Unit 4. Application of Psychology in Work Environment

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UNIT – 4

Application of Psychology in Working Environment

I. Introduction To Information Technology

Recent advances in technology are changing the workplace and affecting the work lives of
employees. Technology is changing job and organisation. For instance, computers are now
common place in almost every organisation. Computer networks are also reshaping entire
industries. Information Tech has revolutionized the phase of business around the world.
Local businesses have become international due to a simple website. I.T. has helped
businesses in advertising.

II. Definition of Information Technology (IT)

The technology used for the study, understanding, planning, design, construction, testing,
distribution, support and operations of software, computers and computer related systems
that exist for the purpose of Data, Information and Knowledge processing.

The industry that has evolved to include the study, science, and solution sets for all aspects of
Data, Information and Knowledge management and/or processing.

The Organization in an enterprise or business that is held responsible and accountable for the
technology used for planning, design, construction, testing, distribution, support and
operations of software, computers and computer related systems that exist for the purpose of
Data, Information and Knowledge management and/or processing.

"The study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-

based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware." IT
deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect
process, transmit, and securely retrieve information.

III. Present Scenario of Information Technology

In the current climate of elevated risk created by the vulnerabilities of and threats to the
Nations IT infrastructure, cyber security is not just a paperwork drill. Adversaries are capable
of launching harmful attacks on IT systems, networks, and information assets. Such attacks
could damage both the IT infrastructure and other critical infrastructures. Cyber security is
slowly gaining wider adoption in many consumer products for a variety of reasons, due to
appreciation of consequences of insecurity, the need for developing secure products,
performance and cost penalties, improved user convenience, need for implementing and
consistently maintaining security practices, and importance of assessing the value of security
improvements. But consumer and enterprise concerns have been heightened by increasingly
sophisticated hacker attacks and identity thefts, warnings of âcyber terrorism, and the
pervasiveness of IT uses. Consequently, many in the industry and critical infrastructure
organizations have come to recognize that their continued ability to gain consumer
confidence will depend on improved software development, systems engineering practices
and the adoption of strengthened security models and best practices.

In order to highlight the growing threat to information security in India and focus related
actions, Government had set up an Inter Departmental Information Security Task Force
(ISTF) with National Security Council as the nodal agency. The Task Force studied and
deliberated on the issues such as

• National Information Security Threat Perceptions

• Critical Minimum Infrastructure to be protected
• Ways and means of ensuring Information Security including identification of relevant
• Legal procedures required to ensure Information Security
• Awareness, Training and Research in Information Security

In line with the recommendations of the ISTF, the following initiatives have been taken by
the Government

• Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has been established to

respond to the cyber security incidents and take steps to prevent recurrence of the
• PKI infrastructure has been set up to support implementation of Information
Technology Act and promote use of Digital Signatures
• Government has been supporting R&D activities through premier Academic and
Public Sector Institutions in the country
• Information Security Policy Assurance Framework for the protection of Government
cyberspace and critical infrastructure has been developed.
• The Government has mandated implementation of Security Policy in accordance with
the Information Security Standard ISO 27001
• Currently in India 246 organisations have obtained certification against the
Information Security Standard ISO 27001 as against total number of 2814 ISMS
certificates issued worldwide. Majority of ISMS certificates issued in India belong to
IT/ITES/BPO sectors.
• Security Auditors have been empanelled for auditing, including vulnerability
assessment & penetration testing of computer systems & networks of various
organizations of the government, critical infrastructure organizations and those in
other sectors of the Indian economy.
• Nation wide Information Security Education and Awareness Program has been

IV. Role of Psychologists in the IT

1. Estabilsh a strategy:

Management needs to make explicit its commitment to change, innovation, and

continuous improvement.
2. Redesign the Organisation’s Structure:

The formal structure can be a serious impediment to learning. By flattening the

structure, eliminating or combining departments, and increasing the use of cross-
functional teams, interdependence is reinforced and boundaries between people are

3. Reshape the organisation’s culture:

IT are characterised by risk – taking, openness, and growth. Management sets the
tone for the organisation’s culture both by what it says (strategy) and what it does
(behavior). Psychologists need to demonstrate their action that taking risks and
admitting failures and desirable traits.

