Rab Plasmodium

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Gene 306 (2003) 13–25


The Plasmodium falciparum family of Rab GTPases

Emmanuel Quevillona, Tobias Spielmannb, Karima Brahimic, Debasish Chattopadhyayd,
Edouard Yeramiane, Gordon Langsleya,*
Laboratoire de Signalisation Immunoparasitaire, URA CNRS 1960, Department of Parasitology, Institut Pasteur, 28 rue du Dr. Roux, Paris Cedex 15, France
Molecular Parasitology, Swiss Tropical Institute, Socinstrasse 57, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland
Unité de Biochimie et de Biologie Moléculaire des Insectes, Institut Pasteur, 28 rue du Dr. Roux, Paris Cedex 15, France
Division of Geographic Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, CBSE-250, 1025 18th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35294, USA
Genopôle, Centre de Bioinformatique, FRE CNRS 2364, Institute Pasteur, 28 rue du Dr. Roux, Paris Cedex 15, France
Received 12 August 2002; received in revised form 5 November 2002; accepted 31 December 2002
Received by B. Dujon

Rab GTPases are key regulators of vesicular traffic in eukaryotic cells. Here we sought a global characterization and description of the
Plasmodium falciparum family of Rab GTPases. We used a combination of bioinformatic analyses, experimental testing of predictions,
structure modelling and phylogenetics. These analyses led to the identification of seven new parasite Rabs. Accordingly we estimate that the
P. falciparum family is made up of 11 genes. We show that ten members of this family are transcribed in infected erythrocytes. Concerning
the various members of the family, a series of specific as well as global conclusions can be drawn. Rabs predicted to be compartment-specific
show different subcellular distributions. This is demonstrated for PfRab1A and PfRab11A, with the generation of specific antisera. The
sequence analyses reveal several peculiarities, with possible functional implications. One of the transcribed genes, Pfrab5b, does not encode
a classical C-terminus, suggestive of a novel regulatory role for this GTPase. Another, Pfrab5a, previously identified as a rab gene located on
chromosome 2, possesses a 30-amino-acid insertion in its GTP-binding domain. Structural considerations suggest that this insertion could
represent a novel interaction interface. We used conserved RabF and RabSF motifs to discriminate between specific parasite Rabs, and
followed their predicted change in position on the structure of PfRab6, as GTP is hydrolysed to GDP. This allowed us to propose their
involvement in potential interaction surfaces, that we extended to human Rab6 and the motifs known to mediate Rabkinesine-6 binding.
Finally, we compared the P. falciparum Rab family to those of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe and found that
parasite Rabs segregate into possible functional clads. Such grouping into clads may give clues to parasite Rab function, and may shed light
on P. falciparum secretory/endocytic pathways.
q 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Traffic; Parasite; Gene family; Three-dimensional structure; Phylogeny

1. Introduction parasitophorous vacuole. Consequently, the parasite is

separated from the milieu externe by three membrane
Infection of human erythrocytes by Plasmodium falci- barriers, its own plasma membrane, the parasitophorous
parum not only poses a significant public health problem, vacuole membrane (PVM) and the erythrocyte plasma
but it also represents an interesting problem for cell membrane. In spite of this, the parasite is able to secrete and
biologists. This is due to the fact that within the red blood take up substances across these barriers, and understanding
cell the parasite resides within a vacuole, called the how this is achieved has driven research into P. falciparum
encoded Rab GTPases, reviewed in Ward et al. (1997). Rabs
Abbreviations: GTP, guanosyl triphosphate; GDP, guanosyl belong to the Ras-super family of small GTPases and they
diphosphate; PVM, the parasitophorous vacuole membrane; ORF, open are involved in the regulation of vesicular transport of
reading frame; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; RACE, rapid amplification
of cDNA ends; RT, reverse transcription.
eukaryotic cells (Zerial and McBride, 2001). Rabs from
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 33-1-4568-8922; fax: þ33-1-4568-8639. different species display a significant degree of sequence
E-mail address: langsley@pasteur.fr (G. Langsley). conservation due mainly to homology conferred by their
0378-1119/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
14 E. Quevillon et al. / Gene 306 (2003) 13–25

