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Environmental Pollution 220 (2017) 567e576

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Environmental Pollution
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Combined effects of chlorpyriphos, copper and temperature on

acetylcholinesterase activity and toxicokinetics of the chemicals in the
earthworm Eisenia fetida*
Agnieszka J. Bednarska a, *, Maciej Choczyn
 ski b, Ryszard Laskowski b, Marcin Walczak b
Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Mickiewicza 33, 31-120 Krako w, Poland
b w, Poland
Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Krako

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In polluted environments organisms are commonly exposed to a combination of chemicals with different
Received 14 June 2016 modes of action, and their effects can be additionally modified by natural abiotic conditions. One possible
Received in revised form mechanism for interactions in mixtures is via toxicokinetics, as chemicals may alter the uptake, distri-
30 September 2016
bution, biotransformation and/or elimination of each other, and all these processes can be affected by
Accepted 2 October 2016
Available online 12 October 2016
temperature. In this study, the effect of temperature (T) on the toxicokinetics of copper (Cu) and
chlorpyriphos (CHP), applied either singly or in binary mixtures, was studied in the earthworm Eisenia
fetida. The experiments were conducted at 10 or 20  C and the earthworms were exposed to environ-
mentally realistic concentrations of Cu and/or CHP for 16 d, followed by a depuration period of 4 d in
Metal uncontaminated soil. The earthworms were sampled for body Cu and/or CHP concentrations and
Organophosphate insecticide acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity measurements. The CHP degradation rate in the soil was substan-
Kinetics tially higher at 20  C and in soil treated with Cu. The significant (p < 0.05) inhibition of AChE activity in
Invertebrate the earthworms exposed to CHP was found. The effect of Cu was significant only at p < 0.1. No synergistic
effect of the parallel CHP and Cu exposure was found. Four days after transferring the earthworms to
uncontaminated soil, the AChE activity recovered to the level observed in control animals. The tem-
perature effect on the toxicokinetic parameters was more pronounced for CHP than for Cu. In the case of
CHP, the assimilation rate constant (kA) was significantly higher at 20  C than at 10  C, both in CHP-only
and CHP þ Cu treatments. A similar trend was found for the elimination rate constant (kE), but the
difference was statistically significant only for non-Cu treatments. In the case of Cu, the general trend of
higher kA and kE at 20  C and in the absence of CHP was observed.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction mechanism for interactions in chemical mixtures is via tox-

icokinetics, as chemicals may alter the uptake, distribution,
In polluted soils, earthworms are exposed to many different biotransformation and/or elimination of each other (Spurgeon
potentially toxic chemicals. These chemicals may interact with each et al., 2010). Many toxicokinetic experiments have been conduct-
other and affect their toxicity to an organism. The problem of ed to understand the uptake and loss of different metals (e.g. Smith
mixture toxicity and the interactive effects of toxic chemicals and et al., 2010; Li et al., 2009; Nahmani et al., 2009; Vijver et al., 2005;
natural stressors (e.g. temperature) was identified at least 30 years Giska et al., 2014) and organic pollutants (Belfroid et al., 1994) by
ago (Cooney et al., 1983) and has been extensively reviewed over different species of earthworms, including Eisenia fetida. However,
the past few years (Van Gestel et al., 2010; Holmstrup et al., 2010; the effects of chemicals with different modes of action (i.e. a metal
Laskowski et al., 2010; Bednarska et al., 2013). The possible and a pesticide) on each other's toxicokinetics has rarely been
studied for terrestrial invertebrates.
The study by Lister et al. (2011) conducted on Lumbricus ter-
This paper has been recommended for acceptance by Dr. Chen Da. restris L. exposed to a binary mixture of a metal (nickel) and an
* Corresponding author. Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of organophosphate insecticide (chlorpyrifos) showed that Ni uptake
w, Poland.
Sciences, Mickiewicza 33, 31-120 Krako followed the same pattern as in the case of exposure to the single
E-mail address: bednarska@iop.krakow.pl (A.J. Bednarska).

0269-7491/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
568 A.J. Bednarska et al. / Environmental Pollution 220 (2017) 567e576