V. Selection and Training of Psychological Professionals to work in the field of IT

• Recruitment and selection are vital to the formation of a positive psychological

contract, which provides the basis of organizational commitment and motivation.
• The attraction and retention of employees is part of the evolving employment
relationship, based on a mutual and reciprocal understanding of expectations.
• There are wide variations in recruitment and selection practices, reflecting an
organization’s strategy and its philosophy towards the management of people.
• Progressive HR practices are crucial to a positive psychological contract – this
includes attention to effective recruitment and selection practices.

Selection and Training of Psychological Professionals to work in the field of IT

Selection and Training Process

VI. Distance Learning through IT

Distance Learning comprises all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching.
The information and communication systems, whether networked or not, serve as specific
media to implement the learning process. The term will still most likely be utilized to
reference out-of-classroom and in-classroom educational experiences via technology, even as
advances continue in regard to devices and curriculum.

Distance Learning is essentially the computer and network-enabled transfer of skills and
knowledge. Distance Learning applications and processes include Web-based learning,
computer-based learning, virtual classroom opportunities and digital collaboration. Content is
delivered via the Internet, intranet/extranet, audio or video tape, satellite TV, and CD-ROM.
It can be self-paced or instructor-led and includes media in the form of text, image,
animation, streaming video and audio.
Abbreviations like CBT (Computer-Based Training), IBT (Internet-Based Training) or WBT
(Web-Based Training) have been used as synonyms to Distance Learning. Today one can still
find these terms being used, along with variations of Distance Learning such as eLearning.

Distance Learning services have evolved since computers were first used in education. There
is a trend to move towards blended learning services, where computer-based activities are
integrated with practical or classroom-based situations.It can be seen then that Distance
Learning can describe a wide range of applications, and it is often by no means clear even in
peer reviewed research publications which form of Distance Learning is being discussed.

Computer-based learning

Computer-based learning, sometimes abbreviated to CBL, refers to the use of computers as a

key component of the educational environment. While this can refer to the use of computers
in a classroom, the term more broadly refers to a structured environment in which computers
are used for teaching purposes.

Computer-based training

Computer-Based Trainings (CBTs) are self-paced learning activities accessible via a

computer or handheld device. CBTs typically present content in a linear fashion, much like
reading an online book or manual. For this reason they are often used to teach static
processes, such as using software or completing mathematical equations. The term
Computer-Based Training is often used interchangeably with Web-based training (WBT)
with the primary difference being the delivery method. Where CBTs are typically delivered
via CD-ROM, WBTs are delivered via the Internet using a web browser. Assessing learning
in a CBT usually comes in the form of multiple choice questions, or other assessments that
can be easily scored by a computer such as drag-and-drop, radial button, simulation or other
interactive means. Assessments are easily scored and recorded via online software, providing
immediate end-user feedback and completion status. Users are often able to print completion
records in the form of certificates.

CBTs provide learning stimulus beyond traditional learning methodology from textbook,
manual, or classroom-based instruction. For example, CBTs offer user-friendly solutions for
satisfying continuing education requirements. Instead of limiting students to attending
courses or reading printed manuals, students are able to acquire knowledge and skills through
methods that are much more conducive to individual learning preferences.[ For example,
CBTs offer visual learning benefits through animation or video, not typically offered by any
other means.

CBTs can be a good alternative to printed learning materials since rich media, including
videos or animations, can easily be embedded to enhance the learning. Another advantage to
CBTs are that they can be easily distributed to a wide audience at a relatively low cost once
the initial development is completed
However, CBTs pose some learning challenges as well. Typically the creation of effective
CBTs requires enormous resources. The software for developing CBTs (such as Flash or
Adobe Director) is often more complex than a subject matter expert or teacher is able to use.
In addition, the lack of human interaction can limit both the type of content that can be
presented as well as the type of assessment that can be performed. Many learning
organizations are beginning to use smaller CBT/WBT activities as part of a broader online
learning program which may include online discussion or other interactive elements.

Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL)

Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is one of the most promising innovations

to improve teaching and learning with the help of modern information and
communication technology. Most recent developments in CSCL have been called E-
Learning but the concept of collaborative or group learning whereby instructional methods
are designed to encourage or require students to work together on learning tasks has existed
much longer. It is widely agreed to distinguish collaborative learning from the traditional
'direct transfer' model in which the instructor is assumed to be the distributor of knowledge
and skills, which is often given the neologism E-Learning even though this direct transfer
method most accurately reflects Computer-Based Learning systems (CBL).

Technology-enhanced learning (TEL)

Technology enhanced learning (TEL) has the goal to provide socio-technical innovations
(also improving efficiency and cost effectiveness) for e-learning practices, regarding
individuals and organizations, independent of time, place and pace. The field of TEL
therefore applies to the support of any learning activity through technology.

Technology issues

Along with the terms learning technology, instructional technology, and Educational
Technology, the term is generally used to refer to the use of technology in learning in a much
broader sense than the computer-based training or Computer Aided Instruction of the 1980s.
It is also broader than the terms Online Learning or Online Education which generally refer
to purely web-based learning. In cases where mobile technologies are used, the term M-
learning has become more common. E-learning, however, also has implications beyond just
the technology and refers to the actual learning that takes place using these systems.

E-learning is naturally suited to distance learning and flexible learning, but can also be used
in conjunction with face-to-face teaching, in which case the term Blended learning is
commonly used. In higher education especially, the increasing tendency is to create a Virtual
Learning Environment (VLE) (which is sometimes combined with a Management
Information System (MIS) to create a Managed Learning Environment) in which all aspects
of a course are handled through a consistent user interface standard throughout the
institution. A growing number of physical universities, as well as newer online-only colleges,
have begun to offer a select set of academic degree and certificate programs via the Internet
at a wide range of levels and in a wide range of disciplines. While some programs require
students to attend some campus classes or orientations, many are delivered completely
online. In addition, several universities offer online student support services, such as online
advising and registration, e-counseling, online textbook purchase, student governments and
student newspapers.

E-Learning can also refer to educational web sites such as those offering learning scenarios,
worksheets and interactive exercises for children. The term is also used extensively in the
business sector where it generally refers to cost-effective online training.

The recent trend in the E-Learning sector is screencasting. There are many screencasting
tools available but the latest buzz is all about the web based screencasting tools which allow
the users to create screencasts directly from their browser and make the video available
online so that the viewers can stream the video directly. The advantage of such tools is that it
gives the presenter the ability to show his ideas and flow of thoughts rather than simply
explain them, which may be more confusing when delivered via simple text instructions.
With the combination of video and audio, the expert can mimic the one on one experience of
the classroom and deliver clear, complete instructions. From the learner's point of view this
provides the ability to pause and rewind and gives the learner the advantage of moving at
their own pace, something a classroom cannot always offer.

Information technologies used in Distance Learning

Information technologies are generally categorized as asynchronous or synchronous.

Asynchronous activities use technologies such as blogs, wikis, and discussion boards. The
idea here is that participants may engage in the exchange of ideas or information without the
dependency of other participants involvement at the same time. Electronic mail (Email) is
also asynchronous in that mail can be sent or received without having both the participants’
involvement at the same time. Asynchronous learning also gives students the ability to work
at their own pace. This is particularly beneficial for students who have health problems. They
have the opportunity to complete their work in a low stress environment.

Synchronous activities involve the exchange of ideas and information with one or more
participants during the same period of time. A face to face discussion is an example of
synchronous communications. Synchronous activities occur with all participants joining in at
once, as with an online chat session or a virtual classroom or meeting.

Virtual classrooms and meetings can often use a mix of communication technologies.
Participants in a virtual classroom use icons called emoticons to communicate feelings and
responses to questions or statements. Students are able to 'write on the board' and even share
their desktop, when given rights by the teacher. Other communication technologies available
in a virtual classroom include text notes, microphone rights, and breakout sessions. Breakout
sessions allow the participants to work collaboratively in a small group setting to accomplish
a task as well as allow the teacher to have private conversations with his or her students.

