again. c He got 10,000 followers.
• My sister didn’t 5build
up many followers on d He posted videos every day.
Twitter so she shut down her account. e He set up his own YouTube channel.
• You should 7follow
Zoella. She M o g s about
loads of interesting things and I love her recipes.
• If people on the post and it isn’t O p e n -e n d e d q u e stio n s
very nice, we “ delete it. Read open-ended questions before you listen and
think of possible answers. As you listen, make notes of
choose to see the things someone uploads
important words, (names, numbers, etc.).
on social media 7
close or stop something (J 4 Discuss the questions in Exercise 5. Think of
increase the number of something possible answers for each question.
make and share videos online
Jerome wanted to talk about a
put a message or image on social media
hobby, teach people about something or
remove something
show people how to make something.
start something working
stop something working Ci Listen again and answer the questions.
write your opinion online 1 Why did Jerome start a YouTube channel?
agree to regularly receive an online because he wanted to talk about gaming.
service or information about it
2 Why did he delete his videos at first?

3 What did his followers like about his vlogs?

Ask and answer questions. Find three things you
have in common.
4 Why did he nearly shut down his account?
commented on something deleted something
followed someone posted something
5 How did he solve the problem?
subscribed to a channel vlogged about something

Have you ever followed someone on social media? 6 When did companies send him new games?

Yes, of course!
What advice does he give?

Who do you follow?

Would you like to be an influencer? Why? / Why
1 follow all m y friends and not?
some celebrities online.

98 A D V E R T IS IN G U N IT 8

W a tc h v id e o 8.3
LANGUAGE IN ACTION H ow m a n y fo llo w e rs d o
Indefinite, reflexive and m ic ro -in flu e n c e r s have?
W h y are th e y b e tte r th a n
reciprocal pronouns c e le b r ity in flu e n c e rs ?

Indefinite pronouns
4 Match 1-4 with a-d. Then make sentences with
Give your follow ers something new.
each other I one another.
No one is interested in your selfies.
1 My brother lives in t h e a and argue all
Have you got any advice for anyone? USA so we ta lk to \ the time.
There w eren’t any com m ents from 1
2 We ta lk a lot. W e’re \ b forages.
I th in k th a t’s why everyone likes it so much.
always sending \ c messages.
Reflexive pronouns 3 We haven’t seen '*-d with a w ebcam .
I tried the game out myself. 4 They d o n ’t understand
People are interested i n 2 . 1 M y brother lives in the U SA so we talk to each

Reciprocal pronouns o th e r/o n e another with a webcam.______

Som e follow ers started arguing w ith

each other / one another.

Circle the correct words to complete the text.
They looked at themselves in the mirror. Listen and check.
(Each person looked at himself/herself.)
They looked at each other.
Ads are ^(gverywhefd)/ anywhere, but have you ever asked
(They looked at the different people in the group.)
^ourself/yourself how advertising works? Marketing
companies use techniques to make us buy things we don’t
Complete the examples in the table above. even want.3 Everything/ Nothings more effective th a n ^
making us think that we are missing out on JI
Circle the correct indefinite pronouns. 4 something / anything that s everyone I no one

1 Has(gnybody)/ nobody seen this funny video? else has and that we will be happier if we buy
6 ourselves I themselves something new. They JM j
2 I’ve looked everywhere / somewhere for
also make us compare 1myself/ ourselves
my m obile, but I ca n ’t find it anywhere /
to others. For example, in a typical shampoo
ad, two women look at ^themselves I each
3 Anyone / A/o one com m ented on other. One of them asks herself, ‘Why is h e r ^ E ^ R ^ z |
anything I everything she said. hair so beautiful?’ When they talk to K & «< „
9 oneanother I themselves she discovers V M L v
4 We’re going everywhere I somewhere in the
the secret: The incredible shampoo! I
centre of town for everything / something to eat.
5 Are you doing anything / everything special for
your birthday?
Use it!
Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns. Complete the sentences so they are true for you.
1 She taught h o w to set up a website. 1 I have taught m yself to
2 We really enjoyed at the party. 2 I never go anyw here w ithout
3 He’s selfish. He only thinks about
Fin ish e d ? p125 Ex 3
4 I love taking selfies o f .

U N IT 8 A D V E R T IS IN G 99

SPEAKING Match the Everyday English phrases with the

meanings 1-4. How do you say these phrases in
Recommending an online tool your language?
Listen to the conversation. What problem does 1 useful __________________________________________
8 09
Niall have? What does Ginny recommend? 2 I have no idea. _________________________________
3 What’s the matter? / How are you?
/TA Complete the conversation with the phrases
8 09
from the Useful language box. Listen and check. 4 obviously the right choice

GINNY What’s up, Niall?

NIALL I’ve got to make a video for my technology
project to advertise something and I don’t
have a clue what to do.
1don’t know where to s t a r t ! Can you think
of anything?
GINNY use a video creation tool.
to make videos. I’ve used
some great ones. There are loads of options
NIALL That sounds like a plan. What do I need to
GINNY Well, a video creation tool 4 • PLAN
because it would provide you with a ready­ • 4 Make notes about an online tool you want to
made template. ; recommend. Use the ideas below or your own
NIALL 5 ? * ideas.
GINNY Yeah, you can teach yourself to do it, no
*. anapp a comic maker
a music video creator a presentation tool
NIALL Excellent! So I add my own text and images,
do I?
GINNY Well, you need to write your own text, but
most video creation tools have a ready-made
image bank, which is handy.
NIALL Great, I can use their images. SPEAK
GINNY Yep and you can add music and a voiceover. 5 Practise recommending the tool to your
6 I
partner. Remember to use language from this
NIALL Sounds like a no-brainer. I’ll check out the unit and phrases from the Useful language
options online. Thanks, Ginny! and Everyday English boxes.

Useful language
g Work with another pair. Listen to their
I can’t recommend it/them conversation and complete the notes.
What tool did they talk about?
I don’t know where to start!
Is it easy to use?
Did they give a good recommendation?
It’sthe best thing...
(It) would be id eal...
You really ought t o ...

100 G U N IT J



Star rating ★★★★★ 3 Sounds Around offers the buyer an excellent

range of features at an amazing price. In my opinion it’s
Sounds Around is a great new product. If you’re
one of the best low-cost speakers. I can’t recommend
looking for a wireless speaker with a cool design,
it enough!
which is compact in size but big in sound quality, this is
for you.

Sounds Around is designed to be used outside.

You can take it everywhere, to the beach, camping or
to a pool party. It has all the features you need, it looks
great and is extremely tough. One of its best features
is that it’s waterproof. It also allows you to connect
tw o devices at the same time, so you can choose
to play music from either of them. The charging
cable is included, but the one thing that’s missing is a
microphone, so you can’t record yourself. However,
the battery lasts for 10 hours, which is more than
other wireless speakers offered by other brands.

An o n lin e p ro d u ct review Useful language
1 2
Look at the picture. Which of the features is included. It allows you t o
It is designed to be used 3
in the box do you think the speaker has?
Read the review and check. One of its best features is 4

The one thing that’s missing is 5

compact size good price good sound
lightweight long-lasting battery
microphone waterproof wireless
Write your own online product review.

Read the review again. Match titles a-c PLAN

with paragraphs 1-3. 5 Choose a product to review. Make notes.
a Opinion short description of the product
b Short description of the product design and specific features
c Design and specific features your opinion

fjj Discuss the questions. WRITE

1 Where does the reviewer suggest taking 0 Write your product review. Remember to
the speaker? include three paragraphs, language from this
unit and phrases from the Useful language box.
2 What’s the advantage of connecting to
two devices at the same time? CHECK
3 What doesn’t the reviewer like about the
speaker? give a star rating?
4 Why is the battery better than that of say what you like and don’t like?
other brands?
say whether you would buy it?
4 Read the review again and complete the
phrases in the Useful language box.

U N IT 8 A D V E R T IS IN G 101

An advert storyb oard
Look at the pictures from an advert. What
product does it advertise?

Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and guess the

810 dialogue for each one. Listen and check.

O Listen again and complete the table.


Advert features Example

1 What’s the Katia has a backpack that
problem? isn’t waterproof. When it
rains everything gets wet.
2 What’s the

3 What are the

special features of
the product?

4 Who are the

characters in the

5 What information
does the narrator

6 What’s the slogan?

H ow to give fe e d b a ck
4 Feedback should be positive and useful.
Complete the feedback phrases with the
words in the box.

best how idea maybe positive work

The thing I liked _______ was ...

Some ______ things w ere...
I really liked 3 you ... a great 4

5 you could ...

... 5
might _______ too.

102 A D V E R T IS IN G I U N IT 8


5 Work in groups. Choose a product from •
the box or your own idea.

sunglasses with headphones ;

personalised trainers I
a new flavour of soft drink •
a new perfume •

Make a list of its features and the good things

about its design. Then create an advert
storyboard to advertise the product. Complete
the steps below. •
• Copy the table in Exercise 3 and complete it •
with information about your product. ;
• Write a dialogue and narrator’s voiceover. ■
i • Decide how to present the storyboard (act it
; out, video, poster, slide presentation).
• Work together to prepare your storyboard.
I • Practise your presentation.
• 0 Present your storyboard to your classmates.
• Remember to use information in Exercises 3
I and 5.
• 7 Look at your classmates’ storyboard
; presentations. Give them motivating feedback
with the phrases in the How to give feedback
• section. Which advert is your favourite?

