Motor and Sensory Nerve Conduction

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Research Report

Motor and Sensory Nerve Conduction

Are Affected Differently by Ice Pack,
Ice Massage, and Cold Water
Esperanza Herrera, Maria C. Sandoval, Diana M. Camargo, Tania F. Salvini
E. Herrera, PT, MS, is a PhD stu-
dent in the Program of Physiolog-
Background. It is well known that reducing tissue temperature changes sensory ical Sciences, Federal University of
and motor nerve conduction. However, few studies have compared the effect of São Carlos, São Carlos, Brazil, and
different cold modalities on nerve conduction parameters. Titular Professor, Department of
Physical Therapy, Universidad In-
Objective. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of ice pack, ice dustrial de Santander, Ciudad Uni-
versitaria, Carrera 27 Calle 9, Bu-
massage, and cold water immersion on the conduction parameters of the sural
caramanga, Santander, Colombia.
(sensorial) and tibial motor nerves. Address all correspondence to Ms
Herrera at:
Design. An experimental study was conducted in which the participants were M.C. Sandoval, PT, PhD, is Associ-
randomly assigned to 1 of 3 intervention groups (n⫽12 per group). Independent ate Professor, Department of
variables were cold modality and pre- and post-cooling measurement time. Depen- Physical Therapy, Universidad In-
dent variables were skin temperature and nerve conduction parameters. dustrial de Santander.

D.M. Camargo, MS, is Associate

Methods. Thirty-six people who were healthy, with a mean (SD) age of 20.5 (1.9) Professor, Department of Physical
years, participated in the study. Each group received 1 of the 3 cold modalities, Therapy, Universidad Industrial de
applied to the right calf region for 15 minutes. Skin temperature and nerve conduc- Santander.
tion parameters were measured before and immediately after cooling. T.F. Salvini, PT, PhD, is Titular Pro-
fessor, Department of Physical
Results. All 3 modalities reduced skin temperature (mean⫽18.2°C). There also Therapy, Federal University of São
was a reduction in amplitude and an increase in latency and duration of the com- Carlos.
pound action potential. Ice massage, ice pack, and cold water immersion reduced [Herrera E, Sandoval MC, Ca-
sensory nerve conduction velocity (NCV) by 20.4, 16.7, and 22.6 m/s and motor NCV margo DM, Salvini TF. Motor and
by 2.5, 2.1, and 8.3 m/s, respectively. Cold water immersion was the most effective sensory nerve conduction are af-
fected differently by ice pack, ice
modality in changing nerve conduction parameters.
massage, and cold water immer-
sion. Phys Ther. 2010;90:581–591.]
Limitations. The cooling area of the ice massage and ice pack was smaller than
© 2010 American Physical Therapy
that of the cold water immersion. The examiner was not blinded to the treatment
group. The population included only participants who were healthy and young.

Conclusions. All 3 modalities were effective in reducing skin temperature and

changing sensory conduction at a physiological level that is sufficient to induce a
hypoalgesic effect. The results suggest that cold water immersion, as applied in this
study, is the most indicated modality for inducing therapeutic effects associated with
the reduction of motor nerve conduction.

Post a Rapid Response or

find The Bottom Line:

