Rubric Expository Essay Outline

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Rubric Expository Essay Outline


2.5 1.95 1.42
WRITING SKILL No error in grammar, No obvious errors in Significant number of
spelling or syntax grammar, careless errors in
throughout the entire spelling and/or syntax; grammar,
document. less than 5 minor spelling and/or syntax
errors overall. per page. Shows a
significant lack of
proofreading effort.

DEVELOPMENT Paper's topic is clearly Paper is focused on a Paper poorly strives to

articulated. The thesis well-articulated thesis. identify a thesis.
is clear, well defined The ideas are clear Lacks any building of
and unique. and well defined. thoughts or ideas.

CONTENT The paper contains the The paper contains The paper lacks at the
an unexpected both the appropriate most basic level both
quantity of high- quality and quantity the quality
quality thought- of thought provoking and quantity of
provoking ideas ideas/points to fully ideas/points to support
/points which are support and address and address the topic
skillfully used to the topic as required. as required.
creatively and
completely support
the topic as required.
SOURCES AND Resources used are Resources used are Resources used are
REFERENCES sufficient in quantity. sufficient in quantity. NOT sufficient in
Resources are Few of the resources quantity.
appropriate. are not appropriate. Resources are not

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