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Attributes of Allah:


The Oneness of Allah or Towheed (‫ )التوحيد‬is the foundation and one of the essentials of faith. When the
expression ‫ ال اله اال هللا‬- there is no God but Allah – is coupled with Prophet-hood i.e. ‫محمد رسول هللا‬, it
admits a person into the fold of Islam.

Oneness of Allah means Allah is One in his Person, One in His Attributes, One in His actions i.e. no one
can do the actions that Allah has done. Oneness of Allah is beautifully summed up Surat al Ikhlaas.

Al-Aleem (‫)العليم‬, All-Knowing:

Allah is Al-Aleem, All-knowing. To Him belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He gives life
and brings death, and He is Powerful to do anything.
He is the First and the Last, and the Manifest and the Hidden, and He is All-Knowing about everything.
He is the One who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then He positioned Himself on the
Throne. He knows whatever goes into the earth and whatever comes out from it, and whatever
descends from the sky, and whatever ascends thereto. He is with you wherever you are, and Allah is
watchful of whatever you do.
To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah all matters are returned.
He makes the night enter into the day, and makes the day enter into the night, and He is All-Knowing
about whatever lies in the hearts.

Ar-Rehmaan/Ar-Raheem (‫الرحيم‬.‫)الرحمان‬, The Most Compassionate/ The Most Merciful.

The word Ar-Rehmaan shows a overflow, outburst and strong feeling while Ar-Raheem denotes the
permanence and everlasting qualities of mercy.

Were it not for the fact that Allah Almighty is most Forgiving and most Merciful, our acts of
disobedience would have led us straight into Hellfire.


Quran is the word of Allah.

It was sent down upon the last Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬through the Angel Jibreel.
Revelation of Quran began in the month of Ramadan in 610 CE, in the Cave of Hira in the Mount An-
First revelation comprised first five verses of Surat al Alaq.
Second revelation contained first five verses of Surat al Mudathir.
Quran was revealed gradually over a period of 23 years.
Quran is so lofty that none may touch it except the purified ones.
The Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬said, “The best among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it to
Since Quran happens to be the last Divine Book revealed onto the Last Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, so
Allah took it upon Himself to preserve it. Not even a single word has been changed in the last 1400
No falsehood can ever approach it from the back or forth.


Allah sent Hazrat Nuh to his people to remind them that there is only one God, Allah, and
that they should worship Him alone.

He said, “I am indeed a manifest Warner to you. That you must worship Allah, and fear Him, and obey
me, Allah will forgive you your sins, and will respite you to an appointed term. Indeed when Allah‘s term
comes, it is not deferred, if you only know!”

He invited them to the Oneness of Allah day in day out. He invited them publicly and in privacy as well
and gave them glad tidings that Allah would send down showers of blissful rain and help them in terms
of wealth and offspring and would get them admittance to the Paradise; forgive their sins and save them
against torment of Hellfire.

His nation took him to task and labeled him as ‘Liar’ and ‘Mad’. Only a handful of people believed in him.
He kept calling them to the way of Allah for more than nine centuries and finally was extremely
dismayed to see the arrogance and stubbornness of his people.

And said Nuh, “My Lord, do not leave on earth even a single inhabitant (surviving) out of the
disbelievers. If You leave them (surviving), they will lead Your servants astray, and will beget none but a
sinful disbeliever.”

As per instructions of Almighty Allah, he started building a ship that took really an extensive time. His
people mocked him and ridiculed him to a fault. Finally the ship was ready and Nuh was commanded by
Allah to board one male and one female of every kind of creature. His followers boarded the ship.

Then came the awaited hour; the Sky began pouring down rain and the Earth gushed out its springs and
the land was filled up with water all over. The ship began sailing on gigantic waves. All the wicked people
drowned and evil was washed.

The Sky cleared up, the ship came to rest on Mount Judee and he, along with his followers, settled on
new land.

Prophet Nuh prayed, “My Lord, grant pardon to me, and to my parents, and to everyone who enters my
home as a believer, and to all the believing men and believing women, and do not increase the
wrongdoers but in ruin.”