April 2010 Volume 90 Number 4 Physical Therapy f 581

Cold Modalities and Nerve Conduction

ryotherapy is the therapeutic based on skin temperature measure- In the literature, there is a lack of
application of a substance to ments, have hypothesized that skin studies comparing the effects of the
remove body heat, resulting temperature changes are closely re- different cold modalities on motor
in diminished tissue temperature.1,2 lated to changes in subcutaneous and sensory nerve conduction pa-
It often is used in sports and rehabil- and intramuscular temperature.10,15–17 rameters. We found only one study31
itation settings during the immediate However, the study by Jutte et al,22 that established a greater effect of
and rehabilitative phases of injury which used a multiple regression cold packs compared with gel packs
management.3 Reduced tissue tem- model, showed that skin tempera- on reducing ulnar motor NCV. How-
perature, blood flow, and cellular ture was a weak predictor of intra- ever, this study did not analyze the
metabolism are some of the physio- muscular temperature because it effect of these modalities on sensory
logical effects of cryotherapy.2– 8 explained only 21% of temperature nerve conduction. Therefore, it is
Cryotherapy also reduces nerve con- variance within the muscle. The in- important to compare the effective-
duction velocity (NCV) in the sen- fluence of subcutaneous and muscu- ness of the different cryotherapy mo-
sory and motor nerves9,10 and has a lar tissue thickness on the cooling dalities on motor and sensory nerve
controversial effect on muscle of deeper tissues also has been conduction to provide physiological
strength (force-generating capaci- debated.23,24 parameters that contribute to the in-
ty).11–13 These physiological changes dication of the most adequate modal-
lead to some therapeutic effects A more precise way of analyzing the ity according to the desired thera-
such as a reduction in pain and mus- efficacy of cryotherapy modalities peutic effect.
cle spasm and the prevention of would be to compare their effects on
posttraumatic edema.1–13 deep tissues directly associated with Considering that each cold modality
clinical intervention using quantita- has a different capacity to cool the
Various modalities are frequently tive, direct, and reliable measure- skin and subcutaneous tissues and
used to deliver cryotherapy treat- ment. For example, nerve fibers are that nerve fiber conduction is af-
ment. The efficacy of cooling de- targeted for cryotherapy interven- fected by skin temperature changes,
pends on the method, application tion to reduce muscle pain and the hypothesis of this study was that
time, and treatment area and the in- spasm,3 and the changes attributed cryotherapy protocols with different
dividual’s physical activity level im- to cooling can be identified through characteristics should have different
mediately before or after the inter- nerve conduction studies (NCS) in effects on sensory and motor nerve
vention.14 Overall, crushed ice pack, which reliability has been estab- conduction. The purpose of this
ice massage, and cold water immer- lished previously.25 study was to compare the effects of 3
sion are considered the most effec- commonly used therapeutic cold
tive clinical modalities for reducing Prior electrophysiological studies modalities (ice pack, ice massage,
tissue temperature.14 –17 The efficacy have determined a direct linear rela- and cold water immersion) on the
of the cryotherapy modalities has tionship between skin temperature conduction parameters of the sural
been assessed by comparing their ca- and NCV and an inverse relationship nerve and tibial motor nerve in par-
pacity to decrease intramuscular,18 with latency, amplitude, and dura- ticipants who were healthy.
intra-articular,19 and skin tempera- tion of compound action poten-
ture10,14 –17,20,21 and to maintain the tial.26 –30 Nevertheless, this relation- Method
temperature changes. Skin tempera- ship varies according to the type of Research Design
ture measurement has been widely nerve fiber. Sensory nerves can show An experimental study was con-
used because it is a simple and non- a reduction of 1.4 to 2.6 m/s for ducted with 3 randomly assigned in-
invasive procedure. Some authors, every degree of skin temperature re- tervention groups. The independent
duction, whereas motor NCV can de- variables were cold modality type
crease by 1.1 to 1.5 m/s/°C.1 There (ice pack, ice massage, and water
are other factors that affect the rela- immersion) and measurement time
Available With
This Article at tionship between skin temperature (pre- and post-cooling). The depen- and NCV, such as the depth of the dent variables were skin tempera-
nerve, the amount of surrounding ture (degrees Celsius) and nerve con-
• Audio Abstracts Podcast subcutaneous tissue, age, range of duction parameters: NCV (meters per
temperature variation,27–30 and pos- second), latency and duration (milli-
This article was published ahead of
print on February 25, 2010, at sibly the type of modality used to seconds), amplitude of compound alter skin temperature. muscle (millivolts), and sensory ac-
tion potentials (microvolts).