GTP-binding domains (Pereira-Leal and Seabra, 2000). somes in higher eukaryotes (McCaffrey et al., 2001), whilst
Synthetic oligonucleotide primers based on sequence only P. falciparum encodes Rab2, a mediator of the
encoding the GTP-binding domains were used to amplify formation of pre-Golgi intermediates (Tisdale and Balch,
a number of partial P. falciparum rab genes (de Castro et al., 1996).
1996). Moreover, the complete sequence of cDNAs for both
P. falciparum rab6 and rab11 has been reported (de Castro
et al., 1996; Langsley and Chakrabarti, 1996), and the 2. Materials and methods
crystal structure of PfRab6 in the GDP-bound conformation
has been determined (Chattopadhyay et al., 2000). 2.1. Data base mining
Rab association with membrane is due to prenylation of
the C-terminus and the parasite enzyme responsible for this Homology searches for sequences similar to previously
modification has been described (Chakrabarti et al., 1998). cloned P. falciparum genes (de Castro et al., 1996; Langsley
Rabs recycle from the acceptor to the donor membrane in and Chakrabarti, 1996) was performed by Psi-BLAST either
their GDP-bound conformation associated with a carrier at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Malaria/plasmodiumblcus.
called rabGDI and the corresponding P. falciparum gene has html, or at http://plasmodb.org/restricted/plasmoDBblast.
been isolated (Attal and Langsley, 1996). Therefore, it shtml. All 11 putative PfRabs were individually Psi-
would appear that the human malaria parasite encodes some BLASTed against the P. falciparum databases and in each
of the necessary effectors for a functional Rab system, case only 11 Rabs were identified. The corresponding
although effector proteins for a specific parasite Rab have genomic sequences were downloaded, potential splice
yet to be described. This is even true for PfRab6, PfRab11 acceptor and donor sites identified, and all possible ORFs
and PfRab5 effectors even though these parasite genes have translated. The putative amino acid sequences were scanned
been identified; a gene displaying significant similarity to for the presence of conserved Rab motifs (Pereira-Leal and
Pfrab5 is located on chromosome 2 (Gardner et al., 1998). Seabra, 2000). In such a way the complete putative exon/
In higher eukaryotic cells Rab5 is located on early intron structure for seven additional rab genes was
endosomes and controls the immediate steps of endocytosis compiled.
and homeotypic fusion of these organelles (Chavrier et al.,
1990), whilst the role of Rab11 in regulating recycling 2.2. 3 0 -RACE, Northern probes and DNA sequence analysis
endosomes is less well understood. Nonetheless, Rab11 is
clearly involved in the late recycling of transferrin receptor RNA was extracted as for Transcriptional analysis (see
back to the plasma membrane and it is also involved in below) and cDNA was primed with an oligodT oligomer:
transport events between recycling endosomes and the ATTCTAGAGGCCGAGGCGGCCT(20). The intron/exon
trans-Golgi-network (Ullrich et al., 1996). Lastly, the structure for rab1b, rab2, rab5b, rab5c, rab7 and rab18 was
human Rab6A0 isoform similar to PfRab6 regulates confirmed by DNA sequence determination of the corre-
intracellular transport from endosomes to the Golgi sponding cDNAs. Based on the available genomic sequence
complex (Mallard et al., 2002). oligonucleotide primers were synthesized and used to
The sequence of P. falciparum genome has only just amplify cDNA encompassing the putative 50 -ATG and 30 -
been recently published (Hall et al., 2002; Gardner et al., stop codon. The sequence of the amplified cDNA was
2002; Hyman et al., 2002) and represents a valuable directly determined on both strands and deposited in the
resource in the computer-assisted search for conserved database.
genes such as Pfrabs and their effectors. As part of our For rab1b (accession number AJ409198) the following
ongoing studies of P. falciparum Rab GTPases, we decided oligomers were used:
to estimate the size of the Pfrab gene family, as this would
throw light on the parasite’s potential to regulate vesicular rab1b 50 -GTTCAAATCACAATGAATGATAGC
transport. Our experimental analysis indicates that the P. rab1b 30 -GTAACCACGTTGATCTAGCTC
falciparum rab family is composed of 11 genes and we
demonstrate that ten are transcribed in infected erythro- For rab2 (accession number AJ308736):
cytes. We noticed that specific RabF motifs (Pereira-Leal
and Seabra, 2000, 2001), are conserved in all P. falciparum
Rabs and that they appear to define two distinct parasite rab2 50 -AAAAAAACCCCCCCTTTTAAG
PfRab subsets. Given that Saccharomyces cerevisiae and rab2 30 -GAAAATACTGTAAAAAAGCATG
Schizosaccharomyces pombe encode a similar number of
rab/ypt genes (11 and seven, respectively) we directly For rab5a (accession number AAC71889) insert confor-
compared the three families in an attempt to identify mation oligos were:
parasite orthologues, as this would give some idea of their
potential function. Strikingly, both S. cerevisiae and P. rab5a fw GAATACTAACACAACAATAGGTGC
falciparum lack Rab4, a GTPase specific for early endo- rab5a rv TTGATTAACCCATGTCTTAGCTCG
E. Quevillon et al. / Gene 306 (2003) 13–25 15

Table 1
Accession numbers for the proteins used to compile the consensus tree

Organism Protein Accession no. Organism Protein Accession no.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae YPT31 X72833 Plasmodium falciparum Rab1A AF201953

YPT1 X00209 Rab1B AJ409198
YPT32 X72834 Rab2 AJ308736
YPT52 Z28239 Rab5A AAC71889
YPT6 U17244 Rab5B AJ422110
YPT7 X68144 Rab5C AJ420321
YPT53 X76175 Rab6 X92977
YPT10 Z36133 Rab7 AJ290938
YPT21/51 X76173 Rab11A X93161
Sec4 M16507 Rab11B ND
YPT11 Z71580 Rab18 AJ438271

