Ulama e Soo in Islam

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The Signs of the Ulama-e-Haqq and the Ulama-e-Soo


(By Maulana Ahmad Sadeq Desai)

“O People of Imaan! Verily, numerous of the saints and scholars devour the wealth of
people in baatil (haraam/crooked) ways and they prevent (others) from the Path of
Allah.” (Aayat 34, At- Taubah) “Why do their saints and scholars not forbid them from
their words of sin and their consumption of haraam? Indeed, vile is that which they are
perpetrating.” (Aayat 64, Al-Maaidah)

The term, scholars for dollars is not used with frivolity. It has serious connotations. In
Islamic parlance, its equivalent is Abdud dinar wad dirham (the slave of gold and silver).
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

“Accursed (Mal-oon) is the slave of dinar (gold) and accursed is the slave of dirham

In the Qur’aan and Hadith ulama and shaikhs (spiritual guides) come within the purview
of this repugnant epithet. Scholars for dollars existed in every age. In former times they
were generally the palace scholars whose function it was to churn out ‘fatwas’ to legalize
the haraam whims and fancies of the Sultans and rulers. In the present age too we find
this class of ulama-esoo’ who patronizes the kings and rulers. They are adept in the art of
fabricating ‘fatwas’ which cater for the amours, whims and fancies of the rulers.

About such scholars for dollars, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) once said to the
Sahaabah: “Seek refuge with Allah from Jubbul Huzn (the Pit of Grief). (The Sahaabah
asked): “What is Jubbul Huzn? (Rasulullah – sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said): “It is a
valley in Jahannam. Daily Jahannum seeks refuge from it (i.e. from the intensity of its
heat) four hundred times.” (The Sahaabah asked): “Who will enter it?” (Rasulullah
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam said): “ It has been prepared for the Qurraa who display
their deeds, and the most hated Qurraa’ by Allah are those who visit the rulers.”

In the context of the Hadith the term Qurraa refers to the Ulama and the Qaaris. In the
context of this specific Hadith, it refers to the ulama-esoo’ – the scholars for dollars. In
our age, the classes of scholars for dollars have multiplied. Besides the palace scholars,
the other classes of scholars of dollars of this age are the scholars who constitute the
‘shariah’ boards of the capitalist riba banks, the scholars who halaalize carrion chickens
and meat, the television scholars, scholars who legalize kuffaar sport, and all types of
scholars who pander on the whims of the worldly elite. It is the conglomerate of these
scholars for dollars who have ruined the masses of the Ummah.

These evil scholars are goaded on by two pursuits: Hubb-e-Jah (love for name and fame)
and Hubb-e- Maal (love for wealth – for haraam boodle). Their acquisition of Ilm of the
Deen was motivated by gross insincerity. In this regard they are signs of Qiyaamah. It
comes in the Hadith that among the signs of Qiyaamah is that Knowledge of the Deen will
be pursued for reasons other than the Deen. In another Hadith it is mentioned that they
will pursue the dunya with the amal of the Aakhirah.

Issuing a warning to the scholars for dollars, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
“Recite the Qur’aan. Don’t eat by means of the Qur’aan”. That is: Don’t sell the Deen
for a miserable price- for the dunya – to gain wealth, name and fame. This in fact is the
objective of those scholars for dollars who churn out fatwas of jawaaz (permissibility) for
the haraam riba products of the riba banks. It is the objective of the scholars for dollars
who halaalize carrion meat and carrion chicken. It is the objective of those ugly scholars
for dollars who present their obnoxious snouts in Dajjaal’s eye (television).

Warning the scholars for dollars of a disgraceful and agonizing chastisement , Rasulullah
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that they will have to circumambulate their intestines in
the Fire of Jahannam. May Allah Ta’ala save us from such a perilous and disgraceful
calamity. On this issue, the scholars for dollars who serve at Radio Shaitaan in specific,
should beware. Their rodomontade attitude and advertising of their haraam, immoral
MTN awards from the rooftop like a hen crackling after having laid an egg is in the
shadow of the chastisement of circumambulation of intestines in Jahannam.

If the scholars of dollars cloak their brains and hearts with imperviousness to block off all
naseehat, then regret and remorse on the occasion when the soul will be stuck in the
throat at the time of Maut will not avail. It will be futile. At that time, the brevity and
fleeting nature of these worldly years will be seen for the stark reality it is. At that time it
will appear to them: “As if they had tarried (on earth) just an evening or a morning.”

The epithet, scholars for dollars, along with its pejorative dimension serves as warning
and admonition for the wayward, miscreant ulama- e-soo’. Look into your hearts. Take
stock of your misdeeds and reform your selves before it is too late for reformation. Don’t
await the time when you will rue your birth on earth. That will be the time when you will
be making crackling sounds (at the time of Maut) because of all the haraam television,
carrion and riba ruction you had perpetrated life-long. May Allah Ta’ala grant us all the
taufeeq to see, understand and make amal on the Haqq.


MOLVIS AND SHEIKHS who eagerly cultivate the company of rulers, kings and
government officials are the worst type of ulama-e-soo’. The following are the warnings
sounded by some of the greatest Auliya and Ulama of Islam:

“A person who only fulfils his Fardh obligations and abstains from visiting rulers, is
better than a man who perpetually fasts, engages in ibaadat the entire night, performs
Hajj and participates in Jihad, but also visits the king.” (Fudhail Bin Iyaadh)

“If you see an Aalim visiting a judge/ magistrate without valid need, then do not think
good of him nor offer Salaam to him. Regard him as an evil person.” (Sufyaan Thauri) *
“The worst Ulama are those who are close to the rulers (kings, government officials and
the like).” – (Hadhrat Asmaee)

“If you see an Aalim at the door of the king, know that he is a thief.” (Saeed Bin

And Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

“The majority of the munaafiqeen of my Ummah are their Qurraa’.”

Qurraa’ in this context refers to the Ulama and Qaaris – they are the state scholars, paid
dollars and riyaals to issue fatwas to appease the rulers. Within this scope also are the
‘shariah’ board molvis and sheikhs who are employed by the riba-bankers. They pay these
satanic ‘scholars’ of a smattering of knowledge lucrative salaries to churn out fatwas of
permissibility for their haraam riba products.


[By Maulana Ahmad Sadeq Desai]

RASULULLAH ( sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

"The Ulama are the Warathah (Heirs) of the Ambiya."

Add to this, Rasulullah's command:

"Beware of sitting in the company of the wealthy."

Also, reflect on the Hadith:

"Verily, the most hated of the Qurraa' (Qaaris and Ulama) by Allah, are those who
frequent the rulers."

The following episode should constrain the scholars for dollars to look into their hearts
for comprehending and apprehending the thieves of hubb-e-jah (love of fame) and hubb-
e-maal (love of wealth) which have ruined them, and which have converted them into

The governor of Egypt sent a messenger on foot to Hadhrat Yazeed Bin Abi Habeeb
Misri (rahmatullah alayh) with the instruction: "I have a mas'alah to ask, please come!"
Hadhrat Habeeb told the messenger to say to the governor: "You, yourself come and ask
the mas'alah. For you to come to me is a virtue and an adornment for yourself. My
coming to you, is for you a defect and an ugliness."
It always was the practice of the Ulama-e-Haqq to avoid going to the people of the
dunya. Whoever desired a fatwa, be he the Sultan/Ruler of the time, was constrained to
come to the humble cloister, hut or home of the Ulama. The lofty pedestal of Waraathat-
e-Ambiya did not permit the Ulama-e-Haqq to respond to the requests of the wealthy and
the rulers who desired their presence at their palaces/mansions for the purpose of issuing

It was the practice of the ulama-e-soo -- 'palace ulama', the scholars for dollars – who
would sully their knowledge and rank by hovering around kings and the wealthy.
Following in the footsteps of such ulama-e-soo' who considered it an honour to be in the
company of rulers and the wealthy, are the scholars of the 'shariah' boards of the riba
banks. Shamelessly and most dishonourably insulting and demeaning themselves, they sit
in the mal-oon offices of the riba banks who pay them from riba funds to churn out
fatwas of permissibility for their riba products.

Then there are some of the Ulama who may not be seeking monetary gain from the
banks. Nevertheless, they too bring disrepute and insult to the lofty Office of Nubuwwat
– of being the Heirs of the Ambiya – by visiting the offices of the riba banks and by
sitting in their stupid board rooms where the Mufti Sahib makes a mockery of himself
sitting like a clown and a serf in the midst of the capitalist bankers whose worldly
'superiority' overawes the Molvi Sahib. This type of bootlicking Mufti hankers after jah
(cheap name and fame).

Associating with world-famous capitalist bankers bloats the ego of the Mufti Sahib. The
moron feels 'great' in the company of the riba capitalists whose haraam products he
promotes with his confounded concoction of 'fatwas'. Anyone who seeks a fatwa, be he a
banker or a ruler or a government official or the president of the country, should come to
the Mufti's humble quarters and present his istifta' (question).

It is impermissible and most demeaning for a Mufti to bootlickingly answer the

'summons' of the banker. If the Mufti occupies his post for the Sake and Pleasure of Allah
Ta'ala and for his salvation in the Aakhirah, he will remain with noble dignity in his
simple and humble environment, guarding the Shariah and strengthening the bond of
Muslims with Allah Ta'ala with his naseehat and Amr Bil Ma'roof.

It does not behove an Aalim of the Haqq to be an employee of a riba bank. It is extremely
insulting for the Ulama to sit in conference in the boardrooms of secular 'personalities'.
According to the Hadith, the ultimate abode of the scholars for dollars –the ulama-e-soo
– is the Valley in Jahannam called Jubbul Huzn (The Pit of Grief). This terrible abode,
constrains Jahannam itself to seek "Allah's refuge from it 400 times daily"

Is the Truth (Haqq) Determined by the Majority?

[By Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Sadeq Desai]

“Verily, Allah is Most beneficent to people, but most people are ungrateful.”
(Al-Baqarah, Aayat 243)

“If you follow the majority on earth, they will mislead you from the Path of Allah.”
(Al-An’aam, Aayat 116)

“Say: Verily, its knowledge is only by Allah, but the majority of mankind does not know.”
(Al-A’raaf, Aayat 187)

“Verily, the Haqq (Truth) is from your Rabb, but the majority does not believe.”
(Hood, Aayat 17)

“This is the established Deen, but the majority of people does not know.”
(Yoosuf, Aayat 40)

“Verily, the majority of you is faasiqoon (flagrant transgressors).”

(Al-Maaidah, Aayat 59)

“Verily, we have brought to you the Haqq, but most of you detest the Haqq.”
(Az-Zukhruf, Aayat 78)

In Islam, the majority is not the criterion of Haqq. The criterion is the Shariah even if it is
upheld by one person while the entire community is opposed to the solitary upholder of
the Shariah. The majority has always been kuffaar, fussaaq and fujjaar and juhala.

Hadhrat Ibn Mas’ood (radhiyallahu anhu) said to ‘Amr ibn Maymoon:

“The jamaa’ah are those who are in accordance with the truth (of the Deen), even if you
are on your own”

Hafiz Abu Shaamah said:

“The order to cling to the jamâ’ah means clinging to the truth and its followers; even if
those who adhere to the truth are few and those who oppose it are many, since the truth
is that which the first jamâ’ah from the time of Rasulullah (sallAllâhu ‘alayhi wasallam)
and his Sahaabah (radhiyallahu anhum) had adhered to. No attention is given to the
great number of the people of futility coming after them.” (Faydh al Qadir 4/19,Al-Bâ`ith
`alâ Al-Bid`ah wal-Hawâdith page 19)

Imam Sufiyan bin Uayniya (rahmatullah alayh) said:

“Be on the way of truth; do not worry if the people of truth are lesser.”

Imam Shaatibi states in Al-I’tisaam:

“Based on this, were we to assume an age is free of a mujtahid, then it is not possible for
the common people to follow others than the likes of them. Their group would not be
regarded as “the greatest mass” (Sawaad-e-A’zam) mentioned in the hadith. Rather,
narrating from the mujtahids will take the place of the existence of the mujtahids. Hence,
that which is binding on the common people in the presence of mujtahids is what is
binding on the people of a supposed time that is free of mujtahids.

Also, following the analysis of one who has no analytical [ability], and the ijtihad of one
who has no [ability to perform] ijtihad is pure deviance and is groping in the dark. This
is the purport of the authentic hadith: “Verily, Allah will not take away knowledge by
extracting [it from the breasts of the Ulama), but will take away knowledge by taking [the
lives of] the ‘Ulama’, until He does not leave an ‘Alim. Then people will adopt for [their]
leaders the ignorant ones whom they will ask, and (these ignoramuses) will issue ‘fatwa’
without knowledge Thus, he will be misguided and he will misguide (others).”

