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Once upon a time, in the city of Robotsville, there lived two robots named Nut and Bolt.

Nut was
a small robot, known for his superior brainpower and wit, while Bolt was a tall, burly robot
renowned for his strength and speed. They were best friends and lived together in a quaint little

One sunny day, Bolt got an invitation to participate in the annual "Robolympics." Bolt was
thrilled to be chosen but was worried about the "Intellect" section of the competition, which
included tricky riddles and complex puzzles.

Not wanting to let this opportunity pass, Bolt decided to ask for Nut's help. Nut agreed and
chuckled, "Don't worry, Bolt. We have logic and algorithms, but sometimes, all it takes is a sense
of humor!"

After weeks of training came the day of the Robolympics. Robots from all over Robotsville had
gathered to compete. The physical tasks were a breeze for Bolt, but when it came to the intellect
round, he began to sweat oil.

The announcer boomed, "For the intellect round, solve this; 'What can be seen once in a minute,
twice in a moment, and never in a thousand years?'"

Bolt stuttered, then remembered his quirky but genius friend's advice about humor. A smirk
spread on his metallic face as he uttered, "'M.' It's the letter 'M!'"

Laughter erupted from the crowd, and even the announcer chuckled. Bolt was instantly crowned
the winner, not for his intellect per se, but for his wit and the humorous twist he brought to the

From that day on, not only did everyone in Robotsville know Bolt as the stalwart robot, but also
as the one with a sense of humor. And of course, Nut was now the famous brain behind the
brawn! Together, they laughed and celebrated their victory, proving that sometimes, a little
humor can indeed win the day!

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