Schizosaccharomyces pombe YPT5 S34729/CAB11737 Homo sapiens RHO6 AF498967

YPT7 OS94655/CAB38603
YPT4 CAB11239
RYH1 S12789/P17608
YPT1 S04590
YPT2 S12790
YPT3 S10026/CAA92383

For rab5b (accession number AJ422110): 2.3. Transcriptional analysis

Northern blots were performed as described (Spielmann

and Beck, 2000). Briefly, total RNA of synchronized
parasites was prepared using TRIzol reagent (Gibco BRL)
and separated by electrophoresis in a 1.5% agarose gel. The
For rab5c (accession number AJ420321):
RNA was transferred to a Hybond XL membrane (Amer-
sham Pharmacia Biotech) in 10£ SSC containing 10 mM
rab5c 50 -TTTCATCCTTTTACATATATTCC NaOH using a vacuum blotter (Appligene). [32P]dCTP-
rab5c 30 -AAATGATAACAATCGTTGTAAAC labelled probes were generated with High Prime solution
(Roche Molecular Biochemicals) and hybridized to the
For rab7 (accession number AJ290938): membrane in UltraHyb (Ambion) at 42 8C. Filters were
washed at high stringency and exposed to Kodak MS films
for 6– 12 h at 2 80 8C with a Transcreen HE enhancer
(Kodak). To probe the Northerns radiolabelled full length
Pfrab2 and Pfrab7 cDNAs were used.
For rab11b:
2.4. Indirect fluorescent antibody analysis

rab11b 50 -AACGCTTATCCCATATGAGAAGG A PfRab1A-specific peptide (acetyl-RFRTIKVDDKC)

rab11 30 -ACAACAAATAAAGGAGGTGACATC and a PfRab11A-specific peptide (acetyl-DNDKNETKKC)
were synthesized and coupled to keyhole limpet haemo-
For rab18 (accession number AJ438271): cyanin and used to immunize rabbits, as described for the
anti-PfRab6 anti-peptide sera (de Castro et al., 1996). The
rabbit anti-PfRab1A, anti-PfRab11A, anti-PfRab6 and
mouse anti-PfP39 sera were incubated at 1/100 dilution
with cold, air-dried and acetone-fixed parasites, for 30 min
in humidified chamber at 37 8C. Slides were washed three
For 30 -RACE of rab5b:
times in PBS (pH 7.4) for 10 min and incubated with FITC-
anti-rabbit IgG (H þ L), or FITC-anti-mouse IgG (H þ L)
RACErv ATTCTAGAGGCCGAGGCGGCC (Alexa Interchim, France). For double staining the incu-
rab5bRACE-1 CAGAGATGGTCATGAAGTTTTGT- bations were performed first with the rabbit anti-PfRab1A,
GAAC or anti-PfRab11A, or anti-PfRab6 followed by a second
rab5bRACE-2 ATTCTAGAGGCCGAGGCGGCC incubation with the mouse anti-PfP39. After washes both
16 E. Quevillon et al. / Gene 306 (2003) 13–25

the FITC-anti-rabbit and anti-mouse phycoerythrin-labeled

This paper; Spielmann and Beck, 2000 #15

the gene identification following the complete annotation of the genome (Hall et al., 2002; Gardner et al., 2002 2; Hyman et al., 2002) and publication reference. For each gene the number of exons is
For each of the P. falciparum rab genes, various information (whenever available) are provided in a synthetic table: gene name, functional characterization, accession number(s), chromosome number with

indicated. When a gene identification is followed by an asterisk, corrections have been made to the corresponding annotation (number of exons and/or exons boundaries). The corrections are as follows.
IgG (H þ L) (Catalag Laboratories, Tebu, France) were
added as above.

Langsley and Chakrabarti, 1996 #4

2.5. Molecular modelling

de Castro et al., 1996 #3

Gardner et al., 1998 #11 Homology model for the GTP-complex of PfRab6 was
predicted using GDP-bound PfRab6 and GTP analogue
bound structures of mouse Rab3A (PDB code: 3RABA) and

This paper
This paper

This paper
This paper

This paper
This paper
mouse Rab5C (PDB code:1HUQ) with the help of the
program Modeller (Sali and Blundell, 1993). Homology
model for PfRab5A (the insertion region was deleted) and
PfRab5C was predicted using Swiss-Model (http://www.
expasy.ch/) and was based on the GDP-bound structure of P.
falciparum Rab6 and the above mentioned two structures.
Langsley and Chakrabarti, 1996 chr13: PF13_0119 (5 exons)

2.6. Phylogenetic tree analysis

Pfrab11b: complement(join(1599452..1599498,1599669..1599878,1599993..1600214,1600410..1600465,1600658..1600723,1600998..1601016)).