582 f Physical Therapy Volume 90 Number 4 April 2010

Cold Modalities and Nerve Conduction

Participants Instruments vention and for the measurement

The participants were informed of Skin temperature was measured us- procedures. Room temperature was
the experimental procedures and ing an infrared thermometer (Raytek maintained at 24 (0.08)°C, and there
the risks involved with the study and ST PRO†) that displays a precision were no significant variations during
signed a consent form. Thirty-six of 1°C, high reliability (intraclass cor- the tests (P⫽.29).
participants who were healthy (18 relation coefficient⫽.97), validity (r⫽
women and 18 men) were enrolled .92), and responsiveness (change in- Before the experimental protocol,
in this study. The participants’ mean dex⫽4.2). Nerve conduction measure- the participants were asked whether
(SD) age, mass, height, and body ments were acquired using a Nicolet they had followed the recommenda-
mass index were 20.5 (1.9) years, Compass Meridian System‡ and stan- tions regarding stimulant intake and
60.2 (8.4) kg, 1.63 (0.1) m, and 22.4 dard surface electrodes from the exercise. Their height and weight
(1.6) kg/m2, respectively. same manufacturer. The selection of were recorded to calculate the body
cold modalities was based on their mass index. The participants wore
The sample size for each cold modal- high effectiveness in reducing skin T-shirts and shorts and, for acclima-
ity group was determined through temperature and their frequent ap- tization, assumed the prone position
the application of the sampsi com- plication in the clinical setting.14 –17 on the standard examining table for
mand of Stata 9.0 software.* The fol- The ice pack consisted of 279 g of 15 minutes. During the acclimatiza-
lowing design specifications were crushed ice in a plastic bag of 18 ⫻ 8 tion time, the treatment area to be
taken into account: ␣⫽.05; (1⫺ cm without air. Ice massage was ap- cooled was determined and the elec-
␤)⫽0.9; ratio⫽1:1; and method of plied by using an ice block of 279 g trodes for NCS were placed.
calculation⫽analysis of covariance with dimensions of 8 ⫻ 10 ⫻ 5 cm.
(ANCOVA) for repeated measure- Water immersion was conducted in Cold modalities. The cold modal-
ments, with a baseline measurement an acrylic container of 20 ⫻ 35 ⫻ 30 ities were applied for 15 consecutive
and a final measurement. The corre- cm, filled with water and crushed ice minutes by the same trained physical
lation between the initial and final until the water temperature reached therapist (M.C.S.). This duration is
measurements was r⫽.2. This approximately 10°C, as reported pre- frequently used for treatments be-
method defined a sample of 10 to 12 viously.17,20 The temperature of this cause it is sufficient to achieve ther-
participants for each cold modality modality was measured throughout apeutic effects and it avoids compli-
group. the intervention, showing an initial cations from cold modalities.21,33
mean of 8.9 (1.0)°C and a final mean The ice massage and the ice pack
All participants filled out a health of 7.8 (1.2)°C. were applied to a previously deter-
questionnaire that indicated the mined rectangular area (18 ⫻ 8 cm)
presence of any of the following ex- Procedure on the calf (Fig. 1). The ice pack was
clusion criteria: history of alcoholism The participants were randomly as- applied directly to the skin and with-
or smoking, peripheral vascular or signed to 1 of 3 cold modality groups out compression. The ice massage
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, by using a computer-generated ran- was applied by continuous longitudi-
neurological or skeletal muscle dis- dom number sequence.32 Further- nal displacements. For the cold wa-
orders, recent trauma or injury to the more, to minimize the influence of ter immersion, the participants re-
right leg, local hot or cold insensitiv- the circadian cycle on body temper- mained seated while immersing the
ity, cold adverse reactions, Raynaud ature regulation, all participants re- right leg as far as the top border of
phenomenon, and pregnancy. Addi- ceived the cold modality at the same the rectangle determined for the pre-
tionally, the participants were asked time (eg, 2– 6 PM). The intervention vious modalities (Fig. 1). At the end
to avoid eating and drinking any and measurement procedures were of intervention, the leg was quickly
stimulants (eg, alcohol, caffeine, performed on the right calf of each dried without friction, and the par-
chocolate) 2 hours before the inter- participant. Given that the post- ticipant returned to the prone posi-
vention and to not exercise for at cooling measurement had to be tion for the post-cooling measure-
least 4 hours before intervention. taken immediately after the cold ment. All participants completed the
These exclusion criteria and recom- modality application, the same room experimental protocols without ad-
mendations were considered accord- was used for the application of inter- verse reactions to the cold.
ing to previous studies.10,31
Skin temperature measurement.

Raytek Corp, 1201 Shaffer Rd, Santa Cruz, Skin temperature was measured im-
CA 95061.
* StataCorp LP, 4905 Lakeway Dr, College Sta- ‡
Nicolet Biomedical Co, 5225 Verona Rd #2, mediately before (pre-cooling) and
tion, TX 77845. Fitchburg, WI 53711-4497. after (post-cooling) the cold modal-