U N IT 8 A D V E R T IS IN G 103

VOCABULARY Join the sentences to make one sentence with a
defining or non-defining relative clause.
Complete the advertising facts with the words 1 Pablo is Eva’s cousin. Pablo does voiceovers.
in the box.

ad blocker advert advertise 2 She lent me a book. It didn’t have the last page.
brand buyer influence logo
marketing company product 3 The film was about Corfu. We went to Corfu on
review seller slogan holiday.

4 Ali is a friend. His wife is an influencer.

Advertising facts
4 Complete the comments with the words in
An or ad is a short film, song or the box.
picture that tries to make you buy a
each other everyone everything
When you something you tell people myself ourselves themselves
about it to try to sell it.
1 Sometimes images in ads make me feel bad
A is the name you call a product. It is a b o u t .
often represented by a symbol o r
2 When we see an ad, we should tell
A 6 buys something from a that it’s not the real world.
7 . They sometimes give their opinions 3 sees adverts, but that doesn’t
about the product in a mean they believe they see.
9 4 Many ads show people enjoying
When you someone, you change how
they think about something. 5 Some online ads encourage users to tell
about new products.
An is a computer programme that
stops adverts appearing on screen.
A is a business that encourages
people to buy things.
A is a short phrase used in an advert
that is easy to remember.

Circle the correct words.

1 Are you going to post / vlog those photos online?
2 If you don’t like comments, you can subscribe to I
3 How many people do you build up I follow online?
4 We have to switch off/ shut down our phones
at school.




You can work out the meaning of new words and phrases by using clues from the rest of the text.

Read the text quickly, ignoring the words Three students are working out the meaning of the
in bold if you don’t understand them. Do words in bold. Which ones are they talking about?
you think space advertising is a good idea?
OK, it's a noun. They must be a kind of advertising
sign, because it says you see them at the sides of a road.
What else? Well, 1know 'board' from 'whiteboard'...
Space advertising

1think this phrase must be about when the ads

Imagine this. It’s They will be will be sent up. 1know 'soon' and 'late'. They’re both
2030 and you’re created by special about time and they're opposites...
g azin g up at the sa te llite s, like the
night sky. The stars ones that send and
are tw in k lin g and receive T V and It's a verb, something that stars do. 1think
the moon is bright, internet signals, it's connected to their light, because the
but these days only smaller. sentence also says 'and the moon is bright'.
they’re no lo n g er These satellites,
alone. They’ve a rra n g e d in
been joined by lots groups to make What do you think the words mean?
of huge signs in the the shapes of
d a rk n e ss, like the words or logos,
b illb o ard s you will re fle c t
see at the sides of light from the
a road, advertising sun and will be
everything from visib le at night
soft drinks to
holidays. This
from anywhere
on Earth. For
might sound like companies eager
4 Choose five of the other words or phrases in bold.
science fiction, but to advertise their
Answer the questions to try to work out their meaning.
space adverts will products to buyers
1 What is it? A verb, a noun, an adjective or a phrase?
be with us so o n e r aro u n d th e
o r later. In fact, a globe, this might 2 What does the rest of the sentence tell you about it?
Russian company is seem like a dream 3 Do you understand part(s) of the word or phrase?
already developing come true. But 4 What do you think it means?
the technology to ask yourself this:
make it possible, shouldn’t we keep Check the meanings in a dictionary or with your
and wants to send somewhere free teacher. Were you correct? Did the questions in
up its first ads in from advertising? Exercise 4 help you?
the next few years. After all, ad
blockers won’t
work in space.

' j Ba.cKToSc HoqL !! U N IT 8 I A D V E R T IS IN G 105

mlR. &R C \ O T I in F M T jji

I can ...
• understand a newspaper story and a news report
• tell an anecdote
• write a news story
• understand how to use reported statements,
commands and questions
HAVE YOU • use reporting verbs and adverbsof time and manner
• tell stories to remember new verbs, compare notes to

HEARD THE improve listening, learn irregular adjective and noun

pairs, and practise summarising.


2 Before you watch, why do people like stories?

3 How have Hollywood films and the Internet changed storytelling? Watch and check
4 Do you like stories with a moral? Why / Why not?

L a n g u a g e in La n g u a g e in E v e ry d a y G lo b etro tters
a c tio n 9.2 a c tio n 9.3 E n g lis h 9.4 9.5


R e p o rtin g verbs Telling stories to rem em ber new
Read news stories A-D. Which one is most interesting? Why?
Use reporting verbs in stories to remember
A Match the words in bold in the news stories with definitions what they mean.
9 01
(a-l). Listen, check and repeat.
Work in pairs.
A A woman in Georgia, USA ’claimed that she had thrown Student A: Tell your partner one of the
away jewellery worth $100,000 into the rubbish. The rubbish stories in Exercise 1. Use reporting
collection company agreed to look through nearly ten tonnes of verbs, but change one fact.
rubbish to try and find a black bag with the jewellery. After three Student B: Listen to your partner tell
hours, they Announced that they had found it. the story. What did they change?

a told people officially

b said something was true even if it might not be
4 Read the options. Make notes on your
B A curator at a university in Australia who insisted that he should answers.
open an old box in a store room discovered that it contained
Think of a time when you ... something.
an Egyptian mummy that he believes is 2,500 years old. Experts
5have confirmed that the body is an adult and Suggest that it 1 admitted to

might be an important woman from ancient Egyptian society. 2 denied

3 promised to do
have shown that something is true
4 apologised for
found something, especially for the first time
e said something firmly 5 refused to do

mention an idea for others to consider

Compare your answers. Which
A family 7havecomplained that their neighbours have stolen situations were the most difficult?
their cat. However, the neighbours deny that they stole the cat Which were the easiest?
and say that it was homeless and hungry, so they gave itfood
and a home. The neighbours say that the family Refuses to
believe that the cat prefers to live with them! Explore it! -----------------------

g say something is not true Guess the correct answer.

h say you will not do something In 2014 a French family found a

i have told someone that something is wrong Caravaggio painting in their house.
Experts suggested it could be worth
D A school in the north of England ...m illion.
,ohas apologised for leaving a
a €20 b €80 c €120
teenage student in London after
Find an interesting fact about
a school trip to the capital city.
The school ’’admitted that they something famous or valuable.
made a mistake and ^promised Write a question for your partner to
that it will never happen again. answer.

j agreed that something was true

Pronunciation p l4 2
k has said sorry for something someone has done
r >

told someone you will certainly do something

(T Identical twins Jonas and Santiago look similar, sound similar and even
love the same things. But they live separate lives in different parts of the
READING world and very nearly didn't discover that each other existed.
A newspaper story (2) T n 2004, Jonas and Santiago were left at an orphanage in Ghana, Africa
I when they were babies. A few months later both boys were adopted but
ril Read the newspaper story. Circle i b y different families; Jonas by a couple from New York and Santiago by a
9 04 the best title. Spanish family. Fortunately, both families went to collect their baby son at the
adoption agency in Ghana on the same day and both had bought a new blue
a The twins who have never met. sweatshirt for him to wear. A woman at the adoption agency suggested that
b Thetwins who have never spent the babies looked extremely similar and when the parents saw the two baby
a day apart. boys together in their blue sweatshirts they agreed that they were exactly the
same. The parents then discovered that the boys shared the same birthday, but
c International twins! the orphanage denied that they were twins.

Read the newspaper story again The four adoptive parents couldn't believe that the boys weren't related and
insisted that they were going to do a DNA test, which confirmed that the
and circle the correct answers.
boys were in fact identical twins. The parents promised to keep in touch and
1 Jonas and Santiago have ... said that they would meet as soon as they could, which wasn't easy because
a nothing in common. Santiago lived in a small village in northern Spain and Jonas on the other side
of the world in New York.
b the same adoptive parents.
c lots in common. (4) However, in 2010 they finally met and although they couldn't speak the same
language, there was a deep connection between the brothers.
d the same school friends.
2 The orphanage ... the boys ...
A twin 'can understand you when most people
a said ... weren’t twins. don't,' Jonas said. 'Like in weird situations
b took ... to Spain. when you feel a certain way, most people
c gave ... a blue sweatshirt. are like, 'What?' But your twin is like, 'Oh,
yeah. Yeah, I get that.' I am like, 'Thankyou,
d suggested ... were twins.
someone finally gets me.'
3 The twins see each o th e r...
a everyday.
5) Since then, they have seen each other several times and speak online regularly.
b as often as possible. In an interview, Jonas explained that he had learned some Spanish phrases,
c only in the USA. such as how to ask for directions, and that Santiago's English had improved
dramatically. In 2012 a Spanish film director offered to make a film to tell the
d only on social media.
boys' story. He suggested filming the boys together in both Spain and the
4 The boys were filmed ... USA. He told the boys to act naturally while he filmed them, so we get to see
a only in Spain. the boys playing football in the Spanish countryside and going skateboarding
b only in the USA. and to the cinema in the USA. Jonas admitted that being in a film was 'a bit
strange' but 'really fun', especially with his twin brother by his side.
c in Spain and the USA.
d separately.