chemical. However, this was not the case for chlorpyrifos (CHP) of Industrial Organic Chemistry, Pszczyna Branch (Poland), and
which showed a faster rate of uptake and elimination and a slightly were kept at constant temperature of 20 ± 1  C in the OECD soil
higher equilibrium concentration in the mixture. On the other mixed with seasoned cow manure and dry shredded straw. Before
hand, Zhou et al. (2012) demonstrated that the uptake of Cu was starting the experiment, the earthworms were acclimatised for
completely stopped in E. fetida by the presence of glyphosate. Sig- 24 h to the experimental temperatures (T ¼ 10 or 20  C) and OECD
nificant interactions between metals and insecticides were also soil. The animals were not fed during the experiment. Tox-
found in invertebrates other than earthworms. Bednarska and icokinetics (TK) of copper and chlorpyriphos and the activity of
Kaszowska (2014) showed that the temporal pattern of internal acetylcholinesterase were followed at the two temperatures in the
Ni concentration in the ground beetle Pterostichus oblongopunctatus following combinations (nominal concentrations of chemicals in
depended on the concentration of CHP in its food. Nickel's tox- mg/kg dry weight soil followed by temperature): 0 Cu þ 0 CHP,
icokinetics were similar for the Ni-only exposure and in a mixture 10  C (C10); 0 Cu þ 0 CHP, 20  C (C20); 0 Cu þ 5 CHP, 10  C (CHP10);
with low CHP concentration (10 mg kg1), but was different for Ni 0 Cu þ 5 CHP, 20  C (CHP20); 200 Cu þ 0 CHP, 10  C (Cu10); 200
mixed with high CHP concentration (30 mg kg1). At a high con- Cu þ 0 CHP, 20  C (Cu20); 200 Cu þ 5 CHP, 10  C (CuCHP10); 200
centration, CHP decreased the accumulation of Ni, but no CHP effect Cu þ 5 CHP, 20  C (CuCHP20), five replicates each. The soil for all the
was found in the elimination phase when the animals were CHP treatments was prepared 48 h before starting the experiment.
switched to uncontaminated food (Bednarska and Kaszowska, CHP (min. 98% technical, Cheminova, Denmark) was added to the
2014). On the other hand, Broerse and Van Gestel (2010) OECD dry soil as an acetone (Ac) solution, mixed and left for 24 h
observed that, at non-lethal concentrations, CHP increased the under a fume board to let the acetone evaporate. Two additional
elimination rate of Ni in the collembolan Folsomia candida. acetone-only controls were run at each temperature: C10 þ Ac and
Not only chemical factors may interact with each other, but also C20 þ Ac. Twenty four hours before starting the experiment an
the simultaneous exposure to variable natural physicochemical aqueous solution of CuSO4 (CuSO4  5 H2O, POCh S.A., Poland) was
parameters may cause organisms to respond in an unexpected way. mixed with soil of all copper treatments. The remaining treatments
Physicochemical parameters of the environment, such as tempera- received at the same time 3.15 mM H2SO4 (min. 95%, POCh S.A.,
ture, moisture or pH, may interact with chemicals either directly, for Poland) to obtain equimolar concentrations of sulphate ions in all
example by changing their bioavailability, or indirectly by changing treatments. The soil was brought to 43.5% of its water holding ca-
the organism's biology and/or behaviour (Holmstrup et al., 2010). pacity in all the treatments.
The temperature-dependent differences in kinetic parameters have Ten adult earthworms were randomly selected for each replicate
been found for Cd in the collembolan Orchestella cincta (Janssen and and placed in a 0.5 L plastic container filled with 650 g wet soil (50 g
Bergema, 1991), and for Ni in P. oblongopunctatus larvae (Bednarska dry soil per earthworm). The containers were covered with perfo-
et al., 2011), but to our knowledge the effects of temperature on the rated lids to achieve adequate ventilation while preventing exces-
toxicokinetics of metals and pesticides in their binary mixtures have sive water evaporation during the experiment. Every second day
not been studied to date. the containers were weighed and the lost moisture was supple-
In our study copper (Cu) and the organophosphate insecticide mented with distilled water. The experiment was run in darkness.
chlorpyrifos (CHP) were used as they have different modes of action, The earthworms were exposed to contaminated soil for 16 d
and the co-occurrence of these pollutants is highly probable in (uptake phase) after which they were transferred for 4 d to un-
arable soils, especially in vineyards where CHP and Cu are sprayed as contaminated soil (the elimination phase, in literature described
a conventional protection of the vines against pests (Schreck et al., also as the decontamination phase). One earthworm was sampled
2012). Copper is an essential element but can be toxic if accumu- per replicate after 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 d since the start of exposure,
lated in excess (Holmstrup et al.,1998). The toxicity of Cu seems to be and 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 d since starting the elimination phase. Addi-
mostly due to free Cu ions combining with proteins and altering tionally, five earthworms per temperature were sampled right
their physiological functions. Moreover, excessive amounts of Cu before starting the experiment (time 0). The earthworms were
ions can react with thiol groups of membrane proteins, negatively collected after gently shaking a container until an earthworm
affecting membrane functioning or even destroying them appeared on the soil surface. Single animals were transferred with a
(Holmstrup et al., 1998). Copper was found to be regulated in Eisenia spatula to individually marked plastic sample tubes and killed by
fetida (Spurgeon and Hopkin, 1999) and E. andrei (Peijnenburg et al., freezing at 20  C for 30 min. Then, the earthworms were prepared
1999) and almost constant Cu body concentrations over a range of for further analyses (see below). Soil for chemical analysis was
soil concentrations were found for Lumbricus rebellus and Dendro- sampled before starting the experiment (time 0) and 6 h after
drilus rubidus by Morgan and Morgan (1988). Chlorpyrifos is one of finishing the exposure phase, one sample per replicate. Soil sam-
the most widely used and best-studied pesticides in terms of its ples, 65 g wet weight, were placed in 50 mL hermetic plastic tubes
effects on soil invertebrates in the laboratory and in the field (Ja €nsch and frozen at 20  C until analysis.
et al., 2006). The rapid accumulation and elimination of CHP has
been found in L. terrestris (Lister et al., 2011), providing the evidence 2.2. Tissue sampling
for the metabolism of this pesticide by earthworms. The mode of
action of CHP is through acetylcholinesterase inhibition at the syn- After removal from the freezer, each earthworm was flushed
aptic junction, thus acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was chosen with a cooled (6e8  C) 0.02 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) to clean
as a biomarker in our study. To check the effect of temperature on the the surface from remnant soil particles and de-freeze the tissues.
toxicokinetics of Cu under the exposure to CHP and vice versa, we Then, the animals were weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg (AS 160/C/2
exposed E. fetida to the chemicals, applied either singly or in a binary Radwag, Poland) and dissected under the stereo-microscope. The
mixture, at two temperatures: 10 and 20  C. first 8 body segments (anterior part including the pair of cerebral
ganglia) were cut off and, after removing the contents of alimentary
2. Materials and methods tract by flushing with the phosphate buffer, were placed in a plastic
tube, frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at 70  C for further
2.1. Animals and experimental design acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity measurements. The remaining
body part was divided into two sections by cutting it after the 48th
The earthworms, Eisenia fetida, were obtained from the Institute segment (hence, the second part consisted of the middle 40
A.J. Bednarska et al. / Environmental Pollution 220 (2017) 567e576 569