April 2010 Volume 90 Number 4 Physical Therapy f 583

Cold Modalities and Nerve Conduction

pre-cooling measurement, and the

recording electrodes were not re-
moved during the intervention, ex-
cept in the participants who re-
ceived cold water immersion. In this
case, the recording electrodes were
removed after the pre-cooling mea-
surement and replaced at the sites
previously marked for the post-
Figure 1. cooling measurement.
Cooling area. Ice pack and ice massage were applied to the same rectangular area
defined according to the following procedure: (a) measurement of the length of the leg Before the NCS measurement, the
between the head of the fibula (1) and the lateral malleolus (2); (b) definition of the participants were instructed to avoid
midpoint between the head of the fibula and the lateral malleolus (3); (c) projection of leg movements. The sural nerve re-
a perpendicular line to the posterior part of the leg, marking the midpoint of the calf
(4); and (d) placement of the center of an acetate mold in the midpoint of the calf to cordings were obtained with a
mark a rectangle (18 ⫻ 8 cm) where the ice pack and ice massage would be applied. bandwidth of 20 Hz to 3 kHz, a gain
For the cold water immersion, the participants immersed their right leg in a cold water of 20 ␮V per division, and a sweep
tank as far as the top border of the rectangle (5). speed of 1 millisecond per division.
The surface bar recording electrode
was placed immediately behind the
lateral malleolus and the stimulat-
ing electrode, was placed about
14 cm proximal to the active re-
cording electrode, just lateral to the
midline of the width of the calf mus-
cle34 (Fig. 2A). Stimuli were 100-
microsecond rectangular pulses, with
amplitude adjusted slightly higher
than needed to ensure a maximum
response. The nerve signals were ob-
tained by averaging 20 responses.
Figure 2. The following sensory nerve param-
Stimulation and recording electrode sites for the sural nerve and tibial motor nerve eters were measured: NCV, peak la-
conduction studies. (A) Sural nerve: antidromic technique was performed. (B) Tibial tency, peak-to-peak amplitude, and
motor nerve: distal stimulation on the medial malleolus and proximal stimulation on the duration (onset to end of negative
medial aspect of the knee crease (not shown). S⫽stimulation site, R⫽recording site, and
G⫽ground electrode.
wave) of the compound sensory ac-
tion potential.

The tibial motor nerve recordings

ity application. The temperature was nerves were selected because they were obtained with a bandwidth of
measured at the center of the previ- are located within the treatment 2 Hz to 10 kHz, a gain of 2 mV per
ously defined rectangle (Fig. 1) with area. Furthermore, the posterior tib- division, and a sweep speed of 2 mil-
an infrared thermometer placed in a ial nerve has a high quantity of motor liseconds per division. The active
perpendicular position and kept as fibers, and the sural nerve is a pure disc recording electrode was placed
close as possible to the skin without sensory nerve,26,34 allowing the as- over the abductor hallucis muscle,
touching. sessment of the cooling effects in and the reference disc recording
both motor and sensory fibers. electrode was placed at the base of
Nerve conduction measurement. the big toe. The ground electrode
Compound action potentials result- Nerve conduction studies were ob- was positioned on the calf muscle.
ing from stimulation of the posterior tained by the same examiner (E.H.). The distal stimulation site was on the
tibial motor and sural nerves were In order to reduce technical varia- ankle immediately behind the medial
recorded twice, before and after tions, the stimulation and record- malleolus, and the proximal stimula-
cooling, according to standardized ing sites were delimited with a tion site was on the knee on the
techniques described by Oh.34 These permanent ink marker during the medial aspect of the knee crease34