…Then Ishaq said: “Were you to ask the ignorant people about the ‘greatest mass’
(Sawaad-e-A’zam), they will say, the majority of people. They do not know that the
Jama‘ah is even an Aalim resolutely following in the footsteps of Rasulullah (sallallahu
alayhi wasallam). Therefore, whoever is with him (the Aalim of Haqq) and follows him,
that is the Jama‘ah.” And then Ishaq said: “I have not heard a scholar for fifty years that
was stronger in adherence to the footsteps of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)
than Muhammad ibn Aslam.”
So examine this narration which clarifies the error of those that assume that the Jama‘ah
is the majority of people, even if there is no scholar amongst them, and this is the
understanding of the common people, not the understanding of the ‘Ulama’. Let the one
who is in accord (with the Shariah), plant his feet firmly in this slippery domain, so that
he does not deviate from the straight path. And there is no guidance but from Allah.”

Imaam Al-Ghazaali (505 A.H) wrote in his Iḥya Uloomuddeen:

“And from amongst those things (of utmost importance), is that he (the seeker) should
assiduously be on guard against innovated matters [in Deen] even if the vast majority of
people have accepted them, and that he should not be deceived by the people’s assertion
(about the legitimacy) of something that has been introduced after the Sahaabah of
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). He should be avid in his enquiry about the state
of the Sahaabah, their behavior, their actions and about the issues to which they assigned
the utmost importance..”

Sayyidina Ali (radhiyallahu anhu) said that the people will see a time when Islam will
remain only in name and the Qur’an will be found only in writing. The mosques will
seem to be occupied but they will be bereft of guidance. The Ulama will be the worst of
all people under the sky and mischief will emanate from them and return to them. (Ibn
Abi Dunya)

Hafiz Ibn Hajar quotes and approves in his al-Fath the following narration of Hadhrat Ibn
Mas’ood (radhiyallahu anhu) explaining the meaning of the Hadith from Bukhari which
“No age will dawn upon you but the one following it will be viler than it.”

Hadhrat Ibn Mas‘ood (radhiyallahu anhu) said:

“No age will dawn upon you but it will be viler than the one preceding it. I do not mean a
ruler better than another ruler, or a year better than another year, but (I mean) that your
Ulama and Fiqh will disappear, and you will not find (uprighteous) successors to them.
Then there will come people who will issue ‘fatwas’ [legal opinions) based on their own
opinion.” And in another narration, “Who will blunt Islam and destroy it.”

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

“In the latter days the devout ones (Sufis) will be ignorant and the Ulama immoral”

Hakeem ul Ummah, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi states in his Malfooz:

“Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) directed us to follow the ‘Sawaad-e-A’zam’ in

times of fitnah. From the different opinions of ulama the preferred view seems to be the
one that is understood from the zaahir (text) of the Hadith i.e. the majority should be
followed. This view is restricted to the Khairul Quroon when khair (goodness) was
dominant (ghaalib). Today’s majority is not the purport of the Hadith (i.e. the Sawaad-e-
A’zam Hadith). because today the majority consists of misguided people.”

It definitely does not apply to this age when even ‘ulama’ are morons.

Imaam Tirmizi said:

“The tafseer of “Jama`ah” according to the people of knowledge is “people of

jurisprudence, Knowledge and Hadith”. I heard Jarud bin Muadh who heard from Ali bin
Hasan say: ‘I asked ‘Abdullâh bin Al-Mubârak, who is the Jamâ’ah?’ So he said, ‘Abû
Bakr (radhiyallahu anhu) and ‘Umar (radhiyallahu anhu).’ It was said to him, ‘Indeed
Abû Bakr (radhiyallahu anhu) and ‘Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) have died.’ He said, ‘So
and so and so and so.’ It was said, ‘Indeed, so and so and so and so have also died.’ So
‘Abdullâh bin Al-Mubârak said, ‘Abû Hamzah As-Sukkarî is the Jamâ’ah.'” Abu ‘Îsa
(Tirmidhee) said: And Abû Hamzah was Muhammad bin Maymûn. And he was a
righteous Shaykh, and he said this during our lifetime.”(Sunan at-Tirmizi, Hadeeth no:

Abu Hurayrah said:

“Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Islam began as something strange (and
forlorn) and will revert to being strange (and forlorn) as it began, so give glad tidings to
the strangers.” [Sahih Muslim no:145]

Imaam Nawawi quoted al-Qaadi ‘Iyaadh as saying concerning the meaning of this

“Islam began among a few individuals, then it spread and prevailed, then it will reduce in
numbers until there are only a few left, as it was in the beginning.”

Al-Sindi said in Haashiyaat Ibn Maajah:

“Strange” refers to the small number of its adherents. The basic meaning of ghareeb (a
stranger) is a person who is far from one’s homeland. “And will revert to being strange”
refers to the small number of those who will adhere to its teachings even though its
followers are numerous. “So give glad tidings to the strangers” means those who follow
its commands.“Tooba (glad tidings)” has been interpreted as meaning Jannat or a great
tree of splendour in Jannat. This shows that supporting Islam and following its
commands may require leaving one’s homeland and patiently bearing the difficulties of
being a stranger, as was the case in the beginning.”

Variant Narrations Describing the Qualities of the "Ghurabaa"

The hadith regarding the blessed Ghurabaa when Islam becomes a lone, forlorn and
strange concept, comes through variant narrations describing a number of qualities of the
Ghurabaa. They are:

(1) “…they are those who rectify/correct when people become corrupt.”
(2) “…they are those who grow more (in faith) when people decrease in faith.”
(3) “…[they are] the forsakers of kindred (for the Sake of Allah).”
(4) “…[they are] a few righteous people among many people; those who oppose them are
more than those who follow them.”
(5) “…they are those who revive my Sunnah and teach it to people.”
6) “…[they are those] who correct what people have distorted after me in my Sunnah

The Sawaad-e-A’zam constitutes the small group of Ulama-e-Haqq whom Allah Ta’ala
has granted Istiqaamat (firmness) on the Shariah and the Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu
alayhi wasallam). It never refers to the mob-majority of ulama-e-soo’ who trample on the
Ahkaam of the Shariah, and who bootlick the kuffaar by placating their whimsical desires
and baatil concepts. This small group of Ulama-e-Haqq comes within the purview of the

“There will ever remain a small group from my Ummah who will fight on the Haqq
until the arrival of the Command of Allah (i.e. Qiyaamah). Those who oppose them
and who do not aid them, will not be able to harm them.”

Spiritual Lethargy of the Present Day Men of Knowledge

[By Maulana Ahmad Sadeq Desai]
A salient characteristic of the majority of the Maulanas and Sheikhs of the present-day is
their spiritual lethargy and indifference to the very important and significant acts of
ibaadat. The lackadaisical attitude of these learned men in regard to ibaadat is not
restricted to Nawaafil (plural of Nafl), but extends to Waajib (compulsory) and Sunnatul
Muakkadah (near compulsory) acts of ibaadat as well.

This deplorable lethargy, in fact indifference, is flagrantly displayed in the matter of

Jama’at Salaat. In many places, the Maulanas show scant regard for Jama’at Salaat. They
arrive at the Musjid the very last moment, late or absent themselves totally. They seek to
justify their lethargy and indifference by the presentation of lame excuses — extremely
lame — excuses which are not valid in the Shariah.

Due to their indolence and high rate of absenteeism from the Musjid or their lamentable
late arrivals after the Salaat has commenced, these learned men lack the moral integrity to
give naseehat on the significance, importance and Wujoob of Jama’at Salaat in the
Musjid. They know that the musallis will look askance should they deliver bayaans on
this subject. They know that the Qur’aanic rebuke : “Why do you say that what you are
not practising.”, will be hurled at them, hence they cannot muster up the courage to speak
on the fadhaail (virtues) of Jama’at Salaat whereas the importance of this ibaadat
cannever be exaggerated. Whatever virtues are explained of this vital ibaadat will always
be an understatement

What actually is the cause for this attitude of spiritual lethargy of the learned men? This
type of attitude is totally unexpected and highly unbecoming of Ulama and Huffaaz. The
Qur’aan Majeed declares:

“Verily, of the servants of Allah only the Ulama fear Him.”

Humility and fear are the natural attributes of Ilm-e-Deen or should be so. But, why are
the present-day ‘ulama’ lacking so terribly in these imperative attributes of Ilm-e-Deen?

It is not difficult to trace the root cause of this evil malady from which so many learned
men suffer. This spiritual lethargy has been inherited from the Madaaris. In the present
system of the Madaaris, the Waajib and vital branch of knowledge, viz., Islaah and
Tarbiyat-e-Baatin (moral and spiritual reformation and training) has been excised. No
importance whatsoever is accorded to this goal which is among the vital Maqaasid (Aims
and Objects) of the knowledge of the Deen.

The emphasis nowadays in the Madaaris is only on the external dimension of Ilm, i.e.
mere textual knowledge. Practical application in daily life of the Qur’aan and Hadith is
not assigned any importance whatsoever in the Madaaris. Minus amal (practice of the
Deen), the acquisition of true Ilm based on Taqwa is a virtual impossibility because Ilm is
a Noor from Allah Ta’ala which settles in the heart of the uprighteous Taalib-e-Ilm
(Searcher of Knowledge).
And, this is possible only by means of strict observance of the Shariah and meticulous
adoption of every dimension of the Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).
But, the Madaaris nowadays are emulating the spiritually bankrupt and immoral secular
institutions of the western world.

Instead of instilling the importance of ibaadat in the hearts of the Talaba (Students), the
method of teaching detracts from the significance of ibaadat and concentrates on only the
external façade of knowledge, namely, the texts. Ahaadith are explained in such a way
which leads the students to gain the idea that Nawaafil is insignificant, unimportant and
that there is nothing wrong in the wholesale neglect of Nafl acts of Ibaadat.

To compound this false impression, the students are led to believe by the system of Dars
(teaching) that they need not practise Nawaafil while they are engaging in the pursuit of
Deeni studies. While this is not overtly proclaimed, the lackadaisical approach of the
Ustaadhs and their indifference to the moral reformation of their students, ingrain in the
minds of the Talaba that it is okay to discard Nafl since such discardence is not sinful as
the definition of Nafl goes or as it is interpreted to them by their Ustaadhs. But it is a
great deception to neglect Nawaafil on the basis of this misconception.

The idea that because there is no sin in abstention from Nawaafil, this category of ibaadat
is unimportant and may be discarded at whim and fancy — at the behest of the nafs — is
spiritually ruinous. It is this idea which is gradually extended to Sunnatul Muakkadah and
Waajib acts. This idea induces the student to become neglectful of fostering his bond
with Allah Ta’ala. The Hadith emphasizes that the servant gains proximity to Allah Ta’ala
by virtue of his abundance of Nawaafil. This is not to say that Nawaafil is the only
requirement for Divine Proximity. Nevertheless, it is a vital requirement for coming
closer to Allah Ta’ala.

Abstention from Nawaafil not being sinful is only initially. After Nawaafil has been
commenced, the order with regard to abstention changes. If a Nafl ibaadat is invalidated
or ended prior to its completion, then its rendition becomes Waajib. Thus, if Nafl Salaat
or Saum is invalidated , i.e. after beginning, it is not completed, then to make Qadha of it
is Waajib. It is Waajib to complete the Nafl ibaadat once it has been initiated.

Discontinuance of a Nafl ibaadat after its adoption is Makrooh Tahrimi (prohibited and
sinful). In this regard Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said to Hadhrat Abdullah
Bin Umar (radhiyallahu anhu):

“O Abdullah, do not be like that person who used to stand at night (i.e. he was in the
practice of Tahajjud Salaat), then he abandoned it.”

While it is not sinful to abstain from Nawaafil prior to commencement, such abstention is
nevertheless, deprivation. The one who abstains from Nawaafil will bemoan his fate in
Qiyaamah when he will see and understand the harm he had caused himself with his
neglect of Nawaafil.

It is this indifferent attitude to Nawaafil which students acquire nowadays at the

Madaaris, which engenders in them spiritual lethargy in all acts of ibaadat throughout
their life. The indifference shown for Nawaafil is gradually extended to Sunnatul
Muakkadah, then to Waajib. This is the manner in which Shaitaan operates to weaken the
roohaani(spiritual) fibre of the student of the Deen.