In asynchronous online courses, students proceed at their own pace. If they need to listen to a
lecture a second time, or think about a question for awhile, they may do so without fearing
that they will hold back the rest of the class. Through online courses, students can earn their
diplomas more quickly, or repeat failed courses without the embarrassment of being in a
class with younger students. Students also have access to an incredible variety of enrichment
courses in online learning, and can participate in college courses, internships, sports, or work
and still graduate with their class.

In many models, the writing community and the communication channels relate with the E-
learning and the M-learning communities. Both the communities provide a general overview
of the basic learning models and the activities required for the participants to join the
learning sessions across the virtual classroom or even across standard classrooms enabled by
technology. Many activities, essential for the learners in these environments, require frequent
chat sessions in the form of virtual classrooms and/or blog meetings.

VII. Recent development in Information Technology

• Handling of information with the help of modern electronic based technology

spearheaded by the computer may be termed as Information Technology, IT in short.
• This term was coined in the late 1970s. It incorporates the whole of computing and
telecommunication technology, together with major parts of consumer electronics and
broadcasting. From a nascent start, India has made rapid progress in the IT domain.
• The opening of the economy in the early 1990s gave it a tremendous boost. India’s
prowess in the software field is now recognized the world over, with its software
consultancy firms having a truly global presence and with nearly all the top Fortune
Companies as its clients.
• The existence of a separate Department of Information Technology under the Central
Government is a reminder to the importance attached to IT and the impact it is having
on various fronts including governance.
• Information Technology has come to be recognized as a key-leveraging factor in the
National Development. It has had a profound effect on other industries in increasing
productivity and changing cost structure.
• The Indian IT success story has also highlighted India’s attractiveness as an
investment destination far beyond the IT sector.
• nother key impact of the global sourcing model popularised by the growth of IT and
IT Enabled Services (ITES) has been the reversal of the brain drain – as people of
Indian origin (who went to pursue careers abroad), as well as young expatriates, are
now attracted to work in India. The rapid growth of ITES-BPO and the IT industry as
a whole has made a deep impact on the socioeconomic dynamics of the country,
having a significant multiplier effect on the Indian economy.
• Apart from the direct impact on national income, the sector has risen to become the
biggest employment generator with the number of jobs added almost doubling each
year, has spawned a number of ancillary businesses such as transportation, real estate
and catering; played a key role in the rise in direct-tax collection and has contributed
to a rising class of young consumers with high disposable incomes.
• The IT services and software sector is expected to add 109,000 jobs in the current
fiscal, ITES-BPO another 94,500. The number of professionals employed in India by
the IT and ITES sector is estimated at 1,045, 000.
• Of these, 345,000 were in the IT software and services export industry; nearly
348,000 were in the ITES-BPO sector; 30,000 in the domestic software market and
over 322,000 in user organizations.
• The Indian software and services export was to the tune of Rs. 78,230 crore (US$
17.2 billion) in 2004-05, as compared to Rs. 58,240 crore (US $12.8 billion) in 2003-
04, an increase of 34 per cent both in rupee terms and dollar terms.

Psychological Consequences

Information technology becomes more widespread and integrated into more aspects of our
life. In the enterprise, information technology has made significant changes on production
design, management control, decision-making and organizational design. At the same time,
there is a need for specialized staff support, training for managers and employees, and a
redefinition of jobs. However, not all information system should be accessible to all
employees, which deeply affecting employees work and life. It has also made employees
work under greater mental pressure and sense of anxiety and pessimism. Managers need to
consider the effects of various new problems aroused by information technology, including
overcoming resistance to the use of computers, employeespsila mental pressure and security
of information. Employeespsila mental health is the key to success of enterprise.

Type A Type B Behavior pattern

Stress Vulnerability is often related to type A and type B characteristics. Type A people are
aggressive and competitive, set high standards, are impatient with themselves and others.
And thrive under constant time pressures. They make excessive demands on themselves even
in recreation and leisure. They often fail to realize that many of the pressures they feel are of
their own making rather than products of their environment. Because of the constant stress
that they feel, some type A’s are more prone to physical ailments related to stress, such as
heart attacks.
Type B people appear more relaxed and easy going. They accept situation and work
within them rather than fight them competitively. Type B people are especially relaxed
regarding time pressures, so they are less prone to have problems associated with stress. Still
type B individuals can be highly productive workers who meet schedule expectation: they
simply obtain results in different manner.