segments). Both sections were dissected longitudinally and the decanted to plastic tubes, sealed and stored in a fridge until anal-
contents of the alimentary tract was removed by flushing with the ysis. Copper concentration in the samples was analysed with a
phosphate buffer. Each part was placed in a separate Eppendorf graphite furnace AAS (Perkin-Elmer AAnalyst 800) and expressed
tube and frozen at 20  C for further analyses of CHP and Cu in mg kg1 dry body mass. To check the analytical precision, three
concentrations in the middle and posterior part of the body, blanks and three samples of reference material (fish liver - Certified
respectively. The sample processing time, between de-freezing an Reference Material Dolt-4 Dogfish Liver, National Research Council of
earthworm and freezing the dissected fragments back, was Canada) were run with the samples.
2e4 min for the first 8 segments and 9e15 min for the remaining Approximately 1 g dry soil was digested in 10 mL of HNO3 (65%,
two body parts. INSTRA-Analysed; Baker, Germany) in 50 mL Erlenmeyer flasks,
increasing the temperature gradually from ca. 20  C (overnight) to
2.3. Acetylcholinesterase activity analysis 150  C. The excess of the digestive mixture was evaporated and the
samples were then resuspended to 25 mL with deionized water,
The samples were homogenised on ice in 0.02 M phosphate stored overnight, decanted to plastic sample tubes and stored in a
buffer (pH 7.4) with 0.1 % Triton X-100 (Sigma-Aldrich, Germany), at refrigerator until analysis. Copper concentration was measured on
1:4 tissue:buffer ratio (w:v), using a mechanical homogeniser (PRO flame AAS (Perkin-Elmer AAnalyst 200) and expressed in mg kg1
200, Bioeko, Poland). The homogenates were centrifuged at 4  C for dry mass. Three blank samples and three samples of certified
15 min at 15,000g (centrifuge MPW-350R, MPW MED Instruments, reference material (Sand 1, CRM048-50 g, Sigma-Aldrich, USA)
Poland). The supernatant from each sample was used for AChE were run in parallel.
activity and protein content analyses. The measured copper concentrations in the certified materials
Acetylcholinesterase activity was measured according to the were always within ±7% of the certified values. The results were not
modified method by Ellman et al. (1961) on 96-well plates (Sar- corrected for recovery.
stedt, USA), using the mQuant spectrometer (Bio-TEK Instruments,
USA). The final reaction mixture contained 5 mL of sample, 180 ml of 2.5.2. Chlorpyriphos
0.02 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) and 10 mL of 0.01 M DTNB (5,50 - The middle body part of each earthworm was first cut into
dithiobis(2-nitro-benzoic acid); Sigma-Aldrich, Germany) solution smaller pieces with a scalpel and then homogenised in an Eppen-
in 0.1 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.0, Sigma-Aldrich, Germany). The reaction dorf tube with a pestle in 0.3e0.6 mL acetonitrile (POCh S.A.,
was started by adding 5 mL of 0.1 M acetylthiocholine iodide ((2- Poland) for 3e5 min. The homogenate was made up to 1 mL with
mercaptoethyl) trimethylammonium iodide acetate; Sigma- acetonitrile, which was also used to flush tissue remnants from the
Aldrich, Germany) as a substrate. Absorbance at 405 nm was then pestle. The homogenate was quantitatively transferred to the SPE
determined in 36 s intervals over 3 min. The reaction mixture with cartridge (ISOLUTE-NH2, 100 mg, 1 mL) and flushed two times with
phosphate buffer (0.02 M, pH 7.4) was used as a negative control. 1 mL of acetonitrile:toluene 3:1 (v:v) mixture. The SPE cartridges
The mean readings of three replicates per sample were taken for were previously conditioned with 1 mL of acetonitrile and 1 mL of
the calculation of AChE activity. AChE activity was expressed in acetonitrile:toluene, 3:1, respectively. Then, the cartridge was dried
nmol acetylcholine hydrolised per min per mg protein (nmol min1 under vacuum and the sample was collected in a 3 mL glass sample
mg protein1). tube and evaporated to dryness at 40  C in the stream of nitrogen.
After complete evaporation, the residues were dissolved in 200 mL
2.4. Protein analysis of ethyl acetate (POCh S.A., Poland). The solution was transferred to
a GC autosampler vials equipped with 250 mL glass adapters. The
Protein content in the same homogenate as used for the AChE analyses were performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrom-
analysis was assessed using Bradford's reagent (Sigma, USA; etry (GC-MS, Clarus 600, Perkin Elmer). To check the CHP recovery,
Bradford, 1976). The absorbance was measured at 592 nm, using five samples of the middle parts of the unexposed earthworms
bovine serum albumin (BSA standard; Sigma, USA) as a standard were spiked with 50 mL of CHP solution to obtain concentrations of
(Technical Bulletin, Sigma). approximately 5 mg kg1. These samples, together with three
samples uncontaminated with CHP, were processed according to
2.5. Chemical analyses above-mentioned procedure. The percentage of recovery was
85 ± 15 (average ± SD). The analytical results for the CHP-exposed
All sampled individuals were analysed for both CHP and Cu earthworms were not corrected for recovery. The cartridges with
concentrations. Soil samples were analysed for actual CHP con- tissues after extraction were then dried for 6 d at room tempera-
centration right before the start of the experiment (d 0) and after ture. Then, the tissues were removed from the cartridges and
completing the exposure phase, i.e. after 16 d. The total Cu con- weighed on a laboratory balance (Sartorius M2P, Germany) to the
centration in the soil was analysed before the start of the nearest 0.001 mg. CHP concentration was expressed in mg kg1 dry
experiment. tissue mass.
Approximately 0.5 mg dry soil was homogenised/extracted with
2.5.1. Copper 1 mL acetone (POCh S.A., Poland) in Eppendorf tube using a vortex
The samples of the posterior body part were placed into glass mixer. After centrifugation at 1000g for 10 min, 0.5 mL of extract
sample tubes, oven-dried at 105  C for 12 h and weighed to the was transferred to autosampler vials. The procedure was repeated
nearest 0.1 mg (AS 160/C/2 Radwag, Poland). The average sample twice and the combined volumes of extracts were analysed by the
dry weight (±SD) was 11.5 ± 3.4 mg. The samples were then GC-MS system. The recovery for the soil samples, calculated as an
digested in 2 mL of concentrated HNO3 (65%, INSTRA-Analysed; average value (±SD) of three samples previously spiked with CHP at
Baker, Germany) at a temperature gradually increasing from ca. concentrations of 1, 4 and 6 mg kg1, was 96 ± 0.4%. The analytical
20  C (overnight) to ca. 100  C, with final evaporation at results were not corrected for recovery. Limits of detection (LOD)
120e130  C. The samples were evaporated to ca. 0.3e0.5 mL and for the earthworm and soil samples were 0.12 and 0.51 mg kg1,
the remaining solution, after cooling down to room temperature, respectively and was calculated from calibration curve, using
was made up to 5 mL with deionized water, vortexed, and 12 h later standard deviation of intensity intercept line.
570 A.J. Bednarska et al. / Environmental Pollution 220 (2017) 567e576

