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H:indl>ook ot'powder science &technology / edited by M. E. Fayed, L. Onen. 2nd ed.
P. Lm .
Rev. ed. of Handbook ofpowder science and technoilogy. ~ 1 9 8 4 .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0412-99621-9 (alk. paper)
I,Panicles. 2. Powden. I. Fayed, M.E. (Muhammad E.) 11. Onen, L. (Lambert)
111. Title: Handbook of powder science and technology. 1V. Handbook of powder
science and technology.
TP156.P3H35 1997 97-3463
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My Late Parents, My Wife Carolyn

Fat-Hia Hitata and my children
AI-Sawi Fayed Mark and Susan Otten

All of whom have given us far too much without reservation

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