Find words in the story that mean: Voice it!

1 exactly the same (paragraph 1) 4 Discuss the questions.

1 What is the most amazing thing about their story?
2 a home for children whose 2 What would be difficult about living in a different country
parents cannot care for them to your twin?
(paragraph 2)
3 What would you ask Jonas or Santiago if you met them?
3 taken into a different family and
4 Would you like to be a twin? Why/Why not? (If you are a
looked after
twin, what do / don’t you like about it?)
(paragraph 2)
4 from the same family (paragraph 3) Finished? p!26 E x l


Complete the reported statements and commands.

LANGUAGE IN ACTION 1 ‘I’ll do my homework when the film has finished.’
Reported statements He explained that he ...
and commands would do his homework when the film had finished.
2 ‘I’m going to play your song.’
He promised me that he________________________
3 ‘I didn’t take my dad’s tablet!’
She denied that she___________________________
4 ‘Don’t watch this video!’
He told m e___________________________________
5 ‘We will come and meet you at the park.’
They said that they
The orphanage denied (that) they were twins.
1 Reported offers and suggestions
The parents insisted (that) they
going to do a DNA test. A Spanish film director offered 1
(make) a film
The parents said (that) they meet. to tell the boys’ story.
The parents promised to keep in touch. He suggested 2
(film) the boys together in both
Jonas explained (that) Santiago’s English Spain and the USA.
improved dramatically.
Orders I Commands 4 Complete the examples in the table above with the
He 4 the boys to act naturally. correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the story on
He told me not to worry. page 108 to help you.

Complete the examples in the table above.

Use the story on page 108 to help you. Read the dialogue. Write offers and
suggestions in reported speech.
Get it right!

After tell, we use words like the boys, SOFIA Shall we go to the cinema?
me, etc. and the to infinitive. PAULA OK. Let me see what’s on.
SOFIA What about Horror Fair?
She told him (not) to go.
PAULA Sounds good.
SOFIA Shall we go at six o’clock?
Circle the correct words. PAULA Sure. I can buy the tickets online.
The director has agreed Hhat he makes I
(To make)another film about twins Jonas Sofia suggested going to the cinema later.
and Santiago. He explained that the new
film had been I would be about their lives
as teenagers and he told us that the boys
3 were I had been more independent now

andthatthey were starting I to start to
travel between the USA and Spain without Tell each other the offers and suggestions that Sofia
their parents. He said that Jonas lived/ and Paula made.
had been living with Santiago in Spain
and to go I had been to school with his


LISTENING AND Adverbs of tim e and m an n er

VOCABULARY Read the blog. Which of the two news stories in the blog
do you think was invented?
A news re p o rt
Look at headlines a-c. What do you If you read my blog regularly, you'll know I occasionally write about
'unbelievable' news stories, like the one about the parrot that spoke Spanish
think the stories are about?
fluently. Nowadays, there's so much information on the Internet that it's
a Sock horror in girl’s bedroom difficult to know if something is true or not. The other day, I was reading a
b The bird that cam e back story about a boy who had invented a robot to do his homework. It
speaking another language said he'd been secretly developing the technology in his bedroom,
patiently trying out different designs. Cool idea, right? But the
c Emergency in the kitchen!
story got gradually more ridiculous. It said that one day the robot
O Listen and put the stories in Exercise 1 had offered to go to school, telling the boy he could stay in bed.
9 0j in the order you hear them. After a while, I began to think, 'This can't be true.' Eventually, I
realised it was a joke. It's surprisingly easy to believe 'fake news'!
1 2 3 __

□J LEARN TO LEARN O Match the adverbs in bold in the blog with their definitions.
9 06 Listen, check and repeat.
C ollaborative listening
1 little by little gradually
Talking about what you understood with a
partner before listening a second time can 2 these days
help you find out what you missed. 3 som etim es but not often
4 in the end
Tell your partner what you remember
5 in an unexpected w ay
about each story. Do you remember
the same information? 6 w ith o u t telling anyone
7 often ________
4 Listen again and answer the
9 05 8 in a patient way
questions. Did talking to your partner
9 easily and w ell
in Exercise 3 help you?
10 after som e tim e
1 Where had the parrot been?

Are the adverbs in Exercise 6 adverbs of time (7) or

2 Why did Darren decide not to keep manner (M)?
the parrot after he was found?

3 W hat m istake did the girls make? 8 Think of situations when people do things in these ways.
Can your partner guess the verb and adverb?

4 W hat was the em ergency? get better not eat

move go to bed practise

gradually regularly
5 Why did the English fam ily make a
phone call? sit speak
listen w ait gesture w rite

6 Why d id n ’t the specialist touch the patiently secretl

‘ liza rd ’ im m ediately?
This happens before you play You practise
an important football match. regularly? Yes!


Watch video 9.3

What did the two
LANGUAGE IN ACTION friends want to see?
How did they get into
Reported questions the radio studio?

Direct questions Reported questions

Wh- questions
‘What are your favourite stories? Last week, one of our listeners asked us our favourite
stories were.
‘Where did you leave the other sock? Everybody asked her she’d left the other sock.
Yes/No questions
‘Can we have the parrot back?’ The Guatemalan family asked Darren if they could have the parrot back.
‘Have you ever cooked anything before?’ Their Italian friends asked them they’d ever cooked anything

Complete the examples in the table above. rik Rewrite the sentences as reported questions. Listen
9 08
and check.
Put the words in the correct order to
9.07 1 ‘Who’s the hero of the story?’ Mikhail asked his sister.
make sentences. Listen and check.
Mikhail asked his sister who the hero of the story was.
1 the b o y/h a d /h is hom ework/done/
2 ‘Do you prefer comedy or drama?’ Elena asked me.
the teacher / if / asked I he
The teacher asked the boy if he had____
3 Ruben asked his friend, ‘Where did you hearthat?’
done his homework.______________________
2 d o in g /L a u ra /w h a t/sh e /Ja ck /
later / asked / was 4 ‘Will it rain later?’ she asked.

5 ‘Can we still get tickets?’ I asked the receptionist.

3 me/ended / asked / my sister/how /
the story / had 6 ‘What are you reading?’ Sally asked me.

4 left I the assistant I any tickets / were I

I / there / asked / if / 4 Think of five questions someone asked you last week.
Write the names and tell your partner the questions.
Can they guess who asked what?
my maths teacher, my dad, my best f riend Rachel,______
5 w e/w here/the station/an old man/
was / asked my sister, my cousin.____________

This person asked me ifl had cleaned my room.

Your dad asked you if

6 arrive/Tom /m e/w ould / 1/ asked /
you had cleaned your room. ^0/ t r y a ga inl
what time


Telling an anecdote W atch video 9.4
Everyday Eng lish
Look at the photo. What happened at the bowling
9 09
alley? Listen to the conversation and check. Hey! Let me guess.
show-off sort of to make matters worse
2 Complete the conversation with the phrases ______________________ — ____________________ /
from the Useful language box. Listen and check.
Match the words in the Everyday English box
1 with the words and phrases 1-5.
JAMIE You’ll never guess what happened to me
last night. 1 I disagree!
ESMA No, what? Tell me. 2 to make the situation even more unpleasant
JAMIE embarrassing!
was, my new classmates 3 someone who tries to make other people look
asked me if I wanted to go bowling with at them __________
them. I said yes and when we got there, they
4 in a way _____________
asked me how well I could bowl.
5 I think I know what you’re going to say.
ESMA You didn’t say you were any good, did you?
JAMIE Well, you know I’m a show-off! So I said,
‘Just watch me!’
ESMA But you’re terrible at bowling! I’ve seen you. : PLAN
JAMIE Hey! I’m not that bad! So
, 1picked up the ball,
• 4 Make notes on something embarrassing,
funny, etc. that has happened to you.
put my fingers in the holes, went to bow l...
ESMA Let me guess. Your fingers got stuck. * Introduce the anecdote
JAMIE Completely! I swung the ball back carefully Decide which details are the most important
and then swung it forward and just sort of End the anecdote
went flying with it. The next
, I was flat on my back! SPEAK
ESMA What a fantastic first impression! 5 Practise telling the anecdote to your partner.
JAMIE And to make matters worse, I couldn’t get Remember to use reported statements,
my fingers out. commands and questions, vocabulary
ESMA Oh, Jamie! from this unit and phrases from the Useful
language and Everyday English boxes.

Useful language CHECK

Basically, what The next thing I knew ... 6 Work with another pair. Listen to their
happened was ... You’ll never guess what conversation and complete the notes.
It was so (+ adjective) happened ... What kind of anecdote was it?
So anyway,...
What were the important details?

How did the anecdote end?