584 f Physical Therapy Volume 90 Number 4 April 2010

Cold Modalities and Nerve Conduction

(Fig. 2B). The following motor nerve Results were no differences between the ef-
parameters were measured: NCV Intrarater Reliability of NCS fects of the ice pack and ice massage
for the nerve segment between an- The intrarater analysis showed mean on the motor and sensory conduc-
kle and knee, distal latency, ampli- differences close to zero, and there tion parameters (P⬎.05) (Tab. 5).
tude, and duration of the negative was no evidence of systematic error.
wave of the compound muscle ac- The mean differences (95% limits of Discussion
tion potential. agreement) for the sural nerve pa- The 3 cold modalities resulted in sig-
rameters were: latency⫽0.17 milli- nificant changes in every sural nerve
Intrarater reliability of sural and second (⫺0.73, 1.07), NCV⫽⫺0.07 parameter, except cold water im-
tibial motor NCS. Before data col- m/s (⫺4.48, 4.33), amplitude⫽⫺2.9 mersion in amplitude (Tab. 4). Mean
lection, we assessed intrarater reli- ␮V (⫺20.73, 14.95), and dura- differences among parameters deter-
ability of the tibial motor and sural tion⫽0.04 millisecond (⫺0.3, mined before and after cooling were
nerve recordings in 20 participants 0.37).25 Respective data for the tibial greater than those determined in
following the same recording tech- motor nerve parameters were: laten- the intrarater reliability analysis. The
niques described above. The same cy⫽0.23 millisecond (⫺1.10, 1.56), effects of ice massage and ice pack
examiner who performed the assess- NCV⫽⫺0.32 m/s (⫺6.20, 5.53), am- on the tibial motor nerve parameters
ments of the current study tested plitude⫽⫺0.1 mV (⫺4.30, 4.10), were more subtle (Tab. 3). Although
each participant twice on 2 separate and duration⫽0.36 millisecond latency and duration differences
days with a minimum 8-day lapse be- (⫺0.91, 1.63) (unpublished data). were statistically significant for the
tween the measurements.25 effect of ice pack intervention on the
Effects of Cold Modalities on tibial motor nerve, mean differences
Statistical Procedures Skin Temperature and Nerve were lower or similar to those deter-
Intrarater reliability of nerve conduc- Conduction Parameters mined in the intrarater reliability
tion parameters was evaluated using A total of 39 potential participants analysis for this nerve. However, it is
the Bland-Altman method.35 Data were assessed for eligibility; 2 did important to note that assessments
were reported as mean difference not meet inclusion criteria, and 1 after ice pack and ice massage pro-
(95% limits of agreement). For the was not assisted to the experimental tocols did not require the removal of
present study, descriptive statistics session. Twelve participants were electrodes, which usually is the main
were used to summarize the charac- randomly allocated to each experi- source of error in NCS. Mean differ-
teristics of the population, the skin mental group (Fig. 3). There were no ences in tibial motor nerve parame-
temperature, and nerve conduction significant differences in baseline ters from cold water immersion
data, which are presented as mean characteristics among the cold mo- were greater than those determined
(SD). The baseline characteristics of dality group participants (P⬎.05) in the intrarater reliability analysis.
the cold modality group participants (Tab. 1). There was a decrease in Therefore, we believe that the motor
were compared using analysis of skin temperature after the applica- and sensory nerve conduction
variance (ANOVA) and a chi-square tion of the 3 modalities (P⬍.0001) changes determined for each modal-
test, depending on the scale of mea- (Tab. 2). The ice massage caused a ity were a real consequence of cool-
surement of each variable.32 The greater decrease in skin temperature ing rather than error in measurement
measurements obtained before and compared with the ice pack methods.
after cooling were compared using a (␤⫽3.03, P⫽.001) and the cold wa-
paired t test because the normal dis- ter immersion (␤⫽9.36, P⬍.0001). The results of this study support the
tribution of all variables was proven All 3 modalities induced an increase proposed hypothesis because the
by the Shapiro-Wilk test.32,36 In addi- in latency and duration of the com- cold modalities applied have differ-
tion, an ANCOVA37 compared the ef- pound action potential of the sural ent effects on motor and sensory
fects of the 3 modalities of skin tem- and tibial motor nerves (P⬍.05). nerve conduction. The modality of
perature and the nerve conduction There also was a reduction in the cold water immersion, as applied in
parameters using the ice massage amplitude of the potentials and the this study, had the greatest effect
group as reference. For the statistical NCV (P⬍.05) (Tabs. 3 and 4). The on the conduction parameters, espe-
analysis, the Stata 9.0 software was effect of the cold water immersion cially of the tibial motor nerve
used, with a significance level of on all motor nerve parameters, as (Tab. 5). The modalities of ice pack
␣⫽.05. well as on amplitude and duration of and ice massage, as applied in this
sural nerve potential, was different study, differed substantially from the
and greater compared with the ef- cold water immersion. First, the ice
fect of ice massage (Tab. 5). There massage and ice pack were applied

April 2010 Volume 90 Number 4 Physical Therapy f 585

Cold Modalities and Nerve Conduction

Figure 3.
Flow of participants through the study.

to the same calf area (44 cm2), more susceptible to cooling. Second, volves conduction and convection
whereas the area/volume covered by these modalities also have thermo- processes.1 Our results can be ex-
cold water immersion was much dynamic differences: in the ice mas- plained mainly by the differences in
greater, including the calf, ankle, and sage and ice pack modalities, heat the area/volume, and this parameter
foot regions where the nerve be- exchange occurs by conduction, of the cold modalities may contrib-
comes more superficial and thus whereas cold water immersion in- ute to a greater cooling effect on the

Table 1.
Demographic Characteristics of the Participantsa

Intervention Group

Ice Massage Ice Pack Cold Water Immersion

Variable (nⴝ12) (nⴝ12) (nⴝ12) P

Age (y) 19.7 (1.3) 20.7 (1.3) 20.9 (2.6) .26

Female participants, n (%) 5 (41.7) 6 (50) 7 (58.3) .72

Height (m) 1.61 (0.1) 1.64 (0.1) 1.65 (0.1) .54

Mass (kg) 58 (7.1) 60.4 (8.6) 62.1 (9.7) .51

Body mass index (kg/m2) 22.2 (1.6) 22.3 (1.4) 22.6 (1.7) .81
Data are presented as mean (SD), except for the number and percentage of female participants.