Rewards & Punishments:

This life is a preparation for the life to come. Those who believe in Allah and do good deeds, remain
steadfast, keep warning and show patience will be rewarded whereas those who disbelieve and do evil
deeds and reject His Messengers will be punished. The rewards and punishments are either received in
this world or Hereafter.

Disobedience and wicked will be punished and obedience and goodness will be rewarded. Surely a true
repentance excites His Mercy and guarantees obliteration of sins. He guides His servants to the Straight
Path and thus allows admittance to the Paradise.



Fasting can either be mandatory or voluntary. It begins with intention that may be either expressed or

Fasting is observed with a view to attain nearness to Allah and His Pleasure.

It aims at cleansing of body, mind and soul by avoiding sinful acts e.g. lying, backbiting etc since they
lower the value of fasting.

The Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said, “Many are those who fast but get noting from their fast but hunger
and thirst…”

Compulsory Fasting is to be observed by all adult, sane Muslims throughout the month of Ramadan.

Compulsory fasting can be skipped due to valid reasons that include the sick and the traveller.

Compulsory fast of Ramadan begins on the very first day following the sighting of new moon of month
of Ramadan.

Voluntary fasting can be observed any day of the year other than Eid-al-Fitr and Eid al Adha.

Pre-dawn meal is called Sahoor (‫)سحور‬. The Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬encouraged his companion to
take this meal even if it is only a drink of water. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “Have Sahoor, for surely there is
a blessing in Sahoor.”

The meal taken at the time of breaking fast is called Iftar (‫ )افطار‬that should be taken before the Maghrib
prayer. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “People will remain prosperous as long as they hasten to break the fast.”



Muslim calendar is based on the movements of the moon. Lunar Calendar is shorter than the Solar
Calendar by eleven days.
End of Ramadan is marked by a festival called Eid-al-Fitr (‫ )عيد الفطر‬which means the festival of breaking
of the fast. Eid-al-Fitr is celebrated on the first day of Shawwal (‫ )شوال‬following Ramadan.

Before the commencement of Khutbat al Fitr ( ‫)خطبة الفطر‬, Muslims must pay Zakat al Fitr (‫)زكوة الفطر‬,
Fitrana (‫ )فطرانہ‬which ensures the fact that Muslims are all tied up in brotherhood and the Poor will also
partake in the celebrations along with the Rich.

An essential component of Eid-al-Fitr is Salaat-al-Eid (‫)صالة العيد‬. Muslims either offer this Salah in some
big Masjid or in an open ground so that huge crowds of people could be accommodated.

Salaat-al-Eid is not preceded by any Azan or Iqamah unlike compulsory prayers and is followed by
Sermon (‫ )خطبة‬by the imam. Muslims hug and greet each other.

Eid al Adhaa:

In the memory of the sacrifice made by Prophet Ibraheem and Prophet Ismail, Allah commanded all
Muslims to sacrifice a halal animal.

Shortly after the sun rise of 10th Dhul-Hijjah, Muslims offer Eid al Adhaa prayer. Then they slaughter halal
animal seeking bounties and pleasure of Allah Almighty.

The slaughtered animal is thus divided into three portions. One is kept for family; one is given to the
Poor and needy; and one is given to relatives, neighbors and friends.


Halal food:

Halal is an Arabic word which means ‘Allowed’, ‘Permitted’, ‘Lawful’. Islam urges us to eat Halal food,
since eating and drinking are form of worship, so we must take only what is halal as this food will
strengthen not only our inner self in a way that will detest and resist evil but our body as well ; thus the
self is prone to goodness.

Haram food:

Haram is the opposite of Halal and it means ‘Not Allow’, ‘Prohibited’, ‘Unlawful’. There are very few
foods which are Haram. Allah forbade the believers from eating such food, as this food has a potential to
harm the body and corrupt the soul.

There are five types of Haram Foods and drinks:

1. Swine in any form – skin, hairs, meat, fats etc – is Haram.

2. Blood of any animal or bird is prohibited.
3. The meat of dead animal and birds is unlawful.
4. The meat of animal slaughtered in the name of other than Allah is Haram.
5. Alcohol and any intoxicating drinks and drugs are also Haram.