Later, after the student has bid farewell to the Madrasah, he displays his indolence and
indifference even for the Waajib Jama’at Salaat. Thus, we find so many learned men
feeling no pangs of conscience for missing Salaat with Jama’at in the Musjid. Arriving
late for Jama’at and missing a raka’t or two are not viewed with any seriousness despite
the fact that such acts are among the Kabaair (major) sins.


When the Talaba come across Ahaadith on the significance of Ilm and on the superiority
of knowledge over worship (Nafl acts of ibaadat), they gain the destructive impression
that in view of their engagement in the pursuit of Ilm, there is no need for Nawaafil
ibaadat. They are students of Deeni knowledge, hence there is no need for
Nawaafil.Subhaanallaah! This corruption in their thinking is further solidified by the
method of teaching and the lack of Taqwa of the Ustaadhs.

The superiority of engagement in Ilm over Nawaafil is accepted. But this superiority does
not or should not produce indifference to Nawaafil. After all, the purpose of Ilm is amal
(i.e. to give practical expression to the ahkaam of the Deen). The Hadith which says that
an hour in the night spent in Ilm is better than spending the entire night in Nafl ibaadat
does not apply to present day Talaba whose relationship with Ilm is extremely weak.

The students in the Madaaris of this age have considerable time for indulgence in futility,
kuffaar sport, holidays, nonsensical discussions, reading newspapers, listening to nafsaani
radio programmes and other activities which are not only unrelated to the pursuit of Ilm,
but decidedly harmful for the acquisition of the Noor of Ilm. It is a monstrous deception
of shaitaan for these types of students to believe that the Ahaadith in this regard are
applicable to them.

The Ahaadith which mention the superiority of spending some time in Ilm are for such
pious, Muttaqi students who do not differentiate between night and day in their pursuit of
Ilm. They do not know what is the meaning of holidays. Sickness does not constrain them
to be absent from classes. Their total immersion in Ilm makes them oblivious of their
surroundings. The Ahaadith apply to such true Talaba, never to the type of students we
find in the Madaaris nowadays.

It is imperative for the Asaatizah and the Talaba to understand that their failure to attend
to their moral reformation and their abstention from the Masnoon acts of Nawaafil
deprive them of the Noor of Ilm. The vile consequences of such deprivation will be
properly understood in Qiyaamah.
Hakimul Ummat,Hadhrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thaanvi (rahmatullah alayh) commenting
on the indifference of the Talaba in the matter of Nawaafil, said:

“People in general regard Nafl as superfluous, and so do the Ahl-e-Ilm (People of

Knowledge) in particular. The People of Knowledge are more trapped in this
misconception. From the very beginning the students are taught that while there is
thawaab for Nafl, there is no sin in abstaining. In view of this definition, the students
labour under the impression that there is nothing wrong if Nawaafil is discarded. A more
ruinous idea is that Nafl is not an act of importance.

Thus, they dismiss Nawaafil as if the Shariat’s exhortation to perform Nafl is futile. Nafl
is never futile or unimportant. It is complimentary of Faraaidh compulsory acts of
ibaadat. It perfects Fardh (by compensating for the deficiencies in the way of discharge).
From this angle, Nafl is exceedingly important. Furthermore, Nafl is a salient sign of
Divine Love.”


Hadhrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thaanvi (rahmatullah alayh) offered the following advice to
students of the Deen:

“What are the adverse affects on ta’leem if the Talaba perform Ishraaq, Chaasht (Duhaa)
and Tahajjud Salaat? And, if instead of becoming involved in futile talks, the Students of
Hadith engage their tongues in Thikr and Durood Shareef, what negative affect will there
be on their studies? (If they engage in these acts), then Insha’Allah, the Noor of Ibaadat
and the sweetness of Thikr will develop in the Students.
Fahm-e-Saleem (correct understanding) and the Noor of intelligence cannot be acquired
without Taqwa and Amal. Adherence to this is highly beneficial for studies. While
students should be prevented from participation in the special ways of Sulook, they
should diligently observe the Athkaar (plural of Thikr) which are narrated in the
Ahaadith, and without fail be regular and punctual with Tilaawat of the Qur’aan Majeed.
These are such acts which may not be discarded in any way.”

The Simplicity and Awe of an Emperor of Islam

(Adapted from Asbaabul Fitnah of Hadhrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi)

OUR SALAF (Spiritual Forefathers) had such a simple outlook towards life that
when Hadhrat Umar Faarooq (Radhiyallahu anhu) set out for Baitul Maqdis
simplicity cascaded from every action and condition of his. [Baitul Maqdis
was in the clutches of the Roman Christians at the time, just as today it is the
control of the Zionists of Israel.]

The Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) had surrounded the city of Baitul

Maqdis. The Christians in the city were prepared to fight to the death to hold
onto the city. They said that in their scriptures the description of the
Conqueror of Baitul Maqdis was clearly depicted. They were only prepared to
open the gates of the city for the person who fits the description. They,
therefore, wished to see the Leader of the Muslims – the Khalifah.

The Commander of the Muslim Army, Hadhrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarraah
(Radhiyallahu anhu) wrote to the Khalifah, Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallahu
anhu) for his graceful presence to break the deadlock. Thus Ameerul
Mumineen Umar Bin Khattaab (Radhiyallahu anhu) set out on the long
journey from Madinah Munawwarah through the arid desert to Shaam (the

The first mark of simplicity was that he did not travel with a procession of
ministers and bodyguards. There was no stately entourage with him. It was
only him, his slave and one camel. And how was the journey undertaken?
The two of them took equal turns to sit on the camel. When Umar
(Radhiyallahu anhu) would be seated on the camel, his slave would lead the
camel by holding onto the rope of the camel. Then Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu)
would draw the camel whilst his slave would sit comfortably on the camel.

Can any other nation produce a similar example of such equality and
simplicity? Never! The second mark of simplicity was that when they arrived
in Shaam at the camp of the Muslims outside Baitul Maqdis, and
coincidentally at that time Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu) was pulling the
camel whilst his slave was on the camel, the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum)
exhorted Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu) to don a new set of garments and seat
himself on an Arabian stallion for his appearance before the Christian
leaders and rulers of the city.

Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu) was wearing a garment that was patched
at many places and the long journey had borne its impressions on the
ragged garment. In spite of this exhortation going against the grain of the
Khalifah, he chose to please his advisers and therefore put on a new robe
and got onto a majestic stallion. The proud Arab stallion kicked aloft its
forelegs and neighed pompously. Immediately the Khalifah subdued the
animal and got off the horse saying furiously to his advisers:

“Do you wish to destroy Umar! We are a nation whom Allah has granted honour
by virtue of Islam.”

Thus saying he removed the new robe and got onto his camel. Let us pause
here and remove the cobwebs in our thinking. We are blissfully unaware of
the reality of honour and awe. We labour under the misconception that awe
and honour come with extravagant garments and flashy vehicles. This is
highly erroneous.

True honour is the product of perfection. What kind of honour is there in

something fleeting? When one removes the extravagant garment one is
stripped of one’s so-called honour! As long as one is covered with the fanciful
garment one is honoured. The moment one changes the garment one
becomes disgraced! Is this called honour? Honour is that which remains with
one all the time. That honour stems from perfection. And the honour of a
Muslim is inextricably interwoven in the Garment of Islam. Adopt Islam
perfectly, then – Insha-Allah – you will be honoured without any

Look at the dress of Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu)! Regardless, his awe
and honour was such that when he departed from Madinah Munawwarah
for Shaam the world shook with fear at the approach of the Khalifah of Islam.
The kings of the world trembled and were struck with awe. What awe
overwhelmed them? Was it awe for his dress? Never! His garment was such
that Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallahu anhu) states:

“Once, I saw Umar making Tawaaf. The kurta he was wearing had twenty-one

People comment that Muslims are underdogs today on account of their

poverty. Firstly, in spite of the [oil] riches of the Arab states look at their
grovelling at the feet of their western masters. Secondly, if poverty was the
reason for being losers how did the Sahaabah, in spite of their poverty, strike
awe and respect into the hearts of the kuffaar? How did they conquer the
world whilst being poor?

Let it be known that awe and respect is not in fashionable clothing and being
millionaires. A Muslim’s honour lies solely in Islam. Muslims of yesteryear
were Muslims in the true sense of the word and hence they achieved honour,
whilst we are Muslims largely in name only and hence we are cringing in
disgrace in spite of our relative affluence in relation to earlier Muslims.

Look at the illustrious Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum). On one occasion

when Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu) came to Shaam and alighted at the
tent of Hadhrat Abu Ubaidah (Radhiyallahu anhu) who was the commander-
in-chief of the Muslim forces, the commander-in-chief only had some dry
pieces of roti and water to serve as meal. Hadhrat Sarmid’s words come to
mind here. He says: “The rich man eats his sumptuous dish, sips his sweet
drink and passes away. Sarmid enjoys his dry roti and plain water and passes
away.” Tears swelled in the eyes of Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu). “O
Abu Ubaidah,” Hadhrat Umar started saying: “Allah Ta’ala has opened up
avenues of lavishness for you through the conquests. Why are you still living
frugally?” Hadhrat Abu Ubaidah (Radhiyallahu anhu) replied: “O Ameerul Mu-
mineen! This world is merely provision for sustaining one on a journey. Since
this [type of food which I have] is sufficient for me reaching my destination of
the Aakhirat, what must I do with more?”

Hadhrat Umar himself was asked once: “The victories on the battlefield have
brought riches to your feet. Why do you still persist in living such an austere
life?” Sayyidina Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu) replied: “Many of our brothers
were martyred during the lifetime of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)
in poverty. They achieved more in the Path of Allah and hardly enjoyed the
pleasures of the world. Their full quota of thawaab has been reserved for the
Aakhirah. We, on the other hand, have gained much wealth and riches with
our conquests and our efforts have been rewarded here in this world. I fear
that if I indulge in the luxuries of this world I will be rebuffed in the Aakhirat
with the words: “You have withdrawn in the world the deposits of your
pleasures and indulged in them. Now you will be given a disgraceful
punishment for you desired selfaggrandizement.” (Surah Ahqaaf, 20)

We also learn from this that the poverty of our Salaf was not involuntary.
They were not poor on account of having received nothing. Allah Ta’ala gave
the illustrious Sahaabah ample wealth [when they undertook the mission of
spreading the Deen of Islam]. But they would not horde wealth. They would
munificently give to the poor and destitute, whilst preferring for themselves a
humble life.
Did this humble state reduce their honour in any way?

In fact, Allah Ta’ala conferred them with such honour that Muslims of today
can only dream about such honour. Thus it is a grave error to think that
leading a simple and humble life brings disgrace to one. It is in fact the
foundation of grand honour when coupled with perfection in Deen.

[Mujlisul Ulama]

Silent Ulama – The Cause of the Universal Punishment

on the Ummah

“And, fear such a fitnah (punishment/calamity) which will not apprehend

only the transgressors among you. And, know that, verily, Allah is most
stern in punishment.”

In this Qur’aanic verse Allah Ta’ala issues a severe warning to the learned
and pious members of a nation. They are warned of the disaster of severe
punishment which will not be restricted to the transgressors who are the
initial cause of the calamity. The divine punishment which will be unleashed
as a consequence of transgression gone overboard, will overtake even the
Ulama and the Sulaha in the community.

Explaining the rationale for the universal punishment, Hakimul Ummat,

Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (rahmatullah alayh) states in his Bayaanul Qur’aan:

“Just as self-reformation is incumbent, so too is it Waajib within the con-fines of

one’s means to strive for the reformation of others by way of Amr Bil Ma’roof
Nahy Anil Munkar (Commanding virtue and prohibiting vice), whether by hand
(i.e. by force) or by tongue or by abstention from association (with the
transgressors) or by abhorrence within the heart, and this is the very last and
weakest stage. The consequence of acquiescence (which leads to abstention from
Amr Bil Ma’roof) is that the calamity of the evil (which others commit) will not be
restricted to only the actual sinners, but will over-take even those (Ulama and
Sulaha) who had abandoned Amr Bil Ma’roof.”

