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This mad thing happened to a guy that a friend of my brother knows.

Apparently, one day,

he went to a supermarket to buy a few bits of pieces and as he was walking up and down
the aisles, looking for the bread, he noticed this elderly woman just staring at him with
these desperately sad eyes. He turned away, grabbed a loaf, and went off in search of some
milk. Once he’d found the milk, he turned round only to see the same woman there again –
still just staring like mad at him. Anyway, he was getting a bit freaked out by this – as you
would – so he rushed off to pay, but then he remembered that he’d run out of toilet paper
and so he went back to get some. When he got back to the cashier, there was the old
woman again – in front of him in the queue and her trolley was almost full of the brim. This
time she turns to him, and she says, I’m really sorry for staring, but the thing is, you’re the
spitting image of my son who died last year”. She’s wiping her eyes, getting all tearful, and
she says, “you’ve got the same eyes, the same hair. It’s incredible. “As she was packing all
her staff away, she whispered to the guy and said, “Could you do me a tiny little favor?
Could you just say “Goodbye, mum” when I leave? It’d mean the world to me.” Well, what
was he going to do? This little old lady and her tragic story, trying to hold back the tears. So
as she’s leaving the store, struggling with all her shopping, he shouts out, “Goodbye Mum”.
He felt like he’d done his good deed for the day, but then…He felt like he’d dome his good
deed for the day, but then the cashier told him his bill was like 300 pounds. He said there
must’ve been a mistake as he’d only bought a few things, but then the cashier explained.
She said, yes, I know, but your mother said you’d pay for all of her shopping as well”.

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