The greeting of Islam is Salaam which means peace. Whenever one meets other Muslim, he should say,
“‫“ ”السالم عليكم و رحمة هللا و بركاته‬May Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon you. Nothing further to this
statement should be added.

The state of Salaam endorses love among the Muslim society. Greeting of Salaam should be verbal;
however it is quite permissible that greeting of salaam may be followed by hugs or shake-hands.


Water is pure and purifies ritual impurity (‫)حدث‬. Before the commencement of prayer, a Muslim must
initiate by performing Wudhu which is made valid by intention. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “Actions are only
judged according to their intentions and a person will have only what he has intended.”

Performer of Wudhu ought to begin by saying, “‫ ”بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬and on completion should recite as: “
‫”اشهد ان ال اله اال هللا وحده ال شريك له و الشهد ان محمدا عبده و رسوله‬.

The Obligatory Acts In Wudhu

1. Intention – in heart.
2. Washing face from hairline to chin and from ear to ear.
3. Washing the forearms to the elbow including the hands.
4. Wiping of one fourth of the head
5. Washing the feet up to the ankles.



Allah blessed all of us with set of teeth covered with a hard white shiny substance called the enamel.
The bones into which the teeth are fixed are covered with a firm pink flesh called the gum. A lot of tooth
decay is caused by the food that contains sugar. Tiny little living organism called bacteria which lives in
our mouth, feeds on the substance and forms a harmful substance called plaque, on the teeth.

The Prophet‫ ﷺ‬would clean his teeth by Siwaak, a twig, whenever he was performing Wudhu or woke
up from sleep or entered home. He loved cleanliness and urged all Muslims to remain neat and clean.
The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “Siwaak cleans the mouth and is pleasing to the Lord.”

Hard work or exercise makes the body sweat that helps the body to keep itself at right temperature.
During a hot day, the body in general, and underarms in particular sweat heavily, so bacteria begin to
grow. This mixing of bacteria and sweat causes the body to smell, a wash a day keeps the body clean
and fresh.

After using the toilet, one must wash his/her hands with soup.

Wearing of clean clothes is encouraged in Islam. Allah Almighty says in Quran, “and purify your clothes.”

Hairs should be properly kept and combed. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬once saw a man with unkempt hair and he
said, “Doesn’t this man have anything to make his hair tidy?”

Conditions of Salah (‫)شروط الصالة‬

An adult, sane Muslim is to offer his/her Salah at any place, any condition. Following are the

Pre-requisites of Salah:

1. Islam – Actions of non-Muslims are not accepted.

2. Sanity – one has to have a sound mind and intellect.
3. Adult – Salah is obligatory for an adult, yet children are encouraged to start offering Salah at the
age of seven.
4. Ritual purity – Allah does not accept Salah without purity. This includes purity of heart, body,
clothes, place where one intends to offer his Salah.
5. The time – Salah is due on its prescribed timing.
6. Covering the Satr (‫عورة‬/‫)ستر‬, specified parts of the body of male and female.
7. Intention (‫ )النية‬in heart to perform Salah.
8. Facing the Qibla – facing the direction of Ka’bah in Makkah.

The Pillars of Salah (‫)اركان الصالة‬:

The Salah, however, has some acts that are conditional to it, and omitting one of them would make it
invalid. These are called Pillars of Salah ( ‫)اركان الصالة‬. These are as follows:

Takbeerat (‫ – )تكبيرات‬saying ‫‘ هللا اكبر‬Allah is the Greatest.’

Qiyam (‫ )قيام‬- standing in an upright position.

Ruku’ (‫ – )ركوع‬bowing and placing both hands on knees.

Qoyma (‫ – )قومه‬standing up straight again after bowing.

Sujud (‫)سجود‬, Prostration – seven parts of the body should touch the floor i.e. forehead with the nose,
the palms of the hands, the toes, and the knees.

Qaida (‫ )قاعده‬- sitting on your feet with knees touch the ground.

Tasleem (‫ – )تسليم‬getting out of Salah.