Since abstention from Amr Bil Ma’roof Nahy anil Munkar without valid
reason is mudaahanat (hypocrisy) which causes the abstainers to acquiesce
with the flagrant transgressors, thus displaying flagrant disregard for the
prohibitions of Allah Ta’ala, they too are guilty of major sins, hence the
universal punishment which befalls even the silent Ulama and Sulaha is
justified despite their sincerity and acts of virtue. Allah Ta’ala abhors

In Sharhus Sunnah, Imaam Baghawi (rahmatullah alayh) narrated a Hadith

from Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood (radhiyallahu anhu) and Hadhrat Aishah
Siddeeqah (radhiyallahu anha) in which Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) said that Allah Ta’ala will not inflict His punishment on the entire
community on account of the sins of a few. However, when the sins become
prevalent and are flagrantly committed, and people despite having the ability
do not prevent the transgression, then Allah’s punishment will engulf the
whole community.

Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) also said that when Amr Bil Ma’roof
Nahy Anil Munkar is abandoned, then Allah Ta’ala will appoint such tyrants
over us who will neither respect our seniors nor show mercy to our little
ones. When such calamities befall us, the pious in the community will
supplicate to Allah Ta’ala, but their duas will not be answered. That is
because they had all acquiesced with the flagrant transgressors in the
perpetration of their sins.

For the Ulama to abstain from sin and transgression is not enough. It is their
Waajib obligation to guide and admonish the Muslim community, and to the
best of their ability to prevent Muslims from wanton disobedience.


However, in the present era, the Ulama not only have abandoned Amr Bil
Ma’roof, but are in fact flagrantly indulging in explicit haraam deeds and vice.
Their transgression is worse than the sins of the masses because they (the
Ulama) are justifying their evil and by distortion of the Qur’aan and Hadith,
they follow in the footsteps of the Ulama of Bani Israaeel who used to
legalize the prohibitions of Allah Ta’ala. This attitude of the Ulama is the
surest sign of the impending universal (aam) punishment which is looming in
front of us.

Allah Ta’ala revealed to His Nabi, Hadhrat Yusha’ (alayhis salaam) that He
would soon be destroying with His punishment a city of 100,000 people
among whom were 40,000 Sulaha whose good deeds were like the hasanaat
(deeds of virtue) of the Ambiya. Hadhrat Yusha’ (alayhis salaam), greatly
surprised, supplicated:

“O Allah! That the punishment befalling the transgressors is understandable. But

why shall even such pious persons be punished?”

Allah Ta’ala informed His Nabi that the reason for the Sulaha being punished
along with the transgressors is their mudaahanat. They had abandoned Amr
Bil Ma’roof Nahy Anil Munkar. They socialized and fraternized with the
fussaaq (persistent sinners) and fujjaar (open sinners). They would freely
mingle with them and when invited for meals, they would join the sinners.
Their desensitization rendered them partners in the transgression of the
flagrant sinners, hence the universal punishment.

The silent Ulama and Sulaha should have mercy on themselves and on the
errant community, and this mercy they can show by means of vociferous and
vigorous Amr Bil Ma’roof Nahy Anil Munkar. As long as the Ulama discharge
this Waajib obligation, Insha’Allah, the universal punishment – the fitnah
mentioned in the aayat – will be averted.

The Ulama are supposed to be the Representatives of Rasulullah (sallallahu

alayhi wasallam) and the defenders of the Shariah. It is therefore their
incumbent duty to proclaim the Haqq and admonish the community. They
should not fear if the smiles of people disappear and if monetary
contributions for their Deeni projects are withheld as a consequence of Amr
Bil Ma’roof.

Yes, those ulama-e-soo’ who misappropriate the contributions and consume

fire by lining their pockets with funds contributed for Deeni Projects cannot
be expected to execute the sacred task of Amr Bil Ma’roof. But, there are
many sincere Ulama who have adopted deafening silence in the face of
flagrant fisq and fujoor on the basis of some misconceived idea of ‘hikmat’
which more appropriately should be termed dubious diplomacy which is a
lesson whispered into their hearts by Shaitaan.

As much as we all are pained to observe and hear of the atrocities which the
kuffaar are committing on entire Muslim populations, and as much as we cry
and supplicate to Allah Ta’ala for succour, we know that what is transpiring is
the decree of Allah’s Athaab (divine punishment). Only Istighfaar (seeking
forgiveness) and Inaabat (to turn with total obedience to Allah Ta’ala) are the
solution for the perennial calamities which are besetting Muslims the world

[By Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Sadeq Desai]


The ulama-e-dhalal. . . the ulama-e-soo’ are those who lack the ability to distinguish
between right and left; between haqq and bath, hence they are like those who gather
firewood in an excessively dark night. They know not on what their hands fall. They
suffer from oblique vision.

Thus they say that pictures of living beings and animals are permissible whereas
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that these are haraam. They say that music is
permissible, but Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that it is haraam. They say
that the keeping of a beard is not obligatory, but Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)
said that it is compulsory. They say that the recital of Tasmiah when slaughtering is
unnecessary, but the Qur’an decrees it essential. They say that the intermingling of sexes
is permissible, but the Qur’an prohibits it. They say that Imam Mehdi (alayhis salam) is a
myth, but Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) categorically asserted his reality.

They are the ulama-e-soo who sap the blood of the Deen. They are those about whom
Nabi-e-Kareem (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

“Leaders who lead astray…”

“They are astray and lead (others) astray.”




Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has warned us: Abandon Amr Bil
Ma’roof Nahy Anil Munkar, Allah Azza Wa Jal will then impose on us such cruel
tyrants who will show no mercy to our little ones, and no respect for our
elders. At such a time of Athaab,the ‘pious’ will make duas, but their duas will
be rejected, not answered.

Nothing will avail once the Divine Axe falls on the neck of this Muslim
community. There will be no police to protect us – no army – no law and
order. It will be destruction, pillage, plunder, rape and total fitnah and fasaad
–an unstoppable deluge of Divine Athaab and misery, the consequences of
our own immoral and rebellious villainy in which this Ummah is today

The TV molvis, the radio molvis, the carrion halaalizers, the ‘shariah’ board
riba halaalizers of the riba banks, the molvi halaaizers of haraam pictures,
the molvis who conceal the Haqq, the molvis who abstain from Amr Bil
Ma’roof Nahy Anil Munkar, the molvis who participate in kufr interfaith
exercises, the molvis who in their drunken stupor organize haraam soccer
teams in the name of Islam, the swines who swop ‘wives’, the molvis who
halaalize lahw-la’b, and the Muslim masses who recklessly indulge in fisq and
fujoor should heed and take lesson from the current state of violence and

There is still time for Istighfaar and Taubah. But a precondition of a valid
Taubah is abandonment of the evil in which we are indulging. Don’t soothe
your conscience like morons, searching for any scapegoats to whom the
fitnah and fasaad could be attributed. Attribute it to our own villainous
rejection of Allah’s Shariah and the Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi

Bootlicking and trying to appease the marauders will not help. It is only
Istighfaar, Taubah and obedience to Allah Ta’ala which can save us from His
Athaab. If we fail to heed Allah’s Warning signs, our brains will lapse into a
sickening state of panic, fear, helplessness and hopelessness. The
consequences for Muslims are too horrible for meditation. Remember and
understand well that Allah Azza Wa Jal Alone is the Director and Operator in
the universe. He is the Primary Cause for even the movement of an insect in
the darkness of the earth and for the movement of an atom. He sums up His
total control and command in the aayat:

“And, by Him are the Keys of the Ghaib. No one, but He knows it. He knows what
is in the earth and in the ocean. And, not a leaf drops (from a tree) but He is
aware of it. There is not a seed in the darkness of the earth nor anything moist or
dry, but it is recorded in a Clear Book.”

Reflect on this gracious Aayat silhouetted in the background of all the

anarchy taking place, for Allah Azza Wa Jal says:
“And only the people of intelligence heed lesson.”

Have mercy on yourselves, O Muslims! Look at the disasters overtaking

Muslim communities all over the world. We are no exception. We have not
been chosen for safety. With the all-embracing fitnah, fisq, fujoor and moral
filth in which we are sinking, there is only disaster in store for us. Our Ulama
and modernist self-styled reformers are all barking up the wrong tree. All
have failed to diagnose our disease, hence no one is able to prescribe the
remedy for effective cure. Yet, the disease, its consequence and its remedy
are all explained with clarity in the Qur’aan and Ahaadith.


Sisters should understand and remember that Allah’s punishment is

commensurate to the gravity of the transgression. Your immoral indulgence
in the public domain, your rubbing shoulders rudely and immorally with
males in the public sector, your addiction to cell phone pornography, your
haraam zina pleasure derived from the satanism of media such as facebook,
your abandonment of Haya, your roaming in the malls, your prowling in the
streets, your haraam participation in haraam wedding functions and other
merrymaking parties and functions, etc. will enact Allah’s Athaab
commensurate to the flagrant shamelessness and lewdness you are
displaying in your drunken stupor of crass nafsaaniyat.

What happened to Muslim sisters in Bosnia, in India, in Kashmir, in Burma

and in other places when the wild beasts – human filth – ran amock, pillaging
and plundering? Reflect and try to understand that tomorrow this self-same
fate may descend on you if you continue with your reckless fisq and fujoor.




Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (rahmatullahi alayh) said:

"Abstinence from unlawful things is incumbent on you otherwise the rope of
destruction is coiled round you. You can never get out of its tangle unless God
covers you with His mercy. There is an authentic report of the Holy Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that the foundation of religion is
abstinence from unlawful things and its destruction is in greed, and that whoever
goes round a protected pastureland is only too likely to help himself to it as cattle
pasturing freely by the side of a cornfield are only too likely to stretch their mouth
towards it. It is unlikely that the cornfield would remain safe from them.

Umar Ibn Khattab (may God be pleased with him) is reported to have said:

"We used to abstain from nine-tenth of lawful things in the fear lest we should fall
in the zone of unlawful things."

It is reported of Abu Bakr Siddiq (may God be pleased with him) that he said:

"We used to avoid seventy doors of permissible things for fear of getting involved
in sin."

These exalted personages did so just to be away from any proximity to unlawful
things; and in doing so they acted on the saying of the Holy Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him):

"Beware! verily every king has a protected pasture-land and the pasture-land of
God is His forbidden things.""

[35th discourse, Futuh al-Ghaib]


farmaya :-

 Ulama mai say ek aisa tola (la) bhi hai jo HAMARAY (a.s) dosto or mawaleyo say
bughz wa inad raktha hai, aur ye tola (la) uss par toh qadir nahi kay khulam khulla
HAMARA (a.s) naam lay kar HAMARI (a.s) qada karay aur HAMARI (a.s) burai baya
kar sakay (kyu kay ya tola (la) darta hai kay kahi Moulaee wasilay jahannum na
kar day). Yah tola (la) HAMARA (a.s) kuch ilm padh leta hai, aur un he uloom ke
wajha say HAMARAY (a.s) Shiaoo aur mawalio kay nasdeek khabil-e-tawajoo ban
jata hai, aur jab dekhta hai kay HAMARAY (a.s) kam ilm sada lo Shai uss tolay (la)
ke izzat karnay lagtha hai tho fir ya tola (la) HAMARAY (a.s) zawat-e-muqqadasa
mai aib or naqoos dikhata hai, aur HAMARAY (a.s) dosto kay dushmano kay
samnay HAMARAY (a.s) aib bayan karta hai, aur fir apnay (la) qiyas (intellect) aur
Ijtehaad say unn jhootay naquaias aur aiboo ko bada kar bayan karta hai, halla
kay HUM (a.s) unn naquaias wa aibo say mubbara (purified) hai, HAMARAY (a.s)
sada lo aur kam ilm Shia yeh samaj kar kay ya tola (la) HAMARAY (a.s) uloom
bayan karta hai uss ke batoo mai phas jata hai, aur gumrah ho jata hai, aur ya
tolla un bicharoo ko gumrah kar deta hai, yeh tola (la) HAMARAY (a.s) kam ilm
sada lo Shiao kay liya lashkar-e-yazeed (lanath beshumaar) say bhi zyada battar
hai, jis nai HUSSAIN-IBN-E-ALI (a.s) aur unn kay ASHAB (a.s) par zulm kiya tha,
kyu ke yeh tola (la) sada lo kam ilm Shiao kay ruh-e-imaan bhi sulb kar leta hai,
aur unn ka maal bhi zabth kar leta hai, yehi tola (la) ulma-e-soo (la) hai, yehi tola
(la) HAMARAY (a.s) mawalio say bughz wa anaad rakhta hai, aur unhay apnay
daam (trap) mai phasanay kay liya yah kehta hai kay hum (la) tho AHLULABAIT
(a.s) say mohabbath rakhtay hai, aur unn kay dushmanoo say adawath rakhtay
hai, yehi tola (la) bhaes badal kar (yani HAMARA (a.s) dost ban kar) kam ilm Shiao
kay dillo may shak aur shuba daqil kar detay hai (kay jis kay baad wo bichary
paich o tab mai phas kar HAMARE (a,s) azmat-e-shaan par imaan wo yaqeen say
mahroom ho jatay hai) aur yehi tola (la) unhay gumrah kar deta hai, aur haq-e-sari
wa khalis say in bicharoo ko rok detay hai.