IT 9

Free ice cream, anyone'

Most of us expect to receive presents on in Singapore was stressed and he
our birthday. However, Jimmy Teng or wanted to make them feel happy. He also
‘Uncle Jimmy’ is different. The ice cream admitted that sharing ice cream made
man from Singapore regularly gives away him feel good too. Tm so happy,’ he
free ice cream on his birthday. He started said. ‘I wouldn’t be this happy if I won the
the tradition on his 70th birthday when he lottery!’
offered to give away 700 free ice creams.
Uncle Jimmy, who has been an ice
This year Uncle Jimmy announced that cream man for over 15 years, has lots
he was going to give away 1,000 free ice of customers. When asked what his
creams. Surprisingly, some customers favourite flavour was, he answered
insisted that they would pay for the ice ‘Sweetcorn’ and he explained that ice
cream. When asked why he did it, Mr cream in Singapore was sometimes
W RITING Teng explained that nowadays everyone served with bread rather than a cone.

A news story
Why would someone give away free ice cream? Read the
. Write your own news story.
news story and check.
: pl an :
Read the news story again and answer the questions.
•e 5 Make notes on something special
1 Who is the story about? ___________________________ that someone has done to celebrate *.
2 Whathappens? __________________________________ their birthday or find an interesting ♦
3 When does it happen? ____________________________ • news story online.
f jj Discuss the questions about the structure of the story. *. 6 Write a news story about your idea
1 What does the headline tell us about the story? What in Exercise 5. Remember to include
doesn’t it tell us? • three paragraphs, language from
2 What is the aim of the first sentence? \ this unit and phrases from the ’
3 What do we learn in the first paragraph of the story? Useful language box.

4 When do we learn why the story happened? • CHECK

5 Is the information in the third paragraph necessary or • 7 Do you...
extra? • include an interesting headline?
6 What effect does the direct speech have in the story? *. • include some extra details in the
’ third paragraph?
4 Complete the phrases in the Useful language box with
• include some direct speech?
details from the news story.

Useful language
3 ) Finished? pl26 Ex 4
A man from Singapore regularly gives away free ice cream...
He announced/explained/admitted th a t 2

,’ he said.
Surprisingly/Nowadays etc., 4

When asked ... he answered/explained/said 5

u n it 9 HAVE YOU H E A R D THE NEW S? 113

THE W ORLD Globetrotters
Watch video 9.5
Stories on stage
R E A D IN G Where do you think opera comes from?
A s to ry Where is it popular?
• What is jingju and what does it involve?
Look at pictures A-D. What is
• What different skills do jingju performers
happening in each one? Put them
need to have?
in order to make a story.

/Tik Were your ideas correct? Read

9 10
the introduction about Maori
storytelling and the story ‘How
Maui slowed the Sun’.

Read the introduction and the story

again. Write T (true) or F (false).
The Maori have always written
down their stories. F
2 It was impossible for the villagers
to finish their work each day.
3 Maui had never done anything
impressive before.
4 Only Maui’s brothers helped to
make the ropes. _
5 The Sun saw Maui and his How Maui slowed the Sun
brothers coming closer.
Long ago, the Sun used to move so quickly across the sky that the
6 Maui hitthe Sun more than once days were too short for people in the village to do all their work. The
with the bone. _ villager Maui, however, had a plan. He gathered his four brothers and
The Sun stopped moving said, 'Why should the Sun control us? Let's catch him and make him go
completely. __ more slowly.'
The brothers were worried. They asked Maui if it was really possible to
get safely near the Sun. 'The heat and flames will burn us!' they said.
'We might die!' Maui held his grandfather's bone high, and said, 'I have
achieved many things which you thought were impossible. I have
brought fire to the people, I have caught the greatest fish in the world.
M A O R I S T O R Y T E L L IN G With this bone, and with your help, I will catch the Sun.'

Storytelling is an essential part of the Everyone agreed to help him. Over the next five days they made strong
culture of the Maori people, the first ropes to catch the Sun. When they were ready, the brothers set off to
inhabitants ofAotearoa (New Zealand). the east, where the Sun rises. They travelled during the night so that
They didn't use to have a written language, the Sun wouldn't see them approaching. Eventually, they arrived at an
so they learned stories by heart to remember enormous deep hole in the ground. This was where the Sun slept.
their history. The Maori people still tell their While the Sun was still asleep, the brothers built a wall around the
stories, often in a traditional meeting place hole and hid behind it, waiting patiently. Maui told his brothers not
called a marae. The stories are accompanied to throw the ropes until he said so. After a while, the ground began to
by dance, songs and chants. Here is one for shake. The Sun was waking up! First came his burning hair, then his
you to enjoy. fiery eyes and his white-hot teeth.


Irreg u lar ad je c tiv e and noun pairs
Learn adjectives and their related nouns to increase your vocabulary.

4 Complete the table with words from the story.

S um m arising
Sometimes we need to tell a shorter version of a longer story.
Summarising can help us to do this.

Put the sentences in order to make a summary of the story.

'Now!' cried Maui. The brothers a The brothers travelled by night to where the Sun slept.
threw the ropes over the Sun. They b You can still see the ropes that hold the Sun to the Earth.
tangled in his hair and trapped his
c Maui hit the Sun with the bone.
huge, hot body. The men pulled on
the ropes as strongly as they could. d Maui, his brothers, and the villagers made strong ropes.
'What are you doing?' the Sun cried e People didn’t use to have enough time to do everything because
angrily. the Sun moved too quickly across the sky. 1
Maui jumped on the wall and The Sun eventually started to move more slowly.
lifted up his grandfather's bone. g When the Sun woke up, the brothers trapped him.
He smashed it with all his strength
Maui had a plan to control the Sun.
down on the head of the Sun, who
screamed in pain.
Voice it!
'Are you trying to kill me?'
g Discuss the questions.
'No, but you must go more slowly,'
said Maui. 1 Without Maui, could the brothers have trapped the Sun?

The Sun tried hard to escape, but 2 Talk about a story from your culture. What does it mean?
again and again Maui hit him with
[ Explore it! x
the bone. The Sun gradually grew
weaker, until at last he could only Guess the correct answer.
move slowly across the sky.
Aotearoa, the Maori name for New Zealand, means land o f ...
And that is why the days are now
a the perfect sky.
long enough for all our work, and
why sometimes, if you look carefully, b the long white cloud.
you can still see the ropes that c the towering mountains.
connect the Sun to the Earth -
shining through the clouds. i X l The Culture Project Teacher’s Resource Bank


9 R E V IE W
Complete the second sentences.
1 ‘I’ll help you with your homework.’
Match the reporting verbs in the box with the definitions. Ayaz offered____________________
2 ‘Send me a message when you get
admit apologise complain deny discover promise
Which reporting verb do we use to ... Shaun told m e__________________
1 say that something is not true? 3 ‘Why don’t we meet at the new cafe?’
Ada suggested__________________
2 tell someone you’re sorry?
4 ‘I promise I’ll give you a lift.’
3 find out information for the first time?
Sheprom ised__________________
4 agree that something is true?
5 tell someone formally something is wrong? 4 Rewrite the direct questions as
6 tell someone you will certainly do something? reported questions.
1 ‘Do you often read the news online?’
Complete the sentences with the adverbs in the box. my sister asked me.

eventually fluently gradually nowadays

regularly secretly surprisingly
2 ‘How can I improve my English?’
Zehra asked her teacher.

3 ‘Have you seen what’s happened in

London?’ Ian asked Jake.

4 ‘Will the museum be open

tomorrow?’ the tourist asked.

1 I finished reading the book you recommended

but it took me ages.
2 I speak French , mostly with my Canadian
cousin - once a week.
3 Mike’s family planned his birthday p a r t y . He
was very surprised!
4 The exam was easy. I finished it really quickly.
5 My best friend speaks English
6 I get on with my brother, but we didn’t use to.
My English is improving but I need to learn
more vocabulary.



There are different ways to ask English speakers for help and check you understand what they’ve said.

Read the problems people have understanding

BEN Sorry, Miss. I didn’t understand.
someone in English. Then discuss the questions. xWhat did you say I had to do?

TEACHER I told you to compare the two pictures

We asked six language learners what problems and discuss how similarthey are.
they'd had understanding people in English. BEN 2What does ‘similar’ mean?
This is what they told us.
■| For me, it's usually that the other person ALISON Excuse me, can you tell me how to get
speaks too fast. to the post office, please?
MAN IN Sure. Go straight until you see a big
2 The worst thing is when people use lots of
building. It’s opposite th a t...
difficult words I don't know
Ididn’t catch that. The big what?
J I usually understand more or less, but I MAN IN Building.
don't understand all of the details.
/I Sometimes I think I've understood GISELLE Bea thought Juan had promised he
someone, but then I realise I haven't at all! would bring the food, but he hadn’t!
5 My problem is that when I don't After a while, someone said-
understand I'm too shy to say. I just say JO Wait, wait, wait! Can you start again,
'yes' a lot! please? I’m lost!
GISELLE Sorry, sorry. What happened was th a t...
Have you had any of these problems? How did
you solve them?

VLAD Which bus do I need for Oxford Park?

Read the conversations. Match phrases 1-5 with WOMAN You need two, actually. Take the 147
phrases with similar meanings a-e. fromhere to Austen Square, cross the
a Could you repeat from the beginning? road and then take the 29 from in front
of the bank.
b I want to make sure I’ve understood correctly. 5
VLAD OK, let me check I’ve got this right.
c What’s the meaning of that word? First, I take 147 to Austen Square?
d I didn’t hearthe last thingyou said. WOMAN That’s right.
e What were your instructions?