The Islamic Calendar ( ‫)التقوم االسالمي‬:

Islam has its own calendar. It starts from the hijrah – migration – when Allah’s Messenger‫ ﷺ‬and his
companions left Makkah for Madinah in the year 622 CE.

Islamic Calendar is based on the movements of moon; thus is called Lunar Calendar and the Lunar year is
roughly eleven days shorter than the Solar Year.
Months of Islamic Calendar.

1 Muhararam‫محرم‬ 7 Rajab‫رجب‬
2 Safar ‫سفر‬ 8 Sha’ban‫شعبان‬
3 Rabee al Awwal‫ربيع االول‬ 9 Ramadan‫رمضان‬
4 Rabee al Thaaniyah‫ربيع الثاني‬ 10 Shawwal‫شوال‬
5 Jamaada al-Ulaa‫جمادي االولى‬ 11 Dhul Qa’dah‫ذو القعده‬
6 Jamaada al_Thaaniyah‫جمادي االولى‬ 12 Dhul Hijjah‫ذو الحجه‬


The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬started preaching as soon as he was commanded by Allah (O you covered in garments,
arise and warn; and glorify your Lord; and purify your clothing, and keep away from the idols); he
started the task of keeping the people away from the filth of idol worship and inviting them to Tawheed
right from his own household.

Hazrat Khadija, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Zayd bin Haarithah were the first to embrace Islam; Hazrat Abu Bakr
also accepted Islam since they knew the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬very well.

In the beginning, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬kept his call to Islam secret and was limited to his friends and

Since Hazrat Abu Bakr had a wide circle of friends, so he managed to bring Usman ibn Affan, Talha ibn
Ubaydullah, Sa’d ibn Abee Waqas, Abdur-Rahman ibn Awf and Zubayr ibn Alawaam to the fold of islam.

Sa’eed ibn Zayd, Fatimah, the sister of Hazrat Umar ibn khattab and wife of Hazrat Sa’eed ibn Zayd were
next to enter the fold of Islam.

Another small group to embrace Islam were individuals like Umayr, the brother of Sa’d ibn Abee Waqas,
Abdullah ibn Mas’ud and Ja’far ibn Abee Talib.

These early believers would go beyond Makkah in the mountain pass to pray to Allah.

The Quraysh, at the outset, gave no importance to the movement of Islam. They merely poked fun of
believers and hurt them with their tongues.

Allah’s Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬kept his mission, the Call to Islam, quiet and private for three years. Then Allah
commanded His Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬to proclaim openly, “Proclaim openly what you are commanded, and
turn away from the mushrikoon (the polytheists).”[15:94]

Allah’s Messenger ‫ ﷺ‬ascended the Mount of Safa and called out loudly,” ‫ ”يا صباحا‬as a custom to
gather around people in time of danger.

People instantly responded to his call. He said to them,”O Quraish, if I were to inform that enemy
warriors were about to attack you from behind the hill, would you believe me?”. “Yes, we would”, they
affirmed. “I’m here to inform you of severe punishment,” said the Messenger of Allah. Hearing this, they
burst into laughter. Abu Lahab, the Prophet’s real uncle and a bitterest enemy of Islam, hurled stones at
the Prophet. Shortly afterwards, Sura al-Masad was revealed.

Few days later, the Messenger of Allah urged his uncle Abu Talib to arrange a feast and about forty
people attended it. As he rose to address them, his mischievous uncle’s malicious utterance took away
the chance from the Prophet of inviting them to the call of Allah.

After a small gap, the tribe of Quraish was again invited. As soon as the meal was over, the Prophet
stood up and addressed the gathering, “Look! I have come to you with something that no one else has
ever brought for his tribe. I bring you the best of this world and the next. Allah has commanded me to
call you to Him. Tell me who will lend his support to me in this task?” Hazrat Ali, though only thirteen,
stood up and assured his support as well as Hazrat Abu Talib, his father.

The Quraish, at first, did not take any notice of his preaching but soon it dawned upon them that
prophet was steadily winning over and not only slaves but elite class also joined hands with him in
promoting the noble task assigned to him by Almighty Allah. Resultantly, this very act ignited the fire of
hostility in their bosom which soon turned into a blaze during the fourth year of Prophethood.

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