Reference:-Ehtejaaj-E-Tabrisi, Page no 236 and Haqaiq-Ul-Wasait, Page No 105


“O People of Imaan! Verily, numerous of the ulama and the sheikhs devour the wealth of people
by way of baatil (in haraam ways), and they prevent (people) from the Path of Allah.”
(At- Taubah, aayat 34) “Why do the Ulama and the Mashaaikh not forbid them (the people) from
their sinful statements and their consumption of haraam? Indeed vile is it that they are
perpetrating. (Al- Maaidah, aayat 63)

IN THESE Qur’aanic aayaat, Allah Ta’ala severely reprimands the Ahbaar (the Ulama of

the Yahood) and the Ruhbaan (the Mashaaikh of the Yahood) for acquiring wealth in haraam
ways, and for abstaining from Amr Bil Ma’roof Nahy Anil Munkar. Both these evils have
become the shiaar of the Ulama-e-Soo’ in our community.
Even the masses of Bani Israaeel colluded with their scholars and saints in the perpetration of
haraam, sin and transgression. Since the fatwas of these mercenary
scholars and saints appealed to the masses, they would go to extremes in supporting them (the
miscreant scholars and saints). Criticizing the haraam attitude of the masses of Bani Israaeel,
the Qur’aan states: “They take their Ahbaar and their Ruhbaan for gods besides Allah….”

Ulama-e-Haqq and Ulama-e-Soo

By Hadhrat Shaykh-ul-Hadlth Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyya (Rahmatullah Alayh)

I have to admit that there are two kinds of Ulama-the true ones (Ulama-e-Haqq) and the false or
evil ones (Ulamaa-e-Soo) In the Hadeeth there are grave warnings of dreadful things awaiting
the Ulama-e-Soo. They are among those who will be first to enter into Jahannam. They are astray
and are lading others astray. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
“A person who seeks knowledge with the object of acquiring wordly riches, will not even smell
the fragrance of Jannat” [Targheeb]

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) also said:

“Whoever acquired knowledge for the purpose of attacting people to be inclined towards him,
will be cast into Jahannam” [Targheeb]

and also “The worst of people have the worst Ulama” [Targheeb]

It is also reported that Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said::

“Knowledge is of two kinds: One type is that which is only on the tongue(having no effect upon
the heart). This is Allah’s proof against men(that He completed His argument). The other type is
that which is in the heart and is beneficial knowledge.”

In another Hadeeth he (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

“In the latter days the devout ones (Sufis) will be ignorant and the Ulama immoral”

and also

“Seek not knowledge in order to contest with the Ulama and to argue with the ignorant ones and
to attract people towards you by it. Those who do this will be cast into Jahannam”.

Sayyidina Umar (Radiallahu anhu) said:

“On behalf of this Ummat I am most fearful of the Aalim who is a hypocrite”

people asked: “Who is a hypocritical Aalim?”

Hadhrat Umar(Radiallahu anhu) replied:

“He is one who by tongue is an Aalim but in his heart he is ignorant.”

Sayyidina Hasan(Radiallahu anhu) said

“Do not become such that in spite of having acquired the knowledge of the Ulama and become
acquainted with the deep researches of the thinkers, you behave and act in the manner of
ignorant fools.”

Hadhrat Ebrahim bin Ummaya was asked:

“Which person will be most ashamed and sorry?”

He replied:
“The ashamed one in this world is he who obliges an ungrateful one. And the ashamed one and
sorry one at the time of death is that Aalim who exceeded the limits”

Sayyadina Hasan (Radiallahu anhu) also said:

“The torment of the Ulama will be the death of the heart. The death of the heart is seen in this
that with which the deeds of the Hereafter he earns the benefits of this world”

Hadhrat Yahya bin Ma’az (Radiallahu anhu) says:

“When with knowledge and wisdom worldly benefits are earned, that knowledge loses its
splendor and brilliance.”

Sayyidina Umar (Radiallahu anhu) observed:

“When you see any Aalim who loves worldly riches, consider him to be a suspect (and guard
your Deen) for whosoever loves a thing becomes entangled with it ”

Hadhrat Malik bin Dinar (Radiallahu anhu) said:

“I have read in ancient books that Allah says. “When an Aalim begins to love this world, the
least that I can do to him is that from his heart I take away the pleasure of his conversing with
Me in prayer.” [Ihya]

All these statements quoted above and many other similar quotations undoubtedly refer to the
Ulama-e-Soo —the evil ones among the Ulama. However the verdict of whether such-and-such
an Aalim or party- belongs to this category or of the true Ulama is not for anyone to give. This
also lies under the Shariat to be decided according to its stipulations. It is completely wrong that
when any Aalim speaks in favour of our views, we consider and laud him as being of the true
Ulama. But when he says anything against our opinions, he is immediately branded as being of
the Ulama-e-Soo, ready to be sacrificed What is this that until yesterday our opinions about some
political party were favourable? Hence this Aalim and all those who were in favour of this
party’s political policy were lauded as Ulama-e-Haqq. But now our views regarding that party
had changed overnight And now all the Ulamn who supported that party have their names added
to the list of Ulama-e-Soo!

The criterion as to whether any Aalim is of the true or evil Ulama is only this:

How does he respond in action to the tenets of the Holy Qur’aan and Hadeeth? That is all. But so
have we changed that with our own crooked understanding, our emotions and under the
influence of the unbelievers we set up some policy Whosoever agreed with it of the Ulama is
lauded to be a great Allamah, a great scholar. well-versed and acquainted with the needs of the
nation, an expert on the intricacies and mysteries of the Deen — even if this self-same lauded
one is ignorant and an uneducated fool, having no touch with Qur’aan and Hadeeth. On the other
hand the truly great Ulama who oppose our opinion, in spite of being really experts in matters of
Shariat and truly well-acquainted with the needs of the nation, will be ridiculed, jeered and
abused with the meanest and vilest of words. What a tragedy!

Note that in many respects there were major differences of opinion between the Sufis — with
their esoteric knowledge, clairvoyance and their internal sciences — and the external Ulama, the
formalists. But the pious ancestors did not even give the Sufis the right to adopt any such views
which were contrary to the formalist Ulama. The books of the experts abound with sayings to
this effect.

Hadhrat Mujaddid Alfi-Thani (Sayed Ahmed Sirhindi) (Rahmatullah alayh) wrote in one of his
letters which was written to Montana Amanullah Faqeeh:

“The foremost belief that is necessary for any wayfarer of the Sufi path, is that which the Ulama
of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaot have elicited and deduced from the Qur ‘aan and the Hadeeth
and the relics of the predecessors Then it is also necessary lo adhere to those meanings of the
Qur aan and the Hadeeth which the Ulama have understood from the Book and Ihe Sunnat If by
any chance, any meaning should become known through illumination (Kashf) or inspiration
(ilhaam) which is to ihe contrary, it is not acceptable or credible or to be taken seriously One
should seek refuge from such meanings and beseech Allah to take us out of this vortex and that
He may manifest that which is in accordance with the opinion of the true Ulamaa.’

One should not express anything contrary to their opinion, but rather try to make that which was
unveiled lo him consonant with those meanings which the learned Ulama had understood Any
meaning that becomes disclosed to the inner heart and which is contrary to the meanings
understood by them is not at all reliable or acceptable and absolutely null and void. It is a fact
that every perverted one wished to prove the correctness of his views from the Qur’aan and
Hadeeth alone.

“He misleads many thereby and guides many thereby. ” [II v 26)

And this fact, that the meanings understood by these learned men alone is correct, is because
they have understood these meanings from the sayings of the Sahaabah and the Tahi’een, (May
Allah he pleased with them all). They have derived them from [lie Light of the Stars of
Guidance. Hence, eternal salvation and everlasting well-being is their lot and their destiny.

“Lo, they are Allah’s party. Verily Allah’s party is successful ones.” [LV III v 22]

Just because of some Ulama, in spite of being of sound belief, show some faults in masaa-il and
are guilty of some sinful lapses in their deeds, it is absolute injustice to degrade them and turn
them away from the entire class of Ulama, or to ridicule all of them. In fact to reject them means
rejection of the most of the essentials of Deen, because these people are the ones who show the
way of the essentials of Deen and they are the ones who discriminate between right and wrong.

“But for the light emanating from them we would not have been guided aright, and but for their
discriminating between right and wrong we would have gone astray. They are the people who
spent their efforts in elevating the firm Deen and guide many to the straight path. Whosoever
follows them will be successful and reach salvation and whosoever opposed them is astray,
leading others astray”.

This devilish fate has overtaken the ulama, sheikhs and even the masses of the Ummah. By
pleasing the people with baatil fatwas which halaalize carrion, riba, music, singing, television,
pictures, kuffaar sport, merrymaking functions, bid’ah, fisq and fujoor, the Ulama-e-Soo’ seek to
line their pockets with ill-gotten, haraam money. Thus, we find haraam socalled ‘shariah’ boards
manufacturing fatwas for the capitalist banks to legalize their riba products. Fatwas are
acquired to halaalize carrion meat and chickens. The conglomerate of SANHA-MJCNNB Jamiat
molvis and sheikhs, the shariah boards of kuffaar and Muslim-owned capitalist banks, the
operators of satanic radio stations, and now the embrace of television are vile specimens of
the Ulama-e-Soo’ in the midst of the Muslim community.

These evil scholars and sheikhs have inflicted irreparable damage to Islam. They have ruined the
morals of the Muslim community and severely damaged the Imaan of Muslims. These evil
ulama constitute the gravest threat to Islam in this era. The worst threat is not the kuffaar
missionaries nor the western kuffaar countries. The worst threat is the fraternity of Ulama-e-Soo’
who masquerade as ‘holy’ men and ‘scholars’ whilst in reality there are shayaateen and juhala.
They have degenerated to a level below the Ulama-e-Soo’ of Bani Israaeel.

The avalanche of fitnah and fasaad which emerges from these Ulama-e-Soo’ is shocking and

lamentable in the extreme. A couple of decades ago it was unimaginable that ulama linked to
Deoband would spawn so much fitnah as we are observing today. The fitnah which they
are breeding is worst than the fitnah of the Bareilwi Qabar Pujaari sect. A few years ago it was
impossible to even hallucinate that Ulama would be attending a function where liquor is served;
music being
played’ scantily dressed faajiraat frolicking, haraam photos being taken – a function of wine and

Although the heart bleeds to observe all of this Satanism emerging from those who are supposed
to be Ulama linked to our Deobandi School, we understand that
Rasulullah’s predictions have to materialize with the approach of Qiyaamah. Nabi-e- Kareem
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has informed us that a time will dawn when
the worst of the human species under the canopy of the sky will be the Ulama from whom fitnah
will emerge. But let these vile devils masquerading as Ulama understand that all their radio
fitnah, television fitnah, zina fitnah, riba and carrion fitnah will ultimately destroy them in
this dunya and in the Aakhirah. Hubb-e-Jah and Hubb-e-Maal have not only destroyed their
akhlaaq and Imaan, it has satanized them, hence the Hadith: “They are shayaateen in human
bodies”, refers to none other than the Ulamae-Soo’ in our midst.

The False Scholars (Ulama-e-Soo)

Mankind was one single nation, And Allah sent Messengers with glad tidings and warnings. And
with them He sent the book in truth, To judge between people in matters wherein they differed.
But the people of the book after the clear signs came to them, did not differ among themselves
except through selfish contumacy. Allah by His grace guided the believers to the truth,
concerning that wherein they differed. For Allah guides whom he will to a path that is straight.
(Surah: Al Baqarah, volume 1, verse 213)

The division of Muslim Ummah into various sects (FIRQAH) has caused so much grief that
some time the concerned Muslims wonder what is wrong with us? At present, in many areas of
the world the survival of Muslims is becoming very critical such as, Chechnya, Kashmir,
Palestine, Parts of Indonesia, Kosovo, Iraq, Turkey, Russian Federation and the list goes on. In
the other parts of the Muslim world, Muslims are fighting against Muslims because of difference
of opinions on very minor issues. Its pity and sad.