Student A: choose one of the topics in the box
and explain it to Student B.
Student B: use the phrases from the
conversations in Exercise 2 to help you
understand. Then swap roles.

how to get from your school to your house

the story of how Maui slowed the Sun
the rules of a sport

1(8 o c IQ q^ c Hoo I ^ MIT 9 | HAVE YOU H E A R D THE NEW S? 117

\ O T Iin P M T u ^ //

FINISHED? Match the texts with photos a-d.

1 I’ve just had a totally amazing time! I’ve been
looking at all sorts of interesting animals, with lots
Put the letters in order to make words to describe of fantastic colours. I haven’t done anything like
clothes and shoes. this before, but I’d like to do it again. I’ve told all my
friends, and they want to do it with me next time.

2 We’ve just come back, and we’ve spent all our

money. The good news is now I’ve got lots of really
good clothes, so I don’t need to do anything like
this again for a long time!
flowery 3 I’ve been outside all day, and now I’m feeling pretty
tired. I’ve being doing this since I was very young,
and one day, I want to train other people to do the
same as m e.___
4 I’ve had a rather bad experience. I haven’t tasted
anything so bad for a long time. And since I had
it, I’ve been feeling quite ill. My stomach has been
hurting for ages. I’m never going back there, and
I’m going to tell all my friends about it!

4 Put the letters in order to make verbs to

describe clothes and shoes. Use the letters in
the circles to make an expression. Write the
Complete the modifiers with vowels. mystery expression.
Make sentences with the modifiers and
i wflGOHg [g ][o ] |w |[I][ t ]E]
the words in the box about you.
2 MTC0H □ □ □ □ □
amazed better confused good at 3 T ig □ □ □
happier happy more interesting 4 WERTAU@ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
shocked slow slower taller 5 UT@I □ □ □ □
1 absolutely 6 0APNUg
2 _xtr_m_ly C _ r ly 9 _ l_t 7 L@gD
3 r jiy 6 pr_tty 10 _ l_ttl 8 Pg@D
4 t_t_lly 7 q__t_ 11 _ b_t 9 g@DU
8 r_th_r Mystery expression: □ □ □ □ □ □ □
□ □ □ □ □ □ □
118 FIN ISH ED ? U N IT 1


Read the clues and complete the crossword. Across

3 I had to do ... my phone for a week, because it was
5 Last week, I w ent... to my old primary school to visit
my teacher.
6 I feel bad. I hope I don’t ... up getting ill.
I’ve ... up for piano lessons.

1 I ... through a difficult time when I started my new
school, but now everything’s OK.
2 Sara ... out of her old flat, and went to live in a new
4 I ... down three party invitations last month because
I was so busy.

Compare the pictures. How many sentences can What films had you seen by the time you
you write about Stuart’s life in the past with used were ten? Write as many as possible in two
to, didn’t use to and would? Use your imagination! minutes.
When S tu a rt was a student, he used to live in a flat.

Stuart when he was a student

4 Find words in the sentences that rhyme

with parts of objects. Change them so the
sentences make sense.
Put the kid back or the pen will dry. lid
2 I’ve broken the sandal on my bag.
3 My computer needs a hug.
4 The Swiss play on that phone is really
Don’t get the camera pens dirty.
6 The map of my bag hurts my shoulder. It’s
too tight.



Match the squares to make cooking verbs.

ro ch over gri sea pe sli fr ba spre gra he

y son te ke II at ad ast cook ce el op

Use the code to write the questions. Answer them so they are true for you.

x/eoo y-^y-oeoo
What are you

o/eoo ^/ x/ oy~7M a*4-+o®

What are you_________________________________________

How do you think

0/3*00 ^3*® 0 <^/+ / ®®/Sv-

What’s t h e ?

Make sentences with the verbs in the box and

the future continuous and future perfect.

chat to friends do homework 4 Circle nine more quantities.

do sport have dinner
listen to music sleep

At 5 pm I will / won’t be ...

At 7 pm ...
At 11 pm ...
By midnight I w ill/ won’t have ...

120 F IN IS H E D ? U N IT 3


Can you work out these riddles? Imagine you do an unusual job. Write as many of
Sometimes they look like faces, these as possible in three minutes.
sometimes they look like animals. They’re • things you had to do to get your job
always changing shape. Grey ones usually
disappear after the rain.

2 It looks like a tear and it tastes a bit like

an apple. It sounds the same as two things • things you have to do every day in your job.
of the same size that are used together.

3 Mine sounds like a bird. Mary’s latest one

sounds like a famous pop song. We don’t
know what Dave’s sounds like because he
Show your list to a partner. Can they guess
always has his mobile on silent.
the job?

Look at the dots. Write four things you think it

could be. Join the dots to see if you are right.
It could/might be a ball ...

Mark is going to have an operation next week. Complete
the sentences about who will be doing what. Put the
sentences in order.
Put the letters in order to write two a Next, the anaesthetic
verbs to describe processes. by Dr Sanna. [ J
eodseaptwlev develop waste The second part of the operation (do)
-- X
2 uclertoplocced _
3 evaemrrilusede At first, his heart rate (measure)
4 lepm tapm nicocsuyu__________ by Nurse Evans. I
5 toeercaslev Finally, he (take) home by Nurse Simms.
6 toctacrenactnt e Until he is com pletely better, he
hospital by Dr Jones. ( J
The first part of the operation (do) by
Dr Lansbury.
How many sentences can you write
that go in front of these question tags
in three minutes?
1 n ’t it?
It ’s f te_ezing tod ay
2 ..., doesn’t she?

can’t they?

would you?

5 are we?

haven’t you?

had he?

122 FIN ISH ED ? I U N IT 5

6 F IN IS H E D ?

Read the clues and complete the crossword. Across

2 I always have ... with my friends.
5 I get a lo t ... of my English lessons.
We switched off the TV because we g o t... with the
9 Do you take an ... in football?
11 My dad always gets ... when he’s driving.
12 My grandfather never had the go to university.
1 We have 30 minutes before ourtrain arrives, so let’s take ...
10 of it.
12 3 My annoying cousin really gets on my ....
4 I have ... about whether my team will win tomorrow.
6 My grandmother takes a lot o f ... in looking at old photos.
8 It’s important to take some ... in life.
10 I got to ... a lot of new people at summer camp last year.

Match the jokes with the answers.

Give each joke a score (one star =terrible, five stars =very funny).
e I You’dget some
really cool music!
1 If you dialled 08968 767 457 454 233 989 767 521123, what would you get?
2 What would happen if you put your music in the fridge?
3 What word would become shorter if you added two more letters to it?
4 Where would a cow go if it wanted a holiday?
5 If you look in any dictionary, which word will always be spelled wrong?

A venj Wrong. ★★★★★

Mooooo York!
j______ _____________________________ tiredfinger!
4 Put the letters in order to make verbs and
nouns for inspiration and challenge.
1 a c e e g h l l n challenge
3 Complete the sentences with third conditional verbs
2 y e b ra rv
and interesting information to continue the story.
3 d t r ia in o t n m e e
If Sara hadn’t gone to school that day, she wouldn’t
4 o p r u iy t n t o p
have met
5 b t c e la s o
2 If she hadn’t met she wouldn’t have
found out 6 u p rto p s
If she hadn’t n o rg e a u ce

4 If 8 o e cm v ro e
5 If________________________________________ aecv hei
10 e i n r i s p

U N IT 6 F IN IS H E D ? 123

3 How many pairs of subject and object
questions can you write in three minutes
using the ideas in the box?
Find the letters and then write them to make the first Q: What did Al Zahrawi write?
half of a message. Can you guess the second half? A: One of the earliest books about
1 satisfied (letter 2) medicine.
2 Qopeful (letter 1) Q: Who wrote one of the earliest books
3 peaceful (letters) about medicine?

4 eager (letter 2) A: Al Zahrawi.

5 glad (letter 2)
6 hurt (letter 4) invent
J.K. Rowling
7 thrilled (letter 2) the Ancient Egyp t i a n s w

8 annoyed (letter 5) the iPhone

Steve Jobs . «-»rliest
discover e
one o' * a bout
9 amused (letter 2)
the Italians b 0 °edicine
10 ridiculous (letter 4)
11 insecure (letter 2)
the Pyramids Isaac Newton
12 down (letter 1) the iPod the Harry Potter stories
a h is as important as
the Pyramids pizza

Four brothers each have a sister who is the complete 4 Put the letters in order and add heart or
opposite of them. Match the sentences halves to find out mind to make an expression.
who the sisters are. yellow: put my (heart) into_____________
Ja ck keeps eating chocolate all day blue:_______________________________
Emily avoids eating too much sugar. red:________________________________
Alex never stops getting up early. b row n:_____________________________
Berat hopes r
eating chocolate all day. pink:_______________________________
Charlie always forgets\ to stay in the city forever. orange:_____________________________
Jacob doesn’t mind J talking in class. purple:_____________________________
Jack keeps--------- to put his notebook in his bag. green:______________________________
. M T P I T
Emily avoids----------x to getup late everyday if she could.
G E | U | | 0| | Y | | N
Sara always remembers to speak during most lessons. S DT o L N Y
C H 1 c £ E E H
Megan refuses living in the countryside.
I ST Y £ 0 C M
Olivia would love I to take all her books to class. Y 0 S t M G A
S N t T N B Y
Mira misses ' eating too much sugar.
R 0 R || E L A
M T N S || R B
E I W A 0 E
M T E J N E ’ B
0 A B | S | | M || K
T I R D 0 Y