586 f Physical Therapy Volume 90 Number 4 April 2010

Cold Modalities and Nerve Conduction

Table 2.
Skin Temperature in Participants Submitted to Different Cold Modalitiesa
Skin Temperature (°C)

Intervention Group Pre-Cooling Post-Cooling Differenceb

Ice massage 31.58 (1.07) 3.98 (1.15) ⫺27.6 (1.32)c

Ice pack 31.12 (2.13) 6.68 (3.4) ⫺24.43 (2.87)c

Cold water immersion 31.55 (0.89) 13.32 (1.33) ⫺18.23 (1.46)c

Data are presented as mean (SD).
Difference⫽post-cooling ⫺ pre-cooling.

subcutaneous tissues, including the In the scientific literature, the rela- The physiological mechanisms of the
peripheral nerve. Future studies are tionship between the amplitude of hypoalgesic effect of cryotherapy
needed to compare the effects of the compound action potential and tem- have not yet been completely eluci-
cold modalities on nerve conduction perature remains a controversial is- dated. Different hypotheses have
with different thermodynamic prop- sue. Some studies that analyzed the been proposed: (1) closing of the
erties applied to an area of similar effect of temperature changes on pain gate, (2) counter-irritant effect
magnitude. conduction parameters showed a that activates inhibitory control
negative relationship,40,41 whereas mechanisms, (3) increase in the acti-
Paradoxically, cold water immersion other authors did not identify this vation threshold of nociceptors, and
was the modality that caused the relationship.27 In the present study, (4) participation of descending path-
least skin temperature reduction cold water immersion significantly ways of the central nervous system
(Tab. 2), possibly due to the fact that reduced the amplitude of compound that modulate pain by releasing en-
a greater area received the treat- muscle action potential (Tab. 3). dogenous opiates. It also has been
ment, leading to a faster activation of Similarly, the ice massage and the ice suggested that the hypoalgesic effect
the thermoregulatory responses that pack reduced the amplitude of sen- of cryotherapy could be related to an
protect the body from abrupt tem- sory compound action potential increase in pain threshold and pain
perature changes.38 Consequently, (Tab. 4). Perhaps the differences be- tolerance associated with a decrease
skin temperature was quickly stabi- tween the results of the present in NCV.9 We suggest that the inacti-
lized and did not adequately reflect study and those of previous stud- vation of some nerve fibers, which is
the effects of cooling on subcutane- ies27,40,41 are due to the differences evident in the decrease in compound
ous tissues.22 in the skin temperature changes. In action potential amplitude, as well as
previous studies,27,40,41 skin temper- the change in the synchronization
The cooling induced by the 3 modali- ature decreased only from 33.6°C to response of these fibers could be
ties was effective in reducing the NCV 22.5°C, whereas in the present study, other important physiological mech-
and prolonging the latency and dura- the cooling induced by all modalities anisms for the hypoalgesic effect of
tion of the compound muscle and sen- was greater (from 31.6°C to 4°C). cryotherapy. Studies are needed to
sory action potentials (Tabs. 3 and 4). investigate this hypothesis.
The effects of temperature reduction The amplitude of the compound ac-
on nerve conduction parameters are tion potential represents the number Although the present study did not
well described in the literature27–30 of nerve fibers that responds to an include specific pain measurements,
and may result from the changes in the appropriate electrical stimulus.34 the results for the 3 modalities sug-
structure of the axonal membrane39 Therefore, the reduction of this pa- gest that the hypoalgesic effect of
and from the conductance of the rameter after the cold modality appli- cryotherapy may be produced
voltage-sensitive sodium and potas- cation could suggest an increase in the mainly by the reduction in sensory
sium channels.27 Therefore, the cold activation threshold of some nerve fi- fiber conduction because the cool-
reduces the nerve membrane current, bers, as well as a block of the fibers ing effect on the conduction param-
which lengthens the refractory peri- that are more sensitive to cooling. Ad- eters was usually greater in the sen-
ods following a stimulus; as a result, ditionally, the increase in the duration sory nerve than in the motor nerve
the duration of the nerve action poten- of the compound action potential is an (Tabs. 3 and 4). Ice massage, ice
tial increases and the rate of impulse indicator of alteration in the discharge pack, and cold water immersion re-
transmission decreases. synchronization of nerve fibers.34 duced sural NCV by 37.9%, 31.9%,

April 2010 Volume 90 Number 4 Physical Therapy f 587

Table 3.
Parameters of Tibial Motor Nerve Conduction Before and After Cold Modality Applicationa

Ice Massage Ice Pack Cold Water Immersion

Nerve Conduction Parameter Pre-cooling Post-cooling Difference Pre-cooling Post-cooling Difference Pre-cooling Post-cooling Difference