Just because of these minor differences Muslims are so deeply divided that most often they
forget the actual problems of Muslim Ummah (nation). This is what Satan and enemies of
Muslims want from Muslims.

The most unfortunate aspect of this division is that the people who claim that they have the
knowledge of Islam such as Moulvees (Imams of Mosques) and Muslim scholars are responsible
for this division. They are the one who dwell on these differences in every Jum’a speech
(Khutba), in other speeches and in their writings. These religious scholars have turned away
many Muslims from Mosques and confused them about Islamic beliefs. These religious scholars
have influenced their followers so deep that these people do not hesitate to fight in side Mosques
with other Muslims, declare other Muslims Kafir (non-believer), Mushrik (a person who finds
partner for God) or Bid’atee (innovator in Islam).

In Pakistan, after Friday prayers, in Ramadan after Taraweeh prayers and on other Islamic
occasions, the gatherings in some of the mosques become so unpleasant that the Muslims start
fighting against other Muslims just because of minor differences. Unfortunately, same situation
is rising in Muslim communities living in North America and Europe. We suppose to bring the
message of Islam to non-Muslims which is based upon peace, love and respect but our own
behavior denies this message.

Who is responsible for this problem? Lets see what Qur’an says about this problem.

And We granted them Clear Signs in affairs (Of Religion): it was only After knowledge had been
granted to them that they fell into schisms through insolent envy among themselves. Verily thy
Lord will judge between them on the day of judgment as to those matters in which they setup
differences (Surah: Jathiyah, volume 25, verse 17)
Be not like those who are divided amongst themselves and fall into disputations after receiving
clear signs: For them is a dreadful Penalty (Surah: Aal-e-Imran, volume 4, verse 105)
Nor did the people of the Book make schisms Until after there came to them clear evidence
(Surah: Al Bayyinah, volume 30, verse 4)
And they became divided only after knowledge reached them – through selfish Envy as between
themselves. Had it not been for a Word that went forth before from thy Lord, (Tending) to a term
appointed, The matter would have been settled between them. But truly those who have inherited
the Book after them.
It is He who has power over all things. (Surah: Al Shura, volume 25, verse 14)

The Religion before Allah is Islam: Nor did the people of the Dissent therefrom except through
envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of Allah, Allah
is swift in calling to account. (Surah: Aal-e-Imran, volume 3, verse 19).

The above five verses from the Qur’an very clearly describe the following.

The people who had the knowledge of religion created the division in the religion.
These people created the division in the religion because of their selfishness, jealousy / envy for
each other and sectarian biasing.
These people had clear signs from Allah but still they created doubts and divided the Ummah.
Among the previous nations the people of knowledge divided the religion and now among the
Muslims the people of knowledge are doing the same thing.
All these people who divided the religion will ultimately pay a huge penalty hereafter.
In present days whom we call the people of knowledge in religion? Certainly, they are our
Moulvees (Imams of Mosques) and religious scholars. Please remember that all the people of
knowledge in religion do not create division among Muslims. Very few people are responsible
for this division. They are the one who is addressed here. Most of the Islamic Scholars, are God
fearing people and they teach and propagate the correct knowledge of Islam. It is because of
them that we get the correct understanding of Islam and we should be very thankful to them.
May Allah give them the best reward. The true Islamic scholars are the scholars of truth (Ulama-
e-Haq) while, the scholars who has created this division are false scholars (Ulama-e-Soo).

Difference of Opinion in Religion

An intellectual difference of opinion among scholars is a very healthy sign for a nation. Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that the difference of opinion in my Ummah is a blessing.
This means that the constructive difference of opinion is healthy and should be encouraged. In
previous nations, the entire scholar community got agreed to change the divine commandments
in order to please the rich, powerful and themselves. They changed the Shari’a of their religion
and people followed them. But Insha-Allah (God willing), this will never happen in Muslim
Ummah. Muslim Ummah in its entirety will never agree on false ideas and beliefs. This
disagreement on false ideas and beliefs is a blessing from Allah in order to keep Islam secure
from changes.

Similarly, intellectual difference of opinion is a blessing. This is very healthy. It nourishes the
community. It encourages the Ummah to think, do not follow blindly, and try to understand
things and try to rationalize things. This is the beauty of Islam that it is a very rational religion.
This intellectual difference of opinion was very common among the Companions of the Prophet
(peace be upon him). Allah has asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) in Qur’an to consult with
the companions on issues and matters. This does not mean that Allah or the Prophet were in need
of any advice from the companions but it was part of their training. Allah does not require
anyone’s advice. The Prophet (peace be upon him) required guidance and directions from Allah
only. Prophets follows no body but Allah. Prophet’s (peace be upon him) consultation with the
companions was only for companion’s training and setting up the example for the rest of the
coming generations that Muslim governments and individuals consult with each other before
making decisions. During the consultation process the intellectual differences may arise and
these differences in opinions should be respected.

Before the battle of Khandaq, Prophet (peace be upon him) consulted with the companions on
war strategy. Various suggestions came from various people and Prophet (peace be upon him)
approved the idea of Trench (Khandaq). A huge trench was dug and Muslims fought the war
against the non-believers and won the war. This did not mean that those companions who gave
different strategy of war were wrong. But when a decision was made everybody followed it.
Same thing happened during the battle of Uhad and on many other occasions. During the period
of Khilafah, every Khalifa (Caliph) had his consultative council and companions expressed their
views free from any fear or desire.

When Sayyidna Abu Bakr Al Siddiq was the Caliph, the companions came to him and asked him
to collect Qur’an in one place. Although, most of the companions had memorized the Qur’an but
there was a concern for future generations. Till that time Qur’an was written on tree leaves,
branches, animal skins etc. and various companions had various parts of Qur’an. It was not in
one place. When companions asked him to collect Qur’an in one place, he refused and said how
can I do some thing, which Allah’s Messenger did not do himself? But when the companion and
especially Sayyidna Omar Farooq requested him to collect Qur’an and explained to him the
reasons and good intentions of doing such work he agreed to the idea and Qur’an was collected.
There are several examples of this kind, which can be quoted from the books of Hadith.

Similarly, the four Imams of FIQQAH (Jurisprudence) disagreed on many issues. Some time the
differences were very deep. But these Imams differ from each other on intellectual level only.
NO IMAM CALLED ANY OTHER IMAM WRONG. Rather, they all respected each other. The
difference among them was never personal. It was purely sincere, intellectual and very civilized.

What is happening now?

What happened to our scholars now? Why their differences of opinion are less intellectual and
more personal.

Why Muslims fight against each other not only on streets but also in Mosques. Mosques
(Masajid) supposed to be the most peaceful places on earth. Why in Pakistan, Muslims are
shooted and killed in Mosques by the Muslims in the name of Islam? Why a Muslim scholar
calls another Muslim Kafir or Mushrik or Bid’atee just because of sectarian differences? The list
of these questions can go on. The worse thing about these differences is that these Moulvees and
Scholars feel that they are doing these things to please Allah and to serve Islam and they will go
to heaven by doing these things. They enjoy this division. Allah knew that these Moulvees have
done this in the past and they will be doing the same thing in future. Allah mentioned in Qur’an;

Those who split up their religion and become (mere) sects – each party rejoicing in that which is
with itself. (Surah: Al Rum, volume; 21, verse 32)
Before we find the answers to some of the above questions, lets analyze some of the incidents. If
we read carefully, we will realize that there is a character in all these incidents which plays a
pivotal role.

During 1979-80, the Muslim Community of Corona (Queens), New York built a mosque in
Corona. During the construction everybody worked together and masjid was completed. After
few days the Ramadan started. On 27th Ramadan some of the Muslims tried to decorate the
masjid with lights. The Imam and his followers opposed the idea. The discussion became so
heated that the two groups were about to get physical but because of some interventions people
left the mosque and went home. At night after Khatmul Qur’an, some of the Muslims wanted to
recite Salam on the Prophet (peace be upon him). Two groups were formed right a way. Those
Muslims who were making Du’a just few minutes ago for the unity of Muslim Ummah were so
severely divided, they forgot that they were in the Mosque. The sticks, baseball bats, belts were
out and Muslims were beating Muslims in the Mosque.

Within few minutes police came with dogs. Entered into the masjid with dogs and boots and
arrested the management committee and many other Muslims on “Lailatul Qadr” night. This all
happened in the name of Islam. Both sides were thinking that they will be rewarded from Allah if
the other side surrenders. There have been similar incidents in many places in USA and UK.

In Pakistan, such incidents are so common that if the people do not fight against each other then
the Imam will make a Khutba in Jum’a prayer and force people to remember the differences and
fight against the other Muslims who belong to a different sect. During the last ten years hundreds
of Muslims have been killed in Mosques just because they belonged to a different sect. Muslims
were murdered in Mosques while they were praying. This was all done to please Allah and
spread Islam. Do you think that an ordinary Muslim who just know little about Islam will do
such a thing?

1994, I was in Karachi, Pakistan during Rabi’a Alawal. This was my first time in ten years to see
Eid-e-Miladunnabi (Prophet’s Birthday Celebrations) programs. I was watching a Eid-e-
Miladunnabi Parade (Jaloos) which was passing near a mosque. This Mosque has an
International Islamic School (Madrasah) in it. The Muslims who manage the mosque and the
school do not believe in celebrating Eid-Miladunnabi. The people in the parade were chanting
some slogans (Na’arah) very loudly near the mosque. The students of the Madrasah in the
mosque did not like the slogans and started throwing rocks on the people and within seconds the
road near the mosque looked like a battleground. The Moulvees (students and teachers of
Madrasah Al Islamiyah) were running after the people and snatching the banners from the
children in the parade. They Put their feet on the banners which has kalima, Qur’anic verses,
painting of Ka’ba and Masjid Al Nabawi and torn those banners. I was astonished that these
Moulvees, who has the knowledge of religion suppose to be the best in manners. These are the
Moulvees when they make speeches they quote Qur’an, Hadith,

Imams of Fiqqah in every sentence of their speech. Here we go that these Moulvees do not
practice when they preach. Surely, Islam does not teach to disagree with your opponents like
this. These are the Moulvees who were unable to understand Islam.
Allah says in Qur’an that it is a sin that a Muslim preaches what he / she does not practice. These
false scholars of Islam (Ulama-e-Soo) are the example of such Muslims. These Moulvees preach
hate, intolerance, division and disrespectfulness in the name of Towheed and Islam.

Muslim countries are facing several problems. The causes of these problems could be several.
Economical, educational, political, social, ethical, scientific, technological and many other
problems are caused by many factors. In my opinion, these false scholars of Islam (Ulama-e-
Soo) are the major reasons for our problems. In Pakistan, these Moulvees have created huge
corruption and unrest in the lives of innocents Muslims that the true scholars of Islam, Ulama-e-
Haq are hiding just to save their dignity and livelihood. These false scholars of Islam are
damaging Islam and are responsible for turning away Muslim Youth from the religion or turning
Muslim youth into intolerant people. In Pakistan, people know that the police, income tax
department, customs, politicians, judiciary are corrupt but In my opinion, during the past twenty
years the corruption caused by these false scholars of Islam (Ulama-e-Soo) is the highest. These
Corrupt Moulvees are so successful in managing their corruption that whenever they are asked
by the government or by the true scholars of Islam (Ulama-e-Haq) they diverted peoples
attention from their corruption and moved it towards the government or the West. They always
blame Western countries for the sufferings of the Muslim world in order to hide their own
corruption and cruelty. It is very easy to blame others but it is very difficult to correct us.

Reality Check

In Sindh and Punjab most of the landlords (waderas) are also PIR (self claimed spiritual leaders).
They own grave or graves of some Sufis (saints). They build a big shrine on those graves and ask
villagers, who have little or no knowledge of Islam to come and donate whatever they earn. This
is a big source of their income. The people who cultivate their lands, farmers (Mazares) are badly
abused by these landlords including males and females. These landlords consider their human
farmers as animals. They do not allow education for the children of their farmers. They do not
allow to make roads in their areas. They do not let these farmers go out side their boundaries and
these farmers die within those boundaries and never had a chance to see the out side world.
These PIRs (self claimed spiritual leaders who are billionaires as well) are so greedy that they do
not let these farmers become independent. Is USA or west is responsible for these crimes or the
system in Pakistan, which has created and empowered such criminals? These landlords have
combined the power of money, politics and religion and corrupted the entire system in Pakistan.