2.6. Statistical analysis Cu concentrations in the earthworms at t∞, Ceq ¼ CEu$(kA/kE).

All statistical analyses were performed using Statgraphics
Before data analysis, the control treatments were tested for Centurion XVII (Statpoint Technologies, Inc.). Data are reported as
solvent effects. As no acetone effect was found, all the controls were average ± SD unless stated otherwise.
pooled. The combined effect of CHP, Cu, temperature and time
(sampling day) on AChE activity was tested with multiple ANOVA, 3. Results
including all factors and their interactions, separately for the
exposure and elimination phase. Nonsignificant interactions were The measured Cu concentration in contaminated soil,
removed consecutively from the model until only those significant 197.8 ± 9.48 mg kg1, was in good accordance with the nominal
at p  0.05 remained. As residuals did not follow normal distri- concentration (200 mg kg1). The soil not treated with Cu had a
bution (p  0.05), the AChE values were log-transformed to fulfil very low content of this element: 1.33 ± 0.45 mg kg1. These two
the normality assumption. concentrations were used in the Cu TK modelling as concentrations
The pattern of change in internal copper concentrations (CI) over of the metal in soil for the uptake phase (CEu) and elimination phase
time (t) was described for all Cu-treated earthworms (i.e. Cu10, (CEd), respectively.
Cu20, CuCHP10 and CuCHP20) with a one-compartment model The measured concentration in CHP-contaminated soil at the
(Skip et al., 2014): start of the experiment (t0), i.e. 48 h after adding CHP to the soil,
for the uptake phase (t < tc): was 4.59 ± 0.96 mg kg1 (91.8% of the nominal concentration
5 mg kg1), and at the end of the uptake phase (t16) were as follows
(in mg kg1): CHP20, 4.43 ± 1.25; CHP10, 4.15 ± 0.62; CuCHP10,
CI ðtÞ ¼ CI0 $ekE $t þ CEu 1  ekE $t
kE 3.14 ± 0.35; CuCHP20, 2.50 ± 0.50. Thus, the lowest degradation
rate was found in CHP10, with 96.4% of the initial content still
and for the elimination phase (t > tc): present in soil after 16 d; the estimated degradation constant kCHP
was 0.0023 d1, and the half-life (t50) - 305 d. The next slowest
CI ðtÞ ¼ CItc $ekE $ðttc Þ þ CEd 1  ekE ðttc Þ degradation was found in CHP20: 90.3% of CHP remained in the soil
kE at t16, resulting in kCHP ¼ 0.0064 day1 and t50 ¼ 108 d. The pres-
ence of Cu in the soil clearly accelerated the degradation rate of
CHP: at 10  C (CuCHP10) 68.3% CHP remained after 16 d
kA   (kCHP ¼ 0.0238 d1, t50 ¼ 29 d), and at 20  C (CuCHP20) the
CItc ¼ CI0 $ekE $tc þ CEu 1  ekE $tc degradation was the fastest, leaving only 54.4% of initial CHP con-
tent after 16 d (kCHP ¼ 0.0380 d1, t50 ¼ 18 d). These large differ-
The symbols used in the model and the units of model param- ences between treatments in the CHP degradation rates meant that
eters were as follows: kA e the assimilation rate constant [day1], kE the actual exposure of the earthworms to the insecticide decreased
e the elimination rate constant [day1], tc e the time of changing with time at different rates among the treatments. Therefore, the
the soil from contaminated to uncontaminated (here: 16th d of the treatment-specific degradation rates were incorporated into the TK
experiment) [days], CI0e the initial body metal concentration at models as described in the Methods section. No mortality was
t ¼ 0, given in the model explicitly as the average Cu concentration recorded during the experiment.
measured in ten individuals before starting the exposure (Day 0)
(7.99 mg kg1 dw), CEu and CEd e the exposure concentration in soil 3.1. Acetylcholinesterase activity
(measured) in the uptake and elimination phase, respectively [mg
kg1 dw]. Multiple ANOVA revealed a significant effect of CHP (p ¼ 0.029)
The pattern of change in CHP concentrations over time was and time of exposure (p ¼ 0.0097) on AChE activity in the uptake
described for CHP10, CHP20, CuCHP10 and CuCHP20 with a similar phase. Neither Cu nor temperature affected AChE activity (p ¼ 0.98
set of equations with the following modifications: and p ¼ 0.75, respectively). A significant interaction between time
and CHP (p ¼ 0.044) indicated that the CHP effect on AChE activity
(1) To incorporate CHP degradation, which was expected to changed over time. Also, a significant interaction between CHP and
depend on temperature and/or simultaneous Cu exposure, Cu (p ¼ 0.0016) was found. Due to the significant effect of time and
CEu in all equations was replaced with CEu$e(kCHP$t), where two significant interactions, further multiple ANOVA was per-
kCHP stands for treatment-specific CHP degradation rate as formed separately for each sampling day, with all the remaining
different degradation rates were used depending on tem- factors (CHP, Cu, T) and their interactions. The analysis revealed
perature (10 or 20  C) and Cu treatment (0 or 200 mg kg1). that the CHP decreased AChE activity 12 h after starting the expo-
(2) As the initial CHP concentration in earthworms was assumed sure (p ¼ 0.047), with no other factor or interaction being signifi-
to be null, CI0 was set to zero. cant. None of the factors was significant on d 1, 2, 4 and 8, and on
(3) Because the soil was not contaminated with CHP during the 16th d a significant (p ¼ 0.001) decrease in AChE activity was found
elimination phase, CEd was set to zero. again in the CHP-treated earthworms (Table 1). At d 16, AChE ac-
tivity was also lower in Cu-treated worms at p ¼ 0.079 (Table 1). No
The kinetic parameters kA and kE were obtained by simulta- temperature effect was found and no significant interaction be-
neously fitting the equations to the data from both experimental tween any of the factors was detected (p > 0.1) at the end of the
phases using the Marquardt procedure. After fitting the initial uptake phase.
model, data points with the studentised residuals greater than 3 Multiple ANOVA for AChE activity in the elimination phase
were excluded as outliers and the final model was fitted. All the revealed the following variables and interactions being significant:
parameters were checked for significance using 95% confidence CHP (p ¼ 0.01), time (p ¼ 0.04), CHP  Cu (p ¼ 0.040) and CHP  T
intervals. The confidence intervals around the estimated parame- (p ¼ 0.0002). Again, to see if AChE activity remained significantly
ters were also used to compare the treatments. decreased in CHP treatment throughout the elimination phase, the
The estimated TK parameters for Cu were used to calculate multiple ANOVA for each sampling day was performed separately.
bioaccumulation factors (BAF ¼ kA/kE) and theoretical equilibrium The results showed that the negative effect of CHP on AChE activity
A.J. Bednarska et al. / Environmental Pollution 220 (2017) 567e576 571

disappeared at the last day of the elimination phase (p ¼ 0.52).