Multiple alignment of the P. falciparum, S. pombe and S.

cerevisiae Rabs proteins was performed using ClustalW
1.8.2 with all default parameters. A distance matrix was
computed with ProtDist 3.5 (PHYLIP Package) with a
chr13: MAL13P1.205* (6 exons)

bootstrap value of 1000 and a Kimura formula as distance

chr13: MAL13P1.51 (6 exons)
chr2: PFB0500c (simple gene)
chr5: PFE0690c (simple gene)

chr11: PF11_0461* (4 exons)

model. Phylogenetic trees were performed using the

chr1: MAL1P1.59 (9 exons)
chr12: PFL1500w (7exons)

chr8: PF08_0110 (4 exons)

chr5: PFE0625w (6 exons)

chr9: PFI0155c (5 exons)

Neighbour-joining method. The multiple data set was

analysed and rooted with Human Rho6 protein as an out-
group. From these 1000 trees, the Consens program derived
a consensus tree. The accession numbers for the proteins
used to compile the tree are given in Table 1.

3. Results and discussion

Pfrab6: complement(join(10731..11231,11554..11619,11728..11768,12119..12134));

3.1. The P. falciparum rab family consists of 11 genes







Characterization and genomic annotation of the P. falciparum rab gene family

Prior to publication of the P. falciparum genome


sequence (Hall et al., 2002; Gardner et al., 2002; Hyman

et al., 2002) we performed repeated computer-assisted (Psi-
BLASTs) homology searches using each of the candidate
Endosome-endosome and/or vacuole fusion

genes as probes against the non-annotated P. falciparum

databases that allowed us to estimate that the Pfrab family
comprises 11 members (Table 2 and Fig. 1). Thus, we have
identified and characterized (see below) genes encoding
seven new putative full-length PfRab proteins (see Table 2
for accession numbers). From the sequence alignments it is
Vacuole size regulation
Recycling endosomes

clear that the chromosome 2-specific rab gene (Gardner

et al., 1998) that herein we call Pfrab5a, encodes a 30-
Vacuole size

amino-acid insertion absent in the nine other P. falciparum

ER to Golgi

ER to Golgi


Rab GTPases (Fig. 1).

As this insertion could be encoded by a cryptic intron, we
performed PCR on both genomic DNA and first strand
cDNA, isolated from infected red blood cells, and confirmed
that it is indeed transcribed into mRNA and that Pfrab5a is

expressed in asexual blood stages (Fig. 2B). An 80-amino-





Table 2



acid insertion also occurs in GTP-binding region of

ScYpt11 (http://genome-www4.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/SGD/
E. Quevillon et al. / Gene 306 (2003) 13–25 17

Fig. 1. ClustalW alignment of the 11 members of the P. falciparum Rab family. The different conserved motifs are colour coded with RabF1 (red), RabF2
(cyan), RabF3 (violet) and RabF4 (rose). All RabSF motifs are coloured green and the GTP-binding motifs (PM1, PM2, PM3, G1, G2, G3) shown in grey. The
internal double cysteine in PfRab5B is underlined. Note the 30-amino-acid insertion between the RabF1 and RabF2 motifs of PfRab5A and that PfRab5B has
an unusual C-terminus (NNP).
18 E. Quevillon et al. / Gene 306 (2003) 13–25

Fig. 2. Amplification of Pfrabs by RT–PCR. P. falciparum total RNA was primed with oligo(dT) and reverse transcribed. (A) cDNA was amplified by PCR
with primer pairs encompassing the predicted Pfrab coding regions including 50 and 30 in-frame stop codons to confirm the complete intron-exon structure by
sequencing (þ ). PCR on the reaction without reverse transcriptase (2) and on genomic DNA (g) were performed as controls. With Pfrab11b-specific primers a
signal was obtained on genomic DNA only, but not on cDNA. (B) RT–PCR with primers flanking the sequence encoding the Pfrab5a insertion showed the
presence of this sequence in the mature mRNA. (C) 30 -RACE to verify absence of a CC/CXC motif in the C-terminus of Pfrab5b by sequencing amplified
product. Lanes 1 and 2 correspond to PCR reactions performed with rabRACE primers 1 and 2, respectively. Size standards are indicated in kilobases.

