Lecture 4 - CCQ - Part 3

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Electric Scalar Potential

1- Function of Electric Field

 The voltage V between two points represents the potential
energy required to move a unit charge between the two points.

Electric Scalar Potential
1- Function of Electric Field

The electric field is a conservative field

-The line integral is independent of the specific integration path between P1
and P2 .
-We assume V1 =0 when P1 is at infinity. 3
Electric Scalar Potential
2- due to Point Charge
R r Q
V ( R ) = −  E  R = −  aˆr  ˆ
a dr 
4πε ( r  )
2 r
 

Q  dr  Q
=  =
4πε r ( r  ) 2

spherically symmetric

Electric Scalar Potential
2- due to Multiple Point Charges
Q2 P(R,q,f)

r 2 Qk
V (r ) = 
r R1 n

Q1 k =1 4πεR k
r 1

No longer spherically symmetric!

Electric Scalar Potential
3- due to Continuous Distribution

4- Electric Field as a Function of
Electric Potential

 The electric field vector points from higher to lower potentials

dV = − E.d l
for a scalar function V
dV = V .d l
E = −V

Example 4.7

An electric dipole consists of two point charges of equal

magnitude and opposite polarity, separated by a small distance.
Determine V and E at any point P in free space, given that P is at
a distance R>>d, where d is the spacing between the two charges.

Example 4.7

Example 4.7

Electric Scalar Potential
5- Poisson’s Equation

V = −
This is the Poisson’s Equation

• If the medium contains no free charges, we get

Laplace’s Equation
V = 0

Electric Scalar Potential
5- Poisson’s Equation

 Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations are

useful for determining the electrostatic
potential V in regions at whose
boundaries V is known.

Exercise 4.11

Electric Properties of the Material
 Conductivity ( S/m) of a material is a measure of how easily
electrons can travel through the material under the influence of an
external field.

 Materials are conductors or dielectrics or semiconductors,

according to .

 J = E (A/m2) (Ohm’s law)

 Perfect dielectric has =0, J=0 regardless of E. Perfect conductor has

=, E=0 regardless of J.
Conductors in Electrostatic Equilibrium
The electric field is zero everywhere inside the conductor
Why is this so?

The charges in the conductor

move creating an internal electric
field that cancels the applied field
E E on the inside of the conductor

The electric field is always perpendicular to the surface of
a conductor – if it weren’t, the charges would move along
the surface.

A conducting spherical shell of inner radius a and outer radius b with a net charge -Q is
centered on point charge +2Q. Use Gauss’s law to find the electric field everywhere,
and to determine the charge distribution on the spherical shell.

-Q First find the field for 0 < r < a

a This is the same as the previous Example and is
the field due to a point charge with charge +2Q.
+2Q E = ke 2
b r
Now find the field for a < r < b

The field must be zero inside a conductor in equilibrium. Thus, from Gauss’s law Qin is
zero. There is a + 2Q from the point charge so we must have Qa = -2Q on the inner
surface of the spherical shell. Since the net charge on the shell is -Q we can get the
charge on the outer surface from Qnet = Qa + Qb.
Qb= Qnet - Qa = -Q - (-2Q) = + Q. 17
Worked Example cont’d
-Q Find the field for r > b
From the symmetry of the problem, the field in this
region is radial and everywhere perpendicular to
the spherical Gaussian surface. Furthermore, the
+2Q field has the same value at every point on the
Gaussian surface so the solution then proceeds
exactly as in the previous Ex., but Qin=2Q-Q.

 E  dA =  E dA = E  dA = E ( 4 r )

Gauss’s law now gives:

2Q − Q
E 4 r 2
)= 
or E =
1 Q
4 0 r 2
= ke 2
r 18
Potentials and Fields Near

When there is no net flow of charge, or no flow at all (the

electrostatic case), then a number of conclusions can be
reached using Gauss’ Law and the concepts of electric fields
and potentials…

Summary of key points (electrostatic case)
- The electric field inside a conductor is zero.
- Any net charge on the conductor lies on the outer surface.
- The potential on the surface of a conductor, and everywhere inside, is
the same.
- The electric field just outside a conductor must be perpendicular to the


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