chlorpyriphos for 16 d in the artificial OECD soil) and after switching for 4 d to the uncontaminated OECD soil (elimination phase, starting after day 16); the treatment symbols stand for: C e control for a specific temperature, CHP
Average (±standard deviation) activities of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in nmol min1 mg protein1 measured in Eisenia fetida sampled at different time points during the uptake phase (earthworms exposed to copper and/or

18.05 (N ¼ 5)
10.7 (N ¼ 5)
6.85 (N ¼ 5)
6.40 (N ¼ 5)
6.50 (N ¼ 5)
6.56 (N ¼ 5)

None of the other experimental factors or their interactions were

significant at the last day of the experiment.

3.2. Toxicokinetics of copper and chlorpyriphos



Copper accumulated during the exposure in all Cu treatments
(Cu10, Cu20, CuCHP10 and CuCHP20). The one-compartment TK
models explained between 24.8 and 50.6% of the total temporal-
13.78 (N ¼ 5)
11.34 (N ¼ 5)

10.72 (N ¼ 5)

10.62 (N ¼ 5)
9.26 (N ¼ 5)
7.05 (N ¼ 5)

9.12 (N ¼ 5)

6.57 (N ¼ 5)
6.73 (N ¼ 5)
9.35 (N ¼ 5)
plus-individual variance in Cu concentrations (Fig. 1), with model
parameters being statistically significant in all treatments: the
asymptotic 95% confidence intervals did not cover 0 in any case. In
general, the assimilation (kA) and elimination (kE) rates were


higher at 20  C and in CHP-free treatments (Table 2), but neither


temperature nor CHP effects were statistically significant (i.e. the
confidence intervals for the estimated parameters overlapped
13.39 (N ¼ 5)
11.35 (N ¼ 5)
16.86 (N ¼ 5)
11.76 (N ¼ 5)

11.44 (N ¼ 5)

46.78 ± 8.61 (N ¼ 5)
3.55 (N ¼ 5)

36.9 ± 4.99 (N ¼ 5)
41.3 ± 6.54 (N ¼ 5)

53.6 ± 9.65 (N ¼ 5)
between treatments). The only significant difference was found
for kA between Cu20 and CuCHP10 (Table 2). Within each tem-
perature the estimated bioaccumulation factors and equilibrium
Cu concentrations were almost identical in treatments, with or

without CHP: Cu10 BAF ¼ 0.12, Ceq ¼ 23.9 mg kg1 vs. CuCHP10

BAF ¼ 0.11, Ceq ¼ 20.9 mg kg1; Cu20 BAF ¼ 0.15,

Ceq ¼ 28.8 mg kg1 vs. CuCHP20 BAF ¼ 0.16, and
Ceq ¼ 30.7 mg kg1.
63.7 ± 16.98 (N ¼ 8)

11.38 (N ¼ 7)

16.09 (N ¼ 7)
18.54 (N ¼ 7)
10.66 (N ¼ 7)
12.99 (N ¼ 7)

14.49 (N ¼ 6)
5.79 (N ¼ 7)

8.68 (N ¼ 7)
7.13 (N ¼ 7)
6.43 (N ¼ 7)

The toxicokinetic models for CHP generally fitted the data

better than the models for Cu, with R2 between 64.6% and 86.0%
and all parameters significant at p  0.05 (Fig. 2). The temperature
effect on the TK parameters was more pronounced for CHP than


for Cu, and kA was significantly higher at 20  C than at 10  C both



in CHP-only exposed earthworms and in those exposed to both

chemicals combined (Table 2). Similar differences between tem-
14.18 (N ¼ 5)
13.77 (N ¼ 5)

11.72 (N ¼ 5)

54.21 ± 6.52 (N ¼ 5)

55.1 ± 10.29 (N ¼ 5)
6.96 (N ¼ 5)
8.91 (N ¼ 5)

9.05 (N ¼ 5)

57.1 ± 9.73 (N ¼ 4)

54.0 ± 7.30 (N ¼ 5)

peratures were found for kE, but the confidence intervals did not
overlap only for Cu-free treatments. Additional contamination of
the soil with Cu substantially decreased kA and kE for CHP, with
statistically significant differences found at 20  C.


The low degradation rate of CHP in the CHP10 treatment (see


above) resulted in a nearly classic TK curve. Regardless of unex-

pectedly high CHP concentrations observed at the 8th d of
exposure, the fitted TK curve indicated fast accumulation of the
13.03 (N ¼ 5)

16.25 (N ¼ 5)
13.58 (N ¼ 5)

13.31 (N ¼ 5)

10.07 (N ¼ 5)

11.31 (N ¼ 5)
e chlorpyriphos at 5 mg kg1, Cu e copper at 200 mg kg1, numbers e temperature in  C.

9.86 (N ¼ 5)

6.97 (N ¼ 5)

9.36 (N ¼ 5)

6.16 (N ¼ 5)

pesticide in the first 4 d followed by approximately stable con-

centration up to the end of the uptake phase. TK of CHP in the
presence of Cu was similar within temperatures, but lower CHP
concentrations and a slight decrease in concentration during the




uptake phase was seen due to the higher CHP degradation rate in
the treatments with Cu. At 20  C the highest concentrations of
CHP were already reached within the first 2 d of exposure in both
12.86 (N ¼ 5)
15.38 (N ¼ 5)
11.47 (N ¼ 5)
11.25 (N ¼ 5)
10.76 (N ¼ 5)

16.51 (N ¼ 5)

14.03 (N ¼ 5)

CHP-only and CHP þ Cu-exposed earthworms, and were clearly

5.96 (N ¼ 5)

8.67 (N ¼ 5)
4.96 (N ¼ 5)

higher than in the corresponding treatments at 10  C (Fig. 2). Due

to the fast degradation rate of CHP, and thus the rapidly
decreasing exposure concentration, a decrease of internal CHP



concentration was observed already at 20  C in the uptake phase,



and was particularly noticeable in CuCHP20. Nevertheless, the

CHP concentrations in earthworms at the end of the uptake phase
were still slightly higher at 20  C than 10  C (Fig. 2). No bio-
61.1 ± 13.32 (N ¼ 8)


11.30 (N ¼ 7)

10.62 (N ¼ 7)
13.47 (N ¼ 5)
7.20 (N ¼ 7)

accumulation factors or equilibrium concentrations were calcu-


lated for CHP, as these make no sense for fast-degrading


chemicals such as organic insecticides.