Physical Therapy
Latency (ms) 3.47 (0.43) 3.62 (0.46) 0.15 (0.17)c 3.82 (0.60) 4.02 (0.63) 0.19 (0.14)c 3.61 (0.55) 6.99 (0.93) 3.38 (0.73)d
[3.19, 3.74] [3.32, 3.91] [0.04, 0.26] [3.44, 4.21] [3.61, 4.42] [0.10, 0.28] [3.26, 3.96] [6.40, 7.58] [2.92, 3.85]

Motor nerve conduction 49.67 (3.31) 47.17 (3.11) ⫺2.50 (1.31)c 49.58 (3.73) 47.50 (2.81) ⫺2.08 (1.56)d 49.00 (3.59) 40.67 (2.84) ⫺8.33 (2.19)c
velocity (m/s) [47.56, 51.77] [45.20, 49.14] [⫺3.34, ⫺1.67] [47.21, 51.95] [45.71, 49.29] [⫺3.08, ⫺1.09] [46.72, 51.28] [38.86, 42.47] [⫺9.72, ⫺6.94]

Volume 90
Amplitude (mV) 14.9 (4.00) 14.04 (3.98) ⫺0.86 (1.77) 16.72 (2.70) 16.12 (2.80) ⫺0.60 (1.04) 15.63 (3.04) 12.53 (3.06) ⫺3.09 (3.20)c
[12.36, 17.44] [11.51, 16.57] [⫺1.99, 0.27] [15.00, 18.43] [16.12, 14.34] [⫺1.26, 0.06] [13.69, 17.56] [10.58, 14.47] [⫺5.13, ⫺1.06]

Duration (ms) 5.39 (0.50) 5.74 (0.58) 0.35 (0.26)c 5.63 (1.04) 6.00 (1.01) 0.38 (0.16)d 5.46 (0.67) 8.64 (1.49) 3.18 (1.37)c
[5.07, 5.70] [5.37, 6.11] [0.18, 0.52] [4.96, 6.29] [5.36, 6.64] [0.27, 0.48] [5.03, 5.88] [7.70, 9.59] [2.31, 4.05]
Cold Modalities and Nerve Conduction

Number 4
Data are presented as mean (SD) [95% confidence interval].
Difference⫽post-cooling ⫺ pre-cooling.

Table 4.
Parameters of Sural Nerve Conduction Before and After Cold Modality Applicationa

Ice Massage Ice Pack Cold Water Immersion

Nerve Conduction Parameter Pre-cooling Post-cooling Difference Pre-cooling Post-cooling Difference Pre-cooling Post-cooling Difference

Latency (ms) 2.93 (0.27) 4.62 (1.21) 1.68 (1.04)c 3.17 (0.33) 4.50 (0.71) 1.33 (0.60)d 3.08 (0.38) 5.39 (0.70) 2.31 (0.38)d
[2.76, 3.11] [3.85, 5.39] [1.02, 2.35] [2.96, 3.38] [4.05, 4.95] [0.95, 1.71] [2.84, 3.32] [4.95, 5.83] [2.07, 2.55]

Sensory nerve conduction 53.92 (2.84) 33.50 (5.76) ⫺20.42 (5.96)c 52.42 (4.27) 35.67 (6.91) ⫺16.75 (5.53)c 54.08 (4.56) 31.50 (2.71) ⫺22.58 (2.35)c
velocity (m/s) [52.11, 55.72] [29.84, 37.16] [⫺24.20, ⫺16.63] [49.70, 55.13] [31.28, 40.05] [⫺20.26, ⫺13.24] [51.18, 56.98] [29.78, 33.22] [⫺24.08, ⫺21.09]

Amplitude (␮V) 39.29 (12.18) 18.95 (11.30) ⫺20.34 (9.54)d 39.97 (11.31) 24.86 (12.32) ⫺15.11 (11.10)c 40.79 (14.85) 44.18 (14.49) 3.39 (7.99)
[31.55, 47.03] [11.77, 26.13] [⫺26.40, ⫺14.28] [32.78, 47.15] [17.03, 32.69] [⫺22.16, ⫺8.05] [31.36, 50.22] [34.97, 53.39] [⫺1.69, 8.47]

Duration (ms) 1.26 (0.10) 1.40 (0.17) 0.14 (0.14)c 1.38 (0.15) 1.53 (0.19) 0.15 (0.11)c 1.33 (0.14) 2.68 (0.20) 1.35 (0.17)d
[1.20, 1.32] [1.30, 1.50] [0.05, 0.23] [1.28, 1.47] [1.40, 1.64] [0.08, 0.22] [1.23, 1.42] [2.55, 2.80] [1.24, 1.46]
Data are presented as mean (SD) [95% confidence interval.
Difference⫽post-cooling ⫺ pre-cooling.

