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Materials and Design 23 Ž2002.


On the selection of shape memory alloys for actuators

W. HuangU
School of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Nanyang Technological Uni¨ ersity, Nanyang A¨ enue, Singapore 639798, Singapore

Received 21 June 2000; accepted 2 April 2001


This paper presents a series of charts for the selection of shape memory alloys ŽSMAs. for actuators. It is based on
performance indices with special reference to the unique features of SMA actuators. The three most popular polycrystalline
SMAs are candidates of current study, namely, NiTi, CuZnAl and CuAlNi. More SMAs may be added in to give a complete
picture. 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Shape memory alloy; Actuator; Selection; Performance index

1. Introduction shape after being significantly deformed from heating

over the phase transformation temperature. This
The unique shape memory behavior in some smart phenomenon is known as shape memory effect, Fig. 1a.
materials attracts a lot of attention from various com- On the other hand, at a high temperature, the large
munities. Among them, shape memory alloys ŽSMAs. deformation can be fully recovered by simply releasing
show great potential in many applications, in particular, the applied load. This is superelasticity, Fig. 1b. What is
as novel actuators. Many alloys displaying shape me- involved in both kinds of phenomena is either transfor-
mory have been found and considerable effort is still mation between low temperature phase Žmartensite .
being made to discover new materials. However, the and high temperature phase Žaustenite . or reorienta-
property of these SMAs varies significantly. It turns out tion among different martensite variants.
to be necessary to have a systematic scheme for the It is well known that SMA is very sensitive to the
selection of SMAs. There are some preliminary works exact composition, grain size, processing Žincluding heat
on this topic w1,2x, which cover some concerns in real treatment . and loading conditions w3x. The inclusion of
applications. The aim of this paper is to present a additional elements with minute quantity may change
series of charts for the selection of SMAs for actuators, the properties of a SMA dramatically. For instance, the
in particular, at the pre-design stage. Current discus- addition of a small amount of copper in NiTi SMA
sion focuses on the three most popular polycrystalline
makes the transformation temperature less sensitive to
SMAs, namely, NiTi, CuZnAl and CuAlNi. The discus-
composition and hysteresis gap narrower w4x, adding a
sion is purely based on the material properties reported
small amount of palladium into NiTi SMA, high trans-
in the literature.
formation temperature Žover 200⬚C. is achievable w5x.
The sensitivity of SMA seems to be an intrinsic disad-
2. Properties of SMAs vantage. On the other hand, it provides tremendous
flexibility to get exactly what is wanted within a far
A SMA is able to memorize and recover its original broader range on comparison with traditional materi-
Unlike ordinary one-way SMA, which can only
U remember the high temperature austenite shape, two-
Tel.: q65-7904859; fax: q65-7911859.
E-mail address: ŽW. Huang.. way SMA, which can remember both high and low

0261-3069r02r$ - see front matter 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 2 6 1 - 3 0 6 9 Ž 0 1 . 0 0 0 3 9 - 5
12 W. Huang r Materials and Design 23 (2002) 11᎐19

Fig. 1. Typical behavior of SMA. Ža. Shape memory effect and Žb. superelasticity.

temperature shapes, is obtainable by special training To date, the work on various SMAs is extensive.
Že.g. w5x.. However, the phase transformation strain is However, for most SMAs, the study is far from com-
significantly less and their stability and repeatability are plete. In view of this, our discussion in this paper
uncertain. focuses on the three most popular SMAs, namely, NiTi,
The R phase is an intermediate between austenite CuZnAl and CuAlNi. Only one-way SMA is con-
and martensite in some SMAs w6x. Upon cooling NiTi sidered. Monocrystalline SMAs may have a better
SMA from a high temperature, the material may trans- thermo-mechanical property than polycrystalline mate-
form from austenite to R phase first and then to rial. Due to the difficulty in fabrication and the very
martensite upon further cooling. The hysteresis associ- high price, they are not presently of much commercial
ated with R phase is normally narrow Ža few degree or importance. Hence, only polycrystalline SMA is the
less. and the corresponding phase transformation strain interest of the current study.
upon stressing is small Žapprox. 0.2%.. Therefore, it Material properties of each SMA are listed in Table
cannot be used as actuator other than switch. 1. They are mainly taken from w3x and w15x.

Table 1
Main properties of typical SMAsa Žmainly taken from w3x and w15x.