10 12 14 24 12 8 11 6 19 2 13 26 11 18 18 21 17 14 22 19

2 W C L O O 0 0 OW ?
10 12 14 24 12 17 18 25 18 26 11 18 4 18 21 22 1 18 10

3 0 0 EVE W T E E V E W ?
11 18 4 18 21 19 6 19 2 10 2 14 13 19 2 19 6 14 19 10 26

11 18 4 18 21 21 26 19 8 11 15 17 18 24 22 19 2 26

5 W A T L E C E 0 TO A 0
10 12 8 13 14 1 20 17 21 19 1 24 19 26 4 18 21 13 18 15 21 4 8 23 2 18 21 24 13

6 W C L O A CA O E E E ?
10 12 14 24 12 26 17 18 25 8 1 26 24 8 1 4 18 21 2 19 16 19 16 15 19 2

F •

Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun. Guess what each thing or person is. Use the scrambled
words in the box to help you.
1 It’s a feeling you have someone has helped you. Igruafte
2 It’s a word goes with have and means ‘a good tim e’. unf
3 It describes a place you can feel very calm and relaxed. Ipeuafce
4 It’s a word means ‘very interesting’.
5 It describes someone feels quite angry.
6 It’s someone products are bought by someone else.

Circle five pronouns in the wordsnake. Use them to

complete the sentences so they are true for you.

/77yselfonbo3 n y° n e 5e >fS o m e o n e ot a n y s % | . g y thingeac/

e t 1| n e v e r n o )

The lasttim e I ...

1 e njoyed wa s

2 didn’tta lk to fo ra n h o u rw a s

3 helped was

4 forgot important was

5 had to eat and felt hungry was

U N IT 8 F IN IS H E D ? 125


Match the squares to make reporting verbs.

apolo ann con

mise ny ounce fuse firm

Write examples of the following. Imagine you are a famous athlete, pop
Atime when you ... star or actor. How many things can you
list that you’ve often been asked by fans
1 suggested doing something different.
in three minutes?
2 offered to help someone.
Lionel Messi___________________________________
3 denied that you had done something and then
My fans have often asked me ..._____________
admitted that you had done it.
. .. what my dream team would be.
4 promised to do something.
... if I get nervous before taking a penalty.__
5 insisted that you did something.
6 told someone to do something.

4 Complete the sentences with the adverbs in the box.

What is the adverb in the boxed letters?

after a while eventually fluently gradually

nowadays patiently regularly secretly surprisingly

Most people n o w a d a y s have a mobile. 5 The teacher waited

I whispered to her. o

, the baby fell 6 The rain stopped.

asleep. Aroha spoke Maori
The twins are 8 English gets easier.
9 The Olympics take place




accommodation backpacking holiday resort sightseeing tourist attraction trip

M usic and theatre

audience part scene

lines rehearsal show

Are the sentences true or false?

1 An audience is all the actors in a play.
2 A holiday resort is a shop where you go to book a holiday.
3 The lines in a play are the words the actors speak.
4 Your accommodation is the plane, boat, etc. that takes you to your holiday.
5 Actors have rehearsals to practise their performance.

Ways of co m m u n ica tin g

describe • post • shout translate whisper

greet : shake hands : smile wave

Circle the correct words.

1 At the beginning of the trip, we were posted / greeted I waved by our tour guide.
2 I think he enjoyed the show because he was shouting / waving I smiling.
3 Alfonso will describe / translate/ whisper all the tourist attractions we are going to see.
4 She plays the part of an angry teacher who shouts / posts / smiles at her students a lot.
5 In the first scene, two actors meet and translate I shake hands I describe.

P erson alisin g v o ca b u la ry
Writing personalised sentences helps you to learn new words.

® Choose four verbs from the list above and write sentences that are true for you. Then tell your partner.

Our teacher greets us every morning.

V O C A B U LA R Y B A N K 127


D e scrib in g c lo th e s and sh oes

baggy checked cotton denim flat flowery

high-heeled long-sleeved plain spotted striped tight

Is the adjective order correct or incorrect? Circle the correct answer.

1 We have to wear leather flat shoes. Correct /(Incorrect)
2 Paul was wearing a red baggy T-shirt. Correct / Incorrect
3 Laura bought a flowery cotton blouse. Correct / Incorrect
4 I’d like a denim black jacket. Correct / Incorrect
5 The singer wore tight striped trousers. Correct / Incorrect

V erbs related to c lo th e s and shoes

do up go out of fashion hangup : undo

fit go with match : wear out
fold suit •

Circle the correct words.

1 I can’t wear this spotted scarf. It doesn’t hang up / go with / fold my coat.
2 This dress is a bit tight. It doesn’t match / undo / fit me any more.
3 I’ve had this sweater for years. It never seems to wear out / suit me / undo me.
4 Don’t leave your jacket on the floor. Hang it up / Do it up / Wear it out in your wardrobe.
5 You look great in that checked shirt. It really goes out of fashion / suits you / goes with you.

C a te g o risin g
Recording new words in categories helps you to remember their meaning.

Put the clothes verbs above in the correct categories. Compare with a partner.

Putting clothes away hang up

Ways of saying that clothes look good

Reasons not to wear clothes
Putting on and taking off clothes

128 V O C A B U LA R Y B A N K

Phrasal verbs: changes

do without : go back look forward to move to sign up turn down

end up • gothrough move out settle down try out turn out

Complete the statements with a phrasal verb from the list. Put them in order from most true for you (1) to
least true for you (5). Compare with a partner.
1 I would love t o New York.
2 I never party invitations.
3 I always my English classes.
4 I like to new video games with my friends.
5 I would like t o in one place for my whole life.

Parts of ob jects

button cable cover display handle

key lens lid plug strap

Use the clues to find the mystery word. Write your own clue for the mystery word.
I’m made of glass. You look through me.
I am round. You press me to make a lift come.
I’m made of paper. I go on books to protect them.
I am long and thin. I bring electricity to objects.
I show information, for example the time.
Mystery w o r d : Y o u r clue:

V isu a lisin g w ords in d iffe re n t situ a tio n s
Visualising words in different situations helps you to remember them.

Where would you find these parts (1-4)? Use the objects from the box. Some may have more than one
part. Then choose two more parts from the list above and think of objects that have them.

keyboard TV jam jar laptop vacuum cleaner saucepan door shoe box

1 k e y 2 h a n d l e 3 l i d 4 plug

V O C A B U LA R Y B A N K 129

Cooking verbs

bake chop fry grate grill heat

overcook peel roast season slice spread

Put the verbs in the correct place so that this potato recipe makes sense.
2 3
First, Reason the oven to 220°. Overcoo/cthe potatoes and pee/them into large pieces. Add two spoonfuls of
4 5 6
oil and heat with some salt and pepper. Chop the potatoes for 45 minutes, but be careful not to roast them!
1 hsat 2 3 4 5 6

Q u a n titie s

a chunk of a handful of a piece of a slice of a spoonful of

a cup of a packet of a pinch of a splash of a sprinkle of

Match 1-5 with a-e.

1 This sauce isn’t sweet enough. I’m going to add a spoonful of a sugar.
2 I’m cooking tonight. We’re having a lovely piece of b oil.
3 Grill the fish with a pinch of c fresh herbs.
4 I’m going to fry the potatoes with a splash of d beef.
5 The soup will be delicious because she’s putting in a handful of e salt.

W ord p artn ers
When you learn new words, try to learn words that go with them so that you can use them in natural contexts.

Choose four quantities and think of three food items to go with each one. Compare with a partner.

a chunk of cheese, meat, potato.

130 V O C A B U LA R Y B A N K

The five senses

feel look smell : sound : taste touch

feel like look like smell like : sound like : taste like

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

delicious stone a train fresh bread icy

Has someone been baking? It smells like in here.

2 It’s actually wood, but it’s so cold, it feels like
3 I don’t know what’s in this dish, but it tastes
4 I heard a loud noise. It sounded a bit like
5 Be careful when you go outside. The pavement looks

D escrib in g texture, sound, taste, etc.

colourful faint rough sharp shiny

smelly smooth sour spicy transparent

Match 1-5 with a-e.

1 You’ve worn that shirt for three days. a It tastes rather sour.
2 Be careful with that knife. b It’s too faint.
3 The noise can’t be coming from this room. c It must be a bit smelly.
4 Antonio washed his car yesterday. d It looks very sharp.
5 Ithink it must be lemon juice. e That’s why it’s so shiny.

B rain storm in g
Brainstorming word groups can help you make vocabulary connections.

£ Choose three of the words from the list above and brainstorm connected words with your partner.

shiny: shoes, hair, gold, metal, glass, car, clean.

V O C A B U LA R Y B A N K 131


attract communicate create develop produce supply

collect connect deliver measure solve waste

Match 1-5 with a-e.