No government can operate without taxes. In Pakistan, certainly not all, but some prominent and
influential Moulvees are rich. Their standard of living is as high as a wealthy businessmen or
landlord. How many of these Moulvees pay taxes to the government and how much? These
Moulvees would like to know the amount of Zakat paid by others. What about their own Zakat?
Who gets their Zakat and Sadqah? Will these Moulvees ever allow third party to audit their
religious operations? They would like to make every person accountable but aren’t they account
able as well?

Unfortunately, similar things are happening in the western countries. The Imams (Moulvees) of
most of our Mosques talk about unity of Muslims but this unity must be based upon their
conditions and school of thought. If a Muslim who happens to belong to a
different school of thought expresses his opinion, the Imam not only see that person as an
outsider but also feel very insecure when this person is around. These Moulvees are afraid of
loosing donations or jobs rather, being honest and sincere to the Muslims.

Our Imams make du’a for Muslim unity but their condition of unity is to follow them blindly and
never challenge them. These Imams and Moulvees talk about the life of the Prophet (peace be
upon him), Companions of the Prophet (May Allah be pleased with them) and good manners and
behavior but when it comes to prove it, most of them fail. These are the false scholars (Ulama-e-
Soo) and they are the one who has divided us.

What should we do about it?

The answer is simple. Let’s ask Allah. Allah says in Qur’an;

As far those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the
lease: Their affair is with Allah. He will in the end tell them the truth of all they did. (Surah: Al
An’am, volume 8, verse 159)
Allah asked the Prophet to stay away from such people who divide religion and breakup into
sects. In fact, Allah is asking all of us that we should not follow such people and do not associate
with them in their sectarian mission.

Brothers and Sisters, Lets not to get trapped by these false scholars. Allah has given us very clear
instruction that we should not join them. Having difference of opinion is permissible in Islam as
long as it does not contradict Qur’an and Hadith. Who should define what contradicts and what’s
not? The answer is simple. Its, Allah, his Prophet (peace be upon him) and you. Unfortunately,
Head of Islamic State (Ameer ul Mo’mineen) does not exist at present times. What you need to
do is try to read Qur’an and understand it. Do not use only one Tafseer from one school of
thought. Consult at least three or four Tafaseer of different school of thoughts, compare their

and interpretations and sincerely ask Allah to guide you in understanding his glorious book. I am
sure, that Allah will never leave you astray if you ask him sincerely. Last Messenger of Allah,
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said, if Allah wants to shower his blessings on someone, he
gives him / her the understanding of “DEEN” (Islamic Way of life) This is what exactly we need.

We must tolerate each other. We must respect difference of opinion. We must not impose
ourselves on others. We must love each other for the sake of Allah not for Moulvees. We must
have good manners and we must be civilized in the mosque and out side the mosque.


Lets follow Qur’an and the Prophet (peace be upon him) not the Moulvees. Lets understand
Qur’an and Hadith ourselves and do not depend upon Moulvees. Lets see how the Companion’s
of the Prophet and the Family Members of the Prophet (peace be upon them) interpreted Islam
and do not follow the interpretation of False Scholars. We just need little time to spend on
acquiring Islamic knowledge on daily basis. Remember, the best Tafseer of Qur’an is by Qur’an
itself and then the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) and then his Family’s (AHL-E-BAIT) and the
Companion’s (SAHABAH). In short,

If someone wants to perform prayer with fasten hands and the other with open arms, both should
be respected.
If someone, says Ameen loudly in the prayer and the other don’t, both should be respected.
If someone breaks FAST right at the sunset and the other after ten minutes, both should be
If someone says Salam on the Prophet (peace be upon him) by standing and the other do not
want to say, both should be respected.
If someone wants to celebrate Prophet’s Birthday and the other don’t, both should be respected
If someone calls an Islamic gathering, Mehfil-e-Seerat and the other calls it Mehfi-e-Milad, both
should be respected
Do not force people. We should not call one is wrong and the other is right.

There are scholars on both sides and both of them have valid arguments. Therefore, instead of
fighting against each other by following False Scholars, lets fight against those who fight against
both of them.

Years ago, a seminary professor told his class at the beginning of the semester that they would
work together on one major project during that semester. They would move systematically
through the New Testament to categorize every area of truth and determine how many times
each area is addressed. Their goal was to find what one thing is emphasized more than any other
in the New Testament. When they completed the project, they were amazed to see that warning
against false doctrine is emphasized more than any other thing, even more than love, unity, and
experience (Renald Showers, in “Israel My Glory,” [April/May, 1995], pp. 24-25).



A scholar: a person who is firmly grounded in Islamic knowledge.

He masters the different types of knowledge

Firstly he masters the Arabic language

Then Aqeedah, Fiqh, Tafseer, Seerah

Other branches of knowledge are hadith, mostalah al hadith

Usul ul fiqh (weighing the evidences)

If you don’t master these branches, you can’t a scholar.

A scholar is a very important person in society

Why the scholars are important??

Verily the scholars are the heirs to the Prophets. Verily, the Prophets did not bequeath deenars or
dirhams. All they left behind was knowledge, so whoever takes it has indeed acquired a huge

[Musnad Ahmad (5/196) No. 21763; Also related by Abu Dawud (2/341) No. 3641; at-Tirmidhi (5/48
No. 2682; Ibn Majah (1/150) No. 223, ad-Daarimee (1/110) No. 342 and ibn Hibbaan (1/289) No. 88]

Because the prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), said that they are the inheritors of prophets

Another reason is: Allah (SWT) has raised two kinds of people to high levels of honor and prestige

Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah Al Mujadilah verse 11

Allāh will exalt in degree those of you who believe, and those who have been granted knowledge.
And Allāh is Well-Acquainted with what you do.

(Al-Mujadilah 58:11)

The ayah mentions two in the above ayah. those who believe and those that have been granted

Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah Az Zumar verse 9

Say: "Are those who know equal to those who know not?" It is only men of understanding who
will remember (i.e. get a lesson from Allah's Signs and Verses).

(Az-Zumar 39:9)

Furthermore Allah (SWT) tells us in 39:9 that those who know and those that don't are not equal

Narrated By Ubai bin Ka'b: The Prophet said, "Once the Prophet Moses stood up and addressed
Bani Israel. He was asked, "Who is the most learned man amongst the people. He said, "I am the
most learned." Allah admonished Moses as he did not attribute absolute knowledge to Him
(Allah). So Allah inspired to him "At the junction of the two seas there is a slave amongst my
slaves who is more learned than you."[Sahih Bukhari, Vol 1, Book 3, Hadith #124]
In the story of Musa (AS) and Khidr (AS) when Musa (AS) tells people that he is the most knowledgable,
he is corrected and told that Khidr has more knowledge than him

Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah Al Kahf verse 66 to 69

Mûsa (Moses) said to him (Khidr) "May I follow you so that you teach me something of that
knowledge (guidance and true path) which you have been taught (by Allāh)?" He (Khidr) said:
"Verily! You will not be able to have patience with me! "And how can you have patience about a
thing which you know not?" Mûsa (Moses) said: "If Allāh will, you will find me patient, and I will
not disobey you in aught."

(Al-Kahf 18:66-69)

This story is mentioned in surah al kahf and we are told that Musa (AS) humbles himself in front of Khidr
(AS) because of his knowledge.

Only people of taqwa value a scholar.

Like Musa (AS) valued Khidr (AS).

If you don’t have taqwa you will value jahil scientists, entrepreneurs, and Noble prize laurertes over a

Scholars have huge influence over society and the taghoot know this.

Example when USSR invaded Afghanistan, Shaikh bin Baz gave the jihad fatwa against the soviets.
That’s how much influence he had. 0.5 Million Muslims from around the world went for jihad in the
Afghanistan jihad.

The taghoot know this and that's why the taghoot wants to bring them under their reigns

This is observed when the Firaun tells the magicians that they can have anything as long as they defeat
Musa (AS)

Similarly the scholars of taghoot try controlling the people to stop them from hearing the truth from the
scholars of truth

The scholars of governments are like the magicians in the time of Firaun

The magicians of Firaun became Muslims before they died.

Some of these government scholars died without rejecting the taghoot like Boti



This one smokes weed or has a girl friend but you don’t know about it. He's still a muslim because he
didn’t make these things halal (didn't do tahakum), (shirk hakamiyyah)

Practices what he preaches and he speaks with hujjah


He makes his own version of islam (hislam); he is a zandeeq (kafir)

The only one who is a kafir is the wicked scholar

The sinful scholar is only a fasiq (sinner)

The wicked scholars are referred to in the quran as donkeys and dogs in the quran

Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah Al Jumu'ah verse 5

The likeness of those who were entrusted with the (obligation of the) Taurāt (Torah) (i.e. to obey
its commandments and to practise its legal laws), but who subsequently failed in those
(obligations), is as the likeness of a donkey who carries huge burdens of books (but understands
nothing from them). How bad is the example (or the likeness) of people who deny the Ayāt
(proofs, evidences, verses, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allāh. And Allāh guides not the people who
are Zālimûn (polytheists, wrong-doers, disbelievers, etc.).

(Al-Jumu'ah 62:5)

Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah Al Baqarah verse 44

Enjoin you Al-Birr (piety and righteousness and each and every act of obedience to Allāh) on the
people and you forget (to practise it) yourselves, while you recite the Scripture [the Taurāt
(Torah)]! Have you then no sense?

(Al-Baqarah 2:44)
Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah Al A'raf verse 175 to 176

And recite (O Muhammad SAW) to them the story of him to whom We gave Our Ayāt (proofs,
evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), but he threw them away, so Shaitān (Satan)
followed him up, and he became of those who went astray. And had We willed, We would surely
have elevated him therewith but he clung to the earth and followed his own vain desire. So his
description is the description of a dog: if you drive him away, he lolls his tongue out, or if you
leave him alone, he (still) lolls his tongue out. Such is the description of the people who reject Our
Ayāt (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.). So relate the stories, perhaps
they may reflect.

(Al-A'raf 7:175-176)

Some "Muslims" call them scholars, they are called by Allah (SWT) as donkeys and dogs. This is
because you worship their personalities and not Allah (SWT).

This is also why blind following is very dangerous

Because it might lead to shirk

Shirk tl ta'aa

Why does Allah (SWT) use the example of dog, because Allah (SWT) is the haqq and Allah (SWT) is al

Because no matter what ., he will sell out.. even if you tell him Islamic knowledge or not, he will sell out

Whenever a wicked scholar intends to do repentance, he has to make his taubah openly and publicly

The evidence is surah 2:159-160

Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah Al Baqarah verse 159 to 160

Verily, those who conceal the clear proofs, evidences and the guidance, which We have sent
down, after We have made it clear for the people in the Book, they are the ones cursed by Allāh
and cursed by the cursers. Except those who repent and do righteous deeds, and openly declare
(the truth which they concealed). These, I will accept their repentance. And I am the One Who
accepts repentance, the Most Merciful.

(Al-Baqarah 2:159-160)
A madkahli tells you otherwise, again because they worship personalities not Allah (SWT)

When you misguide the ummah, you have to retract your mistake publicly so people would know what the
truth is.

Madkhali would tell you the scholar made taubah on his deathbed .. we should remember surah 2:159-

The prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) reminded us in the hadith of musnad ahmed that:

Abu Dhar said, "I was with the Prophet (SAW) one day and I heard him saying: "There is
something I fear for my Ummah than the Dajjal." It was then that I became afraid, so I said: "Oh
Rasool Allah! Which thing is that?" He (SAW) said; "Misguided and astray scholars."

[Musnad Ahmad (5/145) No. 21334 and 21335]

These are misguided scholars.

Even though a scholar is the best person (this is only when he is sincere) .. he can also be the worst, if he
turns his heel on the haqq

Allah (SWT) reminds us in the quran, that the wicked scholars will wash their hands of their followers on
Day of Judgment.

Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah Al Baqarah verse 166-167

When those who were followed, disown (declare themselves innocent of) those who followed
(them), and they see the torment, then all their relations will be cut off from them. And those who
followed will say: "If only we had one more chance to return (to the worldly life), we would disown
(declare ourselves as innocent from) them as they have disowned (declared themselves as
innocent from) us." Thus Allāh will show them their deeds as regrets for them. And they will never
get out of the Fire.

(Al-Baqarah 2:166-167)

But Allah (SWT) will dump both scholar and follower in the hell fire

Because Allah (SWT) gave you an intellect, you have no excuse for shirk

Again, blind following is dangerous and can lead to shirk

Please always ask for Quranic hujjah and Sahih hadith

Allah (SWT) reminds us in 43:67 that friends will become enemies.

Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah Az Zukhruf verse 67

Friends on that Day will be foes one to another except Al-Muttaqûn (pious - see V.2:2).

(Az-Zukhruf 43:67)


Contemporarily there is battle of hearts and minds taking place between friends of Allah (SWT) and
friends of shaitan.

Friends of shaitaan are all those that are against Allah's Tawheed and spread and promote shirk example

Islam is a sleeping giant

It is the duty of SCHOLARS to wake up this giant so it can stomp out kufr and shirk from the world

The friends of shaitaan have waged war on sincere scholars

They want to maintain the status quo.

They are called al ma'laa

They do this by assassinating their character and or physically killing them

Another tactic is to imprison them like Sheikh Umar Abdur rahman, Ali at tamimi, Abu Muhammad al
maqdasi. etc.

These scholars are doing life time

The friends of shaitaan don’t want the rug to be pulled from under their feet so they wage war against the

Anwar al Awlaki, az zarqawai , Abu Yahya and Usama bin Ladin (rh) were physically killed by these filthy
The kuffar, friends of shaitan love dodgy crooked scholars like Nazim al Kubrusi(la)

Nazim al Kubrusi called Bush and Blair saints of islam

If you are a snake, the kafirs will leave you

If you are a sheikh, they will hate you  

This ayah proves the above ^^

Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah Al Baqarah verse 120

Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you (O Muhammad Peace be upon him) till
you follow their religion.

(Al-Baqarah 2:120)

If you are a snake., the kuffar will love you

Snake Nazim al Kubrusi claimed he was on phone contact w the prophet

SNAKE NAZIM PHONE CALLING THE PROPHET: http://www.youtube.com/watch?


We ask these Goofy Sufis .

Which phone is the prophet using.

Samsung Nokia, apple?


1) Goofi Sufis

2) Saudi Salafis aka mad madkhali

3) Shaddy shias

They all believe their scholars are infallible

Madkhalis will tell you if Bin Baz passed a fatwa to allow kuffar in haramain, who are you to question Bin

If the angels can question Allah (SWT), who is Bin Baz

Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah Al Baqarah verse 30

And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "Verily, I am going to place (mankind)
generations after generations on earth." They said: "Will You place therein those who will make
mischief therein and shed blood, - while we glorify You with praises and thanks (Exalted be You
above all that they associate with You as partners) and sanctify You." He (Allah) said: "I know that
which you do not know."

(Al-Baqarah 2:30)

Sheikh Faisal students make sure you have hujjah on your fingertips

So you can refute the kufr and shirk of these dodgy 'Muslims'

Allah (SWT) tells us of this battle of hearts and mind and this battle is alive and kicking

The battle is between the free masons and the scholars of haqq .

The free masons love snakes they say that the goofy Sufis are the best allies of the west

Because they don’t believe in kufr but taghoot or al wala wal bara

These concepts are pillars of the shahadah

Nazim al Kubrusi, Hisham Kabani and Hamza Yusuf are all snakes

 The evidence that the battle of hearts and minds is raging is surah 68:9

Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah Al Qalam verse 9

They wish that you should compromise (in religion out of courtesy) with them, so they (too) would
compromise with you.

(Al-Qalam 68:9)

RAND and think tanks that work for the free masons want Muslims to compromise.
First it'll be something secondary, and then it would be something that is primary to Aqeedah like wala
and barah

Another proof is 4:89

A 2007 report by the Rand Corp., a U.S. think tank, advised Western governments to "harness" Sufism,
saying its adherents were "natural allies of the West." Read more:

Please look at these verses as evidence

Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah Al Baqarah verse 217

And they will never cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion (Islamic
Monotheism) if they can. And whosoever of you turns back from his religion and dies as a
disbeliever, then his deeds will be lost in this life and in the Hereafter, and they will be the
dwellers of the Fire. They will abide therein forever."

(Al-Baqarah 2:217)

Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah An Nisa verse 89

They wish that you reject Faith, as they have rejected (Faith), and thus that you all become equal
(like one another). So take not Auliya' (protectors or friends) from them, till they emigrate in the
Way of Allah (to Muhammad SAW). But if they turn back (from Islam), take (hold) of them and kill
them wherever you find them, and take neither Auliya' (protectors or friends) nor helpers from

(An-Nisa 4:89)



Al wala wal bara = to love and hate for Allah (SWT)


Taghoot = false deities or tyrants(Bush and Blair, Obama, Mubarak, King Abdullah)

Taghoot also means man made isms and schism

Taghoot is anything that is followed, worship, obeyed other than Allah (SWT)

Examples of taghoot are Sheikh Boti giving his wala to the kafir, Bashar al Assad

The mujahidden killed him in the mosque – sheikh Boti

Similarly Ahmed Kadirov was a sheikh giving wala to Kadriov and Putin
The snake has to have his head crushed otherwise, he'll poison you

That's why the mujahidden crushed these snakes


 Examples  Tariq Ramadhan, the grandson of hasan al bana

He’s a democrat

Allah (SWT) disgraced Morsi in Egypt because he was a democrat and similarly the Ikhwan ..

Allah (SWT) did that to expose the wrong manhaj misguiding Muslims to democracy (ballot not bullet)


It is haram when text is clear in quran and sunnah to make ijtihad

The text said: No two religions can be found in the hijaz

Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab that the Messenger of Allah (SAW), said, "Two
deens shall not co-exist in the Arabian Peninsula." Malik said that Ibn Shihab said, ''Umar ibn al-
Khattab searched for information about that until he was absolutely convinced that the Messenger
of Allah (SAW), had said, 'Two deens shall not co-exist in the Arabian Peninsula,' and he therefore
expelled the jews from Khaybar."

[Muwatta Malik (2/63) No. 1862 and Bayhaqi in 'Sunan al-Kubra' (9/350) No. 18751]

But a scholar (Bin Baz) allowed soldiers of Americans to setup bases in hijaz which was used to launch
attacks on Muslims in Iraq and Yemen

He betrayed the blood of all sahabas, who liberated the hijaz

Some one asks you what is the status of Bin Baz?

His fatwa is kufr Akbar

As for him, we leave him to Allah (SWT)

Bin Baz gave his wala to the army of the dajjal with his fatwa. Note that the saudian govt army is not army
of dajjal


Example: Hamza Yusuf said you can pray to Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam)  in the grave. This
is kufr Akbar

you can call on muhammed hamza yusuf: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFezsaQnzhk

If you don’t believe after watching this video., that he is not a kafir ., then you become a kafir too .

This is called CHAIN TAKFEER

This man is a big snake in the US


They condemn the shirk of Qaboor (Graves) but not the shirk of Qusoor (places)

These scholars pick and choose which shirk to condemn

qasr - singular - palace

qusoor - plural - palaces

Ibn Mubarak (rh) gave a fatwa that if you see a scholar visiting the gates of rulers, don’t trust him, he's a


They are duniyafied.

 "If you see a scholar going to the gates of the leader don't trust him with your deen because he is
a thief"  Ibn Mubarak
They are very status conscious

I already have it above , sheikh

 They preach, RAND islam

RAND islam = CIA islam

Example: Tariq al Qadari, he says al kuffar and muslims are brothers promoting universalism and the
mujahidden and muwahidden are causing fitnah and khawarij

How do we refute this zandeeq?

Shall We then treat the (submitting) Muslims like the Mujrimûn (criminals, polytheists and
disbelievers, etc.)? What is the matter with you? How judge you?

(Al-Qalam 68:35-36)

Tahir ul  Qadri (also known as PADRI for celebrating charismas).He says snake, monkey and elephant
worshipers are our brothers.


Allah (SWT) speaks about them in surah 6:68

And when you (Muhammad SAW) see those who engage in a false conversation about Our Verses
(of the Qur'ān) by mocking at them, stay away from them till they turn to another topic. And if
Shaitān (Satan) causes you to forget, then after the remembrance sit not you in the company of
those people who are the Zālimûn (polytheists and wrongdoers, etc.).

(Al-An'am 6:68)

spin = the ayah was spun out of context


They say Tawheed al hakamiyyah is bidah even though Yusuf (AS) taught it in the prison(surah 12:39-40)

They say don’t learn fiqh ul Waqiah, cause learn fiqh ul sharaih and that its like learning the Injeel
They say if you preach jihad, you are khawarij

They say if you preach Khilafah / Shariah, you are a Siyasia (politician)

If you preach al wala wal bara, they say you are preaching hatred



They make it seem like just a job

But this is kufar Akbar

The evidence is surah is surah 4:76.

Allah (SWT) said in the Qu'ran surah An Nisa verse 76

Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of
Taghut (Satan, etc.). So fight you against the friends of Shaitan (Satan); Ever feeble indeed is the
plot of Shaitan (Satan).

(An-Nisa 4:76)

The only army you can join is the one with the kalimah

The Saudi flag has been tampered with the kufr of al Saud

The green flag has been tampered


Tahakum is kufr.  It is kufr Akbar

The evidence is surah 4:60

Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah

Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah An Nisa verse 60

Have you seen those (hypocrites) who claim that they believe in that which has been sent down to
you, and that which was sent down before you, and they wish to go for judgement (in their
disputes) to the Taghut (false judges, etc.) while they have been ordered to reject them. But
Shaitan (Satan) wishes to lead them far astray.

(An-Nisa 4:60)


They do that because they resist to exist  

They write books on them

All these books have the weakest evidences



Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah Al Jathiyah verse 23

Have you seen him who takes his own lust (vain desires) as his ilah (god), and Allah knowing (him
as such), left him astray, and sealed his hearing and his heart, and put a cover on his sight. Who
then will guide him after Allah? Will you not then remember?

(Al-Jathiyah 45:23)


They can’t say no and resist when kuffar say some to them with their indecent proposals


like Abdullah ibn Sabah and to hurt islam from within.

This is the plot of the shayateen


The person studies in Saudi, but when he goes to South Africa, he becomes Ashari.

Because the people who support him financially, they are Asharis

Sometimes the Muslims force them to give up bullet and take up ballot



Anwar al Awlaki (RH) was killed by them

Abu Yahya (RH), az Zarqawi(RH)

They fear assassination and incarceration, that's why they sell out


They didn’t take their Aqeedah from Ibn Kathir and Ibn Taymiah (RA)

Allah (SWT) said in the Quran Surah An An'am verse 68

And when you (Muhammad SAW) see those who engage in a false conversation about Our Verses
(of the Qur'an) by mocking at them, stay away from them till they turn to another topic. And if
Shaitan (Satan) causes you to forget, then after the remembrance sit not you in the company of
those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrongdoers, etc.).

(Al-An'am 6:68)

Tafseer Zamashari, Tafseer Razi are examples of dodgy tafseers


They are running after fame and fortune

Ka’b ibn Malik (RA) reported that he heard Allah’s Messenger (SAW) say: “If anyone seeks
knowledge in order to compete with the scholars or to concur with the foolish or to direct the
faces of the people toward himself, Allah will put him in the fire."

[Sunan Tirmidhi (5/32) No. 2654, Sunan Darimi (1/374) No. 379, Sunan Ibn Majah (1/170) No. 254,
Mustadrak al-Haakim (1/161) No. 293, Sahih Ibn Hibban (1/278) No. 77, Shu’ab al-Iman al-Bayhaqi
(3/269) No. 1636, al-Mu’jam al-Awsat al-Tabarani (6/32) No. 5708]


That he is made takfeer on

Takfeer on taghoot and its supporters is part of kalimah

"A scholar who abandons what has learnt from the Quran and the Sunnah and follows a ruler who
does not rule in accordance with the teaching of Allah and His Messenger is an apostate and a
disbeliever who deserves punishment in this world and in the hereafter "

{Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah, Volume 35/373}

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728H): “Whenever a person makes halal what is haraam by
consensus or makes haraam what is halal by consensus or replaces the Sharee’ah that is agreed
upon by consensus, then he is a Kaffir by the agreement of the scholars of Fiqh.” – “

{Al-Fataawa”, Vol. 3/267}

Aisha narrated the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "Those who give respect to a bid'ati (innovator
in Religion) surely will be counted as a helper of destroying Islam."

[Al-Tabarani in 'al-Mu’jam al-Awsat' (7/35) No. 6772 and al-Bayhaqi in 'Shu'ab al-Emaan' (12/57) No.

Contemporarily, Muslims have become weak intellectually and in eman, that's why they can’t.

This is why certain 'Muslims' can’t make takfeer on wicked scholars.

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