April 2010
Cold Modalities and Nerve Conduction

Table 5.
Effects of Cold Modalities on Nerve Conduction Parameters (Analysis of Covariance, Using the Ice Massage Group as Reference)

Tibial Motor Nerve Sural Nerve

Ice Pack Cold Water Immersion Ice Pack Cold Water Immersion

Coefficient Probability Coefficient Probability Coefficient Probability Coefficient Probability

Parameter (␤) (P) ( ␤) (P) ( ␤) (P) ( ␤) (P)

Latency 0.03 .87 3.23 ⬍.0001 ⫺0.54 .08 0.50 .09

Nerve conduction 0.39 .51 ⫺6.02 ⬍.0001 3.18 .12 ⫺2.11 .29

Amplitude 0.65 .47 ⫺2.08 .022 5.43 .15 24.16 ⬍.0001

Duration 0.04 .92 2.84 ⬍.0001 0.02 .73 1.22 ⬍.0001

and 41.8%, respectively. In contrast, of nerves. The consequent disability The present study had some method-
these modalities reduced tibial mo- was transient (1– 4 days) or pro- ological limitations that restrict the
tor NCV by only 5.0%, 4.2%, and longed (4 – 6 months), with all pa- generalization of the results. The
17.0%, respectively. It is difficult to tients eventually reaching full recov- cooling area of the ice massage and
compare these results with those of ery. The application of cryotherapy ice pack was small compared with
previous studies9,31 because of the is typically safe and beneficial if the that of the cold water immersion and
different intervention protocols and protocol is appropriate and suffi- possibly smaller than those used in
analyzed nerves. Algafly and George9 ciently monitored. However, clini- the clinical setting. The study sample
applied an ice pack for a mean time cians must be aware of the location comprised only young participants
of 26 minutes and obtained a skin of major peripheral nerves, the thick- who were healthy, and the responses
temperature of 10°C and a 33% re- ness of the overlying subcutaneous might have been different in older
duction in sensory plantar NCV. fat, the method of application, the adults and individuals with clinical dis-
McMeeken et al31 used an ice pack duration of tissue cooling, and the orders. The time used for each modal-
for 15 minutes and obtained a skin surface area covered.33,43 ity (15 minutes) also may have been
temperature of 5.6°C and an approx- insufficient to induce greater effects
imate reduction of 13% in ulnar mo- The results of the comparison of on the motor nerve, especially in the
tor NCV. Even though these studies the effects of the 3 cold modalities case of the ice pack and the ice mas-
measured different nerves, in a broad on conduction parameters show that sage, which were applied to restricted
sense they corroborate the results of the cold water immersion protocol areas. Considering that the nerve con-
the present study, which demon- used in this study, although neither duction evaluations were taken imme-
strated a greater cooling effect on the most comfortable modality for diately before and after the cold mo-
the sensory fibers than on the motor the participant nor the easiest to ap- dality application, the examiner was
fibers. The greater sensibility of the ply, may be the most indicated for not blinded to the treatment group.
sensory fibers to cooling may be due greater therapeutic effect mediated This fact may limit the internal validity
to their more superficial location by the change in motor conduction of the study. Subsequent studies are
compared with the motor fibers, (eg, in muscle spasm and spasticity needed to determine the functional
which would explain why the func- [hypertonicity]). In contrast, the hy- relevance of changes in nerve conduc-
tional effects of cryotherapy on sen- poalgesic effect could be induced tion induced by the cold modalities on
sibility42 are more pronounced than by any of the 3 assessed modalities. sensibility and muscle strength, as well
the effects on muscle function.12 Cold water immersion was more ef- as the clinical importance of these
ficient in changing some parameters changes. The present study contrib-
The depression of sensory and motor of sensory conduction, but the appli- utes to the literature because, to our
NCV derived from cooling modalities cation of the 3 modalities lowered knowledge, it is the first study compar-
also may indicate the risks of delete- skin temperature to less than 13.6°C ing the effect of 3 modalities fre-
rious effects associated with pro- and reduced NCV by more than quently used in clinical practice on the
longed icing, such as skin burn and 10%. As suggested in previous stud- parameters of motor and sensory
superficial nerve damage. Previous ies,10,17 these changes could be asso- nerve conduction.
studies33,43 have shown cases of ciated with the hypoalgesic effect of
nerve palsy resulting from ice appli- cryotherapy.
cation near the subcutaneous course

April 2010 Volume 90 Number 4 Physical Therapy f 589

Cold Modalities and Nerve Conduction

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