NiTi CuZnAl CuAlNi

Specific heat ŽJrKg⬚C. 450᎐620 390᎐400 373᎐574

Thermal conductivity Ž20⬚C. ŽWrmK. 8.6᎐18 84᎐120 30᎐75
Density ŽKgrm3 . 6400᎐6500 7540᎐8000 7100᎐7200
Latent heat ŽJrKg. 19 000᎐32 000 7000᎐9000 7000᎐9000
Electrical resistivity Ž106 ⍀ m. 0.5᎐1.1 0.07᎐0.12 0.1᎐0.14
Thermal expansion coefficient Ž10y6 rK. 6.6᎐11 17 17

Maximum recovery stress ŽMpa. 500᎐900 400᎐700 300᎐600

Normal working stress ŽMpa. 100᎐130 40 70
Fatigue strength ŽNs 106 . ŽMpa. 350 270 350
Maximum Ns1 6᎐8 4᎐6 5᎐6
transformation N - 102 6᎐8 4 4
strain Ž%. N - 105 2᎐4 Ž3.
N - 107 0.5
Normal number of thermal cycles ) 105 ) 104 ) 5 = 103
Young’s Modulus ŽGpa. 28᎐83 70᎐100 80᎐100
Shape memory transformation y200᎐200 y200᎐150 y200᎐200
temperature Ž⬚C.
Hysteresis Ž⬚C. 2᎐50 5᎐20 20᎐40
Maximum overheating temperature Ž⬚C. 400 150 300

Damping capacity ŽSDC%. 15᎐20 30᎐85 10᎐20

Grain size Ž ␮ m. 1᎐100 50᎐150 25᎐100

Melting, casting and composition control Difficult Fair Fair

Forming Žrolling, extrusion. Difficult Easy Difficult
Cold-working Fair Restricted Very difficult
Machinability Difficult Very good Good
Cost ratio 10᎐100 1᎐10 1.5᎐20
Additional alloying is not considered.
W. Huang r Materials and Design 23 (2002) 11᎐19 13

3. SMA actuators

There are three basic types of SMA actuators using

one-way SMAs ŽFig. 2..

䢇 Fig. 2a shows a one-way actuator. The SMA ele-

ment is elongated initially at low temperature and
then is heated up to pull element P to the left;
䢇 Fig. 2b shows a biased actuator, which is capable of
moving the element P back and forth by
heatingrcooling SMA element; and
䢇 Fig. 2c shows a two-way actuator, which includes
two one-way SMA elements. P may move back and
forth by heating and cooling the two SMA elements
alternatively. Fig. 3. A simple linear SMA actuator. Ža. High temperature and Žb.
low temperature.
Basically, SMAs may be heated up by three methods,
i.e.: 4. Material selection

䢇 By passing an electrical current through them. This Actuators offer various performances and operate in
method is only applicable to small diameter SMA many different ways. In terms of materials selection,
wire or spring; there are always some special goals to meet. They can
䢇 by passing an electrical current through a high normally be presented by means of a performance
resistance wire or tape wrapped around SMA. This index ŽPI., while the properties of materials can be
method is applicable for bulk SMA; and presented by a variety of charts w13x. It should be
䢇 by hot airrwater or exposing to thermal radiation. pointed out that not every goal could be represented by
means of a PI, in particular for those related to non-
The bandwidth of SMA actuators is usually limited. thermo-mechanical properties. For instance, in biomed-
Cooling speed is the dominating factor. Since small ical applications, the only candidate is NiTi due to its
hysteresis gap requires small temperature variation, excellent biocompatibility w14x, which is lacking of in
SMA with small hysteresis is preferred by high band- other SMAs.
width application. Heat conduction is important in bulk In practice, one should select materials from the
SMA. Experiment shows that 6 ms per cycle can be charts according to the particular PI required by a
realized in a switch triggered by 0.1-mm-diameter NiTi special application. However, since these charts are not
wire under free convection condition in air w7x. For available yet, we will have to identify the most impor-
larger sized SMAs, additional cooling method is re- tant PIs first, produce the corresponding charts and
quired. Flow liquid can improve the bandwidth drama- then make the choice.
tically w8x. A fan can provide compressive convection
for fast cooling w9x. Other technologies that have been
exploited include semiconductors w10x, mobile heat sink
w11x and pairs of agonistic᎐antagonistic wires w12x.

Fig. 2. Basic types of SMA actuators using one-way SMAs. Ža.