4. Discussion

The study revealed a significant decrease in AChE activity in

Time [days]

earthworms exposed to an environmentally realistic concentra-

tion of CHP in the soil at both the tested temperatures. The
Table 1


moderate copper effect, at p ¼ 0.079, was visible only on 16th d of





exposure. Four days after moving to uncontaminated soil, the

572 A.J. Bednarska et al. / Environmental Pollution 220 (2017) 567e576

80 80
Cu10 (R2=33.2%) Cu20 (R2=50.6%)
60 60

Cu (mg/kg)

Cu (mg/kg)
40 40

20 20

0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 12 16 20
time (days) time (days)

80 80
CuCHP10 (R 2=24.8%) CuCHP20 (R2=29.9%)
60 60
Cu (mg/kg)

Cu (mg/kg)
40 40

20 20

0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 12 16 20
time (days) time (days)

Fig. 1. Copper toxicokinetics in the earthworms Eisenia fetida at 10 and 20  C in soil contaminated either with copper (Cu) only or with a combination of copper and chlorpyriphos
(CuCHP); after 16 d of exposure, the animals were transferred to uncontaminated soil. Small crosses indicate data points excluded from the model (studentised residuals >3 in the
preliminary fit).

Table 2 only once - before the start of the experiment. The water-soluble
Assimilation rates (kA) and elimination rates (kE) of the one-compartment tox- fraction of Cu in soil was not followed in the uptake phase, so we
icokinetic models for copper (Cu) and chlorpyriphos (CHP) in Eisenia fetida, with
confidence intervals (in italics); L stands for the lower band and H for the higher
cannot exclude the possibility of bioavailability changes over time.
band of the 95% confidence interval. On the other hand, Lu et al. (2009) showed that aging (3e56 days)
had little effect on Cu bioavailability to earthworms. Also, a single
Treatment kA kA L kA H kE kE L kE H
application of CHP, resulting in the concentration of ca. 5 mg kg1
Cu toxicokinetics soil, is environmentally realistic, as typical agricultural soil appli-
Cu10 0.026 0.014 0.038 0.213 0.118 0.309
cations of CHP result in soil surface residues of 0.3e32 mg kg1
Cu20 0.041 0.026 0.056 0.282 0.185 0.380
CuCHP10 0.014 0.006 0.021 0.128 0.050 0.206 (Racke et al., 1994). The concentration of chlorpyrifos at 5 mg kg1
CuCHP20 0.024 0.011 0.037 0.155 0.065 0.245 in OECD soil did not affect growth but had some negative effect on
CHP toxicokinetics the fecundity of the earthworm Eisenia fetida after 8 weeks of
CHP10 1.264 0.902 1.625 0.758 0.540 0.976
exposure (Zhou et al., 2007), which, however, was not confirmed in
CHP20 4.915 3.690 6.140 1.750 1.294 2.206
CuCHP10 0.734 0.516 0.952 0.526 0.353 0.699
another study by the same research team (Zhou et al., 2011).
CuCHP20 1.863 1.514 2.213 0.849 0.669 1.030 Chlorpyriphos is a relatively non-persistent broad-spectrum
insecticide, with a surface soil half-life ranging from one to 24
weeks, depending on soil moisture, microbial activity, organic
AChE activity recovered to the level observed in the control matter content and temperature (Odenkirchen and Eisler, 1988).
earthworms. Both kA and kE for Cu were higher at 20  C and in non- Hence, the degradation rates observed in our study agree in most
CHP treatments but only the difference between Cu20 and cases with those reported in the literature. The only exception was
CuCHP10 was significant. In the case of CHP toxicokinetics, kA was the CHP10 treatment with t50 ¼ 305 d, but it must be kept in mind
significantly higher at 20  C in both treatments. A similar trend for that the artificial OECD soil was used in the study, hence the mi-
CHP kE was found, but the difference was statistically significant crobial degradation was probably very low. Because the experiment
only for non-Cu treatments. was performed in darkness, there was also no photodegradation.
The temperature on the CHP degradation rate was confirmed in our
study by almost 3 times lower half-life at 20  C than at 10  C in CHP-
4.1. Justification of the concentrations used and the CHP only treatments. The presence of Cu additionally decreased the CPF
degradation rate half-life substantially: from 305 to 29 d at 10  C, and from 108 to
18 d at 20  C. The earlier study showed that degradation rate of CHP
The background level of Cu in soils all over the world ranges in wastewater was stimulated by the application of Cu at 5 mg L1,
between 14 and 109 mg kg1 and is closely associated with the increasing the degradation constant from 0.0542 h1 to 0.091 h1
parent material and soil formation processes, but high Cu concen- in the control (Khalid et al., 2016). Also, Rafique et al. (2016) found
trations up to 1500 mg kg1 in agricultural soils and 4000 mg kg1 that Cu increased the rate of CHP photodegradation in soil six-fold,
in soils polluted by industrial sources can be found (Kabata- whereas the microbial degradation increased this rate two-fold. As
Pendias, 2011). Thus, the total concentration of 200 mg kg1 soil the most plausible mechanism for the positive effect of Cu on CHP
used in our study is within the range of environmentally realistic degradation, both Khalid et al. (2016) and Rafique et al. (2016)
levels for moderately polluted areas. As the total Cu concentration indicated the fact that Cu ions influence the activity of soil micro-
in the soil does not change with time, it was analysed in the soil organisms that degrade the pesticide.
A.J. Bednarska et al. / Environmental Pollution 220 (2017) 567e576 573

CHP10 (R =69.6%) C HP20 (R =83.6%)

CHP (mg/kg)

CHP (mg/kg)
time (days) time (days)

CuCHP10 (R2=64.6%) CuCHP20 (R =86.0%)

CHP (mg/kg)

CHP (mg/kg)
time (days) time (days)

Fig. 2. Chlorpyriphos toxicokinetics in earthworms Eisenia fetida at 10 and 20  C in soil contaminated either with chlorpyriphos (CHP) only or with a combination of copper and
chlorpyriphos (CuCHP); after 16 d of exposure, the animals were transferred to uncontaminated soil. Small crosses indicate data points excluded from the model (studentised
residuals >3 in the preliminary fit).

