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ACADEMIC YEAR: 2022 NPM : 19320010
Take Home Exam
( psik)

I. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences (30)

a. I hope I won’t put put my parents in a bad care home. ( won’t put/ don’t put/ put )
b. I it’s possible that you will have arthritis when you are old ( are have/ will have/ have)
c. She could die of anorexia, so she must eat something. (should eat/ must eat/ must not eat)
d. If blood stops moving, it would be a bad sign. (is/will be/ would be)
e. If you don’t eat less sugar, you’ll get diabetes whe you are older. (getting/’ll get/get)
f. do she could die from this illness? (do she could/ she could/ could )
g. She will recover after her operation tomorrow.
h. Lee won’t be at work today. He’ve broken his leg. (‘s broken/ broke /’ve broken)
i. He hasn’t responded to treatment yet. ( didn’t respond/ hasn’t responded/ isn’t respond)
j. Virginia woolf suffered from depression whe she killed herself. (suffered/ has
suffered/ did suffer )
k. You must go to dentist now. ( must / need / must to )
l. Bandar jaya is the most crowded any other city in Lampung. ( the crowded/ more crowded /
the most crowded)
m. The cheetah is the Fastest land animal in the world. ( Faster/ Fastest/ fast)
n. She always has a smile on her face, she is the happiest person that i know. ( happiest/
most happy / happier)

II. Complete the sentences with the words in the list. (20)

Critical - Priority – Casualty – Minor – Victim – Stable

a. He has casualty injuries, but they are not life-threatening.

b. Use a stretcher to bring in the next victim –she can’t walk.
c. This patient’s condition is stable at the moment, but she needs to see a doctor soon.
d. This patient is in serious danger – his condition is critical
e. This child is seriously ill- he is a priority for immadiate treatment.

III. Complete the sentences with the words in the list. (20)

bruising – rash – swollen – lump – mood swings – stitches – nausea – spots

a. She had a swollen abdomen.

b. She suffered nausea and vomiting
c. Bruising is an external symptom.
d. Spots are a typical symptom of chicken pox.
e. A deep cut needs stitches to heal properly.
f. A rash can cause itching.
g. He found a lump above his ankle.
h. Her extreme mood swing are difficult to live with.
MID Test

Malahayati University @ 2022

Take Home Exam
( psik)

IV. Reading text, answer the following question. (30)

Everyone has experienced headaches, but only recently have medical researchers begun to learn more
specifically about the causes and possible treatments for different types of headache pain.

The most common type of headache is the simple tension headache. Tension headaches are usually mild and
short-lasting and can result from various factors, such as stress caused by worry or noise. Tension headaches are
caused by a tightening of the neck or back muscles, which slows the flow of blood and, therefore, oxygen to the
brain. It is the lack of oxygen that causes the pain. Most headaches can be relieved by taking a mild analgesic

A more serious type of headache is the migraine. Migraine headaches are often extremely painful and can last
for hours or days. Like tension headaches, they can be the result of different factors, including stress,
hormonal changes, and allergies. Unlike tension headaches, however, they are caused by an abnormal
expansion or swelling (rather than a contraction) of the blood vessels within the head.

Medicines that shrink swollen blood vessels can be used to treat migraine headaches. A tiny minority of
headaches can be linked to severe physical problems such as head injury or brain tumors. For these types of
headaches, there are medicines to treat the symptoms, but there is no cure unless the underlying problem is

1. This article discusses the _______.

a. tiny minority of people who have headaches
b. history of medical research into headaches
c. causes and remedies for headaches
d. physical problems caused by headaches

2. A tension headache can result when _______.

a. the neck and back muscles relax
b. people get injured in an accident
c. the flow of blood is restricted
d. too much oxygen goes to the brain

3. Migraine headaches _______.

a. are the most common kind of headache
b. usually last only a few minutes
c. can cause extreme pain
d. have one main cause

4. Medicines for migraines _______.

a. relax the head and neck
b. generally relieve tension
c. increase the flow of blood
d. cause blood vessels to contract

5. Headaches caused by serious physical problems _______.

a. can’t be treated
b. don’t cause much pain
c. have no symptoms
d. are not very common
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Malahayati University @ 2022

such as aspirin. Analgesics expand the blood vessels and restore the normal flow of blood and oxygen to the

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