locus.pl?locus ¼ ypt11) and an insertion of 9 amino acids in PfRab6 structure (PDB code: 1D5C), with the GTP-bound
the GTP-binding region of human Rab27 (accession number structures of Rab3a (PDB codes: 3RAB and 1ZBD)
I39198). Thus, stretches of amino acid insertions within the revealed that the temperature factor of several amino acid
GTP-binding domains although rare occur in Rabs of residues in this area are among the highest in the GDP-
different organisms. bound state, but are relatively low in the GTP bound
If translated into a functional protein, the 30-amino-acid conformation (Chattopadhyay et al., 2000). This implies
insertion would significantly disrupt the switch I region of certain flexibility in this region particularly in the GDP-
PfRab5A. The insertion occurs between RabF1 and RabF2 bound form. Whether or not the inserted sequence can loop
motif (see Fig. 1). Comparative analysis of GDP-bound out to form an additional domain to interact with specific
molecules awaits further biochemical and structural ver-
ification. The structure of the edited PfRab5A from which
the 30-amino-acid insertion was deleted could be predicted
by Swiss-Model package, as shown in Fig. 3. However,
attempts to model the full-length protein using this method
were not successful. The insertion occurs at an edge of the
molecule between the two residues shown in blue in Fig. 3.
In an attempt to see if there is any characteristic
distribution of amino acids in the structural elements of
isoform-specific Rabs, we compared the distribution of
aromatic amino acids, in the published structure of mouse
Rab5c and homology models of PfRab5A and PfRab5C. As
shown in panels A –C of Fig. 4, PfRab5A exhibits a different
distribution pattern of aromatic amino acids (Phe, Tyr and
Trp) as compared to PfRab5C and mouse Rab5C. Although
there may be some uncertainty in the position and/or
orientation of side chains in PfRab5A and PfRab5C models,
the compositional distribution of amino acid residues in
different isoforms may dictate their interactions with
specific effector molecules.
Rab proteins usually have at their C-termini CXC or CC
motifs that are subjected to prenylation and these fatty acids
assure attachment to the vesicle’s membrane. We were
unable to identify either a CXC or CC motif encoded in the
genomic sequence several kilobases downstream of the
Pfrab5b gene. This could be due to the fact that like human
Fig. 3. Ribbon drawing showing the putative structure of PfRab5A.
Localization of the RabF and RabSF motifs is shown using the same colour
Rab8 and Rab23, PfRab5B unusually terminates with a
code as in Fig. 1. Note that the PfRab5A structure is shown without 30- single cysteine (Casey and Seabra, 1996). To confirm the
amino-acid insertion, whose position is indicated in blue. Pfrab5b sequence we performed 30 -RACE and determined
E. Quevillon et al. / Gene 306 (2003) 13–25 19

Fig. 4. Ribbon drawings showing distribution of aromatic residues (in gold ball and stick), on models of PfRab5A and PfRab5C compared to the mouse Rab5C
structure in the same orientation. Localization of RabF and RabSF motifs is indicated in for PfRab5A. Note that in PfRab5A a cluster of three aromatic residues
(Phe, Tyr and Trp) occurs close to the site (coloured blue) of the 30-amino-acid insertion.

the 30 -end of the Pfrab5b cDNA and indeed the encoded C- (Fig.1, underlined). Whether the Pfrab5b gene codes for a
terminus ends in NNP (Fig. 2C). This could imply that cytosolic, or membrane bound GTPase, remains to be
PfRab5B is a cytosolic GTPase, similar to what has been determined. However, the fact that this unusual Rab GTPase
proposed for human Rab24 and a new member (WTH3) of is expressed in asexual blood stage parasites argues that it
the rab6 gene family (Erdman et al., 2000; Shan et al., might play some novel regulatory role and a possibility
2002). However, a recently identified plant Rab could be in multi-drug resistance, similar to human WTH3/
(BAB32953) from A. thaliana also lacks C-terminal rab6 (Shan et al., 2002).
prenylation motifs, but encodes putative N-terminal myr- We have been able to confirm either by Northern blotting
istoylation and palmitoylation motifs (Pereira-Leal and (see Fig. 5 for Pfrab2 and Pfrab7), or by RT –PCR (Fig. 2)
Seabra, 2001). Interestingly, PfRab5B also encodes a that six out of the seven new Pfrabs are expressed in
putative N-terminal myristoylation site between residues 2 infected red blood cells. We were unable to detect
to 7 (GCSSST), suggesting that perhaps Apicomplexa transcripts only for Pfrab11b, even though this gene is
parasites, like plants, might use this type of modification to predicted to encode all of the hallmarks of a functional Rab
attach certain Rabs to membranes. If true, such a Rab would GTPase. It is possible that Pfrab11b is only expressed in
be anchored to the membrane in the opposite orientation (N- sporozoites and/or hepatocytes, as these life-cycle stages
terminal proximal) to the majority of Rab GTPases (C- were not tested. Tissue-specific expression occurs for a
terminal proximal). Alternatively, prenylation could occur number of human Rabs and it is conceivable that PfRab11B
at an internal cysteine such as the CC motif present at represents a stage-specific parasite Rab. In this context, the
residues 141 –142 of the 207 amino acids of PfRab5B intra-erythrocytic expression of Pfrab2 and Pfrab7merits
mention, as during asexual stage development their
expression levels alter with Pfrab7 being particularly
restricted to trophozoites and early schizonts (see Fig. 5).
We note that the gene that we have named Pfrab18 has a
cryptic intron (Fig. 2A) and as a consequence the lysine-rich
stretch predicted for this gene at PlasmoDB (http://
plasmodb.org/) is absent in mature message. In all, only
Pfrab1a and Pfrab5a lack introns, the others have multiple
introns and with the exception of Pfrab11b their positions
were determined by comparing the cDNA and genomic
sequences and are indicated in Table 2. For Pfrab11b the
introns were predicted using the different annotation tools,
Fig. 5. Intra-erythrocytic transcription profile for Pfrab2 and PfRab7. Total including the PBGI programme that we have recently
RNA was isolated from infected erythrocytes at different time points post described (Yeramian et al., 2002).
invasion and probed with Pfrab2- and Pfrab7-specific probes. Track 1, 0–8
h; track 2, 8–16 h; track 3, 17– 25 h; track 4, 27–35 h; track 5, 35–43 h 3.2. PfRabs predicted to be compartment-specific have
post-invasion. Expression profiles for the two genes differs with Pfrab2 different sub-cellular locations
being strongest in ring (track 1) and young trophozoite (track 2) stages, but
still readily detected in mature trophozoites (track 3), young and mature
schizonts (tracks 4 and 5). Transcripts for Pfrab7 could only be readily In order to generate evidence that the Pfrab-specific
detected in mature trophozoites and early schizonts (tracks 3 and 4). transcripts we have detected by Northern blot, or RT – PCR
20 E. Quevillon et al. / Gene 306 (2003) 13–25