4.2. Comparison of internal levels of chemicals found in E. fetida being reached after approximately 2.5 d, we did not calculate Ceq
with other studies/species for our data as such calculations do not make much sense for fast-
degrading chemicals. We found the highest maximal mean internal
The theoretical equilibrium Cu concentrations in the earth- CHP concentration in the uptake phase, 14.1 mg kg1, in CHP20
worms calculated in our study range from 21 to 31 mg kg1 dry treatment after 2 d of CHP exposure; the lowest e in earthworms
weight. Because the metal kinetic parameters depend on the exposed to CHP-only at 10  C, where 6.8 mg kg1 was reached at
exposure concentration (Bednarska et al., 2015; Lock and Janssen, day 16. At the end of the exposure period (day 16), the internal CHP
2001), the comparison of our results with published data is diffi- body concentrations were: 6.7 ± 1.8, 6.8 ± 2.6, 9.2 ± 5.5 and
cult, as different authors have used different exposure concentra- 7.0 ± 2.5 mg kg1 for CHP10, CuCHP10, CHP20 and CuCHP20
tions. Moreover, the use of different equations to describe metal TK respectively. For comparison, a tissue concentration of ca.
by other authors complicates a comparison of the results. The 10 mg kg1, with differences of up to a factor of 5 between the
comparable study on E. fetida, although with fixed initial body Cu lowest and highest individual values within time points, was found
concentration and conducted over a different time scale (42 d of for L. rubellus exposed to much higher CHP concentrations, i.e.
exposure) and soil type (field soil contaminated with 161 mg Cu 25 mg kg1, for 7 d at 12 ± 2  C (Spurgeon et al., 2011). Spurgeon
kg1 dry weight), was performed by Nahmani et al. (2009). The et al. (2011) concluded that an inherent inter-individual variation
equilibrium Cu concentration of 26.5 mg kg1 dry weight reported in pollutant handling is a characteristic of earthworms under many
in that work, based on data for the whole body mean values, is exposure scenarios.
within the rage found in our study. The values of kA and kE obtained
in our study and by Nahmani et al. (2009) were within a factor of 2 4.3. Toxicokinetics of Cu and CHP at different temperatures
for earthworms exposed at a constant temperature of 20  C. On the
other hand, up to ca. 3-fold higher Cu concentration (60 mg kg1) Although Cu accumulated in the exposed earthworms during
than in our study was found in a similar species, E. andrei, exposed the uptake phase, the internal body concentration decreased
to 192 mg Cu kg1 dry weight of sandy forest soil for 4 weeks at rapidly after moving the animals to the uncontaminated soil.
15  C (Svendsen and Weeks, 1997). However, in contrast to our and Spurgeon and Hopkin (1999) also found that Cu-exposed E. fetida
Nahmani et al. (2009) studies, Svendsen and Weeks (1997) pro- was able to remove an excess of the metal efficiently. However,
vided E. andrei with food during the exposure, so the Cu found in metal kinetics can be temperature-dependent, resulting in different
the food (81 mg kg1 dry weight) also contributed to the exposure kA and/or kE at different temperatures, as partly shown in our
and, thus, to the total body burden. studies: both kA and kE were higher at 20  C than at 10  C within
The quantitative comparison of internal CHP concentrations both the CHP and non-CHP treatments (even if the 95% confidence
found in our study with published data for earthworms is even intervals for the estimated parameters overlapped for these treat-
more difficult than in the case of Cu due to different degradation ments). Similarly, Janssen and Bergema (1991) found out that
rates of CHP under different experimental conditions, which were O. cincta increased Cd accumulation and excretion rates at 20  C
not taken into account in earlier studies. Neither Lister et al. (2011) compared to 10  C, resulting in similar body burdens at both
nor Spurgeon et al. (2011) included the degradation rate of CHP in temperatures. In contrast to O. cincta, in Platynothrus peltifer only
their toxicokinetic models for earthworms. Although Lister et al. the assimilation rate increased with temperature, while the elimi-
(2011) reported the predicted ‘equilibrium’ concentration for CHP nation rate was not temperature-dependent, resulting in higher
in L. terrestris of approximately 10 mg kg1 and 5 mg kg1 in internal concentrations at 20  C than at 10  C (Janssen and
earthworms exposed to CHP at either 50 mg kg1 or 25 mg kg1, Bergema, 1991). The estimated equilibrium Cu concentrations in
574 A.J. Bednarska et al. / Environmental Pollution 220 (2017) 567e576