One-way actuator, Žb. biased actuator and Žc. two-way actuator. Fig. 4. Transformation temperature vs. hysteresis.
14 W. Huang r Materials and Design 23 (2002) 11᎐19

Fig. 5. Density vs. output volumetric work. Ža. N s 1 and Žb. N s 100.

Fig. 3 shows the principle of a typical linear actuator. presented in Table 1. It is apparent that the transfor-
This is the simplest actuator, a weight P hangs at the mation temperatures of all three SMAS are close. In
bottom of a SMA wire. At a low temperature, P moves terms of hysteresis, NiTi has the broadest range, while
down Fig. 3a. Upon heating, SMA wire contracts and CuZnAl and CuAlNi do not share any common range.
pulls P up, Fig. 3b. External energy is required only in
the heating process. Despite the simplicity, in terms of 4.2. Output work
performance, this actuator represents most of the
concerns of SMA actuators. A constant compressive Output work is a key measure of actuators. Within a
force or a constant torque may replace weight P in a given space, high output volumetric work Žs stress =
real application. One has to realize the effect of strain. ²PI-1: indicates the high output work of an
asymmetry in tension and compression in many SMAs. actuator. In the case where lightweight is also impor-
The detail on how to deal with it is presented later. tant, the PI considered should be output volumetric
Except for Fig. 4, all charts ŽFigs. 5᎐11. are plotted workrdensity ²PI-2:. Again, high value is preferred.
in logarithmic scale. The values presented are relative Refer to output volumetric work-density chart ŽFig. 5.,
ones as compared with a reference material. Thus as the former means that the best choice for output
you can see, both x- and y-axis are without unit. The volumetric work is the one that parallels to x-axis and
properties of the reference material are chosen as the lies towards the top since it corresponds to a high
largest values of all SMAs multiplied by 1.5. For exam- value. For the latter, the one offering the greatest
ple, the largest specific heat is 620 JrKg⬚C ŽNiTi.. output volumetric work to density ratio parallels to the
Thus, the specific heat of the reference material is dash-dotted line and lies towards the upper left corner
620 = 1.5s 930 JrKg⬚C. We consider three kinds of as it indicates higher value of PI-2. In both one-shot
applied loads, namely, tension, compression and tor- and 100-shot cases, NiTi is the clear winner. Note, N
sion. The parameters in tension are taken as a refer- stands for the number of cycle or shot.
ence. Note that the combination of material properties,
such as specific actuation stress, which is the product of 4.3. Actuation stress and strain
stress over density, may result in a value over 0.66.
The following items are identified as key points on In some applications, one needs high actuation stress.
selection of SMAs for actuators. While in others, high strain, which corresponds to large
displacement, is required. If lightweight actuator is a
4.1. Transformation temperature and hysteresis goal, instead of actuation stress, specific actuation stress
Žs stressrdensity . should be as high as possible.
Transformation temperature and hysteresis de- When considering actuation stress and strain, one
termine the environment in which a SMA may be used. has to realize the effect of asymmetry in tension and
They are critical in a real engineering application. Fig. compression in many SMAs. According to w16x, the
4 plots the ranges of each SMA based on the values product of phase transformation stress and maximum
W. Huang r Materials and Design 23 (2002) 11᎐19 15

Fig. 6. Transformation strain vs. actuation stress. Ža. N s 1, tension, Žb. N s 100, tension, Žc. N s 1, compression, Žd. N s 100, compression, Že.
N s 1, torsion and Žf. N s 100, torsion.
16 W. Huang r Materials and Design 23 (2002) 11᎐19

Fig. 7. Transformation strain vs. specific actuation stress. Ža. N s 1, tension, Žb. N s 100, tension, Žc. N s 1, compression, Žd. N s 100,
compression, Že. N s 1, torsion and Žf. N s 100, torsion.
W. Huang r Materials and Design 23 (2002) 11᎐19 17

Fig. 8. Heating and cooling speed. Ža. Electrical resistivity vs. minimum input power per Kg and Žb. thermal conductivity vs. minimum input
power per Kg.