1 The parcel was delivered a hundreds of jobs.
2 This course will help you to develop b to the wrong house.
3 The new factory will create c more tourists to the area.
4 I need to collect d some books from the library.
5 We hope the museum will attract e your communication skills.

Extrem e adjectives

boiling deafening dreadful enormous fascinating

freezing gorgeous marvellous stunning terrifying

Put the letters in order to make extreme adjectives.

1 Before the electricity was connected, our house was engefzir in winter.
2 The crowd produced a engafedni noise.
3 They measured the bones and discovered that the creature was eomosurn.
4 It’s dafreuld to waste so much water.
5 She’s able to communicate difficult ideas in a nafsatingci way.

P erson alisin g new v o ca b u la ry
Using personalised sentences helps you to remember new vocabulary.

Choose four words from the list above and use them to write questions to ask your partner.

What is the most fascinating book you've ever read? Treasure Island

132 V O C A B U LA R Y B A N K

Verb co llo ca tio n s w ith get, ta k e and have

get a lot out of get on my nerves have fun take an interest in

get bored get to know have the chance take pleasure in
get lost have doubts take advantage of take risks

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 better / know / to / I’d / her / get / like / to /. I think she’s very interesting.

2 lot / Simon / course / got / a / of / the / out /. He said it was very useful.

3 the / at / picnic / you / did / fun / have / ? You certainly had good weather for it.

4 g e t/so m e /n e rve s / o f/o n / m y / m y /cla ssm a te s/.T h e y’re quite annoying.

Inspiration and ch a lle n g e

bravery (n) challenge (n) determination (n) obstacle (n) opportunity (n)

achieve (v) encourage (v) inspire (v) overcome (v) support (v)

Underline the incorrect words in each sentence.

1 Harry managed to overcome the problem / solution I obstacle.
2 Mrs Betts always tries to encourage her students / children / happiness.
3 Luke has the determination to achieve his salary / goals I ambition.
4 I think we were all inspired by her speech I bravery / disappointment.

Stress patterns
Knowing the stress pattern of a word can help you pronounce it and hear it when people say it.

Write the stress pattern for each word. The first one has been done for you.
1 bravery Ooo 2 encourage 3 opportunity

V O C A B U LA R Y B A N K 133


amused annoyed down eager glad grateful

hopeful hurt insecure peaceful ridiculous satisfied thrilled

Complete the statements with the words in the box. Do you agree or disagree?

eager grateful insecure peaceful ridiculous |

Agree Not sure Disagree

1 I feel when friends remember my birthday.
2 I feel a b it about the future.
3 I feel in a hat.
4 I am always to try new experiences.
5 I feel when la m in the countryside.

E xp ression s w ith h e a rt and m in d

be in two minds change your mind have something on make your mind up
bear in mind close to your heart your mind put your heart into
break someone’s heart cross your mind learn by heart something

Circle the correct words.

1 Leaving my girlfriend behind in Australia was close to my heart / broke my heart / changed my mind.
2 I’m annoyed because you won’t make your mind up I learn by heart / cross your mind about the party.
3 Winning was important to Max and he really had it on his mind / bore it in mind / put his heart into it.
4 I’m in two minds / crossing my mind / bearing in mind about telling my sister the truth.

G ap p ed fla sh ca rd s
Using gapped flashcards can help you learn expressions.

fj* Use the flashcards you made in class. Take turns to pick up a flashcard, look at the front and make a
sentence. Score two points for a correct sentence but lose a point if you look at the back.

1was going to go swimming but 1changed my mind.

134 V O C A B U LA R Y B A N K

A d vertisin g

ad blocker brand logo review

advert buyer marketing company seller
advertise influence product slogan

Complete the sentences with a noun from the same word family as the verb.
1 They’re looking for someone to buy their company. They want a
2 Dan reviews hotels online. He writes
3 They advertise on the London Underground. They have there.
4 She has a factory that produces mugs. Its is mugs.
5 I’m not influenced by celebrity vloggers. They don’t have any on me.

In te rn e t verbs

build up delete post subscribe switch on

comment on follow shut down switch off vlog

Use verbs from the list above to complete the questions.

Ask and answer them.
1 Do you anyone online?
2 What would influence you to to an online magazine?
3 What subject does your favourite YouTuber about?
4 Would you an online comment if it upset a friend?
5 Do you ever other people’s posts?

C o llo catio n s
When you learn a new verb, try to learn the nouns that go with it. This will help your English sound natural.

Match the verb 1-5 with its noun collocation a-e. Can you think of any other nouns that go with these verbs?
1 shutdown a followers
2 follow b a post
3 build up c a phone
4 switch off d a vlogger
5 comment on e an account

V O C A B U LA R Y B A N K 135


R eportin g verbs

admit apologise complain deny insist refuse

announce claim confirm discover promise suggest

Complete the sentences with the correct form of a reporting verb from the list above.
1 ‘ I stole the money.’ She that she had stolen the money.
2 ‘The hotel was really dirty.’ My mother about the hotel.
3 ‘ I’ll definitely be back by nine o’clock.’ Samantha that
she would be back by nine o’clock.
4 ‘ I’m certainly not going to help.’ Adam to help us.
5 ‘ I’m so sorry that I lied to you.’ Tom for lying.

A d ve rb s of tim e and m anner

after a while fluently nowadays patiently secretly

eventually gradually occasionally regularly surprisingly

Circle the correct words.

1 They waited secretly I patiently I gradually for Max to arrive.
2 It was raining for hours but eventually / regularly / nowadays it stopped.
3 The food in the restaurant was fluently I secretly I surprisingly nice.
4 At first I found the lessons difficult, but occasionally / after a while I
regularly I got better at them.
5 I went running every day and fluently / patiently / gradually I got fitter.

R ecording w ords in sen ten ces
Writing down new words in a sentence helps you to remember them.

Choose four words from the list above and write sentences
that are true for you. Then tell your partner.

1usually drink coffee but occasionally 1drink tea.

136 V O C A B U LA R Y B A N K

Read the text again. Write T (true)
F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).
Look at the title and picture and discuss the questions. 1 Most immigrants to the United
1 When do you think this picture was taken? States eventually returned to their
2 Where are the people and what are they doing? country of birth. _
2 There wasn’t much room on board
2 Read the text. Check your answer to question 2 in the ships. _
Exercise 1. 3 Poverty was a major reason for
migration. _
4 Irish immigrants felt hopeful about
their future. _
5 Immigrants from all over Europe
moved for the same reasons as the
Irish. __
6 They made a positive contribution to
American society. _

4 Discuss other possible causes of

migration throughout history and up
to the present day.

Complete the definitions with the

words in bold in the text.
1 (n) the act of moving from
one place to another
2 (n) the floors of a ship
3 (v) to make a home
4 (v) to be filled with
something so there is no more room
5 (adj) having a very bad
smell (or taste)

[ Explore it! -------------------------- ■>

Guess the correct answer.
How many people live in a country
different to the one they were born in?
a over 50 million
b over 150 million
c over 250 million
Find another interesting fact about
migration. Write a question for your
partner to answer.


Imagine you are walking with a torch through a forest
at night. Suddenly, the light goes out and you cannot Dolphins
see a thing. You feel a branch brush your face and To identify objects in deep,
smell the leaves on the trees. You need to go home, dark waters, dolphins
but how can you find your way? produce high-frequency
clicks. These create sound
If you were a bat, you would use echolocation. waves that bounce back
Echolocation is a technique used by some animals as echoes. This information
to move around in the dark. It helps them identify helps dolphins work out the distance, direction
friends and enemies and ‘see’ where they are going. of travel, speed and size of things.
Here are two examples of how animals use it.

Bats But you don’t have to be a bat or a dolphin to

echolocate. You might be surprised to learn that
To hunt for insects in the dark, some humans can echolocate too. One such person
bats make a high-pitched call is Daniel Kish. Daniel is completely blind, so he
as they fly, then listen for the gets information about what is around him by
returning echo. They calculate clicking his tongue and listening to the echo.
how far away something is by how This technique allows him to safely ride a bike or
long it takes the echo to return. A bat can detect an go hiking in the wild. He also trains other blind
insect in the dark from a distance of five metres! people to echolocate. Amazing, isn’t it?

Discuss the questions. 4 Complete the text with the words in bold in
1 What special skills do the animals in the the article.
pictures have? Whales, like dolphins, produce to work
2 What do they use these skills for? out an object’s distance, direction, speed and
2_______ .The
size. These sounds can be low- or
Read the article. Check your answers to sounds hit an object and to the whale’s
Exercise 1. throat. The time it takes th e ___ of these
sounds to return to the whale helps the animal to
Complete the table with information from 5
, or sense, what is around it.
the article.
Explore it!
Guess the correct answer.
Some bats have a scream as loud as a ...
a jet engine 30 metres away.
b very loud opera singer.
c machine that breaks rocks.
Find another interesting fact about bats,
whales or echolocation. Write a question for
your partner to answer.