Fig. 6. Different PfRabs have different sub-cellular distributions in schizont-infected erythrocytes. Panel (A) shows control rabbit pre-immune serum. Panel (B)
shows a multinucleated schizont decorated with anti-PfRab1A antibodies giving a perinuclear staining. Panels (C) and (D) (phase contrast) show the pattern
obtained with the anti-PfRab11A antibodies. Clearly, PfRab1A and PfRab11A display different distributions. Panel (E) shows the pattern obtained with anti-
Pf39 antibodies specific for the endoplasmic reticulum. Panel (F) shows a double-labelling with anti-PfRab1A (green) and Pf39 (red) antibodies, where co-
localization stains yellow. Panel (G) shows a double-labelling with anti-PfRab11A (green) and anti-Pf39 (red) and no co-localization is observed. Panel (H)
shows anti-PfRab6 (green) and anti-Pf39 (red), where co-localization stains yellow.

are actually translated into protein we raised antibodies to and their pre-immune sera gave no reaction with infected
specific peptides derived from PfRab1A and PfRab11A and erythrocytes (Fig. 6A). From its sequence homology
performed indirect-immunofluorescence microscopy (Fig. PfRab1A is expected to be an intermediate compartment
6). The specificity of the anti-peptide antisera was (between the ER and Golgi) specific Rab (Saraste et al.,
confirmed by Western blots and each identified only a 1995), and indeed it gives a perinuclear staining (Fig. 6B)
single polypeptide (presented to referees, data not shown) and co-localizes with Pf39 (Fig. 6F), a known ER specific
E. Quevillon et al. / Gene 306 (2003) 13–25 21

Fig. 7. Ribbon drawing showing superposition of PfRab6-GDP bound structure (1D5C) in white and PfRab6-GTP model in grey. The RabF and SF motifs are
shown coloured as previously. Location of GDP in 1D5C is shown in sticks. Note that only RabF1 (F1) and RabF3 (F3) are predicted to change their position as
GTP is hydrolysed to GDP.

marker (Templeton et al., 1997). In contrast, PfRab11A is PfRab2. Previously, Pereira-Leal and Seabra noticed that
expected to be specific for recycling endosomes (Ullrich RabF motifs occur close to the switch region and argued that
et al., 1996), and the antibodies decorate vesicular-like they may be involved in mediating interactions with Rab-
structures (Fig. 6C,D) that do not co-localize with Pf39 (Fig. effector proteins. If true, their conservation in Rabs from P.
6G). For comparison, we used antibodies to Golgi-specific falciparum argues that the mechanism of recognition of
PfRab6 (Fig. 6E), whose distribution overlaps with Pf39 certain Rab-effectors has been conserved from lower
(Fig. 6H). Although fine details cannot be discerned by eukaryotic parasites through to Man. Moreover, the
simple immunofluorescence microscopy, it is clear that distribution of the RabSF1 and RabSF2 motifs suggests
PfRabs predicted to be specific for different compartments that PfRabs 1, 2 and 11 might share a common effector. The
have different sub-cellular distributions. RabSF4 motif seems to be extremely variable among P.
falciparum Rabs. Only the first residue (F) in this motif is
3.3. Cross-species conservation of RabF motifs conserved among all except for PfRab5C. As seen in Figs. 7
and 8, this motif resides in helix a5 and in conjunction with
Recently, a comparison of small GTPases of the human RabSF1 and RabSF3 forms a surface for interaction with
Ras super-family identified a series of small sequence specific effectors, for example, Rabphilin, in the case of
motifs specific for the Rab sub-family (Pereira-Leal and Rab3a (Ostermeier and Brunger, 1999).
Seabra, 2000, 2001). We verified that these specific motifs
are present in the putative P. falciparum Rabs (Fig. 1). 3.4. Repositioning of RabF motifs during the GTP to GDP
Interestingly, although the RabSF3, and to some extent SF4 switch
motifs, are conserved in all 11 P. falciparum Rabs, the
RabSF1 motif and to a lesser extent RabSF2 appear to Following its comparison with mammalian Rab3 bound
delineate two sub-groups (see Fig. 1). A specific RabSF1 to GTP and recently determined GPPNP complex of Rab5a,
motif can be seen for PfRabs 1, 2 and 11, with a well- we were able to model the conformational changes in the
conserved RabSF2 motif being present in PfRab1 and PfRab6 protein during the GTP to GDP switch (Chatto-
22 E. Quevillon et al. / Gene 306 (2003) 13–25