our studies, similar to the study on P. peltifer (Janssen and Bergema, another organophosphate insecticide, pirimiphos-methyl, in OECD
1991), were higher in earthworms exposed at 20  C than at 10  C, so soil also caused a significant inhibition of AChE activity in a dose-
although both kA and kE for Cu seem to increase with temperature dependent manner, and the highest inhibition of AChE activity
in E. fetida, the increase in kA was not fully compensated for by the was achieved 6 d after exposure to the highest dose (2 mg kg1 soil)
increase in kE. of pirimiphos-methyl, and after 15 d of exposure a slight increase in
CHP was rapidly accumulated by the earthworms, and the the activity was recorded (Velki and Hackenberger, 2013a). On the
fastest accumulation was seen at 20  C, especially in the CHP-only other hand, in the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa exposed to
treatment, where the maximum concentration was reached already nominal concentrations of either 1 or 10 mg kg1 for 3 and 21 d, the
after 2 d of exposure. The elimination rate was also fast, and after inhibition of AChE was more pronounced after 21 d of exposure
4 d of elimination its concentration dropped to 0.2 (at CHP10) e 0.7 (Sanchez-Hernandez et al., 2014). Thus, the effect of OPs on
(at CuCHP10) mg kg1. A high rate of CHP elimination was found earthworms can differ between species and depends on the
also in L. terrestris (Lister et al., 2011). In general, in our experiment exposure level and time of exposure. Species also differ greatly in
the temperature effect on kinetic parameters was more pro- the baseline AChE activity, which was found to be 51.5 ± 4.6 to
nounced for CHP than for Cu, as statistically significant differences 54.2 ± 4.5 nmol min1 mg1 protein for E. andrei (Velki and
between the TK parameters at different temperatures were found Hackenberger, 2013a), but 593 ± 174 nmol min1 mg1 protein
for CHP. for A. caliginosa (Sanchez-Hernandez et al., 2014). In our study,
AChE activity in unexposed E. fetida at 20  C was
4.4. Toxicokinetics of Cu under the exposure to CHP and vice versa 52.0e67.4 nmol min1 mg protein1 e very similar values to those
obtained by Velki and Hackenberger (2013a) for the closely related
We did not find a significant effect of CHP on the Cu kinetic species, E. andrei. However, because different authors measured
parameters for E. fetida, although kA and kE were visibly higher at AChE activity in different parts of the earthworms (whole earth-
Cu-only than in mixture treatments at both 10  C and 20  C. worms were used by Velki and Hackenberger (2013a), wall muscle
Similarly, in L. terrestris exposed to a mixture of 70 mg kg1 Ni and tissues by Sanchez-Hernandez et al. (2014) and we used the ante-
25 mg kg1 CHP, the patterns of metal uptake were not statistically rior part of the body) the direct comparison of the baseline AChE
different between the single and mixture exposures, but a signifi- activity between species is difficult.
cant difference between the single-chemical and mixture treat- Knowledge about the recovery of enzyme activity after exposure
ments was found for CHP (Lister et al., 2011). Also, in our study to OPs is important for predicting the period in which, after the
additional contamination of soil with Cu decreased kA and kE for exposure to an insecticide, changes in the organism can still be
CHP, with statistically significant differences found at 20  C. On the detected (Velki and Hackenberger, 2013b). The recovery of enzyme
other hand, Zhou et al. (2012) demonstrated that the uptake of Cu activity after exposure to OPs is usually slow, relying on reactivation
by E. fetida was completely stopped by the presence of glyphosate and/or de novo biosynthesis of new enzyme particles after elimi-
(GPS) which, similarly to CHP, is also an organophosphorus com- nation of the insecticide from the body (Aamodt et al., 2007). In our
pound, but used as a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide, not as an study, however, the recovery of AChE activity was fast, as already
insecticide. A further study indicated that GPS could reduce the 4 d after transferring to the clean soil the previously exposed
bioavailability of Cu in the soil because of its strong chelating effects earthworms had AChE activity similar to the control animals. This
(Zhou et al., 2013). was not the case in the study by Aamodt et al. (2007) on E. fetida, in
which cholinesterase activity displayed an extremely slow recovery
4.5. Acetylcholinesterase to normal activity after the OP-mediated inhibition e it only started
to recover 3 weeks after the exposure. However, the authors
The important issue when comparing the toxicokinetics of CHP, exposed the earthworms for 48 h to an extremely high CHP con-
either at different temperatures or in the presence of copper, is that centration, 240 mg kg1 soil, which is 48 times higher than that
measurement of the parent compound may not be a good indicator used in our study, causing drastic inhibition of the enzyme (Aamodt
of the toxicodynamics of this pesticide. This is because CHP itself et al., 2007).
has lower acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity than its primary Studies involving three stressors with different modes of action
metabolite, chlorpyriphos-oxon (Monnet-Tschudi et al., 2000). are exceptional (Heugens et al., 2006), and to our knowledge no
Although Lister et al. (2011) confirmed the presence of the previous studies have investigated the effects of a natural stressor
chlorpyrifos-oxon in L. terrestris exposed to 25 or 50 mg CHP kg1, (e.g., temperature) in combination with binary mixtures of chem-
the detected concentrations in worms were ca. 1000-fold lower icals with different modes of action (e.g. a metal and a pesticide) on
than the parent molecule, making detailed appraisal of CHP-oxon AChE activity. In aquatic species, a combination of OPs (carbofuran,
toxicokinetics impossible. Therefore, the specific effect of CHP on dichlorvos or malathion) with metals (arsenic or copper) had a
AChE activity was followed over time, rather than the pattern of synergistic effect on the inhibition of AChE activity in the micro-
chlorpyriphos-oxon, to assess the effects of exposure to this crustacean Tigriopus brevicornis (Forget et al., 1999) after 96 h of
insecticide. This revealed that the exposure of E. fetida to the real- exposure. We did not find any synergistic effect of Cu and CHP on
istic CHP concentration in soil negatively affects AChE activity. The AChE in our study. In general, the CHP  Cu interaction observed in
CHP effect on AChE activity varied over time. First, a moderate yet full ANOVA for the uptake phase is most probably an artefact
significant decrease was noted already after 12 h exposure but then stemming from another significant interaction with time e as
no effect was recorded up to the 8th d. The significant decrease in shown in the analyses performed for each sampling day separately,
AChE activity, in comparison with the control, appeared again on no significant interactions were found throughout the experiment.
day 16. In fact, due to the specificity of the classic TK experiment we A moderate Cu effect on AChE activity was noted only at 16th d of
cannot exclude that the effect appeared between the 8th and 16th exposure; indeed, as can be seen in Table 1, AChE activity was lower
d of exposure, when no animals were sampled. In the earthworm in Cu treatments at both temperatures compared to the control.
Pheretima peguana exposed to soil spiked with CHP at concentra- Nevertheless, at the end of the exposure phase, AChE activity in
tions 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 mg kg1 at 25  C, the observed dose- treatments with CHP-only and with a mixture of CHP and Cu were
dependent inhibition of AChE was greater after 7 than 14 d of almost identical. Although Forget et al. (1999) found synergistic
exposure (Muangphra et al., 2015). The exposure of E. andrei to effects of Cu and OP pesticides in T. brevicornis, Yologlu and Ozmen
A.J. Bednarska et al. / Environmental Pollution 220 (2017) 567e576 575

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