Digital citizenship: case studies
Discuss the questions. Today's citizens can make the most of living,
1 What is digital citizenship? learning, and working in a digital world.
However, this brings responsibilities as
2 How can the way we use technology affect
well as opportunities, as these digital
our relationships with people?
citizens need to act in asafe, legal,
Read the article. Check your answers to and ethical way. Digital citizenship is
Exercise 1. similar to traditional citizenship in that
it means being kind, respectful and
Read the nine themes of digital citizenship and ready to take part in activities that make
mark (/) the ones that apply to each case study. the world a better place.
Some apply to both and some to neither. If teens take risks with the way they use digital
Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship CS1 CS2
devices, it could lead to problems. These case studies illustrate some
common situations.
1 Have equal access to technology.
2 Buy and sell safely online. Case study 1
Some friends are having fun at the beach. Later, one of them posts
3 Share information safely.
photos of the others online. Shedoes not ask permission and some of
4 Learn howto use technology the pictures are not very flattering. If you had been in possession of
appropriately. these pictures, what would you have done?
5 Follow an ethical code of conduct.
Case study 2
6 Use technology lawfully.
Agroup of friends are sitting in a cafe. One of them gets a call on
Act responsibly. his phone. Heanswers the call, ignores his friends, and has a loud,
8 Promote physical and personal conversation in front of them. Howwould you feel if you
psychological well-being. were in the group?
9 Protect online safety.
The way these people usetechnology raises serious questions about
trust, friendship and social relationships.
4 Discuss the questions in the case studies in the
Digital citizenship involves many things, from sharing information
safely to acting responsibly online. If we want to get the best out of
Complete the sentences with the words in bold
a fast-changing world, we should monitor our digital habits. In this
in the article.
way we can meet the challenge of becoming good digital citizens.
That is a very photo. You look great!
You cannot some websites to be Explore it!
safe. You should check your online privacy.
Guess the correct answer.
Please don’t me. Turn off your phone
In an average lifetime, people will spend . on
and listen to what I am saying.
social media.
I am going to how often I use social
a one year and two months
media. I want to use it less.
three years and five months
He is always very polite and when he
five years and four months
sends messages.
Find another interesting fact about the digital
world. Write a question for your partner to


Discuss the questions. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
1 Where do you see print adverts? 1 Marketing companies need to effectively
2 How do print adverts communicate their communicate a brand’s image because ...
messages? 2 A headline is the most important element of
3 What are the main elements of a print advert? a print advert because ...
3 An image should not be the main focus of a
Read the article. Check your answers to Exercise 1. print advert because...
4 Different images are used for men and
How to design an effective print advert women in print adverts because ...

4 Choose an idea and turn it into a headline of

We are surrounded by print adverts. three or four words for an advert.
When we walk down the street, 1 This toothpaste will leave your mouth fresh
there are slogans, logos and images and clean and yourteeth white.
everywhere. Think about how many 2 You must buy these jeans because they are
adverts you have seen today. How many more comfortable and cheaperthan others.
of them can you actually remember?
Marketing companies, which are
responsible for advertising campaigns,
charge a lot of money for their Complete the definitions with the words in
services. Therefore, a printed message bold in the article.
needs to effectively communicate a
1 (n) the design of something
brand’s image. In fact, the person who
creates an advert is a communicator 2 (n) the title written in big letters
more than a designer. So how is an effective print advert designed? 3 (n) heading that comes after the
The headline is the most important element. An advert has
approximately two seconds to catch the reader’s eye, so the headline 4 (adj) successful
needs to be clear and focus on one idea. A subhead, which still
needs to be brief, can then give more information.
Explore it! ----------------------------
Next is the image. Sometimes an image can become the centre
of attention and distract from the message of a print advert. The Guess the correct answer.
headline and image need to work well together and it is essential that More than ...a year is spent on advertising,
the image is relevant to the product. Also, advertising research shows
a $6 billion b $60 billion c $600 billion
men and women respond to images differently. Many advertisers use
brighter colours in adverts for women and darker shapes in adverts Find another interesting fact about
for men. advertising. Write a question for your partner
to answer.
Once an advert has these features, it is time to decide on a final
layout. The top-to-bottom layout in the picture, which is widely
used, is very effective. Most adverts influence potential buyers with
the most important information at the top.
A good advert tells us we need things that previously we didn't even
know existed. Next time you walk down a street full of print adverts,
think about how effective they are.

140 CLIL | U N IT 8

The le tte rs ch
The le tte rs e a Listen and repeat.
1 /J/ machine 2 /tj/ cheese 3 /k/ school
Ci Listen and repeat.
1 /ea/ wear 2 /e/bread 3 /ii/meat 4 /ei/steak Put the words in the correct column
according to the pronunciation of the letters
Put the words in the correct column according to ch
the pronunciation of the letters ea.
check chemistry chorus
break clean great head heaven headache mechanic moustache
peach pear please weather parachute reach search touch

/J/ /tJZ /k/


Ci Listen, check and repeat. Ci Listen, check and repeat.

1.09 3.04

u se d to W eak form of to

Ci Listen and repeat. Ci Listen and repeat.

2.04 4.06
1 He used to go out with his friends every weekend. 1 He has to work late tonight.
2 Did you use to like cats when you were younger? 2 I need to buy new shoes.
3 We ought to take an umbrella.
Listen to the sentences. Are the words in bold
pronounced the same in each sentence? Ci Listen and underline the stressed words.
1 She used a friend’s phone to call her parents. 1 I’d like to know what time the film starts.
2 She used to have her mum’s phone. 2 We have to leave early tomorrow.
3 You ought to study more for your exams.
Listen and write the sentences.
4 Do you need to make a phone call?

Listen, check and repeat.

4 Practise saying the sentences with the

correct pronunciation of to.
Q 4 Practise saying the sentences. 1 Do you think we ought to tell him?
1 She used to play football after school. 2 Erin needs to go food shopping.
2 My dad used to listen to classical music. 3 I’d like to go to the party but my mum says
3 Did you use to live here? I have to stay home.

Ci 5 Listen and check.


P R O N U N C IA T IO N 141

The letters m b and bt The letters -tion

Listen and repeat. Cl
Listen and repeat.
1 She’s a climber. 2 I doubt he’s coming. 1 /Jan/ celebration 2 /tjan/ suggestion

Circle the silent b in each sentence. Look at the -tion ending in the words. Write
1 I saw a film about a bom(b). 1 (/Jan/) or 2 (/tjan/).
2 I haven’t got any debts. 1 position 1 5 connection
3 He hurt his thumb with a hammer. 2 digestion 6 question
4 I saw a sheep with two lambs. 3 contribution indigestion
4 vacation
Cl Listen, check and repeat.
Ci Listen, check and repeat.
UNIT 6 8.05

Stress in m u lti-sy lla b le w ords 4 Answer the questions.

1 What’s your idea of the perfect celebration?
Cl Listen and repeat. 2 What question would you like to ask your
1 temperature 2 different 3 comfd/table favourite celebrity?

Underline the stressed syllable in each word. 3 Where would you go for your ideal vacation?
Listen and check.
1 interesting 4 category 7 vegetable
The letters c ia
2 Wednesday 5 chocolate 8 memorable
3 business 6 secondary Listen and repeat.
1 social 3 musician 5 commercial
Identify the syllables which are not pronounced.
2 sociable 4 special
1 interesting
ft Practise saying the words.
ft 4 Practise saying the words in Exercise 2.
1 magician 4 politician

UNIT 7 2 beneficial 5 mathematician

Initial co n so n a n t clu ste rs w ith s 3 artificial

Listen and repeat. Cl Listen, check and repeat.

7.07 9.03
1 stress 3 strength
ft 4 Student A reads a definition. Student B says the
2 strong 4 straight correct word from Exercises 1 or 2.
Cl Listen and repeat the tongue-twisters. 1 When someone likes meeting new people.
1 Strong winds spread the sparks through the 2 Someone who likes numbers.
streets. 3 Something good and useful.
2 Stella’s got straight hair and stripes on her skirt. 4 Someone who plays an instrument.
3 Stuart sprayed his phone with a screen cleaner. 5 Not real or natural.
6 Someone who takes a rabbit out of a hat.
Cl Listen, repeat and practise the words.

142 P R O N U N C IA T IO N


Infinitive Past simple Past participle Infinitive Past simple Past participle
be was/were been let let let
beat beat beaten lie lied lied
become became become light lit lit
begin began begun lose lost lost
bite bit bitten make made made
blow blew blown mean meant meant
break broke broken meet met met
bring brought brought pay paid paid
build built built put put put
buy bought bought read read read
catch caught caught ride rode ridden
choose chose chosen ring rang rung
come came come rise rose risen
cost cost cost run ran run
cut cut cut say said said
do did done see saw seen
draw drew drawn sell sold sold
drink drank drunk send sent sent
drive drove driven shine shone shone
eat ate eaten shoot shot shot
fall fell fallen show showed shown
feel felt felt shut shut shut
fight fought fought sing sang sung
find found found sit sat sat
fly flew flown sleep slept slept
forget fo rgot fo rgotte n speak spoke spoken
got got spend spent spent
give gave given stand stood stood
go went gone steal stole stolen
grow grew grown swim swam swum
hang hung hung take took taken
have had had teach taught taught
hear heard heard tear tore torn
hide hid hidden tell told told
hit hit hit think thought thought
hold held held throw threw thrown
hurt hurt hurt understand understood understood
keep kept kept wake woke woken
know knew known wear wore worn
leave left left win won won
lend lent lent write wrote written


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