Two amino acids residues (TV) in human Rab6 are

known to be important for mediating interaction with
Rabkinesin-6 and we have previously discussed that of the
equivalent residues in PfRab6 only the first alanine A(85) is
exposed, whilst the second alanine A(86) is buried
(Chattopadhyay et al., 2000). Fig. 8 shows that AA motif
occurs at the C-terminal edge of RabF4. Indeed, the exposed
A(85) together with the loop region of the SF3 motif and the
C-terminal portion of RabF4 sequence may provide binding
surface for a large molecule, such as a putative P.
falciparum Rab6 effector. Interestingly, the human
Rab6A’ isoform expressing the AA motif similar to P.
falciparum, does not interact with Rabkinesin-6, nor does it
appear to regulate retrograde transport from the Golgi to the
ER (Echard et al., 2000), rather it appears to regulate
endosome to Golgi transport (Mallard et al., 2002). Also we
have to consider that the N-terminal end of Rab6 houses the
RabSF1 motif that is very flexible and not visible in PfRab6
structure beyond residue 11. The other human Rab6 isoform
specific residue, V60 (PfRab6 numbering) is at the N-
terminal edge of the RabF2 motif and is partially exposed.
This residue is involved in hydrophobic interaction with
RabSF1 region and may mediate a novel effector
Fig. 8. Ribbon diagram showing the position of PfRab6 equivalent residues
of human Rab6 isoforms. The RabF and SF motifs are shown coloured. The 3.5. Phylogenetic tree analysis of parasite and yeast Rabs
corresponding residues V60, A85 and A86 are shown in ball and stick on
the GDP-bound structure of PfRab6 (1D5C), and combined with RabSF1
(SF1) and RabF4 (F4) they appear to form an interface. Rab GTPases of S. cerevisiae and S. pombe can be
considered as a paradigm for eukaryotic Rab function due to
the small size of their families and easy genetic analysis of
padhyay et al., 2000). We therefore asked whether the
their function. Similar to the two fungi P. falciparum is a
surface distribution of the RabF motifs were predicted to
unicellular lower eukaryote and comparison between the
change following GTP hydrolysis, as this might impact on
three different families ought to be particularly informative
their potential interactions with Rab-effector proteins (Fig. (Pereira-Leal and Seabra, 2001). Moreover, the P. falci-
7). The image shows RabF and RabSF motifs on the crystal parum family of 11 genes is similar in size to S. cerevisiae
structure of PfRab6-GDP (white) overlaid with PfRab6- (11 genes) and S. pombe (7 genes), suggesting that direct
GTP model (grey). We note that only two of the RabF comparison might give some insight into the potential
motifs, RabF1 and RabF3 which lie within the switch I and function of a given P. falciparum Rab. The tree presented in
switch II regions, show changes in their position, the other Fig. 9 shows the result of this comparison using PfRab5A
three RabF motifs remaining in the same position in both lacking the 30-amino-acid insertion as the insertion did not
conformational states. RabF4, which lies within the helix alter the position of PfRab5A (data not shown).
a2-loop5 may also undergo changes in specific cases, since The two smallest groups are those composed of PfRab6,
any conformational changes in F3 region can result in SpRyh1, plus ScYpt6 and PfRab7, SpTypt7 plus ScYpt7.
movement of F4. This implies that RabF1 and RabF3 might Clearly, PfRab6 and PfRab7 can be considered parasite
mediate binding to effectors, where the interactions are orthologues of SpRyh1/ScYpt6 and SpTyp7/ScYpt7,
determined by GTP ! GDP hydrolysis. Also note that respectively, as they have bootstrap values close to 100
RabSF motifs do not change much in position (except for (see Fig. 9). Interestingly, genetic inactivation of ScYpt7
loop area of RabSF2, at the N-terminal edge of RabF1) and leads to an increase in vacuole size (Gotte et al., 2000). By
as such these motifs might mediate more ‘constitutive’ analogy therefore, one could predict that PfRab7 has a
binding to effectors that could be specific for Rab subsets. similar role in regulating vacuole size within the parasite,