phase transformation strain is approximately constant. ²PI-6: and minimum input power per Kg= electrical
Using the scheme proposed in w16x, we can obtain the resistivity ²PI-7: are PIs for input current control and
actuation stress and transformation strain of a given input voltage control, respectively. Small value corre-
stress state. Fig. 6 is the chart showing transformation sponds to high speed. In electrical resistivity y
strain ²PI-3: y actuation stress ²PI-4: under tension, minimum input power per kg chart, Fig. 8a, the former
compression and torsion, respectively. NiTi is the win- requires the chosen material located towards the lower
ner in most cases in terms of either large strain or large right corner ŽNiTi is the winner., while the latter asks
stress. However, CuAlNi could be the first choice in for the material that lies towards the lower left corner
one-shot, compressive actuator in which large strain is ŽCuZnAl is chosen followed by CuAlNi..
the main goal while actuation stress is less important. In heating or cooling by means of heat transfer, the
Fig. 7 is transformation strain-specific actuation stress heatingrcooling speed within SMA depends on ther-
²PI-5: chart, which gives similar conclusion, as that of mal conductivity. PI is minimum input power per
Fig. 6. Kgrthermal conductivity ²PI-8:. A small value is pre-
ferred for high speed. According to thermal conductiv-
4.4. Heating and cooling speed ity y minimum input power per kg chart, Fig. 8b, CuZ-
nAl Žat the lower right corner. is the best.
SMA actuators are actuated by joule heat. As men- If low speed actuation is the goal, we should choose
tioned above, there are three methods to heat up SMA. in an inverse way as mentioned above.
Actually, they belong to two types. One is by electrical
current and the other is by heat transfer. The former 4.5. Energy efficiency
depends heavily on electrical resistivity. The latter re-
lates to thermal conductivity. It is necessary to know the energy efficiency of an
The minimum input power per Kg for actuation actuator. In most of the applications, higher energy
includes three terms: output work; latent heat; and efficiency is critical. This is described by output work
thermal energy needed for the increase of temperature per kgrminimum input power per kg ²PI-9:. The ma-
in SMA. Heat transfer is ignored in the fast heating terial corresponding to the greatest value has the best
case. The exact temperature increase required for actu- energy efficiency. Fig. 9 is output work per kgy
ation depends on the set-up of SMA in terms of minimum input power per kg chart. The winner lies
pre-strain and stress, hardening in transformation, en- towards the lower right corner. Both NiTi and CuZnAl
vironmental temperature and the required actuation are more or less at the same level with CuAlNi lagging
temperature, etc. In the current study, we assume the behind slightly.
required temperature increase is the same as the hys-
teresis width. 4.6. Cost
If SMA is heated by applying an electrical current,
minimum input power per Kgrelectrical resistivity To be of real commercial interest, cost plays a key
18 W. Huang r Materials and Design 23 (2002) 11᎐19

4.7. Damping

High damping capacity is an attractive property of

SMAs. The comparison among different SMAs should
address two aspects: one is damping capacityrcost
²PI-11:; and the other is damping capacityrdensity
²PI-12: or damping capacityrvolume ²PI-13:. The
former is to choose the material at the upper left
corner of cost-damping capacity chart ŽFig. 10a., which
reflects the higher damping capacity at a low cost. For
high damping capacityrdensity ratio, in which
lightweight is critical in the application, the choice is at
the upper left corner of density-damping capacity chart
ŽFig. 10b.. If the application is restrained by space
limitation, high damping capacityrvolume ratio is im-
portant, which is at the upper right corner. It can be
seen that CuZnAl is the best choice for damping in all

Fig. 9. Energy efficiency.

5. Conclusions
role. Output volumetric workrcost ratio ²PI-10: mea-
sures the influence of material cost only. Fig. 10 is cost In this paper, a systematic study on the selection of
ratio-output volumetric work chart for both one-shot SMAs for actuators is presented. The candidates of
and 100-shot actuators. The winner should lie towards current study are NiTi, CuZnAl and CuAlNi, which are
the upper left corner as it corresponds to low material the most popular ones at present. More SMAs may be
cost for the same output work. It indicates that CuZ- added in to give a complete picture.
nAl is the best, while NiTi is the least. It is necessary to Thirteen performance indices are identified as key
point out that processing cost and running cost are parameters in actuators. The corresponding charts are
ignored at present. It may be more advantageous to use produced for the selection of SMAs.
NiTi because of reduced voltage requirements due to The current study shows that NiTi is the overall
much higher resistivity, which results in cheaper equip- winner with respect to most of the thermo-mechanic
ment in cyclic applications. related performances. However, when material cost is

Fig. 10. Cost ratio vs. output volumetric work. Ža. N s 1 and Žb. N s 100.
W. Huang r Materials and Design 23 (2002) 11᎐19 19

Fig. 11. Damping. Ža. Cost vs. damping capacity and Žb. density vs. damping capacity.

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