Psychological Counseling

Counseling is a discussion with an individual of a problem that usually has emotional content
in order to help the employee to cope with it better. Counseling seeks to improve employee
mental health. Good mental health means that people feel comfortable about themselves,
right about other people, and able to meet the demands of life. The definition of counseling
implies a number of characteristics. It is an exchange of ideas and feelings between two
people, a counselor and a counselee, so it is an act of communication. Since it helps an
individual to cope with problems, it should improve one’s performance, because an
individual becomes more cooperative, worries less about personal problems, or improves in
other ways. Counseling may be performed both professional and non- professionals.
Counseling usually is confidential so that the individual will feel free to talk openly about
their problems. It also involves both job and personal problems, since both types of problems
may affect an individual’s performance.

Need for Counseling

The need for Counseling arises from a variety of problems including stress. When these
problems exist, individual benefits from understanding and guidance that counseling can
provide. For ex., one employee feels insecure about retirement. Another employee is hesitant
to take risk required by a promotion and thus ceases growing on the job. A third employee
may become unstable in the job. Most problems that require counseling have some emotional
content. Emotions are a normal part of life. On the other hand, emotions can get out of
control and cause workers to do things that are harmful to their own best interests and those
of the firm. They may leave their jobs because of trifling conflicts that seem large to them, or
they may undermine morale in their departments. Counseling helps individuals develop
better mental health so that they will grow in self- confidence, understanding, self- control,
and ability to cope effectively.

Functions of Counseling:

1. Advice- Many people view counseling as primarily an advice- giving activity, but in
reality this is only one several functions that counseling can perform. The giving of advice
requires a counselor to make judgments about a counselee’s problems and to lay out a course
of action.
2. Reassurance – Counseling may provide employees with reassurance, which is a way of
giving them courage to face a problem or a feeling of confidence that they are pursuing a
suitable course of action.
3. Communication – Counseling can improve both upward and downward communication.
In the upward direction, it is a key way for employees to express their feelings to
management. Counseling also achieves downward communication because counselors help
interpret company activities to employees as they discuss problems related to them.
4. Release of Emotional Tension – An important function of nearly of nearly all counseling
is release of emotional tension: this release is called as emotional catharsis. People tend to get
emotional release from their frustrations and other problems, whenever they have an
opportunity to tell someone about them. Counseling history consistently shows that as people
begin to explain their problems to a sympathetic listener, their tensions begin to subside.
They are more relaxed, and their speech is more coherent and rational.
5. Clarified Thinking - Clarified thinking tends to be a normal result of emotional release,
but a skilled counselor can aid this process. In order to clarify the counselee’s thinking, the
counselor serves as an aid only and refrains from telling the counselee what is “right”.
Further the clarified thinking may not take place while the counselor and counselee are
6. Reorientation – This involves a change in the employee’s psychic self through a change
in basic goals and values. For Ex. It can help people recognize and accept their own
limitations. Reorientation is a kind of function needed to help alcoholics return to normalcy
or to treat a person with severe mental depression.
Types of Counseling
There are three types of Counseling
1. Directive Counseling – is the process of listening to an employee’s problem, deciding
with the employee what should be done, and then telling and motivating the employee to do
it. Directive Counseling mostly accomplishes the counseling function of advice, but it also
may assure, communicate, give emotional release and to a minor extent – clarify thinking.
Reorientation is seldom achieved ion directive counseling.
2. Non- Directive Counseling - or client centered counseling is the process of skillfully
listening to and encouraging a counselee to explain troublesome problems, understand them,
and determine appropriate solutions. It focuses on the counselee rather than on the counselor
as judge and adviser: thus this is client centered.
3. Participative Counseling – also known as Cooperative Counseling is a mutual counselor
– counselee relationship that establishes a cooperative exchange of ideas to help solve a
counselee’s problems. It is neither wholly counselors- centered nor counselee- centered.
Rather, the counselor and counselee mutually apply their different knowledge, perspectives
and values to problems. Participative counseling integrates the ideas of both participants in a
counseling relationship. It is therefore, a balanced compromise that combines many
advantages of both directive and non- directive counseling while avoiding most of their

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