Fig. 9. Phylogenetic tree analysis of P. falciparum Rabs compared to those of S. cerevisiae (Sc) and S. pombe (Sp). The different P. falciparum Rabs form clads
with yeast Rabs, where each clad can be considered to represent a functional group. The numbers on the consensus tree indicate the number of times the
partition of the species into two sets, which are separated by the branch occurred among the trees, out of 1000 trees analysed. The tree was rooted on human
Rho6 as an out-group protein.
E. Quevillon et al. / Gene 306 (2003) 13–25 23
24 E. Quevillon et al. / Gene 306 (2003) 13–25

and the observation that Pfrab7 expression occurs at a stage with different subcellular locations. The observation that P.
of the lifecycle concurrent with vacuole formation (Fig. 5) is falciparum was found to have the same number of rab genes
consistent with this notion. as S. cerevisiae, and to possess orthologues to most yeast
The parasite Rab5 GTPases form a group with SpYpt5, Rabs indicates that the parasite secretory/endocytic pathway
ScTpt52, ScYpt53 and Ypt21 and Ypt10. We recall that is similar in basic structure to the yeast pathway.
PfRab5B has a C-terminus ending in NNP, rather than CC or Alternatively, some orthologues might fulfil a different
CXC and may be a Rab with an unusual function. Within function. For example, PfRab5B lacks a classical C-
this clad, interruption of the ScYpt10 gene gives no terminus required for prenylation, yet encodes a potential
discernible phenotype, whereas genetic interruption of N-terminal myristoylation site implying a novel role for this
SpYpt5 leads to vesicle accumulation (Armstrong et al., parasite Rab. PfRab5A has an unusual 30-amino-acid
1993). Thus, it is difficult to tell from this analysis whether insertion that could alter and/or impair protein structure/-
PfRab5A and/or PfRab5C might regulate endosomal function and this raises extremely interesting structural
function, or vacuole-vacuole fusion in P. falciparum. biological questions. It is conceivable that Rab isoforms as
However, the presence of a 30-amino-acid insertion in well Rab-specific effectors evolved with the increasing
PfRab5A that we have argued could mediate novel effector complexity of the cellular structure and function and the
interactions, might favour PfRab5C. concomitant changes in fine tuning structure of the Rab
The group made up of Rab11-like homologues shows proteins. These differences can make putative functional
PfRab11A to be more closely related to SpYpt3 and yeast assignments of parasite Rabs hazardous. Nonetheless,
null for this function are lethal (Miyake and Yamamoto, phylogenetic comparison with Rabs from yeast gave clear
1990) implying that PfRab11A may mediate an essential indications to potential function for certain P. falciparum
recycling endosome function in P. falciparum. The Rabs, and implied that genetic interruption of some parasite
vesicular-like pattern (Fig. 6C) obtained with specific rab genes may have a null phenotype.
antibodies to PfRab11A are consistent with this notion.
PfRab11B is on another earlier branch implying that it
might have a slightly different more ancient function.
Interestingly, PfRab2 and SpYpt4 might be orthologues.
Genetic inactivation of SpYpt4 leads to an increased
We wish to thank the scientists and funding agencies
vacuole size (Armstrong et al., 1994) implying a similar
comprising the international Malaria Genome Project for
role for PfRab2. However, Northern analysis (Fig. 5)
making sequence data from the genome of P. falciparum
showed that the profile of Pfrab2 expression differs from
(3D7) public prior to publication of the completed sequence.
that of Pfrab7, suggesting non-identical roles for these two
parasite Rabs in vacuole size regulation, or perhaps separate The Sanger Centre (UK) provided sequence for chromo-
roles in regulation of size of different vacuoles. somes 1, 3 –9 and 13, with financial support from the
PfRab1B segregates with SpYpt1 and ScYpt1 suggesting Wellcome Trust. A consortium composed of The Institute
that it is the P. falciparum orthologue, while PfRab1A for Genome Research, along with the Naval Medical
although in the same cluster together with ScSec4 and Research Center (USA), sequenced chromosomes 2, 10,
SpYpt2 is clearly less closely related. This might suggest that 11 and 14, with support from NIAID/NIH, the Burroughs
PfRab1A might have a more parasite-specific function in the Wellcome Fund, and the Department of Defence. The
ER to Golgi transport defined by PfRab1B/SpYpt1/ScYpt1 Stanford Genome Technology Center (USA) sequenced
(Segev and Botstein, 1987). PfRab18 would appear to define chromosome 12, with support from the Burroughs Well-
an ancestral Rab more closely related to SpYpt2 and ScSec4. come Fund. The Plasmodium Genome Database is a
collaborative effort of investigators at the University of
Pennsylvania (USA) and Monash University (Melbourne,
4. Conclusions Australia), supported by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund. We
thank Gary Ward for the anti-peptide antisera. The Pasteur
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